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GTCB - GTC Biotherapeutics - Deel 3

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  1. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 17:11
    Er is iets gaande bij Pharming alsook bij GTCB
    Koersverloop van beiden lijken al dagen veel teveel op elkaar.
    Wie zou het eerst met 'n bericht naar buiten komen.

    Heeft iemand al kunnen beredeneren, mijn kennis schiet hier aardig tekort, of het ontwikkelingspakket van Dnage ook goed bij GTCB zou kunnen passen.
  2. gustaaf1e 11 augustus 2006 17:12

    ludwig mack schreef:

    wij moeten hier kunnen schrijven wat wij belangrijk vinden: waarom moeten wij kijken naar wat analisten van ons geschrijf vinden ? laten die zich beinvloeden: zeeeeeeeeeer interessant.


    Natuurlijk mogen we hier schrijven wat we belangrijk vinden. En natuurlijk zijn veel analisten net als ik wel eens onder invloed. Het zijn net mensen. Ze halen hun info ergens vandaan en nemen hun beslissingen zo veilg mogelijk. Daarom zullen ze biotech aandelen nog maar weinig aanbevelen. Deze sector geldt nu eenmaal nog als een betrekkelijk risicovolle sector. Daarom denk ik dat Crucell en Galapagos nog uitzonderingen waren. Bij bijv. Insmed en GTCB en Pharming geldt dat niet meer de verwachtingswaarde nu, maar k/w verhoudingen straks veel meer bepalend worden voor aanbevelingen. Er is dan meer zekerheid. Wij vinden weliswaar dat er door goedkeuring al voldoende zekerheid is, maar de markt en analisten blijkbaar nog niet. Die laatste worden net zo hard beinvloed door bijv. sentiment.

    Maar wat ik zeggen wilde is dat ik de bedoelde zin over analisten en financiele wereld nogal arrogant vind, als of wij hier de waarheid in pacht hebben...
    "3)De kortzichtigheid van de financiele wereld en haar analisten: alhoewel ik weinig analisten qua visie erg hoog inschat..."

    Best Snorkle en SkySpam,
    Ik denk niet dat dit soort opmerkingen analisten zal stimuleren om koopadviezen te geven voor aandelen als onderhavige. Psychologisch niet zo slim om zulke opmerkingen te maken.
    Gelukkig zullen de capabele analisten, en dat zijn verreweg de meesten, hierover heen kijken en - als hun interne regels dat toestaan (bijv. verplichte spreiding over sectoren en beperking van neerwaarts risico)- na bestudering van de bedoelde bedrijven en hun toekomstige kansen en waarde echt wel tot koopaanbevelingen komen. Want zij weten dat nu de risico's beperkt zijn geworden, zij zelf ook fors kunnen scoren.
    Ik heb daar het volste vertrouwen in.

    geen bankman, geen financieel analist.
  3. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 19:51

    crackedtooth schreef:

    hoveel deelt gtcb ook alweer mee in merrimack..
    en merrimack toch ergens in sept met phase II?
    psoriasis=grote ziekte met geen medicijnen.. als Merrimack positief lijkt, dan groot nieuws
  4. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 20:36
    Hoi het gaat om de MM-093
    Dat omvat meerder medicijnen
    De winst zal te maken hebben met het te leveren substraat


    crackedtooth schreef:

    hoveel deelt gtcb ook alweer mee in merrimack..
    en merrimack toch ergens in sept met phase II?

    psoriasis=grote ziekte met geen medicijnen.. als Merrimack positief lijkt, dan groot nieuws
  5. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 20:55
    MM-093 is a recombinant version of human alpha-fetoprotein (hAFP), an immunomodulatory serum protein normally produced at very high levels by the fetus and present in low levels in the blood of adults and children. Research on AFP suggests that it may play a role in modulating the immune system of the mother in order to protect the developing fetus during pregnancy. The presence of hAFP in the pregnant mother’s blood has long been associated with remission of many autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis, during the third trimester of pregnancy.

    We are conducting research to better understand the role of AFP in modulating the immune system and to assess MM-093’s potential to improve the treatment of autoimmune disease. We have conducted an extensive set of pre-clinical safety and efficacy studies in animals that provided compelling evidence of the potential of MM-093 in multiple indications. Merrimack has completed both a Phase 1 healthy volunteer study and a pilot study of MM-093 in patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. These preliminary studies demonstrate that MM-093 was well tolerated and supports the hypothesis that MM-093 may be an important new therapeutic in the treatment of autoimmune disease. We are continuing to advance MM-093 in further clinical studies. For more information on our current clinical trials, please go to and type in "MM-093" in the search box.
  6. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 21:23

    The Wishbone schreef:

    Hoi het gaat om de MM-093
    Dat omvat meerder medicijnen
    De winst zal te maken hebben met het te leveren substraat

    hoveel deelt gtcb ook alweer mee in merrimack..
    en merrimack toch ergens in sept met phase II?

    psoriasis=grote ziekte met geen medicijnen.. als Merrimack positief lijkt, dan groot nieuws
    welke percentage merrimacxk bezit gtcb nu precies€?
    en welke datum voorlopoige resultaten... begin septem=ber? (12 weken nA begin trial plus 6 review ? )
  7. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 22:01


    101 Binney Street • Cambridge, MA • ph 617.441.1000 • fx 617.491.1386 •

    “We are pleased that the enrollment for this Phase 2a study has been completed on schedule,”
    said Robert Mulroy, President & CEO. “Results from this pilot study will be available in late
    summer this year. The development of MM-093 is focused on diseases such as rheumatoid
    arthritis, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis -- indications for which published and proprietary preclinical
    data provide a compelling rationale for its use, and in which significant unmet medical
    needs still exist.”
  8. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 22:22
    Het komt hiet op neer dat
    Dat is verkondigd op
    Cambridge, Mass., April 19, 2006 – Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced the
    completion of enrollment of 27 patients into a Phase 2a study of the safety and efficacy of its
    immunomodulator, MM-093, in patients suffering from psoriasis. MM-093, Merrimack’s lead

    De resultaat van dit onderzoek

    “Results from this pilot study will be available in late
    summer this year
    De lente en zomer maanden zijn de maanden zonder R
    Dus augustus is de laaste zomer maand zonder R

    Vriendelijke groet,
  9. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 22:49
    GTC Biotherapeutics, Inc. and Scancell Collaborate on SC101 Antibody
    July 28, 2005
    GTC Biotherapeutics, Inc. and Scancell Limited (Scancell) announced that they have signed a collaboration agreement to evaluate the expression of Scancell's SC101 anti-cancer monoclonal antibody (MAb) using GTC's transgenic production platform. Their agreement contemplates that both companies will work toward the establishment of a definitive agreement for the potential clinical development of SC101.
  10. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2006 23:29
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced the completion of enrollment of 27 patients into a Phase 2a study of the safety and efficacy of its immunomodulator, MM-093, in patients suffering from psoriasis. MM-093, Merrimack's lead product, is a recombinant version of human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP).

    This study is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, outpatient clinical investigation in adult patients with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Each patient receives double-blind treatment for 12 weeks, with a follow up period of 6 weeks after the last dose. The study is being conducted at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, with Dr. Gerald Krueger as the principle investigator and at the Texas Dermatology Research Institute in Dallas, TX with Dr. Alan Menter as the principle investigator.

    "We are pleased that the enrollment for this Phase 2a study has been completed on schedule," said Robert Mulroy, President & CEO. "Results from this pilot study will be available in late summer this year. The development of MM-093 is focused on diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis -- indications for which published and proprietary pre- clinical data provide a compelling rationale for its use, and in which significant unmet medical needs still exist."

    Contact: James S. Scibetta, Executive VP & CFO

    ongeveer 18 weken an 19 april dus
  11. [verwijderd] 12 augustus 2006 14:42
    dit bedrijf komt méér en méér in de kijker

    The Times August 12, 2006


    Morgellons attack!
    by John Naish

    Breakthroughs, tips and trends

    MEDICAL experts in America are investigating a mystery epidemic with a sci-fi name, Morgellons, after hundreds of people have contacted internet sites claiming that they are suffering from it.
    The US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has formed a “Morgellons task force” after receiving up to 20 calls a day from “victims” citing a range of alien symptoms, from joint pain to gippy bowels.

    Most describe crawling skin, sores, fatigue, “brain fog” and the appearance of small or microscopic fibres under the skin. Mary Leitao, who founded the Morgellons Research Foundation, claims that her son has the illness, and she found the symptoms described as “Morgellons” in a research paper from 1674.

    Many doctors dismiss the condition as delusional. Dr Annette Matthews, a psychiatrist at the Oregon Health & Science University, calls Morgellons a form of delusional parasitosis, a paranoid fear that creatures are living inside you.

    The CDC is “keeping an open mind” on Morgellons. But humankind has a history of odd psychosomatic epidemics, especially at times of social stress. The Industrial Revolution brought us “railway spine”, a set of unverifiable pain symptoms, and in the Middle Ages we had the “dancing plagues”, where whole villages danced themselves into delirium. Could Morgellons have more to do with global terror?

    GM goats and the milk of kindness

    GENETICALLY modified goats could help to save the lives of millions of children worldwide who die from diarrhoeal diseases every year.

    Scientists at the University of California, Davis, say that they have bred goats with the gene for an enzyme found in human breast milk that can kill harmful bacteria.

    They report in the journal Transgenic Research how milk from the genetically modified goats contains the enzyme, lysozyme, which in early tests seems to limit the growth of bacteria in intestines that cause infections and diarrhoea. It also appears to encourage the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

    The scientists hope that their breakthrough will lead to the production of herds of transgenic dairy goats that can be farmed by people in developing nations.

    In Europe, regulators have this month approved another goat-milk therapy, which could help thousands of people with blood-clotting problems.

    GTC Biotherapeutics has bred goats whose milk contains a human plasma protein with anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties. The company will extract the human protein from the goats’ milk and use it to produce anti-thromibin, which inhibits blood clots from forming, and may help to prevent deep-vein thrombosis and clotting problems during major surgery.

  12. gustaaf1e 12 augustus 2006 19:29
    Sky, dat artikel van Le Clercq, met name de laatste alinea's, geeft goed weer hoe IBers en (hun) analisten naar Biotechbedrijven als belegging kijken. Best nog behoorlijk gereserveerd. De gedachte is: eerst zien dan geloven. En zeker geen gouden bergen beloven aan clienten als dat mogelijk nog kan tegenvallen. Dus zodra Pharming en GTCB en Insmed daadwerkelijk op de markt komen en verkoopcijfers kunnen presenteren die aanspreken zal de koers daar beslist op reageren, waarbij ik ten aanzien van Insmed nog opmerk dat de kwestie met Tercica nog dwars ligt(nmm wordt daar overigens veel te veel waarde aan gehecht, maar goed het is voorlopig nu eenmaal zo).
    Le Clercq geeft voor Pharming aan dat het bedrijf goed bezig is door zich van ruim voldoende financiele middelen te hebben voorzien en een heel mooie pijplijn te ontwikkelelen.
    Kortom: het gekwakkel met de koersen van genoemde 3 bedrijven op dit moment ten spijt verwacht ik op langere termijn van alle drie forse koersontwikkelingen, maar we moeten wel iets verder kijken dan enkele maanden, ook al worden er nu cruciale stappen genomen en is het dus nu tijd om in te stappen. Een rendement van honderden procenten de komende jaren zonder dat je er veel naar om hoeft te kijken ligt dus in het verschiet.
    Ik heb gezegd.

    op zaterdagavond nota bene.
  13. [verwijderd] 12 augustus 2006 23:42
    denk dat deze nog niet is langsgeweest
    The company estimates that ATryn could grow into a
    $500-million-a-year drug, ...!!!!

    In addition to a number of research studies that support the potential therapeutic value of antithrombin for this indication, DIC is an approved indication for plasma-derived antithrombin in Japan. DIC occurs in an estimated 220,000 severe sepsis cases in the European Union each year, of which approximately 50% are fatal, representing a major unmet medical need of significant interest in critical care.

    een woordje over MM-093 RA

    Company's lead product, MM-093, is a novel treatment for autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. MM-093 is currently in a Phase 2b dose ranging study in rheumatoid arthritis and a phase 2a pilot study in psoriasis. Results from the two studies are expected later this year.

    EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J., May 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cambrex Corporation is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Cambrex Bio Science Hopkinton, Inc. has entered a contract for the production of clinical trial quantities of Merrimack Pharmaceuticals' ("Merrimack") lead product MM-093, a recombinant version of human alpha-fetoprotein (hAFP). The material is expected to be used in Merrimack's ongoing research to assess the potential of MM-093 to treat multiple autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis and others.

    The most advanced program in GTC’s external portfolio is with Merrimack Pharmaceuticals. The Merrimack program is for MM-093, a recombinant form of human alpha-fetoprotein, or rhAFP.
    •• rhAAT: We have developed goats which produce our third recombinant blood protein currently in development known as rhAAT, which is a recombinant form of human alpha-1 antitrypsin. Hereditary deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin may lead to the onset of emphysema.

    We believe that the commercial marketplace will value recombinant forms of therapeutic human blood proteins that are currently derived from the liquid portion of the blood, or plasma, and that our transgenic approach is uniquely able to offer unlimited and well characterized sources of supply. Our belief in the market value of plasma proteins is based, in part, on the sales experience of recombinant forms of the blood clotting plasma proteins known as factors VII, VIII, and IX. Unlike other plasma proteins, these recombinant clotting factors can be produced commercially in traditional technologies and have generated $3 billion of sales worldwide compared to the $1 billion of sales worldwide for plasma-sourced clotting factor products. Our platform technology may be able to replicate this experience in a broad array of other blood proteins. The therapeutic blood protein market, excluding the products focused on the treatment of hepatitis, currently generates approximately $7 billion of sales.

    We are also developing two additional internal programs, a malaria vaccine in a program fully funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, or NIAID, and an agonistic antibody to CD-137 licensed from the Mayo Clinic under a Flexible System to Advance Innovative Research grant, or FLAIR grant, funded by the National Cancer Institute, or NCI.

    In addition to our internal programs, we are using our transgenic technology platform in a portfolio of external programs for the development of transgenic production to supply clinical and eventually commercial material for our partners. The most advanced external program is with Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for transgenic production and purification of Merrimack’s recombinant human alpha-fetoprotein, known as MM-093, which is also a human blood protein. Our transgenically produced version of MM-093 is one that Merrimack has used in its Phase I and Phase II human clinical studies as it evaluates the compound and its requirements for further trials. MM-093 has been difficult to express in traditional recombinant protein production systems. We are also working with Centocor Inc. to develop transgenic protein production for an undisclosed protein. We have supplied product to Centocor for preclinical evaluation.

    We are dependent upon funding from equity financings, partnering programs and proceeds from short and long-term debt to finance operations until such time product sales and royalties occur and we achieve positive cash flow from operations. Our partnering initiatives include licensing and development agreements with collaborative partners for the development, production and purification of transgenically produced forms of therapeutic recombinant proteins. The terms of the agreements typically include non-refundable license fees, funding of research and development, payments based upon the achievement of certain milestones, revenue from sales of product to partners, and royalties on future product sales, if any.

  14. [verwijderd] 13 augustus 2006 10:38
    data niet belangrijk, maar het gaat hem over bepaalde equivalenten

    *Upon approval, ATryn® will be the first antithrombin product approved for use in all 25 countries of the European Union. ATryn® will also be the only available antithrombin product that is produced by recombinant biotechnology and is not derived from the human blood supply.

    *Antithrombin alfa is extracted from the milk of goats which have the
    human antithrombin gene inserted, that enables them to produce the human protein in their milk.

    *GTC claims one goat produces the equivalent of 90,000 blood collections!!!!!

    *Congenital antithrombin deficiency is a rare condition that affects
    about 1 in 3.000 to 5.000 people.

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