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  1. forum rang 10 voda 31 augustus 2015 17:00
    Mr Goyal confident of doubling power generation in 7 years

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Union Coal and Power Minister of Idnia, has said that India will be able to double its power generation in the next 7 years.

    Mr Goyal said during a programme organised by the BCC&I that “Very clearly, as we work to provide energy access to every citizen of India 24X7 and as we work to eliminate diesel-generated power, sadly we still have several thousands of crores of rupees on diesel-generated power, which is much more expensive. The cost is borne by the people of the country directly or indirectly.”

    He said that “All of these are sought to be replaced by thermal, gas, nuclear and renewable power and this will generate great demand.”

    Mr Goyal said that “I am confident that in the next seven years or so, India will be able to double its electricity generation from one trillion units to two trillion units. This will resolve the problem that stranded plants do face and will help in consuming the large amount of renewable energy out of 17,500 megawatts we are setting up.”

    He felt that the cost of generation and production should be cut down.

    He said that “My concern is that the cost of generation and transmission must come down by efficiency. We have to cut down the power theft and reduce technical losses.”

    Source : Business Standard
  2. forum rang 10 voda 2 september 2015 17:08
    Obama coal plan to boost electricity bills 16pct - Report

    As President Mr Obama jetted to Alaska Monday to talk up his climate change plans, burning through nearly 17,000 gallons of fuel, a new report showed that his ‘Clean Power Plan’ will increase consumer electric bills 16 percent and speed plans by job-creating manufacturers to flee America's high fuel costs.

    The free-market focused Institute for Energy Research said that Mr Obama's plan to replace coal-fired plants with renewable energy makers like windmills and solar will force companies to spend up to four times more on energy and hit consumers.

    The group said in a report that "The so-called Clean Power Plan is expected to decrease carbon dioxide emissions in the generating sector by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2032. To do this, massive amounts of coal-fired generating capacity will be shuttered and wind and solar power will be built in their stead, technologies that cost 2 to 4 times more than the coal capacity that is being shuttered."

    They also cited the impact on consumers: "According to the Energy Information Administration, residential electricity prices are expected to be 16 percent higher in real prices than today due to the proposed regulation and others imposed on the generating sector by EIA."

    Mr Obama and his supporters have been touting the positive impacts of the plan, but the report attempts to put a price on the initiative.

    He was expected to discuss climate change in Alaska and the results of doing nothing. Air Force One burns about five gallons per mile, for a total of 16,875 gallons used to promote climate change initiatives in Alaska.

    The report, which quotes multiple government and other official sources, said that the development of energy in the United States, leading to cheaper prices, has lured many American companies back to the homeland to set up shop. Even some Chinese firms are relocating to the U.S. because of cheaper energy.

    But it warns that the attractiveness of the United States will end with the new Obama regulations.

    The report said that "Low energy prices and American ingenuity have brought manufacturing back to this country. However, all this is likely to change as President Obama's regulations go into effect, making electricity and natural gas prices escalate, forcing companies to accept higher domestic operating costs or move offshore."

    The report concluded "President Obama is making energy prices escalate due to stringent environmental regulations being promulgated by the EPA. Due to the timing of these regulations, most of the price increases will not been seen by the public until his second term is up. Nonetheless, the headway the United States made to bring manufacturing back to America is being threatened. The result will be a loss of jobs that we cannot afford."

    Source : Washington Examiner
  3. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2015 16:50
    Vergunningen centrale Eemshaven nu in orde

    Gepubliceerd op 9 sep 2015 om 10:36 | Views: 1.375

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - De natuurvergunningen voor de kolencentrale van RWE in de Groningse Eemshaven kunnen eindelijk door de beugel. De Raad van State bepaalde woensdag dat er na nieuw onderzoek door de overheid voldoende zekerheid is dat natuurgebieden niet worden aangetast door extra uitstoot van stikstof en kwik.

    De grote kolencentrale staat op het randje van de Waddenzee en is milieuorganisaties als de Waddenvereniging, Greenpeace en Stichting Natuur en Milieu een doorn in het oog.

    Zij waren met een aantal Duitse gemeenten opnieuw naar de Raad van State gestapt omdat ze vonden dat de natuurvergunningen nog steeds onvoldoende waren.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2015 19:56
    Natural gas price rises on hot weather forecasts

    The Wall Street Journal reported that natural-gas prices rose Tuesday on expectations that late-summer heat would boost air-conditioning demand.

    Hot weather boosts demand for natural-gas-powered electricity as more households and offices turn on air-conditioning. Natural-gas consumption typically wanes after summer heat subsides and doesn’t pick up again until cold weather spurs consumers to turn up their heat.

    Forecasts for the next 6 to 10 days call for more hot weather in California and the Midwest than previously expected, according to Commodity Weather Group LLC.

    Natural-gas futures recently rose 5.9 cents or 2.2%, to USD 2.714 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    Mr Andy Weissman, CEO of EBW AnalyticsGroup, said that “Continued extremely hot early September weather in the Northeast and Midwest, are likely to provide modest support to natural gas during the first couple of days of trading this week. By mid-week, however, temperatures should start to moderate rapidly.”

    Capital Economics cut its natural-gas-price forecasts to USD 3.50 per million British thermal unit at the end of this year and USD 4 per million British thermal unit at the end of next year, down from its previous estimates of USD 4 per million British thermal unit at the end of 2015 and USD 5 per million British thermal unit at the end of 2016. Thomas Pugh, commodities economist at Capital Economics, said in a note that robust production and mild weather kept prices lower than expected this year.

    Physical gas for next-day delivery at the Henry Hub in Louisiana last traded at USD 2.755 per million British thermal unit, compared with Friday’s range of USD 2.65 to USD 2.70. Cash prices at the Transco Z6 hub in New York last traded at USD 2.84 per million British thermal unit, compared with Friday’s range of USD 1.60-USD 2.00.

    Source : The Wall Street Journal
  5. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:35
    Walhi urges government to review 35,000 MW power plan

    Jakarta Globe reported that a prominent environmental group has called on the Indonesian government to reduce the amount of coal used to generate 35,000 MW of electricity for the national grid by 2019 amid the nation's economic downturn.

    Mr Abetnego Tarigan, executive director of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment, said that this economic slowdown is the right moment to conserve our natural resources instead of massively exploiting them.

    Indonesia experienced its weakest gross domestic product growth pace in 6 years during the Q2 of 2015, at 4.67%.

    He said referring to Indonesia's state utility company that "The slowing economy is also reflected in PLN's coal consumption."

    PLN has estimated national coal consumption to reach 61 million metric tonne in 2015, or less than 33% the total target of 91 million tonne.

    President Mr Joko Widodo, has announced plans to build new power plants across Indonesia with a combined capacity of 35 GW, nearly 63% of which, or 22 MW, would use coal.

    Mr Abetnego said that "Developing renewable energy is becoming a much better option because the environmental and social costs from using fossil energy will worsen the country's economy as well."

    Mr Pius Ginting, Walhi's head of research, urges the president to revise his program, most of which will generate additional electricity for the grids in Java, where it still has 31% power reserves.

    Mr Pius said that "Electricity demands are higher outside of Java at an average of 10%. Priority must be given to the development of electricity outside of Java."

    Mr Pius also called the power plant in Batang, Central Java, useless as it would only have a detrimental impact on local residents by reducing agricultural productivity and harming the environment.

    A recent study by Harvard University and Greenpeace Southeast Asia revealed that Indonesia's power plants fired by highly polluting coal cause an estimated 7,100 premature deaths every year.

    Source : Jakarta Globe
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2015 16:26
    India’s longest Power Grid transmission line to connect NE

    India’s first High Voltage DC ± 800kV Transmission line from Biswanath Chariali, Assam to Agra, UP constructed by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited connecting the North-Eastern states is ready to exchange power from September 10th.

    Apart from being the 1st ± 800 KV HVDC line, this line is also the longest transmission line in the country.

    After many obstacles and challenges, the line has been successfully completed.

    This line passes through many villages and habitations in the districts of Sonitpur, Udalguri, Baksa, Barpeta, Chirang & Kokrajhar.

    Now Power Grid will able to exchange power with other states through this line.

    In this connection, Power Grid has requested the people in the vicinity of the line to maintain distance from the line during charging and refrain thereafter from climbing towers or making any attempt to touch the conductor to avoid accident.

    Source : The Shillong Times
  7. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2015 17:00
    Koersval RWE en E.ON door rekening kernafval

    Gepubliceerd op 15 sep 2015 om 12:46 | Views: 2.225

    FRANKFURT (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Duitse energieconcerns RWE en E.ON verloren dinsdag fors aan beurswaarde. De oorzaak was een artikel in het blad Der Spiegel waarin werd gesteld dat de sector liefst 30 miljard euro tekort komt voor het opruimen van kernafval, een gevolg van de Duitse stop op kernenergie.

    Bondskanselier Angela Merkel besloot daar in 2011 toe na de kernramp in het Japanse Fukushima. De acht resterende kerncentrales in Duitsland moeten op zijn laatst in 2022 buiten werking zijn gesteld.

    Hoewel het Duitse ministerie van Economische Zaken stelde dat de kostenberekening nog moet worden afgerond en E.ON aangaf genoeg geld opzij te hebben gezet, veroorzaakte het stuk in Der Spiegel de nodige schade. De koers van RWE dook in de loop van de ochtend tot 10,18 euro, het laagste niveau sinds 1992, terwijl E.ON voor het laatst in het oprichtingsjaar 2000 werd gewaardeerd op 7,46 euro.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 17 september 2015 17:24
    Bangladesh signs deal for new ultra-supercritical coal power plant

    Modern Power Systems reported that the Coal Power Generation Company of Bangladesh has signed a financing deal to help it build an ultra-supercritical coal fired power plant.

    Reuters reports that the firm will borrow USD 3.7 billion from the Japan International Cooperation Agency to build the 2 x 600 MW plant. The balance of the USD 4.6 billion project will be met by the Bangladesh government.

    The 1200 MW power plant will be built at Matabari, Cox's Bazar District and will play a key role in easing power shortages in Bangladesh. It forms part of wider plans to develop a power hub in the district, composed of several coal- and gas-fired power plants.

    CPGCB's loan terms with JICA include an annual interest rate of 0.1% over 30 years, and an initial ten-year grace period. Construction is due to start in March 2016, with operations scheduled to start in 2022.

    Both Sumitomo Corp and Marubeni Corp are in the running to build the project, according to Reuters. The project includes the construction of a jetty and coal handling facilities for coal import and storage.

    According to JICA, power supplies in Bangladesh are only sufficient to meet 80% of demand, and electricity demand is expected to grow by 10% per year over the next 10 years.

    Source : Modern Power Systems
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 september 2015 22:05
    Waarom Tennet kilometers superstroomkabels bevriest

    Hoogspanningsnetbeheerder Tennet test verliesloze, supergeleidende kabels. De stroomverbinding kan 1.000 keer meer stroom transporteren dan een koperen kabel van de zelfde omvang.

    Het innovatieve hoogspanningstraject, twee tot vier kilometer lang, is volgens Tennet een wereldprimeur op deze schaal. Met de weerstandsloze kabel is het mogelijk hoge vermogens te transporteren zonder dat de kabel veel ruimte in neemt in de ondergrond.

    Door zonnepanelen, snellaadpalen voor elektrische auto's en warmtepompen zijn de elektrische stromen die het elektriciteitsnet in de binnensteden moet transporteren, steeds groter. Mel Kroon, CEO van Tennet: "Met deze supergeleidende kabels zou het in de toekomst makkelijker moeten zijn om hoogspanningsverbindingen in stedelijk gebied in te passen."

    -200 graden Celsius

    De High Temperature Super Conducting (HTSC)-kabel is gemaakt van een materiaal dat, bij extreem lage temperaturen, geen elektrische weerstand heeft. De supergeleidende kabel wordt met vloeibare stikstof tot -200 graden Celsius gekoeld.

    Een koperen hoogspanningskabel met dezelfde transportcapaciteit heeft vanwege de hoge warmteafgifte 12 meter vrije ruimte rondom nodig. De supergeleider brengt het ruimtebeslag terug tot 3 meter rondom. Zo zijn de kabels dichter op elkaar, en dichter op andere ondergrondse infrastructuur te plaatsen.

    In New York en het Duitse Essen zijn eerder al kortere supergeleidende kabels aangelegd. In New York ligt 600 meter van het materiaal, in Essen een kilometer.

    Het project van Tennet wordt minstens twee keer zo groot als de bestaande projecten. Tennet werkt samen met onder meer Imtech Marine, de TU Delft en de Universiteit Twente. De netbeheerder is nog op zoek naar een geschikte testlocatie.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2015 16:22
    Deense overheid brengt Dong Energy naar beurs

    Gepubliceerd op 21 sep 2015 om 10:08 | Views: 2.575

    KOPENHAGEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Deense overheid wil Dong Energy deels naar de beurs brengen. De beursintroductie, mogelijk de grootste in de geschiedenis van het land, moet in de komende achttien maanden plaatsvinden. Minister van Financiën Claus Hjort Frederiksen gaf maandag aan haast te willen maken met het verkoopproces. Het bedrijf blijft voor meer dan de helft in handen van de overheid.

    Volgens analisten is Dong in zijn geheel mogelijk 70 miljard Deense kroon (9,4 miljard euro) waard. Vorig jaar leidde de verkoop van een belang van 18 procent aan de Amerikaanse bank Goldman Sachs nog tot het opstappen van één van de toenmalige coalitiepartners, die de koopsom van omgerekend 1,3 miljard euro veel te laag vond.

    Mogelijk wordt voor de uiteindelijke beursgang de olie- en gaswinningstak van Dong verkocht vanwege de problemen die de sterk gedaalde olieprijzen bij het onderdeel veroorzaken.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2015 16:45
    Britain can produce 85% of power via renewables by 2030 - Greenpeace

    According to a new study by Greenpeace, Britain can produce 85% of its power via renewable energy by 2030 provided it undergoes significant changes in energy production and use.

    The study attempts to counter the argument that only fossil fuels and nuclear power can keep the lights on for the next few decades. It foresees wind leaping from today’s level of 13 GW of wind farms in operation, enough to power around 10 million homes, to a level of 77 GW in 2030, with solar rising from just more than 5 GW to 28 GW.

    However, the renewables drive would need to be accompanied by a 60% reduction in demand for domestic heating through a home insulation programme and other initiatives, according to the report by energy system analysts, Demand Energy Equality.

    Mr Doug Parr, chief scientist at Greenpeace, said that “For a long time the government and the fossil fuel industry have peddled the argument that renewables can’t keep the lights on if the wind’s not blowing. This hasn’t been based on evidence, but out of date instincts seemingly from staring out the window to see how windy it is.”

    He said that “For the first time, we have the evidence showing it is possible to keep the power system working and decarbonise the electricity system. We need to go for renewable energy with the help of new smart technology and reducing demand for power too. It is hugely ambitious but definitely doable, and it will take the same kind of enthusiasm and financial support from government, normally the sole preserve of the nuclear and fossil fuel industries.”

    The plan, which would require a major change in government policies, envisages fossil fuels playing a role via combined gas-fired heat and power projects. Many homes and buildings would also need to move away from gas-fired boilers to their own ground source heat pumps or an electricity source.

    The report is published in the run up to the UN-sponsored climate change talks in Paris and at a time when the Conservative government has axed a series of green subsidy schemes to wind and solar on the grounds of cost.

    The feasability of decarbonising the UK’s power generation system, which was dependent for a long time on carbon-heavy coal, has long been argued over. Few believe that carbon dioxide can be eliminated entirely from energy production, or at least in the short term.

    In 2014, around 30% of UK electricity was generated by coal-fired power plants, 30% by gas, 19% by nuclear and around the same amount by renewables, according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

    The new analysis shows a low-carbon energy sector is possible but only if our relationship with energy changes at the national, household and personal level.

    There would have to be a huge increase in building efficiency and in the use of smart meters, so that demand could be dialled down when needed.

    The cost of the transformation programme is not spelled out, but the Greenpeace report notes that a similar study done in 2011 by Poyry consultants for the parliamentary climate change committee produced a price tag of between GBP 126 billion and GBP 227 billion to achieve 65% renewable penetration by 2030.

    Wind would play the greatest role in energy production in the new low carbon world envisaged by Greenpeace. The 55 GW of offshore wind and 22 GW of onshore wind would require a significant increase in investment.

    The wind lobby group RenewableUK said that there was no reason why more wind farms should not be built. A spokesman said that “There is no technical or logistical barrier to the UK installing up to 55 GW by 2030, but it needs political will, a supportive policy framework from government, especially sufficient financial support allocated in the offshore wind pot.”

    Mr David Infield, a professor of electrical engineering at University of Strathclyde, who had read the Greenpeace report, said it was a serious document that deserved attention.

    He said that “This is a useful report dealing with the complex issue of absorbing high penetrations of renewable power generation in line with achieving challenging reductions in carbon emissions.”

    Source : The Guardian
  12. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:18
    Kentucky cities form new power agency - Report

    Courier Journal reported that representatives of 10 municipal power providers met for the first time Thursday as the new Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency, an entity they are banking on can provide lower cost electricity to residents and businesses than Kentucky Utilities has for decades.

    Guided by a team of lawyers and energy consultants, the board members came to Louisville from as far away as Owensboro and Benham to elect their first officers, make plans for hiring a staff member, and discuss a request for proposals to buy their electricity on the open market, starting in 2019.

    Mr Ron Herd, GM of Corbin Utilities Commission and newly-elected chairman of the KMEA, said that "We can work better as a group" rather than going it alone.”

    Nine municipal utilities scattered across Kentucky last year put Kentucky Utilities on notice that it intended to end their existing longstanding relationships with KU following new contract demands.

    Mr Herd said that "We did a power supply study,we found some better options."

    The initial members: Barbourville Utilities Commission, City of Bardwell, Benham Electric Plant Board, Corbin Utilities Commission, Falmouth City Council, Frankfort Electric Plant Board, City of Madisonville, Owensboro Municipal Utilities, City of Paris and City of Providence. Berea has been studying whether to join but has not made a decision yet.

    Owensboro is a member of the new agency but in a separate category because it is also a wholesale electricity provider. A document distributed at Thursday's meeting said Owensboro has offered to sell excess electricity to the group, among other potential sources.

    The request for proposals seeks electricity from coal and natural gas. Mr Carl Shoupe, a Benham plant board member, said that he would like to see renewable forms of electricity also in the mix.

    Mr Herd said that the group has no immediate plans to build or own power plants.

    That's where additional risk could present itself, as the similarly named and organized Kentucky Municipal Power Agency has discovered.

    Source : Courier Journal
  13. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:19
    Britain's biggest power station owners quit GBP 1 bln govt-backed green energy project

    Daily Mail reported that the owners of Britain’s biggest power station have pulled out of a GBP 1 billion government-backed green energy project.

    The Drax coal-fired plant in North Yorkshire said it was ‘too risky’ because of cuts in state subsidies for eco power schemes.

    It had already invested GBP 3 million in a pioneering project to filter out carbon dioxide from exhaust emissions.

    But bosses said they had concerns about the Government’s ‘future support’ for so-called carbon capture schemes.

    Mr Peter Emery, Drax board member, said that ‘critical reversals’ in renewable energy policy had made a ‘severe impact on our profitability’.

    He said that “The Government has to make difficult decisions based on affordability and, in turn, so are we.”

    The project, known as White Rose, is one of more than a dozen in the UK to have failed because of the huge cost.

    Once operational, carbon capture would have offered a way for fossil fuel firms to keep burning coal or gas in power stations without damaging the climate.

    The demise of the project will not affect the operation of the power station itself which is converting from coal to wood fuel to meet emissions targets.

    Drax has been developing White Rose in a consortium with French company Alstom and the BOC industrial gas group.

    Mr Leigh Hackett, chief executive of the consortium, said that Drax’s decision to stop investing in the scheme was ‘disappointing’.

    However he added the remaining shareholders were still committed to finishing the project.

    To date, the Boundary Dam plant in Canada that opened last year is the only commercial power station with carbon capture in the world, even though governments have committed USD 24bn to the technology in the last 14 years.

    In the UK the government has been offering GBP 1billion for carbon capture ventures as part of a competition, but it already collapsed once in 2011 when all bidders pulled out apart from Scottish Power, which could not agree terms with the government.

    The Department of Energy and Climate Change said the Government, which has been offering GBP 1billion for carbon capture venture projects, was ‘committed’ to the policy in the UK.

    Liberal Democrats were the driving force behind green energy projects under the Coalition government but since the Conservatives won the election in May, support for wind and solar power has been scaled back and the Green Deal home energy saving programme has ended.

    The CBI, the biggest business lobby in the UK, has insisted that ministers should spell out a more coherent energy policy.

    Source : Daily Mail
  14. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:03
    Why US’ power grid needs natural gas now more than ever

    The fortune reported that as more renewable energy comes online, the reliability and environmental benefits of gas-fired power become more important.

    Now that the Mr Obama, administration has finalized its Clean Power Plan regulating greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector, the focus of attention turns to the states, which must now find a way to reduce emissions consistent with the Plan. One question states face as they envision a lower carbon future is how much to rely on natural gas-fired generation.

    The Environmental Protection Agency Plan encourages states to use existing gas-fired generators more and coal-fired generators less, and to build new zero-emission generators. The Plan neither encourages nor discourages construction of new gas-fired generators, but some environmental groups oppose additional natural gas plants, fearing they will slow the advance toward a carbon-free grid. Owners of competing technologies also prefer fewer new gas-fired generators, recognizing that inexpensive natural gas has been a key driver of lower electricity prices that cuts into their profits.

    But there are solid reasons why the electric grid needs gas more than ever as more renewable power comes on line.

    1st, in most electricity markets gas competes most directly with coal, not renewables. The reason is that electricity is dispatched on a marginal cost basis whenever there is a renewable resource available, it will almost always be dispatched to the grid because its zero fuel price will trump the non-zero fuel price of coal- and gas-fired generators. The question, then, is which technologies will power grid operators use to supplement or back up renewable power when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining.

    2nd, gas-fired generators are better able than coal to accommodate more renewable power on the grid, because they can more efficiently adjust their output in response to the variability of renewables’ production. The Texas grid, for example, has been able to integrate large amounts of new wind power recently, in large part because of its complement of gas-fired generation. If Texas had only coal-fired power to back up wind, it would have dispatched less wind power to the grid, because the limited flexibility of coal-fired power would have reduced the ability to respond to variations in wind generation while keeping the lights on.

    3rd, modern, ultra-efficient gas-fired combined-cycle power plants produce only about half the carbon dioxide and small fractions of the other pollutants emitted by coal-fired power. Reducing carbon dioxide is a multi-decadal task, one we need to accomplish in a cost-effective manner. The U.S. has the oldest coal-fired generation fleet in the world in part because those dirty, old plants produce inexpensive, reliable power. We will need a combination of renewables and new gas-fired generation to replace the retiring coal-fired generators and maintain system reliability.

    Indeed, there are technical characteristics of thermal generators that remain essential to the operation of the grid. We currently have no cost-competitive ways for renewables and electricity storage to provide or simulate those technical characteristics.

    4th, and perhaps most crucially, the enhanced reliability and environmental benefits of gas-fired power become more important with higher levels of renewable penetration, at least until cost-effective electricity storage options become available. While there have been great strides in reducing the cost of battery storage, it remains an extremely expensive solution to the problem of supporting renewable power generation.

    In our capitalist system the future energy mix will continue to be determined in large part by price competition. Regulation affects prices, but decisions about which plants to build are made by the private sector, not by regulatory fiat. Gas is currently the most cost-effective complement to renewables and consequently will predominate in new construction of thermal generation.

    We expect the costs of electricity storage to continue to fall, and for storage eventually to replace other generation sources as the primary supporter of renewable generation on the grid. But storage is not yet ready for prime time. In the meantime, we need flexible, efficient gas-fired power to ensure that the transition away from much dirtier, higher-carbon coal-fired power continues apace. It would be a dangerous bet to forgo new gas-fired generation now.

    David Spence is Professor of Law, Politics & Regulation at the University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches in both the McCombs School of Business and the School of Law. Ross Baldick, is a Professor in UT Austin’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.

    Source : The Fortune
  15. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:10
    Natural gas tops coal as the US’s No. 1 power fuel

    The Globe and Mail reported that natural gas has pulled ahead of coal as the United States’s top source of electricity generation. It’s the second time on record that natural gas has occupied the top spot, according to Bloomberg.

    Natural gas accounted for 35% of the US’s power generation in July, just ahead of coal’s 34.89% share, according to a new report from the US Energy Information Administration. The coal industry is facing numerous headwinds, including divestment efforts from institutional investors.

    Source : The Globe and Mail
  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2015 21:19
    India facing power shortage despite record capacity addition

    Daily Excelsior reported that as much as 23% of India’s generation capacity is currently not being utilised as plants are shut down, either due to technical problems or for maintenance reason, frustrating government’s efforts to overcome electricity shortage in the country.

    On September 29th, the day for which the latest Central Electricity Authority generation report is available, 56,152 MW out of the 2.42 lakh MW being monitored by the agency was under shutdown. On that day, the country faced energy and peak electricity shortages of 2.6% and 2.3% respectively.

    According to analysts, electricity shortages would have been higher if financially stressed power distribution companies were not resorting to undeclared loadshedding to avoid buying electricity from the market and the economy not in the grip of slowdown.
    Besides, a quarter of India’s populations, especially those in rural areas still do not have access to electricity. Significantly, India is facing power shortage despite adding record capacities in recent years. India added nearly 55,000 MW generation capacity in the 11th Plan, a record for the country. In the current Plan, 65,665 MW capacity had been added till August against the envisaged target of 88,537 MW.

    Source : Daily Excelsior
  17. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2015 21:21
    UAE power plant JV may issue project bond in 2016

    Reuters reported that Emirates SembCorp Water & Power, a joint venture behind the Fujairah 1 independent water and power plant, is considering issuing a project bond.

    Mr Faisal Najed, chairman of Emirates SembCorp Water & Power, said on the sidelines of a conference in Abu Dhabi that “The bond may launch early in 2016 and would be used to refinance debt.”

    Emirates Sembcorp Water & Power is a joint venture whose ownership split 60/40 between Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority and Singapore's Sembcorp Industries.

    Monopoly utility ADWEA is in talks with banks about issuing a project bond to refinance debt used to construct the plant, Reuters reported on Sunday, citing two sources aware of the matter.

    The sources said that the offering could raise up to USD 350 million and would be classified as a quasi-sovereign issue, as ADWEA is wholly owned by the government of Abu Dhabi.

    Speaking on Monday, Mr Najed didn't say the size of the project bond, but said advisers for the deal had not yet been appointed.

    According to the website of Emirates Sembcorp Water & Power, the plant is one of the largest operating hybrid desalination plants in the world, with a power capacity of 893 MW and a seawater desalination capacity of 100 million imperial gallons.

    Mr Najed said that “An expansion to add 30 million imperial gallons per day to the seawater desalination capacity of the facility will be completed by the end of October.”

    Source : Reuters
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2015 21:33
    South Africa’s power crisis to ease - Report

    It is reported that South Africa’s electricity crisis has had a positive outcome: it led to great strides in the generation of renewable energy, including wind and solar energy.

    The renewable energy programmes aim to deliver 17.8 GW of green power by 2030 with 1 827 MW renew-able energy now contributing to an installed capacity of 45 000 MW.

    Ms Tina Joemat-Pettersson, Energy Minister, opening the SA International Renewable Energy Conference in Cape Town said that “Five years ago we had a vision that our generation capacity would include a large portion of renewable energy. We had to advance our generation capacity but also had to reduce the country’s primary reliance on fossil fuels.”

    The minister said that “We had to diversify the national network and stimulate an indigenous energy industry with the assistance of the private sector.”

    About 3 000 delegates from the private, public and academic sectors will discuss strategies to accelerate the use of renewable energy during the conference, which ends on Wednesday.

    In a period of national gloom over the electricity crisis and load shedding, renewable energy has quietly added 6 327 MW of capacity to the national grid and landed R193 billion in private investments.

    A recent study by the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research showed a net benefit to the economy, subtracting the tariffs paid to independent power producers from the savings to Eskom in coal and diesel consumption made possible by renewables, of ZAR 800 million last year.

    Ms Joemat-Pettersson said that the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer was part of the government’s Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme designed to contribute towards socio-economic and environmentally sustainable growth, and to start and stimulate the renewable industry in South Africa.

    She said that since 2010, more than 90 projects have been awarded to Independent Power Producers and almost 40 have already connected to the electricity grid.

    She added that “The programme was world class. We are spear-heading a programme which is a benchmark in what South Africa wants to do with renewable energy. It is a flagship programme of this government.”

    Department of Energy IPP department head Ms Karen Breytenbach said nearly half of the awarded projects are owned by South Africans.

    She said that “When we started the programme this was new to us so we had to import almost everything. However, our South African IPPs have become more innovative and we can see how this initiative is growing from programme to programme.”

    An executive at German state development bank KfW said that South Africa’s ageing electricity transmission grid needs investment of USD 15 billion by 2022 to help cope with increased new energy production.

    Source :
  19. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2015 21:37
    Lack of rainfall in Maharashtra to affect power plants

    DNA India reported that rainfall deficiency in Maharashtra, which has led to drought in the state, will also impact the power sector. While the Parli thermal power station at Beed in drought-affected Marathwada has been shut down due to lack of water, the commissioning of a 250 MW set at the plant will be affected due to water scarcity.

    However, Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited officials said the commissioning of 2,980 MW capacity, namely 3 supercritical sets with of 660 MW each at Koradi and two 500 MW units at Chandrapur, would ensure that the state, which is already in a surplus position, would not have to face power cuts.

    The state-owned electricity generation utility is also planning to source sewage water from nearby cities for their thermal power plants. This will make more water available for purposes like drinking and irrigation, especially in view of the erratic monsoons in Maharashtra and prevent situations like the one at Parli, where plants have to be shut down due to lack of water. Coal-based thermal power which at 7,980 MW accounts for bulk 70% of the MahaGenco's 11,237 MW capacity is a huge water guzzler.

    The official said that "Three 210 MW sets and two 250 MW units at Parli have been shut down since July this year due to lack of water. The commissioning of another 250 MW set would be affected.”

    He said that "The set was expected to be in service by March, but now, we are planning to just conduct trials and commission it only after we get water during or after the next monsoons." The coal linkages for the Parli units have been diverted to other power stations.

    The official explained that "Since the Koradi and Chandrapur units will be commissioned in a few months time, this will not affect the power supply situation." The Parli plant has a 1,130 MW installed capacity and draws water from Khadka barrage, which in turn is fed by the Majalgaon dam.

    He said that "We however plan to source sewage water from municipal corporations for our plants and are conducting a study." The MahaGenco has seven thermal power stations across the state, Koradi, Chandrapur, Paras, Bhusawal, Nashik, Parli and Khaparkheda.

    He added that they were planning to get sewage water from Nanded city for Parli and a consultant had been appointed. Tenders would be floated in November.

    The official said that "This will meet at least half of our requirements of water for our boilers. The waste water from Nagpur city would be used for the Koradi project.”

    Similarly, MahaGenco is also exploring the possibility of using sewage from Nashik city for the Nashik thermal power station, Akola for the Paras project and also in Chandrapur. In Chandrapur, where the utility has the Erai dam to meet the water requirements of the largest thermal power station in Maharashtra, this will make more water available for irrigation and drinking water.

    However, the official said that they felt that continuing to lift water from the Tapi river for the Bhusawal project would make economic sense.

    In the past as well, MahaGenco has faced situations where it has had to shut down sets due to lack of water. For instance, a 210 MW set at Parli had been shut down earlier this year and in 2012, the project had been shut down for similar reasons. The Chandrapur plant had faced a partial shutdown due to lack of water in 2010. Source : DNA India

  20. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2015 21:43
    Air pollution from coal-fired power plants kills thousands

    According to a recent Harvard University study, air pollution from Vietnamese coal-fired power plants killed 4,300 people in 2011 and plants aren't reducing emissions any time soon.

    Harvard announced findings from its new study on rising coal emissions' health effects in Southeast Asia during a conference held on Tuesday in Ha Noi titled Coal and Coal-fired Power Plants: the Unknowns. The Green Innovation and Development Centre organized the event.

    Mr Tran Dinh Sinh, the vice director of GreenID, said that "If new coal plant projects under development come into operation, premature deaths could rise to 25,000 per year."

    Mr Sinh said that deaths from coal pollution and the medical expenses incurred will inevitably escalate as Viet Nam's economy continues to grow.

    Burning coal emits large amounts of pollutants that can spread for hundreds of kilometres, including particulate matter, carbon dioxide, mercury and arsenic. Those affected face higher risks of lung cancer, nerve system diseases and chronic respiratory and cardiovascular infections.

    About 7,100 people died due to pollution in Indonesia in 2010, according to the study.

    The amount of carbon dioxide in Viet Nam is expected to rise, with 50 coal-fired power plants in the works on top of 19 already existing. Thermal power plants will emit three times more ash by 2030, increasing significant impacts on community's health.

    Source : VNS
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