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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 16:54
    Ms Loren Legarda slams Philippines' new coal power plant projects

    Senator Ms Loren Legarda said that the Philippines’ approval of 21 new coal-fired power plant projects in the past 5 years ran counter to its commitment to reduce carbon emissions and address the factors that contribute to climate change.

    According to Ms Legarda, such a situation puts into question the country’s call for sustainable development and deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

    The Philippines has been taking an active role in addressing climate change as it is among those that acutely feel its effects, which include extreme weather patterns.

    Ms Legarda, chair of the Senate committee on climate change, said in a statement that “The Philippines is contradicting itself when it says it wants a strong agreement in climate change yet is allowing the proliferation of new coal power plants. Effectively, by such proliferation we are contributing to our own destruction and we lose the high moral ground as we call on other parties to reduce emissions.”

    Source :
  2. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 16:59
    Siemens signs EUR 8 billion power projects deal in Egypt

    Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 65 times viewed reported that German technology company Siemens has signed a contract worth EUR 8 billion to supply natural-gas-fired power plants and wind power installations in Egypt.

    Siemens said in a statement that the projects will boost Egypt's power generation by more than 50% compared to the current installed base, adding 16.4 GW to the country's national grid.

    It said that Siemens will work with local partners Elsewedy Electric and Orascom Construction to supply three natural gas combined-cycle power plants, each with a capacity of 4.8 GW. Each plant will be powered by eight Siemens H-Class gas turbines.

    Siemens said that these plants will add power to the grid in stages, with an initial 4.4 GW online by the summer of 2017 and the full 14.4 GW available 38 months after financing has closed and advance payments have been received.

    Siemens will also deliver up to 12 wind farms in the Gulf of Suez and West Nile areas, with around 600 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 2G W. Siemens will also build a rotor blade manufacturing facility in Egypt's Ain Soukhna region, which will provide training and employment for up to 1,000 people. The facility is scheduled to go into operation in the second half of 2017.

    Siemens said that the deal will be financed by Siemens Financial Services, supported by export credit agencies in Germany and Denmark.

    It said that Siemens has been doing business in Egypt since 1859 and has maintained a continuous presence in the country since opening its first office in Cairo in 1901.

    Source :
  3. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 19:52
    Energiebedrijf Nuon stopt met E-manager

    Energiebedrijf Nuon kan de problemen met haar E-manager niet verhelpen. Daarom stopt het per 1 september met de service. Dat meldt het bedrijf op haar forum.

    Met Nuon E-Manager konden klanten op afstand (via smartphone, tablet op pc) inzicht krijgen in het energieverbruik. De E-manager bestaat onder meer uit een thermostaat en accessoires. Klanten konden met een E-manager hun apparatuur op afstand bedienen, maar het systeem had veel kuren en werkte eigenlijk nooit echt goed.

    In 2013 werd de service tijdelijk uitgeschakeld, omdat er een groot lek in de beveiliging zat. Gebruikers krijgen nu een alternatief aangeboden of krijgen hun geld terug. Ze ontvangen daarover een dezer dagen bericht van Nuon.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 juni 2015 18:59
    Russia provides for 10pct of global energy resources in 2014 - BP

    BP oil major said in its Statistical Review of World Energy that Russia provided 10% of global energy resources in 2014.

    According to BP data, Russia was the third-biggest global producer of fossil fuels after China and the US. Russia accounted for 12.7% of global oil production, 16.7% of gas output and 4.3% of coal production.

    Source : ITAR-TASS

  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 juni 2015 16:06
    Renewables and natural gas to meet increase in energy demand by 2040 - EIA

    According to the US Energy Information Administration, natural gas, with some help from renewable forms of energy, could meet almost all increases in electricity demand between now and 2040.

    The projection is part of the EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2015, an annual report that factors in market, scientific and sociological factors to present multiple possible outlooks for the future. The prediction was made according to the report’s Reference Case, arguably what the AEO2015 would define as most likely.

    While the report showed the greatest growth in the renewables sector, especially wind energy, which was projected to be the single largest source of renewable energy by 2040 natural gas is faced with a potential 5% total increase in its overall share of the national energy makeup. That would take the resource from 27% to 31%.

    A summary of part of AEO2015 said that “Natural gas-fired generation is highly dependent on natural gas prices as a result of competition with existing coal plants and renewables. The AEO2015 includes several cases with varying fuel prices and economic growth assumptions. In the High Oil and Gas Resource case where greater oil and natural gas resources lead to delivered natural gas prices to the electric power sector being 44% below the Reference case in 2040 natural gas becomes the leading source of generation by 2020 and accounts for 42% of total generation by 2040.”

    The report said that “Growth in new renewable generation is also sensitive to natural gas prices. Lower natural gas prices in the High Oil and Gas Resource case result in fewer renewable capacity additions toward the end of the projection period and lower generation compared with the Reference case. Higher macroeconomic growth results in an increase in both natural gas and renewables generation, as higher electricity demand requires more generation from marginal sources, while lower macroeconomic growth has the opposite effect.”

    Source : Exploration World
  6. forum rang 10 voda 16 juni 2015 17:01
    Wisselen energiebedrijf scheelt 350 euro

    Overstappen naar een ander energiebedrijf is voordeliger dan ooit. Dankzij historisch lage energietarieven kunnen huishoudens momenteel tot ruim 350 per jaar besparen. Dat is de grootste besparing in drie jaar, becijferen grootste energievergelijker en de Consumentenond.

    De besparing is het grootst voor de miljoenen gezinnen die nu een regulier contract met de normale variabele stroom- en gasprijs hebben bij energiereuzen Nuon, Eneco en Essent. ,,Zij betalen daar gemiddeld 2040 euro per jaar," legt Sanne Bins van uit.

    Wie opzegt en kiest voor een eenjarig vast contract is elders slechts tussen de 1682 en 1700 euro kwijt. ,,Een verschil van ruim 350 euro, het grootste verschil in drie jaar tijd."

    De Consumentenbond meldt soortgelijke bedragen: op de meest recente energieveiling van vorige week donderdag wist de belangenclub voor 18.000 deelnemers kortingen van 349 tot 376 euro te bedingen. ,,De energietarieven liggen nu historisch laag," stelt Joyce Donat van de Consumentenbond.

    Oorzaken van de enorme verschillen zijn onder meer de lage olieprijs en veranderingen op de groothandelsmarkt. Energiebedrijven kunnen gas en stroom daardoor aanmerkelijk goedkoper inkopen. ,,Bovendien komen er steeds meer kleine spelers op de markt, waardoor er meer concurrentie is," vult Donat aan.

    Blijven zitten is 'dom'
    Bovengenoemde factoren compenseren de flink gestegen overheidsheffingen. Zo betalen huishoudens sinds 2013 een 'opslag duurzame energie' van enkele tientjes per jaar.

    De recordbesparingen ten spijt, is de helft van de Nederlanders de laatste tien jaar nog nooit geswitched, blijkt uit recente cijfers van toezichthouder ACM. ,,En dat is dom, want blijven kost mensen veel geld, zeker nu," stelt de Consumentenbond.

    Per 1 juli wordt het voordeel overigens wél weer minder groot. Dan verlagen energiebedrijven hun gas- en stroomprijzen licht en daalt het overstapvoordeel tot zo'n 300 euro.

    Volgens zullen de prijzen voorlopig laag blijven. ,,Zoals het er nu uitziet zien wij pas vanaf volgend jaar een eventuele stijging van de prijzen," zegt Bins.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2015 17:01
    Renewable energy could dominate world electricity by 2030 - IEA

    Published on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 41 times viewed

    According to a new report from the International Energy Agency, renewable energy could surpass coal, nuclear power, and natural gas as theworld’s largest source of electricity within only 15 years.

    The report was published to provide a backdrop to the current state of affairs in energy markets ahead of the international climate negotiations set to take place in Paris in December. The IEA noted that economic growth is starting to decouple from energy, global GDP expanded by 3% in 2014 but emissions stayed flat.

    That puts the world at an interesting crossroads. A peak in global greenhouse gas emissions is starting to come within sight, but the world is not doing nearly enough to head off the worst effects of climate change.

    As a result, much anticipation and excitement surrounds the upcoming climate negotiations in Paris. As countries start submitting their individual nationally determined contributions, or pledges that individual countries issue detailing their plans to reduce their emissions, we can get a clearer picture of what the future might look like.

    For example, the U.S. plans on cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2030. The EU, on the other hand, is much bolder, not only in its headline number but also in its baseline: a 40% cut from 1990 levels. Plans from other countries are starting to trickle in.

    If the INDC plans are acted upon, they could result in a vastly larger global economy by 2030 that burns a lot less fossil fuels. Global GDP could nearly double over the next 15 years, rising by 88%. At the same time, carbon emissions from energy rise just 8%, a remarkable achievement.

    Another potential development is the fact that renewable energy could become the world’s largest source of electricity by 2030, moving past all the major conventional sources of electricity that we have known during the modern era: coal, nuclear power, and natural gas. That is no small feat.

    Still, the projections are amazingly underwhelming. At a time when global emissions need to peak and decline if there is to be any reasonable scenario in which the world stays below its stated 2 degree Celsius target, carbon emissions actually continue to rise for another decade and a half? Much more will be needed.

    The IEA said that burning through the remaining carbon budget – the amount of greenhouse gas pollution that could be emitted into the atmosphere while still keeping warming to 2 degrees Celsius, will hardly be changed by the plans laid out by countries going into the climate talks in Paris.

    Given the INDCs so far, which include the US, the EU, Russia, Mexico, but notably not China, the world blows through its carbon budget by 2040, a mere 8 months later than if none of those countries pledged to do anything at all. Put another way, the carbon reduction plans appear to be a rounding error over the long-term. Even if they can be fully implemented, a big if, they will be far from enough.

    Of course, the inroads made by renewables could be accelerated if global subsidies for fossil fuels were scrapped. The IEA notes that carbon markets impose an average price on fossil fuels at about USD 7 per tonne of CO2, but that is swamped by subsidies for coal, oil, and gas, which amount to the equivalent of USD 115 per tonne. In other words, renewables are indeed starting to undermine the economic case for fossil fuels, but these fuels still enjoy significant financial assistance from governments around the world, which will extend the fossil fuel era for decades to come if they are not overhauled.

    Source : CS Monitor

  8. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2015 15:26
    German utility's race for renewables seen as too little and late

    RWE AG, the German utility whose coal-fired plants make it Europe’s largest carbon emitter, officially started the company’s largest renewables project on Thursday, a wind farm in Liverpool Bay off Britain’s coast.

    The trouble for RWE is the Gwynt y Mor project, able to generate enough power for about 400,000 homes, could prove too little, too late for a utility some investors said has failed to adjust to the transformation of Europe’s power industry.

    RWE generated 4.8% of its electricity from alternative energy last year, less than half the proportion of competitor EON SE. In Germany as a whole, 26% of power came from renewables. Even in the UK, where RWE is one of the top six power suppliers, the figure was 19%.

    The Essen-based utility, forced to close its German nuclear reactors and grappling with power prices that have fallen every year since 2010, is getting left behind.

    Mr Ernst Gerlach, director of Verband der kommunalen RWE- Aktionaere GmbH, a municipal investor association that represents 23% of the company’s shareholders, said that “RWE certainly hasn’t focused on renewables in time.”

    In fact, the company’s cutting back on wind and solar investment. In order to shore up its finances, RWE’s reducing its annual capital expenditure on renewables to a third of 2013’s EUR 1 billion in the 3 years through 2017. There’s little prospect of the company ending its reliance on burning coal, especially lignite, a soft type of the fossil fuel.

    After this year’s disposal of the company’s oil and gas unit for EUR 5.1 billion, including debt, Mr Peter Terium, CEO, sees RWE in a controlled offensive on wind power, he told reporters on Wednesday in Dusseldorf.

    Thursday’s inauguration catapults the company to No. 3 in Europe’s offshore market, he said in a speech at Gwynt y Mor’s operation center in Mostyn, North Wales.

    While Mr Terium admits RWE has made mistakes regarding renewables, including underestimating the development of solar power, he said that “it’s reasonable not to spend more money than comes in.”

    According to Mr Thomas Deser, a fund manager at Union Investment and a big RWE shareholder, “RWE lacks financial scope to significantly expand renewables and reduce the gap to more advanced competitors.”

    He said that “The company strategically has reached a deadlock because the business model to a big part is based on the production of lignite and the generation of electricity from it and from nuclear power.”

    While coal-fired production has held its market share in recent years because Germany needed both renewables and fossil fuels to compensate for closed nuclear reactors, there are signs that could be about to change.

    Europe can’t afford to keep coal-fired plants going and meet stringent targets to reduce emissions. Germany’s government expects utilities to cut carbon dioxide output in the country by an additional 22 million tonne by the end of this decade to help meet the nation’s target to reduce emissions by 40% from 1990.

    Source : Bloomberg
  9. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2015 16:53
    US to retire 90 GW of coal fired power capacity by 2040

    The US Energy Information Administration has stated that new emissions rules drafted by the country’s Environmental Protection Agency will lead to closure of twice the currently projected capacity of coal-fired power plants by 2040.

    In numerical terms, that translates into retiring 90 GW of coal-fired power plants by 2040. Previously, the projection was to retire 40 GW of coal-fired power plants in the same period.

    The EIA report released last month also includes the following findings: Electricity prices will rise 3% to 7% throughout the 2020s as companies take action to remain in compliance, renewable energy capacity will increase by 160% resulting in projected growth to 174 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2040.

    The report iterates that the key strategy to achieve the goals set by the proposed rules would be to switch from coal-fired generation to natural gas-fired power generation. Renewables will play a growing role in the mid-2020s and beyond.

    The EPA is expected to release the final version of the new regulation in August.
    Source : Greentech Lead
  10. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2015 16:54
    India's renewable energy production up 16.4pct in FY15

    India Infoline reported that production of power, finished steel, coal, fertilizer, refinery, cement, goods traffic carried by railways, cargo handled at major sea ports, airports and net addition in telephone switching capacity and new cell phone connections were all higher than the achievement during the corresponding period of the previous year.

    Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation said that overall power generation during April to March 2014 to 2015 at over 1110 billion units was 8.85% higher than the power generation during the corresponding period of the previous year.

    Production of power-thermal 878.32 billion units, nuclear 36.10 billion units, hydro 129.24 billion units and renewable 61.78 billion units were all higher in FY15 than the targets set for the year.

    Renewable energy production was 16.44% higher than that in the previous year.

    Source : India Infoline
  11. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2015 17:02
    Pope promotes renewable energy and storage technologies

    Pope Francis has called for the worldwide development of renewable energy sources and adequate energy storage technologies in order to drastically reduce fossil fuel consumption and the related emissions from carbon dioxide and other polluting gases.

    In an encyclical about climate change today, the Pope said that highly polluting technologies using coal, oil and, to a lesser degree, gas, need to be progressively replaced without delay, even though there is “minimal access” to clean and renewable energy globally.

    He pushed for the establishment of mechanisms and subsidies to help take advantage of abundant solar energy in developing countries in order to give them access to technical assistance and financial resources for this technology transfer.

    He said that “The costs of this would be low, compared to the risks of climate change.”

    Source : PV Tech
  12. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2015 17:03
    Thailand's Banpu to boost renewable capacity to 200MW in 5 years

    Reuters reported that Thailand's top coal miner Banpu PCL aims to invest in renewable energy and have a capacity of 200 MW over the next 5 years, when its total electricity generating capacity will double to 2,750 MW.

    Ms Somruedee Chaimongkol, CEO of Banpu, said that Banpu, which has diversified into power as its main coal business is hit by falling prices and oversupply, expected to conclude details of a solar project in the second half.

    The company is keen to invest in solar projects in north Asia, especially in Japan given the county's clear regulations and favourable financing structure, Somruedee said on the sidelines of a conference about clean coal power technology.

    Banpu, through its subsidiary Banpu Power, has electricity capacity of 1,340 MW, based on its stakeholding in several projects, including BLCP Power's coal-fired power plant in eastern Rayong province and the Hongsa power plant in Laos.

    Ms Somruedee said that “The first phase of the 600 MW Hongsa plant began commercial operations earlier this month and the second phase will start operating in November.”

    She said that Banpu will fully realise profits from Hongsa in 2017 after the third phase, of another 600 MW, comes on stream in February next year. Banpu, which has coal mines in Indonesia, Australia and China, plans to expand its electricity capacity in China, which will boost capacity to 2,250 MW in 2017.

    Ms Somruedee said that Banpu expects operating profit and revenue this year to be close to last year's, as rising income from the power business offsets weakness in coal.

    The company's selling price for its coal is expected to be between USD 58 and USD 60 per tonne versus last year's USD 65 and Banpu aims to cut operating costs at its Indonesian operations by 10% this year and 3% for its Australian mines.

    Source : Reuters

  13. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2015 20:10
    SunCoke Energy electric generating plant progressing

    Officials with SunCoke Energy South Shore LLC, said that this week they have obtained all of the necessary permits to construct an electric generating plant in Greenup County, Ky.

    According to the released information, the 90 MW electric generating plant is anticipated to cost USD 450 million and have 100 to 120 employees, with an annual payroll of roughly $9 million. The plant will be built on 250 acres along the Ohio River, two miles northeast of South Shore.

    SunCoke Energy South Shore, a subsidiary of SunCoke Energy Inc, produces coke for use in steelmaking. Coke production involves heating coal to drive off volatile compounds, leaving behind a material that is pure carbon.

    Once constructed the plant will capture and burn compounds to produce steam, which will a turbine to generate electricity. The plant would have the ability to generate up to 90 MW of electric but will likely produce between 40 to 80 MW for sale on the open market.

    Mr Steve Carlson, spokesman for SunCoke Energy Inc, said that ““We’ve got the permits and we’re trying to secure customer commitments before we break any ground. Once we get between 60 and 70% of the commitments from customers, we’ll be able to start moving on it.”

    He said that there has been no timeline established for starting construction, but the company remains committed to the project. Construction of the plant is anticipated to require 600 workers with total construction wages and benefits of USD 150 million. Suncoke said they intend to hire as many Kentucky workers as possible during construction and in the operation of the plant.

    In February, the Kentucky State Board of Electric Generation and Transmission Sitting granted the project a construction certificate, the sitting board directed SunCoke to work towards mitigating the impact of the plant. Among the advised steps include a green belt around the site and lighting that will make the plant less visible at night. The sitting board also approved the construct of a power transmission line that will connect the plant to the American Electric Power substation in New Boston.

    Source :
  14. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2015 16:20
    Kamp: mogelijk meer gas uit buitenland halen

    Gepubliceerd op 23 jun 2015 om 16:12 | Views: 854 |

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Het kabinet overweegt meer gas uit het buitenland te gaan importeren. Minister Henk Kamp van Economische Zaken heeft dat dinsdag bekendgemaakt in een toelichting op het kabinetsbesluit om de gaskraan in Groningen in de tweede helft van dit jaar verder dicht te draaien. Dat moet het risico op aardbevingen verder beperken.

    Kamp laat de komende maanden onderzoeken ,,of een andere benadering van gaswinning mogelijk en wenselijk is waarbij meer gas uit het buitenland wordt geïmporteerd''. Dan zou er minder gas uit het Groningse gasveld nodig zijn, maar wordt Nederland wel meer afhankelijk van buitenlands gas.

    Maandag lekte al uit dat Kamp de gaskraan in Groningen in de tweede helft van dit jaar verder dichtdraait. ,,De veiligheid van de Groningers staat voorop. De gaswinning uit Groningen wordt zo ver als momenteel haalbaar is verminderd. Daarom besluit het kabinet voor 2015 tot een reductie naar 30 miljard kubieke meter'', aldus Kamp. Hij besprak zijn plan maandag al met bestuurders en bewoners in Groningen.


    De 30 miljard kuub is 9,4 miljard kuub minder dan aanvankelijk was vastgesteld. Het verder dichtdraaien van de gaskraan betekent een nieuwe tegenvaller van 1,2 miljard euro op de lopende begroting, aldus Kamp.

    De minister besloot eerder om de gaswinning in de eerste helft van het jaar te beperken tot 16,5 miljard kuub. Omdat de kans op een strenge winter voor het einde van het jaar heel klein is (die vallen normaal alleen in januari en februari), hoeft daar geen reserve voor te worden aangehouden. Bovendien heeft de gasopslag in Norg in Drenthe een overcapaciteit van 3 miljard kuub. Dat gas wordt ingezet.

    Milde winter

    De overcapaciteit van Norg en de milde winter maken dat er in de tweede helft van dit jaar nog maar 13,5 miljard kuub gewonnen hoeft te worden om aan de zogeheten 'leveringszekerheid' (totaal 33 miljard kuub) te kunnen voldoen. In Nederland zijn zeven miljoen huishoudens voor het koken en het verwarmen van hun huis afhankelijk van het Groninger gas. Hetzelfde geldt voor huishoudens in België, Frankrijk en Duitsland.

    De spotprijs voor levering van Nederlands gas in juli steeg 0,2 procent tot 20,75 euro per megawattuur. In Londen, waar de prijzen maandagavond flink opliepen nadat het ANP had gemeld dat de kraan verder dicht wordt gedraaid, daalde de prijs voor een vergelijkbaar contract met 1,4 procent.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2015 15:44
    Japan to stop building inefficient coal-fired power plants

    Published on Fri, 26 Jun 2015 57 times viewed

    Japan plans to stop power firms building coal-fuelled plants that are inefficient and dirty as it manages the competing demands of cutting greenhouse gas emissions while stepping up use of the fuel after the Fukushima disaster.

    The government has come under fierce criticism from environmentalists and more subtle pressure from allies over its support for coal, the use of which has surged to record levels after the shutdown of reactors.

    The government aims to have coal account for 26% of the electricity mix by 2030. After Fukushima it went up to nearly a third, against 24% before the meltdowns.

    An official at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, said that "The energy mix is based on the assumption that the average fuel-efficiency of coal-fired plants across the country will be equivalent to the level of ultra-super-critical plants, the most efficient."

    He said, declining to be named as an official announcement has not been made, that "To make it happen, we must tighten up the regulations."

    Ultra-super-critical plants get the most energy from coal, although more efficient technologies are emerging.

    The government is opening up the $65 billion retail electricity market to full competition from next April. That has added to a surge in investment in coal, seen as one of the cheapest fuels, with plans to build about 40 more coal stations in the next decade.

    According to the ministry, Japan's coal-fired plants have total capacity of around 46 gigawatts. About half of them are old and relatively inefficient.

    The official said that "We want to ensure highly efficient technology is put in place in all new coal-fired plants including small ones, which tend to be less efficient than large ones."

    Mr Yuichi Takagi, METI's deputy director, said that Japan also plans to adopt more advanced technologies such as integrated gasification combined cycle, which can cut emissions by 20%, and bring them into commercial operation by 2020.

    He said that "This is in line with our energy mix and climate goals. Japan aims to cut CO2 emissions by 26% from 2013 levels by 2030.”

    The environment ministry recently pushed back on the growing use of coal to generate power by submitting a rare objection to plans for a new 1.2 GW coal-fired plant.

    Source : Reuters
  16. forum rang 10 voda 2 juli 2015 18:12
    Thar coal power plant starts 4 MW power generation

    Pakistan has become the first country in the region to generate 4 MW of electricity from the Thar Coal Power Plant through an underground coal gasification process.

    An official source said that "We have successfully produced 1MW in May from coal gasification power plant and now in June we have commissioned a total of 4 mw to our system, an official source told The Nation here. Initially we have commissioned 4 MW from the power plants and will increase it to 10 MW by the end of the year.”

    He said that with 4 MW you can easily install about 100 KV transformers which can cater for the electricity requirements of the project and a nearby villages.

    The official said that the project was started in 2009 but due to funds shortage it could not take off in time. The Sindh government had allotted Block-5 of Thar Coal field to Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) led by Dr Samar Mubarakmand to generate underground coal gas known as Syn gas to produce electricity.

    He said that “Earlier the government committed to provide Rs 9 billion for the Underground Coal Gasification to install two 50 MW each coal gasified plants on Thar coal but later due to fund shortage it was decided to launch a pilot project of 10 MW capacity. Underground coal gasification was a unique experience in Pakistan and in the first phase, an experimental structure was raised under which pipes were drilled down 160 metres deep into the coalfield to reach the coal bed. After pumping out underground water lying near coal bed fired the coal underground and produced coal gas. The gas was supplied to the experimental plant and lit the flame.”

    He added that “By successfully commissioning of the electricity from the gasified coal plant we have shut down those mouths which used to say that electricity from the gasified coal plant is distinct possibility, the official claimed now it's only the matter of funds availability the more the funds the more the electricity.”

    However another official have termed the project expensive saying so far PKR 3 billion have been released for the project and we got only 4 mw electricity and may be add more 6 MW. I don't know why they were asking just Rs 9 billion for the entire project of 100 MW, the official questioned and added that with Rs 9 billion the production of 100 MW is a good deal but with PKR 3 billion the production of 10 mw is expensive.

    Source : The Nation
  17. forum rang 10 voda 2 juli 2015 18:21
    Scotty, we need more power. :-)

    The International Energy Agency forecasts the energy consumption of Kazakhstan to double by 2035, Tomasz Telma, Regional Director of the International Finance Corporation for Europe and Central Asia, said at a seminar on the application of best international practices to the development of renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan last week.

    Kazakhstan is among 10 countries with the highest level of energy intensity of the economy, and this trend is not declining. Therefore, according to Telma, the modernization of the Kazakh economy will be connected to a serious reduction in energy intensity so that the economy would be less dependent on the consumption of energy.

    Clean energy is a very important issue for Kazakhstan and Central Asia as whole, where it is of particular relevance.

    IFC focuses its activity on reducing carbon emissions and increasing the efficient use of water and land resources.

    Kazakhstan has real chances to improve energy efficiency

    Telma believes that Kazakhstan enjoys real opportunities to improve energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy. The country is also taking important steps in the development of renewable energy sources and increasing the number of environmental measures.

    Kazakhstan is an important player in the development of clean energy. The country plans to implement 106 projects on renewable energy by 2020 in particular, 34 wind farm, 41 hydropower plant, 28 solar plant and three biogas plant projects.

    Energy-rich Kazakhstan is currently looking for ways to use renewable energy sources. In late January, an action plan was adopted on the development of renewable energy sources for a period from 2013 to 2020.

    This week a new 50 MW solar project is planned to be inaugurated in Zhambyl region. Kazakhstan also expects the production of energy from Yereimentau Wind Park in the second half of 2015.

    The Energy Ministry is interested in involving renewable energy sources as a part of the country’s energy balance, reducing emissions into the environment, and bringing these standards to the European level by 2030.

    Astana Solar LLP, a company involved in the production of solar cells, said earlier that the share of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan’s power grid will reach 3% by 2020.

    Experts believe that Kazakhstan must turn to alternative energy sources by 2030, as traditional sources are being exhausted and their prices are rising. They claim that about 20-30% of energy consumption can be saved by using alternative energy resources.

    According to a recently adopted concept for the transition to a ‘green economy,’ in case of high domestic prices for natural gas, the energy basket of the country will comprise of 11% of wind and solar energy sources, while the share of nuclear power will reach 8%, hydropower 10%, gas 21% and coal 49% by 2030.

    Given Kazakhstan’s natural conditions, it is clear that the most promising alternative energy sector is wind power generation. Relevant studies conducted in the Central Asian state’s regions showed that wind power generation has vast potential.

    Source : Azer News
  18. forum rang 10 voda 2 juli 2015 19:03
    Gasunie en Gazprom samen in LNG-klus

    Gepubliceerd op 2 jul 2015 om 18:50 | Views: 1 |

    GRONINGEN (AFN) - Gasunie en het Russische Gazprom hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten op het gebied van vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (LNG) voor de transportsector in Noordwest-Europa. Dat maakte Gasunie donderdag bekend.

    De topmannen van beide bedrijven, Han Fennema en Alexey Miller, tekenden een akkoord op hoofdlijnen. Ze gaan zich onder meer buigen over de aanleg van infrastructuur waarmee schepen en trucks LNG kunnen tanken op locaties langs de Oostzee. LNG speelt volgens beide bedrijven een belangrijke rol als schoner brandstofalternatief voor schepen en zwaar wegtransport.

    Fennema en Miller bespraken ook de zogeheten voorzieningszekerheid van gas voor de Europese gasmarkt. In recente jaren draaide Rusland meermaals de gaskraan naar Oekraïne, een belangrijk doorvoerland naar West-Europa, dicht. De heren stelden vast ,,dat samenwerking van belang is om Europa te verzekeren van een stabiele en betaalbare energievoorziening''.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 2 juli 2015 20:23
    Germany to shut down coal power plants an extend power grid - Sources

    Published on Thu, 02 Jul 2015 24 times viewed

    Government sources said that the German government decided on Thursday to order the shutdown of several coal-fired plants in order to reach its ambitious climate goals by 2020.

    The sources said that Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel and the leaders of her two junior coalition parties also settled a dispute over high-voltage power lines which are planned to carry green energy from the breezy north to the industrial south.

    Mr Sigmar Gabriel, energy minister, is expected to explain the results of the coalition negotiations which lasted more than four hours at a news conference on Thursday morning.

    The government sources, who declined to say how many plants will be closed, said that "Coal-fired plants with a capacity of 2.7 gigawatts will be shut down. The affected power plants will not be allowed to sell electricity on the normal energy market, with this step Germany would manage to reach its goal to curb CO2 emissions by 40% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels.”

    Gabriel originally proposed putting a levy on CO2 emitted by the oldest and most-polluting power stations above a certain threshold to help reach a target of cutting CO2 emissions from the coal sector by a further 22 million tonne by 2020.

    But he faced a backlash from industry, with unions saying the plan could put up to 100,000 jobs at risk and lead to the decline of the mining and power generation industries.

    The utility companies have lobbied hard against the levy and demanded compensation for an alternative reserve option.

    While the levy now seems to be scrapped, it remained unclear whether companies such as RWE or Vattenfall Europe would get compensation payments or not.

    Unconfirmed media reports earlier in the week have said the utilities may be allowed to move 2.7 GW of old coal-fired capacity into a reserve scheme in the coming years, netting a few hundred million euros in the process.

    Source : Reuters
  20. forum rang 10 voda 3 juli 2015 21:09
    Vattenfall divests its Nordjylland CHP plant

    It is reported that Swedish utility group Vattenfall is divesting its Nordjylland CHP plant, completing the sale of its fossil assets in Denmark in line with group strategy.

    As of December 31st 2015 district heating company Aalborg Forsyning will take over Unit 3 of the Nordjylland Power station, which is coal-fired and has an installed capacity of 410 MWe and 490MJ/s of district heating.

    The enterprise value is DKK 823 million including a cash consideration and takeover of decommissioning obligations and environmental liabilities.

    Mr Ingrid Bonde, Vattenfall’s Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, said that “With the divestment in Denmark, Vattenfall has completed an important step in its transition from fossil fuels into renewable energies,”

    Prior to the sale of Nordjylland Power Station Vattenfall has divested two other coal-fired plants: Amager Power Station in 2013 and Fyn Power Station in 2014.

    Source :
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