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  1. forum rang 10 voda 22 mei 2015 21:06
    TATA Power's clean and green energy portfolio stands at 1383 MW

    TATA Power, India's largest integrated power Company, has consistently been working towards having a 20-25% contribution of clean and green energy to its overall generation portfolio. Today, TATA Power has a total installed capacity of 8750 MW, of which clean and green energy constitutes of 1383 MW. TATA Power’s clean and green energy portfolio comprises of 576 MW of Hydro, 56 MW of Solar, 511 MW of Wind and 240 MW of waste gas based generation.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 25 mei 2015 15:48
    Germany must bury more power transmission lines - Mr Gabriel

    Mr Sigmar Gabriel, Germany Economy Minister, said that the country must lay more power lines underground to take electicity generated by windpower in the north to industry in the south, to overcome opposition along the routes.

    In an interview with ZDF television, Mr Gabriel also said that state of Bavaria will have to accept power lines running through the southern German state and could not push them off onto to its neighbouring states of Hesse and Baden-Wuerttemberg.

    Mr Gabriel said that "I believe we're going to have to put considerably more of the transmission lines underground because otherwise more people will oppose the lines. I believe we need a willingness, in particular the financial willingness, to put more cables underground. The technology for that has improved considerably in recent years."

    Power lines are seen as crucial to Germany's shift towards generating electricity from renewable sources of energy and away from nuclear and fossil fuels, known as the 'Energiewende.'

    Political gridlock, however, has cast doubt on whether the lines can be built by 2022 when Germany's nuclear power plants, mainly located in the south, are scheduled to be decommissioned.

    To ensure Bavaria, home to firms such as Siemens and carmaker BMW, has enough power, two electricity highways are planned to transport wind energy from the north.

    But Bavarian state premier and leader of the Christian Social Union Horst Seehofer has questioned the need for the transmission lines, amid complaints from citizens that masts up to 70 metres high could be erected in their backyards.

    Bavaria recently suggested moving the power lines to the west so that they would run through Hesse and Baden-Wuerttemberg instead of Bavaria. The CSU is the sister party of German Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union.

    Mr Gabriel said that "That's rather astonishing because Bavaria agreed last year in the lower house and the upper house of parliament to the routes for the transmission lines. I think we've made some proposals to reduce the burdens on Bavaria."

    Source : Reuters
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2015 16:57
    Thar Coal can generate 100,000 MW electricity a year for 500 years

    Professor Dr Shahid Munir, Director of Punjab University’s Centre for Coal Technology, has said that Pakistan can generate 100,000 MW of electricity every year for the next 500 years by using Thar coal.

    Addressing a seminar on 'Role of Indigenous Coal in Solving Energy Crisis' organised by the CCT, he said that the indigenous coal was the only solution to resolve energy crises adding Thar had 175 billion tonne coal reservoirs worth INR 30 trillion.

    Dr Shahid Munir said that Allah had blessed Pakistan with the coal at Thar which was technically ideal for electricity generation and there was no need for its upgrade. He said South Africa was generating 93%, China 81%, India 71% and Australia 69% electricity from coal, but unfortunately Pakistan, despite having abundance of coal reservoirs, was generating only 0.6% electricity from coal.

    The PU-CCT director urged the Punjab government for getting some blocks of Thar coal on lease to meet energy demands of the province using open-pit mining method. He also claimed that Thar coal project of Dr Samar Mubarak Mand was technically flawed which could have caused loss to the government. He said only 67% population of Pakistan had access to electricity.

    He said according to the International Energy Agency, Pakistan’s energy demand would increase by 49,000 MW by 2025. But all the ongoing projects of dams will generate only 15,000 MW electricity by 2025. Mining of coal was the most important factor to meet the target of generating 49,000 MW electricity by 2025.

    He said that Pakistan was spending USD 12 billion per year on purchasing furnace oil for generating electricity. He stressed the need for adopting environment friendly techniques to produce energy from coal. He said that coal would remain the major source of energy production for the next 100 years. PU’s Centre for Coal Technology had also technically audited various coal power projects.

    Mr Sher Ali Khan, Punjab Minister for Mines and Minerals, said that coal was the best solution to resolve energy crisis adding the Punjab government would complete 300MW coal power project at Salt Range by 2018. There were 600 million tonne reservoirs of coal at Salt Range and there was a need to adopt clean coal technology to protect environment from negative effects of producing energy.

    Mr Sher Ali said that mining was a difficult task and the Punjab government was benefiting from the expertise of Chinese companies. He further stressed the need for conserving energy saying the UPS was involved in 'electricity theft' because it consumed extra electricity for recharging batteries and it used 2,000 MW electricity as per estimates.

    Source : The News
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2015 19:03
    Tennet geeft voor EUR1 mrd aan groene obligaties uit

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Elektriciteitstransporteur Tennet Holding bv heeft donderdag in twee tranches van elk EUR500 miljoen duurzame 'groene' obligaties uitgegeven, meldt het concern donderdag.

    De obligaties hebben een looptijd van respectievelijk 6 en 12 jaar en couponrentes van respectievelijk 0,875% en 1,750%, meldt het concern in het begeleidend persbericht, eraan toevoegend dat Tennet de eerste Nederlandse niet-financiele onderneming is met de uitgifte van groene obligaties.

    HSBC, ING, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB Bank plc. en Rabobank begeleiden de transactie.

    Met de opbrengst investeert het concern in de offshore-projecten DowWin1, 2 en 3, voor het transport van duurzame elektriciteit van windparken op zee naar het elektriciteitsnet aan land.

    - Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

  5. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2015 16:29
    India's record power capacity addition at 22,566 MW in 1 year

    Buoyed by the lowest-ever power deficit at 3.6 per cent on the back of 22,566 MW capacity addition, Mr Piyush Goyal, Coal and Power Minister, said that the stage has been set for energy security by 'Team India' for 50 years.

    During the past one year, the minister said, 22,566 MW of generation capacity was added to the existing level and there has been highest-ever increase in transmission line capacity of 22,100 circuit kilometres over and above the highest jump in sub-station capacity of 66,554 MW.

    Reeling off achievements of the NDA government during its first year, Goyal said transparent coal auctions, corruption-free governance and de-bureaucratisation, among others, will help the Prime Minister's vision of 24X7 affordable power to all become a reality.

    Mr Goyal said while unveiling the blueprint for growth that a INR 38,000 crore green energy corridor is being set up to transmit renewable energy and clean energy will be prioritised with 25 solar parks of about 100 MW each.

    Speaking to reporters, he said that "We have a plan to scale up the solar mission to 1,00,000 MW by 2022, which is 3,000 MW at present. It is a 33 times increase."

    He said that 17 solar parks have already been approved and are fast-tracked and added that the government is confident of offering 15,877 MW of solar generating capacity for implementation. Also, the government is working on encouraging educated unemployed youth to set up solar units aggregating 20,000 MW of capacity.

    Welcoming FDI, he said that "We are also considering dollar tariffs in some cases to encourage foreign investment to come in and hedging against their debt or capital in dollars, which will help us keep the cost of solar power very reasonable."

    He added that "Of course, we will be creating a self-hedging mechanism to ensure it does not cause any distress to purchasing discoms and that self-purchase mechanism is being worked out right now. We are confident that all these will provide employment to about 50,000 youth."

    Source : Manorama Online
  6. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2015 16:31
    Norway fund to trigger wave of large fossil fuel divestments - Experts

    The Guardian reported that Norway’s decision to dump all coal-focused investments from its USD 900 billion sovereign wealth fund could unleash a wave of divestment from other large funds, according to investment experts. The fund, the largest in the world, is one of the top 10 investors in the global coal industry.

    According to the Norwegian government, the move, agreed late on Wednesday, is one of the most significant victories to date for a fast-growing and UN-backed fossil-fuel divestment campaign. It will affect USD 9 billion to USD 10 billion of coal-related investments.

    Mr Svein Flaatten of the governing Conservative party, which made a cross-party agreement to implement the selling of coal investments, said that “Investments in coal companies can have both a climate risk and a future financial risk.”

    A series of analyses have shown that the world’s existing reserves of fossil fuels are several times greater than can be burned while keeping the temperature below the 2C safety limit agreed by the world’s governments. Furthermore, authorities such as the World Bank and Bank of England have warned that fossil fuel reserves will be left worthless if the action needed to cut carbon emissions kicks in.

    Source : The Guardian
  7. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2015 19:08
    Stroom en gas worden goedkoper

    Nederlandse huishoudens gaan per 1 juli minder betalen voor stroom en gas. De variabele energietarieven bij bijna alle Nederlandse energieleveranciers gaan omlaag. Dat verwacht vergelijkingswebsite Pricewise na onderzoek onder leveranciers, inkopers en experts op de energiemarkt.

    De variabele prijs voor gas daalt tussen de 4 en 8 procent en voor elektriciteit tussen de 2 en 4 procent. De energierekening van meer dan de helft van de Nederlandse huishoudens gaat daardoor omlaag. Gemiddeld tussen de 30 en 60 euro op jaarbasis, zegt Pricewise.

    Vooral de daling van de gasprijs heeft een grote impact op de energierekening. ,,Het gasverbruik is goed voor ongeveer de helft van de rekening. Een Nederlands huishouden met een gemiddeld verbruik gaat op jaarbasis tussen de 25 en 50 euro minder betalen voor gas en 5 tot 10 euro minder voor elektriciteit.''

    De nieuwe, lagere tarieven gelden voor alle klanten met een energiecontract met variabele tarieven. Ongeveer 60 procent van de Nederlandse huishoudens heeft zo'n energiecontract. De meeste hiervan zitten bij Nuon, Eneco en Essent.

    Essent publiceerde onlangs al dat zij haar variabele tarieven verlaagt. Gas daalt daar tussen de 5 en 8 procent, elektriciteit tussen de 2 en 4 procent.

    Bij Eneco daalt de gasprijs met 11 procent en voor elektra met 1 procent, zei een woordvoerder van het energiebedrijf maandag. Dat scheelt een huishoudens respectievelijk 61 euro en 3 euro op de energierekening.

    Nuon maakte nog geen cijfers bekend, maar ,,de prijzen gaan naar beneden met de trend'', bevestigde een woordvoerster. ,,We herkennen het beeld dat Pricewise schetst.''

    Afnemende vraag
    De daling van de gasprijs is vooral een gevolg van een afnemende vraag. Deze neemt al enkele jaren af door betere isolatie en zachte winters.

    Netbeheerder TenneT verklaart de daling van de tarieven voor elektriciteit in Nederland onder andere door het goed verbonden netwerk van Nederland met omringende Europese landen. Daardoor kan ook goedkope groene stroom uit Duitsland, overcapaciteit uit pieken in zonne- en windenergie, steeds beter doorgang vinden naar Nederland.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2015 20:21
    SunEdison to cut India's biggest green power deal - Report

    Economic Times reported that SunEdison, the largest renewable energy development company in the world by generation capacity, is negotiating with the promoters of Mumbai-based Continuum Wind Energy to buy them out. The move will significantly consolidate its India presence and, if the deal is completed, would also be the biggest clean-tech acquisition in the country till date.

    Multiple sources aware of the talks said that the Belmont, California headquartered SunEdison, which is listed on Nasdaq, is currently conducting an exclusive due diligence on Continuum.

    The discussions also underscore the growing global interest in the Indian clean energy sector which has already seen international players like Sembcorp and investors such as Goldman Sachs take control of Indian clean power developers in the backdrop of the Modi government's renewed focus on the space and its ambitious target to add 100 GW renewable capacity by 2022.

    According to the people cited, SunEdison has already made a non-binding offer, valuing Continuum Wind Energy at INR 3,720 crore to INR 3,900 crore, inclusive of its debt.

    SunEdison of US likely to cut India’s biggest green power deal, values Continuum at INR 3,720 crore to INR 3,900 crore The equity value alone has been pegged at around INR 1,920 crore. Post the diligence, SunEdison is expected to make a final, binding offer. However, the deal has not closed yet.

    An official in the know said that "The intent from both sides is very strong but there is still no guarantee that the talks will translate into a deal. SunEdison should complete the diligence and commercial negotiations by June-end and then make a binding offer."

    Originally founded by an investment banker turned green energy entrepreneur Mr Arvind Bansal and his IIM-Ahmedabad classmate Mr Vikash Saraf of the Essar Group, Continuum Wind Energy is currently controlled by Morgan Stanley's infrastructure-focussed private equity fund, Morgan Stanley Infrastructure.

    Sources said that MSI, a USD 4 billion global platform, is part of the global financial services firm's private investment unit which invests directly in companies. In 2012, MSI had invested USD 200 million into the company through a convertible instrument to buy a majority stake. Till date, they have already deployed around USD 160 million.

    Both MSI and the erstwhile promoters are expected to cash out post takeover but Bansal and the senior management will stay on for 3-4 years. By the end of the fiscal year ending March 31st 2016, Continuum is expected to have a portfolio of 500 MW of operating assets spread across wind parks in MP, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Analysts tracking the sector estimate that the company should close FY15 with INR 400 crore of revenue.

    A SunEdison India spokesperson declined to comment on what he termed as market speculation. Pashupathy Gopalan, President, SunEdison, Asia Pacific could not be reached despite several attempts since Friday.

    Source : Economic Times
  9. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2015 20:22
    Chinese investment in renewable energy soars by a third

    Carbon News reported that despite a slowdown in its economy and the continued reliance on coal, China is pumping billions of dollars into its renewable energy industry.

    A detailed report on the country’s energy sector said that China invested more than USD 89 billion in renewable energy projects in the country in 2014, a growth of 31% on the previous year

    Source : Carbon News
  10. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2015 17:02
    Apollo programme could make renewable energy cheaper

    News 24 reported that a plan for a new global research programme aimed at driving down the costs of renewable energy more quickly has drawn serious interest from the world's leading economies.

    The Global Apollo Programme would be an internationally coordinated scheme of research and development focusing on electricity storage technology, smart grids and renewables, according to a report prepared by scientists, economists, former chief executives and academics.

    The report said that "In the Cold War, the Apollo Programme placed a man on the moon. Today we need a global Apollo programme to tackle climate change but this time the effort needs to be international."

    Although renewable energy costs have been falling in recent years, particularly for solar photovoltaic, the downward trend needs to be accelerated amid record high greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution caused by coal plants and diesel.

    Mr David King, one of the report's authors and former UK government chief scientist, said that "I have seen considerable interest from a wide range of countries."

    These countries include some EU member states, the United States, Japan, Korea, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, India and China.

    He said that "Hopefully by November we will have commitments."

    World leaders will meet in Paris this December to agree on a plan for curbing global warming but prospects are fading for a deal that would keep average temperatures below the ceiling.

    The leading climate experts said that the Apollo programme should be set up with the aim of making renewable energy cheaper than new coal plants in sunny parts of the world within 10 years and worldwide from 2025.

    The USD 6 billion that governments spend on renewable RD&D is far too low. It compares poorly with the USD 101 billion spent worldwide on production subsidies for renewables, not to mention for fossil fuel energy.

    The programme would launch with a minimum of USD 15bn, requiring countries who join to commit to spending at least 0.02% of their gross domestic product a year on renewables research, the results of which would then be shared with other programme members.

    Source : News 24
  11. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2015 19:37
    Reports: Renewables Were Revived in 2014

    06/01/2015 | Sonal Patel

    Despite plunging oil prices, 2014 was a formidable year for renewables, according to two reports released in early 2015.

    According to the “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015”—the annual report prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, and Bloomberg New Energy Finance—energy investments in renewables rebounded, surging 17% over the previous year, to $270 billion worldwide.

    A primary reason for this was that 2014 marked a rapid expansion of renewables into new markets in developing countries. While China, predictably, saw by far the biggest renewable energy investments (a record $83.3 billion—and a stunning increase of 39% compared to 2013), the top 10 investing countries also featured the U.S., Brazil, India, South Africa, and, on a smaller scale, Indonesia, Chile, Mexico, Kenya, and Turkey.

    The U.S. saw investments of $38.3 billion—up 7%. Comparatively, the rise in investments in Europe was small, less than 1% to $57.5 billion. That includes $3.8 billion for the largest-ever single renewable energy asset finance deal outside large hydro for the 600-MW Gemini offshore wind project that will be located in Dutch waters.

    The UNEP report notes that wind, solar, biomass, waste-to-power, geothermal, small hydro, and marine power accounted for an estimated 9.1% of world electricity generation in 2014, compared to 8.5% in 2013. Investments jumped particularly for solar (29% compared to 2013) and wind (11%).

    In its annual market survey released in February, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) noted that 51,477 MW of new wind capacity was added in 2014. The record-setting figure is a “solid sign of the recovery of the industry after a rough patch in the past few years,” it said.

    Total cumulative wind installations worldwide stood at 369,553 MW at the end of 2014, GWEC noted (Figure 4). Growth surged in China—which now represents 45% of the global market—with 23,351 MW of new wind power. India’s 2,315 MW was a distant second in Asia, “although the stage is now set for a new round of market growth in that country,” said GWEC.

    The European market grew marginally in 2014, with 12,820 MW of new capacity, just shy of 2012’s record. Brazil’s 2,472 MW in new installations led Latin American installations of 3,749 MW, although Chile (506 MW) and Uruguay (405 MW) also made strong showings. Meanwhile, the U.S. market recovered in 2014 from 2013’s nadir with 4,854 MW, Canada (1,871 MW) set a new record, and Mexico (522 MW) was solid.

    “Australia’s 567 MW showed that the renewables industry in Australia is not dead, despite the best efforts of the government to kill it,” GWEC said.

    —Sonal Patel, associate editor
  12. forum rang 10 voda 4 juni 2015 16:12
    IEA: vraag naar aardgas stijgt minder sterk

    Gepubliceerd op 4 jun 2015 om 10:15 | Views: 2.321

    PARIJS (AFN) - De wereldwijde vraag naar aardgas neemt de komende jaren minder sterk toe dan gedacht, ondanks de sterke prijsdalingen van de laatste tijd. Dat blijkt uit de jongste voorspelling van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA), die donderdag is gepubliceerd.

    De gasconsumptie stijgt tussen nu en 2020 naar verwachting met gemiddeld 2 procent per jaar. Vorig jaar werd voor de periode tot en met 2019 een gemiddelde jaarlijkse toename met 2,3 procent voorspeld. De lagere prognose heeft vooral te maken met een onverwacht zwakke vraag vanuit Azië.

    ,,Het idee dat Azië elke hoeveelheid gas afneemt ongeacht de prijs, is niet langer een gegeven'', zei IEA-directeur Maria van der Hoeven in een toelichting. Dat komt doordat steenkool een goedkoper alternatief is en doordat ook de kosten van energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen dalen.


    De gasprijzen zijn de laatste tijd gedaald, in lijn met de prijzen van ruwe olie, maar tot een snel herstel van de vraag zal dat volgens het IEA niet leiden. Veel Aziatische landen hebben de afgelopen jaren, toen gas nog wel relatief duur was, geïnvesteerd in kolencentrales in plaats van gascentrales.

    Daar komt bij dat het lagere prijsniveau naar verwachting grote gevolgen zal hebben voor de investeringen in de gaswinning. Veel energiebedrijven snijden in hun investeringsbudgetten en kapitaalintensieve gasprojecten zijn daarbij een logisch doelwit, aldus het IEA. Dat houdt in dat ook de productie de komende tijd minder sterk zal groeien.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 juni 2015 16:42
    Japan's nuclear plan is bad news for gas and coal - Report

    Published on Thu, 04 Jun 2015 57 times viewed

    Reuters reported that the rise of China and India as energy importers has largely consigned Japan to the sidelines, but the world's 3rd largest economy still exerts significant influence in some markets.

    That's why Japan's long-term energy vision is too important to be ignored, given it is the world's top importer of LNG, number three in coal and four in crude oil.

    A consultative committee on Monday endorsed the government's blueprint for the energy mix it hopes to achieve by 2030, with the proposal now open for public comment for a month ahead of a likely formal approval by the trade ministry mid-July.

    While the proposal has attracted controversy over a plan for nuclear energy to generate 20% to 22% of the nation's electricity, it's also worth noting how it sees the rest of the generating mix.

    Renewables are set at 22-24%, LNG at 27% and coal at 26%.

    This represents a decline in nuclear's share of electricity generation from the 30% it held before the Fukushima disaster following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

    But it does mean that the government plans to press ahead with the restart of nuclear reactors, which have all been closed in the wake of the Fukushima meltdown.

    This is the big uncertain in the government's plan, given the public opposition to nuclear power, despite the rise in power costs since the Fukushima incident.

    What's interesting to note is that the return of nuclear would appear mainly to be at the expense of burning crude and fuel oil for power generation.

    The 2030 plan allows little room for any generation from crude and fuel oil, which is quite a sharp turnaround from the current situation.

    According to data from the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, utilities consumed 5.177 million barrels of fuel oil and 3.26 million barrels of crude for electricity generation in April.

    According to data from the International Energy Agency, in 2013, Japan generated 161 TWh from crude and fuel oil, compared to 408 TWh from natural gas, 338 TWh from coal and 84 TWh from hydro.

    Given total generation of 1,059 TWh, this put crude and fuel oil's share at 15.2%, natural gas at 38.5%, coal at 32% and hydro at 7.9%.

    The balance was made up of 9 TWh of nuclear and other renewables such as wind and solar.

    Source : Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2015 11:44
    Why world wants India to cut coal use - Report

    The Hans India reported that as India industrialises and incomes increase, more Indians will use electricity and drive vehicles and fly, leading to increased carbon emissions. But India accounts for only 8.5% of the world's coal usage, while it has 17.5% of the world's people

    India’s development dilemma centres around a basic calculation: the carbon emission for an average Indian is only marginally higher than the carbon dioxide produced in flying one passenger from Tokyo to San Francisco.

    In other words, while a commonly cited fact is that India, after China and the US, is the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide, the main gas implicated in warming the planet, globally, there is, seemingly, enough data to absolve India of special responsibility. However, if India follows China's route of development by burning more coal, the consequences for the planet and India are likely to be devastating. This will further worsen as other developing nations with large populations, such as Bangladesh, Nigeria and Pakistan, follow this route.

    Q - What should India's path be, coal-based or not?

    Citing total emissions is misleading. India's annual carbon dioxide emission is 1.93 billion tonnes. India's emissions are spread among 1.27 billion people. On an average, a citizen of Japan is responsible for seven times as much carbon dioxide as an Indian. Citizens of countries such as Britain, Germany, Canada and the US have a carbon footprint between five and 12 times that of an Indian.

    China and the US, with just less than one-quarter of world's population, account for 44% of current CO2 emissions. Europe (with Russia) accounts for another 20% of emissions. India accounts for 5.5%. So, a vast majority of greenhouse gases are coming from the developed world plus China. Between 1965 and 2013, as much as 1.1 trillion tonnes of CO2 was emitted.

    Europe including Russia accounts for 33.3% of this total, while the US has a share of 24.3%. So, the West has been responsible for 57.6% of CO2 emitted over the past 48 years. If China and Japan are included, the combined share goes up to 76.2%, more than three-quarters of all carbon dioxide emissions over this period. India's contribution is relatively marginal and continues to remain 80% below the world average.

    Q - How right, then, are leaders from the US and Europe when they urge India to do more to curb emissions?

    As India develops, CO2 emissions will rise. As much as 25% of Indians still don't have access to electricity; Automobile ownership in India is 13 vehicles per 1,000, compared to 439 in the US, 617 in Japan and 34 in China; Indians fly less than nationals of other major economies.

    As India industrialises and incomes increase, more Indians will use electricity and drive vehicles and fly, leading to increased carbon emissions. But India accounts for only 8.5% of the world's coal usage, while it has 17.5% of the world's people. India has not been responsible for global carbon emissions in the past, and its current emissions are way below the needs of its population.

    The argument goes that as a responsible nation, India needs to move away from coal and increase the use of low-pollution energy sources, mainly nuclear power, hydropower, natural gas and renewable energy. If India chooses more expensive forms of energy over coal, it will contribute to global common good at its own immediate economic cost.

    Source : The Hans India

  15. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2015 11:45
    Coating power plants with graphene raises efficiency

    All types of power plants produce steam and the steam powers a turbine, and this creates electricity. The process is inefficient in that steam is often lost. By using graphene technologists think they can make power plants more efficient.

    With the operation of power plants, when steam has been used to drive the turbine, an attempt is made to condense it back into water and then the collected water is turned back into steam. This is a similar process with all power stations, whether they use fossil fuels or nuclear power to operate. This process is quite inefficient in that a sizeable quantity of the steam is lost through the condensers being unable to collect all of the gas.

    As a way to boost the collection efficiency of the steam, technologists have trailed out coating the inside of power plants with graphene, according to Controlled Environments. This layer is ultra-thin — just one atom thick.

    Graphene is a remarkably strong and low-weight material (it is 100 times stronger than steel and it conducts heat and electricity with great efficiency). The material is being investigated for many potential applications, including a new generation of quantum computers. The coating for power plants is a new application.

    Graphene works because it does not absorb water, but passes it back into the system, thereby conserving more steam. It is also highly durable, meaning that the single atom thick layers would not need replacing very often.

    Studies have shown the graphene layer boosts heat transfer, resulting in more steam being collected. Initial figures show a collection efficiency improvement of around 3 percent. This may not sound like much, but in energy and cost terms it is quite considerable. Furthermore, in capturing more steam, this reduces the level of carbon emissions.

    The research was conducted at MIT and the findings will soon be published in the journal Nano Letters.

    Source : Digital Journal
  16. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2015 11:47
    Centre to cut energy demand by 10 GW with LED bulbs - Mr Goyal

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power, shared that the Centre’s plan of reducing the energy demand of the country during peak hours by around 10,000 MW, identifying LED bulbs as central to the vision.

    Mr Goyal wrote, while answering a query in a question-and-answer session held by him on Facebook, said that “I am delighted to see the response of all people of India in our efforts to save electricity. The plan is to cut down energy demand by nearly 10,000 MW in peak hours by changing all LED lights in street and homes by 2019. This itself will save power to the tune of USD 2 billion.”

    He said that “Apart from this, we are focusing on star rated electrical appliances being encouraged and improving industrial energy efficiency to give an overall saving of about 100 billion units a year, that is 10% of our current consumption by 2019. This power and cash saving I hope to utilize to power the homes of 280 million Indians deprived of energy access, sadly, 67 years after independence.”

    Earlier, Mr Goyal had noted that over the last one year, the cost of LED bulbs has come down drastically.

    Mr Goyal had said that “In September 2014 the cost of the LED bulb was INR 215, in November INR 149, in February INR 102. There has been a 74% deduction in the purchase of LED bulb in seven months and it is our mission to replace all bulbs with LED bulbs within 3 years.”

    Source : The Financial Express
  17. forum rang 10 voda 8 juni 2015 19:06
    SunEdison plans to invest USD 15 bln in India by 2022

    The Australian reported that SunEdison plans to invest USD 15 billion in India by 2022, as the renewable-energy company seeks to deepen in its foothold in a country where power producers have struggled to meet demand.

    Mr Pashupathy Gopalan, SunEdison’s top Asia executive, said that “We believe much of the growth in renewable energy in the next 15 years will be from emerging markets, and much of it will be from India and China.”

    Mr Gopalan said that SunEdison intends to develop solar and wind projects with a total power-generation capacity of 15 GW.

    In addition to its own USD 15 billion plan, SunEdison earlier this year agreed to invest about USD 2 billion in a JV with India’s Adani Group to build a factory to manufacture equipment for solar power plants.

    India wants to expand its power-generating capacity by 50% and increase the amount of electricity it gets from solar, wind and other renewable resources. About a third of India’s 1.2 billion people don’t have access to electricity.

    Currently, solar energy accounts for about 2.7 GW of India’s 255 GW of generating capacity, which is mostly fuelled by coal.

    SunEdison, a solar company, is also expanding into wind power. The company expects to meet its 15 GW India production target by building plants and acquiring existing generating capacity. As part of that strategy, SunEdison bought the wind assets of Spain-based Fersa Energias Renovables. That purchase gave the US-based company about 100 MW of wind assets in India.

    Source : The Australian
  18. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 16:47
    Renewable Energy to dominate the United Sates by 2050

    Well, that's wishful thinking. But one new study has outlined how the entire United States, all 50 states, can successfully transition to renewable energy by the year 2050.

    Finding a way to move away from fossil fuels into the clean energy sector is a daunting task, but a necessary one. Not only would it help the country combat ongoing climate change, but it also would create jobs, stabilize energy prices, and eliminate annual deaths due to air pollution.

    The world can still enjoy normal living standards while combating climate change and drastically cutting emissions, a new analysis says, but only with sweeping changes to agriculture, transport, food and fuel.

    An array of tree-shaped wind turbines is soon to make their debut in Paris, potentially revolutionizing this sector of renewable energy.

    According to a breakthrough study, scientists from the University of New South Wales have found a new way to use solar cells that makes them more efficient.

    A new Stanford study proposes a plan that will have the state of California running entirely on renewable energy by 2050, creating a healthier environment, generating jobs and stabilizing energy prices.

    According to the findings, published in the journal Energy and Environmental Sciences, converting to clean, renewable energy would require aggressive changes to both infrastructure and the ways we currently consume energy. The good news is that this feat is both technically and economically possible by using certain available technologies throughout the United States.

    Mr Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University, who led the study, said in a statement that "The main barriers are social, political and getting industries to change. One way to overcome the barriers is to inform people about what is possible. By showing that it's technologically and economically possible, this study could reduce the barriers to a large scale transformation."

    Mr Jacobson and his colleagues calculated how to meet each state's new power demands using only renewable energy, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and tidal and wave.

    They started by looking at the current energy demands of each state from fuel resources, coal, oil, gas, nuclear, renewables and then determined what their energy demands would be if everything was replaced with electricity. That would mean every car would be electric, and all homes and industries would convert fully to electrified heating and cooling.

    Mr Jacobson said that "When we did this across all 50 states, we saw a 39% reduction in total end-use power demand by the year 2050. About 6%age points of that is gained through efficiency improvements to infrastructure, but the bulk is the result of replacing current sources and uses of combustion energy with electricity."

    Source : Nature World News
  19. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 16:50
    US EIA releases June 2015 Short-Term Energy Outlook

    Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 38 times viewed

    Mr Adam Sieminski, Administrator of US Energy Information Administration, issued the following comments on EIA’s June 2015 Short-Term Energy Outlook, which was released on Tuesday:


    Global oil supply is forecast to continue to exceed demand through the end of next year, boosting global oil inventories.

    Crude Oil:
    US oil production since mid-2014 has been more resilient to lower crude prices than many had expected, as reflected in modest upward revisions in fourth quarter 2014 and Q1 2015 data.

    Despite the large decline in crude oil prices since June 2014, this May’s estimated oil output in the United States is the highest for any month since 1972, but production still is expected to decline in the second half of this year. Even with slower oil production growth, U.S. net oil imports in 2016 are expected to meet the smallest share of domestic petroleum and other liquid fuels demand since 1969.

    The United States will likely produce and import more biomass-based diesel fuel over the next two years if newly proposed federal renewable fuel standard targets are issued as final rules.

    US monthly average pump prices are expected to decline from their May level through the rest of this year. Despite increases in vehicle fuel efficiency, U.S. gasoline consumption is up because more people are working and gasoline prices are low.

    Natural Gas:
    US natural gas production is expected to reach a record in July.

    Consumers will pay higher power bills to stay cool this summer because temperatures are forecast to be warmer than last year and retail electricity prices will be up in most areas of the country. The typical household will pay $412 for electricity this summer, which is 4.8% more than last summer.

    Coal consumption by the U.S. electric power sector is expected to decline 7% this year as lower natural gas prices make gas a more attractive fuel for generating electricity.

    Source :
  20. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2015 16:53
    RWE talks Abu Dhabi investor on renewable energy projects

    Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 47 times viewed

    Al Arabiya reported that talks between RWE and an unnamed Abu Dhabi investor are focused on joint renewable energy projects in the Gulf region and are not about the sale of a stake in the German utility.

    RWE, under pressure from shareholders to tap new growth areas, said in March that it was in talks with a Gulf-based investor about several forms of cooperation, adding nothing could be excluded in terms of outcomes.

    Asked whether talks were about a stake purchase, Mr Peter Terium, CEO of RWE, said pointing to solar, wind, networks and wholesale markets as potential areas that “No, it’s about projects in the region,”

    He said on the sidelines of an economic conference in Berlin that “That, of course, takes time and then it’s about the question how they will be financed.”

    Mr Terium said that potential projects would initially take off in the United Arab Emirates, adding that other markets could not be ruled out. He confirmed that talks could still see the investor, which he declined to identify, take a stake in RWE.

    He said that “Nothing can be ruled out in our business.”

    Europe’s utilities are grappling with a fundamental shift in their industry marked by a surge in renewables at the expense of conventional power sources, such as coal and gas.

    Source : Al Arabiya
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