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  1. forum rang 10 voda 13 februari 2015 13:24
    Renewable energy sector to attract USD 200 billion - Mr Goyal

    The government said that India's renewable energy sector is looking at attracting USD 200 billion in investments as several domestic and international firms queue up to tap the potential of green power.

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Power, Coal and Renewable Energy Minister, said that "In terms of companies which are participating, several have committed to invest in renewable energy and those commitments total to numbers which even are more than the entire mission we have set up."

    Mr Goyal said that "We are looking at nearly twice the amount of interest than what our target is, more than 200 GW or 2,00,000 MW, with investments of USD 200 billion."

    The government aims to have 1,00,000 MW of installed solar power capacity by 2022 from the present around 3,000 MW.

    He said that the government is also looking at rooftop solar model.

    He said that "We are not only looking at large plants so 40,000 MW we are planning to do through rooftop solar. As for bringing the states on board for the renewable energy programme. I am talking to 7-8 states where there is a lot of solar energy potential. Looking at whether we can have some common and simplified way to set up solar plant."

    The government may even contemplate making the land owners as stakeholders in the projects so that they get annual or monthly rent. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is organising Renewable Energy Global Investors Meet & Expo (RE-Invest) from 15th to 17th February 2015 in New Delhi.

    The central theme of RE-Invest is to attract large scale investments for the renewable energy sector in India.

    Currently, renewable energy contributes about 6.5% in the electricity mix of the country. It is proposed that this would be taken to about 12 per ent in the next three years.

    Source -
  2. forum rang 10 voda 13 februari 2015 19:21
    Elsevier Uw geld: waarom zuinig zijn met energie veel geld kost

    Bij het kapotgaan van een oude koelkast, of het plaatsen van een nieuwe keuken, lijkt het energiezuinigste model de meest logische keuze. Dat is weliswaar goed voor het milieu, maar niet per se voor uw portemonnee.

    Wie een oude vaatwasser of koelkast vervangt door een nieuw model, bespaart fors op de energiekosten: huishoudapparatuur wordt steeds zuiniger.

    Energielabel 'A' – voor zuinige apparaten – moet inmiddels al etiketten 'A+' tot en met 'A+++-50%' laten voorgaan. Dat scheelt flink in het stroomverbruik, maar goedkoop zijn die milieuvriendelijke machines niet. Weegt het lagere verbruik op tegen de extra investering?


    Een energiezuinige wasmachine, koelkast of vaatwasser uitzoeken, is niet lastig, want zelfs de meest onzuinige apparaten hebben tegenwoordig allemaal energielabel 'A' of hoger. Dat levert een aardige besparing op, want terwijl een tien jaar oude koelvriescombinatie gemiddeld 350 kilowattuur (kWh) elektriciteit per jaar verbruikt, hebben nieuwere modellen met energielabel 'A+' aan 250 kWh genoeg.

    Met een stroomprijs van 23 cent per kilowattuur kost die oude koelkast ruim 80 euro per jaar aan elektriciteit. Een nieuwe koelkast is 20 euro per jaar goedkoper. De zuinigste koelkasten, met energielabel, 'A+++', zijn nog goedkoper: die verbruiken jaarlijks slechts 150 kWh aan stroom, waardoor ze in de jaarrekening voor nog geen 35 euro meetellen.


    Bij het kapotgaan van een oude koelkast, of het plaatsen van een nieuwe keuken, lijkt het energiezuinigste model daarom de meest logische keuze. Dat is weliswaar goed voor het milieu, maar niet per se voor uw portemonnee: de zuinigste koelkasten zijn meer dan 250 euro duurder dan hun minder zuinige collega's, terwijl ze in het verbruik slechts 25 euro per jaar goedkoper zijn. De investering levert dus pas na tien jaar wat op.

    Dat geldt ook voor vaatwassers: relatief zuinige machines met een 'A+'-label staan te kust en te keur bij witgoedwinkels voor minder dan 350 euro. Per wasbeurt gebruiken ze gemiddeld 12 liter water en iets meer dan een kilowattuur aan stroom. Het apparaat jaarlijks 280 keer laten draaien – het gemiddelde waar de Europese Unie bij het vaststellen van de energielabels van uitgaat – kost 280 kWh stroom en 3.360 liter water. Bij elkaar kost dat pakweg 69 euro aan stroom en water.


    De goedkoopste vaatwassers met energielabel 'A+++' kunnen toe met minder dan 0,7 kWh en 7 liter water per wasbeurt. Daardoor maken ze uw vieze vaat voor ruim 20 euro per jaar minder schoon, maar u moet meer dan 700 euro neerleggen om de apparaten aan te schaffen. Die investering verdient zich dus pas na meer dan zeventien jaar terug.

    Uiteraard kunt u zich met die energiezuinige apparaten wel voorbereiden op stijgende stroom- en waterprijzen – zo verdubbelde het kabinet dit jaar de belasting op leidingwater – maar die moeten wel heel hard stijgen, willen koelkasten en vaatwassers met het label 'A+++' onder de streep echt een plusje opleveren.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2015 16:48
    Bankers commits to finance78,000 MW renewable projects

    The Hindustan Times reported that committing close to INR 5 lakh crore funds to fuel India's green energy plans, as many as 27 foreign and India's top public and private sector banks have assured to finance 78,000 MW of renewable energy projects.

    Mr Upendra Tripathi, secretary, ministry of new and renewable energy, said that "We have a commitment from 27 banks to fund 72,000 MW of RE projects. It's a great achievement, as earlier banks were vary of putting funds in the sector.”

    State Bank of India chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya had earlier said that the bank will provide INR 75,000 crore to fund 15,000 mw of RE projects over 5 years.

    Mr Tripathi said that many other domestic and foreign banks are also keen to join the initiative.

    The commitment by the banks comes within a day after nearly 300 companies submitted their commitments to the government to set up 266,000 MW of solar, wind and other RE projects in the next 5 to 7 years. The combined funds requirement for setting up such capacities is estimated at over USD 300 billion.

    Mr TM Bhasin, chairman of Indian Banks' Association, said that "We would support the renewable energy initiative. Banks would lend as per the economic viability of the projects and also depending on the respective board approvals."

    To ensure that such big commitments by the companies were for real, and not mere numbers to impress the government, a closed-door meeting was held by Mr Piyush Goyal, power, coal and renewable energy minister of India, with around 40 CEOs of these top-notch companies.

    A CEO who attended the meeting said that "The minister was very categorical and gave us one week's time to come back with an assessed figure, which we can actually deliver, he told us that if some of us have overstreched the limits in terms of our balance sheets etc, we can come back and correct these figures. After which the government will hold us responsible to deliver this capacity as we are making this commitment to the Prime Minister."

    Following directions from Mr Narendra Modi, PM of India, a meeting was chaired by cabinet secretary Mr Ajit Seth with 13 secretaries of various ministries for over 3 hours to ensure effective co-ordination with states. The meeting was held to put a proper policy framework in place so that no project gets stuck for want of clearances.

    Mr Tripathi said that "If interests worth 266,000 MW green capacity have come, it's also a big challenge for the government to ensure that nothing gets stuck for any lapse on our end, today's meeting taken by the cabinet secretary, depicts the seriousness with which the government wants to take forward this initiative."

    He said that "The secretary in the meeting today passed instructions to ensure that clearances are given to domestic and foreign companies - whether relating to land, capital requirement, labour requirement, grid connectivity."

    Source - The Hindustan Times
  4. forum rang 10 voda 23 februari 2015 21:25
    Shell stelt teerzand activiteiten Canada voor onbepaalde tijd uit

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) heeft maandag aangekondigd zijn plannen voor de ontwikkeling van een teerzand mijn in West-Canada voor onbepaalde tijd uit te stellen.

    Het concern meldde dat het zijn aanvraag voor het project, bekend als de Pierre River mijn, met een mogelijke productiecapaciteit van 200.000 olievaten per dag in het noorden van Alberta heeft ingetrokken.

    De stap volgt op de beslissing van Shell vorige maand om 10% van de in totaal 3.000 aan teerzand gerelateerde banen te schrappen.

    Shell was het eerste grote energieconcern dat besloot het aantal werknemers te verminderen in Canada, in reactie op de recente daling van de olieprijzen.

    "De Pierre River mijn biedt perspectief op de lange termijn, maar is nu op dit moment geen prioriteit", aldus Shell Canada president Lorraine Mitchelmore in een verklaring. "Onze huidige focus ligt in het zo economisch- en ecologisch zo concurrerend mogelijk maken van de zware-olie-industrie."

    - Door Chester Dawson; Vertaald en bewerkt door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

  5. forum rang 10 voda 24 februari 2015 16:48
    Indian NTPC to invest USD 10 bln in renewable energy projects

    Clean Technica reported that renewable energy capacity contributes 0.25% to the total installed power capacity of India's largest power generation company, NTPC Limited. This, however, could change dramatically if the company fulfills the commitment it stated recently.

    NTPC Limited plans to invest USD 10 billion to set up 10 GW of renewable energy capacity over the next 5 years. A large part of this capacity is expected in the form of solar power projects. The company has been asked by several state governments to set up large-scale solar parks and is reported to have 3 GW solar power capacity in its pipeline.

    NTPC has already issued at least 4 tenders of 250 MW solar power capacity each. These projects will be installed across 4 different states.

    The commitment made by NTPC is very encouraging as it owns India's largest thermal power capacity. Usually state-owned companies do not face as many problems as the private project developers who have to jostle for coal and even import coal at very high prices. In such a case, the country's largest power producer moving to renewable energy capacity speaks volumes of the dramatic change the Indian power sector is undergoing.

    The ambitious target is also good news for renewable energy equipment makers based in India. Being a nationalized company NTPC will use only Indian-made equipment. All state-owned companies have been asked to source equipment from Indian manufacturers only. This policy has been implemented by the government to provide relief to Indian manufacturers, especially solar module manufacturers, which have been facing losses due to flood of cheap imported equipment from China and the US.

    Following the announcement of this policy, NTPC made it clear that the solar panels used in the 4 projects covered in the recent auction will be sourced from Indian manufacturers only. Thus, the USD 10 billion commitment made by NTPC is not only a positive news for Indian solar module manufacturers, but also the Indian power sector as a whole which awaits a real shift towards clean energy and away from coal-based power infrastructure.

    Source - Clean Technica
  6. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2015 16:50
    Govt's proposal to double clean energy cess on coal to hike power tariff

    PTI reported that government's proposal to double the clean-energy cess on coal may lead to increase in power tariff for consumers, with state-run behemoth Coal India Ltd itself anticipating an impact of INR 5,000 crore.

    The cess is presently levied on coal, peat and lignite to finance and promote clean energy initiatives and fund research in this area.

    Mr Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister of India, said while presenting the Budget 2015 to 2016 that "In indirect taxes, I propose to increase the Clean Energy Cess from 100 to 200 per tonne of coal, etc to finance clean environment initiatives."

    According to Coal India source, the impact would to the tune of INR 5,000 crore. But it would be passed on the power consumers.

    The source said that the impact on power tariffs would be about 4 paise per unit.

    NTPC said that “From the increase in cess it is likely that the cost of generation would go up by 5 to 6 paise per unit.”

    Reacting to the development,Mr Ravi Uppal, MD and CEO of JSPL, said that "It will increase the energy charge. It will make a difference of 10 to 12 paise per unit of power."

    In the last budget, the government had increased the cess to INR 100 from INR 50 per tonne.

    Mr Debasish Mishra, Senior Director (Consulting) Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited, said that "Clean energy cess of INR 200 per tonne of coal would result in consumer paying 6 to 7 paise per unit of power, which is not significant. This is a step in right direction and along with the target to achieve 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, it demonstrates India's commitment to tackle climate change."

    He said that the money collected through coal cess should be clearly be made available in research to reduce costs of renewable energy and spending in green transmission grid.

    The Economic Survey 2014 to 2015 said that there should be a five-fold hike in coal cess to around INR 500 per tonne from the existing level of INR 100 per tonne in order to bring down carbon emissions drastically.

    Source - PTI
  7. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2015 16:51
    India to set up 5 new ultra mega power projects - Govt

    The government said that India will set up 5 more ultra mega power projects, entailing investments of around INR 1 lakh crore.

    Mr Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister of India, said in his first full-year Budget for 2015-16 that "5 more ultra mega power projects under the plug and play model will be set up with total investments of INR 1 lakh crore."

    UMPP is coal-based thermal power project that has 4,000 MW generation capacity.

    The minister, however, did not announce the states where these projects are proposed to be set up.

    Mr Jaitley said that under the 'plug and play' system coal blocks will be auctioned after they are granted various clearances to speed up and simplify mining and get better valuation.

    One such project is likely to be set up in power starved state of Bihar. The proposed plant in Bihar may be fed from a mine either in Jharkhand or Odisha.

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Union Power Minister, had said in November that sufficient number of coal blocks will be allotted for the purpose.

    Power Finance Corporation is the nodal agency for UMPPs in the country.

    So far, 4 UMPPs have been awarded, of which Sasan, Krishnapatnam and Tilaiya have been bagged by Reliance Power. TATA Power is operating the Mundra UMPP in Gujarat.

    Source - PTI
  8. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2015 21:08
    Power of 5 projects will light up energy sector :Budget 2015

    Times of India reported that it's plug-and-play time on a green turf for the power sector. 5 showcase projects, higher pollution tax on coal and a big push to renewable energy sources mark the government's formula for powering economic growth.

    The formula fits with the government's promise to guarantee 24x7 power supply in the next few years. The five new ultra-mega power projects with all clearances and fuel allocations ready before being bid out, create a captive market for a billion-tonne coal production in the next few years. And the target of 1,75,000 MW renewable energy capacity by 2022 would help India shine at the Paris climate talks, scheduled for December, on the roadmap to cut its carbon footprint.

    The proposed doubling of green cess on coal from INR 100 per tonne to INR 200 for funding investment in renewable sources and clean coal technology for power plants bolsters India's claim that it is serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but at its own pace. However, some unanswered questions remain.

    Mr Manish Agarwal of KPMG doubts whether the power sector has the financial capacity to invest in the five new showcase projects totalling 20,000 MW. This doubt is natural, given that the financial sector is stressed over 16,000 MW gasfired generation capacity idling for want of fuel. The mode of drawdown of coal cess so far accumulated and expected to be mopped up has not been described.

    Solar power is to have the lion's share of the renewable energy target at 1,00,000 MW, followed by 60,000 MW of wind energy, 10,000 MW biomass and 5,000 MW of small hydro projects of up to 25 MW each. Solar power generation capacity right now stands at 3,000 MW, accounting for 6.5% of the electricity mix.

    Mr Piyush Goyal, power minister of India, has said that India's renewable energy sector plans to attract USD 200 billion in investments as many domestic and international firms have shown interest in tapping the potential of green power.

    Source - Times of India
  9. forum rang 10 voda 4 maart 2015 16:24
    Nederlander vijf jaar langer aan roer bij RWE

    WOENSDAG 4 MAART 2015, 12:33 uur | 119 keer gelezen

    ESSEN (AFN) - De Nederlander Peter Terium blijft tot 2021 bestuursvoorzitter van de Duitse energiereus RWE. Het bedrijf maakte woensdag bekend dat de raad van commissarissen het contract van Terium, die sinds 2012 aan het roer staat, met vijf jaar heeft verlengd.

    De 51-jarige topman van het moederbedrijf van Essent zou volgens zijn huidige arbeidsovereenkomst in functie zijn tot 1 maart 2016. De raad van commissarissen wilde echter nu al zorgen voor continuïteit aan de top en brak dat contract daarom open.

    President-commissaris Manfred Schneider zei in een toelichting dat RWE er nog niet helemaal rooskleurig voor staat en dat Terium de tijd moet krijgen om zijn projecten voor de lange termijn door te voeren. Die stappen zijn van “aanzienlijk belang voor de optimalisatie” van RWE in de komende jaren, aldus Schneider.

    Ook bestuurder en hoofd personeelszaken Uwe Tigges blijft vijf jaar langer aan.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 4 maart 2015 16:42
    India to add 1 GW clean coal tech-based power capacity - Report

    A report said that India is expected to add more than 1,00,000 MW clean coal technology-based power generation capacity during the 2016 to 2025 period.

    GlobalData, a research and consulting firm, said that while the country's clean coal installations are at an nascent stage, many recent ultra mega power projects have adopted super critical technology.

    It said in a statement that "India's clean coal capacity is expected to increase by approximately 103 GW between 2016 and 2025, as the country seeks to meet its electricity demand."

    Besides, use of this technology in future projects would drive capacity additions over the forecast period.

    Super critical technology is more energy efficient.

    Mr Sowmyavadhana Srinivasan, Senior Analyst at GlobalData, said that "The country is not fully electrified and is subject to a large number of power cuts and power reliability uncertainties. In order to resolve this, India urgently requires many new installations, with coal as a significant contributor."

    According to GlobalData, in India, coal was the leading source of power generation with 160 GW last year, accounting for 59% of total installed capacity. This is expected to almost double by 2025.

    However, it said that growth of India's clean coal market could be limited by fluctuations in the international coal market as well as the government's increased emphasis on use of cleaner sources for power generation.

    Source - PTI
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 maart 2015 16:04
    Five 4,000 MW mega power projects in pipeline - Mr Goyal

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Union Power Minister, said that 5 more mega power projects of 4,000 MW capacity each are planned to be set up in the country.

    Mr Goyal said addressing a function at Shri Singaji Thermal Power Project that "5 more major power projects of 4,000 MW each are being planned to set up in the country."

    Mr Goyal praised Madhya Pradesh for setting up country's first 4,000 MW power plant.

    He said apparently referring to a private company's project in Singrauli district that “Madhya Pradesh was the first state in the country where 4,000 MW power plant has come up.”

    The minister said that work on the three mega power projects had began but out of them only one has come up in Madhya Pradesh, while the remaining ones are yet to be commissioned.

    Mr Goyal said that ever since the new government came at the Centre, Coal India's production capacity and power generation have jumped by 7 and 11%, respectively.

    He said that Madhya Pradesh will get INR 3,000 crore to improve its transmission and distribution network in power sector under 2 major Central government schemes.

    Source - PTI
  12. forum rang 10 voda 10 maart 2015 16:32
    Goedkopere energie drukt winst RWE

    DINSDAG 10 MAART 2015, 07:26 uur | 148 keer gelezen

    ESSEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Dalende energieprijzen en ongewoon zacht weer hebben de winst van het Duitse, internationaal actieve energieconcern RWE vorig jaar stevig gedrukt. Dat maakte het moederbedrijf van het Nederlandse Essent dinsdag bekend.

    RWE zag zijn nettowinst in 2014 met 45 procent slinken naar 1,3 miljard euro. Het operationele resultaat kromp met een kwart tot 4 miljard euro. Bezuinigingen en de verkoop van elektriciteitsnetwerken wogen niet op tegen de aanhoudend lage elektriciteitsprijzen. De totale omzet van de energiereus was met 48,5 miljard euro 7,5 procent lager dan in 2013.

    In Nederland en België, waar RWE de resultaten samenveegt, halveerde het operationele resultaat en ging er bijna een derde van de omzet af. Hier had RWE naar eigen zeggen last van“extreem mild weer” en stevige concurrentie. Daardoor stonden de winstmarges zwaar onder druk.


    RWE verwacht dit jaar een verdere winstdaling ,,ondanks aanhoudende maatregelen om kosten te besparen en groeiplannen. Het concern verwacht een operationele winst van 3,6 à 3,9 miljard euro en een nettowinst tussen 1,1 en 1,3 miljard euro.

    “Stellen dat we het ergste achter de rug hebben is voorbarig”, zei de Nederlandse bestuursvoorzitter Peter Terium in een toelichting. “De dramatische situatie bij de conventionele opwekking van elektriciteit is een te grote last. De verslechtering gaat zo ver en zo snel dat we geen compenserende maatregelen kunnen treffen”. De topman verwacht dat de opwekkingsactiviteiten, RWE Generation, in de “niet zo verre toekomst” een operationeel verlies zullen lijden.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 11 maart 2015 14:53
    E.ON lijdt recordverlies door afschrijvingen

    DUSSELDORF (Dow Jones)--E.ON se heeft over 2014 een nettoverlies geleden door hoge afwaarderingen, en waarschuwt dat de lagere olieprijzen en negatieve valuta-effecten de winst dit jaar verder kunnen drukken.

    Het Duitse nutsbedrijf leed over afgelopen jaar een nettoverlies van EUR3,2 miljard, het grootste ooit voor E.ON, tegen een winst van EUR2,1 miljard in 2013.

    De onderliggende winst, waar eenmalige posten uit worden gefilterd, daalde met 24% tot EUR1,6 miljard. De winst voor rente, belasting, afschrijving en amortisatie (EBITDA) zakte 9% tot EUR8,3 miljard.

    Analisten rekenden op een aangepaste winst van EUR1,7 miljard en een EBITDA van EUR8,4 miljard.

    Voor 2015 rekent E.ON op een EBITDA van EUR7 miljard tot EUR7,6 miljard en een onderliggende winst van EUR1,4 miljard tot EUR1,8 miljard.

    Door Natalia Drozdiak; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

  14. forum rang 10 voda 17 maart 2015 19:46
    China's power consumption falls 6.3pct in February 2015

    The National Energy Administration announced that electricity consumption fell 6.3% YoY in February, reaching 359.5 billion KWh.

    This brings the total power consumption of the first 2 months of the year to 845.4 billion KWh, up 2.5% YoY.

    During the period, power use in primary industries fell 2.5% while secondary industries saw an increase of 1.5% and usage by the tertiary industry surged 8.1%.

    Meanwhile, residential power consumption grew 2.6% YoY.

    During the first 2 months, newly installed power generation capacity hit 13.42 million KW, mostly thermal 7.87 million KW. Newly installed hydro-power capacity was 1.39 million KW during the period.

    Source - Xinhua
  15. forum rang 10 voda 18 maart 2015 16:31
    'Sjeik neemt mogelijk belang in RWE'

    WOENSDAG 18 MAART 2015, 15:25 uur | 177 keer gelezen

    ESSEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Duitse energieconcern RWE overweegt 10 procent van zijn aandelen te verkopen aan investeerders uit Abu Dhabi, waaronder sjeik Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Dat stelden ingewijden rond het moederbedrijf van het Nederlandse Essent woensdag.

    RWE zou met de stap de impact van dalende energieprijzen en de tegelijkertijd sterk oplopende schuldenlast willen bestrijden. Volgens de bronnen sprak RWE vorig jaar al met investeerders in het emiraat en is er geen zekerheid dat het ook daadwerkelijk tot een transactie komt.

    Aan het belang van 10 procent hangt naar verluidt een prijskaartje van 1,4 miljard euro. De aandelen van RWE zijn in de afgelopen twaalf maanden met 18 procent gedaald waardoor de waarde van het bedrijf is geslonken tot 14 miljard euro.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 20 maart 2015 10:52
    Gasunie boekt meer winst

    VRIJDAG 20 MAART 2015, 08:49 uur | 91 keer gelezen

    GRONINGEN (AFN) - De Nederlandse Gasunie heeft vorig jaar bijna een tiende meer winst geboekt dan in 2013. Hierdoor kon meer geld worden afgedragen aan de Nederlandse staat, maakte de netbeheerder vrijdag bekend. Voor dit jaar wordt wel een lager resultaat verwacht, mede omdat het bedrijf komende jaren minder uitbreidingsprojecten op de agenda heeft staan.

    De nettowinst kwam uit op 603 miljoen euro. Hiervan is 362 miljoen euro als dividend uitgekeerd aan de Staat, die de enige aandeelhouder is van het bedrijf. In 2013 was dat nog 325 miljoen euro.

    Gasunie profiteerde onder meer van de lagere energiekosten voor gastransport, door de relatief warme wintermaanden van vorig jaar. Het staatsbedrijf deed het daarnaast beter doordat het niet meer te maken had met een grote terugbetalingsverplichting. De omzet van Gasunie groeide vorig jaar met bijna 13 procent tot 1,7 miljard euro.


    Dat Gasunie voor 2015 uitgaat van een afname van de reguliere resultaten, heeft te maken met kortingen op de tarieven die door de toezichthouders in Nederland en Duitsland worden vastgesteld. Afgelopen jaren konden deze worden gecompenseerd door opbrengsten uit nieuwe infrastructuurprojecten. Maar komende jaren verschuiven de investeringen van Gasunie van uitbreidingen naar meer op vervangingen gerichte projecten.

    Gasunie is in 2013 een meerjarig vervangingsprogramma gestart dat moet waarborgen dat het Nederlandse netwerk van leidingen en pijpen ook komende decennia veilig, betrouwbaar en betaalbaar blijft. Het afnemen van de gaswinning in Groningen zorgt ervoor dat er komende jaren meer aardgas geïmporteerd zal moeten worden.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 20 maart 2015 16:06
    Indian power output up 10pct in April 2014 to February 2015

    Business Line reported that power generation in the country went up by 10% in the April 2014 to February 2015 period, with the country gearing up to meet greater electricity demand.

    According to the Central Electricity Authority, thermal power generation in particular went up nearly 12% during the period to 803,875.07 million units. The higher generation helped reduce the power supply deficit to 3.1% in January 2015 as against 3.3% in the same month last year.

    The drop in power supply deficit is even greater for the April to January 2015 period compared to the same period last year. The power supply deficit in the current fiscal till January was 3.8% as against 4.3% in the corresponding period last year.

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy Minister of India, said that “Nothing new has happened apart from the new Government coming to power. Such a growth in power generation hasn't happened in the last many years. We are certainly not happy about all of this. I have much more ambitious targets.”

    Source - Business Line
  18. forum rang 10 voda 20 maart 2015 21:28
    Wind, Natural Gas, and Solar Continue to Nudge Coal to the Curb

    03/10/2015 | Aaron Larson

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released 2015 scheduled capacity additions and retirements on Mar. 10, and the news was not good for the coal industry.

    As has been the trend for several years, coal-fired generation accounts for the majority of expected retirements (12.9 GW of the nearly 16 GW total). However, most of the retiring units are smaller and operate at lower capacity factors than the average for the U.S. coal-fired fleet.

    The term capacity factor is used to indicate how much electricity a generator actually produces relative to the maximum it could produce at continuous full power operation during the same period. Baseload plants typically run at higher capacity factors than variable sources, such as wind and solar facilities. Therefore, capacity additions do not necessarily reflect the amount of generation that will be provided to the grid. Coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants frequently operate at capacity factors of three to five times those of wind and solar facilities.

    The retirements at coal-fired plants are higher this year than would otherwise be expected, due to the implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). Many power plant operators have decided that upgrading older and smaller units to comply with MATS is cost prohibitive, so retirement is the best option.

    Over 60% of the retiring units are located in five states—Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, and Indiana—but those are not the states where most of the new generation is being installed.

    Wind is expected to add the most capacity in 2015 (9.8 GW), and most of that is being installed in the country’s midsection—from North Dakota and Minnesota in the north to Texas and New Mexico in the south.

    Natural gas additions are spread throughout the U.S., but Texas leads the way, adding 27% of the 6.3-GW total. The Mid-Atlantic region will see some significant additions as well, with four states—New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland—combining to add nearly as much as Texas, the state that was also recently flagged for having the highest power-sector CO2 emissions of any state in the U.S.

    Solar is expected to place third in capacity additions in 2015, with 2.2 GW of utility-scale (systems with at least 1 MW of capacity) additions planned. It’s no surprise that most of that will be installed in California (1.2 GW), but it may seem odd to see North Carolina second on the list. Both states have renewable portfolio standards that promote the use of solar power.

    Coinciding with the EIA’s 2015 capacity schedule announcement, GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association released the U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review report on Mar. 10. The release noted that the U.S. utility-scale segment broke the GW mark in 2011 and has since grown by nearly 1 GW annually, with 3.9 GW of utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) projects coming on-line in 2014. The report also indicated that 2014 was the first time in history that the three major U.S. market segments—utility, commercial, and residential—each installed more than one GW of PV capacity.

    One nuclear unit, Watts Bar 2, is scheduled to come online in 2015. If the Tennessee Valley Authority-owned plant does commence operation this year, it will be the first nuclear addition in the U.S. since Watts Bar Unit 1 entered service in May 1996. Four other nuclear units are currently under construction, two at the V.C. Summer plant in South Carolina and two at Plant Vogtle in Georgia.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2015 16:07
    Germany to give loan to India to strengthen power transmission lines in India

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Coal, Power and Renewable Energy, said that a development bank owned by the German government, the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, has agreed to provide a concessional loan of a billion euros over the next 6 years to augment and strengthen the nation's renewable power transmission infrastructure.

    Mr Goyal said that the synchronisation of power from renewable sources under the Green Energy Corridor project, with soft loan assistance from KfW have not begun yet because it is at different stages of implementation in different states.

    The minister further said that the Green Energy Corridor project will be helpful in grid stability, as it will evacuate renewable power from the generation points to load centres with creation of additional and adequate transmission capacity.

    Germany has also agreed to provide technical assistance of two million euros for forecasting, balancing, market design and network management in connection with grid integration of renewable power.

    Source – Business Standard
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