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  1. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2014 16:18
    India plans to boost investment in renewable energy sector - Mr Goyal

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power, Coal & New and Renewable Energy , said that in order to increase energy generation from renewable resources, the centre is planning to take steps to encourage global companies for investing in this sector. The Government is contemplating to seek international cooperation for importing technology to boost investment in renewable energy sector of the country.

    Mr Goyal said that as per the Global Status Report 2014 of Renewable Energy Policy Network, about USD 6.1 billion has been invested in renewable energy in India, whereas China has received investments worth about $ 56.3 billion in renewable energy during the year 2013 to 2014. The investment was mainly for solar and wind power projects.

    To showcase India’s renewable energy potential globally, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is organising the Global Renewable Energy Investment Promotion Meet from 15 to 17 February, 2015 in New Delhi as a follow up to the ‘Make in India’ initiatives launched by the Prime Minister.

    Mr Goyal said that “This meet will give an opportunity to all states to showcase their policies to facilitate investment, progressive, initiatives and investor friendly climate to attract investments in renewable energy.”

    Source – Business Standard
  2. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2014 16:39
    E.ON splitst zich op in twee bedrijven

    FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Het Duitse nutsbedrijf E.ON gaat zich in twee bedrijven opsplitsen, waarbij de aandacht bij het ene concern op hernieuwbare energie zal liggen en bij de ander op conventionele energie. Dat maakte het energiebedrijf zondag bekend.

    De activiteiten op het vlak van conventionele energieopwekking, wereldwijde handel in energie en de exploratie en productie-onderdelen krijgen een eigen beursnotering. De meerderheid van het nieuw te vormen concern zal in 2016 in handen zijn van E.ON aandeelhouders.

    Duitslands grootste nutsbedrijf naar marktwaarde wil zijn kernactiviteiten inkrimpen om zich te richten op hernieuwbare energie, zijn distributienetwerk en op het bieden van oplossingen voor klanten.

    Door Natalia Drozdiak. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

  3. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 21:39
    IEA: 40% of World’s Power Fleet Will Need to Be Replaced by 2040

    Events over the past year—turmoil in the oil-rich Middle East and the Russian-Ukraine gas crisis—along with uncertainty for nuclear power and pervading energy poverty worldwide show that the energy system is “under stress,” the International Energy Agency (IEA) says in its freshly released World Energy Outlook 2014 (WEO-2014).

    Despite technology and efficiency improvements, without actions from policy makers and industry, concerns about energy security and sustainability will continue through 2040, the annual report released on Nov. 12 concludes.

    In the report’s central scenario, global energy demand slows to 1% per year after 2025, resulting from policy effects and a general shift in the global economy away from heavy industry and towards service sectors. By 2040, the WEO-2014 predicts that the world’s energy supply will be split almost equally into four parts: oil, gas, coal, and low-carbon sources.

    However, electricity will be in short supply. About 7,200 GW of capacity will need to be built to replace existing power plants due to retire by 2040—which account for a stunning 40% of the current fleet. Building new capacity— thermal capacity as well as renewables—will require “adequate price signals,” says the IEA.

    Other trends show a shift towards more capital-intensive technologies and high fossil fuel prices, which will in turn drive up average power supply costs and end-user prices in most countries.

    Natural gas will see the fastest rate of growth among fossil fuels. The report forecasts that demand for global gas will be higher mostly in part due to China and the Middle East, but also in countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Gas is expected to become the leading fuel in the OECD energy mix by around 2030, owing to rules in the U.S. curbing power plant emissions, says the IEA.

    Coal, on the other hand, will see a 15% growth spurt through 2040, most of which will occur over the next decade. In the U.S., coal use for power generation could drop by a third, the IEA projects, though it will rise in India. India is poised to overtake the U.S. and become the world’s biggest coal consumer (and importer) by around 2020.

    Nuclear capacity is slated to increase from 392 GW in 2013 to more than 620 GW in 2040. But its share of global power generation will rise just one percentage point to 12%, because almost 200 reactors of the 434 operational at the end of 2013 will be retired during that period. New capacity will be installed in markets “where electricity is supplied at regulated prices, utilities have state backing or governments act to facilitate private investment,” says the IEA.

    The WEO-2014 also features a special report on power in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 620 million people have no access to electricity. The region is seeing soaring economic growth, but it continues to suffer a crippling shortage of electricity.

    The IEA recommends that sub-Saharan African countries should boost investment into their power sectors to reduce power outages by half and achieve universal electricity access in urban areas. Then, it calls for regional co-operation to increase power production from sources like large dams. Finally, it says that the continent’s energy future relies on how well government and industry can manage energy resources and revenues, stressing that transparency and efficiency will be integral to making improvements to Africa’s infrastructure.

    —Sonal Patel, associate editor (@POWERmagazine, @sonalcpatel)
  4. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 21:41
    E.ON to Spin Off Its Power Generation Business

    E.ON—a major investor-owned energy supplier that manages facilities across Europe, Russia, North America, Brazil, and Turkey—announced this week that it will embark on a new corporate strategy focused on renewables, distribution networks, and customer solutions, while combining its power generation, global energy trading, and exploration and production businesses into a new, independent company.

    “We are convinced that it’s necessary to respond to dramatically altered global energy markets, technical innovation, and more diverse customer expectations with a bold new beginning. E.ON’s existing broad business model can no longer properly address these new challenges. Therefore, we want to set up our business significantly different. E.ON will tap the growth potential created by the transformation of the energy world. Alongside it we’re going to create a solid, independent company that will safeguard security of supply for the transformation. These two missions are so fundamentally different that two separate, distinctly focused companies offer the best prospects for the future,” E.ON CEO Johannes Teyssen said in a press release.

    In a separate announcement, the company said that it has agreed to sell all of its Spanish and Portuguese businesses to Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund IV—an Australian investment firm—for €2.5 billion. It’s not the first time the two have done business. Macquarie also acquired E.ON’s German gas distribution business back in May 2012. The latest deal will include about 4 GW of coal, gas, and renewable capacity in Spain and Portugal. Teyssen said that the assets were high performing, but that the proceeds would increase E.ON’s financial flexibility and strengthen its balance sheet.

    Late last week, E.ON announced that it would sell an 80% interest in two U.S. wind farms that it owns. In that transaction, Enbridge Inc.—a Canadian company—will purchase stakes in the 203-MW Magic Valley 1 wind farm located near Harlingen, Texas, and the 202-MW Wildcat 1 wind farm near Elwood, Ind., for $650 million.

    E.ON also says it is exploring options for disposing of its Italian operations and will conduct a strategic review of its exploration and production business in the North Sea.

    Prior to all of the changes, the company—headquartered in Dusseldorf, Germany—was said to have more than 62,000 employees. The changes are sure to have workers on edge, but E.ON says it won’t be cutting jobs as a result of the spinoff. The company notes that management will work closely with employee representatives to work out the details of the new setup and to implement it, thereby improving the conditions for securing jobs.

    “We firmly believe that creating two independent companies, each with a distinct profile and mission, is the best way to secure our employees’ jobs. Our new strategy therefore isn’t a job-cutting program,” Teyssen said.

    E.ON expects to carry out the spinoff after approval by shareholders at their meeting in late April or early May 2016.

    —Aaron Larson, associate editor (@AaronL_Power, @POWERmagazine)

  5. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2014 16:17
    NTPC' power generation capacity is 43,128 MW - Mr Goyal

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of state for Power, Coal & New and Renewable Energy, said in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha that the present power generation capacity of NTPC is 43,128 MW. NTPC proposes to increase its existing power generation capacity to 3 fold.

    Mr Goyal said that the as per its long-term Corporate Plan, NTPC plans to have an installed capacity of 1,28,000 MW by 2032. Over 9% of this capacity is expected to be based on renewable energy sources.

    He said that in order to achieve its long-term plans, NTPC has signed Power Purchase Agreements with State distribution utilities for over 1,03,000 MW capacity and has also been allocated a 4000 MW project under AP Reorganization Act, 2013. Out of this, 43,128 MW has been commissioned and 23,854 MW is under construction.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2014 20:20
    'Eneco duurzaamste energiereus'

    MAANDAG 8 DECEMBER 2014, 19:41 uur | 224 keer gelezen

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Van de grote energiebedrijven is Eneco de meest duurzame stroomleverancier. Nuon en Essent scoren beide een onvoldoende. Deze conclusie trekt een maandag gepubliceerd onderzoek van Consumentenbond, Greenpeace, Hivos en Natuur & Milieu.

    De koplopers die een 10 scoren in het onderzoek op duurzaamheid, zijn vier kleine energiebedrijven: Windunie, Raedthuys, Huismerk Energie en Qurrent. De organisaties beoordeelden 32 stroomleveranciers op investeringen in stroomopwekking, productie, levering en inkoop van stroom.

    Daaruit blijkt dat sommige bedrijven verduurzamen. Vier van de vijf energiereuzen scoren echter een onvoldoende. “Juist deze vijf reuzen hebben de meeste impact op het klimaat. Gezamenlijk hebben zij een marktaandeel van 85 procent in Nederland. Als deze bedrijven tot de duurzame koplopers willen behoren, doen ze er slim aan om te kiezen voor energie uit zon, wind en pure biomassa.”


    Veel leveranciers hebben hun beleid inmiddels aangepast, zeggen de organisaties. Meer bedrijven scoren dan ook een voldoende. “E.On doet flinke duurzame investeringen. Ook maakte E.On op 1 december bekend dat zij haar kolen- en kerncentrales verkoopt. Dit telt echter nog niet mee voor deze ranking.”

    Maar er zijn ook flinke dalers. “Nuon is de bekendste en opvallendste. Dit komt omdat Nuon/Vattenfall vooral kiest voor kernenergie en kolenstroom. Ook GDF Suez kiest nog steeds vooral voor kolen.” Beide bedrijven hebben volgens het onderzoek wel plannen voor verduurzaming.

    Het onderzoek wil Nederlandse consumenten en bedrijven duidelijkheid geven over de duurzaamheid van groene stroom en van stroomleveranciers. “Zij kunnen hierdoor een weloverwogen keuze maken voor een energieleverancier.”
  7. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2014 15:57
    Moederbedrijf RWE gaat Essent aansturen

    ZATERDAG 13 DECEMBER 2014, 10:18 uur | 754 keer gelezen

    DEN BOSCH (AFN) - Energiebedrijf Essent, onderdeel van het Duitse energieconcern RWE, wordt vanaf volgend jaar volledig vanuit Duitsland aangestuurd. De Nederlandse topman Erwin van Laethem stapt op en wordt niet vervangen. Dit maakte Essent zaterdag bekend.

    Op verzoek van RWE blijft Van Laethem het komende half jaar nog de innovatieactiviteiten van het concern leiden. Eerder deze maand maakte Van Laethem nog bekend dat RWE zich wil omvormen tot een ICT-bedrijf dat verschillende technologische diensten levert aan huishoudens. Het bedrijf wil zich ook toeleggen op de verkoop van mediadiensten en misschien ook telefoniediensten of verzekeringen.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2014 16:27
    IEA: vraag naar steenkool stijgt door

    MAANDAG 15 DECEMBER 2014, 10:45 uur | 900 keer gelezen

    PARIJS (AFN) - De wereldwijde vraag naar steenkool blijft de komende jaren verder toenemen, tot 9 miljard ton in 2019. Dat maakte het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA) maandag bekend in zijn jaarlijkse rapport over de steenkoolmarkt.

    Volgens het IEA wordt de vraag vooral gestimuleerd door China, India en andere landen in Azië. In Europa en de Verenigde Staten neemt de vraag naar steenkool juist af. Ondanks de pogingen van grootverbruiker China om het steenkoolgebruik aan banden te leggen, is het land nog altijd goed voor het grootste deel van de toenemende vraag, aldus het IEA.

    Het IEA verwacht dat de gemiddelde vraag naar steenkool tot en met 2019 met 2,1 procent per jaar zal stijgen. Tussen 2010 en 2013 bedroeg de jaarlijkse groei van de vraag nog 3,3 procent.

    Volgens IEA-directeur Maria van der Hoeven leiden de beloftes en maatregelen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan de komende jaren nog niet tot een einde aan de groeiende vraag naar steenkool. Volgens haar is het verbruik op het huidige niveau niet houdbaar en moet meer worden geïnvesteerd in efficiëntere kolencentrales, vooral in opkomende landen.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2014 16:35
    TenneT legt nieuwe stroomkabel naar Noorwegen

    DINSDAG 16 DECEMBER 2014, 08:10 uur | 697 keer gelezen

    ARNHEM (AFN) - De Nederlandse hoogspanningsnetbeheerder TenneT gaat samen met partners in Duitsland en Noorwegen een meer dan 600 kilometer lange onderzeese stroomkabel leggen tussen die twee landen. Dat maakte TenneT dinsdag bekend.
    Met de investering is 1,5 tot 2 miljard euro gemoeid. TenneT zit voor een kwart in het project. De rest wordt bijgedragen door de Noorse netbeheerder Statnett en de Duitse investeringsbank KfW.

    TenneT verzorgt behalve het Nederlandse hoogspanningsnet ook netten in een groot deel van Duitsland. Het is de bedoeling dat er door middel van de kabel straks beter ingespeeld kan worden op lokale overschotten aan elektriciteit.

    De kabel, die in 2019 klaar moet zijn, krijgt een capaciteit van 1400 megawatt en is daarmee goed voor de levering van stroom aan 3,6 miljoen huishoudens.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 december 2014 13:23
    Indian government to invest USD 50 billion in power transmission projects

    PTI reported that with an ambitious target to give 24X7 electricity to all, the government is eyeing INR 300,000 crore worth investments in power transmission and distribution business, as it gears up to free the sector from a gridlock of fuel scarcity, regulatory clogs and other issues.

    Leading from the front, Mr Piyush Goyal, Power Minister of India, is confident that the results would start showing in the new year and a right foundation has been laid to 'power up' the power sector since a new government took over in May this year. The ray of hope for 2015 follows a year mostly marked with the drying up of investments, fuel supply bottlenecks and the gnawing transmission problems.

    Mr Goyal said that "We are planning investments of INR 3 lakh crore in the T&D sector and have already started the Deen Dayal Grameen Jyoti Yojana and Integrated Power Development Scheme, with all this I think we will be able to reach the length and breadth of the country and enhance the T&D network and make sure everybody gets adequate power."

    Source - PTI
  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2015 16:52
    Top firms should invest more in renewable energy R&D - Mr Pachauri

    Mr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, chairperson of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said that top oil and some of the better power generation companies in the country need to step up their investment in renewable energy research and development.

    Mr Pachauri, who is also director general of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), said that “In the renewable energy space, some of the energy companies in the country should invest a lot more. Whether it is ONGC, Oil India, Indian Oil or some of the better power companies, so that we can start preparing for non-fossil fuel-based energy supply.”

    On whether the government lacked funds for carrying out more research in renewable energy, he said, while the country had a “very very long way” to go in its research, the government should “restructure the way research is done” in the country. According to him, renewable energy research should be “result-oriented”.

    He said that the world would have to “treble or quadruple” energy generation target from zero-carbon sources by 2050 in order to limit global temperature increase to not more than two-degree celsius by the end of 21st century.

    He added that “This (renewable) is a sector that has a huge market in India. If overseas investors can invest in India’s renewable energy, and if we can develop renewable energy technologies and use them on a large scale, it can also then be expanded to other developing and even developed countries. I see India becoming a leader in the field of renewable energy, globally.”

    For India to scale higher targets under renewable energy generation, Mr Pachauri said that the Centre, through a policy change, should “target getting rid of subsidies on some fossil fuel sources of energy”. When asked whether the Centre was thinking on similar lines, he said, “I hope so, I don’t know”.

    As part of its mission to provide power to all homes, the Union government is encouraging industry with a slew of policies in the renewable energy sector to achieve an installed solar power of 100,000-MW in a decade from now.

    Source - Business Standard
  12. forum rang 10 voda 9 januari 2015 16:14
    Global coal demand to hit 9 billion tonne by 2019 - IEA

    The International Energy Agency in its annual Medium Term Coal Market Report released recently said that global demand for coal over the next 5 years will continue marching higher, breaking the 9 billion-tonne level by 2019.

    The report noted that despite China’s efforts to moderate its coal consumption, it will still account for three fifths of demand growth during the outlook period. Moreover, China will be joined by India, ASEAN countries and other countries in Asia as the main engines of growth in coal consumption, offsetting declines in Europe and the United States.

    Ms Maria van der Hoeven executive director, of IEA “We have heard many pledges and policies aimed at mitigating climate change but over the next five years they will mostly fail to arrest the growth in coal demand.”

    Ms der Hoeven said that “Although the contribution that coal makes to energy security and access to energy is undeniable, I must emphasise once again that coal use in its current form is simply unsustainable. For this to change, we need to radically accelerate deployment of carbon capture and sequestration.”

    She said also called for more investment in high-efficiency coal-fired power plants, especially in emerging economies. She said that “New plants are being built, in an arc running from South Africa to Southeast Asia, but too many of these are based on decades-old technology. Re-grettably, they will be burning coal inefficiently for many years to come.”

    The report said that global coal demand growth has been slowing in recent years and the report sees that trend continuing. Coal demand will grow at an average rate of 2.1% per year through 2019. This compares to the 2013 report’s forecast of 2.3% for the 5 years through 2018 and the actual growth rate of 3.3% per year between 2010 and 2013.

    As has been the case for more than a decade, the fate of the global coal market will be determined by China. The world’s biggest coal user, producer and importer has embarked on a campaign to diversify its energy supply and reduce its energy intensity and the resulting increase in gas, nuclear and renewables will be staggering.

    However, the IEA report shows that despite these efforts and under normal macoeconomic circumstances, Chinese coal consumption will not peak during the five-year outlook period.

    The report’s forecasts come with considerable uncertainities, especially regarding the prospect of new policies affecting coal. Authorities in China as well as in key markets like Indonesia, Korea, Germany and India, have announced policy changes that could sharply affect coal market fundamentals. The possibility of these policy changes becoming reality is compounding uncertainty resulting from the current economic climate.

    Source - The Sun News Online
  13. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2015 17:02
    Chinese total power generation rises 3.2pct in 2014

    Reuters reported that China's total power generation rose 3.2% in 2014, the slowest growth rate in 16 years after demand was hit by softer economic growth and milder weather over the year.

    According to the data published by the National Bureau of Statistics, the country produced 5.4638 trillion KWh in 2014.

    The annual growth rate more than halved from 7.5% in the previous year to the lowest since 1998, when power output growth dropped to 2.8% after the Asian financial crisis hit industrial demand.

    Analysts said that overall economic growth is set to slow further this year, and industries and local governments are also under pressure to meet 2015 energy efficiency targets, meaning that power output growth is unlikely to recover to previous highs.

    Mr Zhou Hao, Shanghai-based economist at ANZ Bank, said that "Electricity demand is largely due to the needs of heavy industry, which accounts for around 70% of the total and I don't see signs of a recovery in this sector.”

    He said that "Slow construction activity will continue to weigh on power consumption amid a soft Chinese property market."

    Power output in December 2014 was 490.2 billion KWh up just 1.3% on the same month a year earlier.

    China's energy administration said last week that total power consumption rose 3.8% to 5.523 trillion KWh in 2014, with installed capacity rising 8.7% to 1,360 GW.

    Source - Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 28 januari 2015 16:40
    India needs extra 455GW capacity to meet power demand by 2034 - PwC

    Research firm PwC said that India will require an additional 455 GW of installed capacity and significant investment in setting up transmission and distribution network to meet the country's power demand by 2034.

    According to its recent report, titled 'The Future of India: The Winning Leap', there was a need to shift power generation capacity toward non-coal sources and increase use of digital and communication technology to automate information gathering, which can help reduce costs.

    The research firm said in a statement that "By adopting non-traditional solutions India could increase access to power for more than 300 million additional people by 2034, with annual per capita consumption of 1,800 KW for those connected to the grid. To meet this desired outcome, India would require an additional 455 GW of installed capacity along with significant investments and operational in T&D networks."

    The report said that using traditional sources to achieve these targets would require investments of almost USD 900 billion over the next 2 decades.

    It said that "To put things into perspective, India spent only USD 120 billion of the available USD 170 billion in the 11th Five Year Plan on power infrastructure. Hence, achieving the winning leap target through traditional means would require current investments to be doubled on an annual basis."

    According to PwC, if India shifts its power generation capacity toward non-coal sources, only then it can meet the increased need for power in an environmentally sustainable way.

    It further said that the government should encourage private participation in transmission and distribution.

    The report said that "For improving efficiency in the power system there is a need to encourage private-sector participation in power retail. Utility customers want a better experience, including more pricing options, and private sector companies could satisfy this unmet need. India has historically invested more in power generation than power distribution. If private companies handled more distribution, the entire value chain could be strengthened."

    It added that investing and developing capabilities in advanced storage and distributed power could go a long way toward addressing the challenge of rural power distribution in India.

    Source -
  15. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2015 15:53
    Flinke winstdaling voor Gazprom

    DONDERDAG 29 JANUARI 2015, 09:20 uur | 1064 keer gelezen

    MOSKOU (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Russische staatsgasconcern Gazprom is in het derde kwartaal op een winst uitgekomen die 62 procent lager ligt dan een jaar eerder. Dat maakte 's werelds grootste gasproducent donderdag bekend.

    Het nettoresultaat bedroeg 106 miljard roebel (1,36 miljard euro). De sterke winstdaling is vooral te wijten aan de zwakke roebel. De omzet nam met 5,9 procent af tot 1,1 biljoen roebel. Gazprom heeft ook te maken met een afnemende export naar Europa. Het concern levert ongeveer 30 procent van de Europese aardgasbehoefte.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2015 16:40
    Chinese power consumption and thermal output rises in 2014

    It is reported that China’s industrial sector consumes almost 70% of the overall electricity consumption in the country. The high energy-intensive sectors, steel, chemical, cement and paper industries, are responsible for 50% of the total industrial electricity consumption.

    In the last few months of 2014, China’s policymakers tried to limit the nation’s appetite for energy. This indicated rapid industrialization and economic growth. China is a voracious energy consumer. It changed the global energy markets and the geopolitics of energy security.

    According to data from China’s National Energy Administration, in December, China’s power consumption was 511.7 billion KWh. This was an increase of 10.5% from the levels in November. In December, China’s electricity consumption rose 4.7% YoY. This was the highest volume level since August 2014. It was the largest MoM growth in almost a year.

    Consumption for full year 2014 was 5.52 trillion KWh, an increase of 3.8% from last year. It was half the pace of last year’s growth.

    The rise may be partially due to the government shutting down large numbers of factories in areas around Beijing in November. The factories closed in order to ensure blue skies for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Beijing focused on reducing pollution. That month, it cut an estimated 25% off the steel production and 3% across industries overall.

    As a result, power consumption would have recorded an increase. In December, factories restarted their production to catch up on all of the lost volume.

    According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s power output increased 1.3% in December. It increased to 490.2 billion KWh compared to the same period last year. Thermal plants’ power output increased 13.3% from last year. Hydroelectric power was down 29.4%.

    In 2014, total power generation rose 3.2% to 5.46 trillion KWh compared to the previous year. This was the slowest growth rate in 16 years. Demand was hit by softer economic growth and milder weather over the year. The growth rate narrowed by more than half. The growth rate was 7.5% in 2013.

    For 2015, the overall economic growth is estimated to slowdown more. As a result, industries and local governments are also under pressure to meet the 2015 energy efficiency targets. According to industry analysts, this means that power output growth likely won’t recover to previous highs.

    Source –

  17. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2015 15:21
    Renewable energy costs may drops to 40pct in next few years - IRENA

    According to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency, the cost of generating power from renewable energy sources has reached parity or dropped below the cost of fossil fuels in many parts of the world.

    IRENA's report 'Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014,' said that biomass, hydropower, geothermal and onshore wind are all competitive with or cheaper than coal, oil and gas-fired power stations, even without financial support and despite falling oil prices. The report was released at IRENA's annual conference in Abu Dhabi this month.

    Solar photovoltaic power generation is leading the cost decline, with solar PV module costs falling 75% since the end of 2009 and the cost of electricity from utility-scale solar PV falling 50% since 2010.

    The cost of electricity for residential solar systems by country from 2010 through 2014.

    In a separate report issued by Deutsche Bank this month, the cost to generate power through solar power was predicted to drop by 40% over the next 2 to 4 years. Deutsche Bank has also reported that the cost of rooftop solar power is expected to beat coal and oil-fired plant energy costs in just two years.

    In the US the amount of electricity generated through the use of renewable sources is steadily climbing.

    Mr Adaba Sultan Ahmed al Jabber, the minister of state of the United Arab Emirates, said during a presentation at the conference that trend in solar costs would not be affected by plummeting oil prices. His comments were first reported by the online publication RenewEconomy.

    Mr Adnan Amin, DG of IRENA, said in a statement that renewable energy projects across the world are now matching or outperforming fossil fuels, particularly when accounting for externalities like local pollution, environmental damage and ill health.

    Mr Amin said that "The game has changed; the plummeting price of renewables is creating a historic opportunity to build a clean, sustainable energy system and avert catastrophic climate change in an affordable way.”

    Key findings in IRENA's report include the average cost for renewables, such as solar PV.

    Solar panel prices have dropped 75% since 2009, and those prices are expected to continue to drop. Residential solar PV systems are now as much as 70% cheaper to install than in 2008. From 2010 through the end of 2014, utility-scale solar PV costs dropped as much as 65%.

    The average cost of wind energy ranges from USD 0.06 per KWh in China and Asia to USD 0.09 per KWh in Africa. North America also has competitive wind projects, with an average cost of USD 0.07 per KWh and some as low as USD 0.04 per KWh.

    The most competitive utility-scale solar PV projects are delivering electricity for USD 0.08 per KWh without financial support from governments and lower prices are possible with inexpensive financing costs from solar providers.

    Mr Amin said that "It has never been cheaper to avoid dangerous climate change, create jobs, reduce fuel import bills and future-proof our energy system with renewables. This requires public acknowledgement of the low price of renewables, an end to subsidies for fossil fuels, and regulations and infrastructure to support the global energy transition."

    Source -
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 februari 2015 16:32
    Warm weer kost Nuon veel omzet

    DONDERDAG 5 FEBRUARI 2015, 09:53 uur | 577 keer gelezen

    STOCKHOLM (AFN) - De gifbeker is nog lang niet leeg voor energieconcern Vattenfall. Het Zweedse moederbedrijf van Nuon had afgelopen jaar onverminderd last van zware marktomstandigheden en leed opnieuw verlies. Door een overdaad aan productiecapaciteit daalden de prijzen verder en tot overmaat van ramp werd de vraag gedrukt door het relatief warme weer in Europa.

    De afzet van gas lag 22 procent lager dan een jaar eerder. De elektriciteitsproductie daalde met 19 procent en de marge op stroom was onverminderd laag. Het is de laatste keer dat Nuon de jaarcijfers apart presenteert. Per 1 juli is het bedrijf voor de volle 100 procent eigendom van Vattenfall. Dat Zweedse bedrijf nam in 2009 voor 5 miljard euro een belang van 49 procent en heeft dat sindsdien gestaag uitgebreid.

    Ook elders in Europa had Vattenfall het afgelopen jaar zwaar. Het Zweedse energieconcern heeft al langer last van een dalende vraag en een overdaad aan productiecapaciteit. Door het warme weer daalden de prijzen alleen maar verder, waardoor het bedrijf opnieuw verlies leed.


    De in oktober aangetreden topman Magnus Hall sprak donderdag van “een bewogen en uitdagend jaar”. Daarin daalde de omzet met 3,6 procent tot 166 miljard kroon (17,7 miljard euro). Onder de streep resteerde ondanks forse kostenbesparingen een verlies van omgerekend 882 miljoen euro. Dat is wel ruim een derde minder dan een jaar eerder.

    Vattenfall heeft de jaarlijkse kosten sinds 2010 met bijna 1,5 miljard euro verlaagd, maar schrijft nog altijd rode cijfers. Dat komt door afschrijvingen in met name Nederland, die het nettoresultaat vorig jaar met omgerekend bijna 2,2 miljard euro drukten. Vattenfall moest sinds de overname van Nuon al vaker grote afboekingen doen wegens de sterk verslechterde vooruitzichten voor de Nederlandse energiesector.

    Om de aanhoudende malaise beter het hoofd te kunnen bieden, gooit Vattenfall opnieuw de organisatiestructuur op de schop. De huidige indeling in geografische regio's wordt losgelaten en vervangen door een nieuwe indeling in zes sectoren: warmte, windenergie, waterkracht- en kerncentrales, verkoop, handel en distributie. De Duitse kolenmijnen van Vattenfall staan nog altijd te koop en zijn ondergebracht in een aparte divisie.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 10 februari 2015 17:14
    Indian scientists turns coconut oil into biofuel

    IANS reported that scientists who have been running the 4 stroke diesel engine of a light pick-up truck on coconut oil for the past 1 year have approached the union government to commercialize the biofuel.

    The scientists are attached to the Kochi-based SCMS Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research and Development and the SCMS School of Engineering and Technology.

    The scientists say that while the manufacturers of the TATA Ace claim mileage of 16 kilometer to a litre of diesel, the vehicle can run 22.5 kilometer per litre of the biofuel. 760 litres of biofuel can be produced from the oil of 10,000 coconuts.

    Mr C Mohankumar, who heads the team of 6 scientists, said that “We purchased this brand new vehicle a year back. By now, it has done 20,000 kilometer and has proved beyond doubt that coconut oil can replace diesel. We can provide this product at INR 40 a litre.”

    Mr Mohankumar said that they have already applied for a US patent and also approached the union ministry of renewable energy to take this biofuel to its logical conclusion by commercialising it.

    He said that “The emission levels are lower than other forms of biodiesel, making it a very eco-friendly product too.”

    Explaining the process, he said that 760 litres of biofuel can be produced from the oil of 10,000 coconuts.

    Mr Mohankumar said that “There are also five other by-products. This includes 5,000 kg of husk, 2,500 kg of coconut shells, 1,250 litres of coconut water, around 1,200 kg of cake and 70 litres of glycerol. Each of these products has a market value and that's how we are able to commercially supply this biodfuel at INR 40 a litre.”

    He said that “We have conducted numerous tests on this coconut biofuel that are for anyone to see. It shows that all the parameters are much lower than other biodiesel products.”

    Mr TK Jose, Chairman of Coconut Development Board, said that he had studied the performance of the vehicle that the scientists have been using.

    Mr Jose said that “We don't have the funds for taking forward their innovation and hence they have approached the centre. I have gone through all their reports on the biofuel. The emission levels are much less than other similar products.”

    Source - IANS
  20. forum rang 10 voda 11 februari 2015 16:49
    Maharashtra to build 11,500 MW renewable energy plants

    Times of India reported that state government has decided to build renewable energy plants having total capacity of 11,500 MW. It has set a target of completing the project by 2019. The project is being executed under prime minister's mission to create renewable energy potential of 1 lakh MW.

    Mr Chandrashekhar Bawankule, energy minister of Maharashtra, said that solar energy plants having total capacity of 7,500MW will be built. Mahagenco will build 2,500 MW plants under public private partnership model. Government will float open tenders for the remaining 500 MW. We will create 2,000 MW wind energy potential, 1,500 MW cogeneration and 500 MW solid waste energy.

    He said that "Congress-NCP government did not have a solar policy. I have got one drafted by experts like Mr Anil Kakodkar and retired principal secretary of energy of Rajasthan. It is currently being vetted by the finance department. It will be taken up in the next cabinet. Mr Devendra Fadnavis, CM of Maharashtra and would meet Mr Narendra Modi, PM of India, in this regard.”

    The government has also planned to install 5 lakh solar agricultural pumps to reduce dependence of farmers on coal-fired energy. He said that “We will install over 8,000 pumps in this fiscal.”

    Mr Bawankule said that "Our energy policy is being planned is such a way that it ensures energy need of the citizens is met between 2025 and 2030. At that time we estimate that per capita consumption will increase to 1,500 units.”

    He further said that “From now on Mahagenco will pay for WCL coal depending on its calorific value. Till now Genco had to pay for WCL coal at the rate of 4,000 Kcal irrespective of calorific value. Now third party sampling will be done at loading and unloading ends to find the calorific value of the coal supplied.”

    The minister has decided to create washeries in power plants to increase the calorific value of coal. Earlier, the washeries had supplied substandard coal, which had led to termination of their contract in 2011.

    On compensation to farmers for crop damage, he said that INR 2,000 crore had been released by the government.

    Mr Bawankule said that "In Nagpur district the money has reached collectorate and it will be given to farmers soon. We have decided not to disburse money to farmers through Nagpur District Central Cooperative Bank but only through nationalized banks. We have asked tehsildars to ensure that every farmer in their taluka should have a bank account in a nationalized bank."

    The government has also launched a mission to promote sustainable agriculture in the state. In the first phase 5,000 villages will be covered and the remaining will be included in the second phase.

    Source - Times of India
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