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  1. forum rang 10 voda 4 december 2012 16:04
    Tennet, Statnett en KfW gaan onderzeese kabel aanleggen tussen Noorwegen en Duitsland

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Tennet TSO GmbH, een divisie van het Nederlandse Tennet Holding bv, KfW en Statnett hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten voor de ontwikkeling, bouw en exploitatie van een onderzeese kabel tussen Noorwegen en Duitsland met een capaciteit van 1400 megawatt, melden de drie concerns dinsdag in een gemeenschappelijk persbericht.

    Met het project is een investering gemoeid van circa EUR1,5-2,0 miljard. De onderzeese kabel zal naar verwachting in 2018 in gebruik genomen worden.

    De drie-partijen overeenkomst voorziet in een 50/50 partnerschap tussen Noorwegen en Duitsland. Het Noorse staatsbedrijf Statnett wordt eigenaar van 50% van het project. Aan Duitse zijde zullen KfW en Tennet gezamenlijk 50% van het project bezitten middels een nieuw opgerichte projectvennootschap, aldus de concerns in het begeleidend persbericht.

    "De integratie van de Noorse en Duitse elektriciteitsmarkten zal zorgen voor een grotere stabiliteit in het elektriciteitsnetwerk van de twee landen, de efficiency van de markt verbeteren, en de elektriciteitsprijzen tussen de seizoenen stabiliseren", aldus de concerns.

    - Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;
  2. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2012 18:57
    TenneT maakt zich op voor Duitse winter

    Gepubliceerd op 5 dec 2012 om 18:53 | Views: 0 |

    ARNHEM (AFN) - Stroombeheerder TenneT bereidt zich voor op de Duitse winter. Het Nederlandse bedrijf, dat ook een groot deel van het hoogspanningsnet in het buurland onder zijn hoede heeft, reserveert bijna 2000 megawatt aan buffervermogen om ook in de koudste maanden van het jaar voldoende stroom te kunnen blijven afleveren.

    Dat is meer dan twee keer zoveel als vorige winter, meldde TenneT woensdag. Doordat de Duitse overheid afwil van kernenergie en afgelopen jaar opnieuw kerncentrales buiten werking heeft gesteld, wordt gevreesd dat de elektriciteitsproductie straks niet toereikend is. ,,In de wintermaanden ligt het elektriciteitsverbruik hoger dan in andere jaargetijden. Daarnaast wordt veel Duitse stroom opgewekt door zonnepanelen, en in de winter is er minder zon'', verklaart een woordvoerder van TenneT.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2012 16:38
    Meer geld voor steun aan duurzame ondernemers

    Gepubliceerd op 10 dec 2012 om 07:48 | Views: 361

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - De overheid trekt komend jaar 3 miljard euro uit om ondernemers te steunen die aan de slag willen met het duurzaam opwekken van energie. Minister Henk Kamp (Economische Zaken) meldt de Tweede Kamer maandag dat deze groene projecten er mede voor moeten zorgen dat in 2020 16 procent van alle energie duurzaam wordt opgewekt.

    ,,Duurzame energie is niet alleen van belang voor een gezondere economie, maar biedt ondernemers ook kansen. Daarom stellen we meer geld beschikbaar. Ook zorgen we ervoor dat ondernemers zo veel mogelijk zekerheid krijgen bij hun investering door de spelregels niet te veranderen”, aldus Kamp.

    In 2012 was er 1,7 miljard beschikbaar voor dit doel. Het geld gaat naar steun aan projecten om energie op te wekken via bijvoorbeeld zonnepanelen, aardwarmte en de vergisting van mest en afvalstoffen. Deze energie is duurder dan energie van gas en kolen, maar het prijsverschil kan kleiner worden door de duurzame technieken verder te ontwikkelen. Het nu gereserveerde bedrag is om dat te stimuleren. Vanaf 1 april 2013 kunnen ondernemers een aanvraag indienen.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2012 16:52
    ABB wins contract for world's longest high voltage subsea AC cable

    ABB the leading power and automation technology group, has won a contract worth $ 170 million from Subsea 7, to build a power link between a new oil and gas field being developed by Total E&P Norge AS in the North Sea and the Norwegian power grid.

    The Martin Linge (formerly known as Hild) field lies at a depth of 115 meters and has been identified among the oil and gas fields with highest potential reserves in the North Sea. The field will receive its electricity feed through the world’s longest subsea AC link a 162 kilometer long high voltage submarine power cable that will lie 370 meters below sea level, at its deepest point.

    Mr Brice Koch head of ABB´s Power System division said that “This electricity cable connection will help reduce environmental impact. ABB has the in-house manufacturing capability as well as the technical knowhow, domain knowledge and experience required to execute such a complex project.”

    The 145 kilovolt high-voltage three-core polymeric insulated submarine cable will be capable of supplying up to 55 megawatts of AC (alternating current) power from the mainland grid to the new Martin Linge field. The cable will include fiber optic links to allow the facilities to be controlled from shore. ABB’s high voltage three core polymeric insulated submarine cables have low electrical losses, excellent tensile strength and are resistant to solvents, oil and abrasives.

    Source - ABB
  5. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2012 16:33
    Nuon sluit kolencentrale Buggenum
    Gepubliceerd op 13 dec 2012 om 13:49 | Views: 424

    BUGGENUM (AFN) - Nuon gaat zijn kolencentrale, de Willem-Alexander Centrale (WAC), in het Limburgse Buggenum sluiten. Daardoor verliezen 140 mensen hun baan, maakte het energiebedrijf donderdag bekend.

    De centrale, die in 1993 in bedrijf werd genomen, is volgens Nuon vanwege de sterk verslechterde marktomstandigheden niet rendabel. Ook zijn de kosten van de centrale te hoog.

    ,,Wij hebben er alles aan gedaan om dit besluit te vermijden en betreuren het dat we dit voornemen aan de ondernemingsraad moeten voorleggen. De marktomstandigheden zijn erg moeilijk. Daarom moeten we om de organisatie financieel gezond te houden, ook moeilijke besluiten nemen'', aldus Nuon-topman Huib Morelisse.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2012 17:00
    Chinese electricity consumption in November up by 7.6%

    According to statistics released by the National Energy Administration, China's electricity consumption reached 413.9 terawatt hours in November this year, up 7.6% compared to the same period of last year.

    In the first eleven months of this year, the country consumed 4,502.8 TWhs of electricity, 5.1% more than that in the corresponding period of last year.

    During the period from January to November, primary industry consumed 94 TWhs, reflecting a decrease of 0.6% YoY. The power consumption of secondary industry was 3,319.1 TWhs, 3.5% more than a year earlier.

    The power consumption of tertiary industry was 518.3 TWhs for the eleven-month period, rising 10.6% from a year earlier.

    Electricity consumed by residents in urban and rural area increased 10.6% YoY to 571.4 TWhs during the reporting period.

    The country added 57.3 million kilowatt of new capacity in the eleven month period, of which, 13.12 million kW from hydroelectric and 35.58 million kW from thermal power.

    Source - China Knowledge
  7. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2012 17:10
    Siemens increase revenue from green energy

    In fiscal 2012, revenue from Siemens' Environmental Portfolio climbed ten percent to EUR 33 billion. The company's ecofriendly products and solutions are now generating faster revenue growth than its other businesses. Green technologies, which have been consistent growth drivers at Siemens since 2008, now account for 42% of the company's total business. In fiscal 2012, offerings from Siemens' Environmental Portfolio enabled customers to cut CO2 emissions worldwide by 332 megatons - an amount equal to 40 percent of Germany's total annual CO2 emissions.

    "As the revenue development of our Environmental Portfolio over the last few years demonstrates, the market for green technologies offers attractive business opportunities. In fiscal 2012 alone, revenue from our Environmental Portfolio increased ten percent to over €33 million - a new record. Since 2008, the Portfolio has grown by over 50 percent. We're extremely pleased to have been ranked the most sustainable industrial company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as well as by the recognition that our sustainability strategy is receiving from other important external organizations," said Barbara Kux, member of Siemens' Managing Board and the company's Chief Sustainability Officer.

    Siemens' Environmental Portfolio includes products and solutions from all four of the company's Sectors: Industry, Energy, Healthcare and Infrastructure & Cities. Enhancing energy efficiency is a major driver for sustainable development worldwide. And here Siemens is making a key contribution with products and solutions for the entire energy chain offering everything from systems for energy production, power generation in highly efficient combined cycle power plants and wind farms to power transmission technologies, power distribution systems and energy-saving solutions for consumers in industry, cities and the field of transportation. The company's future-oriented solutions also include the intelligent management of energy flows via smart grids and systems to improve energy efficiency in buildings.

    Siemens' pioneering role in ecofriendly technologies is illustrated by the following examples. Since July 2012, the company has received 16 orders for a total more than 270 onshore wind turbines in Europe and South Africa. In Düsseldorf Harbor, Siemens is building the world's most efficient and ecofriendly gas-fueled power plant for the Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, a public utility in northwestern Germany. Partnering with Siemens, Taipei 101 the tallest building in Taiwan and the second tallest worldwide has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. The company is also participating in the modernization of Carnegie Hall in New York, one of world's most famous concert venues.

    The revenue volume of EUR 33 billion generated in 2012 and the revenue of EUR 3.9 billion from Osram have already put Siemens well on the way to achieving the Environmental Portfolio's growth target for 2014. Initiated portfolio adjustments and innovation-driven impacts have, of course, not yet been taken into account here.

    In September 2012, Siemens received two awards for its performance in the area of sustainability. For the first time ever, it was ranked the most sustainable industrial company in the Industrial Goods and Services category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, a grouping that includes more than 200 enterprises. Siemens also captured a leading position in the rankings of the Carbon Disclosure Project.

    Source - Siemens
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2012 17:12
    KSA and UAE lead MENA renewable energy drive

    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the new entrants from the MENA region to Ernst & Young's Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices, which scores 40 countries across the globe on the attractiveness of their renewable energy markets, energy infrastructure and the suitability for individual technologies.

    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are forecasted to lead MENA's generation of renewable energy.

    As new entrants to the index, they exemplify the growing clean energy potential of the MENA region, with policy makers in the two countries already announcing ambitious renewable energy targets.

    Energy consumption in the Middle East has grown rapidly in the last five years. Between 2007 and 2011, the region's energy consumption grew 22%. In the next five years, energy usage is not expected to slowdown, with double-digit growth rates forecast for the Middle East.

    Mr Nimer AbuAli, MENA Head of Cleantech, Ernst & Young, said that "Emerging markets, endowed with resources and high levels of government support, are already learning from their predecessors' experiences, with many opting for capacity tenders in favor of financial incentives. Increasing energy demand in these regions has strengthened government investment in clean energy. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are supported by strong government initiatives, a proven track record in energy infrastructure, and robust financial markets."

    Unlike many other GCC countries, Saudi Arabia has good wind energy potential, with some 4.9 hours of full load wind per day on average, one of the highest in the MENA region. The strikingly high solar radiation of around 2,550KWH/m2/year and the availability of large stretches of empty desert that can host solar arrays, in addition to the vast deposits of clear sand that can be used in the manufacture of silicon PV cells, makes Saudi Arabia an ideal location for both CSP and PV power generation.

    Saudi Arabia has quickly made it onto the list of focus markets for investors and technology providers, with the Government announcing its ambitious USD 109 billion plan to install 41GW of solar and 9 GW of wind capacity by 2032. Other strong signals to the market include the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, the Government's alternative energy arm, announcing its plans to launch a major renewable energy auction.

    Mr Nimer said that "Saudi Arabia hopes that in addition to using renewable energy to help meet rising electricity demand, it will also reduce its domestic use of crude oil and hence release additional oil capacity for exports."

    Source - The Saudi Gazette
  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 december 2012 17:04
    Saudi Arabia and UAE to lead MENA renewable energy generation

    Arab News reported that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the new entrants from the MENA region to Ernst & Young’s Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices, which scores 40 countries across the globe on the attractiveness of their renewable energy markets, energy infrastructure and the suitability for individual technologies.

    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are forecasted to lead MENA’s generation of renewable energy. As new entrants to the index, they exemplify the growing clean energy potential of the MENA region, with policy makers in the two countries already announcing ambitious renewable energy targets.

    Energy consumption in the Middle East has grown rapidly in the last five years. Between 2007 and 2011, the region’s energy consumption grew 22%. In the next five years, energy usage is not expected to slowdown, with double digit growth rates forecast for the Middle East.

    Mr Nimer AbuAli, MENA head of Cleantech, Ernst & Young said that “Emerging markets, endowed with resources and high levels of government support, are already learning from their predecessors’ experiences, with many opting for capacity tenders in favor of financial incentives. Increasing energy demand in these regions has strengthened government investment in clean energy. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are supported by strong government initiatives, a proven track record in energy infrastructure, and robust financial markets.”

    The UAE presents strong evidence of its commitment to delivering its renewable energy and carbon reduction targets. Abu Dhabi launched its Masdar Sustainable City initiative, which will house 50,000 people and will be completely reliant on renewable sources for its power needs, paving the way for carbon free cities in the region. Dubai has also launched the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, with a view to establishing 10MW of installed capacity by 2013, and eventually 1GW by 2030.

    Sir Baniyas Island wind project with a capacity to produce 30MW is also expected to be completed in 2013. Plans for a 100MW wind farm near the Saudi border are being considered by Masdar. The UAE is also recognized for its commitment to the global carbon agenda and has planned to reduce its CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030. Both Abu Dhabi and Dubai are targeting the generation of 7% and 5% respectively of total power demand from renewable sources by 2030.

    Mr AbuAli said that “In an approach that is fundamentally different from many other MENA countries, the UAE tends to shape its markets not just through independent regulation, but also through the creation of privately structured, government backed entities such as TAQA, Center of Waste Management and MASDAR. These are able to channel government funds into infrastructure projects through effective partnering with the private sector at a global level, to deliver projects and transactions.”

    Unlike many other GCC countries, Saudi Arabia has good wind energy potential, with some 4.9 hours of full load wind per day on average, one of the highest in the MENA region. The strikingly high solar radiation of around 2,550kWh/m2/year and the availability of large stretches of empty desert that can host solar arrays, in addition to the vast deposits of clear sand that can be used in the manufacture of silicon PV cells, makes Saudi Arabia an ideal location for both CSP and PV power generation.

    Saudi Arabia has quickly made it onto the list of focus markets for investors and technology providers, with the government announcing its ambitious USD 109 billion plan to install 41GW of solar and 9 GW of wind capacity by 2032. Other strong signals to the market include the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, the government’s alternative energy arm, announcing its plans to launch a major renewable energy auction.

    Source - Arab News
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2012 16:09
    Iran is world 14th leading electricity producer

    Iran is the world’s 14th leading electricity producer, Mr Mohammad Behzad deputy energy minister of Iranian said that the latest statistics released by the International Energy Agency.

    Mr Behzad said that Iran has risen two places since 2010, when it was 16th in the world in electricity generation. And Iran ranks first in the Middle East in electricity generation.

    Currently, Iran’s power generation capacity stands at 67 GW and it is projected to hit 70 GW by the end of the current Iranian calendar year.

    Sixteen new power stations with a total capacity of 2.6GW have come on stream in the current Iranian calendar year.

    Currently, Iran provides electricity to Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran also plans to connect its national power grid to the power grids of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Lebanon and India in the future.

    Source - MNA

  11. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2013 17:15
    Turkey and UAE sign USD 12 billion power production deal

    Reuters cited Turkey's energy minister as saying that state power companies in Turkey and United Arab Emirates have signed an agreement to invest in a USD 12 billion project to produce electricity in Turkey's Afsin-Elbistan region.

    The companies in a joint news conference said that the Afsin-Elbistan project will provide the region in Turkey's south to east with 8,000 MW of power at full capacity. Initial operation is to start in 2018 and the full project be completed in 2021.

    Turkey's state owned Electricity Generation Company and Abu Dhabi National Energy Company in November signed a protocol regarding electricity production in the region, which includes a coal mine.

    Source - Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 6 januari 2013 17:09
    Sichuan breaks ground first large scale gas power project

    INTERFAX-CHINA reported that construction began on Sichuan Province's first large-scale gas-fired power station last week, but analysts warned that the high price of feedstock gas means the USD 800 million project may struggle to turn a profit.

    According to Hu Song, an energy official with the Dazhou branch of the National Development and Reform Commission, the project in northeast Sichuan's Dazhou City will require total investment of CNY 5 billion (USD 801.44 million) for the installation of four 350 MW units.

    Source - Interfax China
  13. forum rang 10 voda 8 januari 2013 17:27
    Groene stroom vaak niet zo groen

    Veel stroom die als groen wordt verkocht is in werkelijkheid afkomstig van vuile bronnen als steenkool, gas en atoomsplijting. Dat schrijft het AD.

    De Consumentenbond en Greenpeace maakten een ranking van 22 Nederlandse energieleveranciers. Vooral de grote leveranciers scoren slecht. Meer dan twee miljoen Nederlandse huishoudens kopen groene stroom, maar wat bij hen uit het stopcontact komt is volgens het AD lang niet altijd groen.

    De Consumentenbond vindt de uitkomsten van het deels in haar opdracht uitgevoerde onderzoek ontluisterend. De twee organisaties zien twee oplossingen: strengere overheidsregels voor groene stroom en consumenten aanzetten tot een overstap naar echt groene leveranciers als de Windunie.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 10 januari 2013 16:39
    Bouw energiecentrale Eemshaven uitgesteld

    Gepubliceerd op 10 jan 2013 om 13:55 | Views: 580

    GRONINGEN (AFN) - De bouw van een energiecentrale van 1200 megawatt in de Eemshaven is voorlopig van de baan. De bij het project betrokken bedrijven, het Zwitserse Advanced Power en het Duitse Siemens, hebben de bouw uitgesteld vanwege de slechte economische omstandigheden. Eemsmond Energie, de onderneming waarin zij samenwerken, maakte dit donderdag bekend.

    Met de bouw van de stoom- en gascentrale zou in 2014 worden begonnen. Met het project is een investering van 1,2 miljard euro gemoeid. Een woordvoerster van Advanced Power zei in een toelichting dat het nog steeds de bedoeling is de energiecentrale te bouwen, zodra de omstandigheden verbeteren.

    Eemsmond Energie tekende in 2009 een overeenkomst met havenbeheerder Groningen Seaports, waarmee de onderneming het recht kreeg de terreinen voor het project te kopen. Dit exclusieve optierecht wordt na 2012 niet verlengd.


    ,,Helaas zagen wij ons genoodzaakt deze beslissing te nemen bij wijze van bezuinigingsmaatregel, aangezien we niet verwachten dat de situatie op de energiemarkt snel genoeg zal verbeteren om in 2014 van start te kunnen gaan met de bouw, zoals eerder aangekondigd'', aldus projectmanager James Dickson in een verklaring.

    In de Eemshaven worden op dit moment twee nieuwe centrales gebouwd, door RWE/Essent en Nuon.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 11 januari 2013 16:55
    Iranian electricity exports to increase 47pct by March

    It is reported that the Islamic Republic’s electricity exports are set to increase by 47% by the end of the current Iranian calendar year.

    Mr Majid Namjou, Iran’s Energy Minister said that the country’s power exports will increase to 10 billion kilowatt hours in the aforementioned period from 6.8 billion kilowatt hours last year.

    Mr Namjou said that the amount would be exported to neighboring countries.

    Currently, Iran is exchanging electricity with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

    He said that the country was planning to export electricity to Syria and Lebanon through Iraq’s power grid. Iran is capable of exporting 1,000 MW of electricity to Iraq, adding that Syria had also requested 500 MW of electricity.

    Seeking to become a major regional exporter of electricity, Iran has attracted more than USD 1.1 billion in investments to build three new power plants.

    He further added that by the end of the Fifth Economic Development Plan, Iran will boost its electricity generation capacity by 25 GW to reach 73 GW.

    Source - Press TV
  16. forum rang 10 voda 14 januari 2013 16:43
    Subsidies given to more renewable power projects

    It is reported that China has increased the number of renewable power projects that qualify for state subsidies under a tariff surcharge program.

    Among those eligible for the grants are 62 solar power projects although windmill farms account for more than three quarters of the 496 projects according to a list posted on the Ministry of Finance website. The rest are biomass energy projects. This is the third batch of projects eligible for the subsidies.

    China imposes a surcharge on power consumers to subsidize qualified renewable power projects. Wind power plants have accounted for the majority of eligible developments in the first two batches of projects unveiled last year.

    The ministry said earlier it paid CNY 8.6 billion in subsidies for renewable power under the program last year. Wind power took CNY 5.85 billion, solar power CNY 723 million and CNY 2.02 billion were used to subsidize electricity generated from biomass energy projects.

    The 496 projects span 19 provinces regions and municipalities including 139 in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Shanghai has six wind projects and one solar project on the list.

    Source -

  17. forum rang 10 voda 14 januari 2013 16:45
    MENA invest USD 250 billion in power projects in 5 years

    The Middle East and North African countries are expected to pump nearly USD 250 billion into power projects over the next 5 years to expand generation capacity and meet the growing domestic demand.

    The projects will be one of the main topics of discussion at the 11th Power-Gen Middle East conference which will be held in Doha, Qatar. Scores of officials and experts from the Gulf and other countries will attend the annual event.

    Organizers said that nearly 200 power projects are on the agenda of the February 4 to 6 conference which will also discuss new technologies and other power-related issues.

    The British PennWell Corporation, which is organizing the event said that “Significant energy related projects as part of the 200 planned and announced ventures valued between USD 100 million and USD 20 billion will be major points of discussion at Power-Gen in Doha.”

    It said that “A total of USD 250 billion is expected to be pumped into the power sector in the Mena region over the next 5 years to meet regional electricity demand growth.”

    The statement gave no breakdown for the investments but according to an official Arab group, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries are expected to pump more than USD 63 billion into electricity projects over the next 5 years to expand their power generation capacity to meet growing domestic demand.

    A study by the Dammam-based Arab Petroleum Investment Corp said that the 6 countries, which control 40% of the world’s recoverable oil resources, will add nearly half the expected additional power generation capacity in the region.

    It said that the total capital in power generation in Mena at USD 147.5 billion during 2013-17 to add about 123.9 GW of electricity while the rest could cover water projects.

    It added that “A regional breakdown shows that about 43% of that expansion in Mena is expected in the GCC, which remains the fastest growing area. This should come as no surprise, taking into account its record rates of urbanization and the massive requirements for water desalination and air conditioning.”

    The study put investments in power projects at around USD 63.1 billion in the GCC, USD 36.8 billion in Mashreq Arab nations, USD 21.4 billion in Iran, USD 14.6 billion in Maghreb Arab countries and nearly USD 2.3 billion in other Arab nations.

    It further added that as a result of high population growth, record levels of urbanization, sustained economic growth and pressing needs for air conditioning and sea water desalination, many countries in the region have been struggling to meet demand.

    Source - Khaleej Times
  18. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2013 17:13
    Noorwegen verlaagt gastransportprijzen fors

    Gepubliceerd op 15 jan 2013 om 14:02 | Views: 337

    OSLO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Noorwegen gaat de prijzen die netwerkbeheerder Gassled rekent voor vervoer van gas door haar pijpleidingen met maar liefst 90 procent verlagen. Dat liet het Noorse ministerie van Olie en Energie dinsdag weten. Dat is een tegenvaller voor beleggers die sinds 2010 omgerekend 3,7 miljard euro in het Noorse gasnet hebben geïnvesteerd.

    Gassled is een samenwerkingsverband van oliemaatschappijen die actief zijn op de Noorse continentale plaat. De grootaandeelhouders zijn het Noorse staatsbedrijf Petoro en Solveig Gas Norway, maar ook Canadese pensioenfondsen en de Zwitserse bank UBS hebben aandelen in het bedrijf. Shell verkocht zijn belang van 5 procent in Gassled in september 2011 voor 3,9 miljard Noorse kroon (ruim 528 miljoen euro) aan Infragas Norge, dat onderdeel is van Canada Public Sector Pension Investment Board.

    In 2011 hief Gassled bruto 25 miljard Noorse kroon aan heffingen. Cijfers over 2012 zijn nog niet bekendgemaakt.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2013 17:15
    Czech Republic opens new pipeline that will help bring Russian gas to wider EU

    Associated Press reported that Czech Republic has opened a pipeline that provides an alternate route for Russian gas imports and will help supply other parts of the EU.

    Prime Minister Petr Necas opened the CZK 10 billion (USD 519 million) Gazelle project Monday.

    The 166-kilometer (103 mile) pipeline is connected to Nord Stream, a pipeline that crosses the Baltic Sea and brings natural gas from Russia’s Siberia. It was built by the pipeline operator Net4GaS.

    Through the Czech Republic, the gas will flow on to southern Germany and France.

    EU nations have been seeking new ways to secure gas supplies since Russian shipments transported through Ukrainian pipelines were cut off in January 2009 due to a dispute between the two countries.

    Source - The Associated Press
  20. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2013 16:54
    India to be among 3 largest economies by 2050 - PwC

    PwC said that emerging economies are set to grow faster than the developed economies over the next four decades and India is likely to become one of the three largest economies by 2050.

    According to the report 'World in 2050 The BRICs and Beyond: Prospects, challenges and opportunities', the global financial crisis has accelerated the shift of the economic centre of gravity and China is expected to surpass the US to become the largest economy in the world by 2050.

    By the year 2050, China, the US and India are likely to be the three largest economies in that order, while Brazil could overtake Japan to be the fourth largest economy.

    The report said that Turkey could emerge as one of the largest European economies, while Indonesia, Nigeria and Vietnam could climb the ladder strongly.

    The report added that in purchasing power parity terms, the E7 could overtake the G7 before 2020; and by 2050 China, the US and India could be by far the largest economies with a big gap to Brazil in fourth place, ahead of Japan.

    And by the same time, Russia, Mexico and Indonesia could be bigger than Germany or the UK; Turkey could overtake Italy and Nigeria could rise up the league table, as could Vietnam and South Africa in the longer term.

    Mr John Hawksworth, PwC Chief Economist and co-author of the report said that "The global financial crisis has hit the G7 much harder than the E7 in the short term. And it has also caused downward revisions in the estimates of longer term trend growth in the G7 particularly those economies in Europe and the US that had previously relied on excessive public and private borrowing to drive growth."

    However, a number of potential sources of macroeconomic and political instability could challenge the growth prospects of the emerging market economies.

    Mr Hawksworth said that "The shift in the global economic centre of gravity is clear; but there are still major challenges for the emerging economies to sustain their recent strong growth."

    For India and Brazil the challenges are high fiscal deficits; for Russia and Nigeria it is the over-reliance on oil and gas revenues.

    PwC said that rising income inequality leading to social tensions is a cause of concern for China and other fast growing economies.

    Source - Financial Express
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Adyen 14 17.753
Aedifica 3 916
Aegon 3.258 322.866
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.297
ageas 5.844 109.894
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.050
Ahold 3.538 74.340
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.049
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.042
Alfen 16 24.907
Allfunds Group 4 1.474
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.822
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.313
AMG 971 133.622
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.691
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.011
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 383
Arcadis 252 8.784
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.733
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.322
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.229
ASML 1.766 107.856
ASR Nederland 21 4.500
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.681
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.402