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  1. aossa 3 oktober 2007 19:21
    Wall Street Transcript
    Sector Review in Wall Street Transcript Annual Biotechnology Issue
    Wednesday October 3, 11:35 am ET

    67 WALL STREET, New York - October 3, 2007 - The Wall Street Transcript has just published its Biotechnology issue, a report offering a timely review of the sector to serious investors and industry executives. This 70-page feature contains industry commentary through in-depth interviews with 2 analysts and top management from 20 firms. The full issue is available by calling (212) 952-7433 or via The Wall Street Transcript Online.

    Topics covered: Targeted Therapies in Oncology, Pharmaceutical and Biotech partnerships, The FDA Clamp-Down, Phase III Trials, Antisense Technology, The changing Pharmaceutical Business Model, Oncology and Acute care, Supplying unmet medical needs, New uses for stalled drugs, Stem cell preservation, Growing new blood vessels, Intracellular Signaling Pathways, Stock picks and Stocks to avoid.

    Companies include: Bradley Pharmaceuticals (BDY), Spectrum Pharmaceuticals (SPPI), GPC Biotech (GPCB), Dendreon (DNDN), Palatin (PTN), Seattle Genetics (SGEN), Genentech (DNA), Human Genome Sciences (HGSI), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Procter & Gamble (PG), VIVUS (VVUS), Cerus (CERS), Idenix Pharmaceuticals (IDIX), InterMune (ITMN), Vertex Pharmaceuticals (VRTX), ViroPharma (VPHM), CombinatoRx (CRXX), Renovis (RNVS), Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (ALNY), AVI BioPharma (AVII), Sirna Therapeutics (RNAI), Merck (MRK), Arena Pharmaceuticals (ARNA), Epix Pharmaceuticals (EPIX), and Wyeth (WYE). Analysts Include: Liisa Bayko, Next Generation Equity Research, LLC.; Ding Ding, Maxim Group, LLC.

    In the following brief excerpt from the 70-page report, Liisa Bayko of Next Generation Equity Research, LLC discuss the outlook for the sector and for investors.

    TWST: Is venture money continuing to filter into this space?

    Ms. Bayko: Absolutely. I think there is always money for companies with good technology. Again, I think investors have gotten wiser. There are so many companies with new technologies that are trying to get money, and so investors are being able to be choosier in terms of where they put their money. Probably having being burned in the past, which happens in this area, they're becoming more scrutinous. For early stage companies, public funding is becoming harder to obtain. Again, I think people with good management teams, with really a novel technology, not a me-too but rather a distinct technology that has a chance of changing the way a particular indication is treated or making some progress in terms of survival time if it's cancer I think those types of companies will always find that there'll be money for them.

    TWST: Is management becoming more important in this space?

    Ms. Bayko: Absolutely. I think when biotechs started off in the 1980s, they were primarily comprised of scientists at universities. As such, there was sort of a business naivete in terms of the management teams. Then, as the pharmaceutical industry started to consolidate, there was an exodus of a fair degree of seasoned management teams. The available talent pool for biotechs then became larger. When you pair a talented group of academic scientists with pharma management that has actually brought a product to the market, perhaps sold a company, raised money, etc., the combination can result in a very effective team overall.

    TWST: What's your read on the FDA at this point?

    Ms. Bayko: That's a timely question. In my opinion, I believe the FDA became stricter. In the early part of this decade, there were a variety of safety issues with drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex, so the FDA overall has risen the bar with respect to safety. Recently, two companies in my space one I don't cover, Spectrum Pharmaceuticals (SPPI), which partnered with GPC Biotech (GPCB), and another one, Dendreon (DNDN) both suffered negative FDA action. These are both companies with drugs that had some pretty interesting clinical trial outcomes in prostate cancer, an area where there is a huge unmet medical need for which there are very few therapies. The only real approved therapy there is Taxotere, which a lot of men choose not to take because of its side effects. We've seen two drugs come through the FDA with a lot of volatility around the stocks during the review time with the FDA going back and forth and ultimately deciding they want additional data. These are two examples of the FDA clamping down, becoming a lot stricter and really putting a huge focus on safety. Recently, one of my companies, Palatin (PTN), which has a new agent in development to treat erectile dysfunction, was advised by the FDA not to proceed to Phase III studies because of some hints of safety issues, which the FDA finds hard to digest, especially in the lifestyle drug space and in particular because there are already several approved agents there. In my view, the FDA has become a lot tighter with respect to allowing drugs to be approved.

    TWST: Is this going to stretch things out for everybody and raise costs?

    Ms. Bayko: Yes, I think it's going to require sponsors to re-evaluate which product candidates to invest in. It's just raising the bar. Of course it's going to raise costs, but at the same time it will force firms to design better studies.

    TWST: Again, it puts a premium on managements that have gotten products through there before.

    Ms. Bayko: Right. From my perspective, this really boils down to companies that have Phase III programs designed in a way that addresses the right questions and demonstrates reasonable safety. Investors need to take a second look at whether or not they think the FDA will approve a compound based on the clinical package. At the same time, I think companies that do have very well designed, robust clinical Phase III programs that offer a reasonable risk/reward to patients will get past the FDA hurdle to the market. Those companies will be favored and will trade at a premium.

    TWST: What's the investors' interest level in this space?

    Ms. Bayko: It's pretty high. I see investors starting more and more to want to look at companies with at least some Phase II data. A lot of people, if they haven't seen any sign of the drug being efficacious, which is what you get from Phase II data, may not be interested. Then, there is a whole other group of investors who say, "I want management teams that have been there. I want some revenue flow, even if it's not the main part of the business, just to protect against the downside if the drug blows up because there have been quite a few disappointments in this space in the last year. I want a company that has some revenue flowing, maybe some royalties, maybe a small product in the market already, so I can wait for that data from maybe the second or third product. If that doesn't work out, I'll still have the revenue flow to give me a buffer."

    TWST: If you look at this space longer term, is this going to continue to be something where investors should pay attention?

  2. aossa 3 oktober 2007 19:22

    TWST: If you look at this space longer term, is this going to continue to be something where investors should pay attention?

    Ms. Bayko: I think the female sexual dysfunction area is one where there has been some investor focus. It could be interesting, but I say that with some degree of caution. In the erectile dysfunction market, the PDE-5 inhibitors Viagra, Cialis and Levitra have made a pretty big splash. There are some additional PDE-5 inhibitors in development. Some work a little faster, some last a little longer, but for the most part you are talking about the same mechanism. The company that I cover in this space, Palatin Technologies, has a nasally inhaled agent that works by stimulating your desire to have sex, so it's a different approach from taking a pill and modifying blood flow, as is the case with the PDE-5 class.

    As of late, female sexual dysfunction has had quite a bit of investor and drug development attention. Earlier this year, Procter & Gamble (PG) got a product approved in Europe called Intrinsa. It was actually denied approval by FDA for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. Female sexual dysfunction has the potential to be a large market. Something close to 40% of females are afflicted with some degree of sexual dysfucntion but there is nothing to treat it. Obviously, it's a huge unmet medical need. When a male patient goes to see their physician for a general checkup the physician will generally ask, How is your sex life? If the male responds that he is having issues in this area, it is likely that he will go home with a prescription for a PDE-5 inhibitor. That question is not typically posed to females, because the doctor has nothing to offer the patient. Why ask about a problem when there is nothing you could do to treat it? I think doctors would welcome something to treat it.

    That being said, anything in this area needs to be super safe because you're not treating something that's a life-threatening disease; still, it is something that patients really care about it. Patients really want that part of their life to be good; it is frustrating when it is not. There is nothing to treat the females, but I think it is still to be seen if the FDA feels female sexual dysfunction is something that needs to be treated pharmacologically. Is this more of a sort of psychosocial thing? What are the mechanisms behind female sexual dysfunction? While there are a number of things in development, I will just caution that nothing is yet approved. It is not even clear whether the FDA would approve a therapy for female sexual dysfunction.

    One company developing agents to treat female sexual dysfunction is VIVUS (VVUS). I do not cover them. Palatin, the company that I cover, went forward to the FDA with their erectile dysfunction compound, the one that's inhaled that I talked about. It acts on your desire to have sex, but the FDA is a little concerned about the blood pressure effect for males. So the company is rethinking, Should we approach the FDA with a plan for the females because it does act centrally and stimulate one's desire to have sex. It does have an effect on women and in fact they are coming out with some Phase II data by the end of September to demonstrate the effect in women. The data we have seen to date suggests that it may. With this particular compound, the question remains, will the FDA accept the risk / reward benefit of the pressor effect? In the area of lifestyle drugs, we're most excited about female sexual dysfunction, but caution people that it's a high risk / high reward area.

    The Wall Street Transcript is a unique service for investors and industry researchers - providing fresh commentary and insight through verbatim interviews with CEOs and research analysts. This 70-page special issue is available by calling (212) 952-7433 or via The Wall Street Transcript Online

    The Wall Street Transcript does not endorse the views of any interviewees nor does it make stock recommendations.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2007 22:36
    FOCUS: Faillissement dreigt voor biotechbedrijf Isotis

    Door Arien Stuyt


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Biotechbedrijf Isotis, dat tot vorig jaar nog genoteerd was aan EuronextAmsterdam, dreigt failliet te gaan, zegt topman Pieter Wolters van het bedrijf donderdag tegen Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst.

    Het biotechbedrijf verkeert in grote financiele problemen, omdat het door een onderzoek van de Amerikaanse medicijnautoriteit FDA dit jaar niet de beoogde emissie van $30 miljoen tot $40 miljoen mocht doen.

    Daarnaast ging er ook een streep door de beoogde kredietfaciliteit van Merrill Lynch. Eind augustus oordeelde de FDA dat met Isotis niets mis is, maar volgens Wolters is dat te laat om nog financiering aan te trekken. "De enige reddingskans is nog de overname door een ander bedrijf."

    Inmiddels heeft het Amerikaanse Integra een bod gedaan van ongeveer $50 miljoen, of $7,25 per aandeel, maar dat bod dreigt te mislukken omdat Isotis de veelal Europese aandeelhouders niet weet te bereiken. Een meerderheid van de aandeelhouders moet volgens de Amerikaanse regels toestemming geven voor de overname.

    Het bedrijf heeft tot en met 11 oktober aanstaande om de aandeelhouders te mobiliseren, met een mogelijk uitstel tot 21 oktober aanstaande.

    Het probleem voor Isotis is dat de Amerikaanse aandeelhouders wel bereikt kunnen worden, maar dat slechts 20% van de stukken in Amerikaanse handen is. De andere 80% is volgens Wolters in met name Nederlandse en deels in Zwitsers bezit. Wolters: "De banken hebben in Europa niet of nauwelijks gecommuniceerd aan onze aandeelhouders dat ze in moeten stemmen. En die instemming is cruciaal, want als de overname niet doorgaat moeten we na 21 oktober surseance aanvragen, het geld is namelijk op. Aandeelhouders zien hun bezit dan natuurlijk in waarde verminderen, dus is het in ieders belang als de overname slaagt."

    Isotis kondigde eind 2006 aan de beurzen van Amsterdam, Zurich en Toronto te verruilen voor een enkele notering aan de Nasdaq. Daar zou het bedrijf meer aandacht krijgen en wellicht ook meer toegang tot de geldmarkt. Door het onderzoek van de FDA, dat ging over de wijze waarop Isotis vergunningen ontving, is die verwachting dus in rook opgegaan.

    Over het hele boekjaar 2006 behaalde Isotis een nettoverlies van $18,5, tegen een winst van $0,9 miljoen in 2005. De omzet steeg in het voorbije jaar tot $40,7 miljoen van $32,1 een jaar eerder. IsoTis heeft een productportfolio van diverse natuurlijke en synthetische bottransplantaten. Een deel daarvan wordt reeds verkocht en andere producten zijn nog in ontwikkeling.

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270

  4. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2007 15:16
    Cell phone may hurt child's health
    OSLO, Sweden, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- Professor Kjell Mild of Sweden's Orbero University said young children are more at risk when using cell phones because of their thinner skulls.

    He added that using cell phones for more than 10 years increases the risk of brain cancer, and thinner skulls and developing nervous systems make kids particularly vulnerable to tumors, Britain's Telegraph reported Monday.

    "I find it quite strange to see so many official presentations saying that there is no risk. There are strong indications that something happens after 10 years," said Mild.

    His study suggests that 10 years is the minimum period needed by cancers to develop.

    Just one month before Mild released his study, a separate piece of research funded by the government and cell phone industry found there was only a "very faint hint" of long-term mobile phones use causing brain tumors.

    Now, the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research program has been accused of failing to investigate the effect cell phone use has on tumors for periods of 10-years and up.

    Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved
  5. [verwijderd] 10 oktober 2007 23:24
    Kreeftenplaag in Gouda
    donderdag 4 oktober 2007 om 08:46

    GOUDA - De 'Procambarus clarkii', beter bekend als de rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft, zorgt voor steeds meer overlast in Gouda en omgeving. Het beest verlaat steeds vaker zijn sloot om op de openbare weg voorbijgangers de schrik van hun leven te bezorgen. De rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft wordt pas sinds een jaar of 20 in Nederland waargenomen, maar haar aantal neemt ondertussen schrikbarende vormen aan.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 10 oktober 2007 23:30

    maxen schreef:

    Kreeftenplaag in Gouda
    donderdag 4 oktober 2007 om 08:46

    GOUDA - De 'Procambarus clarkii', beter bekend als de rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft, zorgt voor steeds meer overlast in Gouda en omgeving. Het beest verlaat steeds vaker zijn sloot om op de openbare weg voorbijgangers de schrik van hun leven te bezorgen. De rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft wordt pas sinds een jaar of 20 in Nederland waargenomen, maar haar aantal neemt ondertussen schrikbarende vormen aan.

    Oud nieuws :-)

    maandag 16 juli 2007
    Kreeft duikt op in De Bilt

    [LEZERSNIEUWS] DE BILT - Rustig was ik mijn honden aan het uitlaten in een looppad met veel bomen en struiken toen ik een onbekend geritsel hoorde. Eerst dacht ik aan een egel, maar die maken nog meer herrie, dus toch maar van dichtbij gaan kijken.
    Ik zie iets onbekend van een centimeter of twaalf op me af komen en denk aan een kreeft. Huh, we zijn hier toch ver verwijderd van open water. Snel de honden naar binnen en de camera gepakt. Zegt het maar, is het een kreeft, waar komt dat beestje vandaan en wat kan ik het beste doen als ik hem weer zie?

    Noot van de redactie (1): Blogger Camaron uit Utrecht reageerde op dit bericht: Dit is een zoetwaterkreeft die in helder water leeft. Mocht je hem weer zien, pak ‘m voorzichtig op en zet hem in een heldere plas of vijver uit. Stromende sloten zijn ook goed. Het is een aaseter dievan dode vis en dergelijke leeft.

    Noot van de redactie (2): De redactie vroeg bioloog Hans Adema van het Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis om welke soort het hiet gaat. “Dit is een rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft of Florida-rivierkreeft (Procambarus clarkii). Deze kreeft komt sinds het begin van de jaren tachtig in Nederland voor. De eerste vondst is goed gedocumenteerd. Dat was in de omgeving van de Laakhaven in Den Haag, waar thermisch verontreinigd koelwater geloosd werd. Deze soort is namelijk warmteminnend. Een restauranthouder die er geen raad mee wist heeft ze daar losgelaten.”

    Dat deze vreemde eend in de bijt zelfs in het bosrijke De Bilt opduikt, verbaast Adema niet.“In tegenstelling tot andere rivierkreeften, trekt de Florida-rivierkreeft vaak over land naar nieuwe wateren om die te koloniseren. De laatste vijf jaar heeft hij zich sterk over het land verspreid, waarbij een grote concentratie in Het Gooi en de Amsterdamse grachten erg opvallend is. In Amsterdam heeft hij concurrentie van de kleinere, agressievere gevlekte Amerikaanse riviekreeft (Orconectes limosus).

    Gevaarlijk zijn de Amerikaanse rivierkreeften niet, weet de bioloog. “Het is een exoot, maar hij is niet schadelijk of gevaarlijk. In principe kan je zo’ n dier gewoon met rust laten, maar in de buurt van autowegen of fietspaden doen mensen er verstandig aan hem in veiligheid te brengen.”
  7. aossa 12 oktober 2007 12:21
    Genentech, Inc. Earnings Conference Call (Q3 2007)
    Scheduled to start Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 5:15 pm Eastern
  8. Procambarus 12 oktober 2007 16:42
    We zijn dus gewaarschuwd.

    "October 11, 2007

    Dear Members,

    Today I have been very busy to give final answer to all my members regarding what will happen from here as every thing looks confusing, even this week my predictions are making many confuse so I decided to write final clear note.

    I like to guide you today in simple word;

    After doing all calculations, first time in my career I am worried about each and every market including commodities, currencies and stock market because months of October will be worst than 1929/1987. All financial market will collapse like there is no tomorrow so please get out from all major position including gold, silver, copper, platinum, oil, heating oil, RIB gas, soy, soy oil, soy meal, wheat, corn, coffee, cotton, orange juice and any other commodity if you are holding at this stage.

    Sell all stocks whatever you are holding at this stage.

    Hold and add US DOLLAR position . All currencies will fall like there is no tomorrow.

    This can happen even tomorrow but for sure with in next 10 days.

    Thanks & God Bless
    Mahendra Sharma 11.30 AM Santa Barbara

    Wat denken jullie; moeten we nu bang worden?
  9. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2007 16:54

    gocrucellgo schreef:

    Volgens mij is die US dollar de gevaarlijkste van het rijtje...
    Hold and add US$? waarom als alle markten klappen zou de dollar een veilige haven zijn en goud niet? Zelfs anno 1929 een tegenstrijdig bericht. Ik ben het met gocrucellgo eens dus.

    Geen zorgen dus. In elk geval niet om dit bericht.

    mvg DH
  10. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2007 07:45

    Procambarus schreef:

    This can happen even tomorrow but for sure with in next 10 days.
    Onzin, maar tenminste verifieerbare onzin. Op 21 oktober kunnen we de onzinnigheid van deze voorspelling vaststellen. Onthoud even, kreeft.
  11. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2007 07:48
    En wellicht weer een (grote) zelfstandige biotech minder...

    Biogen's management gets OK to consider sale
    The biotechnology company's board of directors authorized management to explore possibility of selling the business.
    October 12 2007: 6:20 PM EDT

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -- Biotechnology firm Biogen Idec Inc. said Friday it was exploring a possible sale of the company and already has interest from billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who has recently bought up company shares.

    The announcement was made after the close of trading Friday, and after Biogen Idec shares reached a record high during the regular trading session.

    The Cambridge, Mass.-based maker of drugs to treat conditions including multiple sclerosis and arthritis said its board had authorized management to explore a possible sale, although it cautioned that there was no assurance a deal would occur.

    Shares rose $2.31, or 3.4 percent, to close at $69.43 - just shy of the stock's record close of $69.81 set in December 2000. After Friday's close, shares gained a further $11.92 to $81.35. Friday's closing price exceeded the 52-week high of $69.

    The company's market capital is just shy of $20 billion.

    The company issued a statement saying that its current business strategy "is working and generating strong operating and financial performance. ... Nevertheless, to determine whether potential strategic interest on the part of major pharmaceutical companies might result in superior value in the current environment, the board has authorized management to explore interest in a transaction with Biogen Idec."

    Biogen Idec (Charts) said it has received "expressions of interest, including one from investor Carl Icahn."

    The company said it would not disclose further information until its evaluation was complete.

    In August, federal antitrust regulators cleared Icahn to buy a stake in Biogen Idec. Earlier in the month, Icahn reported purchasing 2.7 million shares of the company as of June 30.

    Biogen Idec retained Goldman Sachs & Co (Charts, Fortune 500). and Merrill Lynch & Co (Charts, Fortune 500). to assist in the review of a possible sale.

    The company, founded in 1978, is due to report third-quarter earnings Oct. 23. In July, the company said it swung to a second-quarter profit on strong sales of two key drugs, the MS drug Avonex and Rituxan, approved for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis.

    The results boosted the stock to its highest level since the company withdrew a newer MS drug called Tysabri in February 2005 because of safety concerns.

    Tysabri had been seen as a potential blockbuster for Biogen Idec and Irish partner Elan Corp. PLC before it was withdrawn after two clinical trial patients died of a rare brain disorder, known as PML. U.S. and European authorities approved Tysabri's reintroduction in June 2006 but with restrictions to monitor patients for symptoms of the brain disease.

    On Thursday, Biogen Idec and Elan said that 17,000 patients had taken Tysabri as of Sept. 30, and no new cases of PML have been found.

  12. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2007 21:15
    Spray cleaners linked to adult asthma
    BARCELONA, Spain, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- European researchers say using household cleaning sprays and air fresheners as little as once a week increases the risk of asthma in adults.

    The epidemiological study, the first to investigate the effects of cleaning products on occasional users rather than occupational users, was published in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

    "The relative risk rates of developing adult asthma in relation to exposure to cleaning products could account for as much as 15 percent, or one in seven of adult asthma cases," said lead author Jan-Paul Zock of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology at the Municipal Institute of Medical Research in Barcelona, Spain.

    More than 3,500 subjects in 10 European countries were tested for asthma symptoms and interviewed about the number of times per week they used cleaning products.

    The risk of developing asthma increased with frequency of cleaning and number of different sprays used, but on average was about 30 percent to 50 percent higher in people regularly exposed to cleaning sprays.

    The researchers said cleaning sprays, especially air fresheners, furniture cleaners and glass-cleaners, had a particularly strong effect.

    Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.

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    Asthma more likely in affluent countries
  13. [verwijderd] 16 oktober 2007 09:55
    MARKET TALK: Galapagos; subsidie welkome versterking - SNS

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--SNS Securities noemt de Europese en Nederlandse subsidies die Galapagos heeft binnengehaald 'een welkome versterking van het medicijnonderzoek'. De zakenbank handhaaft een buy-advies. De analisten van SNS verwachten dat Galapagos door de subsidies zijn stijgende kosten voor R&D onder controle zal kunnen houden. Het Belgisch-Nederlandse biotechconcern maakte dinsdagochtend bekend dat het EUR5,2 miljoen aan subsidies van de EU en van de Nederlandse overheid krijgt voor de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen. SNS verwacht dat Galapagos volgend jaar met een eerste product zal komen. Omstreeks 9.30 uur noteert het aandeel 0,6% hoger op EUR7,14. (INK)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270,

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    October 16, 2007 03:37 ET (07:37 GMT)

  14. [verwijderd] 17 oktober 2007 10:19
    MARKET TALK: Pharming +8,2% op speculatie over Rhucin

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het aandeel Pharming stijgt woensdag rond 10.15 uur met 8,2% tot EUR3,55, terwijl de Smallcap-index vlak noteert. Volgens analist Huub Verschueren van SNS Securities is de meest waarschijnlijke verklaring voor de sterke koersbeweging speculatie in de markt over verdere voortgang van Pharmings belangrijkste product Rhucin. "Behalve een goedkeuring door de Europese medische toezichthouder EMEA zou dat ook nieuws kunnen zijn over de voortgang klinische tests van het middel in de VS", aldus de analist, die een buy-advies hanteert bij een koersdoel van EUR3,20. Pharming publiceert vrijdag zijn derdekwartaalcijfers. (AVR)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270,

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    October 17, 2007 04:15 ET (08:15 GMT)

  15. [verwijderd] 17 oktober 2007 11:51
    Soya appears to protect women
    WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- A small-scale U.S. study indicates consuming drinks containing soya appears to protect older women from abdominal fat.

    The study was carried out by Dr. Daniel Christie of the University of Alabama, The Telegraph reported. Christie gave nine women drinks containing isoflavones, the compounds in soya that contain most of its health benefits, while six women received a control drink.

    Both groups showed the same pattern of weight gain, Christie said in a report on his work at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in Washington. But the women who consumed the isoflavones were less likely to acquire abdominal fat, than the control group. Researchers say abdominal fat puts women more at risk for diabetes and heart disease.

    "The effect seems to be isolated to the abdominal region," Christie said. "If this was to hold up in larger numbers, it could have much broader implications in terms of recommending high-dose soya and

    isoflavones to postmenopausal women."

    Christie plans to carry out another study of 70 women.

    Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved
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Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.856
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.335
Aroundtown SA 1 220
Arrowhead Research 5 9.749
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.534
ASML 1.766 109.078
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.711
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412