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OIL, the Final Thread(/t?)

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  1. [verwijderd] 17 april 2006 21:49

    jjo schreef:

    Iedere onbenul zal dat wel doorhebben...

    Jij nog niet Duro?
    Je weet toch dat Duro geen onbenul is, waterskieer?
    Die heeft dat dus zéker door!

    Volgens waterskieer dus niet hij beschouwd en verklaart duro's nivo nog lager dan een debiel,weer zien we een grove belediging van een gewaardeerd forumlid,deze man kan niet anders.

    mvrgr jo jo

  2. [verwijderd] 18 april 2006 11:15
    Bernanke: Energy inflation effects to fade
    Fed Chairman says oil speculation did not result in higher prices in the economy.
    April 17, 2006: 7:23 PM EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The run-up in energy prices since late 2003 will not have a lasting impact on U.S. inflation as long as the Federal Reserve conducts policy appropriately, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said.

    "In the longer run, these inflation effects should fade even if energy prices remain elevated, so long as monetary policy keeps inflation expectations well-anchored by responding appropriately to future price and output developments," Bernanke said in an April 5 letter to Rep. J. Gresham Barrett, R-S.C.

    The letter, parts of which were released Monday by Barrett's office, was in response to written questions submitted in connection with a Feb. 15 hearing on monetary policy, at which Bernanke testified.

    Bernanke said that while the increase in energy prices had pushed "headline" inflation up sharply, "the impact on core inflation appears to have been relatively modest."

    Still, he said the energy price gains had significantly cut the purchasing power of households and had eaten into the profits of non-energy firms, restraining both consumer spending and business investment.

    The Fed chief said "by rough estimate," the rise in energy costs had cut somewhere between 1/2 percent and 1 percent from economic growth.

    "Although some of this loss in output will be made up in the longer run as the U.S. economy adjusts to higher energy prices, the level of productivity is likely to remain lower than it otherwise would have been, as firms use less energy per worker," he said.

    Skyrocketing energy costs have complicated the Fed's job of keeping the U.S. economy on a non-inflationary path. Officials have worried lofty energy costs could undermine expectations that future inflation would be low, providing a spark that sets off a self-feeding inflationary psychology.

    Bernanke's latest remarks were released on a day in which the price of benchmark U.S. crude reached a record $70.40 a barrel settlement.

    In his letter, Bernanke downplayed concerns that speculative activity in oil markets was a factor behind the increase in prices, saying an apparent increase in speculation did not mean the speculation was responsible for the higher prices.

    "In fact, increases in oil prices probably encouraged the entry of speculative investors in the market," he said.

    "It may also be the case that these market participants have added liquidity to the market and have facilitated the price discovery process at a time when the balance of supply and demand in the physical oil market has undergone significant change," Bernanke wrote.
  3. [verwijderd] 18 april 2006 12:57
    Olie boven de $72:

    Belangstelling neemt hard af voor de hoge olieprijs, ook in dit forum.
    Consequenties zullen in mijn ogen groot zijn. Besef zal doordringen dat de piek van rond de $ 70 in 2005 niet eenmalig is geweest.
    Minder geld voor consumptie...links om of rechts om.
    De FED nuanceert de zaak...onbegrijpelijk.
    Het CPB gaat nog steeds uit van irreel lage olieprijzen...hoe bestaat het?
  4. [verwijderd] 19 april 2006 18:00
    "Misschien zoeken en vinden ze wel alternatieve energiebronnen.....maar dat zal de totale hoeveelheid olie niet veranderen"

    (zou Jim Rogers zeggen ;-))


  5. [verwijderd] 21 april 2006 10:19
    Over gare rapen gesproken! duro

    Gas shortages hit the East Coast
    Some distribution terminals see shortages while industry phases out additive.
    April 20, 2006: 4:51 PM EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some gasoline distribution terminals from Virginia to Massachusetts are seeing shortages as the industry phases out a water-polluting additive, the U.S. Energy Department said on Thursday.

    The Energy Department has reported shortages at terminals near Richmond, Virginia, as well as the Tidewater area near Chesapeake Bay and Virginia Beach which distribute gasoline to service stations.

    The terminals, which hold millions of gallons of gasoline in giant tanks, distribute supplies from refineries to gas stations.

    Northern Virginia, Baltimore and Boston are also seeing shortages, the department's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability said.

    The Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area has some of the highest retail gasoline prices in the country, with pump prices above $3 a gallon at many stations for regular unleaded fuel.

    The National Association of Convenience Stores, whose 2,200 member stores account for 75 percent of U.S. gasoline sales, also said members had reported shortages at terminals around Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia.

    The shortages are not because refiners are not making enough gasoline, or because of a recent rupture on the key Plantation Pipeline that carries supplies from the Gulf Coast to the East Coast, industry officials said.

    Rather, the oil industry is rapidly eliminating a gasoline additive called MTBE, banned in several states for polluting ground water, and replacing it with ethanol, a renewable fuel that can't be shipped by pipeline because it absorbs water.

    "There's not a shortage of supply," said John Eichberger, a spokesman for the group. "It's a transitional issue."

    Because ethanol is a solvent, it will strip corrosion and impurities that build up inside gasoline storage tanks, allowing them to mingle with gasoline supplies.

    That means terminal operators must drain giant tanks that hold gasoline stocks and scrub out the impurities before they can be refilled with ethanol-enriched gasoline, he said.

    "That's going to compromise supplies for awhile," he said.

    The American Petroleum Institute said 40 percent of the gasoline produced in the United States by the first week of April was blended with ethanol, up from 33 percent a year ago.

  6. [verwijderd] 24 april 2006 15:58
    OPEC says powerless to drive down $75 oil

    By Peg Mackey and Janet McBride

    DOHA (Reuters) - OPEC ministers conceded on Monday there was nothing they could do to halt surging oil prices that threaten consumer nations' economies and could trigger a collapse in demand disastrous to producer states.

    The group, already pumping as much as refiners can handle, concluded at talks here that raising its 28 million barrels per day output ceiling would not rein in runaway prices.

    "The market determines the oil price," Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi, OPEC's most influential voice, told reporters.

    "You know and I know that the reason the price is where it is is not from a shortage of (crude oil) supply," he said.

    Oil raced to an all-time high above $75 last week as Iran continued to defy world pressure to halt its nuclear program, a quarter of Nigeria's output lay idle after rebel attacks and Iraq's once considerable oil industry was mired in crisis.

    Consuming nations -- from top energy user the United States to poor African nations -- are afraid high energy costs will snuff out economic growth. Producers fear a price collapse.

    OPEC ministers, meeting during global energy talks here, had little enthusiasm for a Kuwait proposal to offer up all the organization's spare capacity of two million bpd as they did in September when oil spiked above $70 a barrel.

    Then, as now, a lack of motor fuel in the United States, consumer of over 40 percent of the world's gasoline, was partly to blame for the price surge.

    At that time hurricanes had damaged U.S. refineries. Now the introduction of new, cleaner U.S. gasoline may disrupt supplies in the short term, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said.

    Some OPEC delegates also blame U.S. foreign policy.

    Libya's top oil official said fears of a U.S. strike on Iran, the world's fourth biggest crude exporter, had added $15 to the cost of a barrel of oil. Kuwait's oil minister reckoned another $7 had been added by consumers' sense of vulnerability.

    Top exporter Saudi Arabia, a close U.S. ally, also spoke of international tension. "There is nothing that can be done about the tension that has been created and until that tension abates the price will continue to be high," Naimi said.

    Investors agreed OPEC, supplier of a third of the world's oil, could do nothing to steer oil from its highest level in real terms since 1980, the year after the Iranian revolution.

    "OPEC can't do anything about the upside to the market. They don't have much scope left for managing," said Michael Coleman, managing director of hedge fund Aisling Analytics.


    Energy consumers and producers here for the three-day International Energy Forum agree there is an urgent need to bring down prices. But they are split over how to do it.

    Consumers want greater access to oil and gas in the Middle East, Russia and Africa. Producers want to be sure investing in new fields will pay off. Both sides criticize major oil firms for failing to build new refineries.

    "The objectives are different. Nobody is sharing anything," said a delegate who declined to be named.

    The meeting brings together ministers from 65 countries and the chief executives of major oil companies.

    OPEC members point out they have raised oil output by over 10 percent since 1999. Saudi Arabia alone will spend $50 billion over the next five years on new fields and refineries.

    In contrast, the United States, which uses a quarter of the world's oil, has not built a refinery on its soil for decades.

    A conciliatory Bodman said he would not ask OPEC to pump more even though U.S. gasoline has reached $3 a gallon

    "We have encouraged producing nations to keep oil markets well supplied -- I think they've done that," he said.
  7. [verwijderd] 24 april 2006 16:48
    Alsof dit zin heeft:

    UPDATE 4-Oil falls after OPEC keeps output steady

    LONDON, April 24 (Reuters) - Oil fell sharply on Monday after OPEC promised to keep pumping near maximum capacity but losses were limited as the cartel conceded that it was powerless to cool the red hot market.

    U.S. light crude fell 92 cents to $74.25 a barrel, distancing itself from the $75.35 record high struck on Friday, the fourth consecutive day in a row to see a new peak.

    IPE Brent crude fell 90 cents to $73.67 a barrel.

    Prices have soared more than 20 percent this year on growing geopolitcal concerns surrounding major OPEC producers, worries about the state of summertime U.S. gasoline supply, and an influx of fresh fund buying in the commodity sector.

    Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries acknowledged they could do little to counterbalance global tensions that were the chief cause of surging oil prices.

    "The market determines the oil price," Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi, OPEC's most influential voice, told reporters at the International Energy Forum in Doha.

    "You know and I know that the reason the price is where it is is not from a shortage of (crude oil) supply," he said.

    OPEC, the source of more than a third of the world's oil, concluded at talks that raising its 28 million barrels per day output ceiling would not rein in runaway prices.

    Analysts agreed. "OPEC can't do anything about the upside to the market. They don't have much scope left for managing," said Michael Coleman, managing director of hedge fund Aisling Analytics.

    OPEC ministers said geopolitical tensions in Iran, Nigeria and other key oil-producing nations have added as much as $15 per barrel to the price of oil.

    Iran's Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri sought to calm the market over the weekend by reiterating that the oil weapon was off the table in its dispute with the West, which fears Tehran wants to build an atomic bomb.

    "We strongly believe there is no reason for sanctions but in any case we will not cut our oil exports," he said in Doha.

    Iran's foreign ministry said at the weekend its decision to enrich uranium was irreversible, despite the threat of sanctions or military action.,%201,250%20km%20(776%20miles)%20south%20of%20the%20capital%20Tehran.
  8. [verwijderd] 25 april 2006 12:11
    Opec: Olieprijs zal niet dalen door meer olie

    De Organisatie van olie-exporterende landen (Opec) denkt niet dat het aanbieden van meer olie de prijs van het zwarte goud zal laten dalen. Volgens de Opec is de hoge olieprijs het gevolg van te weinig raffinagecapaciteit.

    'Genoeg olie'
    "Er is op dit moment genoeg olie", aldus de Opec. Extra olie op de markt brengen heeft geen zin, denken de samenwerkende landen, omdat deze olie niet tot nauwelijks geraffineerd kan worden. Mocht dit wel het geval zijn, dan is de Opec bereid olie uit zijn reserves beschikbaar te stellen om de olieprijs te laten dalen.

    Manipulatie benzineprijs
    Ondertussen laat president Bush onderzoeken of er is gemanipuleerd met brandstofprijzen. "De Federal Trade Commission doet onderzoek om te bepalen of de brandstofprijzen [...] op onterechte wijze zijn gemanipuleerd sinds de orkanen van vorig jaar," aldus een woordvoerder van het Witte Huis.
  9. [verwijderd] 25 april 2006 17:21
    De VS Stopt met het toevoegen van olie aan de strategische reservers! Dit alles om maar zoveel mogelijk beschikbaar te houden voor de markt. Ten eerste geeft dit weer hoe wanhopig de VS is en ten tweede is het zinloos. Niet de ruwe olie is het probleem, maar de raffinage. Gisteren gaf S. Arabie al aan dat men best meer olie op de markt wil brengen (...kan men dat?), maar men stelde zelf de vraag: "Aan wie?". Daarmee doelde men op het feit wat ik zojuist al noemde. Niet ruwe olie is het probleem, raffinage er van in bruikbare producten dat is het grootste probleem.

    Overigens geloof ik er niks van dat er voldoende olie is, maar dat is een andere discussie.

    Bush seeks end to oil tax breaks

    President also sets investigation into gouging, halts deposits to stockpile in bid to deal with soaring gasoline prices.

    NEW YORK ( - President Bush Tuesday announced a gas-gouging probe and a halt to deposits to the nation's emergency stockpile of oil as he seeks to deal with rising oil and gasoline prices ahead of this fall's midterm elections.

    "The prices that people are paying at the gas pump reflect our addiction to oil," he said in an address to an industry group in Washington.

    The nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve is large enough to deal with any potential shortages, the president said. "By deferring the deposits to the fall, we leave more oil on the market," Bush said. "Every little bit helps."

    The administration is trying to get more oil onto the market and help reduce rising gasoline prices, a senior administration official said earlier.

    The president also announced that the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission would be conducting probes into energy prices, as well as helping state officials investigate whether there is price gouging taking place at the pump.

    He called on Congress to expand the tax credit for hybrid vehicles, making all buyers of the fuel-efficient vehicles this year eligible for federal tax credits, rather than having caps on the number of vehicles eligible for the tax break.

    He also called for a rollback in $2 billion in government assistance and tax breaks for oil companies over the next 10 years for items such as research and development for deep water drilling.

    "These energy companies don't need unnecessary tax breaks," he said. "Cash flows are up, and taxpayers don't need to be paying for some of these expenses on part of energy companies."

    Bush also repeated his earlier calls for speeding the permitting procedures for new gasoline refineries as well as opening the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve to oil exploration. He also pushed for greater use of alternative fuel in his address to the Renewable Fuels Association in Washington.

    The president, whose ratings have fallen to the lowest of his presidency, and fellow Republicans are under pressure due to the upcoming midterm elections.

  10. [verwijderd] 26 april 2006 16:49
    Oil slips on inventory report
    Distillate stocks post surprise gain; crude and gasoline come in just below estimates.
    April 26, 2006: 10:45 AM EDT

    NEW YORK ( - Oil prices fell Wednesday after a government report said supplies of distillates came in higher than expected.

    U.S. light crude for June delivery slipped 63 cents to $72.25 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Crude traded down 18 cents a barrel just prior to the report.

    In its weekly stockpile report, the Energy Information Administration said supplies of crude oil fell by 200,000 barrels. Analysts were looking for a 100,000 barrel decline, according to Reuters.

    Closely watched gasoline stocks fell by 1.9 million barrels, while diesel and heating fuel component distillates rose by 1 million barrels. Analysts were looking for a 2.6 million barrel drop in gasoline supplies and a 1.5 million decline in distillates.
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