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OIL, the Final Thread(/t?)

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  1. [verwijderd] 17 juli 2005 19:14
    Nederlands bedrijf mag olieplatform redden
    Het Nederlandse bedrijf Smit heeft de opdracht gekregen om het gekantelde en beschadigde olieplatform Thunder Horse te redden.

    Het platform ligt in de Golf van Mexico en raakte zwaar beschadigd door de orkaan Dennis. Het gevaarte maakte slagzij en dreigde te zinken. Inmiddels is de situatie volgens BP 'stabiel'. Olieconcern BP benaderde de Nederlandse specialisten voor de klus.

    Smit heeft 25 specialisten ingezet voor de berging. BP coördineert de operatie, waarbij ook de Amerikaanse kustwacht en het ministerie van Grondstoffen zijn betrokken.

    Net klaar
    De bouw van het platform, dat 240 kilometer ten zuidwesten van de Amerikaanse stad New Orleans ligt, kostte ongeveer 830 miljoen euro. Thunder Horse is nog niet operationeel. Het platform zou eind dit jaar beginnen met het oppompen van olie en gas.
  2. [verwijderd] 18 juli 2005 12:26
    Crude Oil Futures Open Week Higher
    Monday July 18, 4:25 am ET
    By En-Lai Yeoh, Associated Press Writer
    Crude Oil Futures Open Week Higher As Hurricane Emily Roars Toward Mexican Oilfields

    SINGAPORE (AP) -- Crude oil futures opened the week higher Monday as oil companies off Mexico's Yucatan peninsula evacuated workers and began to brace for Hurricane Emily's onslaught as it howled its way toward key oilfields that supply the United States.

    In Iraq, oil workers walked off the job on Sunday, which could likely affect much-needed export revenue for the war-tattered nation and hurt global supply.

    Mid-afternoon in Singapore, light, sweet crude for August delivery rose 64 cents in active trade to $58.73 a barrel before easing slightly to $58.65. Friday's closing price in New York was $58.09, more than $4 below its record intraday price of $62.10 set July 7.

    Still, prices remain more than 40 percent higher compared to a year ago.

    In other Nymex products, heating oil rose a penny to $1.6760 a gallon while gasoline was also up, at $1.6940 a gallon.

    On London's International Petroleum Exchange, Brent futures for September delivery rose 54 cents to $58.15 a barrel.

    At the forefront of traders' fears was Hurricane Emily, now packing sustained winds of 145 mph, and closing in on Yucatan and the giant Cantarell oil field after slicing through the Caribbean. A direct hit could instantly cut off around 3 percent of the global diet of 84 million barrels daily, analysts said.

    While forecasters predict the storm would not smash into U.S. rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, responsible for around 30 percent of total American output, many oil companies were shutting down platforms as a precaution, and that was expected to disrupt the supply flow.

    Shell Oil Co. abandoned three offshore facilities, suspending output of around 1,000 barrels daily and halting 20 million cubic feet of gas production. Mexico's state oil company, Petroleos Mexicanos, meanwhile, has evacuated its Bay of Campeche staff on offshore rigs and closed its taps.

    "While there will be some fluctuation in intensity as Emily approaches the Yucatan, the storm will largely be in a favorable environment until landfall near Cozumel, Mexico later tonight," weather trackers Accuweather said.

    Petroleos Mexicanos exports 80 percent of its 3.4 million barrels worth of daily production to the United States, the world's largest consumer of energy. Dow Jones Newswires reported it had earlier suspended production amounting to nearly half a million barrels of crude.

    The young 2005 Atlantic hurricane season has been unusually active, and analysts are warning there are more to follow Emily and the earlier Hurricane Dennis.

    Last year's Hurricane Ivan hurt output and pushed prices upward after it damaged pipelines and oil rigs.

    Elsewhere, Iraqi oil workers from its key southern oil fields went on strike, demanding better pay and warning that more labor action could follow.

    "Today's strike is peaceful, but if the central government in Baghdad doesn't meet the demands of oil workers, oil production and exports from the south will be terminated," said Samir Jassim, a spokesman for the state-owned South Oil Co.

    Production was not immediately affected, he said.
  3. [verwijderd] 18 juli 2005 17:24

    postzak schreef:

    Voor welke termijn heb jij die turbo's?
    Turbo's kan je zo lang houden als je wilt, en dat doe ik ook...

    Ik houd ze onbeperkt..
  4. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 10:45
    Weet iemand of de weging van RD in de AEX verandert (is veranderd)??
    Ik heb het nieuws hierom niet zo gevolgd, wel weet ik dat RD op de FTSE iets van 10% gaat meewegen. Vandaar dacht ik dat dat ergens vandaan moet komen..... ???
  5. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 12:14
    Chevron: olieproductie daalt in 33 van 48 grootste olielanden
    Chevron vraagt vandaag via advertenties in The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Economist en de Financial Times aandacht voor het steeds krapper wordende olieaanbod.

    Als eerste grote oliemaatschappij stelt Chevron dat “het tijdperk van gemakkelijke olie voorbij is”. Het is nog niet eerder voorgekomen dat een grote oliemaatschappij zo duidelijk waarschuwt voor het driegende olietekort. Chevron roept in een twee pagina’s tellende advertentie wetenschappers en beleidsmakers op na te denken over oplossingen. “De vraag naar energie stijgt als nooit tevoren. Tegelijkertijd zijn veel van de olie- en gasvelden aan het rijpen. Nieuwe ontdekkingen zijn meestal op plaatsen waar het moeilijk is de olie uit de grond te halen.”

    Op haar website schrijft Chevron ook: "de olieproductie is in verval in 33 van de 48 grootste olieproducerende landen, terwijl de vraag naar energie over de hele wereld toeneemt omdat economieën groeien en landen zich ontwikkelen."

  6. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 12:25

    postzak schreef:

    Chevron: olieproductie daalt in 33 van 48 grootste olielanden
    Chevron vraagt vandaag via advertenties in The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Economist en de Financial Times aandacht voor het steeds krapper wordende olieaanbod.

    Als eerste grote oliemaatschappij stelt Chevron dat “het tijdperk van gemakkelijke olie voorbij is”. Het is nog niet eerder voorgekomen dat een grote oliemaatschappij zo duidelijk waarschuwt voor het driegende olietekort. Chevron roept in een twee pagina’s tellende advertentie wetenschappers en beleidsmakers op na te denken over oplossingen. “De vraag naar energie stijgt als nooit tevoren. Tegelijkertijd zijn veel van de olie- en gasvelden aan het rijpen. Nieuwe ontdekkingen zijn meestal op plaatsen waar het moeilijk is de olie uit de grond te halen.”

    Op haar website schrijft Chevron ook: "de olieproductie is in verval in 33 van de 48 grootste olieproducerende landen, terwijl de vraag naar energie over de hele wereld toeneemt omdat economieën groeien en landen zich ontwikkelen."

    Olieprijs stijgt bijna niks..

  7. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 12:30
    Now more than ever we need to work together.
    Energy will be one of the defining issues of this century, and one thing is clear: the era of easy oil is over. What we all do next will determine how well we meet the energy needs of the entire world in this century and beyond.

    The trends are in motion.
    Energy demand is soaring as never before and driving economic growth. And improved standards of living are requiring increasing amounts of energy. In fact, some say that in 20 years the world will consume 40% more oil than it does today.

    The facts are compelling.
    Many of the world’s oil and gas fields are maturing. And new energy discoveries are mainly occurring in places where resources are difficult to extract—physically, technically, economically, and politically. When growing demand meets tighter supplies, the result is more competition for the same resources.

    The only energy we have in abundance: Human energy™.
    We can wait until a crisis forces us to do something. Or we can commit to working together, and start by asking the tough questions: How do we meet the energy needs of the developing world and those of industrialized nations? What role will renewables and alternative energies play? What is the best way to protect our environment? How do we accelerate our conservation efforts? Whatever actions we take, we must look not just to next year, but to the next 50 years.

    We need your help.
    At Chevron, we believe that innovation, collaboration and conservation are the cornerstones on which to build this new world. But we can’t do it alone. Corporations, governments and every citizen of this planet must be part of the solution as surely as they are part of the problem.

    And so, we ask you to join us.
    There are many factors in the new energy equation, and we encourage you to consider all of them. We call upon scientists and educators, politicians and policymakers, environmentalists, leaders of industry and each one of you to be part of reshaping the next era of energy.

  8. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 12:32
    Crude prices retreat as Hurricane Emily weakens
    By Andrei Postelnicu and agencies in London
    Published: July 18 2005 12:44 | Last updated: July 18 2005 19:17

    Crude oil futures declined on Monday amid easing concerns about disruption of production in Mexico due to Hurricane Emily.

    The second hurricane of the season has so far missed some oil production facilities in the Gulf of Mexico but had threatened to disrupt output in Venezuela and Mexico itself.

    But Emily weakened as it passed Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, to sighs of relief from traders. They had expected worse disruptions just when the global crude market has virtually no spare capacity.

    By late morning in New York, West Texas Intermediate for August delivery was trading $1.09 lower at $57 a barrel. On London’s International Petroleum Exchange, Brent for September delivery fell $1.06 to $56.55 a barrel.

    The decline came as leading producers said growth in global demand for crude would fall next year to 1.9 per cent, or about 1.5m barrels a day. The estimate came in a report from the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which put the slowing demand growth down to the impact of higher prices. Nymex futures reached a nominal record high of $62.10 on July 7.

    Copper prices reversed a decline in morning trading on the London Metals Exchange yesterday. By late morning in New York, copper added 1 per cent to $1.578 per pound on the Comex division of Nymex amid concerns about a labour dispute at a leading copper producer, a unit of Grupo Mexico. The strike entered its third week.

    On the LME, three-month copper rose $22 to $3,387 per tonne, or $1.5361.

    Gold, meanwhile, rose 0.2 per cent to $422.20 in late morning trading on the Comex as the dollar declined against the euro yesterday. The single currency gained ground on data about higher inflation in the eurozone, dampening further any expectations that European Central Bank policy makers might cut interest rates.

    Kevin Norrish at Barclays Capital said “the inverse relationship between gold and the dollar appears to have been re-established”. He added gold was likely to be influenced by Thursday’s report on the US economy from Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman.

    The rebound followed evidence of heavy liquidation of long positions in the yellow metal last week, as reflected in data from the US Commodities and Futures Trading Commission. The CFTC reported that gross speculative long positions fell by 2.3m ounces as gross short positions rose by 0.66m ounces.

    John Reade at UBS said that he was “no longer as concerned about the extent of speculative positioning, although for choice [I] suspect the short-term outlook for gold is for lower rather than higher prices”.
  9. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 12:33
    Peking sluit bedrijven om stroom te sparen

    De werknemers in 962 industriële bedrijven in de Chinese hoofdstad Peking zijn met betaald verlof gestuurd. Op last van de overheid sluiten de bedrijven een week om stroom te sparen.

    De bijna duizend betrokken bedrijven zijn de eerste in een reeks. In totaal gaan de komende maand bijna 4700 ondernemingen steeds voor een periode van een week dicht.

    Volgens The China Daily zullen de meeste bedrijven deze herfst een zesdaagse werkweek invoeren om de achterstand in de productie weer in te lopen. Om het gebruik van elektriciteit extra te ontmoedigen zijn de prijzen per kilowattuur voor zeker 50.000 ondernemingen per 1 juli verhoogd.

    Energietekorten vormen al jaren een groot probleem in de stedelijk gebieden, vooral in hete zomers zoals dit jaar in China. Een meerderheid van de Chinese provincies had vorig jaar zomer te kampen met energieproblemen en zelfs met uitval van stroom. Vooral luchtkoelingapparatuur slurpt stroom en in veel overheidsgebouwen geldt nu de regel dat de airconditioning niet lager mag dan 26 graden.

    De elektriciteitsbedrijven kunnen de steeds grotere vraag naar stroom nauwelijks bijhouden in het steeds welvarender land. Het is de bedoeling dat de stroomvoorziening in 2006 voldoende is uitgebreid om aan de vraag te kunnen voldoen.
  10. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 13:33
    Oil prices dip as hurricane slows

    Storm that halted most of Mexico's oil production loses power; traders await U.S. oil supply report.
    July 19, 2005: 6:23 AM EDT

    Oil prices dip as hurricane slows

    Storm that halted most of Mexico's oil production loses power; traders await U.S. oil supply report.
    July 19, 2005: 6:23 AM EDT

    Special Report full coverage

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    Oil drifts down near $57

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    LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices eased Tuesday as Hurricane Emily, which had halted most of Mexico's oil production, lost power.

    At 6:21 a.m. ET, U.S. light, sweet crude for August delivery dipped 11 cents to $57.21 a barrel, adding to a fall of 77 cents posted Monday. September London Brent crude slipped 8 cents to $56.91. (Click here for oil prices.)

    "There's a lot of crude available and once the storms subside, there will probably be more. I am short-term bearish though, in the medium to long-term, the market is still bullish," said Tony Nunan, a Tokyo-based manager at Mitsubishi Corp.'s international energy business.

    Hurricane Emily, which slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula on Monday, halted all oil exports from Mexico, the world's ninth largest producer, and froze most of the nation's oil 3.44 million barrels per day of oil production. (Click here for the hurricane special report.)

    Mexico's state oil monopoly Pemex said it would start restoring output Wednesday and expected to resume full production by Friday.

    The National Hurricane Center downgraded the hurricane from Category 4 to Category 1. It warned Tuesday that it could regain strength over the next 24 hours, but forecasters have predicted it would probably steer clear of most U.S. and oil and gas operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Data wait
    Traders were awaiting the next set of U.S. inventory data, which was expected to show the impact of an earlier hurricane.

    A Reuters survey of analysts predicted U.S. inventories would have fallen by 3.3 million barrels in the week ended July 15 as Hurricane Dennis delayed import offloading in the U.S. Gulf Coast.

    But distillate stocks were expected to have risen by another 1.8 million barrels.

    If confirmed that would be the ninth increase in a row in distillate stocks, which include high-demand fuels diesel, jet fuel and heating oil.

    The series of increases has eased concerns stockpiles might run short ahead of the peak demand fourth quarter.

    Bearish pressure has also come from expectations of slower demand growth.

    OPEC on Monday downgraded its forecast for demand growth in 2005 by 150,000 bpd, following on from last week's report from the Paris-based International Energy Agency, which lowered its forecast for global oil demand growth this year by 200,000 bpd.

    "It is a big concern that demand growth in China has been drastically reduced. The government has kept domestic prices low against high international prices and this has affected demand," Nunan said. "However, it's a reduction in growth and not negative growth. I don't think this can last very long and I am still bullish in the long term as far as China is concerned."
  11. [verwijderd] 19 juli 2005 16:11
    Als eerste grote oliemaatschappij stelt Chevron dat “het tijdperk van gemakkelijk te vinden olie voorbij is”. Het is nog niet eerder voorgekomen dat een grote oliemaatschappij zo duidelijk waarschuwt voor het driegende olietekort. Chevron roept in een twee pagina’s tellende advertentie wetenschappers en beleidsmakers op na te denken over oplossingen. “De vraag naar energie stijgt als nooit tevoren. Tegelijkertijd zijn veel van de olie- en gasvelden aan het verouderen. Nieuwe ontdekkingen zijn meestal op plaatsen waar het moeilijk is de olie uit de grond te halen.”

    Op haar website schrijft Chevron ook: "de olieproductie is in verval in 33 van de 48 grootste olieproducerende landen, terwijl de vraag naar energie over de hele wereld toeneemt omdat economieën groeien en landen zich ontwikkelen." Chevron gaat voor de 'bewustwordingscampagne' ook adverteren in ondermeer The Economist, op CNN en op BBC Africa, Asia, Middle East en Latin America, en op vliegvelden in Peking, Moskou en Washington.
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