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AND - 2020: de turnaround....???

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  1. [verwijderd] 29 oktober 2020 07:51

    Stephanovic. schreef op 28 oktober 2020 20:24:

    Morgen de cijfers; ik ben benieuwd.

    Fijne avond allemaal; tot morgenochtend!
    Morning! Meestal zijn de quaterly publicaties nabeurs. De q4 pijplijn zit ramvol. Dat is ongetwijfeld het beste kwartaal van het jaar. Met verrassingen kunnen we zomaar weer boven de 2€ uitkomen. Ik denk dat ze volgend jaar 80-120% gaan groeien in normale macro-economische omstandigheden. Vanaf Q3 2021 kunnen ze dan winsten draaien bij een toename van operationele kosten van 10%.

  2. [verwijderd] 29 oktober 2020 10:09
    Daar zijn ze dan:

    AND grows September 2020 YTD topline by 33% and reduces net loss by 23% YOY, in difficult Covid-19 impacted economic environment.

    Covid-19 and the related measures taken both in the spring and during September and October to prevent the spread of the virus have proven to be a significant challenge for the global economy. The AND team and our underlying business have however shown very strong resilience: revenue has increased by 33% during the first 9 months of 2020 compared to the same period last year . This is mainly due to our success in winning and delivering new service projects, and moderately growing our existing recurring business. The direct impact of the lockdown was mostly felt within the data sales segment, where it was and to some extend still is difficult to connect with key decision makers and win new customers.


    In the third quarter 2020, we focused on improving our processes, developed new products, continued to deliver outstanding service quality and extended our sales team in the Netherlands, Germany and the USA.

    Thanks to improved internal processes, we pulled the mid-year reporting forward by one month and improved our visibility for the full year. These improvements enabled us to give guidance on revenue, profit & loss and enabled us to provide quarterly updates to our stakeholders.

    During the summer months, our research and development team has focused on developing new products to enhance our portfolio within premium location-aware content and expand our service offering in more location content APIs.

    On September 2nd, we launched our Eco Alert Zones. This is a whole new category of products for AND. We offer highly curated and dynamic data on worldwide congestion and low emission zones for passenger cars. This daily updated dataset is offered as a annual subscription and will contribute to our goal of increasing recurring revenue. The product was already been embraced by a large global tech company which has access to a large customer base of of mobile users.

    On September 16th, we launched our new turnkey solution for outdoor venue owners Ii.e our Outdoor Venue Plan. This service makes use of our 25 years of experience in creating digital maps and location enabled smart web services such as the MapTiler. Some of our partners are already using this service and helping us to finetune its functionality further for campsites, holiday parks or industrial areas across the world.

    In Q3, demand for our data research and aggregation services showed a strong increase. Therefore we needed to add resources to the team in the Netherlands. In close cooperation with our production partner in India, we delivered world class and uniquely qualified content on congestion Zones, ferry lines and trails in Europe. These projects will continue to generate revenue in Q4.

    In Q3, we also attracted new experienced talent to our Sales team in the Netherlands. This extension enabled us to deepen our market knowledge and and increase our speed to market which resulted in a stronger pipeline as demonstrated by . the addition of new customers with multi-year subscription contracts for our map tiler service.

    On October 15th, we launched the rebranding of AND to GeoJunxion. This new brand underlines our new strategic direction and will help us to further articulate our new product development as well as support our e-commerce platform for developers.

    As our growth is mainly driven by B2B business development, the restrictions in visiting prospects and customers, hamper our ability to win new customers and increase market share.


    Revenue September 2020 YTD is up by 33% to €1.087 K;
    Operating result improved by 38% to a loss of €991 K, compared to a loss of €1.592 K in Sep’19 YTD;
    Net result after tax improved by 23% to a net-loss of €951 K versus €1.212 K in Sep’19 YTD;
    Net cash-flow from operating and investing activities equals an outflow of €991 K Euro, an improvement of €221 K versus the same period last year;
    Consolidated cash-position equals €682 K (Sep 30, 2019: €982 K).
  3. [verwijderd] 29 oktober 2020 10:09

    The increasing number of Covid-19 infections in many countries in Europe is again causing uncertainty resulting in an economic slowdown . The partial lockdown in many of our target markets such as the Netherlands, Germany and the USA is unfavorably impacting our high end outlook. In spite of this adverse impact, AND is pleased to confirm the lower end of the revenue guidance provided in August. For the full year 2020, we expect to generate a revenue within the range of €1,550 K to €1,700 K, which represents a YOY growth in the range of 46% to 60% compared to 2019 . This is expected to result in an operating loss in the range of €1,450 K to €1,300 K, a net loss in the range of €1,200 K to €1,100 K and a cash outflow in the range of €1,400K to €1,300 K. The high end of the revenue range has reduced as a result of slower decision making processes particularly within our data sales prospects. Our revenue mix shows an increase in the service revenue, which requires additional resources to meet this demand. Service projects also have a longer cycle to convert into cash, which explains the higher cash outflow guidance.


    AND is making significant progress in turning its business around from an automotive map supplier focused on one off large deals to a location-aware content service provider. This transition requires investment in product development and sales and marketing. The convertible loan closed in February 2020 has provided the required funding to develop an interesting set of new products. Additional funding is required to enable AND to grow with its new business model into a cash generating and profitable organization. AND expects to complete the funding in Q4 2020.


    We continue to explore the options to replace our previous OOB-licensed auditor, Grant Thornton. However, to date no available alternative auditor has yet been identified. To allow more time in resolving this issue, AND has decided to call an Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting in December. Part of the agenda will be a request to shareholders to approve the extension of the accounting year until 30 June 2021. For the full agenda, please refer to a separate press release. issued on 29 October 2020


    Risk management is an integral managerial task. Our risk management and control procedures take into consideration the size of the company and the character of the business in order to identify the most significant risks which the company is exposed to. The risks identified are discussed on a periodical basis and mitigated where possible. Such a system cannot provide absolute certainty that objectives will be realized. Neither can it guarantee prevention of potential cases of material mistakes, damage, fraud or breaches of statutory laws.

    The 2019 annual report describes the principal strategic, operational and financial risks. The risks and uncertainties described in the annual report are still relevant and are deemed incorporated and repeated by reference in this report. There were no cases of material damage, fraud or breaches of law detected in the first half year. However, the Covid-19 outbreak and the associated pandemic controls have had a disruptive effect on the economy and an adverse effect on our business. Most noticeably in our data sales business and associated revenues. In spite of the fact that we have taken mitigating actions and we can see signs of economic recovery, there is no guarantee that the pandemic and its associated control measures will not have a further negative impact on our business, financial position and results.


    The Board of Management hereby declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the summarized consolidated September 2020 YTD financial statements, drawn up in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim financial reporting”, represents a faithful rendering of the assets, liabilities, financial position, profit and cash flow of AND International Publishers NV and its subsidiaries as stated in the consolidated financial report, and that the Board report as included in this September 2020 YTD report represents a faithful rendering of the information required in relation to item 5:25d subs 8 and 9 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act.


    During Q3 2020 the dissolution of AND International Publishers PLC (UK) and AND North America LLC (USA) was completed. The voluntary liquidation of AND Data India Pvt, LTD, has made significant progress: the legal steps to appoint a liquidator have been completed; the GST (Indian VAT) receivable has been refunded; the liquidator is progressing through the step plan. As a result of ongoing Covid-19 related lockdowns and unavailability of Indian government institutions, it remains difficult to predict the exact completion date. We expect the repatriation of a significant portion of the funds during Q4 2020 and the completion of the voluntary liquidation in subsequent months.
  4. forum rang 5 maci 29 oktober 2020 10:26

    DidierTrades schreef op 29 oktober 2020 10:09:



    Als kenner zou je kunnen/moeten weten dat AND/Geojunxion resultaten altijd voorbeurs publiceert.

    Je zag over het hoofd, of je vergat te melden dat er 10 december een BUVA wordt belegd.
    Alle info daarover vind je hier:
  5. forum rang 6 effegenoeg 29 oktober 2020 11:32

    Stephanovic. schreef op 29 oktober 2020 10:41:

    Dat ziet er goed uit!
    Vreemd dat de koers niet reageert...
    Geen orderboek te bekennen!
  6. forum rang 5 maci 29 oktober 2020 12:04
    Nu wel. Er zijn net wel helemaal 186 aandelen verhandeld. Allen tegen één prijs.
  7. [verwijderd] 29 oktober 2020 22:15
    Mooi stukje vertrouwen:

    AND is happy to announce that it has granted share options to all of its employees and a limited number of long-term contractors. In total approximately. 17,000 share options have been awarded. The strike price of these share options has been set at €1.46. Starting 1 July 2022, these options are due to vest in four equal quarterly portions, at the 90 day average closing price of the AND stock within the period immediately preceding the vesting date. Settlement will be in company shares.

    The Supervisory Board and the Management board feel that it is important to grant all of AND’s employees the opportunity to benefit from the company turnaround by means of share options. This also aligns employees’ interests with those of the shareholders whose main focus is long term value creation.

    In addition, the Supervisory Board is pleased to disclose that a Share Option Agreement has been put in place between the company and the CFO/Managing Director. Under this agreement and at the discretion of the Supervisory Board, the CFO/Managing Director will be eligible for a maximum of 22,000 share options per annum. Those are of course subject to specific targets being met. The strike price of these share options will be equal to the 90 day average closing share price preceding the award date. These will vest in four equal quarterly portions starting two years after the award date and are subject to a one-year hold period. Settlement will be in company shares. Upon the CFO/Managing Director’s appointment earlier on this year, a first tranche of 22.000 share options was awarded at the strike price of €1,46.
  8. forum rang 5 maci 30 oktober 2020 09:41

    DidierTrades schreef op 30 oktober 2020 09:00:

    Mooie big contracten klanten nu benoemd in de nieuwe investor presentation die nu online is gegaan


    Hele mooie high potential presentatie

    Ruikt naar meer!
    Knap dat je de url vond. Via 'de voordeur' van de site kan ik hem niet vinden.
    Het lijkt erop dat de presentatie (nog) niet openbaar gemaakt mag worden. Dat komt overeen met de mededeling onlangs, dat men (zoals gebruikelijk) de naam van de klant niet mag vrijgeven.
    Het .pdf draagt de naam: Location-aware rich content and services advancing safety and sustainability Company Presentation - October 2019
    Op de Homepagina worden Google, Yandex en Uber niet weergegeven.
    De presentatie staat niet op de agenda voor komende vergadering.

    Wat iemand binnen de draad al eerder opmerkte is: verwacht niet teveel inkomsten uit genoemde bedrijven. Vooral Google en Uber zullen echt niet meer dan een fractie van een $cent (die toch al weinig eurowaarde heeft) per klik betalen.
    Neemt niet weg dat het positief is dat Google na jaren weer terug is in R'dam.

    Het nieuwe management heeft de boel aardig op de kop gezet. Ook het uitgeven van opties is weer uit de kast getrokken.
    Men moet wel heel veel vertrouwen hebben in wat komen gaat de komende jaren.
  9. forum rang 4 shaai 31 oktober 2020 21:00
    Ppt is niet meer te vinden op de link
    Is die ppt van 2019?? Nog AND dus?
    Of al ppt met huidige gegevens en nieuwe naam?
  10. forum rang 5 maci 2 november 2020 11:29

    shaai schreef op 31 oktober 2020 21:00:

    Ppt is niet meer te vinden op de link
    Is die ppt van 2019?? Nog AND dus?
    Of al ppt met huidige gegevens en nieuwe naam?
    Het kan goed zijn dat men het forum volgt en dat men de gemaakte fout zag. Het is niet de eerste keer dat men een 'deur' had openstaan die dat niet mocht.
    Presentatie stond op de nieuwe site zoals je aan de url kan zien.

    Didier reageerde niet. Kennis van binnenuit gekregen, of gewoon gehackt?
    @ Didier: hoe kwam je aan die info?
  11. forum rang 5 maci 2 november 2020 13:15
    Tja, als hij onder een foute rubriek staat kom je hem niet makkelijk tegen!
    Helaas weer een voorbeeld van een slecht website-onderhoud.

    Hij staat onder dan wel bij Investor Relations, maar onder "Corporate" met een datum van okt. 2019. Slordig dus.
  12. forum rang 5 maci 3 november 2020 09:41

    Elwin1980 schreef op 2 november 2020 20:28:

    Is die lening al terugbetaald?
    Die conclusie kan je zelf opmaken uit het laatste financiële bericht.
  13. forum rang 4 shaai 3 november 2020 11:14

    maci schreef op 2 november 2020 13:15:

    Tja, als hij onder een foute rubriek staat kom je hem niet makkelijk tegen!
    Helaas weer een voorbeeld van een slecht website-onderhoud.

    Hij staat onder dan wel bij Investor Relations, maar onder "Corporate" met een datum van okt. 2019. Slordig dus.
    nu als nov 2020

    via IR en dan Corporate
    en dan
    Company Presentation
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