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Waterstof auto, redding van de autobranche?

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 28 april 2022 06:57
    ZEFER & H2ME2 Delivers 100 Hydrogen Taxis to Copenhagen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

    Two pan-European projects have collaborated to bring zero emission hydrogen taxis and a new hydrogen refuelling station to the Danish capital city. The ZEFER (Zero Emission taxi Fleets for European Rollout) and H2ME2 (Hydrogen Mobility Europe) projects, both funded by Europe’s Clean Hydrogen Partnership, have deployed 100 hydrogen taxis in Copenhagen with app-based taxi company DRIVR. The Toyota Mirais run on green hydrogen from renewable energy, following the installation and opening of a new hydrogen refuelling station in the city.

    This latest deployment of taxis means the wider ZEFER project has achieved its full complement of 180 FCEVs in high-utilisation, captive fleets across Europe with deployments in three capital cities (Paris, London and Copenhagen). The taxi deployment in Copenhagen will complement 60 taxis previously deployed to Hype by STEP in Paris, and 60 other passenger cars in London deployed between private-hire firm Green Tomato Cars (50) and the Metropolitan Police (10).

    To date the 120 vehicles operated under the ZEFER project have driven over 7 million kilometres fuelled only by hydrogen. This high mileage is achieved as the project deliberately targets the very long daily mileage applications which are most suitable to hydrogen vehicles. They have achieved this without major safety or reliability incidents and offering a very attractive user experience. Vehicle performance has been rated highly by drivers and fleet managers, with limited breakdowns or issues encountered relating directly to the hydrogen drivetrain.

    The Danish government have targeted all taxis to be zero emission by 2030 and DRIVR recently won the public tender to deliver ad-hoc taxi services in the City of Copenhagen. The 100 new hydrogen taxis will complement DRIVR’s existing fleet of low emission vehicles, already comprising hybrid, electric and hydrogen vehicles.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 14 mei 2022 06:48
    EU: Verbod verkoop benzine- en dieselauto's vanaf 2035

    De milieucommissie van het Europees Parlement heeft ingestemd met een wetsvoorstel waarmee de verkoop van nieuwe benzine- en dieselauto’s vanaf 2035 wordt verboden.

    Erik Kouwenhoven 13-05-22, 20:00 Laatste update: 13-05-22, 21:00

    Vanaf 2035 mogen nieuwe auto’s geen CO2 meer uitstoten, wat erop neerkomt dat verbrandingsmotoren vanaf dat moment taboe zijn. Bestaande auto’s mogen nog wel blijven rijden, maar vanaf dat moment zullen alleen nieuwe auto's op [w]waterstof[/b] en puur elektrische auto’s met een accu worden toegelaten.

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    Ook auto's op synthetische brandstoffen worden in de ban gedaan, hoewel ze technisch gezien CO2-neutraal zijn omdat ze worden gemaakt met CO2 die uit de lucht wordt gehaald. Omdat veel automerken fors investeren in dit soort e-fuels, bestaat de kans dat hierin nog iets gaat veranderen.

    Dat laatste lijkt vooral voor de hand liggend omdat in heel veel landen de laadstructuur én het energienetwerk nog lang niet toegerust is op overschakelen naar elektrisch rijden. Er volgt nog een stemming van het hele Europese Parlement en van de Raad van Europa. Autofabrikanten hopen dat uiteindelijk wordt gekozen om de uitstoot met ‘slechts’ 90 procent te verminderen.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 08:35
    Bridgestone to Develop Tyres for Hydrogen-Powered Hopium Machina

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    French manufacturer of hydrogen-powered vehicles HOPIUM is partnering with global leader in tyres Bridgestone to develop premium tyres for its high-end sedan Hopium Machina. The goal of the partnership is to design bespoke tyres with low rolling resistance technology, a major factor to enhance the vehicle’s 1,000km driving range. The tyres will be created using Bridgestone’s proprietary Virtual Tyre Development technology, providing significant benefits in terms of both efficiency and sustainability.

    Under its overarching Bridgestone E8 Commitment, the company has pledged to support the realisation of a sustainable society by providing social and customer value throughout every area of its business and operations, together with partners.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 08:37
    First Hydrogen Vehicle Testing to Commence in September 2022

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    First Hydrogen Corp announced that its two MAN-based fuel cell-powered light commercial demonstrator vehicles, equipped with Ballard Power Systems fuel cells and currently being built by AVL Powertrain UK, are on schedule to commence operational testing next month. These two vehicles are expected to be road legal by September 2022, allowing for trials with major fleet operators. It is anticipated that these trials will be carried out with a significant number of fleet operators and buyers based on the interest which has already been generated. These trials will serve to enhance product development and create customer engagement and partnerships around First Hydrogen Automotive's future fleets of LCVs.

    The base vehicle is derived from a MAN eTGE van with parts of the Volkswagen Group & Ballard Fcgen-LCS hydrogen-powered fuel cell and hydrogen tanks have been integrated without any impact on the customer features of the van, such as interior space or load height. The resulting vehicles will have over 500km of range capability, based on the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure, versus a 115km range when compared to a base EV, with the same maximum speed. The refuelling time is typically five minutes."
  5. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2022 07:41
    RVK Orders 20 More Solaris Hydrogen Buses for Cologne

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    07 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    German public transport operator RVK, after receiving 15 buses in 2021, has placed an order with Solaris Bus & Coach for 20 Urbino 12 hydrogen buses. After the deliveries have been completed, the city of Cologne will boast a fleet of 35 hydrogen Solaris buses in total. The contract also provides for the option to order another 20 vehicles of the same type. Thus, Cologne will boast the biggest fleet of hydrogen Solaris buses in Europe.

    As for their design, equipment and performance, the vehicles will be much the same as the buses ordered by RVK last time. Buses of this kind need hydrogen to propel them. It is stored in gaseous form in tanks, mounted on the front part of the vehicle’s roof. The hydrogen buses will use a set of 70 kW fuel cells. In a hydrogen fuel cell, electricity is generated via a process of reverse electrolysis and then transferred directly to the driveline. At moments of increased demand for electricity, the fuel cell will be boosted by a Solaris High Power battery.

    As with the vehicles already delivered, the newly commissioned hydrogen buses will boast the highest equipment standards available. Passengers travelling by buses operated by RVK will benefit, for example, from high-efficiency air-conditioning and an advanced passenger information system. Drivers will certainly appreciate the qualities of the MobilEyeShield+ system, detecting pedestrians and cyclists in the blind spot of the vehicle. It includes one forward-facing camera and two cameras placed on the sides of the vehicles as well as audio and visual alerts. What is more, carrier RVK has ordered a remote fleet management system called eSConnect, providing access to real-time vehicle data.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 08:36
    Volvo test truck op waterstof; actieradius zou oplopen tot 1.000 kilometer
    Laurens Bouckaert - Gisteren om 12:19

    Volvo Trucks is gestart met het testen van voertuigen die gebruik maken van “brandstofcellen aangedreven door waterstof”. Daarover beweert de Zweedse firma dat hun actieradius zou kunnen oplopen tot wel 1.000 kilometer.

    © Aangeboden door Business AM

    In een verklaring zegt het in Göteborg gevestigde Volvo Trucks dat het bijtanken van de voertuigen minder dan 15 minuten zou duren.
    Het maximum totaalgewicht kan oplopen tot 65 ton.
    Het is de bedoeling dat er in de komende jaren proefprojecten met klanten worden gestart, en dat de voertuigen “in het laatste deel van dit decennium gecommercialiseerd worden”.
    De brandstofcellen voor de voertuigen zullen geleverd worden door Cellcentric, de joint venture voor waterstoftechnologie die in maart 2021 met Daimler Truck werd opgericht.
    Elektrisch rijden vs. rijden op waterstof
    Naast voertuigen op waterstofbrandcellen ontwikkelt Volvo Trucks – dat deel uitmaakt van de Volvo Group – ook ‘batterij-elektrische’ vrachtwagens.

    Het grote verschil tussen een waterstofauto en een batterij-elektrische wagen is de manier waarop de energie wordt opgeslagen. Elektrische auto’s, zoals ze nu van de band rollen, slaan de elektriciteit op in een groot accupakket. Waterstofwagens halen hun energie uit – je raadde het – H2.

    “Beide zijn zinvol”
    In een interview met het zakenmedium CNBC vorig jaar werd Martin Daum, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Daimler Truck, gevraagd naar het debat tussen batterij-elektrisch en waterstofbrandstofcel.

    “Wij gaan voor beide, omdat beide zinvol zijn”, antwoordde hij toen, alvorens uit te leggen hoe verschillende technologieën in verschillende scenario’s geschikt zouden zijn.

    “In het algemeen kun je zeggen: als het gaat om stadsbezorging, waar je lagere hoeveelheden energie voor nodig hebt, die je ’s nachts in een depot kunt opladen, dan is het zeker batterij-elektrisch”, klonk het.

    Lange afstanden
    “Maar op het moment dat je onderweg bent, op het moment dat je van Stockholm naar Barcelona gaat (…) dan heb je naar mijn mening iets nodig dat je beter kunt vervoeren en waarmee je beter kunt tanken en dat is uiteindelijk H2”, concludeerde Daum.

    “Elektrische vrachtwagens die aangedreven worden door brandstofcellen op waterstof zijn bijzonder geschikt voor lange afstanden en zware opdrachten die veel energie vergen”, beaamt Roger Alm, voorzitter van Volvo Trucks, in de recente verklaring.

    Geen infrastructuur
    Hoewel er in bepaalde businesskringen opwinding heerst over het potentieel van voertuigen op waterstof, zijn er hindernissen als het gaat om een wijdverbreide implementatie. Dat punt wordt door Volvo Trucks in z’n verklaring erkend.

    Zo wees de Zweedse autofabrikant op uitdagingen zoals de “levering op grote schaal van groene waterstof”, en “het feit dat de infrastructuur voor het bijtanken van zware voertuigen nog ontwikkeld moet worden.”

    Volvo Gent
    Vorig jaar maakte Volvo Group in Gent overigens bekend dat het distributiecentrum de eerste vorkheftrucks op waterstof in huis had.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 juni 2022 08:33
    BMW onthult nieuwe waterstofauto: "Als je wilt dat mensen hun gedrag veranderen, geef ze dan een keuze”
    admin - Gisteren om 20:13

    Eind dit jaar presenteert BMW de iX5 Hydrogen. Het moet de personenauto met de krachtigste brandstofcel tot nu toe worden. Change Inc. sprak met BMW’s hoofd waterstoftechnologie Jürgen Guldner: “Wat ons betreft rijden batterij-elektrisch en waterstof straks gewoon naast elkaar.”

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    Critici zullen zeggen dat de personenauto op waterstof geen toekomst heeft. Want ‘er komen nooit genoeg waterstoftankstations en de technologie wordt nooit betaalbaar voor Jan met de Pet.’ Dit weerhoudt BMW er niet van om eind dit jaar hun nieuwe waterstofauto te presenteren. “Wij zien waterstof als een waardige aanvulling op batterij-elektrisch”, zegt Jürgen Guldner, hoofd waterstoftechnologie bij BMW. “Regel één in verandermanagement: als je wilt dat mensen hun gedrag veranderen, geef ze dan een keuze.”

    Verder kijken dan batterij-elektrisch
    Guldner slaapt in een hotel in Amsterdam. Hij verruilt voor een week de BMW-fabriek in München voor een conferentie over waterstof in onze hoofdstad. “De mobiliteit moet grootschalig verduurzamen. Dan moet je verder kijken dan alleen batterij-elektrisch.”

    Niet voor de verkoop
    Daarom gaat BMW in december de boer op met een nieuwe waterstofauto, de iX5 Hydrogen. De Duitse autobouwer produceert tegen het einde van dit jaar een beperkt aantal (“it’s going to be a two-digit number”) van dit nieuwe model. De BMW’s zijn niet bedoeld voor de commerciële verkoop, maar dienen als demonstratie. “We willen de wereld de potentie van waterstof voor personenauto’s laten zien en het publiek ermee laten kennismaken”, zegt Guldner. “En dit geeft ons de kans om verder te ontdekken hoe groot de behoefte van de markt is.”
  8. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2022 07:52
    Volvo Trucks Showcases Zero Emissions Hydrogen Truck

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Imagine a truck that only emits water vapor, produces its own electricity onboard and has a range of up to 1,000 kilometers. It’s possible with fuel cells powered by hydrogen and Volvo Trucks has started to test vehicles using this new technology. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric trucks will be especially suitable for long distances and heavy, energy-demanding assignments. To decarbonize transport, Volvo Trucks already today offers battery electric trucks and trucks that run on renewable fuels, such as biogas. In the second half of this decade, a third CO2-neutral option will be added to its product portfolio, fuel cell electric trucks powered by hydrogen.

    The fuel cell electric trucks will have an operational range comparable to many diesel trucks, up to 1 000 kilometers, and a refueling time of less than 15 minutes. The total weight can be around 65 tonnes or even higher, and the two fuel cells have the capacity to generate 300 kW of electricity onboard. A fuel cell generates its own electricity from the hydrogen onboard instead of being charged from an external source. The only biproduct emitted is water vapor.

    Customer pilots will start in a few years from now and commercialization is planned for the latter part of this decade.The fuel cells will be supplied by cellcentric, the joint venture between the Volvo Group and Daimler Truck AG. Cellcentric will build one of Europe’s largest series production facilities for fuel-cells, specially developed for heavy vehicles.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 4 juli 2022 12:24
    Daimler Truck Tests Fuel-Cell Truck with Liquid Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    04 Jul, 2022, 6:30 am

    Daimler Truck has reached its next milestone on the road to sustainable transportation also with hydrogen-based drives. Since last year, a Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck fuel-cell prototype has been undergoing intensive testing both on the in-house test track and on public roads. Daimler Truck is now putting another prototype into operation to test the use of liquid hydrogen. A newly installed prototype filling station at the development and testing centre in Wörth enables the refuelling with liquid hydrogen.

    Recently, Daimler Truck celebrated the first successful liquid hydrogen refuelling of the truck together with Air Liquide. During the refuelling process, cryogenic liquid hydrogen at minus 253 degrees Celsius is filled into two 40 kg tanks mounted on either side of the chassis. Thanks to the particularly good insulation of the vehicle tanks, the hydrogen can be kept at temperature for a sufficiently long time without active cooling. Daimler Truck prefers liquid hydrogen in the development of hydrogen-based drives. In this aggregate state the energy carrier has a significantly higher energy density in relation to volume compared to gaseous hydrogen. As a result, more hydrogen can be carried, which significantly increases the range and enables comparable performance of the vehicle with that of a conventional diesel truck.

    The development objective of the series-ready GenH2 Truck is a range of up to 1,000 kilometres and more. This makes the truck suitable for flexible and demanding applications, especially in the important segment of heavy-duty long-haul transport. The start of series production for hydrogen-based trucks is planned for the second half of the decade.

    At the same time, Daimler Truck is working together with Linde on the development of a new process for handling liquid hydrogen. Among other things, this innovative approach enables even higher storage density and easier refuelling compared to LH2. The companies plan for the first refuelling of a prototype vehicle at a pilot station in Germany in 2023. Daimler Truck and its partners are planning for a high level of transparency and openness around the relevant interfaces of the jointly developed sLH2 technology. The goal is to collaborate with other companies and associations as possible to develop their own refuelling and vehicle technologies that apply the new liquid-hydrogen standard and thereby establish a global mass market for the new process.

    When it comes to infrastructure for hydrogen filling stations along important transport routes in Europe, Daimler Truck is planning to work together with the companies Shell, BP and TotalEnergies. Daimler Truck is also a shareholder in hydrogen filling station operator H2 MOBILITY Deutschland. In addition, Daimler Truck, IVECO, Linde, OMV, Shell, TotalEnergies and the Volvo Group have committed to work together to help create the conditions for the mass-market roll-out of hydrogen trucks in Europe as part of the H2Accelerate (H2A) interest group.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 5 juli 2022 07:40
    AMTE Power & Viritech to Collaborate on Hydrogen Cars

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    05 Jul, 2022, 6:30 am

    Developer and manufacturer of lithium-ion and sodium-ion battery cells for specialist markets AMTE Power has signed a memorandum of understanding with advanced powertrain developer Viritech to support the development of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles. The MoU paves the way for the parties to establish an agreement to supply AMTE Power’s Ultra High Power cells for use in Viritech’s battery packs for high-performance FCEV projects, including heavy goods vehicles, light commercial vehicles, marine, aerospace, and distributed power applications and Viritech’s hypercar project, Apricale.

    Viritech’s innovative powertrain combines hydrogen fuel cells with high-performance lithium-ion cells. The technology is intended to provide an additional power boost on ignition, acceleration and when driving on a gradient, as well as enabling smaller, more lightweight battery systems that reduce weight compromises. Charging for the battery cells can be generated through the operation of the fuel cell and regenerative braking.

    AMTE Power’s differentiated UHP lithium-ion cell has been designed to target the high power automotive market. With fully-owned intellectual property rights for the product, AMTE Power is in advanced stages of development for the UHP, which is currently going through scale-up and testing trials at the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre

    The development of hydrogen fuel cell technology is believed to be critical to the development of zero-emission vehicles. An alternative to fully electric vehicles, fuel cells mitigate challenges around weight and cell charge times in high power and performance vehicles compared to battery power alone. The Advanced Propulsion Centre UK forecasts that global FCEV markets will experience rapid expansion as economies move away from fossil fuels, with sales anticipated to exceed 1 million vehicles by 2030 and 10 million vehicles by 2040.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 juli 2022 06:51
    Cabify Launches Hydrogen Taxis in Spain with Toyota Mirai

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Jul, 2022, 6:30 am

    Cabify has launched the first fleet of Chailing vehicles that use hydrogen as a source of energy in Spain, in partnership with Toyota. Four first-generation Toyota Mirai vehicles have already been delivered to the fleet, which is set to increase by the end of 2022. The new fleet of vehicles uses hydrogen as an energy source to generate, within the fuel cell, the electricity needed to power the electric motor, generating water as the only waste in the whole process. The refuelling time for these vehicles is only three to five minutes, similar to that of a standard combustion vehicle, and offers a range of around 550km.

    Refuelling will take place at Enagás subsidiary Scale Gas’ private hydrogen station in Madrid, which was opened in January 2021 and is the first refuelling station in Spain that allows hydrogen to be refuelled at 700 bar.

    The zero-emission vehicles will be available within the Cabify Eco category, designed for corporate mobility customers where they are included only in electrified vehicles. They will also be available in the other categories for private users, such as Cabify, Cuanto Antes or Kids.

    With this operation, the company reinforces its commitment to decarbonise cities, as it is the first time that fuel cell technology has been incorporated as an emission free alternative for VTC customers in Spain. Hydrogen is a key energy vector in this process, as it is an unlimited energy source that can be obtained in a sustainable manner, is easy to store and transport, and can be used in many different areas, from transport to heating and cooling homes and buildings.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2022 08:08
    Peugeot Hydrogen Fuel Cell Van E Expert Hydrogen Available

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jul, 2.022, 6:30 am

    Peugeot hydrogen fuel cell van E Expert Hydrogen is now available. Its powertrain is identical to the Peugeot E-Expert BEV, but instead of having the big 75 kWh battery, it instead has a smaller 10.5 kWh pack and tanks located in the floor of the vehicle capable of storing 4.4 kg of hydrogen under pressure. With a full load of hydrogen, the E-Expert FCV has a claimed WLTP range of 400 km, more than the E-Expert BEV whose range is 340 km. Refuelling the vehicle takes around 3 minutes, but you can also just charge the battery at up to 11 kW thanks to an on-board charger.

    The very first production hydrogen vehicle from PEUGEOT left the production line on 13December 2021 with MICHELIN group the first customer of the revolutionary new PEUGEOT e-EXPERT Hydrogen. With the e-EXPERT Hydrogen, PEUGEOT has become one of the very first manufacturers to offer, in addition to its combustion and battery electric variants, a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in the commercial vehicle segment.

    The PEUGEOT e-EXPERT Hydrogen van integrates a new hydrogen fuel cell electric powertrain in the engine compartment and underbody, resulting in no compromise in terms of load volume compared to the diesel variants of the EXPERT, and a low centre of gravity, improving vehicle stability and safety.

    Based on the battery powered e-EXPERT, the PEUGEOT e-EXPERT Hydrogen is now available for deliveries, with the first customer, WATEA by MICHELIN, the young subsidiary dedicated to green mobility solutions in the MICHELIN group, receiving its hydrogen van before the end of the year.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 29 juli 2022 07:21
    Iveco Selects HTWO Fuel Cell Systems for Hydrogen Buses

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Jul, 2.022, 6:30 am

    Iveco Group’s IVECO BUS will partner with HTWO to equip its future European hydrogen-powered buses with world-leading fuel cell systems. HTWO, as a fuel cell system-based hydrogen business brand of Hyundai Motor Group, was first released in December 2020 with Hyundai’s strong commitment to hydrogen economy. With its proven fuel cell technology utilized in Hyundai FCEVs, HTWO is expanding the provision of fuel cell technology to other automobile OEMs and non-automobile sectors to make hydrogen available for everything.

    Moving forward quickly to spearhead the mobility of the future, IVECO BUS is already participating in European tenders for fuel cell buses powered by HTWO. Furthermore, the recently announced plan to restart production of buses in Italy will provide another opportunity to manufacture new buses powered by HTWO’s hydrogen fuel cells. This initiative aims to leverage the exceptional technology and competencies of both entities in the urgently needed renewal of Italy’s public transport.

    Hyundai HTWO is a fuel cell system-based hydrogen business brand of Hyundai Motor Group, which has been at the forefront of ushering in the hydrogen economy with the world’s first mass-produced fuel cell electric vehicle, Hyundai TUCSON ix35 in 2013, followed by its FCEV lineup, including Hyundai NEXO SUV, ELEC CITY Fuel Cell Bus and XCIENT Fuel Cell heavy-duty truck.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 augustus 2022 06:37
    'Waterstofauto's nu al geen voordeel meer'
    RTL Nieuws - Gisteren om 16:40

    Steeds meer autofabrikanten zetten functies achter een betaalmuur, de hybride auto maakt een comeback met waterstof en zelfs een bestelbusje wordt leuk met een elektromotor. De Bright Podcast draait deze week grotendeels om auto's!

    Luister deze podcast op Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts en ART19.

    In deze aflevering bespreken we de opkomst van betaalmuren in auto's, het nieuwe hybride waterstofauto-concept van Hyundai en de nieuwe elektrische Citroën ë-Berlingo. Verder vandaag: Instagram verhuist, Logitech komt met een cloud-gameboy en chipmakers raken haast in een oorlog verzeild.

    Voor meer, zie de link:
  15. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2022 07:53
    Dat ziet er goed uit! (zie de bijlage)

    Hyundai Motor’s N Brand Unveils N Vision 74 Hydrogen Vision

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    Hyundai Motor’s high-performance N sub-brand is revealing its electrification vision to demonstrate the company’s commitment to future-focused zero emissions technologies. RN22e and N Vision 74 are inspirational examples of N’s electrification vision. These two ‘rolling lab’ concepts demonstrate Hyundai Motor’s ambition to become a leader in the zero-emissions future. Hyundai Motor’s ‘rolling labs’ are where it tests and verifies the company’s advanced technologies to apply them to future production models. N Vision 74 combines EV technology with an advanced hydrogen fuel cell system, making it Hyundai N’s first hydrogen hybrid rolling lab to explore ‘driving fun’ in the electrification era. Both RN22e and N Vision 74 will continue to be tested and verified by Hyundai’s engineers, so future N road cars can be equipped with their advanced technologies.

    Inspired by Hyundai Motor’s heritage, N Vision 74 is a high-performance hydrogen fuel cell hybrid rolling lab that underlines the company’s leadership in sustainable performance technology. N Vision 74 is inspired by both technology and design, rooted in N’s sustainable vision announced in 2015 and Hyundai’s passion for high performance since 1974.

    In terms of design, N Vision 74 pays homage to the Hyundai Pony Coupe concept from 1974, which was developed by the legendary car designer Giorgetto Giugiaro. The concept was then built into prototypes for Hyundai’s first production sports car. Although it could not reach production in the end, the daring attitude set the tone for the entire company. N Vision 74 inherited the pure surface, the dynamic proportioned profile and the unique B pillar from the 1974 Pony Coupe concept. Hyundai’s design heritage meets the electrification era with high performance to shape N Vision 74. In addition, Parametric Pixel lighting provides a futuristic flourish. N Vision 74 elevates the daring attitude of the Pony Coupe concept into a future Hyundai design, while reinterpreting the interior as an entertaining space without losing the pure architecture of the Pony Coupe concept. It is equipped with a driver-centric cockpit with a blend of heritage elements and modern design, such as digital cluster and analogue buttons.

    Measuring 4,952 mm long, 1,995 mm wide and 1,331 mm tall on a 2,905 mm wheelbase, it is the first high-performance rolling lab built on the most advanced hydrogen fuel cell system that Hyundai N has ever created. But this is not the first time for N to deal with fuel cell technology. N Vision 74 is also inspired by the concept car Hyundai N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo, which was unveiled in 2015 with the launch of N brand to envision the future of hydrogen-based high performance.

    Just seven years later, Hyundai N is introducing N Vision 74, setting its sights even further by realizing its passion for ‘fun to drive’ and imagination. Hyundai’s engineers developed a hybrid structure of a battery-electric in combination with an FCEV system, which is placed in an all-new layout. By having fuel cell system and battery-electric powering the N Vision 74 together, the cooling efficiency is improved, while the two different power sources can be used depending on different driving conditions. This fine-tuned logic system enables better torque vectoring by twin motors on the rear, allowing a precise and responsive cornering experience. Moreover, N Vision 74 explores the balance between the performance and cooling with a three-channel cooling system.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 15 augustus 2022 08:38
    Bratislava DPB Orders 4 Hydrogen Buses from Solaris

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Aug, 2022, 6:25 am

    The public transport operator in Bratislava DPB has signed a contract to purchase four Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buses. They will be the first ever hydrogen buses not only in Bratislava, but also in Slovakia. According to a framework agreement concluded by DPB with the bus maker, the Slovakian carrier may eventually order up to 40 hydrogen buses. The first four Urbino 12 hydrogen vehicles will be delivered in July next year.

    The heart of the Urbino 12 hydrogen bus is a 70 kW fuel cell pack that acts as a miniature hydrogen power plant aboard the vehicle. The hydrogen system also features auxiliary devices, for instance to supply hydrogen and air at an adequate pressure, to recirculate hydrogen that has not been used up, and also to maintain a proper and stable temperature of the fuel cells during operation. Electricity generated during operation of the vehicle in the fuel cell is passed on directly to the driveline. The hydrogen is stored in gaseous form in cutting-edge composite tanks placed on the bus roof. The hydrogen tanks themselves are rigorously tested, and have been designed to ensure maximum safety for the driver, passengers and pedestrians.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 17 augustus 2022 12:31
    BMW werkt met Toyota aan een waterstofauto die in 2025 in massaproductie moet gaan: een SUV lijkt het meest logisch
    Dennis Wilman - Gisteren om 15:20

    BMW werkt samen met Toyota aan een waterstof-elektrische auto. Het resultaat uit deze samenwerking moet uiterlijk in 2025 in massaproductie gaan en beschikbaar zijn voor het grote publiek. Dat vertelde Pieter Nota, hoofd sales van BMW, aan de Japanse zakenkrant Nikkei Asia.

    Op dit moment lijkt het introduceren van een waterstof-elektrische auto geen goed idee, als je er veel geld aan wilt verdienen. Ze verkopen simpelweg niet veel. Dat komt onder andere doordat er simpelweg niet genoeg plaatsen zijn waar getankt kan worden (slechts 10 in heel Nederland). En die infrastructuur zal niet snel verbeteren. Voor het gros van de mensen die elektrisch willen rijden is een BEV (batterij-elektrisch voertuig) dan ook de betere keuze.

    Hoewel BMW en Toyota hier ongetwijfeld van op de hoogte zijn, willen beide de waterstofauto niet loslaten. BMW gaat binnenkort de iX5 Hydrogen in productie nemen, die ergens volgend jaar op de markt moet verschijnen. Toyota verkoopt al jaren de Mirai. BMW verwacht slechts enkele iX5 Hydrogens te gaan verkopen en Toyota verkoopt ook niet bijster veel Mirai's op jaarbasis.

    Toyota Mirai
    © Aangeboden door Business Insider Nederland

    Maar beide spelers, die al sinds 2013 samenwerken aan verschillende onderdelen voor waterstofaandrijving, willen niet al hun geld inzetten op batterij-auto's. Daarom ontwikkelen ze nu samen een nieuwe waterstofauto.

    Wat voor model het gaat worden, laat Nota niet weten, maar hij hint op een SUV. Volgens hem is de waterstoftechnologie namelijk vooral logisch voor de grotere voertuigen.

    Over dat laatste punt zijn experts het eens met Nota, al gaat het dan vaak over nog grotere voertuigen zoals vrachtwagens, vrachtschepen en vliegtuigen. Deze voertuigen hebben baat bij grotere tanks vol waterstof, waardoor ze langere afstanden kunnen afleggen zonder dat ze het gewicht van batterijen met zich mee hoeven dragen. Ook het snel kunnen bijtanken tegenover het relatief langszaam opladen van de accupakketen weegt mee.

    LEES OOK: De 4 belangrijkste dingen om te overwegen voordat je je eerste elektrische auto koopt, volgens deskundigen
  18. forum rang 5 leonardus65 22 augustus 2022 16:24
    Is waterstof dan toch niet zo ecologisch?
    In een studie van een Amerikaanse NGO worden vraagtekens geplaatst bij de neutraliteit van de huidige waterstofproductie, waarvan lekkages nefast zouden zijn voor het milieu.
    De waterstof-brandstofceloplossing, die door bepaalde fabrikanten zoals BMW en Toyota worden verdedigd, werd onlangs sterk bekritiseerd door de Amerikaanse NGO Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Deze laatste heeft een studie gepubliceerd die het groene imago van waterstof aan het wankelen dreigt te brengen. Het probleem zit ‘m in diwaterstof, een molecule die wordt aangetroffen in de werking van modellen die zijn uitgerust met een brandstofcel, en die veel kleiner is (8 keer kleiner om precies te zijn) dan bijvoorbeeld methaan.
    Onvermijdelijke lekkage
    Wegens zijn geringe omvang veroorzaakt diwaterstof opslagproblemen en heeft het de neiging om te gaan lekken, vooral wanneer het tot een gas wordt samengeperst. Het probleem daarbij is dat waterstof een broeikasgas betreft dat schade toebrengt aan de atmosfeer. Deskundigen van het Environmental Defense Fund leggen uit dat lekkages serieus onder controle moeten worden gehouden als men waterstof effectief op grote schaal als brandstof voor auto’s wil gebruiken.

    Het EDF voegt daaraan toe dat de waterstofemissies in de atmosfeer momenteel niet exact bekend zijn. Volgens de meest optimistische schattingen gaat het om 1% van de geproduceerde hoeveelheden, al wordt er voor bepaalde situaties van 10% gesproken.
    Volgens dezelfde onderzoekers zou een gemiddeld lekpercentage van 1% de opwarming van de aarde tegen 2050 met ongeveer 0,025°C doen toenemen, wat erg weinig is, maar verliezen van 5% of 10% zouden de gemiddelde mondiale temperatuur met respectievelijk 0,1 of 0,4°C de hoogte injagen. “Zo’n klimaatverandering kunnen we wel missen”, besluiten ze.

    Kortom, volgens deze mensen is waterstof vooralsnog niet de ultieme oplossing om de milieu-impact van auto’s te beperken, of toch niet op de manier waarop ‘we’ nu bezig zijn. Ze pleiten voor uitgebreid onderzoek naar nieuwe oplossingen om de opslag efficiënter te maken. De ontwikkeling van waterstof in poedervorm zou dit soort problemen weliswaar kunnen voorkomen.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 23 augustus 2022 08:03
    Hyundai’s XCIENT Fuel Cell Heavy-Duty Trucks to Hit German Roads

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    Hyundai Motor has announced the export of its XCIENT Fuel Cell heavy-duty trucks to Germany, the biggest commercial vehicle market in Europe. Seven German companies in logistics, manufacturing and retail will put 27 XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks into fleet service with funding for eco-friendly commercial vehicles from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport BMDV.

    In August 2021, BMDV rolled out its funding guidelines for commercial vehicles with alternative drive systems upon approval by the European Commission. The funding is available for battery, fuel cell and (overhead line) hybrid electric vehicles, corresponding to refueling/charging infrastructure and related feasibility studies. BMDV will have a budget of 1.6 billion euros available until 2024 to purchase eco-friendly commercial vehicles. The aforementioned seven German companies initially applied for the funding with Hyundai’s XCIENT Fuel Cells and successfully received approval from BMDV, again proving XCIENT Fuel Cell’s product competitiveness.

    Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, a joint venture between Hyundai Motor Company and Swiss company H2 Energy, has also established Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility Germany to actively expand its entry into the hydrogen-powered commercial vehicle market in Germany. In order to establish a hydrogen ecosystem in the country, HHMG will operate local market sales and customer service as well as upfitter management in the market. HHMG also plans to actively participate in the second funding program.

    The XCIENT Fuel Cell to be delivered is equipped with a 180-kW hydrogen fuel cell system with two 90-kW fuel cell stacks. The system’s durability and the vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency are tailored to the demands of commercial fleet customers. The 350-kW e-motor with maximum torque of 2,237 Nm enables dynamic driving performance. XCIENT Fuel Cell’s seven large hydrogen tanks offer a combined storage capacity of around 31 kg of fuel, while a 72-kWh-powered set of three batteries provides an additional source of power. The maximum driving range is 400 km per charge. Refueling a full tank of hydrogen takes about 8 to 20 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature.

    Launched in 2020 by Hyundai Motor, XCIENT Fuel Cell is the world’s first mass-produced hydrogen electric heavy-duty truck. The company has already deployed 47 units in Switzerland where they have accumulated more than four million kilometers in driving as of July 2022. The trucks are servicing 23 different customers in Switzerland.
  20. forum rang 6 Kaviaar 23 augustus 2022 17:49
    Ook Porsche ziet toekomst in waterstof

    Na Toyota en BMW verkent nu ook Porsche de mogelijkheden van waterstof als brandstof. Porsche heeft inmiddels virtuele tests uitgevoerd met waterstof in een achtcilinder verbrandingsmotor. Dat deden ze onder meer op de beruchte Nordschleife van de Nürburgring: één van uitdagendste racetrajecten ter wereld.
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