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  1. [verwijderd] 14 september 2012 09:33

    Bij Aperam verbetert het onderliggende sentiment.
    Kopers hebben Aperam door de bovenkant van het zijwaartse koerspatroon gedrukt. Aperam genereerde hierdoor een technische verbetering. Koersdoel aan de bovenkant zien we rond 15,89 (top van 2 maart). Steun hanteren we op 10,14 (bodem van 5 september).
    Dit fonds laat een interessant koersverloop zien en heeft onze aandacht. Wij houden dit fonds voor u in de gaten.

    Analist Wouter Slot heeft geen posities in Aperam

    Wouter Slot heeft de analyse van Aperam voor het laatst beoordeeld op vrijdag 14-9-2012
  2. [verwijderd] 14 september 2012 10:35
    Mooi bericht van Wouter Slot; heb inmiddels een mooi ritje gemaakt met Aperam vanaf mei 2012 (€ 10,50); wellicht tijd om winst te nemen.
  3. forum rang 4 guusje 15 september 2012 11:39

    koi schreef op 14 september 2012 11:14:

    als je verkoopt, moet je niet meer achter omkijken, ik weet ook niet wat jou koersdoel is?

    de koi
    Ik heb een deel aperam verkocht waar ik een leuke winst op had, maar ik zit nog op een portie Aperam waar ik nog niet op winst zat.
    Aangezien ik nooit aandelen met verlies verkoopt blijf ik daar voorlopig maar in zitten.
  4. forum rang 4 guusje 15 september 2012 11:44

    koi schreef op 14 september 2012 11:14:

    als je verkoopt, moet je niet meer achter omkijken, ik weet ook niet wat jou koersdoel is?

    de koi
    @koi daar heb je groot gelijk in, het blijft een spel handelen in aandelen, je heb uiteindelijk toch ook je winst gepakt.
  5. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 12:25

    stand69 schreef:

    We zijn wel erg hard gegaan de laatste tijd, koersdoelen liggen zo rond € 13
    13? En dus?
    De boekwaarde van het bedrijf bedraagt circa 40 Euro (ult. '11).
    Ik zie dit aandeel stijgen naar 30 euro, binnen een jaar. Mark my words.
    ...ben afgelopen week ingestapt.

  6. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 12:49
    Beste allemaal,

    net als vele anderen denk ik is Aperam in mijn vizier gekomen door de explosieve stijging van afgelopen twee weken (34% vanaf 4 september). Het klinkt misschien stom maar ik kan verder geen fundamentele redenen vinden waarom de koers zo is gestegen. Is het louter een reactie op de europese steunmaatregelen? Wat speelt er nog meer? Komt er weer een correctie aan? China's gebruik zal toch noujuist dalen?

    Kortom, vragen, veel vragen. Wat is jullie visie hierover?
  7. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 22:12
    beste mensen,

    ik denk dat aperam zeker gaat doorstijgen boven de E20 euro.
    niet in 1 keer natuurlijk!!!,wanneer het weer iets beter in de wereld gaat zijn aandelen als aperam en MT zeer in trek om te kopen. volgende koersdoel vam aperam is E 15.89.
    Verder denk ik dat de aex dit jaar naar de 370 punten gaat of hoger. dus tel uit je winst.......

    de koi
  8. forum rang 4 guusje 16 september 2012 09:58
    Nu de laatste tijd aperam al behoorlijk van koers is gestegen, verwacht ik even pas op de plaats tot ca 14.50, dan verwacht ik weer winstnemingen.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 september 2012 17:05
    EU stainless steel demand seen unlikely to rebound until 2013

    Reuters reported that European demand for stainless steel is likely to remain weak at least until 2013 as economic stagnation in the region and tight finance crimp major consumers such as the automotive and construction sectors.

    Stainless steel prices have shed about 15% of their value in the last six months, due to overcapacity, poor demand and falling prices for raw materials such as nickel.

    Market players said that demand weakness will persist in Europe until serious plans emerge to address the euro zone debt crisis.

    A Scandinavian trader said that "I expect demand will remain weak, at least until 2013. Nobody is very optimistic at the moment. I don't even know if things will get better in the first quarter next year."

    Mr Franz Rotter, a member of the board of Austrian steelmaker Voestalpine, said in an interview that there are no signals that the special steel market will turn around at least until 2013.

    A producer said that "It's like the perfect storm: we have got the euro crisis and the recession, we have got overcapacity, we have got cheap imports and now a slowdown in China."

    One was particularly pessimistic. He said that "My company's view it that 2013 will be bad. Even worse than 2012. This is mainly due to scarce resolution of European politician to solve the crisis. They are only offering short term solutions."

    Due to the price fall of the last few months many of them have seen the value of their inventories drop dramatically and the smaller among them are being strangled by poor availability of finance. Oversupply remains a main issue for the industry in Europe and globally.

    Mr Bernardo Velazquez CEO of Spain's Acerinox said this week that although some European mills are reducing steel melting capacity, this will not necessarily help the sector as nobody is idling rolling facilities, which process crude steel into the final sale product.

    Source - Reuters

  10. [verwijderd] 17 september 2012 18:15
    ik heb aandelen van aperam nog niet verkocht,zat wel te twijvelen.
    morgen zien we het wel verder.hopen morgen voor een herstel.
    op naar de 15.89

    groetjes de koi
  11. forum rang 10 voda 20 september 2012 16:51
    EU stainless steel demand may not recover until 2013

    Reuters reported that the European stainless steel demand may remain weak due to sluggish economy in the region and poor demand from major consumers such as automobile and construction sectors.

    In the past six months, the stainless steel prices have fallen by around 15% due to oversupply, weak demand and decreasing prices of raw materials such as nickel.

    A Scandinavian trader predicted that the demand will remain weak until 2013.

    Meanwhile, Mr Franz Rotter, a member of the board of Austrian Voestalpine, said that no signals showed that the special steel market will rebound until 2013.

    A steelmaker pointed out that no more than one or two stainless producers worldwide were still making money now.

    Also, the importers of overseas materials into Europe indicated that they were facing more and more difficult to sell stainless steel in the region.

    Source -
  12. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2012 16:55
    Rising nickel prices give a lift to global stainless steel selling values - MEPS

    UK based MEPS said that the usual, seasonal upturn in demand for stainless steel has failed to occur, so far. In most years, distributors and end users allow their inventories to run low during the summer holiday period, then rebuild stocks in early autumn before what they hope will be a busy few months before the year end. On this occasion though, there has been little or no pickup in activity.

    The underlying demand for stainless steel is weak. The ongoing effects of the global financial crisis and the euro zone problems are widespread. Credit is tight, making it difficult for entrepreneurs to invest and for consumers to spend. Governments, trying to reduce their debts, are reluctant to spend on infrastructure projects and are cutting expenditure in other areas.

    The rate of economic growth in China has slowed dramatically, as demand for exports to the troubled West has crumbled. Following the huge investment in stainless steel production facilities over the past decade, the country now has substantial overcapacity.

    The wild card, as always, in the stainless steel equation, is the commodity market. The LME Cash nickel price increased by over USD 2400 per tonne or 15% in less than three weeks in September 2012. This is despite the fact that nickel supply is forecast to be in surplus for the foreseeable future.

    This will have an almost immediate effect on stainless steel prices. Chinese sellers react on an almost day to day basis. Taiwanese and South Korean producers have indicated that they will announce higher prices. Mills in the United States and Europe, with their more transparent surcharge systems, have announced increased alloy extras for October 2012.

    The higher nickel costs should provide a reasonable trigger for buyers to start purchasing stainless steel at least in the short term. Customers have lean inventories and need to rebuild them. Distributors and service centers have gaps in their stocks that need to be filled. The LME nickel price has continued to increase since the calculation of the October 2012 surcharges, suggesting that the November figures will be higher still.

    It is likely, for the reasons set out above, that there will be some increase in purchasing in the coming weeks. Some buyers have been holding out for lower transaction values but, with basis figures close to the mills' breakeven marks and surcharges seemingly on the up, it appears that the bottom has been passed. However, purchasers will temper their enthusiasm. While there have been some green shoots of recovery detected in several countries, there has been little to indicate that 2013 will be a significantly better year for stainless steel, either in terms of volumes or profits.

    Source: MEPS - Stainless Steel Review

  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2012 16:49
    Sumitomo Metal sees nickel surplus climbing to 5 year high

    Bloomberg reported that a global nickel surplus may expand for a third year to the highest level since 2008 as supply from new mining projects outweighs China's demand growth.

    Mr Toru Higo GM of nickel sales and raw materials at Sumitomo Metal Mining Co said that supply will likely exceed demand by 60,000 tonnes in 2013. Supply outstripped demand by 40,000 tonnes in 2012 and 22,000 tonnes in 2011.

    Sherritt International Corporation said on September 13th 2012 that its Ambatovy project in Madagascar got a six month approval to operate commercially. Xstrata Plc's Koniambo project in New Caledonia is scheduled to start production during the first quarter of 2013. China, the biggest consumer, has been ramping up infrastructure spending to counter a slowdown in economic growth that's on course for the weakest annual pace in more than two decades.

    Mr Higo said that "The surplus will likely increase further next year with the Ambatovy and Koniambo projects starting production. On the demand side, all countries except China are slowing."

    Prices of the metal, used for corrosion resistance in stainless steel, have fallen 0.4% in 2012, making it the worst performer among six base metals on the London Metal Exchange.

    Mr Higo said that world stainless steel output may gain 4.7% to 35.7 million tonnes in 2013. Output by China, the biggest producer, is expected to rise 9.7% to 15.8 million tonnes with the new infrastructure projects.

    In September 2012, China's government approved plans for 2,018 kilometers of roads, as well as sewage plants, port and warehouse projects and subways.

    Mr Higo said that China's nickel output including pig iron may fall 3.4% to 425,000 tonnes in 2013, while demand will likely rise 6.9% to 770,000 tonnes. The country's nickel pig iron output may drop 7.7% to 240,000 tonnes because of lower nickel prices.

    He added that China's nickel imports will reach a record 345,000 tonnes in 2013, up by 23% YoY. Japan's exports will jump 2% to an all time high of 89,000 tonnes as producers ship more ferronickel and nickel oxide to China, Taiwan, South Korea and Southeast Asia to make up for sluggish demand at home.

    Source - Bloomberg
  14. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2012 16:27
    Stainless steel prices jump on sharply rising nickel prices

    It is reported that the major stainless steel producers in Asia such as Taigang Stainless, Baosteel, Yieh United Steel Corporation, Tang Eng and POSCO have all announced to hike the list prices for October 2012 in order to reflect sharply rising nickel prices.

    The nickel prices started to rise since early September, driven by the US's QE3 monetary policy.

    It's learned that the average spot prices of nickel were at USD 17,215.5 per tonne, much higher than USD 15,657.73 per tonne in August 2012, supporting the stainless steel manufacturers to hike the October 2012 list prices.

    For the prospect, industry sources expected that the stainless steel market may recovery in the fourth quarter if nickel prices stay in upward trend.

    Source -
  15. forum rang 10 voda 11 oktober 2012 17:13
    India celebrates 100 years of stainless steel with a bang

    India celebrated completion of 100 years of Stainless steel on October 10th 2012, as part of the global celebrations of relatively new corrosion resistant material and the product which was first created, patented and produced in the year 1912.

    From small beginnings a hundred years ago, stainless steel has grown to be an integral part of our lives. Utilized primarily for its corrosion resistance, stainless steel is also found in applications where strength, hygiene, human safety and aesthetics are important.

    In India the stainless steel community celebrated the landmark event in a day long conference on "100 years of Stainless Steel – Towards Building Corrosion Free India" organized by SteelGuru in New Delhi, where more than 200 renowned stakeholders from the stainless steel community which included stainless steel producers, processors, government bodies, national and international certification and consultancy authorities & academic Institutions participated in the deliberations.

    Mr Sudhir Vasudev CMD of ONGC while inaugurating the event said "Stainless steel is the fastest growing segment of the metals industry, its applications are diverse and new applications are being constantly being developed. It has become major part in all of our lives, and has truly changed the world. In India demand for stainless steel is on constant increase due to awareness about the product and availability of right grades and sizes. The demand for the corrosion free metal is on increase in high end industries including Oil & Gas, Energy and shipping related industries, railways, ports, infrastructure and automotive where corrosion is a serious issue."

    Mr Pronab Roy principal advisor with planning commission said "While stainless steel share in the steel big picture in India is the highest in the world but the per capita usage in India is abysmally low. Due to lower penetration of stainless steel in infrastructure areas, our country loses INR 2 trillion (USD 40 billion) every year due to corrosion of infrastructure, industrial equipment and other vital installations, according to last estimates from Corrosion Management Committee of CII. Corrosion has a huge economic and environmental impact on virtually all facets of the world's infrastructure, from highways, bridges, and buildings to oil and gas, chemical processing, water and wastewater systems and particularly industrial structures. In addition to causing severe damage and threat to public safety, corrosion disrupts operations and requires extensive repair and replacement of failed assets. We are a resource crunched nation and we cannot afford this luxury at all."

    Mr Markus Moll, MD, Steel and Metals Market Research stressed promoting use of stainless steel applications.

    Opening Session - Building Corrosion Free India
    Chairman - Mr Yatinder Pal Singh Suri, Country Head, Outokumpu India
    Mr Sudhir Vasudeva, CMD, ONGC
    Dr Pronab Sen, Principal Advisor, Planning Commission
    Mr Markus Moll, Managing Director, Steel & Metals Market Research

    100 Years of Stainless Steel - Lessons & Learning’s for India
    Chairman - Dr AS Firoz, Chief Economist, ERU, MOS
    The Dark Side of Corrosion - Dr VS Raja, Professor, Corrosion Science and Engineering, IIT Mumbai
    Bright Side of Stainless Steel - Mr Peter Samuelsson, Senior Vice President R&D, Outokumpu
    Stainless – For Life Cycle Advantage - Dr Peter Cutler, Director Promotion, Nickel Institute
    Chrome Makes it Stainless - Mr Philippe Richard, Secretary General, ICDA
    The Indian Stainless Journey So Far - Mr Sunil Sisodia, DGM Quality, SAIL SSP

    Towards Building Green India
    Chairman – Mr Sushim Banerjee, Director General, INSDAG
    Architecture - Professor Anne Feenstra, M.Arch, Architect & Planner (Initiator Delhi2050), The Netherlands
    Water Systems - Mr Ajay Popat, CEO, Ion Exchange
    Catering & Appliances - Mr Ramesh Shah, President, All India Stainless Steel Industries Association
    Oil & Gas - Mr Sanjay Joshi, CEO & MD, AKER Solution India
    Nuclear Energy - Dr U Kamachi Mudali, Associate Director, Corrosion Science and Technology, IGCAR

    Panel Discussion - Stainless Steel & Sustainability
    Moderator – Mr Raj Kumar Sahu, NDTV
    Mr Markus Moll, Managing Director, Steel & Metals Market Research
    Mr Austin Lu, Senior VP APAC, Outokumpu
    Mr Richard Matheson, Executive Director, ASSDA
    Mr Hemal Shah, Deputy Managing Director, Viraj Profiles Ltd
    Dr Anand Kumar, Former Director R&D, IOCL
    Dr RC Prasad, Professor, Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science, IIT Mumbai

    Lead Sponsor – Outokumpu
    Platinum Sponsor - Viraz Profiles Ltd

    Knowledge partners –IT Banaras Hindu University, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Bhubaneswar

    Supporting Organization – Institute o Steel Development & Growth, Process Plant & Machinery Association of India, All India Stainless Steel I, All India Induction Furnace Association, Indian Chemical Council, CSIR, Indian Society of Structural Engineers, Chem Tech, IA Struct E, Indian Institute of Bridge Engineering, The Indian Ferro Alloys Producers Association and International Chrome Development Association

    Media Partners – Platts & Steel Business Briefing, Metal Bulletin, Steel & Metallurgy, Minerals & Metals Review, Steel Market Info, Engineering Review, Petroleum Bazar, Biz Duniya, Trade India, India Mart and Construction update

    Source – Global Business Connect
  16. [verwijderd] 18 oktober 2012 08:40
    do 18 okt 2012, 05:46 Chinese economie groeit traag met 7,4 procent PEKING (AFN) - De Chinese economie is in het derde kwartaal met 7,4 procent gegroeid. Dat is de traagste groei in ruim drie jaar en het zevende kwartaal op een rij waarin de groei terugloopt.

    Volgens het Chinese Bureau voor Statistiek trekken deze cijfers het gemiddelde van de eerste negen maanden naar beneden. De Chinese economie groeit nu in de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar met 7,7 procent.

    Toch hebben de Chinese regering en economische analisten vertrouwen in de economie. Volgens hen is de Chinese economie zich nu aan het stabiliseren.

    China heeft al langer last van afzwakkende economische groei. Begin augustus maakte de Chinese centrale bank bekend het kredietbeleid te gaan verbeteren om de economie te steunen. Om de groei aan te zwengelen, werd sinds eind vorig jaar de rente verlaagd en zijn de regels voor kredietverstrekking versoepeld.

    Tegelijkertijd werd bekend dat de industriële productie in september met 9,2% is toegenomen, tegen 8,9% in augustus
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