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  1. forum rang 4 bedoekt 20 juni 2012 02:10
    ArcelorMittal ziet overcapaciteit
    NEW YORK (AFN) - Staalproducenten moeten hun productiecapaciteit aanpassen aan de afnemende vraag. Dat zei topman Lakshmi Mittal van ArcelorMittal dinsdag op een staalcongres in New York.

    "De vraag in Europa was 200 miljoen ton en is nu 150 miljoen ton", stelde Mittal. "Er moet duidelijk iets gebeuren met de capaciteit."

    Volgens Mittal geldt de overcapaciteit niet alleen voor Europa. Volgens hem wordt er wereldwijd teveel geproduceerd. Hij gaf verder aan dat ArcelorMittal op dit moment niet op zoek is naar overnames.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2012 16:47
    China Stainless crude steel output hit 7 million tonnes in H1 2012

    According to statistics, China stainless crude steel output amounted to 7.082 million tonnes in H1 2012 of which output of Cr-Ni series stainless steel gained 3.12% that of Cr-Mn series jumped up 8.36% and that of Cr series stainless steel increased by 8.2%YoY.

    In the first half of this year, stainless steel import dwindled by 70,600 tonnes to 387,900 tonnes with a decrement hitting 15.4%YoY, meanwhile, export shrank 101,800 tonnes to 1.006 million tonnes, dropping by 9.19%YoY.

    In addition, the apparent consumption of China stainless steel in H1 came to 5.614 million tonnes.

    China steel information centre and industry database

  3. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2012 16:48
    Japanese ferroalloy market report as on July 31 2012

    TEX reported that current market situation of ferroalloys in Japan as of July 31st is as follows:

    The price of silicomanganese in the monthly contracts with the EF mills in Japan may give more influence than before over the prices in Asian markets, although the volume of the alloy traded in Japan is rather small compared to other Asian markets and the market growth possibility is limited in Japan. With an EF mill in Kanto area the price for August deliveries was set at JPY 100,000 per tonne delivered to the receiver's yard, equivalent to about USD 1,100 per tonne CIF upon import which is now in a sense becoming a kind of guideline price for the market participants in Asia. Therefore, in the coming while the prices in monthly contracts with Japanese EF mills will eventually continue to work influential over the Asian offers or, in other words, the import prices to Japan.

    As said above, the August 2012 price for some EF mills was agreed at JPY 100,000 per tonne, delivered. The agreed low level was probably due to sellers' stock trimming and short selling from bearish outlook but it obviously pulled down the offer prices of the Indian material. Current offers from India are at around USD 1,150 per tonne CIF in a downward trend with some unconfirmed information that an even lower price was offered at USD 1,100 per tonne. Early July, some shippers quoted USD 30 to USD 40 per tonne higher level than in June due to the stronger Rupee, however the offer prices actually started a downward trend during the fourth week of July 2012. At the moment the domestic price of JPY 100,000 per tonne is heard only in Kanto area, but it is likely to spread over to other areas in Japan soon. The agreed prices in quarterly contracts with EF mills for the Q3 (July to September) 2012 were around JPY 115,000 per tonne delivered, so the low price in the August's monthly contracts i.e. JPY 100,000 per tonne will be reflected to the prices in the quarterly contracts for the Q4 (October to December) 2012. The rolled over prices of the ore for August 2012 shipments to China as set by BHPB Billiton have not seemingly affected the price of silicomanganese so far.

    Low prices have been prompting smelters to curtail production worldwide. China already started curtailment in a large scale this spring, while in other areas of the world such as Spain, South Africa and Brazil summer curtailment plans seem in progress. In such a situation of weak demand in Europe and in the USA as compelling the suppliers to cut output, Russia, another major supplier to Europe USA has been apparently trying to prioritize making deals. In Japan where Russia has been one of the major suppliers, Chinese suppliers are prepared to compete with the Russian offers by quoting USD 1,370 per tonne CIF for medium large lots down from USD 1,400 per tonne that is no longer heard in the market. Compared to the prices in June 2012, the level at the end of July 2012 is some USD 70 to USD 100 per tonne lower.

    Manganese Metal
    The low nickel prices since the beginning of this year has been putting a big pressure over to the price of manganese metal, because nickel and manganese are the metals competing with each other as the major alloying material with steel for stainless steel production. In other words, in China the low nickel prices have allowed higher production of nickel alloyed stainless steel, eventually causing lower output of manganese alloyed stainless steel (200 series) and at the same time lower consumption of manganese metal. As a result, bearish Chinese producers are offering USD 2,900 per tonne CIF for export to Japan.

    Most recent offers range USD 12.00 to USD 12.35 per pound, on the brink before slipping down below USD 12.00 per pound. It was only mid July 2012 when the price slid from USD 13.00 per pound to USD 12.75 per pound and it took just half a month for the price to drop very close to the 11's due to stock trimming and short selling on bearish market outlook. The low level of price is comparable to the level of October 2009. Freeport McMoRan, one of the major molybdenum suppliers produced in the Q2 (April to June) 2012 some 1.0 million tons less than its output during the preceding quarter despite the start up of commercial scale production at the new mine, Climax, in the Q2, but the plan of output expansion in 2013 by 20 million tons per year may need to be somehow reviewed for a healthy balance of supply and consumption.

    Source - TEX Report Limited

  4. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2012 16:19
    Nickel price moves down on lower global trend

    PTI reported that tracking a weak global trend, nickel prices declined by INR 2.80 to INR 871.20 per kilogram in futures trading as speculators reduced their positions.

    At the Multi Commodity Exchange, nickel for delivery in August 2012 fell by INR 2.80 or 0.32% to INR 871.20 per kilogram, with a business turnover of 7,169 lots.

    The September 2012 contract traded lower by INR 2.40 or 0.27% to INR 882.40 per kilogram in 598 lots.

    Market men said speculators trimmed their positions on the back of weak global trend mainly put pressure on nickel prices at futures trade.

    Meanwhile, nickel declined 0.4% to USD 15,680 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange.

    Source - Press Trust of India

  5. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2012 16:20
    Nickel prices mostly decrease across stainless markets for the day

    With a decline of 1.2% on the LME to USD 15,400 per tonne on August 6th 2012, the 3 month price of nickel recorded the biggest decline of the day on our stainless steel and raw materials inputs index. Also on the LME, the nickel spot price fell 0.6 percent to USD 15,375 per tonne.

    The cash price of primary Indian nickel weakened by 0.7%. Chinese stainless steel and raw material inputs closed mixed.

    The price of Chinese ferrochrome remained essentially flat above USD 1,300 per tonne. For the fifth consecutive day, the price of Chinese ferro molybdenum held flat below USD 22,800 per tonne. Following a two day drop, the price of Chinese primary nickel increased by 1%.

    After remaining flat for three days, the price of Chinese 304 stainless coil fell 0.6%. After three essentially changeless days, the price of Chinese 304 stainless steel scrap dropped 0.6% as well.

    The price of Chinese 316 stainless coil continues hovering above USD 4,500 per tonne for the fifth day in a row. The price of Chinese 316 stainless steel scrap saw little movement, north of USD 2,600 per tonne.

    Source -

  6. [verwijderd] 14 augustus 2012 08:32
    ma 13 aug 2012, 16:40 Fors lagere winst Tata Steel MUMBAI (AFN) - Het Indiase staalconcern Tata Steel, moederbedrijf van het voormalige Corus in IJmuiden, heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal de winst flink zien dalen, onder meer door de zwakke staalmarkt. Dat blijkt uit cijfers die het bedrijf maandag publiceerde.

    Staal staat op de lijst met grondstoffen waar een tekort aan is.

    De nettowinst kwam uit op 5,98 miljard roepies (87 miljoen euro), tegen 53,5 miljard roepies een jaar daarvoor. Het winstcijfer van een jaar eerder bevatte wel voor 40 miljard roepies aan eenmalige baten. De omzet bedroeg 338 miljard roepies (4,9 miljard euro), een stijging van 2,5 procent op jaarbasis.

    De staalleveringen van Tata Steel gingen in vergelijking met een jaar eerder met 6,2 procent omlaag tot 5,68 miljoen ton.

  7. [verwijderd] 21 augustus 2012 16:58
    di 21 aug 2012, 16:37 Staalindustrie zet hakken in ’t zand edwin van der schoot
    AMSTERDAM - De Nederlandse staalindustrie, met als voornaamste uithangbord het voormalige Hoogovens in IJmuiden, is het afgelopen jaar licht gekrompen, met 3%.

    In vergelijking met andere West-Europese landen (-5%) bracht onze staalindustrie het er echter goed vanaf. Europa is al langer een moeilijke markt voor staalwalserijen, zeker nu de automobielindustrie in Zuid-Europa het moeilijk heeft.

    Dat blijkt uit een gisteren gepubliceerd overzicht van de World Steel Association.

    Tata Steel produceert in Nederland met name hoogwaardig staal voor klanten in drie markten: de verpakkingsindustrie, de bouw en de automobielindustrie. Daarnaast levert het bedrijf aan klanten die actief zijn in markten voor onder meer huishoudelijke apparaten, industrievoertuigen, machines en gereedschappen.

    Maar vooral de jobstijding die Peugeot-Citroën eerder deze zomer deed uitgaan (8000 ontslagen) zal in IJmuiden de wenkbrouwen hebben doen fronsen. Peugeot en in mindere mate Renault zien vooral het vleugellamme Europa als hun thuismarkt. Niet verbazingwekkend zijn de staalindustrie in België en Frankrijk dan ook hard getroffen, zij leveren veel aan de Franse autobouwers.

    De Duitse autobouwers daarentegen, BMW voorop, hebben duidelijk de Chinese en Braziliaanse markt geënterd, om hun omzet alleen maar te zien stijgen. In hun kielzog hield ook de Duitse staalindustrie de schade beperkt.

    De groei zit de afgelopen twee jaar in Oost-Europa, Azië en Noord-Amerika. Ook de verouderde walserijen en hoogovens in Latijns-amerikaanse landen hebben het moeilijk.

    In eigen alnd schrapte Tata Steel, eigenaar van de hoogovens in Ijmuiden, eind 2009 al 800 arbeidsplaatsen. tot en met 2014 verdwijnen nog eens 1000 banen, maar wordt ook €700 miljoen in de locatie geïnvesteerd.

    Tata is na Arcelor Mittal de grootste staalproducent van Europa.

    Bekijk hier de statistieken van de World Steel Association

  8. [verwijderd] 24 augustus 2012 08:49
    vr 24 aug 2012, 08:18
    'China vergroot reserves aardmetalen'
    PEKING (AFN) - China is van plan voor 18.000 ton zeldzame aardmetalen toe te voegen aan zijn strategische reserves. De Chinese overheid gaat hiervoor een overeenkomst aan met een binnenlandse producent. Dat meldde een Chinese zakenkrant vrijdag.

    De overheidsinstantie die de reserves beheert, gaat hiervoor een overeenkomst aan met het staalbedrijf Baotou, de grootste producent van aardmetalen van het land. China produceert meer dan 90 procent van de zeldzame aardmetalen in de wereld. De metalen worden gebruikt bij de productie van onder meer smartphones, elektrische auto's en windturbines.

    De staatskrant gaf niet aan hoe groot de Chinese reserves zijn.

    De wijze waarop China omgaat met export van de zeldzame aardmetalen is internationaal omstreden. De Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) is van plan om de Chinese exportbeperkingen te onderzoeken naar aanleiding van een verzoek van de Europese Unie, de Verenigde Staten en Japan.

  9. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2012 15:08
    ma 27 aug 2012, 14:48 Industrie midwesten VS groeit verder CHICAGO (AFN) - De bedrijvigheid in de industrie in de staten in het Amerikaanse midwesten heeft in juli groei laten zien in vergelijking een maand eerder. Dat maakte de Federal Reserve van Chicago maandag bekend.

    De Fed Midwest Manufacturing index steeg tot 95,6 punten, van 93,9 punten een maand eerder.
    De index wordt opgesteld uit vijf sectoren waaronder de autosector, staal en machines. De index geldt voor vijf staten: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan en Wisconsin.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 29 augustus 2012 17:00
    Japanese H1 2012 stainless steel output dropped by 2.3pct YoY

    Crude stainless steel production during the first half (January to June) of 2012 by the 7 major Japanese stainless steel mills was 1,769,969 tonnes, down by 2.3% YoY from 1,812,483 tonnes produced during the same period of 2012.

    Compared to the same period of 2011, of which SUS production was fairly high in January and February 2012 with a good recovery in June 2012 after the low months of April and May 2012, production during the first six months of 2012 was comparatively low except in April 2012, the only month when the output exceeded 300,000 tonne level.

    Only NSSC's Yawata and Sumikin's Wakayama recorded higher output than in the same period of 2011, otherwise all dropped, especially at Nisshin's Shunan and Nippon Metal's Kinuura.

    Production in the single month of June 2012 was 296,377 tonnes, up by 2.3% MoM from 289,786 tonnes in the preceding month. Despite the good increases at NSSC's Hikari and at Nisshin's Shunan, the decreases at other mills were more, resulting in a little below the 300,000 tonne per month level.

    The forecast for the Q3 (July to September) of 2012 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan released at the end of July 2012 says that the Q3 production will be more than the Q2 (April to June) 2012, but no so much as recorded in the same period of 2011, as the production for domestic consumption will firmly go up based on stable demand from automobile manufacturers, but production for exports will be adversely affected by the still poor demand for stainless steel due to the European crisis.

    Source - TEX Report Limited
  11. [verwijderd] 30 augustus 2012 14:46
    voor hogere verliezen vanwege afschrijvingen op fabrieken

    TOKIO (AFN) - De Japanse staalfabrikanten Nippon Steel en Sumitomo Metal Industries, die op 1 oktober fuseren tot 's werelds op een na grootste staalconcern, hebben donderdag waarschuwingen gegeven voor hogere verliezen vanwege afschrijvingen op fabrieken.

    Nippon Steel verwacht nu voor de eerste helft van zijn gebroken boekjaar, dat eind september afloopt, een verlies van 155 miljard yen (1,6 miljard euro), van een eerder voorspelde 85 miljard yen. Het concern schrijft 120 miljard yen af op de waarde van twee verlieslijdende fabrieken in het westen van Japan onder druk van de zwakke staalmarkt.

    Sumitomo rekent nu voor de eerste helft op een verlies van 128 miljard yen, tegen een eerder verwachte 8 miljard yen. Ook Sumitomo schrijft 120 miljard yen op een Japanse fabriek. De fusie van de twee bedrijven moet op 1 oktober zijn afgerond. Japanse staalconcerns hebben veel last van goedkope concurrentie uit China en Zuid-Korea, de lagere staalprijzen en de dure yen
  12. forum rang 10 voda 30 augustus 2012 17:01
    Update on Japanese FeCr demand and supply in H1 2012

    Demand and supply of ferrochrome in Japan during the first half (January to June) of 2012 were as per the table attached hereto. The data show that consumption of high carbon ferrochrome was 335,466 tonnes, down by 2.3% YoY and the same of low carbon ferrochrome was 24,173 tonnes, up by 6% YoY.

    It is said that the drop in consumption of high carbon ferrochrome was because hot rolled stainless steel production declined to 1.433 million tonnes during the first half of 2012, down by 5.5% YoY from the same period of 2011, and that the increased consumption of low carbon ferrochrome was because production of special steel, the biggest low carbon ferrochrome consuming sector as represented by alloy steel, tool steel and bearing steel increased to 12.750 million tonnes in the first half of 2012, up by 7.6% YoY from the same period of 2011.

    Source - TEX Report Limited
  13. forum rang 10 voda 31 augustus 2012 16:03
    ThyssenKrupp Nirosta shortens working hours on weak orders

    ThyssenKrupp Nirosta GmbH will shorten working hours at its Bochum plant in Germany from September because of weak orders.

    It said “ThyssenKrupp Nirosta expects short-time working to be used only as a short-term measure” agreed with the works council.”

    Monica Soffritti, a spokeswoman for the company, declined to give a more precise period or the amount by which production will be reduced when contacted by phone. About 456 employees, or 11 percent of the unit’s staff, are affected.

    ThyssenKrupp Nirosta is part of ThyssenKrupp’s Inoxum Group which Outokumpu Oyj, a Finish maker of stainless steel, agreed to buy on Jan. 31 in a deal valuing the German unit at about EUR 2.7 billion

    Source - Bloomberg
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2012 17:01
    Japanese stainless steel imports up by 2.5pct MoM in July

    According to statistics, Japan imported 15,097 tonnes of stainless steel in July 2012, rising by 2.5% MoM.

    Among them, 10,571 tonnes were imported from South Korea, falling by 7.5% MoM; 1,730 tonnes were from Taiwan, soaring by 76.4% MoM and 1,176 tonnes were from China, jumping by 97.9% MoM.

    In July 2012, the country import values generated by stainless steel amounted to USD 55.167 million. At the same time, the country's average import prices of stainless steel were at USD 3,654.17 per tonne, down by 1.9% MoM.

    Meanwhile, Japan's imports of specialty steel products totaled 54,744 tonnes in July 2012, soaring by 60.6% MoM.

    Among them, 4,896 tonnes were from South Korea, rising by 34.2% MoM; 30,652 tonnes were from China, up by 2.5% MoM and 1,248 tonnes were from Taiwan, increasing by 3.2 times.

    Source - JISF
  15. [verwijderd] 7 september 2012 18:16

    voda schreef op 7 september 2012 17:01:

    Japanese stainless steel imports up by 2.5pct MoM in July

    According to statistics, Japan imported 15,097 tonnes of stainless steel in July 2012, rising by 2.5% MoM.

    Among them, 10,571 tonnes were imported from South Korea, falling by 7.5% MoM; 1,730 tonnes were from Taiwan, soaring by 76.4% MoM and 1,176 tonnes were from China, jumping by 97.9% MoM.

    In July 2012, the country import values generated by stainless steel amounted to USD 55.167 million. At the same time, the country's average import prices of stainless steel were at USD 3,654.17 per tonne, down by 1.9% MoM.

    Meanwhile, Japan's imports of specialty steel products totaled 54,744 tonnes in July 2012, soaring by 60.6% MoM.

    Among them, 4,896 tonnes were from South Korea, rising by 34.2% MoM; 30,652 tonnes were from China, up by 2.5% MoM and 1,248 tonnes were from Taiwan, increasing by 3.2 times.

    Source - JISF

    WIJ zaten daar dus niet bij ;-(

    Our ( Aperam ) production capacity is concentrated in six production facilities located in Brazil, Belgium and France. Aperam is unique by its capability to produce stainless and specialties from low cost Biomass/Charcoal
  16. max21 11 september 2012 23:45
    Hogere Braziliaanse importheffing gunstig voor Aperam
    11 september | 10:39
    De hogere Braziliaanse importheffing op de meeste staalproducten pakt gunstig uit voor Aperam (EUR 12,09 ? Kopen). Het concern produceert roestvrij staal in verschillende landen waaronder Brazilië.

    De Braziliaanse regering verhoogde afgelopen week in een poging om de lokale staalproducenten te beschermen de invoerrechten op vrijwel alle staalproducten van 14% naar 25%. Daarmee worden binnenlandse staalproducten 11% goedkoper in vergelijking met geïmporteerd staal.

    De maatregel geeft Aperam ruimte voor prijsverhogingen zonder dat die de concurrentiepositie van het bedrijf aantasten. Dat kan tot USD 130 miljoen aan extra winst generen.

    Omdat het inflatiespook echter altijd nadrukkelijk boven de Braziliaanse economie zweeft, denken we niet dat Aperam het buitenkansje volledig zal benutten. Wij handhaven onze opinie Kopen voor het aandeel , hoofdzakelijk vanwege verbeterde marges als gevolg van kostenbesparende maatregelen en hogere marktprijzen.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 13 september 2012 16:38
    Aperam suggests stainless steel pricing change - CEO

    Reuters reported that stainless steelmaker Aperam is talking to its customers about a potential change in their pricing mechanism for the alloy.

    Mr Philippe Darmayan CEO of Aperam said that the European producer is suggesting changes that will make its pricing similar to that for aluminium, meaning it will be based on the daily price of nickel on the London Metal Exchange plus a premium agreed between the mill and the customer.

    Stainless steel prices are currently composed of two elements, a base price, agreed between the mill and the customer and a monthly alloy surcharge, which is calculated based on the average price of nickel and other alloys present in steel, for the month before the booking.

    Source - Reuters

  18. forum rang 10 voda 13 september 2012 16:45
    Acerinox is open to steel pricing formula changes - CEO

    Reuters reported that Spanish steel producer Acerinox is open to changes in pricing for stainless steel if customers desire, but prefers the current pricing mechanism.

    Mr Bernardo Velazquez CEO of Acerinox told Reuters that the company is talking to its customers about a possible change it the alloy pricing mechanism for stainless steel. He added that "We prefer the old system, but we can change if customers want. We can have fixed prices, we can have different formulas for the alloy surcharge, that's not a problem for us."

    The price of the alloy is currently composed of two elements, a base price and an alloy surcharge.

    The base price is agreed between the mill and the customer on a monthly, quarterly or longer basis, while the monthly alloy surcharge is calculated using a formula based on the average price of nickel and other alloys present in stainless steel, for the month or two months before the booking.

    Source - Reuters
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