ilanovic13 schreef:
Als iedereen in het weekend even mee zoekt, is er wellicht wat te achterhalen, in dit verband schijnt ene Brandes(VS) een rol te spelen(had ooit 26.000.000 stuks aandelen AEGON.
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P/E: (before NRI) Lower P/E:
Price/Book: 0.5 Lower P/B: ING (0.4), CNO (0.4), PNX (0.2), IHC (0.4),
Price/Sales: 0.2 Lower P/S: ING (0.1), PNX (0.1), PTA (0.1), CRMH (0.1),
Net Margin: -5.67% Higher Margin: AMSF (15.86%), TMK (13.79%), EHTH (10.96%),
Market Cap: $11.3 Bil EPS: (before NRI) $-0.75 Shares Outstanding: 1578.23 Mil
Life Insurance COMPARE: AGN, GNW, ING, PUK
Aegon N.V. is an international insurance group which writes life and more
Aegon N.V. is an international insurance group which writes life and health insurance and offers related pension, savings and investment products in Europe, North America and the Caribbean. The Company's other lines of business include property and casualty insurance and financial services. Hide Aegon Nv 7.11 -0.06
Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y
Gurus Trades with AEG:
Number of guru portfolios checked: 67, go to List of Gurus for details
Ticker Company Picked By Date (?) Action
AllNew/addNew buysAdd onlyAll sellsSold outReduce Impact to Portfolio (?) Price Range
(Average)* (?) Current Price Change from Average Comment Current Shares
AEG AEGON N.... Charles Brandes 2008-03-31 Add
(history) 0.2% $13.21 - $16.53
($14.4) $ 7.17 -50% Add 20.21% 31,471,047
Real Time Picks are included for Premium Members only!!
*The price and date might not be the actual time and price at which the transactions were made. In the case of institutional owners, the date is stated as the last day of their fiscal quarter. The prices are estimates if no accurate information available. Foreign holdings may not be included.
hij heeft er nu 31,471,047