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Duits 400 miljard zonne-energieproject Desert

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  1. forum rang 4 shaai 29 september 2013 23:32
    Ik ´snap´ dat de meeste Nl/ers doodsbenauwd zijn dat de buurman a la Donald Trump 30m wolkenkrabbers bouwt,maar of dat nou zoveel zou gebeuren? Misschien moet je in dat ene geval maar zelf op je enorme, want goedkope lap gron maar paar extra bomen zetten, want als je je eigen grond voor de grondprijs, ipv de gemeenteprijs koopt, dan heb je wel geld over voor paar bomen. Maar ja, de gemiddelde burger in Nl wil waarschijnlijk niet de ultieme vrijheid voor de buurman...
  2. New dawn 30 september 2013 10:38

    shaai schreef op 29 september 2013 23:32:

    Maar ja, de gemiddelde burger in Nl wil waarschijnlijk niet de ultieme vrijheid voor de buurman...

    Nee dat wil hij niet.

    Een bestemmingsplan is tot in detail uitgewerkt en ligt trouwens ter inzage op het gemeentehuis van jouw wijk.

    Het regelt ook of een perceel bv een winkelbestemming heeft of niet en of in de wijk bedrijven toegestaan worden. Verder regelt het ook of jij of je buurman zoiets als een hondenkennel (lawaai) mogen houden. (meestal niet...)

    Niet iedereen in bv een woonwijk wil dat zijn buurman met een horecagelegenheid begint. Daarom hebben de huizen in een wijk meestal een woonbestemming.

    Een bestemmingsplan is geen plan maar een lokale wet.

    Extreme bebouwing leidt ook tot waardedaling van de belendende percelen of wellicht de gehele wijk.

    Er is geen partij die in zijn programma heeft staan om de bestemmingsplannen af te schaffen denk ik. Er zijn wel enkele gemeenten die de welstandcommissie hebben afgeschaft, die regelt meer het aangezicht van de bebouwing zoals kleuren etc.

    De kern van een bestemmingsplan is dat de bebouwing in een wijk passend moeten zijn in zijn omgeving.

  3. forum rang 5 DurianCS 23 november 2013 18:48

    shaai schreef op 29 september 2013 23:32:

    Ik ´snap´ dat de meeste Nl/ers doodsbenauwd zijn dat de buurman a la Donald Trump 30m wolkenkrabbers bouwt,maar of dat nou zoveel zou gebeuren? Misschien moet je in dat ene geval maar zelf op je enorme, want goedkope lap gron maar paar extra bomen zetten, want als je je eigen grond voor de grondprijs, ipv de gemeenteprijs koopt, dan heb je wel geld over voor paar bomen. Maar ja, de gemiddelde burger in Nl wil waarschijnlijk niet de ultieme vrijheid voor de buurman...
    Nee, inderdaad. Er is een woonwijk bij mij in de buurt waar de bewoners grote vrijheid kregen bij de bebouwing van de kavel. Ieder zijn eigen keuze, en hierdoor wordt het een enorme rommel. Bovendien bebouwt iedereen maximaal, waardoor de afstand tussen de huizen minimaal is. Vrijheid voor het individu lijkt leuk, maar het resultaat is dat het geheel naar de filistijnen gaat.
  4. [verwijderd] 24 november 2013 12:18
    @ DurianCS,
    ergens schreef je: "ik stap elk jaar over op andere gas/licht leverancier
    op welke punten dient er gelet worden/welke valkuilen zijn er bij dat jaarlijkse overstappen ?
    Welk internethulpsite gebruik je daarbij voor het vergelijken ?
  5. [verwijderd] 24 november 2013 13:21

    haas schreef op 24 november 2013 12:18:

    @ DurianCS,
    ergens schreef je: "ik stap elk jaar over op andere gas/licht leverancier
    op welke punten dient er gelet worden/welke valkuilen zijn er bij dat jaarlijkse overstappen ?
    Welk internethulpsite gebruik je daarbij voor het vergelijken ?
    Welke route je bewandeld, een collectief of via een switchsite, maakt niet zoveel uit. Zowel via de collectieven als via switchsites wordt scherp aangeboden. Wat wel belangrijk is, is dat je bewaakt dat je eind en beginstanden goed verwerkt worden rondom de switch. Gaat het tarief omhoog dan kun je hier nog wat mee rommelen door meer verbruik in de afgelopen periode op te geven. Andersom kan ook, maar overdrijf het niet.
  6. [verwijderd] 15 februari 2014 23:13
    Kalifornien: Weltgrößtes Solarkraftwerk hat Betrieb aufgenommen

    In der Nähe von Las Vegas steht ein Sonnenkraftwerk der Superlative: Über 300.000 Spiegel fokussieren das Sonnenlicht auf drei Türme, der erzeugte Strom versorgt 140.000 Haushalte. Das Solarturmkraftwerk Ivanpah hat den offiziellen Betrieb aufgenommen, es ist die größte derartige Anlage der Welt.

    Sonnentürme gehören zu den solarthermischen Kraftwerken. Eine andere Variante davon sind die sogenannten Parabolrinnenkraftwerke, wie sie beispielsweise im Projekt Desertec geplant waren. Bei dieser Technologie bündeln gewölbte Spiegel das Sonnenlicht auf ein sogenanntes Absorberrohr, das direkt vor dem Spiegel in dessen Brennlinie verläuft.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2014 16:42
    Ivanpah Launches as the World’s Largest CSP Plant

    The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Station, the world’s largest concentrating solar power (CSP) facility, was dedicated Thursday afternoon at a ceremony keynoted by U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz.

    In his remarks, Moniz hailed the Obama administration’s leadership on supporting renewable energy projects.

    “President Obama and the Department of Energy [DOE] are committed to ensuring that all sources of energy are competitive in a carbon-constrained economy,” he said. “This is why we have already invested more than $6 billion in carbon capture and sequestration technologies and recently announced up to $8 billion in available loan guarantees for advanced fossil energy projects that lower emissions.”

    Making that happen is an imperative, Moniz noted.

    “Investing in clean energy isn’t a decision that limits our economic potential—it’s an opportunity to lead the global clean technology markets that are forming right now,” he said. “We simply can’t afford to be at the back of the train—we have to be at the front, leading the world in these industries.”

    Moniz stressed that the DOE is looking to support more projects like Ivanpah. “We have over $40 billion to spend on clean energy projects,” he said. “Bring them on!”

    He cautioned, though, that the DOE was not looking to dictate to the market, “but to help provide the options that all of you in your various roles play in determining what the private solutions are,” he said. “There’s no one solution. The ‘all of the above’ approach is working.”

    The inauguration was fairly elaborate for a power plant opening, and featured an appearance by Grammy-nominated band The Fray, which filmed a music video for its forthcoming album at the site last year.

    Big Output, Big Footprint

    Comprising three units with a total capacity of 392 MW (377 MW net), Ivanpah is a joint effort between NRG Energy (through its subsidiary NRG Solar), Google, Bechtel, and BrightSource Energy. The station uses 173,500 heliostats (each with two mirrors) to concentrate sunlight on three 459-foot towers (Figure 1). Four types of heliostats are used depending on the distance from the tower; the furthest out are more than half a mile away. All of them were precisely placed using GPS to ensure accurate alignment. The heliostats are capable of withstanding 85-mph winds.

    1. Almost 180,000 heliostats, each mounting a pair of mirrors, are used to focus sunlight on the towers.

    Each tower holds a 2,100-ton boiler that directs steam into a turbine generator at ground level (Figure 2). Natural gas is used to bring the boiler up from a cold start, but in normal use, it retains enough heat from the previous day to start up on sunlight alone. A 110-ton counterweight is continually repositioned to keep the tower stable.

    2. The concentrated sunlight generates steam in the tower-top boilers. When the units are operating, the glow at the top is visible for miles.

    The facility relies on air-cooled condensers to condense the turbine exhaust, allowing it to use as much as 95% less water than a wet-cooled thermal plant. The plant’s only water needs are boiler makeup and cleaning. Water is sourced from two wells on the site.

    Moniz dryly noted that the facility uses about the same amount of water as two holes at the Primm Casino golf course next door to the plant. “The energy-water nexus is going to be of increasing importance” in the future, he said.

    The 3,500 acre facility—large enough to be visible from orbit—is located in Ivanpah Dry Lake, Calif., about 40 miles southwest of Las Vegas. BrightSource began development in 2006, and construction, led by engineering, procurement, and construction partner Bechtel—which has also invested in the facility—began in Oct. 2010. Shortly after construction commenced, NRG agreed to come on board, committing about $300 million. In April 2011, Google—which had previously invested $10 million in BrightSource—announced that it would also join the project, investing another $168 million of its own. Google’s investment is part of its intention to source 100% of its considerable electricity demands from renewable energy.

    Rick Needham, Google’s director of energy and sustainability said, “At Google we invest in innovative renewable energy projects that have the potential to transform the energy landscape and help provide more clean power to businesses and homes around the world. Ivanpah is a shining example of such a project and we’re delighted to be a part of it.”

    NRG Solar will operate the plant going forward.

    “We see Ivanpah changing the energy landscape by proving that utility-scale solar is not only possible, but incredibly beneficial to both the economy and in how we produce and consume energy,” said Tom Doyle, president of NRG Solar.

    “We’ve demonstrated that this technology works at commercial scale,” said David Ramm, CEO of BrightSource.

    The station was first synced to the grid last September and went into commercial operation at the end of 2013. It is selling its power to Pacific Gas & Electric (from Units 1 and 3) and Southern California Edison (Unit 2) under long-term power purchase agreements.

    “It was a privilege to be a part of an iconic project, ” said Toby Seay, president of Bechtel’s power global business unit. “Consistent teamwork with a focus on safety and quality is key to executing a project of this size and complexity.”

  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2014 16:42
    Deel 2:

    Environmental Roadblocks

    Ironically for a project that is intended to boost California’s production of renewable energy, Ivanpah has faced some opposition from environmental groups concerned about the impact on the sensitive desert ecosystem, in particular the effect on desert tortoises native to the area, which are federally listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Opponents initially requested a move to a more disturbed location rather than the pristine Ivanpah Dry Lake site, but BrightSource declined.

    In 2011, the Western Watersheds Project sued the Department of Interior, the Bureau of Land Management (which owns the land under the site), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) over a determination that it claimed underestimated the impact on the tortoises.

    Construction was halted after the discovery of more tortoises at the site than there were originally believed to be. In June 2011, the USFWS issued a revised opinion stipulating new protective measures that would reduce impact on the tortoises. BrightSource also implemented a program to locate and protect tortoise eggs and hatchlings and relocate tortoises to outside the construction zone.

    One notable element of the Ivanpah site is that the heliostats were mounted in place with little or no grading or even concrete foundations. Instead, the heliostat supports were simply placed into the desert soil as is (Figure 3). This greatly reduced the impact on the existing ecosystem.

    3. To minimize impact on the sensitive desert ecosystem, the heliostats were mounted directly into ground without grading or otherwise modifying the site. Source: Tom Overton/POWER

    The heliostats are also oriented slightly out of alignment when their unit is not operating. The reason is that if the mirrors are aligned horizontally, they resemble a lake from the air closely enough to confuse birds, which might attempt to land on them. (This has not prevented a few birds from being killed by the concentrated solar radiation after flying too close to the towers.)

    Big Price Tag

    Ivanpah’s $2.2 billion cost was supported by $1.6 billion in loan guarantees from the DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO). The plant is just a portion of the 2.8 GW of LPO-financed large-scale solar (CSP and photovoltaic [PV]) that is currently operating or under construction.

    Though the LPO program has seen a handful of high-profile busts—most notably solar PV manufacturer Solyndra—it has on the whole been successful in nurturing renewable energy projects. The LPO currently oversees a portfolio of more than $30 billion that supports more than 30 closed and committed projects. LPO-supported facilities include one of the world’s largest wind farms as well as several of the world’s largest solar generation and thermal energy storage systems. These include the Solana project in Arizona, which came online in October, and the Mojave Solar Project in San Bernardino, which is projected to start up later this year.

    “This project was made possible by the successful public-private partnership between the Department of Energy and the project sponsors,” Peter Davidson, LPO executive director, said in a statement. “Through partnerships like this, we can continue to build an innovative clean energy economy in the U.S.”

    The Ivanpah opening comes a few days after the Solar Foundation released a report showing record-breaking job growth in the solar industry last year, particularly in California. Though the industry employed about 143,000 people as of November 2013, that state’s share was the largest by far, with more than 47,000 solar-related jobs—a total that is expected to grow by 22% this year. Employment at Ivanpah peaked at just under 2,700 during construction, which was completed with only a single lost-time accident. It will employ about 90 people full-time.

    —Thomas W. Overton, associate editor (@thomas_overton, @POWERmagazine)

    Voor foto's, zie link:
  9. [verwijderd] 14 april 2014 06:14
    DüsseldorfDie Wüstenstrom-Initiative Desertec verliert einen weiteren Unterstützer: Auch der Bau- und Dienstleistungskonzern Bilfinger steigt aus. „Wir werden den Ende 2014 auslaufenden Vertrag nicht verlängern“, sagte ein Sprecher des Mannheimer MDax-Konzerns dem Handelsblatt. Der internationale Industriedienstleister gehört bislang zu den 17 sogenannten assoziierten Partnern des Industriekonsortiums DII, das das Projekt vorantreibt.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2014 22:18

    Ga a.u.b. weer posten, en laat die uitlokkers links liggen!

    Hier op opfrisser om het draadje omhoog te halen:

    A win-win-win strategy for ending European energy dependence

    Blogpost by Kumi Naidoo - May 26, 2014 at 15:30 3 comments Europe can liberate itself from the annexation of its energy policy by Russian gas suppliers and deliver a win on energy independence, a win on climate change, and a win on the economy. The answer to the current political turmoil of President Putin's threat in a letter to EU leaders that that gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine will be stopped on 1 June, unless Kiev starts paying upfront for the gas lies in the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. It is that simple if European political leaders can show courage and leadership.

    If carried out it would also be the third time Gazprom has cut off European gas exports. In 2006 and 2009, similar action resulted in Slovakia declaring a state of emergency, Bulgaria simply running out of gas, and Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Poland reporting a 30% drop in pipe pressure.

    In recent weeks, EU leaders have once again been scrambling to put emergency measures in place. But at next month's EU Summit, where they will debate what energy and climate policies to set for beyond 2020, they have the opportunity to choose real independence and break the cycle of co-option and chaos. By choosing energy efficiency and renewables the EU can set its own course for now and forever.

    Replacing energy supplies from Russia with nuclear energy and fossil fuels from elsewhere, as has been suggested, such as the Middle East or North Africa, is not the answer. The planned Southern Gas Corridor, for example, is initially expected to deliver only 10-20 billion cubic meters of gas per year, off-setting a mere 8% of Russian gas imports.

    We should not be thinking about changing the dealer but of kicking the dirty energy habit. The choice is not between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The choice is between dirty and clean energy providers and between climate chaos and conflict, it's a choice between the past and the future. We can choose for a win-win-win for the climate, the economy and people.

    Energy building insulation programmes, for example, could deliver major cuts in energy imports within months. Rooftop solar panels can be installed in a matter of weeks. In 2012 alone, Europe built enough new renewable energy installations to replace over 10% of Russian gas imports and power over eight million homes, generating a huge number of jobs in the process.

    The potential for clean energy is enormous. Not only could it meet almost half of our energy demand in 2030, but with the right policies in place, we could also replace the equivalent of the EU's total current gas imports from Russia. It would also enable European governments to show real leadership turning this crisis into an opportunity for peaceful energy solutions cutting our dependence on sources that have been the triggers for wars and conflict for centuries.

    Choosing fossil fuels and nuclear energy at the June EU summit would simply extend our dependence on dirty, volatile and dangerous fuels. Undermining both energy and conventional security. Opting for clean, modern energy would create jobs and industries that would unlock real energy security. The answer is a Europe-wide clean technology network. Costs are falling, the technology is ready, and the time is now. This crisis should be viewed as an opportunity.

    While the oil, coal, gas and nuclear companies are lobbying hard to keep us hooked on their dirty and dangeruous fuels, I call on EU leaders to take action to put the European Union on the path to real independence and security. As Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." Fossil fuels and nuclear energy got us into this mess – they won't get us out of it. Clean energy will.

    Kumi Naidoo is the Executive Director of Greenpeace International.
  11. forum rang 6 izdp 3 juni 2014 02:11
    Greenpeace belijdt met de mond en laat zelf na.

    Op hun gebouw in amsterdam, prima geschikt voor zonnepanelen, ligt er niet 1.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 22 juli 2015 20:23
    Waarom horen wij hier niet meer over!

    China gaat wel verder...

    China starts works on largest 200 MW Solar Power Plant

    PrePsure reported that China on July 22nd 2015 started building its largest 200 MW Solar Power Plant in Qinghai Province. The solar power plant will be spread over 2550 hectares in the Gobi desert. The plant will also be China’s first large-scale solar power plant under commercial operation. The plant is located 2870 meters above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Golmud has particularly favorable conditions for the developing new energy industry.

    China has been focusing on increasing its proportion of clean energy. By 2014, the country’s solar power capacity was 28.05 GW, 400 times more than 2005, and there are plans to increase this to around 100 GW by 2020. The solar power tower system boasts higher efficiency and better energy storage than the more commonly used trough system.

    India is also constructing the world’s largest 750 MW solar power plant in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh. India’s Solar Power Plant is much bigger than America’s 550 MW Desert Sunlight solar project in California. The plant will be spread over 1500 hectares of land for INR 4000 crore. The expected cost of power production is pegged at INR 5 per unit which would be lower than production costs in any solar project in the country, including the one at Neemuch in MP and Mehsana and Patan in Gujarat.

    Source : PrePsure
  13. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2015 21:07
    Een stukje realisatie door de Chinezen...
    Nu Europa nog...

    China is building the world’s largest solar power plant

    The Metro reported that China is building the largest solar power plant on Earth, and it’s going to be nearly the size of Bath city.

    The massive solar plant, which will stretch out across the Gobi desert in the country’s Quinghai province, will cover 25 square kilometres of vacant ground space.

    When finished the plant, called Delingha, is expected to have a capacity of 200 MW, which means it will power one million households all year round.

    Delingha is the world’s first solar power plant to be run as a commercial entity after being jointly developed by BrightSource Energy from California and the Shanghai Electric Group in China.

    The awesome structure will have six huge towers as well as thousands of solar mirrors which, due to their heat storage time of 15 hours, will be able to guarantee ‘stable and continual power generation’, according to Qinghai Solar-Thermal Power Group board chair, Wu Longyi.

    Source : The Metro
  14. forum rang 10 voda 8 februari 2016 19:36
    Geen onderdeel daarvan, maar toch een eerste stap!

    Morocco launches first solar power plant in Sahara

    Published on Mon, 08 Feb 2016

    It is reported that King Mohammed VI recently inaugurated Morocco's first solar power plant, a massive project that the country sees as part of its goal of boosting its clean energy output.

    French Environment Minister Mr Segolene Royal was among foreign and local officials who attended the opening on the edge of the Sahara desert, around 20 kilometres (12 miles) outside Ouarzazate.

    Developers in a statement said that "The solar plant underlines the country's determination to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, use more renewable energy, and move towards low carbon development."

    With an electricity production capacity of 160 megawatts, Noor 1 is supposed to allow Morocco to significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

    The project's next phases—Noor 2 and Noor 3—are to follow this year and next, and a call for tenders is open for Noor 4.

    Its developers said that once all phases are complete, it is to be "the largest concentrated solar power plant in the world" and produce 500 megawatts of electricity, providing power to more than one million Moroccans by 2018.

    They said that it is to reduce Morocco's carbon emissions by 760,000 tonnes per year. That would be equivalent to around one percent of Morocco's CO2 emissions of around 56.5 million tonnes in 2011, according to World Bank figures.

    Morocco launched construction of Noor 1 in 2013, at a cost of EUR 600 million and involving roughly 1,000 workers.

    Source :
  15. forum rang 10 voda 13 juni 2017 20:27
    DSM wint positie in zonne-energiemarkt

    Aan de rand van de Gobi-woestijn, bij de stad Dunhuang in Noordwest-China experimenteert DSM met zonnepanelen. Zon en woestijn vormen een prachtcombinatie voor zonne-energie, maar er is spelbreker en dat is zand. De panelen raken ondergestoven. Om het rendement op peil te houden moeten ze telkens worden schoongemaakt.

    DSM claimt de oplossing: een coating waaraan zand niet blijft kleven. Vorige week verkocht het concern zijn eerste zandwerende coating voor zonnepanelen. Zonneparken in woestijngebieden van Dubai tot Marokko zijn potentiële klanten.

    Rob van Leen, directeur innovatie bij DSM

    De zonne-energiemarkt is een belangrijk deel van de toekomstige omzet van DSM, zo zegt Rob van Leen, directeur innovatie bij DSM. Het fijnchemieconcern, bekend van zijn omega 3-vetzuren en vitaminen en hoogwaardige materialen als Dyneema, produceert coatings voor zonnepanelen en hun zogenoemde 'backsheets', de kunststof achterzijde.


    'Nu nog draagt zonne-energie 1% bij aan de wereldenergievoorziening. Dat gaat binnen tien jaar naar 15%', aldus Van Leen bij een presentatie in de Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. 'De zonne-energiemarkt blijft jaarlijks met dubbele cijfers groeien.'

    DSM zegt als leverancier van coatings voor zonnepanelen marktleider te zijn. 'Wij zijn de grootste leverancier ter wereld. We hebben in de loop van vijf jaar bijna 20% van de huidige markt van 300 gigawatt in handen gekregen', aldus Van Leen. De markt heeft nu een omvang van ruim $1 mrd.

    Meer rendement

    'Onze coating is een antireflectiecoating, waardoor de zonnepanelen 3% à 4% meer rendement opleveren. Minder reflectie van zonlicht op de zonnepanelen betekent meer rendement.' De coating is ook minder kwetsbaar. 'Hij wordt in tegenstelling tot de producten van onze concurrenten onderdeel van het glas via een bakproces in de oven', aldus Van Leen. DSM maakt zijn coatings voor zonnepanelen in China. China is de grootste producent van zonnepanelen te wereld.


    Daarnaast levert DSM backsheets aan de Chinese zonnepanelenproducent ET Solar in Nanjing. Van Leen: 'We hebben nu nog maar een miniscuul deeltje van die markt, maar onze backsheets zijn de beste. De wereldmarkt voor 'backsheets' is nu zo'n $800 mln groot en groeit 15% per jaar. Dus een verdubbeling in zes jaar. We verwachten marktleider te worden.'

    Om zijn positie te verbeteren kocht DSM begin 2017 ook nog eens de Chinese backsheetproducent Suzhou Sunshine, in de buurt van Sjanghai. In tegenstelling tot de producten van concurrenten, bevatten de backsheets van DSM geen fluor. 'Panelen met fluor kun je niet recyclen. Dat wordt nog een groot probleem.'
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