Frenky Tornado schreef:
Beste Gert,
Hier is het abstract van het bewuste artikel:
The ongoing outbreak of avian influenza A virus
(subtype H5N1) infection in Asia is of great concern
because of the high human case fatality rate and the
threat of a new influenza pandemic. Case reports in
humans and felids suggest that this virus may have
a different tissue tropism from other influenza viruses,
which are normally restricted to the respiratory
tract in mammals. To study its pathogenesis in
a mammalian host, domestic cats were inoculated
with H5N1 virus intratracheally (n 3), by feeding
on virus-infected chicks (n 3), or by horizontal
transmission (n 2) and examined by virological
and pathological assays. In all cats , virus replicated
not only in the respiratory tract but also in multiple
extra-respiratory tissues. Virus antigen expression
in these tissues was associated with severe necrosis
and inflammation 7 days after inoculation. In cats
fed on virus-infected chicks only, virus-associated
ganglioneuritis also occurred in the submucosal
and myenteric plexi of the small intestine, suggesting
direct infection from the intestinal lumen. All
cats excreted virus not only via the respiratory tract
but also via the digestive tract. This study in cats
demonstrates that H5N1 virus infection causes systemic
disease and spreads by potentially novel
routes within and between mammalian hosts. (Am
J Pathol 2006, 168:176–183; DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.050466)
Groeten :) Frank