lucas D 20 augustus 2007 20:12 auteur info lucas D Lid sinds: 27 jun 2007 Laatste bezoek: 12 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 10640 Gegeven: 8182 Aantal posts: 30.919 1) De banken verkopen hun goud massaal, wat de aandelen prijs drukte.2) De krapte in grondstoffen blijft omdat de vraag blijft toenemen, vul daarbij aan de verlaging die de Fed afgelopen vrijdag bekendmaakte, dan kan in weze de boel onverwachts spectaculair stijgen. Na (vandaag) berichten gelezen te hebben dat de markt een verlaging van de korte rente door de Fed verwacht in september.Mijn verwachting:De verwachte rente verlaging in september van de lage rente, kan wel eens het begin worden van een forse stijging van goud / zilver aandelen.Het blijft een verwachting maar het ziet er erg goed uit.Banken hoeven dan immers geen goud meer te verkopen.lucas D Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 27 augustus 2007 14:49 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Volg ook de intra day nieuws updates tijdens handelsdagen, in de Nieuwsflits Goud Update 25 Augustus Analyse van het Goud en Zilver grafiek Indices herstellen: "don't fight the FED" Behandeling van de volgende grafieken: Bund, Eur/Usd, USD/JPY, Dow Jones, Goud, Zilver, Olie & de Hui De flash versie van 38 MB Druk Hier De wmv versie van 39 MB Druk Hier 30 minuten Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
lucas D 27 augustus 2007 18:22 auteur info lucas D Lid sinds: 27 jun 2007 Laatste bezoek: 12 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 10640 Gegeven: 8182 Aantal posts: 30.919 Bedankt,Deze staat inmiddels in mijn favorieten.lucas D Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 28 augustus 2007 10:55 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 GHIk wilde graag iets via een PM bespreken.Kan dit?HTG Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 28 augustus 2007 12:13 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Hi HTG,Zou je niet adviseren hier je email neer te zetten, daar de gebruikelijke stalkers nu eenmaal helaas geen middel onbeproefd laten. Maar je kunt wel via of via dezelfde site contact mihaly vragen/aanmerkingen mihaly@edelmetaal-info.nlonder vermelding email adres voor Gung Ho's junior miners update je adres/contactgegevens doorgeven.We zullen zienGHquote:honky tonk girl schreef:GHIk wilde graag iets via een PM bespreken.Kan dit?HTG Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 30 augustus 2007 11:05 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 THE MELTDOWNBy Doug CaseyDoug Casey is a best selling author and Chairman of Casey Research, publishers of BIG GOLD, a new monthly publication for investors looking to participate in the extraordinary upside of gold and other precious metals… while carefully managing the risk. Click to learn more a risk-free trial now.Over the last few weeks we’ve experienced extreme volatility, and fear, in the financial markets. The event itself wasn’t unexpected around here. After all, we’re on record as expecting to see the Greater Depression materialize in the years to come. Maybe even starting now.But just because something is inevitable doesn’t mean it’s imminent. Some of you may be asking "OK, Casey, but what makes you think that a depression is inevitable – forget about imminent?" A proper answer to that would take a couple of chapters, and this isn’t the forum for that. Besides, I’ve done that in my book Crisis Investing for the Rest of the 90’s. Unfortunately, the book has been off the shelves for some years. If you have a copy, go over it, and see if the reasoning seems sound.In essence, however, an economic depression is a period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. More exactly, it’s a period of time when distortions and misallocations of capital – caused by government intervention in the economy, particularly by currency inflation – are liquidated. Inflation sends false signals to both businessmen and consumers; it makes consumers think they’re richer than they really are, so they spend more. Businessmen gear up to meet this artificially created demand, by hiring more workers and building more facilities. Currency inflation, in its early stages, gives the appearance of prosperity. It also tends to lower interest rates simply because interest is the price of money, and when you expand the supply of anything, its price tends to fall; so everybody tends to save less and borrow more. Later, however, rates rise, because people won’t lend without compensation for the currency’s depreciation. The process causes a phenomenon called the business cycle. A phony boom can cause a very real depression.The long boom we’ve had since the bottom of the last cycle in 1982 – a time that was characterized by high unemployment, lots of bankruptcies, high interest rates, and a low stock market – has lasted 25 years. It could have ended badly a number of times along the way, such as 1987, 1993, or 2000. Each time the government propped the house of cards up higher by injecting more currency into the system. It’s analogous to someone driving a high-performance car on a mountain road with a stuck throttle. The driver can mash on the brakes, slowing it from 50 to 30. The car charges to 80, but this time the fading brakes can only bring it down to 60. After a couple of cycles, it’s going 140. And Ben Bernanke is no Michael Schumacher. Perhaps he can navigate the road. But the chances are better, at this point, that the economy will go off a cliff.So, if we’re going to have a depression, what should you do about it? Our advice here has always emphasized owning a lot of gold. That’s because it’s the only financial asset that’s not somebody else’s liability. That’s important whether the depression is deflationary or inflationary in nature. Deflationary depressions are characterized by lots of bankruptcies and defaults; the only assets you can count on are those in your own possession, like cash or gold. Currency becomes more valuable because so much is wiped out in defaults. But gold is the ultimate form of cash. Inflationary depressions, however, wipe out the currency itself, which loses value rapidly, because the government creates so much more. Gold profits from this process.Is this the start of something big and nasty? It’s impossible to say. But the slap the markets have administered upside the back of everyone’s head should alert them to the possibility. You want lots of gold. Limited debt. International diversification. And some situations – like our recommended gold stocks – that present some real speculative upside.The ultimate cause of all the problems we’re facing is government, with its taxes, regulations, inflation. And wars, pogroms, confiscations, persecutions, and myriad other stupidities. But most people are more concerned today about the proximate cause of the recent unpleasantness.The Proximate CauseThe genesis of the current crisis is subprime mortgages. For well over a decade, lenders have been making mortgage loans available to literally anybody with a pulse who wanted to own a house. Several times, in the mid-‘90s, I expressed astonishment at the fact lenders were loaning over 100% of the appraised value of a house. Even back then, it seemed that was the top of the housing bubble. But what do you know? It hadn’t even turned on the turbos… just going to show how hard it is sometimes to pick an actual top.This leads to one of the more interesting distortions arising from a really big credit-driven boom. You know the old saying: If you owe a banker a little money and can’t pay, you’re in trouble. But if you owe a lot of money, he’s in trouble. That’s exactly what’s happened here. All those new homeowners are already having trouble paying their mortgages. As rates go up, their ranks will swell since they’re almost all on floating-rate mortgages. Higher rates and more distress sales will take housing prices lower. Which, in turn, will encourage more people to leave their keys in the mailbox and walk away.On the other side of the trade are all the funds and institutions that bought the paper. They’ll eventually recover some percentage of their money, after the houses in question have gone into foreclosure and are taken over by new owners. The ones who will really be hurt are the hedge funds, which have become so popular in recent years. Hedge funds are investment pools, available only to sophisticated investors, which are essentially unregulated and can invest in anything, long or short.And, most important, in any amount of debt. In fact, what many appear to have been doing in recent years is borrowing money cheaply (perhaps paying 1% in yen), and then using the proceeds to buy high-yielding paper (like subprime mortgages yielding perhaps 8%). A million dollars of capital invested at 8% would impress nobody; a million dollars, plus another 9 million borrowed at 1%, however, would yield 64%. This was essentially what Long Term Capital Management was doing when it blew up in 1998. What’s happening today is a repetition of that misadventure, except on a much larger scale: it is said that some large percentage of the estimated 9,000 hedge funds in existence now control over a trillion dollars in debt. The future of those funds is very much in doubt.The government will probably come up with some moronic and counterproductive scheme to keep people who can’t afford their houses – and should be renting, which is a much better bargain today – in them. That will also serve to save the investors’ bacon. What it will also do is add to already massive burden on taxpayers. And it will acutely accelerate the destruction of the currency. As an aside, it will also give the SEC an entrée to regulate hedge funds, which will serve no useful purpose.What you’re really asking yourself, however, in view of the specialty of our flagship publication, the International Speculator, is: "What about our m Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 4 september 2007 19:22 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 "Gold has been telling us for sometime that all is not well......"Precious Metals: The Only Refuge By Bob Kirtley Sep 4 2007 11:46AM My father spent six of his younger years in the Royal Marine Commandos serving his country throughout the Second World War. The military discipline stayed with him for the rest of his life and some of it rubbed off on us, his children. For instance we could never buy anything unless we could pay for it with cash. What would he think now if he could listen to both the President George Bush and the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke?The President stated yesterday that the borrowers who were in trouble would be helped by insuring their mortgages through the Federal Housing Administration while Ben Bernanke assured the stock market that the Federal reserve would “act as needed” to prevent this financial crisis from having a knock on effect on the national economy.We now have a drunk who cannot pay his bar bill so the solution is to insure the drunks debts and to extend credit to the bar owner! Magic! Life without responsibility or accountability, Utopia! rest van Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 6 september 2007 13:59 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 (World Gold Council corrects Indian per capita consumption figure in paragraph 17 to 0.7 grams from 17 grams)By Ruchira SinghMUMBAI (Reuters) - India's demand for gold in 2007 is likely to jump by 50 percent, from 2006, to record levels as lower prices lift buying interest, a senior official of the World Gold Council said on Thursday.If realised, Indian gold demand would exceed 1,000 tonnes for the first time."The early indications are for a very, very strong year for India's gold demand," Philip Olden, managing director and chief marketing officer of World Gold Council, told Reuters."If the price stays stable, then you are probably looking at demand which is at least 50 percent higher than last year," Olden said in an interview during a visit to India.The World Gold Council is funded by the world's leading gold companies with the aim of promoting demand for the metal.But if prices rise, volumes may fall -- though in value terms, gold demand may still jump by 50 percent, he added.In 2006, India's demand for gold was 715.5 tonnes. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 17 september 2007 10:53 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 So William Hamelin of Ames Goldsmith Corp thinks the price of silver is going down this year and next? Since his company is the largest consumer of physical silver in the world, the guy has an obvious bias in that a lower silver price would go directly to improving his bottom line. Should anyone be surprised to see bearish comments from people likethat are, to put it mildly, self-serving and disingenuous? There are so many 'experts' that have been telling us for so long about the reasons why silver is going lower. What these articles never seem to report is that the price of silver has been climbing for 5 years despite the bearish arguments that come out of the woodwork on a regular basis. Lets look at the basis that was presented for lower silver:He drags out that old cliche regarding declining silver consumption for photography. Yes, less film is being produced as digital photography continues to grow in market acceptance. But lower conventional photography consumption also means less silver that recovered from recycling in the film development process. Since almost every ounce of silver that is 'consumed' photography is ultimately recovered in recycling, the net effect on supply/demand fundamentals for silver is minimal.Hamelin also suggests that a slowing world economy will reduce industrial consumption of the metal. That too is rather superficial, since more than 85% of total world silver production comes as a by-product from the production of other metals like zinc and copper. So if we agree that a slowdown in world economic demand is coming, then it is safe to say that production of base metals will be trimmed, and therefore less silver will come from those mines.The vast majority of primary silver producers are unable to make money at the current prices. The industry never really recovered from the bear market years of the 80s and 90s. The complexity of defining a large new silver deposit and then advancing it into production has never been more challenging, and that is a legitimate issue that should be discussed in any Most analysts now estimate that fewer than 1 billion ounces of refined silver remain in worldwide inventories of the metal. While the industrial consumption is significant (and growing), the metal has been valued as precious and a form of money since civilized societies began trading with each other. Look no further than the demand for silver as new ETFs were launched for evidence that the metal is still considered a storehouse and preserver of wealth. Yet a mere $12 Billion could theoretically buy up all the silver left in quantity in the world. Many of the worlds governments create more money than that before lunch in the ongoing mismanagement of their economic policy.I guess we will have to wait for a silver delivery default before the analysts will wake up and realize that the actual supply / demand balance for silver is more bullish now than any time in the last century. Of course by then you will not be able to buy it cheaply and short-sighted people like William Hamelin will probably be looking for work in another sector.Cheers!Mexico Mike Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 24 september 2007 21:10 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 "38 BROKERS IN THE US HAVE JUST BEEN ARRESTED FOR THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN NAKED SHORT SELLING"38 BROKERS IN THE US HAVE JUST BEEN ARRESTED FOR THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN NAKED SHORT SELLINGGo to David Morgan (at who has just given a nice interview on the fraudulent, concerted shorting of resource stocks and how it is done…and how authorities in Canada and the US are finally cracking down with actual arrests. Investors have been complaining about this problem for years along with the management of several small pubcos. See the Bloomberg documentary on naked shorting. See YouTube – Naked Short Stock Sales- part 1, and there are many links.THE SEC IS NOW CRACKING DOWN ON THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY AFTER YEARS OF COMPLAINTS. US INVESTORS CAN OFFICIALLY COMPLAIN AT:www.SEC.GOV/complaint.shtml.THEY ARE NOW COLLECTING INFORMATION ON THE CRIME OF THE DECADE AND IT IS A PRIORITY FOR THEM.David Morgan explains the arrangement between brokerage and hedge funds and how they short the shares to their advantage and how they know ahead of time re the financing of junior gold stocks. One firm has already been fined in Canada but I suspect the Cdn. regulating authorities will have to take much stronger action as the heat and high visibility of this issue cause some real squirming. There will be questions asked as to why they overlooked t for so long.One more notable point came out of the above interview that bears attention. Please refer to Stockhouse Canada , on a BB message site as per the following. Sound familiar?1. Someone who hyper-posts on only one stock.2. Someone who uses multiple identities.3. Some who repeatedly attacks or belittles others on a stock's message boards.4. Someone who emerges as the stock's moderator, or even the leader of the discussion group on that stock.5. Someone, with a short history in their member profile, who suddenly shows up during a stock run-up, and appears to know "all about" the company.6. Someone who is nearly always the first to respond to company developments.7. Someone who continuously hints at upcoming news and unannounced contracts.8. Someone who hypes the company during the run-up and then "changes" his/her mind and begins attacking the company, its insiders and the project.9. Someone who goes out of their way to find bad news about the company and makes a "case" out of it. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 11:59 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Teneur van onderstaand artikel: De val van de dollar zorgt niet zoals Willem Middelkoop en veel anderen beweren v0or een wereldwijde depressie maar slechts tot een kortstondige dip omdat het "feestje door anderen wordt overgenomen". HTG Depression, Debt Implosion, Gold, and ProsperityBy John Lee Oct 4 2007 3:10PM www.goldmau.comThrough the years I have read a multitude of articles and books regarding impending economic doom highlighting one extreme point of view or another. Everything from goldilocks prosperity to imminent 1930s depression is floating around in bookstores these days.Deflationists argue that when debt is issued at increasing levels, there comes a point when we simply cannot service the debt, and we have to resort to selling everything we have – bonds, stocks, houses, cars – to raise dollars to pay the debt. In this scenario, deflation occurs as money aggregates, shrinks by debt repayments, people hold off purchases knowing goods will get cheaper and workers will be laid off due to lacking demand.Four years ago when the Dow was at 8,000, I talked to Mr. Ian Gordon, whose 1,000 Dow target was predicated on this premise. His idea was to buy gold because it’s the ultimate money during times of world depression and deflation.Well, he was wrong on the Dow, but he was right on gold albeit for the wrong reason. Gold rises in tandem with rising fear of price inflation, not fear of deflation; gold and deflation simply do not go together. Why would you buy gold when your dollar is appreciating in value?Depressionists often hinge on a back-breaking straw; an event that triggers the debt implosion, with the world blown back to stone ages with riots and violence. I like to bring up two contrarian points to this view: 1. The worst possible event that could trigger debt implosion has already occurred. The world has gone on with business as usual. In the last 4 weeks, we have witnessed the worst financial event over the last 50 years in the US. The subprime mess shook the US financial system to the core, as it directly affected the marketability of the $30 trillion+ US debt market. Would you touch beef (US debts) again knowing there is a significant quantity of mad cow disease (Subprime) going around? The significance of this event dwarfed 9/11, Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) or the more distant events of the 1987 crash and the 1970s oil embargos. To avoid the default of 10 million households and the collapse of major banks such as Countrywide, the Feds and the US government will have to step in and bail them out, i.e. forgive the loans with the aid of a broken government printing and borrowing money. Investors see such an inevitable and destructive path for the dollar, so it should be no surprise that gold has broken through $700 and oil has reached a new high. 2. Debt is a man-made virtual feature with limited, localized effects on earth. The world is forever going forwards, not backwards. It is important to remember debts are man-made features, existing in a virtual world, serving to facilitate the transfer of ownership of real assets. While debt implosion may cause localized social instability, it does not affect technological advancement, intellectual development, or the existence and preservation of hard assets.In my view, the dollar’s loss of its reigning status will mildly and swiftly affect the global economy, as the loss of purchasing power by the dollar will merely facilitate transfer of wealth of dollar holders to other fiat currency holders, and the owners of hard assets. If the party has to end for the dollar, it just means that the party is starting somewhere else.I just landed in Thailand for a three day break and the passport lines are full of hundreds of mainland Chinese. What subprime problem so they say?Gold has risen from $250/oz to $700/oz in 6 years while global economy has grown the fastest since WWII according to the Financial Times. This goes to show that a Gold bull and prosperity can happily co-exist without a doom and gloom outcome.In conclusion, depression and deflation = no; gold and global prosperity = yes. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 11 oktober 2007 12:43 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 De uitspraak van de Duitse Bundesbank van woensdag jl. om het grootste deel van haar goudreserves aan te houden en slechts dat deel te verkopen om munten te slaan duidt er maar weer eens op dat het niet zozeer de hoeveelhoud van te verkopen goud is dat de prijs bepaalt als wel berichtgeving van CB's hierover en over toekomstige verkopen. Goud op dit moment bijna $750.HTG 475.75 TONS Central Bank gold sales near maximum in 2007 sales yearLatest figures from the BIS showed that CBGA Banks fell just under 25 tons short of their maximum sales volume under the agreement in the year ended 26th September.Posted: Thursday , 11 Oct 2007ZURICH/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Central banks which signed the Central Bank Gold Agreement sold 475.75 tonnes of gold in the third year of the agreement ending September 26, said a statement released on Wednesday by the Bank for International Settlements on behalf of the signatories.Also on Wednesday, Germany's Bundesbank told Reuters that it will hold on to the vast bulk of its gold reserves in the next 12 months, selling only enough bullion to mint coins.In March 2004, 15 European central banks renewed a 1999 pact to limit their sales over a five-year period to 2,500 tonnes -- with annual sales limited to 500 tonnes -- up from 2,000 tonnes in the first agreement.Central banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) collectively hold 30,374 tonnes of gold in their reserves, but have been gradually reducing their holdings.According to figures compiled by the World Gold Council, an industry-funded organisation, the signatories to the accord disposed of 497.2 tonnes during the first year and 395.8 tonnes in the second year. The Bundesbank, which is the second-largest hoarder of gold behind the U.S. Federal Reserve, said it would sell a maximum of 8 tonnes of its gold reserves to the German finance ministry for the latter's gold coin programme."There are no plans for any further sales as part on the fourth annual quota of the Gold Agreement," the Bundesbank told Reuters in a statement after a meeting of its executive board.The remainder of the Bundesbank's rights to sell gold under an agreement between central banks would be offered to other central banks in the agreement, the Bundesbank added."The Bundesbank's remaining option to sell from the fourth year of the Gold Agreement is being offered to other Gold Agreement central banks in exchange for future options to sell," the Bundesbank said.Bundesbank holds 3,422.5 tonnes, worth about $80.5 billion at $732 an ounce.Gold <XAU=> hit a 28-year high of $739 an ounce late last month. Prices have more than doubled in the last five years, lifting the value of gold's share of central bank reserves.Under the terms of a deal between 15 European central banks, the Bundesbank can sell 120 tonnes of gold a year but has consistently passed on most of its quota to other institutions.The fourth year of the agreement began on Sept. 27. In the third year, central banks were estimated to have sold about 475 tonnes of gold, short of the 500-tonne annual limit.The Bundesbank has refused to sell its reserves, not wanting to hand the German government a budget windfall.Euro zone central banks, including the European Central Bank, held 186.2 billion euros worth of gold at the end of September.The signatories of the agreement are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Greece and the European Central Bank. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 13 oktober 2007 13:50 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Deze header geeft IMHO exact aan waar het momenteel in de BM/pm markt aan toe gaatMine the markets, not goldSouth Africa’s best-performing gold stock produces nothing, and probably never will, highlighting the modern realities of mining in the country.Author: Barry SergeantPosted: Thursday , 11 Oct 2007 JOHANNESBURG - The late Brett Kebble, who staked his once-potential fortune on gold, liked to remind in private that it's far, far easier to mine the market than to mine gold. He gave investors examples of both, mostly forgotten, but there are always new kids on the mining-the-market block.At this juncture, South Africa's top performing gold stock is Wits Gold (JSE:WGR, R145 a share), which is years, perhaps decades, away from producing an ounce of gold, and is highly unlikely to ever produce an ounce of gold. The stock is apparently doing well for all the reasons active South African gold stocks are doing badly: ongoing interventions from government, strike actions, intensifying safety issues, power outages and persistent crime issues. For more perspective, consider that South Africa's long established global Tier I gold stocks, AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE: AU, $43.81), Gold Fields (GFI, $18.23) and Harmony (HMY, $10.19), are lagging their counterparts by significant margins. In the past few days, under the light of gold bullion pushing to multi-generational highs close to $750 an ounce, the likes of Barrick (ABX, $40.28), Kinross (KGC, $15.66) and Goldcorp (GG, $31.55), have hit record high stock prices.Harmony, by contrast, is down 41% from its highs, and even AngloGold Ashanti is 14% off its top. Wits Gold, like the global leaders in the gold sector, is at record highs. Wits Gold is a very dangerous story, especially for young investors. The company formed up on South African ground bought for pittances from major gold companies, which had drilled very deep boreholes, sometimes going down for kilometers. Adam Fleming, the essential founder of Wits Gold, and its chairman, and an Old Etonian, was one of 16 directors at Randgold & Exploration (R&E) when, on October 28 1996, R&E announced details of a transaction that would mark Kebble's first big stinky deal. Apart from some immaterial director shareholding interests, only three directors then held serious stakes in R&E: Brett Kebble, his father Roger Kebble, and Fleming.In the early parts of 1998, Brett Kebble fell out with a number of R&E directors, including Fleming, whom Kebble would then refer to as "an egregious pom." Fleming, however, rode on the coattails of Bernard Swanepoel, who had been an alternate director of R&E in 1996 and a director in 1997. In 1997, Harmony and R&E terminated a services agreement, freeing Harmony, with Swanepoel at the helm, as an independent company. Fleming was appointed chairman of Harmony in October 1999 until he resigned in September 2003 "and initiated the formation of Wits Gold". On August 6, 2007, Swanepoel, who had built up Harmony into a global Tier I gold digger, resigned with immediate effect, amid incompetence by his accounting and financial staff (highlighting South Africa's chronic skills shortage). Wits Gold roared on and up. The Wits Gold prospectus of April 18 2006 stated that "Adam Fleming has a track record of creating shareholder value in the South African gold mining industry". For many months, Wits Gold has been trying, without success, to arrange a listing on a foreign stock market. Wits Gold CEO Mark Watchorn has been very demure about what's taking so long, given that gold has been in a bull market for six years.Wits Gold boasts an eye-popping 160 million ounces of gold, but not a single ounce sits in the coveted "reserves" category. This may not sit very well with foreign regulators. Besides, about half of the 160m resource ounces of gold claimed by Wits Gold sit in the Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp goldfields, where "most of the prospective reefs occur at depths in excess of 2 500 meters below surface". Mines that deep cost unthinkable amounts of money, and take a decade to build. But Watchorn has also been fully uncooperative in supplying a detailed see-through list of Wits Gold shareholders, which may include a number of individuals with sensitive political connections and profiles. Investors can only hope that Wits Gold never announces any intention to mine gold.South African gold stocks Stock From Value price high US$m DRDGOLD $7.99 -51.0% 296 Pamodzi Gold R15.50 -41.5% 98 Harmony $10.19 -41.0% 4045 Simmer & Jack R5.40 -31.6% 835 Gold Fields $18.23 -17.5% 9024 AngloGold Ashanti $43.81 -14.1% 12346 Afgold R3.68 -12.4% 291 Great Basin Gold C$3.16 -5.1% 650 Wits Gold R145.00 0.0% 561 Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 17 oktober 2007 20:32 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Dan maar eens een 'hart onder de riem'. Geen brallende guru maar iemand die al langere tijd tot in een momentum van +/- 3 - 4 mnd de goudkoers vrij nauwkeurig weet te voorspellen:Wednesday, October 17, 2007Author: Jim SinclairForget 1/3 - Just Hold TightI am sure that “This is it!” Other than a pressing, and positive use for cash, I suggest holding tight to your investment positions.When gold broke for the 2nd time above $400 in the seventies, I put the same word in the Sinclair Group weekly newsletter. Sure there were ups and downs but the up went higher each time with higher lows. This was the point I dropped the sell 1/3 rule and just said hold. We do not know what day it will blast past every short, thereby forcing them to cover in one the smallest markets for a major item in the world, played heavily by the largest interests in the world. I do feel that event is coming much sooner than I would have been willing to say last year. That means it could well go higher than $1650. That is to be determining as we pass $1000 for the third time.Take a look one more time at the illustration of the US dollar. Note the see saw pivots on the “Willingness of Non-US Entities to Finance the Financial Activities of the USA.” That is the Treasury International Flow of Funds report known as TIC. That regurgitated this week. Three hits on the TIC consecutively and the dollar along with 30 year long bond are in deep trouble. The dollar and the long bond will not be able to stand such an event. Can you imagine looking at where the dollar is trading now and imagine where it can go when key elements of dollar value go in deep, deep depression?The five pillars are coalescing into a lead weight on the US dollar which will function to take gold over $1000. This is a classic gathering of many criterions to impact each pillar, resulting in a long term generational bull market in gold. What I find interesting is that it took a long time for the key elements to begin the march to hold up the potential ceiling on gold at $1650.The long bond market is always a sneaky bugger to get short in at a top. It is always better to have a defined bear market before you act. However up here my approach is to sell the long bond short into bad business news and lower interest rates talk, into the Fed’s reduction of the shortest term rates. I cover 1/3 on spun better economic news or simple rallies for any reason in the long mineset Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 17 oktober 2007 22:07 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Goh mineset, hier ook actief. Jij gaat dus stiekem ook al een beetje vreemd ;-). Zit jij toevallig ook in mindoro? Ik heb een order in liggen om morgen 1000 stuks bij te kopen. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 18 oktober 2007 15:38 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Wanneer ik positie neem, dan alleen unhedged mijnbouw ivm sterk stijgende goudprijs. Op jsmineset hebben veel waarschuwingen daarvoor gestaan ivm plots sterk koersverlies (kun je daar opzoeken). Van Mindoro weet ik het niet. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 25 oktober 2007 17:59 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 INVESTOR INTEREST Money flows into gold ETFs and futures in SeptemberSeptember saw significant ETF inflows and a huge increase in net longs on commodity futures exchanges. Author: Tessa KrugerPosted: Wednesday , 24 Oct 2007 JOHANNESBURG - Investor interest in gold surged in September with ETF inflows exceeding total inflows during the previous two months and leading metals futures exchange COMEX and CBOT seeing net longs increasing by 3m ounces a week. Investment in gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) turned positive again in third quarter 2007 with assets rising by 36.4t and 24.4t in July and August respectively, and by a staggering total of 76.9t in September, said the World Gold Council in its recent Gold Investment Digest. This came after a marginal decline of 3.8t in ETFs tracked by the World Gold Council (WGC), in the second quarter.The Digest said most of September's significant ETF inflows came from the US market with market leader StreetTRACKS Gold Shares leading with 62.6t. Other WGC-supported products, Lyxor GBS in London, GBS in Australia and NewGold in Johannesburg rose by 7.3t, 1.6t and 1.4t respectively. The end of the quarter ending 30 September saw net longs on the COMEX and CBOT exchanges rise to 22m ounces and a notional value of $16bn, after no clear trend emerged during July and August. Weekly Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC) data from the exchanges for non-commercial and non-reportable futures are widely used as an indication of investor sentiment. The WGC said most of the recent rise in the gold price appears to have been driven by investor behaviour, with sentiment especially turning positive towards gold in September. The gold price made a "concerted rally" in September, increasing by $71/ounce over the course of the month, after trading in a relatively narrow range of ($648.75/ounce-$675.50/ounce) in July and August. Price volatility remained largely unchanged in the third quarter after easing sharply in the second quarter, with the 22-day rolling price volatility ending the quarter at 12.4% compared to 12.5% at the end of June. The Digest described this as "particularly impressive" given the rise in volatility elsewhere in the market, which accompanied the "growing third quarter credit crisis". Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 26 oktober 2007 15:39 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Hoi,Ik zou graag in goud willen beleggen, zou iemand mij kunnen vertellen wat het beste is, nl. opties, futures of beleggingsfondsen?Mijn banken zijn ABNAMRO en Binckbank.Bvd.Greetz,IGGY. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 28 oktober 2007 14:11 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:Lust for life schreef:Hoi,Ik zou graag in goud willen beleggen, zou iemand mij kunnen vertellen wat het beste is, nl. opties, futures of beleggingsfondsen?Mijn banken zijn ABNAMRO en Binckbank.Bvd.Greetz,IGGY.zie Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 31 oktober 2007 21:43 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 * Home o * National o British Columbia o Prairies o Ontario o Quebec o Atlantic o Politics o Education * World o Americas o Europe o Asia-Pacific o Africa-Mideast * Report on Business o News & Comment + Columns & Blogs + Energy & Resources + Agenda + The Law Page + Marketing + Search Archive + Magazines + ROB + ROB (Small Business) + TQ@Work + Special Reports + C-Suite Survey + Board Games 2006 + 2007 Budget o Market Action + Where To Find It + Market Blog + Streetwise Blog + Market Indexes + Earnings Surprises + Cdn. Co. Earnings + Commodities + Forex + Dividends + Options + Bonds + Rates + Special Reports + ROB Top 1000 o Globe Investor + My Stocklist + My Portfolio + My Streaming Tracker + Stock Quotes + Investor News + Mobile Quotes + Stock Charts + Stock Filter + Stock Profile + 5-Star Ratings + Help/Contact Us + Special Reports + Trade By Numbers o Globe Fund + My Fundlist + My Portfolio + Top Movers + Fund Selector + Fund News + Fund Changes + Fund Charts + Fund Filter + Fund Profile + 5-Star Ratings + Monthly Fund Review + Help/Contact Us + Special Report + 15-Year Review o Your Money + Trust Centre + Savings Rates + GIC Rates + Mortgage Rates + Auto Loan Rates + Credit Card Rates + Line of Credit Rates + Special Report + RRSP 2007 + Alternative Investing o Managing + Morning Manager + Executive Decision + At The Top + Appointment Notices + Career Advice + Career Advice Archive + Jobs By Industry + Special Reports + Start Up Blog + Start Your Own + Best Companies + Best Small Companies o Small Business o Globeinvestor Gold + Introduction + Free Trial + News and Analysis + Financial Information + Globe Portfolio + Research Tools + Technical Analysis + Real-time Quotes + Streaming Quotes + Live BNN + Price and News Alerts + Mobile Access * Sports o Hockey o Baseball o Basketball o Football o Golf o Soccer o Others o Columnists o Yesterday's Stories * Opinions o Columnists o Cartoon o Editorials o Letters to the Editor * Arts o Movies o Television o Theatre o Music o Books * Technology o Personal Tech o @play o tq@work o Science * Life o At Home o Food & Wine o Family & Relationships o Work o Travel o Health o Style * Market Place o GlobeAuto o Careers o Classifieds o Personals o Real EstateGold surges past $800Associated PressOctober 31, 2007 at 3:20 PM EDTGold barreled above $800 (U.S.) an ounce Wednesday for the first time since 1980 as investors cheered the Federal Reserve's decision to lower its benchmark interest rate by a quarter point.The Fed lowered its federal funds rate to 4.5 per cent, as the markets had widely expected. Lower interest rates tend to undermine the U.S. dollar and raise the allure of precious metals as an investment alternative. The dollar stumbled to another low against the euro and other currencies following the Fed's decision on Wednesday, helping drive gold higher.Although the regular trading sessions of most commodities markets were closed before the Fed released its decision, gold prices continued to climb in aftermarket trading. An ounce of gold settled at $795.30 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange, then rose to a high of $800.80 ounce in later electronic activity.Gold last topped $800 an ounce in 1980, when prices reached as high as $875 an ounce in January. Adjusted for inflation, an $800 ounce of gold in 1980 would be worth more than $2,000 today.The euro, which hit a high for the fourth straight trading day, bought a record over $1.45 in afternoon trading.In the energy market, light, sweet crude for December delivery gained $4.13 to $94.51 in electronic trading on the Nymex. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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