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Goud en zilver Rockin & Rollin

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2007 09:41
    Nieuw: dagnieuwsflitsen!

    Deze dagnieuwsflitsen worden samengesteld door Mihaly Schroth

    [Lees hier verder]

    Videocolumn van M.Schroth
    Nr 7 dd 7 juli 2007
    Bespreking van de goudmarkt van de afgelopen week door Mihaly Schroth met o.a.:
    - Bespreking TA van goud & zilver
    - Hui & Olie uitbraak
    - De Euro en de Bund op scherp

    [ Kijk en luister hier ]
  2. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2007 11:37
    hi gung, iemand vertelde me dat mihaly je zoon is. je kan er trots op zijn. zeer prettig en informatief. breng hem de complimenten van een kk bezoeker over als je wil. dank en grt roos.
  3. [verwijderd] 10 juli 2007 02:41

    roos 2000 schreef:

    hi gung, iemand vertelde me dat mihaly je zoon is. je kan er trots op zijn. zeer prettig en informatief. breng hem de complimenten van een kk bezoeker over als je wil. dank en grt roos.

    Gung Schroth ? (Mihaly Ho?)

    I don't think so

  4. [verwijderd] 10 juli 2007 23:38
    Should India Increase its Gold Reserves?

    By Nandita Jain
    10 Jul 2007 at 10:12 AM

    MUMBAI ( -- Should India increase its gold reserves to further fuel the booming economy? This is one question that the apex Reserve Bank of India is debating these days.

    Globally, India is ranked sixth in the top 10 list of the gold and currency reserves. The first three positions are being held by Japan, Russia and China.

    China has state currency reserves with over $940 billion, while Japan has $871.9 billion currency reserves. Russia is in the third position with $265.6 billion.

    Taiwan occupies the fourth position with $260.4 billion reserves, while South Korea is placed fifth with $225.7 billion reserves, followed by India with $164 billion and Singapore with $128.7 billion. Hong Kong, Germany and France wrap up the list of ten leaders.

    These days, speculation is rife on whether India should hike the proportion of gold in the country's foreign exchange reserves.

    In the last few years, the foreign exchange reserves in India have risen significantly while gold reserves have remained static. But even though the forex reserves have been going up, gold tonnage has remained static. Today, the proportion of gold in forex reserves has come down to a pitiful low of 3.6%.

    The foreign exchange reserves in India invested in multi-currency, multi-asset portfolios. According to official data, in March, 2006, out of the total foreign currency assets of $145.1 billion, $35.2 billion was invested in securities, $65.4 billion was deposited with other central banks, BIS & IMF and $44.5 billion was in the form of deposits with foreign commercial banks.

    This is in fact something similar to international practice. But experts say this is not the right thing to do, especially in a country like India, which is the largest consumer of gold.

    According to former Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor S S. Tarapore gold as a reserve asset has a longer and more enduring history than flat money, and thus deserved a better representation in the country's forex reserves.

    He has argued that it is time India increased the gold reserves in tune with the booming economy.

    But this is not a decision which the government would find easy to take. For instance, if the gold proportion of the forex reserves is raised to 10% of total reserves, it would require a forex outgo to the tune of about $15 billion at current prices.

    Moreover, if India hikes the gold reserves, it could also affect the bullion market in a big way.

    But officials in India's finance ministry said discussions are on between the Reserve Bank experts and key officers of the Prime Minister’s Office to decide whether it is prudent for India to hike the gold reserves.

    In fact, several central banks like in China and Russia are now considering of increasing their reserves.

    By arrangement with
  5. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2007 21:11
    Gold: We Have Lift-Off!

    By Alf Field
    July 11 2007 10:25AM

    Elliott Wave Gold Update XV.

    In Gold market we finally have “Ignition” and “Lift-off”. Events over the past three weeks have created a situation where an upside price catapult of at least $100 per ounce, without a significant correction, can be anticipated.

    It appears that the long 14 month correction since May 2006 has come to an end and the much anticipated strong “third of a third” up wave has started. This forecast can now be given a high probability of success.

    Voor rest van het artikel zie:
  6. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2007 22:38
    Howdy Htg,

    Als het later niet waar blijkt te zijn, dat er "lift-off van mogelijk $100" volgt, dan mag ik zeker niet zeggen, of lieg ik als ik je eraan herinner, dat Jij het beloofde ?

    Je schrijft niet: we hebben "misschien" of "mogelijk", of "waarschijnlijk", of "kans bestaat", lift-off,

    nee, je schrijft:

    "we have lift-off"!

    Ja, ik weet ik ben 'n zeurpiet


  7. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2007 22:48
    Howdy htg en allen,

    Ik voegde via "bewerk" nog 'n paragraph aan bovenstaande toe, maar het verschijnt niet, dus dan maar hier:

    Ik hoop, dat je gelijk hebt, en dat we, mogelijk, misschien, kans bestaat, you never know, deze keer naar $750 and beyond doorsteken.


  8. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2007 16:52
    contact mihaly vragen/aanmerkingen,

    Volg ook de intra day nieuws updates tijdens handelsdagen, in de Nieuwsflits

    Goud Update 14 juli

    Bespreking TA van de goud & zilver future
    Bespreking Maandgrafiek goud en zilver
    Natuurlijk kijk ik ook naar de zeeeer belangrijke nveau's in de euro, bund, olie & de dow
    voor flash versie (60 mb) Druk Hier (pop upplayer)
    voor wmv versie (19 mb) Druk Hier (pop up player)
    voor wmv versie (111 mb) Druk Hier (pop up player)
    31 minuten

    quote=Gung Ho]

  9. [verwijderd] 22 juli 2007 10:16
    Volg ook de intra day nieuws updates tijdens handelsdagen, in de Nieuwsflits

    Goud Update 21 juli

    Bespreking TA van de goud & zilver future
    Bespreking bullish maandgrafiek goud
    Bespreking grafieken van Hui goldbugs Index, Eur/Usd, Olie, Bund & Dow Jones
    Rente naar beneden van multi year weerstandszone
    Bespreking van het huidige fractionaire fiatsysteem
    vandaag alleen de wmv versie(19 mb) druk hier
    morgen andere versies
    37 minuten
  10. [verwijderd] 23 juli 2007 09:00
    PETER BRIMELOW Gold to test $720?
    Commentary: What a difference a month makes in prices By Peter Brimelow, MarketWatch

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Gold's on a roll (again). And the gold bugs are gloating.
    Gold closed at $683.50 an ounce Friday, after a strong close to the week. And it is not just the gold price chart that is cheering gold's friends. The major gold stocks have suddenly started out performing gold--for the first time in well over a year. This month, the Phlx Gold Silver Index (XAU
    phlx gold silver index capital-weightXAU ) index is up 16% (XAU
    phlx gold silver index capital-weight XAU ) and the Amex Gold Bugs Index (HUI
    amex gold bugs index equal-$ weight HUI ) 14%. Gold itself is up just over 5%.
    Which shows what a difference a month makes. When I last wrote a general roundup, it was a white-knuckle moment for the gold bugs. Gold was struggling to recover from a chilling drop below $640. Gold shares were at a three-month low. See July 1 column
    Now, the situation has been transformed.
    How important this bullion blip has been is well illustrated by the Australian gold Webzine The Privateer's long-term point and figure chart, which it kindly makes available for free. See Web site
    This is designed to register only very important moves. It shows that, last week, gold regained the crucial 2002-7 uptrend channel from which it was evicted in early June.
    Gold share action has a big impact on sentiment. Some influential services place great faith in the equities' predictive power.
    Martin Pring, for instance, has become distinctly friendlier to gold because of this: "The Amex Gold miners Gold Share ETF, (GDX
    market vectors etf tr gold miner etfGDX ) has tentatively broken out from a large consolidation pattern. If it can build on this strength in the coming days, such action would suggest that gold will also be able to manage a rally above the all important $700-720 area." See Web site
    Above $720 implies exceeding the multi-year high of last May, beyond the hopes of many gold bugs less than a month ago.
    Another group of gold bugs focus on the arcane question of trader's positions in the U.S. futures markets, as reflected by the daily "open interest" reports and the weekly Commitment of Traders reports from the Commodity Futures Traders Commission. They are, if anything, even more excited, seeing unusual positive events. The Privateer observes: "Ominously, for those who are desperate to keep the U.S. gold price under ... the open interest on the U.S. Gold futures markets has actually been declining as the gold price rises. This points towards a shrinking of short positions, and the holders of the big gold short positions are the big New York money center banks, AKA 'the funds'."
    This point is amplified by Dan Norcini, whose "Trader Dan" technical commentary is posted at Jim Sinclair's Web site: "The large funds could add a considerable number of new long positions in this market before reaching the level associated with any sort of extreme. From my perspective, gold could easily test the $700 level given the current internal structure." See Web site
    A commentary on Bill Murphy's Web site points out that most of the strength in the gold indexes stems from only a few of the component stocks. Most of the junior gold shares, which historically far outperform the big gold companies in serious gold moves, have not budged yet. See Web site
    Murphy himself comments that his "Cafe Sentiment Indicator" (which is reportedly to be derived from traffic data for his site) is "wimpy".
    The gold train may not even have left the station.
  11. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2007 12:24
    Volg ook de intra day nieuws updates tijdens handelsdagen, in de Nieuwsflits

    Goud Update 29 juli (13:00)

    Beurzen met Goud & Zilver extreem onder druk
    Euro komt af van weerstand, olie ijzersterk & rente verder naar beneden
    Behandeling van de volgende grafieken: Bund, Eur/Usd, Eur/JPY, Dow Jones, Goud, Zilver, Olie & de Hui
    De wmv versie( mb)
    flash versie komt later op de dag
    35 minuten
  12. [verwijderd] 4 augustus 2007 21:28
    Nieuw: dagnieuwsflitsen!

    Deze dagnieuwsflitsen worden samengesteld door Mihaly Schroth

    [Lees hier verder]

    Videocolumn van M.Schroth
    Nr 11 dd zaterdag 4 augustus 2007
    Bespreking van de goudmarkt van de afgelopen week door Mihaly Schroth met o.a.:

    - Goud en zilver omhoog door de Euro

    - Hui onder druk door de Dow Jones

    -Behandeling van de volgende grafieken: Bund, Eur/Usd, USD/JPY, Dow Jones, Goud, Zilver, Olie & de Hui
  13. [verwijderd] 9 augustus 2007 10:12

    "A Star Rises!"

    By David Vaughn
    Aug 6 2007 12:44PM

    Take a look below at gold’s Friday price action. Gold is so much like a spring. Every time it finds itself being pushed down it jumps right up again. What you are looking at below is the evidence of a true bull market in action.

    If you are in a big hurry for gold to ascend the present ceiling price of 700 just hold on and wait time out. It continues to occur to me that there are basically two divided camps among the gold market. There are those who never invest a penny but bitch and moan about the direction of the gold market.

    Then there is another class who choose not to complain but instead quietly purchase quality gold and silver mining companies and make money. This game is about making money and there is a great deal being made even as we speak. The gold price is not crashing and, instead, is doing quite well.
  14. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2007 09:27
    zijn natuurlijk opgewekte berichten zoals dat van hierboven, maar god nog aan toe wat is het in werkelijkheid slecht geweest de afgelopen weken. het is helemaal.... enfin, vul zelf maar in. zag het wel aankomen maar was aan het werk en eenmaal naar beneden ben ik blijven zitten. uit overtuiging dat wel. maar het is serious shit. dus om nou te stellen dat er zoveel geld verdiend is in de mijntjes dit jaar- nee dat zou ik echt anders willen formuleren. vervelende is dat ik geen geld heb bij te kopen wat natuurlijk wel had gemoeten. enfin,...iedereen succes. roos.
  15. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2007 16:36
    Ha die Roos

    Een toepasselijk bericht m.b.t. je voorgaande berichtje:

    "The longer a market is suppressed the harder and faster the breakout." - Traderrog

    Good Luck,

    Voor de rest van het stuk:


    roos 2000 schreef:

    zijn natuurlijk opgewekte berichten zoals dat van hierboven, maar god nog aan toe wat is het in werkelijkheid slecht geweest de afgelopen weken. het is helemaal.... enfin, vul zelf maar in. zag het wel aankomen maar was aan het werk en eenmaal naar beneden ben ik blijven zitten. uit overtuiging dat wel. maar het is serious shit. dus om nou te stellen dat er zoveel geld verdiend is in de mijntjes dit jaar- nee dat zou ik echt anders willen formuleren. vervelende is dat ik geen geld heb bij te kopen wat natuurlijk wel had gemoeten. enfin,...iedereen succes. roos.
  16. [verwijderd] 12 augustus 2007 12:56
    Nieuw: dagnieuwsflitsen!

    Deze dagnieuwsflitsen worden samengesteld door Mihaly Schroth

    [Lees hier verder]

    Videocolumn van M.Schroth
    Nr 12 dd zaterdag 11 augustus 2007
    Bespreking van de goudmarkt van de afgelopen week door Mihaly Schroth met o.a.:

    - Goud en zilver omhoog door de lnterventies ECB, Fed & BOJ

    - Long Liquidatie in de Olie

    -Behandeling van de volgende grafieken: Bund, Eur/Usd, USD/JPY, Dow Jones, Goud, Zilver, Olie & de Hui

  17. [verwijderd] 12 augustus 2007 16:05

    Spain's Central Bank sells another 25 tonnes of gold; what next?
    The Central Bank of Spain has renewed its gold disposal; what implications does this have for the near to medium term?

    Author: Rhona O'Connell
    Posted: Tuesday , 07 Aug 2007

    LONDON -

    The latest figures from the Bank of Spain show that, after no gold sales cleared during June, gold reserves were reduced by another 800,000 ounces or 25 tonnes during July. This takes the Bank's disposals during this current calendar year to 134 tonnes and disposals under the second Central Bank Gold Agreement year-to-date to 4.8 million ounces or 149 tonnes.

    It had originally been suggested that the Bank of Spain would, having sold roughly 100 tonnes between February and June, stop there. Clearly this was not the case and begs the question as to how much more the Bank is proposing to sell. The Bank has not publicised its intentions, although there have been some suggestion that it has been able to utilise the quota allocated for Germany, which has specified that it will, in this year at least (as was the case for the last two years) be selling only minimal amounts. The German option for the full five-year period is for up to 600 tonnes of gold sales, of which ten tonnes were completed in the first two years of this CBGA agreement. Remember though, that the rules of the Agreement specify that while a total of 2,500 tonnes may be sold across the whole membership over the five year period, sales should note exceed 500 tonnes in any one year.

    This year's Agreement closes on 26th September, leaving us with seven more weeks of sales. Figures from the European Central Bank suggest that sales in the CBGA year to date amount to 353 tonnes (compared with 340 tonnes in the second CBGA year, when sales amounted to just short of 400 tonnes for the year as a whole). This means that if the full 500-tonne quota were to be met this CBGA year then the average weekly rate of sale from now on would have to amount to 21 tonnes, against an average to date of eight tonnes.

    The average during July was 17 tonnes, with the resumption of Spanish disposals and the start of disposals from the Swiss National Bank, which is proposing to sell up to 250 tonnes over a period of time in order to rebalance its gold within its foreign exchange reserves to roughly 33% as against 42% at the start of May, when the first gold fix for the month was $677.50. The fix this morning (Tuesday 7th August) was $669.25, at which price the average gold holdings across the world (i.e. including supranational organisations) amounted, to approximately 14.5%. It is not possible to be absolutely precise due to the lag in publication of reserve figures.

    The average holding across the members of the European system of Central Banks (not just the ECB itself) amounts currently to approximately 14%, although within that system some of these figures are markedly higher, with Germany at 63% and France at 57%. Spain is currently at 38%. In the United States, of course, (which is not a signatory to the CBGA although along with Japan, it has agreed to abide by the spirit of the Agreement), gold comprises a much higher degree of foreign exchange, at 76%.

    At the other end of the scale are the Asian nations, among whom are the world's largest holders of foreign exchange reserves. China's holdings, at a reported 600 tonnes, still amount to just less than one per cent of China's total foreign exchange, while India has 4% and Japan, 2%. It has been regularly suggested that these countries should diversify away from dollars and it is clear that this is underway in a variety of ways (including, for example, China's proposal to set up a separate fund for part of its future foreign exchange accrual, to be invested in alternative assets away from currencies and government instruments). The gold market is too small for a meaningful acquisition in terms of rebalancing currency portfolios, a point that has often been made by some of the governments in question, although there is little doubt that a number of governments are looking more favourably at increasing the level of their gold holdings over a period of time.

    Meanwhile the Italian Parliament now has to consider the possibility of reducing gold holdings, although whether it would be allowed to do so for its stated purpose, i.e. to reduce government debt, is not yet clear. Certainly the proposal, when mooted in Germany, some years ago, was not permitted on constitutional grounds

    Finally the proposed disposal of 400 tonnes from the IMF would come under the auspices of existing or future Central Bank Gold Agreements and should not worry the market. Indeed the fundamentals of the gold market are easily strong enough to absorb this metal. As the markets became only too well aware over the course of the 1990s, it is not the volume of metal that hits the market that is important, it is the timing and the surrounding levels of uncertainty that is disruptive. This is why the Central Bank Gold Agreement is in place and why we should expect that it will be renewed in two years' time.
  18. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2007 15:30
    The Gartman Letter
    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    As for gold, given the dollar's strength and given the stock market weakness globally, and given the recent correlation between gold and these two other markets, one might have thought that gold would be down quite materially. In dollar terms, it is down marginally; in euro terms it is up materially ... and that, we think, tells a large and engaging story.

    Gold has rather obviously had difficulty trading upward through $670 and through E500. We do not know for certain, but we would have no difficulty believing that central bank selling has helped to keep spot gold below these two important resistance levels.

    Given the gold sales that are still permissible under the Washington Agreement, and given the lack of such sales in recent weeks, the central banks have more than adequate "ammunition" upon which to draw to keep gold from breaking to the upside. We suspect they shall use that ammunition if needed, not to nefariously keep gold from rising, but to keep it from rising in order to keep gold from sending a signal of panic to the world's investors in equities and debt.

    If the Fed, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of China, et al. are prepared to push liquidity into the system, it is reasonable to expect them to sell gold in small or even large sums in order to keep gold from rising, for should gold push upward through these resistance levels at a time when stocks are falling, the public at large will properly take that as an ominous sign. Certainly we would!
  19. [verwijderd] 19 augustus 2007 11:01
    Gold, silver recover on global cues
    18 Aug, 2007, 1511 hrs IST, PTI

    NEW DELHI: Prices of gold and silver closed with heavy gains in the bullion market on Saturday on revival of buying, triggered by firming global trend.

    Activity picked up in precious metals after report of a falling dollar and rising equities in New York late night, after the US Federal Reserve cut the rate at which it lends to banks.

    The recovery in gold and silver futures in global markets also boosted the market sentiment here, bullion dealers said.

    December gold rose 8.80 dollars to 666.80 dollars per ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange while September silver rose 30.5 cents to 11.80 dollars an ounce.

    In the domestic market, standard gold and ornaments bounced back by Rs 30 each at Rs 8,920 and Rs 8,770 per 10 grams respectively while sovereign remained flat at Rs 7,600 per piece of eight gram.

    Silver ready attracted brisk buying from stockists in tandem with higher global trend and shot up by Rs 400 at Rs 16,800 a kilo while weekly-based delivery ruled flat at Rs 17,340 a kilo.

    Silver coins also gained Rs 200 at Rs 23,500 for buying and Rs 23,600 for selling of 100 coins in line with the general trend.
  20. [verwijderd] 20 augustus 2007 11:20

    Volg ook de intra day nieuws updates tijdens handelsdagen, in de Nieuwsflits

    Goud Update 18 Augustus

    Analyse van het Goud en Zilver grafiek
    Eindelijk de onverwachte renteverlaging
    Macro kijk op de puinhoop in dit fractionaire Fiat systeem
    Slachtpartij in de Goud Stocks
    Behandeling van de volgende grafieken: Bund, Eur/Usd, USD/JPY, Dow Jones, Goud, Zilver, Olie & de Hui
    De flash versie 60 MB Druk hier
    De wmv versie van 79 MB Druk hier
    52 minuten

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