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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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ffff schreef:



De familie Saverijs heeft drie grote bedrijven: CMB ( bulkvervoer), Exmar ( LNG gas) en Euronav ( supertankers).
Ik was even vergeten dat het draadje " Euronav' heette, maar heb het even voor je opgehaald!

CMB was de profijtelijkste belgging op de Brusselse beurs de afgelopen 10 jaar. Daar is van alles en nog wat van afgesplitst ( Euronav en Exmar) en dan nog eens in 5 gesplitst....


gr postzak
hi postzak, vind deze draad nu pas en heb met veel intresse gelezen. zit al 8 maanden in Golar en ben blijven zitten, LT visie. trouwens heb mijn postie in TSU.V verdubbeld op 1,46 CAD. las dat Rienk Kamer de laatste maanden alles onder de 1,40 heeft proberen te kopen, maar dat de volumes tegenvielen. hij beveelt het aandeel aan als mogelijke tenbagger. ik ben tevreden met de helft. ik heb nu een redelijk substantiele positie.
weet jij iets van de tip van simi500 hierboven, die weet meestal wel waar hij het over heeft.
dank voor al je noeste werk. grt en succes roos.

roos 2000 schreef:

weet jij iets van de tip van simi500 hierboven, die weet meestal wel waar hij het over heeft.
dank voor al je noeste werk. grt en succes roos.
Nee. Ik moet eerst wat gaan lezen. Eigenlijk concentreer ik me op de TSX, wat daar te krijgen is. Dit is toch DE commodity-beurs. Dat wil niet zeggen dat al het andere niks is, maar ik kom er niks over tegen tenzij iemand me er op wijst zoals nu.
Postzak e.a.,


en kijk verder op website

www.investir.fr en dan rumeur geel aangestreept.

Total zou een zeer belangrijke participatie nemen in een Australische LNG project. Ze stappen voor 25 procent mee ofwel voor 6 miljard Euro.

Informatie is van Bloomberg/Tokyo. Ik heb me rotgezocht op de websites van Bloomberg zelf, maar daar vind je het bericht niet. Wel op de twee bovenstaande Franse websites.

De CEO van Total beschouwt LNG als de belangrijkste energieleverancier voor de toekomst staat er in bovenstaande publikatie. Hij zegt het niet alleen, maar stopt er opnieuw 6 miljard in. Vooral bedoeld om de Aziatische markt te bedienen, vandaar dat dat bericht aanvankelijk uit Tokyo kwam.

Postzak bevindt zich in goed gezelschap......
Wat stom zeg. Beide door u genoemde bedrijven kan ik niet vinden op respectievelijk de NYSE en NASDAQ. Kan het zijn dat Binck (mijn 'bank') niet alle 'overige aandelen' van de NYSE en NASDAQ weergeeft?

EnCana staat op NYSE en TSX onder ticker symbool ECA.
Torrent staat op OTC onder ticker TREN.Bij Binck moet zeker Encana weer gegeven worden.Voor TREN vraag inlichtingen.

Ja, ik had al gezocht naar Encana onder het juiste tickersymbool.. maar nog steeds niets gevonden.
Zie ook attachment.

Binck toch...

High prices leave China struggling to develop liquefied natural gas projects

China will continue to support the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects despite the rising price of natural gas on the world market, a senior official said on Tuesday.

"The Chinese government encourages the use of natural gas but it can not reach agreements on the price of natural gas with potential suppliers," said Zhang Guobao, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) at the 7th Sino-U.S. Petroleum & Natural Gas Forum in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province.

Sources with the NDRC's Energy Department said that Shanghai was seeking to develop LNG but was struggling to negotiate a deal with overseas suppliers.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. predicted in August that the average Natural Gas Spot Price would be 7.69 U.S. dollars and 8.17 U.S. dollars in 2007.

The natural gas resources for another project under construction in East China's Fujian Province with a designed output of 2.6 million tons per year by 2007 will come from Indonesia, they said.

China's first LNG project was built in South China's Guangdong Province and is supplied by an Australian company. Chu yanqun, vice president of the Guangdong Dapeng LNG Company who is responsible for the project, said 29.1 billion yuan had been invested in it.

The first boat of liquefied natural gas arrived in May and the project will be put into commercial operation on Sept. 28, he said.

Source: Xinhua

Crash in natural gas futures may soften LNG prices

Kamlesh Trivedi / Ahmedabad September 29, 2006

Does the crash in natural gas derivatives at New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) mean anything for Indian natural gas buyers?

Well, a continuous fall in natural gas futures in the US indicates possibly less demand for LNG in that country in the upcoming winter, and this could have a positive spin-off for Indian buyers in the spot market.

The supplies of natural gas and other fuel had jumped to an unprecedented level in the US, causing natural gas prices to plunge 62 per cent in the past 12 months. Natural gas for October delivery at NYMEX natural gas futures declined 7.1 per cent last week to $4.62 per million British thermal units.

The prices were down nearly 40 per cent from a peak in early August, which led to a $6-billion loss for US-based hedge fund Amaranth Advisors LLC.

In India, for the minuscule minority that uses natural gas supplied at market determined price (most get it at a controlled price), a variation in NYMEX natural gas futures may not mean much as, for them, the suppliers change price on an annual basis or at the end of the contract period, which varies from customer to customer.

The Panna-Mukta-Tapti consortium, which supplies gas to consumers at market rates, also faces lots of constraints when it decides on price revision.

However, a mild winter in the US and part of Europe, coupled with increased supply of natural gas in the US market, may keep US spot buyers away from the market where Indian consumers are competing with the Japanese and Koreans.

“If the higher inventory level continues in the US, it may soften the LNG spot cargo prices by $2 to $2.5 during the next couple of weeks, which, in turn, will help Indian buyers that are left with a limited option,” said an analyst.

All the same, a lot will depend on the inventory level in the US in mid-October and the demand for LNG in that country. Although LNG constitutes merely 5 per cent of the total US natural gas supply, this is on an upward trend.

The global LNG market is also affected by external factors like Indonesia’s inability to honour some long-term LNG supply commitments to Korea and Japan, which may adversely affect Indian buyers’ chances.

The Russian environment agency’s decision last week to cancel the licence given to Sakhalin-II has also put the LNG market on tenterhooks.

Large consumers like Korea and Japan are desperately scouting for short-term and medium term arrangements with possible suppliers in the Middle East like Oman and Qatar and Australia in the Pacific rim.

ik heb tren.ob gekocht voor 1.97 in januari 2006. staat nu op 1.43 had toch gedacht dat lng sneller zou opleven. ik hoop dat dit een werkelijke bodem is. blijf wel zitten vanwege lnge termijn visie maar fijn is anders.

hi postzak zit jij nog in tsu.v? is mijn grootste verlies tot dusverre.ben helaas niet uitgestapt bij 1,30 maar heb bijgekocht....tja...oliedom...vandaag op 34% verlies. maar goed uranium maakt een hoop goed...

grt, roos

roos 2000 schreef:

ik heb tren.ob gekocht voor 1.97 in januari 2006. staat nu op 1.43 had toch gedacht dat lng sneller zou opleven. ik hoop dat dit een werkelijke bodem is. blijf wel zitten vanwege lnge termijn visie maar fijn is anders.

hi postzak zit jij nog in tsu.v? is mijn grootste verlies tot dusverre.ben helaas niet uitgestapt bij 1,30 maar heb bijgekocht....tja...oliedom...vandaag op 34% verlies. maar goed uranium maakt een hoop goed...

grt, roos
Ik zit al lang niet meer in TSU. Ik heb verlies genomen. Ik ben voor een groot deel uit olie. Ik ben zeer eenzijdig belegd in met name goud&zilver. Verder heb ik wat in uranium zitten en doe ik wat in Vietnam.

gr postzak
Aardgas is al enige tijd een moeilijke markt, met name door overcapaciteit in de VS.

De LNG markt is een ander verhaal.

Zie de berichtgeving rond Shell deze week.

Zie ook: US approves first natural gas exports

Mogelijke kandidaten:

Cheniere Energy (NYSE: LNG)
Teekay LNG Partners (NYSE: TGP), 7.5% div rendement

UPDATE: Shell approves floating LNG project at Australia's Prelude
20 May 2011
Copyright 2011. Platts. All Rights Reserved.
Sydney (Platts)--20May2011am
EDT/706 GMT (Updating with detail throughout)

Anglo-Dutch oil major Shell has taken a final investment decision on its wholly-owned Prelude floating LNG project off northwestern Australia, which it said would be a "game changer" for the energy industry.
"The decision means that Shell is now ready to start detailed design and construction of what will be the world's largest floating offshore facility, in a shipyard in South Korea," the company said.
Shell did not provide details of the development cost for Prelude, but it is competitive with other new LNG projects, which are typically $3 billion to $3.5 billion per 1 million mt/year of LNG capacity, Malcolm Brinded, Shell's executive director, upstream international, told a press
conference in Perth Friday. "This is in the same ballpark, and it roduces extra condensate so we are happy with the costs and with the economics," he added.
Other major companies around the world are working on FLNG projects, including Japan's Inpex and Brazilian state-owned Petrobras, but Shell is the first to have the "courage, the capital and the confidence to take this momentous [FID] decision," Brinded said.
"FLNG will change the rules of the game," he added. "It will allow us to access stranded offshore gas fields that otherwise would be too costly or too difficult to develop, because it avoids the need for long underwater pipelines and new coastal infrastructure."
The technology would also enable LNG projects "to go ahead more quickly and with less certainty about the volume of the gas resources being tapped, since an FLNG facility can be re-used elsewhere at the end of a field's life," Brinded said.
The go-ahead for Prelude represents the fruit of 15 years of development work by Shell and more than $500 million invested in research. The FLNG facility will be a massive 488 meters long and weigh around 600,000 mt, and has been designed to withstand category five cyclones.
The Prelude gas resource totals about 3 Tcf and the floating production facility is designed to pump 3.6 million mt/year of LNG, 1.3 million mt/year of condensate and 400,000 mt/year of LPG. The field is in the rowse Basin, about 200 km (124 miles) off the coast of Western Australia.
The gas produced at Prelude will be taken into the Shell portfolio, from where it will be sold, which "increases the flexibility and reliability of our sales," Brinded said. The company has already signed two term agreements with Japan's Osaka Gas for 800,000 mt/year and Taiwan's CPC Corporation for 2 million mt/year -- which could be supplied from Prelude.
"There's plenty of evidence of the demand out there for Australian gas and for LNG," he added. "We see the LNG market in Asia doubling to 2020 and continuing to grow strongly in the decade thereafter."
Prelude was discovered in 2007 and the field is expected to begin producing LNG only about 10 years later. The FLNG facility will stay permanently moored at Prelude for 25 years, and in later development phases should produce from other fields in the area where Shell has an interest.
Prelude is the first of what Shell hopes will be many FLNG projects. The company signed a global master agreement in July 2009 with a consortium comprising Technip and Samsung Heavy Industries to design and build multiple Shell FLNG facilities over a period of 15 years.
"Beyond this, our ambition is to develop more FLNG projects globally," Brinded said. "Our design can accommodate a range of gas fields, and our strategic partnership with Technip and Samsung should enable us to apply it progressively faster for future projects. We see opportunities around the world to work on other FLNG projects with governments, energy companies and customers."
Shell's FLNG technology has already been selected by the Woodside Petroleum-led joint venture as the preferred option for the development of the Sunrise gas field in the Timor Sea, where the company is a 26.56% partner. Sunrise lies in an area jointly administered by Australia and Timor-Leste and is currently stalled, however, due to objections to the FLNG proposal by Dili, which is insisting the gas is brought to its shores for processing.
Brinded said he hoped the support of the Australian and Timor-Leste governments for FLNG would be forthcoming.
"But our view is there will be many potential applications [worldwide] for FLNG for stranded gas that's remote from shore ... there's 140 Tcf of gas that's so-called stranded ... in Australian waters alone," he said. "With the go-ahead of this, the world's first of these facilities to be committed to, it will give people and partners confidence to look to apply this facility and I suspect people will be coming to talk to us about its potential application elsewhere."
The Prelude FLNG project will be the first Australian upstream project of which Shell is the operator. The company's upstream investment in Australia is expected to reach about $30 billion over the next five years, including Prelude and the Gorgon LNG project, and ongoing exploration and feasibility studies.

Christine Forster, christine_forster@platts.com
Cheniere Energy shares rise on export clearance
Shares in Cheniere Energy surge on US clearance to export liquefied natural gas


LNG industry hurt by global competition, overestimated demand

The global liquefied natural gas industry has been marked in recent years by a multibillion-dollar build-out, new suppliers, fresh markets, a new dominant player and an emerging rival.

Lees verder: www.alaskadispatch.com/article/lng-in...
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