Gordon gekko 19 november 2023 20:00 auteur info Gordon gekko Lid sinds: 25 jul 2013 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 638 Gegeven: 146 Aantal posts: 2.363 quote:Zwijnash schreef op 19 november 2023 18:38:3 weken van stijgen gehad, volume was nog goed afgelopen week.Wordt het 4 weken achterelkaar?End of year rally en p/e van Bam is nog laag, vertrouwen is terug op naar de €3rond de 2,85 het jaar uit en voor de cijfers 3,20 Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Doemebest 19 november 2023 20:07 auteur info Doemebest Lid sinds: 06 dec 2017 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1110 Gegeven: 516 Aantal posts: 1.618 quote:Gordon gekko schreef op 19 november 2023 20:00:[...]rond de 2,85 het jaar uit en voor de cijfers 3,20En na de cijfers 4 euro. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Rob 19 november 2023 20:39 auteur info Rob Lid sinds: 06 mei 2021 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 262 Gegeven: 738 Aantal posts: 856 quote:Doemebest schreef op 19 november 2023 20:07:[...]En na de cijfers 4 euro.En dan 20 cent dividend er nog bij. Hoe mooi kan het zijn. :) Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
OnoMatopee 20 november 2023 06:59 auteur info OnoMatopee Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 2403 Gegeven: 261 Aantal posts: 12.885 www.novo3.nl/verkeer-vervoer/werkzaam... Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Zwijnash 20 november 2023 07:41 auteur info Zwijnash Lid sinds: 02 dec 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1052 Gegeven: 394 Aantal posts: 4.475 Lijkt dat beurs iets lager opent maar Bam hoger Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Marinus-86 20 november 2023 07:46 auteur info Marinus-86 Lid sinds: 14 sep 2012 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1332 Gegeven: 409 Aantal posts: 11.746 Europese beurzen openen naar verwachting in het rood Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
hvasd2 20 november 2023 08:39 auteur info hvasd2 Lid sinds: 06 mrt 2002 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1264 Gegeven: 169 Aantal posts: 16.800 Future AEX + 0,10 % Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
OnoMatopee 20 november 2023 09:00 auteur info OnoMatopee Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 2403 Gegeven: 261 Aantal posts: 12.885 na eeuwig rood eeuwig groen?! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
innicksname 20 november 2023 09:19 auteur info innicksname Lid sinds: 08 mrt 2013 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1581 Gegeven: 955 Aantal posts: 11.148 quote:OnoMatopee schreef op 20 november 2023 09:00:na eeuwig rood eeuwig groen?!Bij de buren is het de laatste tijd in elk geval niet groener. Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Zwijnash 20 november 2023 09:49 auteur info Zwijnash Lid sinds: 02 dec 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1052 Gegeven: 394 Aantal posts: 4.475 Ik heb de abn report gezien - staat in dat ze houd rekening mee met afschrijven van o.a. VK / Ireland/ Australia en Duitsland.Daarom is hun koers doel gegeven met 50% korting = €5 koers doel zonder de mogelijk afschrijven ( de houd rekenen mee met te veel lijkt mee !) Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
HenkdeV 20 november 2023 10:08 auteur info HenkdeV Lid sinds: 13 okt 2017 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 3738 Gegeven: 4941 Aantal posts: 20.846 quote:Zwijnash schreef op 20 november 2023 09:49:Ik heb de abn report gezien - staat in dat ze houd rekening mee met afschrijven van o.a. VK / Ireland/ Australia en Duitsland.Daarom is hun koers doel gegeven met 50% korting = €5 koers doel zonder de mogelijk afschrijven ( de houd rekenen mee met te veel lijkt mee !)Er zijn ongeveer 273 miljoen aandelen keer 2,50 euro.Tel uit je winst:-). Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
OnoMatopee 20 november 2023 10:14 auteur info OnoMatopee Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 2403 Gegeven: 261 Aantal posts: 12.885 Company descriptionKoninklijke BAM Groep N.V. offers residential andnon-residential construction services. The Company offersproperty development, civil construction, cable and pipesystems, road, and mechanical and electrical systemsconstruction services. BAM operates primarily in theNetherlands and Belgium.Royal BAM packs a mighty punch. The company, officiallyknown as Koninklijke BAM Groep, has become a topheavyweight among European construction holdingcompanies and is the largest such company in theNetherlands. Through subsidiaries, BAM provides civilengineering, construction, property development,consulting, and related services. It is one of region's leadingbuilders of apartment buildings and other mutlifamilyPlease refer to the legal disclaimer at the end of this document.2residences. The group also participates in the finance andoperations of public-private partnership (PPP) projects suchas roadways and government buildings. In addition to theNetherlands, BAM's key markets include the UK, Belgium,Germany, and Ireland.Investment caseBAM has been doing the right things. The company haswound down the bleeder BAM International, sold a 50%stake in its PPP business (raising EUR 130m in cash andimproving solvency), divested Wayss & Freytag and BAMDeutschland (although remains liable for certain projects)and two Belgian units and has seriously reduced the riskprofile of its project portfolio where possible, also reducingrisk in the projects it tenders for. Solvency is now back at20%+, explaining why BAM is starting the payment ofdividends again. Equally important is that the company is ina material net cash position, even when adjusted foradvance payments. There is, however, uncertainty over alarge project in Ireland, which may result in losses whileBAM is also still involved in risky projects in the Netherlands(sealock Terneuzen) and Germany (Femarnbelt), albeit withlower equity stakes given recent divestments. In additionthere is now an investigation into possible bribery that BAMneeds to deal with as well as a serious train accident in NLfor which it appears liable. CEO Joosten is moving BAM inthe right direction but he must structurally change thecompany’s culture, de-risk the portfolio and improve theoverall financial performance. In other words, the companyis not there yet. Neutral reiterated, pt EUR 2.30Valuation, growth and profitability14/11/23 Neutral maintained, price target to €2.50, was €2.30We up our estimates for 2023-2025 for the adj. EBITDAmargin by on average 20 bps, although we do forecast a dipin 2024 (10 bps decline) due to the head wind in residentialand commercial market segments. The upped adj. EBITDAmargins in the explicit forecast and in our terminal valueEBITDA margin in our DCF (now at 4.5% was 4.0%) alsoexplain why we increase our price target from €2.30 to €2.50. Due to the risks associated with the fiscal authorityinvestigation (BAM International, possible material penalty)and multiple high risk projects (tunnels and sea locksmainly), we retain our Neutral rating.Upped adj. EBITDA margins but still a modest dip isexpected in 2024The much better than expected adj. EBITDA margin in Q32023 (5.1% vs 4.1% expected) and YTD Q3 2023 (4.4% vs4.0% expected), despite headwind in residential (lowhousing sales) and commercial construction markets (wfhtrend, high mortgage rates), high wage inflation andnitrogen permitting issues in the Netherlands, has triggeredan uptick in our estimates. We now forecast an adj. EBITDAmargin of 4.3% for 2023 (was 4.2%), 4.2% for 2024(unchanged) and 4.5% for 2025 (was 4.4%). We stillforecast a dip in 2024 sales and adj. EBITDA. This isbecause permitting points to lower volumes in theNetherlands (2023 vs 2022 down 19%, 2022 down 14% vs2021) while the 2024 outlook is not great due to the high(mortgage) interest rates (impacting commercialconstruction) and the UK’s decision to reign in infrastructurespending.FCF negative in 2023, modestly positive in 2024Due to BAM’s decision not to go for large lump sum andrisky projects (positive), the advance payments will comedown, which is already reflected in negative trade workingcapital becoming less negative. That trend is likely tocontinue in H2 2023 and 2024. As BAM also intends tocontinue to spend on electrification (positive, helps thecompetitive positioning) and industrialisation in woodenhouses (positive), capex is likely to remain at an elevatedlevel (€125m in 2023 and probably at the same level in2024, AOe). As a result, FCF will be materially negative in2023 (c. €60m) and only modestly positive in 2024 (c.€30m). It depends on the outcome of the 2024 CMD(continued high investments in electrification andindustrialisation yes or no) whether FCF will improvethereafter.Still a number of high risk projects in the portfolio plus afiscal investigationDespite all of its efforts, BAM still has a number of projectsin its portfolio that have a high risk profile. These include theChildren’s hospital in Dublin Ireland, the Silvertown tunnel inLondon UK, the Tideway super sewer project in London UK,the Fehmarnbelt tunnel in Germany/Denmark, the sea lockin Terneuzen Netherlands and the Cross River tunnelproject in Brisbane Australia. On top of that BAM still has todeal with the investigation by the anti-bribery/fiscalimpropriety division of the Dutch public prosecutor officeinto the dealings of BAM International with regards toprojects executed outside the Netherlands.Significant headroom built-in in DCF for potential losses anda fineIt is impossible to estimate the possible loss provisions (ifPlease refer to the legal disclaimer at the end of this document.3any) coming out of these high risk projects in a worst casescenario (Irish media claim there are €500m+ of claimsoutstanding, Australian media say the cost overrun of CrossRail is c. €570m) or what amount (if any) BAM may be finedby the Dutch (fiscal) authorities (SBM Offshore was fined$240m for bribery in Africa and Brazil). As a result wecontinue to use an arbitrary 50% discount on the fair valueper share. Following that logic, we raise our price target to€2.50 per share. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
OnoMatopee 20 november 2023 10:14 auteur info OnoMatopee Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 2403 Gegeven: 261 Aantal posts: 12.885 09/11/23 Partnership between BAM and RR, up to Dutchpolitics to say yes or noBAM and Rolls Royce have signed an MoU to explore thepossibilities to develop multiple so called small modularreactors in the Netherlands. Although it is up to Dutchpolitics to decide if it wants to increase nuclear power in thetotal energy mix, an SMR could be an intermediary and longterm solution, especially in areas with heavy industry, thatleaves little waste, is CO2 neutral and at relatively low cost.It is obviously early days, but SMRs are viewed by multiplecountries as a solution to overcome the dependence onfossil based power generation while building out renewableenergy in such a manner that it can sustain a wholeeconomy. As such we view even a simple MoU as positive.In fact we hope that BAM and RR (or another SMR supplier)succeed in convincing the Dutch government.Multiple SMR suppliers, an attractive technology looking atlevelized costThere are multiple suppliers of SMR technology includingGE, Hitachi, Westinghouse and Rolls Royce and even morenovel technologies are on offer by specialist firms likeNuScale Power, Holtec and Kairos. The principle is thesame. The key components of the reactor are manufacturedin a plant like environment, allowing for industrial productionat relatively low cost. The components are then transferredto the site and assembled locally. Due to the small size andindustrial approach, SMRs in the UK, which is ahead ofcontinental Europe except Poland, can be developed at acost of c. GBP 1.8bn (€ 2.1bn) for a 470 Mw SMR, resultingin a levelized cost of between GBP50-GBP 70 (€58-€82) perMwh, which makes it, at mid-point, cheaper than(€83/Mwh), significantly cheaper than gas (€122/Mw) andwell cheaper than offshore wind (€96/mwh). All the LCEdata is from a EIA report dating from April 2023. And thetotal construction period, according to Rolls Royce, is lessthan 500 days or within two years. This will a giga nuclearreactor construction time is between 6 and 8 years.Significant projects if Dutch politics say yes and selectsBAM/RRAs said, it is very early days. The Dutch government maydecide to go for one or two large gigawatt nuclear reactor,multiple SMRs, a mix of the two or none at all. Although wecertainly hope that SMRs will be part of the mix (it can helpheavy energy dependent industries like Tata to move tohydrogen faster than based on renewable energy fromoffshore wind), it is not certain that it will happen or thatBAM/RR is selected. But if that is the case, we assume thatBAM, per SMR project, will have a volume of at least€400-500m (our estimate, we could be wrong), includingthe building, the access roads and the electricalinfrastructure) whereas BAM Nutall, which is working on aconcrete project, mentions a volume for one SMR of GBP500m. And because of the high safety requirements, annualmaintenance contracts will also be material. So it is aninteresting development for any construction company.02/11/23 Strong beats on sales and adj. EBITDADespite all the issues that the construction markets in theNetherlands, the UK, Ireland and Belgium face, BAM didreally well in Q3 2023. Sales beat our estimates by 6% withadj. EBITDA beating our estimate by 34% (!) with the adj.EBITDA margin coming in at 5.1% versus our expectationof 4.0% and 3.0% in Q3 2022. We had expected lossprovisions in Ireland in relation to the Children’s Hospitalwhich have not occurred (BAM calls the results of the Irishunit ‘strong’) while we had anticipated a weakperformance of both of the UK’s units but the CivilEngineering activities have also done better than expected(BAM Construction UK impacted by supply chain issues atlarger projects which we assume is the Silvertown projectagain). In the Netherlands the Civil Engineering businesscontinued to do well (as expected) with home sales of theproperty unit coming in at c. 370 versus an expected300-400 (target for 2023 unchanged at 1,500 units,significantly lower than in 2022 (2,208). BAM also mentionsthat the contribution of the non-resi construction segmentin the Netherlands recovered, which is positive. Tradeworking capital continues to trend down (-14.0% vs -14.8%in Q2, 15.1% in Q1 and -16.5% at the end of Q3 2022),which explains why, despite the stronger EBITDA, net cashremains at €0.5bn. The orderbook remained solid €9.4bn (inline), slightly lower than €9.5bn at the end of Q2 2023.Upped 2023 adj. EBITDA margin guidanceDespite BAM stating that market conditions remainPlease refer to the legal disclaimer at the end of this document.4challenging, the 2023 guidance is upped. BAM now expectsto generate an adj. EBITDA margin of approximately 4.5%versus a guidance previously that called for an adj. EBITDAmargin of at least 4%. We are at 4.2% for 2023. Oneshould not read into the improved EBITDA guidance thatthere will not be any issues with the Children’s Hospital asthat is to be completed in the course of Q2 2024. But theupped guidance is certainly positive, as is the BAMstatement that ‘following constructive engagement withthe client, BAM looks forward to handing over the projectwithin the revised agreed timescale’. As expected, there isno news on the fiscal authority and public prosecutorinvestigation.2023 consensus to move up, we assumeBloomberg 2023 consensus sales is at €6.0bn and giventhat normally Q4 is at least €100m stronger in sales thanQ3, consensus sales is expected to move up c. 3%.Unfortunately, there is no company compiled consensusand Bloomberg shows an 2023 consensus EBITDA marginof 3.9%. But we do not know whether that includes the JVresults and the PPP results, which are not part of IFRSEBITDA. But we assume that the street did not count on 5.1% in Q3 so it is likely that consensus moves up a little. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
HenkdeV 20 november 2023 10:43 auteur info HenkdeV Lid sinds: 13 okt 2017 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 3738 Gegeven: 4941 Aantal posts: 20.846 Dank voor het plaatsen Ono.Dat is toch nog wel een aardig rijtje risicovolle posten in de boeken. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Tsjonge 20 november 2023 10:51 auteur info Tsjonge Lid sinds: 24 feb 2023 Laatste bezoek: 04 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 231 Gegeven: 50 Aantal posts: 864 Je kan nog altijd uitstappen hahaha. Ik blijf volharden in de overtuiging de bouwaandelen na de verkiezingen verder stijgen Aanbevelingen 2 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Zwijnash 20 november 2023 11:24 auteur info Zwijnash Lid sinds: 02 dec 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1052 Gegeven: 394 Aantal posts: 4.475 Ono - winst niet dat je mag plaatsen, dacht het was verboden Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
HenkdeV 20 november 2023 11:27 auteur info HenkdeV Lid sinds: 13 okt 2017 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 3738 Gegeven: 4941 Aantal posts: 20.846 quote:Daytripper schreef op 20 november 2023 10:51:Je kan nog altijd uitstappen hahaha. Ik blijf volharden in de overtuiging de bouwaandelen na de verkiezingen verder stijgenNa de verkiezingen is nogal een rekbaar begrip. Dat kan ook over 3 jaar zijn:-)).Alom wordt er vanuit gegaan, dat er niet zo snel een nieuwe regering zal zijn.En voor die nieuwe regering ander/nieuw beleid heeft gemaakt, ben je nog eens heel veel tijd verder.En dat eventuele nieuwe beleid zal door alles en nog wat getoetst worden.Maar misschien kun jij jouw overtuiging eens onderbouwen, ben zeer benieuwd. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Rob 20 november 2023 11:35 auteur info Rob Lid sinds: 06 mei 2021 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 262 Gegeven: 738 Aantal posts: 856 Eigenlijk had ik een plukje van 1100 met een GAK van 2.1281 bij 2,50 willen verkopen, maar ja, zolang die nog stijgt. Deze week maar afwachten. Naar de 3 euro is nog een lange weg en winst is winst. Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
IQ 20 november 2023 11:50 auteur info IQ Lid sinds: 28 dec 2013 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1482 Gegeven: 601 Aantal posts: 7.539 quote:Rob schreef op 20 november 2023 11:35:Eigenlijk had ik een plukje van 1100 met een GAK van 2.1281 bij 2,50 willen verkopen, maar ja, zolang die nog stijgt. Deze week maar afwachten. Naar de 3 euro is nog een lange weg en winst is winst.Gewoon jaartje wachten, dividend van minimaal 8% is ook lekker. Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
OnoMatopee 20 november 2023 11:52 auteur info OnoMatopee Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 19 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 2403 Gegeven: 261 Aantal posts: 12.885 quote:HenkdeV schreef op 20 november 2023 10:43:Dank voor het plaatsen Ono.Dat is toch nog wel een aardig rijtje risicovolle posten in de boeken.zelfs Terneuzen en fehmarnbelt waar de overheden garanderen Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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