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OCI - 2021

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  1. [verwijderd] 6 september 2021 16:50
    Geruchten.....dit speelt bij het Duitse K&S zou zo maar op OCI kunnen slaan.

    "K+S – Was steckt hinter den Übernahme-Gerüchten?

    AKTIE IM WÜRGEGRIFF DER LEERVERKÄUFER _ Am Markt kursieren derzeit wieder einmal Spekulationen um eine mögliche Übernahme des Düngemittel-Konzerns K+S. Genährt werden die Gerüchte von der jüngsten Ankündigung des britisch-australischen Bergbauriesen BHP, 5,7 Mrd. Dollar in die Erschließung einer Kali-Mine in Kanada investieren zu wollen. Ein solches Großprojekt braucht jedoch viel Zeit und ist mit zahlreichen Unwägbarkeiten verbunden. K+S kann ein Lied davon singen.

    So ist der Produktionsstart der neuen Mine, die übrigens ganz in der Nähe des K+S-Kaliwerks Bethune liegt, erst für das Jahr 2027 geplant.
    Angesichts der hohen Investitionen und des langen Zeithorizonts wäre es für BHP deutlich günstiger und schneller, den Einstieg ins Kali-Geschäft durch eine Übernahme von K+S zu realisieren, heißt es am Markt. An der Börse werden die Kasselaner derzeit gerade einmal mit knapp 2,4 Mrd. Euro bewertet. Die Argumentation mag zwar durchaus plausibel klingen, würde für BHP aber einen radikalen Strategieschwenk bedeuten, zumal die kanadischen Minenpläne des Bergbau-Riesen schon ziemlich konkret klingen.

    Viel spricht denn auch dafür, dass die Übernahme-Gerüchte nicht ganz uneigennützig gestreut werden. Obwohl K+S-Chef Burkhard Lohr dank kräftig gestiegener Kali-Preise zuletzt mit sehr erfreulichen Halbjahreszahlen aufwarten konnte und seine Gewinnprognose für das Gesamtjahr stärker als erwartet anhob, will die Aktie einfach nicht ins Fliegen kommen. Auch die Aussicht, dass K+S im kommenden Jahr wieder eine Dividende zahlen könnte, hat daran nichts geändert. Das dürfte vor allem den Leerverkäufern liegen, die K+S weiterhin im Visier haben. Eine von Übernahme-Fantasien beflügelte K+S-Aktie könnte die Leerverkäufer indes in einen Short-Squeeze treiben und den Kurs weiter nach oben treiben."
  2. forum rang 6 Ruval 6 september 2021 16:50
    Adnoc brengt vooralsnog 7,5% van Drilling naar de beurs, afhankelijk van belangstelling kan dit verder toenemen.

    Ik ben zeer benieuwd naar de randvoorwaarden van de Fertiglobe IPO. Welk belang wordt er naar de beurs gebracht en wat gaat OCI met de opbrengst doen?
  3. forum rang 6 de schaatser 6 september 2021 17:26

    jessebrown schreef op 6 september 2021 16:34:

    Er is gewoon een marktpartij die bepaalt of het mag stijgen of dalen,te gek voor woorden maar wel waar.
    laat je niet gek maken. Gewoon een kwestie van vraag en aanbod.
    Voor jou en mij onbegrijpelijk waarom iemand verkoopt.
    Als ik 1 ding geleerd heb in dit corona tijdperk. Dat er andere meningen zijn dan de mijne.
    En daar heb je het mee te doen.
  4. forum rang 6 Ruval 6 september 2021 21:28

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 6 september 2021 21:01:

    Jammer dat we vandaag niet meegingen met de index. India tender hangt boven de markt. Hopelijk kan dit nog wat push geven aan de koers komende weken.
    Gaat helemaal goed komen. Het kan niet elke dag groen zijn, koers ziet er stabiel uit.

    Listing Drilling staat gepland voor 3 oktober, lekker snel al. Price range volgt op 13 sept.

    Uitgaande dat aankondiging voor Fertiglobe zelfde tijdspad volgt (zelfde aandeelhouder, zelfde beurs) en er eind november beursgang volgt (december is korte maand voor dit soort introducties) betekent dit eind oktober / begin nov meer duidelijkheid over pricing / waarde Fertiglobe.

    Best wel snel al!
  5. forum rang 6 Kruimeldief 6 september 2021 21:45

    Ruval schreef op 6 september 2021 21:28:

    Listing Drilling staat gepland voor 3 oktober, lekker snel al. Price range volgt op 13 sept.

    Uitgaande dat aankondiging voor Fertiglobe zelfde tijdspad volgt (zelfde aandeelhouder, zelfde beurs) en er eind november beursgang volgt (december is korte maand voor dit soort introducties) betekent dit eind oktober / begin nov meer duidelijkheid over pricing / waarde Fertiglobe.
    Best wel snel al!
    Zou mooi uitkomen met dikke Q3-cijfers.
  6. forum rang 6 Ruval 6 september 2021 21:49

    Kruimeldief schreef op 6 september 2021 21:45:


    Zou mooi uitkomen met dikke Q3-cijfers.
    Klopt en momentum Fertiglobe is ook ijzersterk. Is de parel van OCI en presteert waanzinnig dit jaar
  7. forum rang 6 Ruval 6 september 2021 22:15
    Ik sluit niet uit dat OCI publicatie van Q2 en Q3 cijfers dit jaar paar weken naar voren heeft gehaald en hiermee anticipeert op communicatie over IPO Fertiglobe.

    Q2 cijfers werden dit jaar 3 weken eerder gepubliceerd dan vorig jaar. Q3 cijfers 2020 kwamen vorig jaar op 6 november. Benieuwd of dit nog eerder kan…. Ik neem aan eerst Q3 cijfers bekend en dan actuele waardering en pricing range IPO Fertiglobe.

    Ik zet in op koersdoel € 29 eind dit jaar….
  8. forum rang 6 Just lucky 7 september 2021 00:30
    Als de ontwikkeling van de prijzen de grootste zorg is van beleggers, dan zouden ze nu toch wel overtuigd zijn. Vandaag weer flinke stijging Urea prijzen. Nu 50$ erbij in een paar dagen.
  9. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 7 september 2021 01:27

    Just lucky schreef op 7 september 2021 00:30:

    Als de ontwikkeling van de prijzen de grootste zorg is van beleggers, dan zouden ze nu toch wel overtuigd zijn. Vandaag weer flinke stijging Urea prijzen. Nu 50$ erbij in een paar dagen.
    Vandaag was de cme beurs dicht toch? Dit zijn nog van de stijgingen van vrijdag
  10. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 7 september 2021 01:32
    Search for renewable methanol may mean more varied bunker locations: Maersk

    Author Tom Washington
    Editor Paul Hickin
    Commodity Coal , Energy Transition LNG, Natural Gas, Oil, Petrochemicals, Shipping, Energy Transition
    Sustainable methanol in ships seen twice as costly as fuel oil

    Platts conventional methanol data also shows double the price

    Maersk wants $150/mt CO2e carbon levy

    Platts to launch methanol bunker assessments

    Container giant Maersk's announcement of eight deepsea vessels to run on sustainable methanol will stretch supply lines and may mean a shake-up of favored bunkering locations amid higher prices, a company official said Aug. 31.

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    There will be a roughly two-fold increase in the cost of fueling these ships, Maersk's head of decarbonization innovation and business development Jacob Sterling told S&P Global Platts.

    The renewable methanol will cost at least as much as conventional fuel oil on a metric ton basis and as methanol's density is around half of fuel oil's this implies the renewable fuel will cost about twice as much, he said.

    S&P Global Platts data for conventionally-produced methanol and for fuel oil broadly corroborates this pricing relationship, allowing for uncertainty about the cost of renewable methanol.

    Platts assessed methanol T2 FOB at Rotterdam at $448.51/mt Aug.31 and delivered 0.5% sulfur fuel oil at Rotterdam at $519/mt. This works out at $20.90/gigajoule and $11.90/gj, respectively, showing conventional methanol as almost twice the price of fuel oil.

    Platts said Aug. 13 it was proposing to launch daily methanol bunker fuel price assessments, effective Sept. 27.

    Maersk's eight 16,000 twenty foot-equivalent unit vessels, which were announced Aug. 24, imply annual demand of 300,000-360,000 mt of renewably-sourced methanol, depending on factors like deployment and operational requirements, Sterling said. There is the potential for an additional four ships in 2025.

    The whole Maersk container fleet consumed 10.344 million mt of marine fuel in 2020, the company's annual report showed.

    "All future new buildings will be dual-fueled and ready for carbon neutral operation, but there are no concrete plans for more ships," Sterling said.

    The new methanol-powered vessels were announced after Maersk had already said it had signed an off-take agreement with renewable energy suppliers REintegrate and European Energy to establish a new Danish facility to produce approximately 10,000 mt/year of carbon-neutral methanol.

    Discussions with other potential suppliers of renewable methanol are under way but securing the 360,000 mt for the new vessels will be a challenge and could mean less of a focus for the methanol-powered ships on traditional bunker hubs, such as Rotterdam, than for conventionally-fueled ships, Sterling said.

    "Especially in the beginning, we will have to be a little creative about where we bunker... Especially in the first years, when the supply of green methanol will be scattered in different places," he said.

    To some extent this is business as normal as vessels already bunker where fuel is cheapest and so there is already flexibility in fuel purchasing for the company, he added.

    "We will try to bring the bunkering as close to the production of the fuel as possible," Sterling said.

    There is the potential for a shake-up in bunkering locations as the shipping industry makes progress with its energy transition, market watchers have said.

    Brazil, India, Mauritius and Malaysia could see their main ports develop as bunkering locations with the right regulatory and financial backing, as the maritime sector pivots from petroleum-based fuels to greener options, the World Bank said in April.

    Access to renewable energy resources or to natural gas to use in conjunction with carbon capture will be key, as will shipping volumes calling at a country's ports, the bank said in its "The Potential of Zero-Carbon Bunker Fuels in Developing Countries" report.

    However, while key bunkering locations for ships running on renewable fuel may show more variation than conventionally-fueled vessels do, shipping routes themselves will not change, Sterling said.

    Closing the price gap
    Putting a price on carbon will be crucial to making new bunker fuels economically viable, Sterling said.

    The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme will expand to include CO2 emissions from shipping for the first time, according to draft legislation unveiled by the European Commission July 14. This system will cover two thirds of the sector's CO2 emissions -- estimated at 90 million mt, the European Commission said.

    The system will cover emissions from ships calling at an EU port or voyages within the EU as well as 50% of the emissions from voyages starting or ending outside the EU, and emissions that occur when ships are at berth in EU ports.

    "We are engaging actively with the EU on pushing it in the right direction so that it actually achieves real and meaningful reductions of the greenhouse gas impact of shipping," Sterling said. "What's really important for us is that when you look at fuels you look at not only CO2 emissions but also CO2 equivalents," he said.

    This includes methane and calls into question LNG as a sustainable shipping fuel, Sterling said.

    Global progress, as dictated by the International Maritime Organization, is slow, Sterling said.

    A proposal by the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands to introduce a levy of $100/mt of CO2 equivalent on oil used as a bunkering fuel was not adopted by the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee in June. This is due to be discussed at an intersessional working group in October.

    "We would like to see a global carbon tax of $150/mtCO2e, which in terms of [conventional fuel] is equivalent to around $450-$500/mt," Sterling said.

    Q2 saw the start of methanol bunkering at the port of Rotterdam, with volumes at 250 mt total, data from the port authority showed.

    Methanol is receiving growing attention as a bunker fuel but still lags behind LNG. Taking the clean tanker segment, owners are investing in vessels that will run on methanol, LNG, and in a few cases on battery propulsion, analysts at S&P Global Platts Analytics said. "Our base case 2030 fleet model forecasts that 440 LNG dual fuel vessel are delivered compared with 79 methanol fueled vessels along with a handful of other alternative fuels," it said.

    This equates to 0.5% of the 2030 fleet, the analysts added.
  11. forum rang 6 Just lucky 7 september 2021 07:08

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 7 september 2021 01:27:


    Vandaag was de cme beurs dicht toch? Dit zijn nog van de stijgingen van vrijdag
    Inderdaad, waren nog prijzen van vrijdag.
  12. eduardo3105 7 september 2021 14:58

    Just lucky schreef op 7 september 2021 09:24:

    Het zou wel weer eens fijn zijn, een paar van die +3 a 4% dagen....
    wordt eerder - 3% vandaag
  13. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 7 september 2021 22:03
    CF laat vandaag een mooie plus zien. Yara is uit de gratie, ondanks dat er vandaag dividend van 20 NOK is uitgekeerd aan aandeelhouders. Is dit dan toch het signaaltje dat Yara veel meer afhankelijk is van hoge gasprijzen dan OCI..?
  14. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 7 september 2021 23:02

    (Bloomberg) — Fertilizer prices are skyrocketing after the world’s largest nitrogen plant was forced to declare a force majeure.

    CF Industries Holdings Inc. said on Sept. 3 it cannot fulfill orders from the nitrogen complex in Donaldsonville, Louisiana, which was closed before Hurricane Ida, according to a letter seen by Bloomberg. This is fueling fears of production losses at a time when stocks are already tight.

    Fertilizer prices are already high, increasing costs for farmers, who pay more for everything from land and seeds to equipment. Higher production costs could mean more food inflation on the way. The global cost of fertilizers hit nearly a decade in recent weeks and became so expensive that growers may have to curb their purchases.

    Prices for urea, a type of nitrogen fertilizer, in New Orleans are rising in part due to “uncertainty over the restart of the CF plant in Donaldsonville,” as well as when other plants will receive electricity, Scotiabank analyst Ben Isaacson said in a note Tuesday.

    The massive Donaldsonville complex consists of 19 plants, including six ammonia and five urea plants, that make nitrogen-based products for agricultural and industrial markets. The plant is located in Ascension Parish, where more than 2,700 customers still had no power Tuesday morning and would have power later in the day, according to an update from Entergy Corp.

    CF Industries did not respond to a request for an update on the plant’s status on Tuesday. Ark Veterinary Clinic, just down the street from the complex, said it had no power yet.

    Hurricane Ida has disrupted everything from fertilizers to crude oil production, destroying key crop export infrastructure. About two-thirds of gas stations in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were closed last week because stations couldn’t get fuel and power.

    (Adds power outage information from the third paragraph.)
  15. forum rang 6 Neunelfer 7 september 2021 23:14
    Mooie ontwikkelingen van OCI. Ik ben er op een gekke manier ingerold.

    Ik had calls 18 geschreven op OCI op 18. DeGiro leverde die aandelen en ik stond short met een paar honderd stuks. Gewacht en kon ze terug kopen op 18,29, maar ik had tevens een zooi puts 17 sept en 18 december geschreven.

    Die sept is dus history en die dec puts zijn in waarde gehalveerd. Erg blij dat ik OCI heb leren kennen. Hoop dat jullie ook er positief uit springen en ik blijf rustig zitten, hopend dat ze boven de 18 blijven.
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