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BAM juni 2018

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  1. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 11:25

    Wilbar schreef op 18 juni 2018 11:13:

    [...]Ook die van NIBC, KBC en Insinger?
    die schijnen nog vacatures bij de waarzegster te zijn.
  2. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 18 juni 2018 11:31
    Analisten zaten vorig jaar (bijna) allemaal te hoog in de boom wat betreft hun koersdoel voor BAM. Ze waren wat dat betreft in goed gezelschap van vele beleggers. Hadden we er vorig jaar niet allemaal meer van verwacht?
  3. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 11:38
    een eeuwige straf voor de misrekening van de sluis, waarvoor een voorziening is getroffen, zelfs een crimineel is beter af.
  4. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2018 11:41

    OnoMatopee schreef op 18 juni 2018 11:38:

    een eeuwige straf voor de misrekening van de sluis, waarvoor een voorziening is getroffen, zelfs een crimineel is beter af.
    Komt tijd, komt raad.
  5. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 18 juni 2018 11:48

    OnoMatopee schreef op 18 juni 2018 11:38:

    een eeuwige straf voor de misrekening van de sluis, waarvoor een voorziening is getroffen, zelfs een crimineel is beter af.
    Net iets te simpel, er zijn wel meer akkefietjes geweest. Ook de cijfers lieten in 2017 (vooral in het begin) te wensen over. Maar dat is oud nieuws, in 2018 wordt het beter. Hoop ik. Oprecht.
  6. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 11:50
    Port of Cork commences €80m Cork Container Terminal development in Ringaskiddy

    18/06/2018 - 10:39:59Back to Cork Business Home

    The Port of Cork marked a major milestone for the company today with the launch of the new Cork Container Terminal development in Ringaskiddy.

    The Cork Container Terminal will initially offer a 360-metre quay with 13-metre depth alongside and will enable larger ships to berth in Ringaskiddy.

    The development also includes the construction of a 13.5 hectare terminal and associated buildings as well as two ship to shore gantry cranes and container handling equipment.

    Shipping containers at Port of Cork.

    The requirement for the development of new container handling facilities at Ringaskiddy was identified in the Port of Cork’s Strategic Development plan in 2010.

    It will accommodate current and future container shipping which can be serviced by modern and efficient cargo handling equipment with innovative terminal operating and vehicle booking systems. The Port of Cork anticipates that Cork Container Terminal will become operational by 2020.

    Chairman of the Port of Cork, Mr John Mullins said:

    The Port of Cork’s redevelopment at Ringaskiddy is a key growth enabler for both Cork city and region as well as the national economy and will enable the Port to deliver more efficient container handling facilities, replacing the existing container terminal at Tivoli, and securing the Cork Container Terminal as an international gateway for trade well into the future.

    He continued: “The transfer of Port-related activities from the city and Tivoli will create a real opportunity for Cork Dockland sites to be redeveloped in the near future.”

    Representing an investment of €80m, the development is being funded by the Port through an innovative and award-winning financing structure comprising Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c, the European Investment Bank, and the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), and also by including European Union Connecting Europe Facility funds and self-finance.

    The Port of Cork awarded the development’s civil engineering contract to BAM Civil Ltd., part of the multi-national construction group, Royal BAM Group of the Netherlands.

    Port of Cork Chief Executive, Brendan Keating said: “This development will secure the future for the Port of Cork, and ensure the trade gains are translated into significant economic benefits for the people of Cork and the Munster region, as well as the national economy.

    "As part of this redevelopment, the Port of Cork will deliver a public marine leisure amenity at Paddy’s Point and has also committed a €1m community gain fund for the Ringaskiddy area for the development of an enhanced public realm scheme.

    "We look forward to supporting the community and Cork County Council as they prepare and implement the scheme.”

    Donal Murphy, Head of Infrastructure and Credit Investments at ISIF said: “This is an important investment for ISIF that demonstrates our commitment to investing in key infrastructure throughout Ireland on a commercial basis.

    "It is the latest investment from our Connectivity Fund, which was established with proceeds from the sale of the State’s shareholding in Aer Lingus.

    "ISIF is using its ability to act as a long-term provider of capital to back the Port of Cork with flexible funding that is tailored to its specific needs. We expect this investment will underpin significant economic activity in the southern region.

    It will also enhance Ireland’s transport and supply chain links with major EU markets and help Irish exporters to access these markets post-Brexit.

    Conor Morgan, AIB Corporate Banking said “As the Port of Cork’s long-term relationship bank, AIB Corporate Banking is delighted to provide this financing for the Port of Cork to back their strategic development at Ringaskiddy Port.

    "Following a funding process of over two years, an innovative transaction structure was put in place involving senior debt from AIB and EIB and junior debt from ISIF.

    "As a key infrastructure deal supporting the growth of the Irish economy, the project increases future capacity at the port and brings major strategic value to the city of Cork and the Munster region.”

    Andrew McDowell, European Investment Bank Vice President said “The redevelopment of Ringaskiddy will transform links between Ireland, Europe and the world, support exports by Irish business and create a world-class maritime logistics hub.

    "The European Investment Bank is pleased to provide a EUR 30 million 18 year long-term loan alongside financing from leading Irish institutions for this crucial investment for Cork and Ireland.

    "EIB support reflects the economic benefits and urban redevelopment to be unlocked in the coming years and the importance of ensuring alternative transport routes given export growth and ongoing uncertainties related to Brexit.”
  7. Fred107 18 juni 2018 11:55

    HenkdeV schreef op 18 juni 2018 11:48:


    Net iets te simpel, er zijn wel meer akkefietjes geweest. Ook de cijfers lieten in 2017 (vooral in het begin) te wensen over. Maar dat is oud nieuws, in 2018 wordt het beter. Hoop ik. Oprecht.
    Dan hoop ik met je mee.
    Maar ik kan niet anders dan Ed gelijk geven met betrekking tot het eeuwig blijven oprakelen van de sluis.
    Doen ze ook niet bij VolkerWessels. En waarom?
    Bovendien is daarmee afgerekend in 2017. Basta.
  8. forum rang 6 boldie 18 juni 2018 11:57

    OnoMatopee schreef op 18 juni 2018 11:50:

    Port of Cork commences €80m Cork Container Terminal development in Ringaskiddy

    18/06/2018 - 10:39:59Back to Cork Business Home

    The Port of Cork marked a major milestone for the company today with the launch of the new Cork Container Terminal development in Ringaskiddy.

    The Cork Container Terminal will initially offer a 360-metre quay with 13-metre depth alongside and will enable larger ships to berth in Ringaskiddy.

    The development also includes the construction of a 13.5 hectare terminal and associated buildings as well as two ship to shore gantry cranes and container handling equipment.

    Shipping containers at Port of Cork.

    The requirement for the development of new container handling facilities at Ringaskiddy was identified in the Port of Cork’s Strategic Development plan in 2010.

    It will accommodate current and future container shipping which can be serviced by modern and efficient cargo handling equipment with innovative terminal operating and vehicle booking systems. The Port of Cork anticipates that Cork Container Terminal will become operational by 2020.

    Chairman of the Port of Cork, Mr John Mullins said:

    The Port of Cork’s redevelopment at Ringaskiddy is a key growth enabler for both Cork city and region as well as the national economy and will enable the Port to deliver more efficient container handling facilities, replacing the existing container terminal at Tivoli, and securing the Cork Container Terminal as an international gateway for trade well into the future.

    He continued: “The transfer of Port-related activities from the city and Tivoli will create a real opportunity for Cork Dockland sites to be redeveloped in the near future.”

    Representing an investment of €80m, the development is being funded by the Port through an innovative and award-winning financing structure comprising Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c, the European Investment Bank, and the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), and also by including European Union Connecting Europe Facility funds and self-finance.

    The Port of Cork awarded the development’s civil engineering contract to BAM Civil Ltd., part of the multi-national construction group, Royal BAM Group of the Netherlands.

    Port of Cork Chief Executive, Brendan Keating said: “This development will secure the future for the Port of Cork, and ensure the trade gains are translated into significant economic benefits for the people of Cork and the Munster region, as well as the national economy.

    "As part of this redevelopment, the Port of Cork will deliver a public marine leisure amenity at Paddy’s Point and has also committed a €1m community gain fund for the Ringaskiddy area for the development of an enhanced public realm scheme.

    "We look forward to supporting the community and Cork County Council as they prepare and implement the scheme.”

    Donal Murphy, Head of Infrastructure and Credit Investments at ISIF said: “This is an important investment for ISIF that demonstrates our commitment to investing in key infrastructure throughout Ireland on a commercial basis.

    "It is the latest investment from our Connectivity Fund, which was established with proceeds from the sale of the State’s shareholding in Aer Lingus.

    "ISIF is using its ability to act as a long-term provider of capital to back the Port of Cork with flexible funding that is tailored to its specific needs. We expect this investment will underpin significant economic activity in the southern region.

    It will also enhance Ireland’s transport and supply chain links with major EU markets and help Irish exporters to access these markets post-Brexit.

    Conor Morgan, AIB Corporate Banking said “As the Port of Cork’s long-term relationship bank, AIB Corporate Banking is delighted to provide this financing for the Port of Cork to back their strategic development at Ringaskiddy Port.

    "Following a funding process of over two years, an innovative transaction structure was put in place involving senior debt from AIB and EIB and junior debt from ISIF.

    "As a key infrastructure deal supporting the growth of the Irish economy, the project increases future capacity at the port and brings major strategic value to the city of Cork and the Munster region.”

    Andrew McDowell, European Investment Bank Vice President said “The redevelopment of Ringaskiddy will transform links between Ireland, Europe and the world, support exports by Irish business and create a world-class maritime logistics hub.

    "The European Investment Bank is pleased to provide a EUR 30 million 18 year long-term loan alongside financing from leading Irish institutions for this crucial investment for Cork and Ireland.

    "EIB support reflects the economic benefits and urban redevelopment to be unlocked in the coming years and the importance of ensuring alternative transport routes given export growth and ongoing uncertainties related to Brexit.”
    ojee pb dan bam weer door de plee
  9. forum rang 6 boldie 18 juni 2018 12:04
    bij dit soort opdrachten keer op keer zou je toch wel weer eens positieve koersreactie mogen verwachten. nou ga maar zelf wat vlammetjes naar binnen werken
  10. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 12:06

    boldie schreef op 18 juni 2018 12:04:

    bij dit soort opdrachten keer op keer zou je toch wel weer eens positieve koersreactie mogen verwachten. nou ga maar zelf wat vlammetjes naar binnen werken
    is het al wereldkundig gemaakt dan op de beurs?
  11. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 18 juni 2018 12:07

    boldie schreef op 18 juni 2018 12:04:

    bij dit soort opdrachten keer op keer zou je toch wel weer eens positieve koersreactie mogen verwachten. nou ga maar zelf wat vlammetjes naar binnen werken
    Word jij niet meer gevoerd?:-).
  12. forum rang 6 boldie 18 juni 2018 12:07

    HenkdeV schreef op 18 juni 2018 12:07:


    Word jij niet meer gevoerd?:-).
  13. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2018 12:19
    Sentiment voor dit aandeel is sterk negatief. Dus interessant om in te stappen, maar wacht nog even op een dip. Die zal vast nog komen deze week.
  14. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 12:33

    APG investeert in Ierse woningmarkt


    APG investeert honderden miljoenen euro’s in een groot woningproject nabij de Ierse hoofdstad Dublin. Hines is investerend ontwikkelaar van het project.
    APG investeert in Ierse woningmarkt
    Cherrywood Dublin beeld: Hines

    Dat blijkt uit berichtgeving in het Financieele Dagblad. Nabij recreatiegebied Tricknick Park realiseert de Amerikaanse investerende ontwikkelaar Hines woon-, werk- en verblijfgebied Cherrywood. Hines kocht de locatie in 2014. In het gebied zijn woningen gepland voor in totaal 25.000 mensen. Het eerste project bestaat uit 1.269 huurwoningen. Ook komen er tal van voorzieningen.

    Volgens het FD bedraagt de investering in deze eerste fase 450 miljoen euro. APG neemt het gros hiervan voor zijn rekening, Hines betaalt de rest. APG noemt Dublin en de rest van Ierland een aantrekkelijke plek om te investeren vanwege het structurele woningtekort. APG zegt de komende jaren in meer Ierse projecten te investeren, vooralsnog zonder concrete namen te noemen. BAM, dat al een ziekenhuis van 600 miljoen in Dublin bouwt, is in de race als aannemer van het project.
    Eerste publicatie door Martijn van Leeuwen op 18 jun 2018
    Laatste update: 18 jun 2018
  15. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 18 juni 2018 13:44
    BAM-dochter werkt aan appartementen in Goes

    Door ANP Producties
    8 min geleden in FINANCIEEL

    Goes - BAM-dochter AM is betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van Residence Goese Diep in het Zeeuwse Goes. Verdeeld over vier appartementengebouwen worden 36 luxe en gasloze appartementen met uitzicht over het Goese Meer gerealiseerd. Naar verwachting start de bouw medio 2019.
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