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  1. forum rang 8 josti5 4 augustus 2022 16:29

    matad schreef op 4 augustus 2022 16:19:


    Helemaal mee eens closer. Groepje bekenden gebruikt weer de splinter. Is de eigenlijk wel bekende tactiek. Toch vraag ik me telkens af: Matad waarom luister je niet naar je vrouw die steevast roept: “trap er toch niet in”.
  2. forum rang 6 matad 4 augustus 2022 16:31

    josti5 schreef op 4 augustus 2022 16:29:


    Je gedachtewereld blijft eng Jostov.
  3. forum rang 8 josti5 4 augustus 2022 16:35

    matad schreef op 4 augustus 2022 16:31:


    Je gedachtewereld blijft eng Jostov.
    Het is maar een vraag, en het antwoord is duidelijk; dank daarvoor.
    Menig puzzelstukje valt hiermee op z'n plaats.
  4. [verwijderd] 4 augustus 2022 16:39

    Freemoneyforever schreef op 4 augustus 2022 15:18:

    Ik moet er niet aan denken: als de wind in de richting van de Russische troepen staat, die kerncentrale met aanpalende munitie en wapens opblazen: koekje van eigen deeg voor de Russen....
    Ik zat nog even te denken ,maar hoe kom je op de gedachte .Er wonen daar allemaal
    vrouwen en kinderen .Koekje van eigen deeg bij een nucleaire ramp .is dat
    beschaving nee meer barbaars .
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 16:41

    closer schreef op 4 augustus 2022 15:33:

    Verkeerde stuk gelezen?
    "Amnesty benadrukt dat dit 'op geen enkele manier' de willekeurige Russische aanvallen rechtvaardigt. 'Alle partijen bij een conflict moeten te allen tijde onderscheid maken tussen militaire doelen en burgerobjecten.'"
    Lees dit ook eens


    In 2021 keerde Agnes Callamard terug naar Amnesty International als secretaris-generaal.

    Ze leidt het mensenrechtenwerk van de organisatie en is de belangrijkste woordvoerder. Ze is verantwoordelijk voor de algemene leiding van het internationale secretariaat, waaronder de strategische richting voor de organisatie en de relaties met de regiokantoren van Amnesty International.ès_Callamard


    Op 24 Februari 2022 vallen de Russen Oekraine binnen in het kader van hun special operation


    Op 24 februari 2022 komt Amnesty International met deze mededeling over Alexei Navalny

    Amnesty International stopped classifying Putin critic Alexei Navalny as a prisoner of conscience ( gewetensgevangene ), saying he advocated hatred in the past

    This is because of hateful statements he's made, the human-rights NGO told Insider.


    op 7 mei 2022

    Amnesty geeft Navalny status gewetensgevangene terug


    Amnesty International nam een verkeerde beslissing, waardoor onze bedoelingen en motieven op een kritiek moment in twijfel werden getrokken.

    We verontschuldigen ons voor de negatieve gevolgen die dit heeft gehad voor Alexei Navalny persoonlijk en voor de activisten in Rusland en de rest van de wereld die onvermoeibaar campagne voeren voor zijn vrijheid.


    4 augustus 2022 het rapport waarover we nu spreken

    Ukraine: military endangering civilians by locating forces in residential areas - new research

    Schools and hospitals used as military bases by Ukrainian forces

    Een gedetailleerd overzicht met vrijblijvende gesprekken met een paar burgers en daar conclusies uit trekken

    En dan nog even de vermelding dat Russen ook wel fouten maakt

    The Ukrainian military’s practice of locating military objectives within populated areas does not in any way justify indiscriminate Russian attacks.

    >>>Ik heb respect voor Amnesty International, maar zie toch na het aantreden van Agnes Callamard er bij punt 3) en punt 5) de onafhankelijke positie veranderen en zie beslissingen die Putin niet onwelgevallig waren

    Het rapport dat vandaag verschenen is ziet er toch redelijk amateuristisch uit en er worden oordelen geveld op basis van een gesprek met willekeurige burgers
  6. forum rang 8 Succes 4 augustus 2022 16:47
    Russian teacher sentenced for telling students about war crimes in Ukraine

    Irina Gen received a five-year suspended sentence and has been barred from working in state schools

    A school teacher in a provincial Russian city has received a suspended sentence for speaking out in class against the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine.

    A court in Penza, 500 kilometres southeast of Moscow, on Thursday found Irina Gen guilty of “discrediting the Russian armed forces” under a new law that has banned any criticism of the war in Ukraine and gave her a five-year suspended sentence. The 45-year-old English teacher will also be barred from working in state schools for three years.

    The court in Penza found that she “disseminated false information” by telling her students about the siege of Mariupol and Russian airstrikes killing children in Ukraine.

    Ms Gen was slapped with charges in March after one of her students posted online a recording of her explaining to the class why they could no longer travel to Europe for a sports competition.

    The teacher told her teenage students that Russia “will not be welcome anywhere until it starts behaving in a civilised manner” and that Moscow was trying to topple a legitimate government in Ukraine and killing civilians there.

    She was heard criticising the new war censorship law and said that any public display of dissent will now trigger a prison sentence: “All of us will be thrown to jail for 15 years.”
    Russian police officers detain two women during an anti-war protest in Moscow

    The school teacher told the 7x7 website before the verdict that FSB intelligence agents showed up at the school and pressured her to “confess”.

    She said she thought she was simply talking to her students off the record and blamed the leak on the teenagers’ pro-Kremlin parents.

    “It’s their parents who strongly oppose my views who egged them on to do it. They wanted to punish me,” Ms Gen said.

    The 45-year-old teacher handed in her notice shortly after she was charged.

    A flood of criminal prosecution for dissent has followed Vladimir Putin’s recent dictatorial rhetoric about “enemies” inside Russia who are seeking the country’s destruction.

    At least 3,000 people have been fined for smearing the Russian army since the bill was introduced in March, according to Agora, a Russian human rights association.

    Over 80 people have faced criminal charges fraught with lengthy prison sentences. In one of the most glaring cases, Moscow councillor Alexei Gorinov last month was sentenced to seven years in prison over anti-war remarks at a public meeting.

  7. nvt 4 augustus 2022 16:48

    keljans 123 schreef op 4 augustus 2022 16:32:

    Alles mag,alles kan.Oliekan,melkkan,waterkan.Wat kan kan, kan kan alleen.
  8. forum rang 6 matad 4 augustus 2022 16:56
    Luchtschip wie zonder zonde is.
    Ook bij Amnesty mankeert er wel eens iets net zoals bij mij. Doch blijf het grote geheel zien en laat je niet in de war brengen door wat ettertjes waarover een poster iets heel treffends schreef: “ ze schijnen er een……….van te krijgen.
    Maar ik waardeer het enorm dat jij daar zo uitgebreid op ingaat. Zou dit niet op kunnen brengen. Hoeveel mensen werken er niet bij je?
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 4 augustus 2022 17:01

    josti5 schreef op 4 augustus 2022 16:06:



    Nou: Amnesty International denkt daar dus héél anders over, gelukkig!
    Mooi dat je het zo met hun eens bent!
    Wellicht kun je hun (en Oekraïne) steunen door de onderstaande petitie te ondertekenen.


    Stop the aggression and attacks on civilians in Ukraine

    As the war rages on following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we have documented a pattern of crimes committed by Russian forces, including unlawful attacks, wilful killings of civilians, torture, and extrajudicial executions. Take action to demand that the Russian authorities stop this act of aggression and systemic attacks on civilians now.

    At 5am on the 24 February, people across Ukraine woke to the news that their country was being invaded by the Russian military. In the middle of the night, Russian tanks rolled into the country and the military attacked from multiple directions.

    As the war rages on, the sheer scale of the human rights violations and war crimes is exposed with every passing day. Entire neighbourhoods have been destroyed in places like Borodyanka, through disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks, leaving thousands of people homeless. In towns like Bucha, Andriivka, Zdvyzhivka and Vorzel, our researchers collected evidence and testimony of unlawful killings, including apparent extrajudicial executions. Some victims had their hands tied behind their back, others showed signs of torture. Convoys of civilians fleeing with their children were fired upon.

    Russia’s decision to use force against another state without any legal justification has unleashed a catastrophic human rights crisis on the people of Ukraine. It is also having devastating implications on the human rights of many far beyond Ukraine, affecting global food chains and driving high energy prices around the world.
    The Russian Federation must stop this act of aggression against Ukraine and end the pattern of war crimes. Those responsible for atrocities must be held to account in fair trials. We must use our power in numbers to call for this to stop.

    Sign the petition to President Vladimir Putin and demand that Russia stops this act of aggression and systemic attacks on civilians now.



    En ja, dat heb ik ook gedaan!
  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 17:02
    Gisteravond deze video

    There are reports on explosions in the area of the Antonivskyi railway bridge near occupied Kherson which occurred around midnight

    video 0:15 minuut zie 2de tweet

    1rste tweet

    Next to railway bridge, Russian forces are using a ferry to transfer equipment & hardware across the Dnipro river.

    So if the video location is correct, this is likely what Ukraine aimed at.

    The military ferry & railway bridge is 5km east of Antonivka bridge at Kherson city.

    satelliet foto spoorbrug en militaire veerboot bij Kherson over de Dnjepr rivier
  11. forum rang 8 Succes 4 augustus 2022 17:05
    Heeeeel belangrijk om dit in onze achterhoofd te houden ...


    Polish President: Ukraine is Defending Poland and Europe, Too

    Polish President Andrzej Duda believes that Russia poses a threat to Europe.

    In an interview Monday, August 1, 2022, with the German daily news site Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he said that Ukraine is effectively defending the entire continent, not just itself.

    “Today, Ukraine is defending Poland and Europe, including Germany. If Ukraine’s heroic resistance fails to beat Putin’s imperialistic plans, Poland and the Baltic states will be exposed to the direct threat of Russia’s expanding sphere of influence in Central Europe.”

    Duda also contends the idea of “Russia-the-Great” translates into the subordination of other nations, adding that this notion applies not just to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, but to a substantial chunk of Russian society as well, with “[Russian] journalists insisting that Russia stretches as far as the Polish city of Kalisz.”

    “Thanks to Ukraine, this threat today is contained. In the future, however, I believe that it will be on the agenda,” he said. “The only thing we can do is to enhance our security. Ukraine is showing what one can do when armed well.”

    Duda, who visited Kyiv in late May to underscore Warsaw’s support for embattled Ukraine, also stressed that Poland is providing significant military assistance to Ukraine. To date, it has sent Ukraine over 260 T-72 tanks.

    Last week, the Polish Minister of Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak, who visited Kyiv last month, signed an agreement on the supply of south Korean weapons to the Polish army, including jet fighters FA-50, K2 tanks, and K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers.

    Previously on May 25, 2022, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Russia’s multi-pronged military aggression against Ukraine has turned the modern geopolitical scene upside down, adding that Russia is carrying out a “special genocide operation” in Ukraine. He also warned other countries from resuming business as usual with Russia.
  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 17:14
    In het door de Russen bezette Luhansk worden jonge mannen van de straat geplukt en naar een bus gebracht om vervolgens naar het front gestuurd te worden
    Oekrainse jonge mannen die door de Russen worden gedwongen om te vechten tegen de soldaten van hun eigen Oekrainse leger

    Occupied Luhansk today, Kvartal Myrnyi's transport ring: Russians capturing locals for "mobilisation"

    video 0:34 minuut
  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 17:21
    Het rapport van Amnesty International

    Olexander Scherba, 26 years in Ukrainian diplomatic service. Ukraine’s Ambassador to Austria (2014-2021) :

    Hey amnesty,
    don’t play the “Both sides” game on Ukraine.

    There is no “both sides” in murder, rape, torture. Ukraine defends her people - civilians and soldiers.

    Russia’s people in Ukraine are invaders, murderers. Don’t be their amnesty!
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 17:52

    asti schreef op 4 augustus 2022 14:27:



    De meeste woonwijken waar zich soldaten bevonden, waren kilometers verwijderd van frontlinies. Er waren alternatieven beschikbaar die de burgers niet in gevaar zouden brengen, zoals militaire bases of dichtbeboste gebieden in de buurt, of andere gebouwen verder weg van woonwijken. In de door Amnesty gedocumenteerde gevallen lijkt er geen sprake van te zijn dat Oekraïense soldaten die zich in woonwijken bevonden, burgers vroegen of hielpen te evacueren. (...)'
    Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group, Countering disinformation & propaganda. :


    amnesty international published a report " Ukraine : Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians".

    The report blames the Armed Forces of Ukraine for "violating the international humanitarian law" and "using schools and hospitals as military bases". 1/8

    It criticizes Ukraine for "firing from the cities and not from the field" and for "not distinguishing between military objectives and civilian objects", which, as a result, leads to civilians' deaths and injuries. 2/8

    Besides victim blaming, such optics also does not take into account the actions of Russia as an aggressor state.

    Russian army does not recognize any rules of the war, setting up filtration camps, using prohibited weapons, deliberately shelling civilian objects, 3/8

    using civilians as human shields, torturing and killing Ukrainian POWs ( Prisoners of War ).

    Such tactics leave little room for courteous gestures, such as waiting for Russian troops in the field.

    While Ukraine organizes evacuations from the frontline territories, Russia tries to disrupt the process. 4/8

    According to Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, "such behavior of amnesty international is not about looking for the truth and conveying it to the world but about creating a false balance between the criminal and the victim, between the country that is destroying 5/8

    hundreds and thousands of the civilian population, cities, entire territories, and a country that is desperately defending itself, saving its people and the whole continent from this invasion." 6/8

    The rhetoric of blaming Ukraine for war crimes is very consonant with the narratives of Russian propaganda, which creates an alternative reality where hospitals, schools, and maternity homes turn into "Nazi military bases" and Ukraine "kills its own soldiers and civilians to blame Russia." 7/8

    Today, Ukraine conducts a defensive war against unprovoked Russian aggression - and an information front is now as important as a military one so that the Kremlin could not play the victim, using the reputation of the international organizations. 8/8
  15. forum rang 8 josti5 4 augustus 2022 17:56
    Samenvattend vind ik de reacties van het groepje Oekraïnefans op het Amnestybericht een grote morele nederlaag voor dat groepje.
  16. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 augustus 2022 18:01
    15:17 uur ned tijd :

    Series of explosions near Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.


    Nova Kakhova op de kaart : midden in de kaart in door Russen bezet gebied
    Er is een dam over de Dnjepr rivier
  17. forum rang 6 matad 4 augustus 2022 18:05

    josti5 schreef op 4 augustus 2022 17:56:

    Samenvattend vind ik de reacties van het groepje Oekraïnefans op het Amnestybericht een grote morele nederlaag voor dat groepje.

    Zullen we het netjes houden Jostov en niet schrijven wat wij van jou denken.
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