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  1. [verwijderd] 24 april 2017 17:18

    Kogovus schreef op 24 april 2017 17:10:


    Die zijn al bezig, kleine winstnemingen bedoel ik. Het is helemaal geen probleem als we op 25 of 28 sluiten, met kleine stapjes vooruit kom je net zover.
    Dat is een feit! Eigenlijk bedoelde ik shorts nemen op de aex maar had vergeten dat er bij te zetten. Met MT zit ik nog long en die laat ik lekker staan om dezelfde reden die jij noemt.
  2. Kogovus 24 april 2017 17:18

    Toekomstbeeld schreef op 24 april 2017 17:17:


    Waarom denk je dat?
    Omdat hij dat wil ;-)
  3. andrejes 24 april 2017 17:19

    Toekomstbeeld schreef op 24 april 2017 17:17:


    Waarom denk je dat?
    Staat "als" ze goed zijn dan varen we mee dat is altijd zo, maar denk zelf dat we nog iets naar beneden gaan morgen. Daarom ff eruit gegaan.
  4. jessebrown 24 april 2017 17:21

    andrejes schreef op 24 april 2017 17:10:

    Als de cijfers van AK steel morgen middag goed zijn kunnen we weer verder stijgen.
    De eerste kwartaal cijfers zijn voor de staal bedrijven goed tot zeer goed
    en dat zal voor AM ook zo zijn,de grote twijfel zit hem in de 2 helft van het jaar
    en daarna,de Iron-ore companies,Rio,BHP,Vale en Cliff zullen hun productie moeten
    terug brengen om de prijs erosie tegen te gaan,met de fors dalende vraag naar staal uit China de prijs op peil te houden,eigenlijk hetzelfde als de oliesector
    er is gewoon veel te veel aanbod.
  5. Kogovus 24 april 2017 17:28

    kusadasi schreef op 24 april 2017 17:21:

    [...]De eerste kwartaal cijfers zijn voor de staal bedrijven goed tot zeer goed
    en dat zal voor AM ook zo zijn,de grote twijfel zit hem in de 2 helft van het jaar
    en daarna,de Iron-ore companies,Rio,BHP,Vale en Cliff zullen hun productie moeten
    terug brengen om de prijs erosie tegen te gaan,met de fors dalende vraag naar staal uit China de prijs op peil te houden,eigenlijk hetzelfde als de oliesector
    er is gewoon veel te veel aanbod.
    Hoi KSD, tweede helft is dus voorzichtigheid geboden. Ik denk dat iedereen dat door zal hebben en daar ook de strategie op gaat bepalen. Needless to say, er zullen partijen, ook particulieren, hun belang gaan verkleinen. Als het het toelaat ik in ieder geval wel.
  6. Toekomstbeeld 24 april 2017 17:31

    andrejes schreef op 24 april 2017 17:19:

    Staat "als" ze goed zijn dan varen we mee dat is altijd zo, maar denk zelf dat we nog iets naar beneden gaan morgen. Daarom ff eruit gegaan.
    Denk dat het resultaat van AK Steel geen grote invloed zal hebben op de koers van AM. Wel op de koers van AK Steel zelf natuurlijk.

    AK Steel is zeer klein in het totale perspectief van staalproducenten. De meer relevante staalbedrijven zoals Posco en Nucor hebben al gerapporteerd en het beeld wat betreft volume groei & omzetten & winsten is nu wel duidelijk.

    US Steel zal iets meer impact hebben. De koers van US Steel en AM lijken soms wel als een Siamese tweeling te bewegen.

    Iron Ore zal de richting bepalen totdat we iets horen over ILVA en/of resultaten voor AM zelf.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2017 17:38
    In de eindveiling 2,228,898 stuks, die de koers 0.7 cent hoger zette.

    Laatste 7,355 3 17:35:13
    Verschil 0,215 3,01 %
    Bied 7,351 88.052 17:35:32
    Laat 7,36 144.213 17:36:02
    Hoogste 7,49 09:00:29
    Laagste 7,31 10:00:45
    Cum. volume 24.076.453
    Open 7,49 09:00:29
    Indicatieve opening 7,355
    Vorige handelsdag: slot / dagomzet 7,14 29.908.634 21-04-2017
    Gemiddelde dagomzet 20.557.325
  8. Toekomstbeeld 24 april 2017 17:42

    kusadasi schreef op 24 april 2017 17:21:

    [...]De eerste kwartaal cijfers zijn voor de staal bedrijven goed tot zeer goed
    en dat zal voor AM ook zo zijn,de grote twijfel zit hem in de 2 helft van het jaar
    en daarna,de Iron-ore companies,Rio,BHP,Vale en Cliff zullen hun productie moeten
    terug brengen om de prijs erosie tegen te gaan,met de fors dalende vraag naar staal uit China de prijs op peil te houden,eigenlijk hetzelfde als de oliesector
    er is gewoon veel te veel aanbod.
    Exact, koersen zijn Forward looking.

    Denk zelf (en deels ook hoop :-)) dat we in de loop van de maand mei (misschien zelfs juni) andere berichten krijgen over de productie levels.

    De World Steel Association heeft haar rapport over de vraagkant vrijdag uitgebracht. De groeipercentages sluiten aan (zelfs iets beter) bij wat AM bij haar 2016 resultaten uitsprak.
    De vraag zet door. Prima.

    Probleem inderdaad bij de producenten. Met name bij de grondstoffen miners. Zoals al eerder gesteld is er behoefte aan een regulerend orgaan vergelijkbaar met de OPEC. Is er niet dus heeft iedereen de productiekraan weer wagenwijd opengezet om zoveel mogelijk op de korte termijn te profiteren vd betere prijzen.

    Nu gaan er met name in China in de maand April veel miners & staalfabrieken onderhoud plegen. Mede vanwege de door de sector zelf veroorzaakte prijsdalingen.

    Vervolgens gaan we eind mei en/of begin juni weer allerlei artikelen lezen dat de voorraden aan het dalen zijn (overigens zijn ze dat de afgelopen week al aan het doen) en knallen de prijzen weer omhoog.
  9. Toekomstbeeld 24 april 2017 18:40
    Steel Stocks Win Upgrades Amid Earnings: What You Need to Know
    Macquarie upgrades four stocks in the industry, and gets especially bullish on AK Steel and Steel Dynamics.

    Rich Smith (TMFDitty) Apr 24, 2017 at 12:17PM
    Every day, Wall Street analysts upgrade some stocks, downgrade others, and "initiate coverage" on a few more. But do these analysts even know what they're talking about? Today, we're taking one high-profile Wall Street pick and putting it under the microscope...

    It's earnings season on Wall Street, and it's getting hard to keep track of all the good (and bad) news. This is because, for whatever reason, companies in individual industries tend to report their earnings in bunches. First come the aluminum makers, then the big banks, then the defense stocks, and so on.

    Right now, for example, we're in the middle of steel earnings. Last week, we heard from minimill operators Nucor (NYSE:NUE) and Steel Dynamics (NASDAQ:STLD). Tomorrow come earnings from old-guard steel titans like U.S. Steel (NYSE:X) and AK Steel (NYSE:AKS). And here's something that may surprise you: Based on what the first two steel stocks reported last week, analysts at Macquarie Capital believe that the latter two stocks are going to do pretty well, too. In fact, Macquarie just upgraded all four of these steel stocks this morning.

    Here are three things you need to know about that.

    Molten steel pouring from cauldron.

    1. Nucor reports
    Let's begin with Nucor, which released its fiscal Q1 2017 earnings on April 20. Nucor reported $1.11 per share in net profit last week, which was more than twice the $0.50 it earned in the sequentially preceding fourth quarter 2016 -- and more than four times the $0.27 earned in the year-ago first quarter of 2016.

    The price per ton of steel shipped rose 21% year over year, operating rates at the company's foundries improved by 9 percentage points to 89%, and Nucor's net sales jumped 30% year over year. Consequently, Nucor's operating profit margin boomed -- up 680 basis points to 11.4%.

    Citing an improving demand environment and encouraged by the "material amount of volume growth" that Nucor showed, Macquarie raised its estimate for Nucor's profit this year to $5 per share, and upgraded the stock to neutral with a $62 price target.

    2. Steel Dynamics does, too
    Good as the news was at Nucor, Steel Dynamics arguably did even better. Reporting one day before Nucor, Steel Dynamics announced that it had earned $0.82 per share in Q1 2017 (three times what it earned in Q1 2016), and grew its sales even faster -- up 41% year over year to $2.4 billion.

    Steel Dynamics enjoyed a smaller increase in profits than did Nucor, perhaps because the price it charged for its steel grew a little less -- up 9% to $743 per ton. Nevertheless, Steel Dynamics' profit margin is rising nicely, as the $63-per-ton increase in the price of the steel it sells easily outstripped the $44-per-ton increase in the price of "ferrous scrap" that it buys for recycling into new steel.

    This all makes Macquarie even more bullish about Steel Dynamics than it is about Nucor. According to, Macquarie has raised its rating on Steel Dynamics stock to outperform, and assigned a $44 price target that implies about 24% upside in the stock over the next year. Its estimate for Steel Dynamics' 2017 profit rises 20% to $3.60 per share -- meaning the stock now sells for less than 10 times current-year earnings.

    3. What comes next
    Next up, of course, will be the earnings from U.S. Steel and AK Steel. According to Zacks, both of these more traditional steelmakers will be reporting earnings tomorrow -- and analysts are expecting good things. Yahoo! Finance estimates predict that both U.S. Steel and AK Steel will reverse their losses of yesteryear, and report positive profits tomorrow -- $0.32 per share for U.S. Steel, and $0.15 per share for AK.

    Macquarie, too, is bullish. According to the analyst, U.S. Steel is benefiting from "solid pricing" and improving volumes of steel shipped. While declining to predict precisely how much profit U.S. Steel will report tomorrow, the banker does think we will see profits rise 61% by year's end, to $2.70 per share.

    The analyst does, however, worry that U.S. Steel is too dependent on the energy market, where demand for pipeline is increasing -- but U.S. Steel is currently losing money. Accordingly, Macquarie upgrades U.S. Steel only to neutral (with a $30 price target).

    Macquarie's more enthused about what we might see happen at AK Steel this year. Predicting a 73% jump in full-year profit to $0.38 per share, the analyst is raising its price target on AK Steel shares to $8.10 (implying 20% upside from today's prices), and upgrading the stock to outperform.

    Final thing: Context is everything
    Now let's put all of this in context for you. Based on Macquarie's full-year earnings predictions for these four stocks, their current-year valuations look like this:

    Steel Dynamics: $3.60 per share in full-year profit, weighed against a $36 share price, equals a price-to-earnings ratio of 10.
    Nucor: $5 per share on a $60 stock price equals a P/E of 12.
    U.S. Steel: If it earns $2.70 per share, as predicted, then with its $31 share price it costs 11.5 times earnings.
    And finally AK Steel: $0.38 on a $7 stock price works out to a P/E of more than 18.
    Now let's look at the growth rates. Fastest to slowest, Yahoo! Finance estimates have AK Steel growing its earnings 38% annually over the next five years; followed by Nucor at a 25% growth rate, Steel Dynamics at 15%, and finally U.S. Steel at 8%.

    These expectations show you why Macquarie likes AK Steel despite it carrying the most expensive P/E of the group, and why Macquarie likes Steel Dynamics as well. They also tell you why U.S. Steel, even at only 11.5 times earnings, may be no great bargain as the slowest-growing steelmaker in America. I do find it curious, though, that Nucor isn't getting more love.

    At only 12 times earnings, with a growth rate in the mid-20s, Nucor looks to me like potentially the best bargain of the bunch. Were I in Macquarie's shoes, I'd go ahead and recommend that one, as well.

    Rich Smith has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Nucor. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

  10. Toekomstbeeld 24 april 2017 18:52
    Prachtig mooi verhaal mbt China. De meest interessante opmerking is mijn inziens dat de “Median-cost producers are already losing US$40 a tonne. This is a catastrophe for China’s steel industry,”.

    Aannemende dat de man met al zijn ervaring weet waar hij het over heeft, zal dat uiteindelijk betekenen dat de Chinezen veel echte productie moeten wegsnijden.

    China to lose steel game on Trump cuts

    ‘ZERO-SUM GAME’:The steel market will be subject to mercantilism that would promote domestic industries in the US, which would harm China, a consultant said


    Chinese flags fly near a steel factory in Wuan in Hebei Province on Feb. 23.
    Photo: Reuters
    This year’s Chinese steel price rout heralds worse to come, according to a 50-year industry veteran who said the world’s top producer is poised for a painful contraction as demand tumbles and rival nations build trade barriers.
    China’s looming troubles contrast with optimism among US steelmakers, encouraged by US President Donald Trump’s pledges to back the industry with infrastructure spending and an “America first” trade agenda.
    Last week, the Trump administration began an investigation into whether steel imports threaten national security, while US Steel Corp asked for a probe into alleged price-fixing by Chinese producers.
    “We’re going from one world to another,” US consultancy World Steel Dynamics founder and managing partner Peter Marcus said in an interview in Shanghai. “We’re going to have mercantilism that’s going to promote domestic industries. The US is going to win and China is going to lose.”
    Prices in China could return toward the crisis levels seen in late 2015 before the end of the year, Marcus said on Sunday.
    Annual output might shrink by 100 million tonnes in three to four years as domestic demand slumps by the same amount and as exports fail to hold their explosive growth this decade, he said.
    China last year made 808 million tonnes, about half of world production.
    “China’s steel industry is doing an incredible job with great workers, but this is a zero-sum game, and they are in trouble,” said Marcus, who began tracking steel companies on Wall Street in the 1960s and has advised some of the world’s biggest mills.
    The nation’s steel sector faces “zugzwang,” he said, referring to the chess term when a player cannot move without triggering a loss.
    China’s steel prices surged at the start of this year, extending last year’s surprise rebound and giving a rocket to earnings, amid optimism over economic stimulus and government-backed plant closures to curb supply.
    However, the rally has turned to rout, with the benchmark hot-rolled coil product used in cars and consumer goods tumbling 23 percent in the past two months.
    Even though the raw material iron ore has slid to a five-month low, it has not been enough to prevent margins at some mills turning negative, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.
    “Median-cost producers are already losing US$40 a tonne. This is a catastrophe for China’s steel industry,
    ” Marcus said, dismissing as “a joke” Beijing’s efforts thus far to tackle oversupply. “They keep announcing closures of plants that are already closed, we all know that, and the capital spending by medium-to-larger companies means capacity has been rising. Going forward they will reduce, but it will take pain.”
    The late-2015 slump in prices and margins saw mills offloading excess production on world markets. That hammered overseas producers and prompted what Marcus called an “avalanche” of trade protections, most often targeting China.
    There were 47 measures launched against China in 2015, 39 last year and 11 in the first quarter of this year, Shanghai Steelhome Information Technology Co (???????????????) president Wu Wenzhang (???) told a conference in Shanghai on Saturday.
    “You have all these countries they can’t export to and it’s an incredible constraint,” Marcus said.
    Much of the additional export volume since 2010 has fed relatively open, fast-growing regions, such as Southeast Asia, but “growth there is limited and there will be more competition in those markets,” he said.
  11. Bonbini 24 april 2017 19:28

    Kogovus schreef op 24 april 2017 17:28:


    Hoi KSD, tweede helft is dus voorzichtigheid geboden. Ik denk dat iedereen dat door zal hebben en daar ook de strategie op gaat bepalen. Needless to say, er zullen partijen, ook particulieren, hun belang gaan verkleinen. Als het het toelaat ik in ieder geval wel.
    sell in may and go away but don't forget to remember to come back in september (october)
  12. Kogovus 24 april 2017 19:30

    Bonbini schreef op 24 april 2017 19:28:


    sell in may and go away but don't forget to remember to come back in september (october)
    So true, so true;-)
  13. jessebrown 24 april 2017 20:25

    Toekomstbeeld schreef op 24 april 2017 18:52:

    Prachtig mooi verhaal mbt China. De meest interessante opmerking is mijn inziens dat de “Median-cost producers are already losing US$40 a tonne. This is a catastrophe for China’s steel industry,”.

    Aannemende dat de man met al zijn ervaring weet waar hij het over heeft, zal dat uiteindelijk betekenen dat de Chinezen veel echte productie moeten wegsnijden.

    China to lose steel game on Trump cuts

    ‘ZERO-SUM GAME’:The steel market will be subject to mercantilism that would promote domestic industries in the US, which would harm China, a consultant said


    Chinese flags fly near a steel factory in Wuan in Hebei Province on Feb. 23.
    Photo: Reuters
    This year’s Chinese steel price rout heralds worse to come, according to a 50-year industry veteran who said the world’s top producer is poised for a painful contraction as demand tumbles and rival nations build trade barriers.
    China’s looming troubles contrast with optimism among US steelmakers, encouraged by US President Donald Trump’s pledges to back the industry with infrastructure spending and an “America first” trade agenda.
    Last week, the Trump administration began an investigation into whether steel imports threaten national security, while US Steel Corp asked for a probe into alleged price-fixing by Chinese producers.
    “We’re going from one world to another,” US consultancy World Steel Dynamics founder and managing partner Peter Marcus said in an interview in Shanghai. “We’re going to have mercantilism that’s going to promote domestic industries. The US is going to win and China is going to lose.”
    Prices in China could return toward the crisis levels seen in late 2015 before the end of the year, Marcus said on Sunday.
    Annual output might shrink by 100 million tonnes in three to four years as domestic demand slumps by the same amount and as exports fail to hold their explosive growth this decade, he said.
    China last year made 808 million tonnes, about half of world production.
    “China’s steel industry is doing an incredible job with great workers, but this is a zero-sum game, and they are in trouble,” said Marcus, who began tracking steel companies on Wall Street in the 1960s and has advised some of the world’s biggest mills.
    The nation’s steel sector faces “zugzwang,” he said, referring to the chess term when a player cannot move without triggering a loss.
    China’s steel prices surged at the start of this year, extending last year’s surprise rebound and giving a rocket to earnings, amid optimism over economic stimulus and government-backed plant closures to curb supply.
    However, the rally has turned to rout, with the benchmark hot-rolled coil product used in cars and consumer goods tumbling 23 percent in the past two months.
    Even though the raw material iron ore has slid to a five-month low, it has not been enough to prevent margins at some mills turning negative, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.
    “Median-cost producers are already losing US$40 a tonne. This is a catastrophe for China’s steel industry,
    ” Marcus said, dismissing as “a joke” Beijing’s efforts thus far to tackle oversupply. “They keep announcing closures of plants that are already closed, we all know that, and the capital spending by medium-to-larger companies means capacity has been rising. Going forward they will reduce, but it will take pain.”
    The late-2015 slump in prices and margins saw mills offloading excess production on world markets. That hammered overseas producers and prompted what Marcus called an “avalanche” of trade protections, most often targeting China.
    There were 47 measures launched against China in 2015, 39 last year and 11 in the first quarter of this year, Shanghai Steelhome Information Technology Co (???????????????) president Wu Wenzhang (???) told a conference in Shanghai on Saturday.
    “You have all these countries they can’t export to and it’s an incredible constraint,” Marcus said.
    Much of the additional export volume since 2010 has fed relatively open, fast-growing regions, such as Southeast Asia, but “growth there is limited and there will be more competition in those markets,” he said.
    Over duidelijk dat China in de hoek zit waar de klappen gaan vallen,was
    ook niet vol te houden 50% van de wereld staal productie,nu zullen de grote mijnbouw bedrijven toch fors de productie van Iron-ore moeten reduceren.
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