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Heeft CytoDyn het ultieme anti-HIV-middel??

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  1. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 11:17
    Most recent 3-day laboratory results from 8 severely ill COVID-19 patients are promising

    Wanneer worden de resultaten van de andere 2 patiënten verwacht?
    Komen deze resultaten later, of zou het slecht nieuws zijn?
    Uiteraard zullen er sterfgevallen zijn.

    Overweeg om straks bij opening in te stappen.
  2. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 11:47
    Aha gevonden denk ik.

    Men mag de resultaten pas vrijgeven na de derde dag van de behandeling.
    Er zou dus vandaag nog een update kunnen komen over deze 2 patiënten.
    Gespreide updates zorgen bovendien voor meer aandacht.
  3. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 12:24
    CytoDyn CEO Dr. Pourhassan to Appear on Fox Business Network Friday, April 3, 2020 at 2:00 pm ET to Discuss Leronlimab Treatment of 10 Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients and Express Appreciation for a Special Hospital, Physician, and Medical Team Who Treated These Patients

    Both Phase 2 and Phase 2b/3 trials for COVID-19 patients will be discussed

    VANCOUVER, Washington, April 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today that Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief executive Officer of CytoDyn will appear on Fox Business Network on the “Making Money with Charles Payne” program. The program will air from 2:00 pm ET to 3:00 pm ET (11:00 am PT to 12 noon PT) and is also available via live streaming at

    The Company’s investigational new drug, leronlimab, has been administered to 10 severely ill patients with COVID-19 at a leading medical center in the New York City area under an emergency IND recently granted by the FDA. The Company recently initiated enrollment in a Phase 2 trial for leronlimab treatment of COVID-19 patients with mild-to-moderate indications and under the same IND, is now proceeding with its second COVID-19 clinical, a Phase 2b/3 trial for the treatment of critically ill patients.
  4. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 12:25
    CytoDyn Files Request with FDA for Preliminary Meeting for Breakthrough Therapy Designation for Leronlimab in the Treatment of Cancer

    The Company’s pursuit of a Breakthrough Therapy designation is further strengthened by continued strong clinical indications from mTNBC and MBC patient data

    VANCOUVER, Washington, April 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today that it has filed a request with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a preliminary meeting to discuss new clinical data which the Company believes further supports its objective to obtain Breakthrough Therapy designation (BTD) for leronlimab in the treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC). The FDA had previously granted Fast Track designation to leronlimab for the treatment of mTNBC. Last month, the Company reported that the FDA had recommended such a meeting to provide preliminary advice prior to resubmission of a Breakthrough Therapy designation request. Concurrent with the Company’s Phase 1b/2 trial for mTNBC and expanded access studies for MBC, it is also conducting a Phase 2 trial with leronlimab for 22 solid cancer tumors.

    Metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC), an aggressive histological subtype, has a poor prognosis. In addition, metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and lymph nodes to other organs in the body (typically the bones, liver, lungs, or brain). Both types of cancer pose significant challenges for patients due to their aggressiveness and limited treatment options.

    The Company’s Phase 1b/2 study involves monitoring of circulating tumor cells (CTC), epithelial mesenchymal transition in tumor metastasis (EMT), and cancer-associated microphages like cells (CAML) every 21 days during the treatment phase.

    Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive officer of CytoDyn, commented, “We are extremely encouraged by the test results from these patients and continue to keep the FDA current on therapeutic benefit demonstrated by leronlimab for multiple cancer indications.”

    About Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of breast cancer characterized by the absence of the three most common types of receptors in the cancer tumor known to fuel most breast cancer growth–estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR) and the hormone epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2) gene. TNBC cancer occurs in about 10 to 20 percent of diagnosed breast cancers and can be more aggressive and more likely to spread and recur. Since the triple-negative tumor cells lack these receptors, common treatments for breast cancer such as hormone therapy and drugs that target estrogen, progesterone, and HER-2 are ineffective.
  5. Fortuno 3 april 2020 12:40

    FatCool schreef op 3 april 2020 12:24:

    CytoDyn CEO Dr. Pourhassan to Appear on Fox Business Network Friday, April 3, 2020 at 2:00 pm ET to Discuss Leronlimab Treatment of 10 Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients and Express Appreciation for a Special Hospital, Physician, and Medical Team Who Treated These Patients

    Both Phase 2 and Phase 2b/3 trials for COVID-19 patients will be discussed

    VANCOUVER, Washington, April 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY), (“CytoDyn” or the “Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company developing leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist with the potential for multiple therapeutic indications, announced today that Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief executive Officer of CytoDyn will appear on Fox Business Network on the “Making Money with Charles Payne” program. The program will air from 2:00 pm ET to 3:00 pm ET (11:00 am PT to 12 noon PT) and is also available via live streaming at

    The Company’s investigational new drug, leronlimab, has been administered to 10 severely ill patients with COVID-19 at a leading medical center in the New York City area under an emergency IND recently granted by the FDA. The Company recently initiated enrollment in a Phase 2 trial for leronlimab treatment of COVID-19 patients with mild-to-moderate indications and under the same IND, is now proceeding with its second COVID-19 clinical, a Phase 2b/3 trial for the treatment of critically ill patients.
    Mooi! Dan zullen de resultaten van alle 10 patiënten wel bekend worden gemaakt. Zou er 100% respons zijn? Je zou denken van wel.
  6. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 13:44
    Geen idee. Het middel is vooral naar voren geschoven als laatste (of eerste) redmiddel. Misschien doet het wat als de patiënt nog milde klachten heeft. Gezien de bijwerkingen is het een gevaarlijk middel als het niet heel serieus wordt gevolgd. Ook in Nederland wordt het best wel veel ingezet, maar gezien de cijfers heb je er niet veel aan.

    Een voordeel is dat het heel goedkoop is.

    De 10 patiënten in de Leronlimab studie waren behandeld met chloroquine en hydroxychloroquine en stonden op het punt om dood te gaan. Baat het niet dan schaadt het niet was het motto van de arts om Leronlimab te proberen.

  7. Fortuno 3 april 2020 17:28
    Even een zijpad. Iemand hier die (in)direct belegd in uranium gerelateerde aandelen? Volg dat ook alweer zo'n 4 jaar en de uraniumgerelateerde aandelen bewegen volledig tegen de negatieve markt in nu. Het slimme geld koopt en daar hebben ze ook alle redenen toe. Ook daar zat ik vroeg, te vroeg eigenlijk, in. Pharma en grondstoffen. Keihard waarde "in de grond". Al het andere is niet te vertrouwen. Commodities zijn volledig onderuit gegaan de laatste jaren, maar het is eigenlijk het enige van waarde. Maak je borst maar nat als dadelijk de inflatie begint op te lopen. We creeren geld alsof het niets is, we stapelen schuld op schuld.

    Ik zeg: uranium. :)

    Sorry dat ik off topic ben, maar wilde dit toch graag delen. Zal het niet meer doen. :)
  8. Quasi 3 april 2020 17:36
    @ greedfearfear:

    Naast Cytodyn heb ik ook Nexgen Energy, Uranium Energy, Energy Fuels en Westwater Resources.

    Prettig weekend!
  9. Fortuno 3 april 2020 17:40

    Quasi schreef op 3 april 2020 17:36:

    @ greedfearfear:

    Naast Cytodyn heb ik ook Nexgen Energy, Uranium Energy, Energy Fuels en Westwater Resources.

    Prettig weekend!
    Super! Gaat helemaal goed komen. Spot price uranium gaat prima. Mede door COVID-19 neemt supply steeds verder af en de vraag overtreft de productie al langer en dat wordt steeds erger.
    Leuk. Succes en ook een fijn weekend! Stay safe!
  10. Fortuno 3 april 2020 17:45

    Quasi schreef op 3 april 2020 17:36:

    @ greedfearfear:

    Naast Cytodyn heb ik ook Nexgen Energy, Uranium Energy, Energy Fuels en Westwater Resources.

    Prettig weekend!
    Hoe/wanneer ben jij op Cytodyn gestuit?
  11. Quasi 3 april 2020 18:09
    Door veel te lezen over allerhande zaken heb ik in januari Cytodyn ontdekt. Na mij een beetje te hebben verdiept erin, ben ik begin februari vol vertrouwen ingestapt.

    Welke uraniumaandelen heb jij?

    Succes en zorg goed voor elkaar!
  12. [verwijderd] 3 april 2020 18:36
    Staat New York slaat alarm: dodelijkste dag tot nu toe

    NEW YORK - De Amerikaanse staat New York, met daarin de gelijknamige metropool, slaat alarm. Het aantal coronabesmettingen heeft de 100.000 overschreden, het dodental nam toe tot bijna 3000. In een etmaal kwamen er 562 coronadoden bij, de hoogste stijging in een dag tot nu toe.

    New York verkeert in crisis, benadrukt gouverneur Andrew Cuomo: „Help New York.” Volgens hem is er een gebrek aan bedden en beademingsapparaten. Hij riep staten die nog niet zijn getroffen door het coronavirus, op zijn staat te helpen. Omgekeerd beloofde hij hulp aan andere staten, die komt als de crisis in zijn zwaar getroffen New York is bedwongen.

    © 2020 TMG Landelijke Media B.V., Amsterdam. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

    Leronlimab lijkt precies op tijd te komen om de IC bedden in New York te ontlasten. Met ongeveer 10000 nieuwe gevallen in het laatste etmaal zal de patiëntwerving heel snel gaan.


    P.S. Uranium heeft me alleen maar geld gekost door de jaren. Ik geloof meer in Thorium, maar Thorium Power is al jaren van de beurs.
  13. Fortuno 3 april 2020 19:34

    Quasi schreef op 3 april 2020 18:09:

    Door veel te lezen over allerhande zaken heb ik in januari Cytodyn ontdekt. Na mij een beetje te hebben verdiept erin, ben ik begin februari vol vertrouwen ingestapt.

    Welke uraniumaandelen heb jij?

    Succes en zorg goed voor elkaar!
    Mooie timing voor Cytodyn.

    Welke uranium aandelen? Best een hele rij. Grootste positie in Geiger Counter (beleggingsfonds in uranium), Boss Resources, Vimy Resources, Paladin, Peninsula, Fission, Plateau, Azincourt, Laramide, Uex, Energy Fuels, Global Atomic, Plateau en Silex Systems.
    Ik ben er vast nog vergeten. :)

  14. Fortuno 3 april 2020 19:38

    FatCool schreef op 3 april 2020 18:36:

    Staat New York slaat alarm: dodelijkste dag tot nu toe

    NEW YORK - De Amerikaanse staat New York, met daarin de gelijknamige metropool, slaat alarm. Het aantal coronabesmettingen heeft de 100.000 overschreden, het dodental nam toe tot bijna 3000. In een etmaal kwamen er 562 coronadoden bij, de hoogste stijging in een dag tot nu toe.

    New York verkeert in crisis, benadrukt gouverneur Andrew Cuomo: „Help New York.” Volgens hem is er een gebrek aan bedden en beademingsapparaten. Hij riep staten die nog niet zijn getroffen door het coronavirus, op zijn staat te helpen. Omgekeerd beloofde hij hulp aan andere staten, die komt als de crisis in zijn zwaar getroffen New York is bedwongen.

    © 2020 TMG Landelijke Media B.V., Amsterdam. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

    Leronlimab lijkt precies op tijd te komen om de IC bedden in New York te ontlasten. Met ongeveer 10000 nieuwe gevallen in het laatste etmaal zal de patiëntwerving heel snel gaan.


    P.S. Uranium heeft me alleen maar geld gekost door de jaren. Ik geloof meer in Thorium, maar Thorium Power is al jaren van de beurs.
    Juist OMDAT het je geld heeft gekost is het NU een goede belegging. :)
    Thorium is nog zover weg.
    Small en medium reactors (SMR’s) gaan wij nog meemaken, Thorium pas in een ‘beam me up Scotty tijdperk”.
    Denk ik. Weet het ook niet. :)
  15. Fortuno 3 april 2020 19:39

    Robinhoo schreef op 3 april 2020 18:35:

    Bij welke broker hebben jullie deze stock gekocht?
    Lynx en Binck.
  16. Sub!et 3 april 2020 21:34
    CytoDyn CEO Dr. Pourhassan Appearance on Fox Business Network Rescheduled to April 8 Same Time (11am PT); CytoDyn will Reveal Today the Name of the Hospital and the Physician who Treated 10 Patients During an Interview on Seattle-Affiliate of CBS News which Will Air Between 5-6:30 p.m. PT
  17. [verwijderd] 4 april 2020 00:06
    Het thans gebruikte alternatief. Ook een hype, die niet echt lijkt te werken.

    There’s scant evidence so far for chloroquine as a COVID-19 drug — but there’s already a shortage

    April 1, 2020 at 6:11 a.m. ET

    here are confirmed shortages of chloroquine phosphate tablets and the antibiotic azithromycin amid a purchasing rush by hospitals and doctors

    The millions of doses of chloroquine donated to the federal stockpile can now be used to treat COVID-19 patients. At the same time, pharmacists are concerned that prescribing the drug for the novel coronavirus has created shortages of the medication for patients with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and raises questions about safety.

    The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday granted emergency-use authorization to hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate to treat COVID-19 patients. The emergency rules require patients to receive doses of the drugs donated to the U.S. federal stockpile by drug manufacturers like Bayer AG BAYRY, -0.62% and Novartis AG NVS, +0.04%.

    Clinicians in China, France and the U.S. are testing chloroquine as a potential treatment for people who have taken ill after contracting COVID-19. The decades-old malaria therapy, which is also used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, has particularly excited President Donald Trump, who has called it a “very successful drug.”

    However, in the 10 or so days since the administration’s initial comments about chloroquine, patients with longstanding prescriptions for medication began having trouble maintaining access to the drug.

    There have been confirmed shortages of chloroquine phosphate tablets manufactured by the privately held Rising Pharmaceuticals Co. and Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. Ltd. 532872, +5.31% since March 24, according to the University of Utah Drug Information Service. Chloroquine is generally prescribed less often than hydroxychloroquine because it has more side effects and tends to cost more, pharmacists say.

    “There absolutely is a supply issue,” said Steve Moore, a pharmacist at Condo Pharmacy in Plattsburgh, N.Y., and president of the Pharmacists Society of the State of New York. Moore said he expects the shortages to be resolved.

    Organizations representing doctors and pharmacists criticized physicians who, they say, have prophylactically prescribed chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin “for themselves, their families, or their colleagues” in a March 25 statement. (Azithromycin, also known as Z-Pak, which is being used as an adjunct therapy for pneumonia and respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 infection, has also been in short supply since March 23.)

    “Some pharmacies and hospitals have been purchasing excessive amounts of these medications in anticipation of potentially using them for COVID-19 prevention and treatment,” the American Medical Association, the American Pharmacists Association and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists said in a joint statement. “We strongly oppose these actions.”

    There are no proven treatments or vaccines for COVID-19; however, dozens of companies have come forward with plans to test existing therapies or develop new treatments or vaccines for the coronavirus-borne disease, which has now sickened more than 750,000 people worldwide, killed at least 3,600, and sent markets and economies tumbling. A handful of those companies, including Gilead Sciences Inc. GILD, +1.59%, Moderna Inc. MRNA, +4.94%, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. REGN, -1.08% and Sanofi, have initiated clinical trials in the U.S. and abroad.

    To provide a solution during the time it will take to test efficacy in clinical studies and treat the increasing number of Americans currently sick with COVID-19, the FDA has issued a number of emergency-use authorizations for diagnostic tests and medical devices including ventilators. The decision on Sunday to grant an emergency-use authorization to chloroquine-based products represented the first time the FDA has used its emergency powers to expand access to a drug during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    As part of that announcement, the government said that the National Institutes of Health and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority plan to conduct clinical trials for chloroquine. “Anecdotal reports suggest that these drugs may offer some benefit in the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement Sunday. “Clinical trials are needed to provide scientific evidence that these treatments are effective.”

    Read:Soaring demand for ventilators creates political tension, promises to ramp up manufacturing

    Some pharmaceutical companies have donated chloroquine to the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile, including Bayer, which provided 3 million doses, and Novartis, which provided 30 million doses. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. TEVA, +3.44% has plans to donate 10 million doses to U.S. wholesalers and hospitals, while Mylan MYL, -1.29% said two weeks ago it had restarted manufacturing chloroquine at a plant in West Virginia. Donated doses may also be used for clinical trials, according to an HHS statement.

    Analysts at Raymond James believe that “large, robust trials” of hydroxychloroquine sulfate will prove the therapy’s effectiveness against COVID-19 infections.

    In New York, which has emerged as the epicenter of the pandemic in the U.S., with more than 66,000 cases and at least 1,218 deaths, questions concerning both the efficacy of and access to chloroquine have prompted action from the state. Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order on Friday barring pharmacists from dispensing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine except for FDA-approved indications. Trump has said that the government sent the state 10,000 units of chloroquine, and that 1,100 people there have been treated with the medication so far.

    Pharmacies in California and New York have been hardest hit by chloroquine shortages, according to the Lupus Research Alliance.

    While supply is a top-of-mind concern for pharmacists, there are also safety concerns.

    The Banner Health hospital system, based in Phoenix, said on March 23 that a man in his 60s had died and his wife, also in her 60s, was in critical care after the couple consumed a form of chloroquine phosphate used to clean fish tanks. The drug also has a number of adverse effects like nausea and changes in mood and can cause drops in blood sugar. Incorrect doses can cause coma, seizures and death.
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