Nachtzwaluw schreef op 13 oktober 2017 10:07:
Zinho, beur, het is niet zo moeilijk te begrijpen waarom men voor konijnen koos: Lees gewoon het artikel en het is meer dan duidelijk. paragraaf 4 wordt haarfijn uitgelegd waarom. Dat haalt alle onduidelijkheid uit de lucht.
4. Rabbits versus Livestock: Bigger Is NotAlways BetterSeveral animal species have been successfully used as trans-genic bioreactors. However, the criteria for selecting the mostsuitable animal species for molecular pharming are basedon the quantity of proteins needed per year, the capacityof a facility, and the potential commercial value of therecombinant proteins in addition to other factors such astime until milk production and milk volume. ?e featuresof milk secretion in livestock are summarized in Table ?.Asimpli?ed rule for choosing transgenic bioreactors is that theproduction of a protein (such as albumin) in tons should becarried out using transgenic cows, in hundreds of kilogramsusing sheep or goats, and in kilograms per year using rabbits[??]. For example, in goats, a lactating female can produce upto ???–??? L of milk per year that can contain approximately? g/L recombinant protein to yield approximately ? kg ofprotein per year.In comparison with other large domestic livestock spe-cies, the rabbit is a relatively small animal with a shortgestation time, sexual maturity period (only four months forfemales and ?ve months for males) (Table ?), and optimalsize. Handling in reproduction favors the application oftransgenic technology in rabbits; gene transfer into rabbitsis an attractive technique for improving their performance,and applications have been developed that use rabbits as fastbioreactors for the production of therapeutic proteins usedin biomedical research [??]. Rabbits are e?cient breedersand will produce milk containing a desired protein within ?months a?er the start of a project (Table ?).
Expression Systems and Species Used for Transgenic Animal Bioreactors (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Oct 13 2017].
Rabbit milk naturally contains ?.?-fold as much protein assheep milk and ?.?-fold that of goat milk. A lactating femalerabbit can produce ???–??? g of milk per day and yield up to?? kg of milk per year under semiautomatic hygienic milkingconditions [??]. Expression levels of transgenic protein canbe as high as ?? grams per liter. For small- and medium-sizedfacilities, the rabbit system is ideal to produce up to ??kg ofprotein per year. ?us, the transgenic rabbit system is a lowercost alternative primarily because rabbits are smaller and lessexpensive to maintain than livestock.Speci?c pathogen-free rabbits are available and free ofinfectious agents. Although for conventional rabbits thereare no known prion diseases (similar to scrapie of thesheep, human Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and kuru, bovinespongiform encephalopathy of the bovines) [??], humanscan be infected with avian in?uenza, a virus from poultry[??], though rabbit. ?ere has been no known serious diseasetransmission to humans from the rabbit, which makes therabbit safer than other dairy livestock and poultry. ?erefore,the system of transgenic rabbits is safe to produce therapeuticproteins.
Rabbit milk naturally contains ?.?-fold as much protein assheep milk and ?.?-fold that of goat milk. A lactating femalerabbit can produce ???–??? g of milk per day and yield up to?? kg of milk per year under semiautomatic hygienic milkingconditions [??]. Expression levels of transgenic protein canbe as high as ?? grams per liter. For small- and medium-sizedfacilities, the rabbit system is ideal to produce up to ??kg ofprotein per year. ?us, the transgenic rabbit system is a lowercost alternative primarily because rabbits are smaller and lessexpensive to maintain than livestock.Speci?c pathogen-free rabbits are available and free ofinfectious agents. Although for conventional rabbits thereare no known prion diseases (similar to scrapie of thesheep, human Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and kuru, bovinespongiform encephalopathy of the bovines) [??], humanscan be infected with avian in?uenza, a virus from poultry[??], though rabbit. ?ere has been no known serious diseasetransmission to humans from the rabbit, which makes therabbit safer than other dairy livestock and poultry. ?erefore,the system of transgenic rabbits is safe to produce therapeuticproteins.
Expression Systems and Species Used for Transgenic Animal Bioreactors (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Oct 13 2017].
Expression Systems and Species Used for Transgenic Animal Bioreactors (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Oct 13 2017].