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Vluchtelingen ramp voor Europa,eerste muur word nu gebouwd.

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  1. forum rang 6 jowi 23 november 2021 10:05

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 22 november 2021 14:49:


    Vluchtelingen zijn niet tegen te houden, dus als er een paar miljoen mensen uit Afghanistan vluchten, dan komen er minstens 50.000 naar Nederland.

    Het is dus kiezen of delen.

    Beste DZR,

    Dan kun je ze daarna toch gewoon oppakken en terugbezorgen. Maar dan moet er wel eerst een kabinet met andere partijen komen. Kabinetten Rutte (1 t/m 3) komen in aanmerking voor een brevet voor onvermogen.
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 november 2021 10:16

    jowi schreef op 23 november 2021 10:05:

    [...]Beste DZR,
    Dan kun je ze daarna toch gewoon oppakken en terugbezorgen. Maar dan moet er wel eerst een kabinet met andere partijen komen. Kabinetten Rutte (1 t/m 3) komen in aanmerking voor een brevet voor onvermogen.
    Geen enkele democratische regering ter wereld kan vluchtelingen 'oppakken en terugbezorgen' zonder toestemming van het land van herkomst.
  3. forum rang 8 objectief 23 november 2021 10:18

    jowi schreef op 23 november 2021 10:05:


    Kabinetten Rutte (1 t/m 3) komen in aanmerking voor een brevet voor onvermogen.
    Als je onder deze kabinetten je schaapjes nog niet op het droge hebt gekregen; dan ligt het 100% aan jezelf.
  4. forum rang 6 jowi 23 november 2021 10:45

    objectief schreef op 23 november 2021 10:18:


    Als je onder deze kabinetten je schaapjes nog niet op het droge hebt gekregen; dan ligt het 100% aan jezelf.

    Ik wil wel graag gezond en veilig kunnen genieten van mijn "droge schaapjes"!!!
  5. forum rang 8 objectief 23 november 2021 15:54

    jowi schreef op 23 november 2021 10:45:


    Ik wil wel graag gezond en veilig kunnen genieten van mijn "droge schaapjes"!!!
    In bed blijven liggen, dat is het risico gering.
  6. forum rang 6 jowi 23 november 2021 15:59

    jowi schreef op 22 november 2021 14:11:

    Wat moeten we doen!!!
    Beter onze grenzen bewaken.
    We kunnen toch niet de gehele wereld voorzien van cash om te voorkomen dat gelukzoekers een enkele reis EU boeken.

    Las ook al een artikel dat Buza onderzocht of NL steun kon verlenen om samen met Dld de zorgsalarissen in Afghanistan te gaan betalen. In NL loopt de zorg leeg door werkdruk en lage salarissen. Hoe krijgen ze het verzonnen.
    Moet niet gekker worden in dit land.
    De heer Wilders heeft ook opgelet en gelukkig gewaakt over onze belastingcentjes.
    zie hieronder
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 november 2021 18:38
    Kustwacht Curaçao onderschept boot met 33 vluchtelingen en exotische dieren
    1 uur geleden

    WILLEMSTAD - De Kustwacht op Curaçao heeft maandagavond een boot voor de kust van het eiland aangehouden waarop 33 vluchtelingen zaten. Behalve elf vrouwen en 22 mannen is ook een aantal exotische dieren aangetroffen. Het ging om een schildpad, een aap en vijf parkieten.

    De mensen zijn gecontroleerd door medewerkers van het ministerie van Gezondheid en daarna aan de politie overgedragen. De dieren zijn naar de veterinaire dienst van het eiland gegaan. Volgens de Kustwacht gaat het om Venezolaanse vluchtelingen.

    In het verleden zijn vaker exotische dieren aangetroffen op bootjes waarmee mensen illegaal Curaçao proberen te bereiken. Doel is meestal om de dieren te verkopen.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 november 2021 18:40

    jowi schreef op 23 november 2021 15:59:

    De heer Wilders heeft ook opgelet en gelukkig gewaakt over onze belastingcentjes.
    zie hieronder
    Als Wilders echt iets wil doen tegen vluchtelingen, kan hij het beste vertrekken naar de Poolse grens met Wit-Rusland.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 november 2021 22:48
    Europa snijdt toevoer migranten via Belarus verder af

    Europa snijdt de toevoer van migranten via Belarus nog verder af dan al het geval was. Transportbedrijven of reisorganisaties die aan deze mensensmokkel nog meewerken riskeren verlies van licenties, toegang tot de Europese markt en van landings- of overvliegrechten.
    Frans Boogaard 23-11-21, 21:15

    ,,Wie zich aan dit soort praktijken wil overgeven zal daarna nog wel even nadenken”, aldus vice-Commissievoorzitter Margaritis Schinas in een debat met het Europese Parlement. ,,Pogingen om Europa te destabiliseren door mensen als wapen in te zetten zullen niet werken”, aldus ook Commissievoorzitter Von der Leyen. De nieuwe maatregelen, die gelden voor alle vervoer over land, over zee of door de lucht zijn een aanvulling op de rondreis die Schinas al ondernam langs regeringen in herkomst- en transitlanden om hen op te roepen vluchten naar Belarus zoveel mogelijk tegen te houden.

    De respons is groot, aldus de Griek. ,,Europa rekent op zijn vrienden, en we blijken er veel te hebben. We kunnen nu van de terugkeer van migranten (van Belarus naar hun land van herkomst) een prioriteit maken.” Europa werkt ook al aan een zesde sanctiepakket om de druk op Loekasjenko en andere schuldigen aan de mensenhandel verder op te voeren. Hij moet de aanvoervluchten stoppen, hulp verlenen aan wie er al is en meewerken aan terugkeer, aldus Schinas.

    De bemoeienis van Europa stopt daar niet. De Commissie besloot vandaag ook 200 miljoen extra uit te trekken om Polen, Letland en Litouwen – alle drie directe buurlanden van Belarus – te helpen met hun grensbewaking. Ook de hulpverlening via NGO’s wordt verder uitgebreid.

    In antwoord op vragen stelde Schinas nogmaals nadrukkelijk dat het Europese geld voor de ‘robuuste grensbewaking’ mag worden gebruikt voor voertuigen, camera’s en andere technologie, maar niet – zoals Von der Leyen eerder al stelde – voor muren of prikkeldraad. De druk om dat toch te doen neemt toe sinds Raadsvoorzitter Charles Michel zich daar wel voor uitsprak.
  10. New dawn 24 november 2021 08:38
    Asielzoekers die een misdrijf hebben gepleegd, kwam ik achter kunnen nooit meer zich naturaliseren. Na succesvolle inburgering wordt bij de naturalisatieaanvraag gevraagd of de aanvrager een misdrijf heeft gepleegd. De IND vraagt dit later op bij de politie. Liegen ze hier over kunnen ze zelfs statenloos worden.
  11. New dawn 24 november 2021 08:42
    Nederland heeft geen antwoord vind ik op de zg ¨asielzoekers¨ die hier komen uit bv Marokko.
    Dat is een veilig land. Maar ze worden behandeld en dan afgewezen. Ondertussen worden zie hier voorzien van onderdak en voeding. Een goedkope vakantie min of meer.
  12. forum rang 6 jowi 24 november 2021 10:48

    New dawn schreef op 24 november 2021 08:38:

    Asielzoekers die een misdrijf hebben gepleegd, kwam ik achter kunnen nooit meer zich naturaliseren. Na succesvolle inburgering wordt bij de naturalisatieaanvraag gevraagd of de aanvrager een misdrijf heeft gepleegd. De IND vraagt dit later op bij de politie. Liegen ze hier over kunnen ze zelfs statenloos worden.
    En dan blijven ze illegaal in NL en zullen dan toch aan hun bed, bad en brood moeten komen!!
  13. forum rang 6 jowi 24 november 2021 10:49

    New dawn schreef op 24 november 2021 08:42:

    Nederland heeft geen antwoord vind ik op de zg ¨asielzoekers¨ die hier komen uit bv Marokko.
    Dat is een veilig land. Maar ze worden behandeld en dan afgewezen. Ondertussen worden zie hier voorzien van onderdak en voeding. Een goedkope vakantie min of meer.
    En wat straatroven voor wat extra's. Vakantie kost toch geld.

  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 november 2021 19:08
    Minstens 24 migranten verdronken in het Kanaal
    Van onze redacteur 18:02

    Bij een mislukte poging van illegale migranten om met een bootje het Kanaal tussen Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië over te steken zijn woensdag minstens 24 doden gevallen. Dat dodental noemt een Franse burgemeester woensdagavond op de Franse tv-zender France 3, meldt persbureau Reuters. De Franse nieuwszender BFMTV spreekt op basis van een politiebron van 27 doden.

    Burgemeester Franck Dhersin van de Franse gemeente Téteghem zei op France 3 dat er ook 26 mensen levend uit het water zijn gered. De Franse minister van binnenlandse zaken meldde woensdagavond dat hij zou afreizen naar de plaats waar het ongeluk heeft plaatsgevonden. Een Franse visser sloeg woensdag alarm toen hij voor de kust van Calais vijftien lichamen en een omgeslagen boot zag drijven.

    Illegale migranten proberen in toenemende mate met kleine bootjes vanuit Frankrijk Groot-Brittannië te bereiken. Volgens de NOS slaagden daar niet eerder zoveel migranten in als dit jaar: meer dan 21.000 mensen wisten het Kanaal over te steken. Begin deze maand staken op één dag 853 migranten het Kanaal over.

    Lees het volledige artikel:
  15. [verwijderd] 25 november 2021 09:35
    EU to blacklist transport companies involved in human trafficking amid Belarus border crisis

    In the midst of the geopolitical confrontation unravelling at the Belarus-Poland border, the European Commission has unveiled new plans to punish transport companies that aid and abet the smuggling and trafficking of people.

    The draft law will apply to all kinds of transport – land, air and sea – and will empower the executive to suspend a range of rights, including the right to provide transport services, to fly over and transit across EU territory and to refuel and carry out maintenance.

    The move comes in response to growing suspicions over the role played by Belarusian state-owned carrier Belavia.

    Brussels believes the airline helped Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to bring migrants from the Middle East and African countries all the way to Minsk, where they were then pushed towards the borders with Poland, Latvia and Lithuania.

    Lukashenko has denied inviting migrants but he recently told the BBC that it is "absolutely possible" his troops helped them cross into Poland.

    The border crisis has been going on since early summer, but the situation took a dramatic turn earlier this month, when hundreds of new arrivals suddenly showed up at the Belarus-Poland frontier, mainly at the Kuznica crossing point, with the goal of travelling to Germany.

    The episode led to international outrage and condemnation. The EU has already agreed to expand its already-long list of sanctions against Belarus.

    "Let us be clear: these migrants are being vilely misled by false promises. We have to combat this," Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Parliament.

    "That is why we are proposing that a watchlist be drawn up for all means of transport based on international law on the trafficking and smuggling of migrants."

    The legislation presented on Tuesday afternoon is a step forward in the bloc's plans to up the ante and prevent similar episodes in the future. The law will empower the Commission to slap transport companies with punitive measures to curtail their movements and cripple their business operations.

    Under the new rules, Brussels will be able to directly target commercial operators that are taking an "active part" in the smuggling of migrants and those that "organise, direct, aid, abet, facilitate or counsel the commission" of such crime. The Commission will have to gather evidence to back its claims and give the company an opportunity to respond to the accusations.

    Planes, lorries, trains, buses, ferries and cruises anywhere in the world could be singled out.

    Blacklisting will be done through the suspension of one or several rights across EU territory, such as the right to provide transport services, to fly and transit, to refuel, to carry out maintenance and to call into ports. Brussels will also be able to withdraw licences and authorisations and to limit transport operations anywhere in the European Union.

    The penalties will be applied right after the Commission formally adopts them. Member states will have two weeks to raise any objections. The sanctions can stay in place for up to one year and be reviewed at any time.

    The Commission noted the blacklisting measures will not affect EU passengers, who will retain the right to reimbursement, re-routing and compensation in case their flights are disrupted.

    Like any other regulation, the text, which is notably short at 12 pages, has to be negotiated and approved by the European Parliament and the Council, which means its provisions will not be used during the present crisis, unless the situation extends over time.

    "I hope that we will not need to use the regulation and the transport operators will themselves act to avoid being an accessory to the crime of trafficking and smuggling. But we're prepared to take action if they don't," Adina Valean, EU Commissioner for transport, told reporters, hoping the co-legislators agree "quickly" on a final version.

    Arrivals at the EU's eastern borders have decreased after the bloc sent its top officials on a diplomatic tour to pressure countries of origin, like Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates and Iraq, into stopping Minsk-bound flights. However, tensions remain high, with thousands of migrants stranded between Belarus and Poland. Lukashenko has demanded that Germany take in 2,000 people that remain on the border, but Berlin replied this was not acceptable solution.

    Access to the border area is restricted, making reports hard to verify.

    The EU is now focussing its political efforts on repatriation and reallocation in cooperation with the United Nations and the Red Cross.

    On Tuesday, the Commission announced €3.5 million for voluntary returns and €700,000 in humanitarian assistance, as well as an extra €200 million for border management in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which will exclude the construction of barbed wires and walls.

    "Member States facing such a hybrid attack must be able to respond effectively to the emergency situation they face," President von der Leyen told MEPs.

    "At the same time, they need to fully respect fundamental rights and international obligations. Both points are crucial and we need to find a way to reconcile them."

    Belarusian carriers are still banned from EU airspace and EU airports due to a decision taken in June after Minsk diverted a Ryanair passenger plane and arrested dissident journalist Roman Protasevich.
  16. [verwijderd] 26 november 2021 17:23
    ‘Go through,’ Lukashenko tells migrants at Belarus-Poland border

    Belarus president visited the border and said he will not force migrants to return home

    Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko told migrants stranded at the border with Poland on Friday that his country would help them to return home if they wanted but would not force them.

    Bron: Independent
  17. [verwijderd] 27 november 2021 12:07
    EU warning: Merkel blasts 'hybrid attack' seeking to destabilise the bloc – tensions erupt

    GERMANY'S OUTGOING Chancellor has accused Belarus of being behind a "hybrid attack" designed to "destabilise the entire European Union".

    Since October last year, the EU has imposed restrictive measures against Belarus.

    It did so because it failed to recognise the outcome of the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus, which included intimidation and violent repression of peaceful protests against the leader.

  18. [verwijderd] 27 november 2021 15:52
    Lukashenko sends mixed signals over Belarus migrant crisis

    Migrants are being offered flights home, but Lukashenko won’t prevent more from coming.

    The border crisis with the European Union sparked by the authoritarian leader of Belarus isn’t going away — although some of the people who’ve spent weeks trapped on the frontier are starting to go home to the Middle East.

    On Friday, Alexander Lukashenko was at the Bruzgi border crossing with Poland and said his government would help repatriate some of the irregular migrants. But he also said authorities have no plans to prevent other people from attempting to force their way westward.

    “I would like you to know that we are not going to detain you, push you onto planes and send you back home if you do not want to do that,” Lukashenko said during a visit to a migrant camp.

    Belarus has already begun allowing some migrants to return to their countries of origin. Last week, almost 400 people flew to Iraq. On Thursday and Friday, over 600 returned to Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s autonomous province Kurdistan, and another flight is scheduled for Saturday.

    At the same time, Lukashenko made it clear that if someone wants to take their chances and cross the border into the EU, his government won’t stop them. “If you want to go west, we won’t choke, grab and beat you. It is your will. If you go through, go ahead. That’s simple,” he said.

    He’s also pushing for the EU to backtrack on sanctions

    According to Belarusian officials, around 2,000 migrants, mainly from the Middle East, have been camped in a warehouse turned into a temporary shelter near the border with Poland.

    The arrival of new migrants has been made difficult by a concerted EU effort to threaten airlines carrying people from the Middle East to Minsk.

    Polish authorities said Friday that thousands of people remain close to the border, which is guarded by Polish troops and border guards

    “Lukashenko’s regime still controls the migrants and is organizing attacks on the border,” Stanislaw Zaryn, spokesperson for Poland’s special services ministry, told the press.

    Lithuanian authorities warned Friday that they’d close the border with Belarus if the situation doesn’t improve.

    EU countries accuse Lukashenko of orchestrating a hybrid war on the bloc’s border in retaliation for sanctions imposed by Brussels in the wake of last year’s flawed presidential election and the subsequent violent crackdown against pro-democracy activists.

    “You’ve enforced sanctions against me. You’ve put a noose on my neck in order to choke me, and you, scoundrels, want me to protect you? It won’t happen,” Lukashenko said, explaining why he’s not shutting access to the frontier.
    Let the people pass

    He also urged Poland to allow migrants to cross its territory to reach Germany.

    “We do not need any clashes, let alone wars. Let these people through to Germany. After all, neither Belarus nor Poland is their final destination,” Lukashenko said. “They want to get to Germany, let them pass and the problem will be resolved.”

    Pavel Latushko, one of the leaders of the Belarusian opposition living in exile in Poland, told POLITICO on Friday that Lukashenko is in no rush to end the crisis that’s seen his country become one of the EU’s top geopolitical problems. He warned that Lukashenko’s next gambit may be trying to funnel refugees from Afghanistan toward the EU.

    “Lukashenko wants to keep Europe in suspense until early spring. There are two nuances here. The first issue is whether [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will agree to ensure the transit flow [of Afghan migrants] through Russia. I see no other way of delivering them from Afghanistan. The second is whether the migrants can withstand such a long stay in Belarus.”

    Lukashenko also warned that migrants could try to get to reach the EU through Ukraine.

    “If Afghans rush here [to Belarus] and to Ukraine, Europe is unlikely to be able to handle such a migrant flood,” Lukashenko said, adding that “this will happen if they [the EU] refuse to hear us [Belarus], and to solve the problem now.”

    Ukraine’s government is worried about a possible influx of migrants from Belarus, orchestrated by Lukashenko with support from Russia.

    Ukraine’s former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin called the migrant crisis “a cynical special operation by Russia.”

    “[The Kremlin’s] idea is very simple — to create a migrant crisis after the energy crisis. Russia wants to create multiple crises and manage them manually, so as to put pressure on the EU and on us,” the diplomat said.

    Klimkin, who led Kyiv’s diplomatic corps after Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and during the Donbas military crisis, warned that Ukraine’s 1,000-kilometer border with Belarus could quickly become a crisis zone.

    “Poland, Lithuania and Latvia will find ways to protect themselves from the migrant crisis within the EU, NATO, or using their own resources. When this happens, Minsk and Moscow could say that desperate people should go to our [Ukrainian] border,” he said.

    Kyiv plans to deploy an extra 8,500 border guards and police officers along its border with Belarus.
  19. [verwijderd] 29 november 2021 06:26
    Migrants stuck at Polish border feel cheated by people smugglers

    Poland Nov 28 (Reuters) - Syrian friends Anas Kanaan, 34, and Mouein al-Hadi, 36, were told by people smugglers that they would easily be able to get to Germany from Belarus. They just had to pay 3,000 euros ($3,390) each to an intermediary in Turkey.

    But the safe crossings from Belarus to Poland indicated by the smugglers were closed off. Then, after more than a week spent camping in freezing forests on the border, a smuggler led them to a Polish village in broad daylight where they were easily spotted by police, arrested and returned to Belarus.

    "It's like our money has just basically evaporated," al-Hadi told Reuters in a field near the Polish town of Orla after again managing to breach the border but now unable to walk because his feet were swollen from the cold.

    His childhood mate Kanaan added: "It's all lies. They all lead you to roads where you can die. And at the end they tell you 'we are not responsible for you. Die, whatever'. They just want your money."

    Shortly afterwards, the two Syrians - who said they want to request asylum in Poland, not move on westwards to Germany - were picked up once again by the Polish border guard who said they would be taken to a detention centre.

    "More people are becoming aware that they've been led into a trap and that what they've been promised is a lie," said Marysia Zlonkiewicz, an activist from Polish charity With Bread and Salt.


    The crisis on the Belarusian border, involving thousands of migrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere all hoping to get into the European Union, has dragged on for months.

    Poland and the EU accuse President Alexander Lukashenko of encouraging the migrants to travel to Belarus and cross the border illegally as revenge for sanctions imposed on Minsk over human rights abuses. Belarus denies the charge and says the EU is to blame for the humanitarian crisis on the border.

    Migrants face a much tougher challenge now to enter the EU.

    Under EU pressure, airlines have restricted flights from the Middle East to Belarus, while many travel agencies in the region have stopped selling plane tickets to the ex-Soviet republic.

    Poland has deployed over 20,000 border guards, soldiers and police in a sealed-off border zone, while Belarusian authorities have taken many migrants back to Minsk with the apparent aim of letting them return to their home countries.

    Poland's Border Guard says illegal border crossing attempts have dropped to around 200 attempts a day from about 500.

    Around 314 smugglers have been detained in Poland since August, police data shows. They are from countries including Germany, Sweden, Ukraine and Georgia.

    As crossings have become more difficult, the people smugglers have hiked their prices to as much as $7,000, migrants told Reuters.


    "With every day, things are evolving on the border. Every day, there is a (new) obstacle, there are more guards, more people," Syrian migrant Khaled Zein Al Deen, 45, told Reuters at an open migrant centre in the Polish city of Bialystok.

    He and his five relatives lost 18,000 euros to smugglers who promised to take them to a safe apartment, with a car driving ahead of them to make sure there were no police checks. That also proved a lie, and they were caught.

    A Polish army spokesperson said the tighter security was making migrants more desperate, with many using force to push through, especially further south, with the help of Belarusians who gave them implements to break down the border fence.

    Despite the falling temperatures and increased risks of being caught, the migrants are unlikely to give up trying to get cross, activist Zlonkiewicz told Reuters.

    "When it comes to development, education or finding work many of these people have nothing to return to, they have no choice," she said.

    "Families went into debt or sold their apartments and homes. There's no going back."
  20. [verwijderd] 1 december 2021 16:44
    Kremlin hopes Belarus won't stop gas transit to EU amid migrant crisis

    Dec 1 (Reuters) - Russia hopes Belarus will not suspend gas transit to Europe, the Kremlin said on Wednesday, after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko threatened to block shipments as part of a crisis over migrants at the border.

    The EU has accused Belarus of flying in thousands of people from the Middle East and pushing them to cross into the bloc via Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Belarus denies creating the crisis, and has received backing from Russia, its main ally.
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