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Ivanhoe Mines: een metaalgigant in wording

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  1. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 6 juni 2023 10:15

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 6 juni 2023 10:10:


    Met zo'n productie is het geen wonder dat de koperprijs daalt.........
    Haha! Ja maar de vraag op de lange termijn naar koper gaat toch echt toenemen. Koper nog steeds - en in toenemende mate - zeer belangrijk element voor zowel oude als nieuwe economie. Uitstekend LT-aandeel.
  2. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juni 2023 08:02
    Copper Market Poised for Unprecedented Growth: Citigroup’s Insights and Predictions
    Author: Frank Holmes
    Date Posted: June 12, 2023 Read time: 5 min

    Electric vehicles (EVs) require up to three times more copper compared to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

    The copper market could see an “unprecedented” inflow in the coming years as investors seek to profit from the metal’s anticipated surge in value, driven by growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy, according to Citigroup.

    In an interview with Bloomberg last week, Max Layton, Citi’s managing director for commodities research, said he believes now is an ideal time for investors to buy, as the price of copper is still muted on global recession concerns. The red metal is currently trading around $8,300 a ton, down approximately 26% from its all-time high of nearly $11,300, set in October 2021.

    According to Layton, copper could top out at $15,000 a ton by 2025, a jump that would “make oil’s 2008 bull run look like child’s play.”
  3. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 juni 2023 08:04
    Heeft de grondstoffensector de bodem bereikt?

    Door Ole Hansen op 12 juni 2023 10:50 | Views: 2.596

    ........................Koper herstelt

    De koperprijzen in New York en op de London Metal Exchange stegen voor een tweede week op rij. De beweging omhoog werd gesteund door stimuleringsspeculatie en rapporten die een daling van de voorraden lieten zien tot een dieptepunt in vijf maanden.

    Wij denk dat koper de komende jaren een sterke rugwind zal blijven ondervinden van de groene transformatie. Het is het best elektrisch geleidende metaal dat kan worden gebruikt voor batterijen, elektrische tractiemotoren, hernieuwbare energieopwekking, energieopslag en netupgrades.
  4. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 15 juni 2023 18:17
    Ivanhoe Mines Replaces Outstanding $76-million Loan Receivable from High Power Exploration with Equity Investment in I-Pulse, Its Parent Company

    Newsfile Corp.
    Thu, June 15, 2023 at 1:29 PM GMT+2
    In this article:


    Ivanhoe Mines to join BHP as an investor in I-Pulse, a global leader in pulsed-power technology

    Ivanhoe Mines intends to enter into collaboration agreement with I-ROX, an I-Pulse subsidiary, to investigate and develop applications for pulsed-power technology in the mining sector

    Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex to commence test program with I-ROX, targeting improved copper recoveries

    London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - June 15, 2023) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete announce today that an agreement has been reached to replace the outstanding convertible loan balance owed to Ivanhoe Mines by High Power Exploration (HPX) into an equity investment in I-Pulse Inc. (I-Pulse), HPX's parent company. I-Pulse, a private American company, is a global leader and developer of pulsed-power technology with its research facilities based in Toulouse, France.

    Pulsed-power is a technology that releases the equivalent power output of a nuclear power station in a billionth of a second. The technology has already found commercial application in high-speed metal forming and welding, as well as in mineral exploration.

    Ivanhoe extended a $50 million convertible loan to HPX on April 25, 2019. As at May 31, 2023, the loan balance including accrued interest totaled approximately $76 million. Under the new agreement, Ivanhoe will transfer all convertible loan obligations from HPX to I-Pulse, in exchange for the issuance of common shares in I-Pulse to Ivanhoe.

    Ivanhoe will also receive certain investor rights, including a pre-emptive right to maintain its percentage ownership in I-Pulse in the event of an equity financing, which ceases upon an initial public offering of I-Pulse securities.

    Watch a video introducing I-Pulse's proprietary technology:
  5. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 20 juni 2023 17:09
    UBS: koper blijft in trek

    Door ABM Financial News
    op dinsdag 20 juni 2023

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De koperprijs blijft opveren, ondanks dat de activiteit in de Chinese, Europese en Amerikaanse industrie terugloopt. Dit merken analisten van UBS dinsdag op in een rapport.

    UBS zag dat de koperimport in China met 4,6 procent terugviel in mei, waardoor de totale terugval dit jaar op 11 procent uitkomt. Dit is in lijn met de terugval van de Chinese industrie. "Maar de zorgen omtrent de vraag naar koper spelen niet alleen in China", aldus UBS. Ook in Europa en de VS ziet UBS zwakte in de industrie, wat de vraag naar koper onder druk zal zetten.

    "Maar het is niet alleen kommer en kwel voor koper", aldus de analisten van de bank. "De energietransitie blijft robuust", zo stelden zij, wijzend op investeringen van China in duurzame oplossingen. "De mondiale energietransitie zal de kopervraag ondersteunen, waarmee zwakte in de vraag op andere vlakken wordt gecompenseerd." Het voorkomt volgens UBS bovendien dat de groei in de kopervraag tot stilstand komt. "Maar de activiteit in de mondiale industrie moet dan wel herstellen."

    UBS ziet de koperprijs medio 2024 uitkomen op 9.750 dollar. “Buy on the dip”, is daarom volgens UBS een goede strategie voor beleggers.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  6. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 23 juni 2023 08:54
    Koper: tekenen van herstel

    Koper zette het jaar sterk in maar de prijs daalde vorige maand naar het laagste niveau sinds november. De voorbije weken zit de koperprijs weer in de lift, ondanks tegenvallende macro-economische cijfers uit China, de grootste afnemer.

    China ontgoochelt

    De daling van de koperprijs tussen januari en mei was te wijten aan de duurdere dollar gekoppeld aan recessievrees. De Amerikaanse munt reageert op signalen dat de inflatie minder snel daalt dan verwacht, waardoor renteverlagingen op korte termijn minder waarschijnlijk zijn. Daardoor kan het renteverschil met andere valuta nog een tijdje in het voordeel van de dollar blijven.

    Daarnaast vallen de macro-economische cijfers tegen, net name dan in China. Na de heropening van de Chinese economie trekt de groei weliswaar aan maar die manifesteert zich in de dienstensector en door hogere consumentenuitgaven. De investeringen in bouw en infrastructuur vallen echter tegen. Cijfers over de industriële productie blijven al enkele maanden fors achter op de verwachtingen. De vastgoedinvesteringen daalden en ook het aantal nieuwe bouwstarts blijft afnemen.

    Dat is geen goed nieuws voor de vraag naar koper. Toch blijven de voorraden in de opslagplaatsen van zowel de Shanghai Futures Exchange als de London Metals Exchange heel klein. China verwacht dit jaar 7% minder koper te produceren tegenover een afname met bijna 11% vorig jaar. Ook de speculatieve shortposities op de termijnmarkt zijn de afgelopen maanden fors toegenomen.

    Deficit vanaf 2025

    Ik verwacht dat deze dip maar tijdelijk is; op langere termijn zijn de fundamenten voor koper heel gunstig. Dit jaar en gedeeltelijk ook nog in 2024 is er door de opening van nieuwe mijnen nog geen probleem, maar vanaf 2025 zal het aanbodtekort jaar na jaar toenemen.

    De vraag naar koper stijgt door de elektrificatietrend, waarbij voor onder meer de opwaardering van het elektriciteitsnet en de productie van zonnepanelen en windmolens veel koper nodig is.

  7. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 23 juni 2023 10:41

    June 22, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines welcomes two accomplished female African leaders to its board of directors

    Ivanhoe Mines announces results of voting for the election of directors

    VANCOUVER, CANADA – Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN; OTCQX: IVPAF) announced the results of voting by shareholders for the election of the Board of Directors during the company’s Annual General and Special Meeting held earlier today.

    Ivanhoe Mines Co-Chairman Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete also are very pleased to announce the appointment of two distinguished female African leaders – Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and Ms. Delphine Traoré – to the company’s board as independent directors.

    Investor Relations

    Telephone +1 604-688-6630
  8. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 27 juni 2023 09:31
    Billionaire Miner Friedland Warns of a Copper ‘Train Wreck’ as Supply Stalls

    James Attwood and Jacob Lorinc
    Mon, June 26, 2023 at 6:31 PM GMT+2·4 min read
    In this article:


    (Bloomberg) -- Copper is poised to follow other commodities upended by recent price surges as the mining industry struggles to expand ahead of accelerating demand, warns the man behind some of the world’s biggest mines.

    Demand for critical raw materials is set to jump as nations mandate clean energy and transport while clambering to develop their own supply chains. But a combination of factors suggests supply won’t keep pace, according to billionaire Robert Friedland. They include the fact that deposits are getting pricier and tricker to find and dig up, funding is scarce and societies have yet to grasp mining’s role in the shift from fossil fuels.

    “We’re heading for a train wreck here,” the founder and executive co-chairman of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. said in an interview at Bloomberg’s New York headquarters. “My fear is that when push finally comes to shove” copper can go up 10 times.

    Friedland, who made his fortune from Canadian nickel and is behind massive copper finds in Mongolia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, has long championed the importance of the metal used in everything from wires to weaponry. Some analysts share his concern about a looming copper crunch, but consensus is for far more gradual price gains in the coming years.

    Read More: The China-Driven Metals ‘Super Cycle’ Is Over, Jefferies Says

    Futures are down 10% from a January peak as an uneven post-pandemic recovery in China — the world’s biggest metals consumer — and inflation-fighting efforts by central banks restrains demand. Still, Friedland sees copper’s longer-term prospects supported by decarbonization, ongoing Chinese demand, the emergence of India and re-militarization in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    On the supply side, output in top producer Chile has plateaued as ore quality deteriorates. The industry in general is having to dig deeper and contend with an uptick in resource nationalism and far more stringent environmental and social standards.

    Read More: Giant Chile Mines Are Struggling Just as World Needs More Copper

    Investors have yet to grasp the significance of a global rush for the building blocks of clean energy, Friedland said. He points to very low physical inventories of copper coinciding with historically low relative valuations of mining companies. Large premiums paid in recent acquisitions indicate the mining industry understands where the market is headed, he said, although consolidation won’t solve the dilemma of how to boost production.

    Friedland points to other commodities as examples of what may be in store for a tightening copper market. Chinese spot prices of molybdenum doubled from August to February amid supply disruptions and growing demand from the renewables and military sectors. One gauge of semi-processed lithium shot up 422% in 2021.

    “When metals are required, the prices go crazy and nobody’s willing to sell them,” he said. “We’re heading into that sort of situation.”

    The 72-year-old magnate is making his latest mining bet on the US. Ivanhoe Electric Inc., which has BlackRock Inc. and BHP Group as investors, is exploring in Arizona when the US is starting to realize the importance of domestic sources of raw materials and supply chains for greening the economy.

    Read More: Billionaire Friedland Says US Must Brand Copper a Critical Mineral

    China is a dominant player in processing of nickel, copper, cobalt and other resources that are key to economic growth and clean-energy technologies. With initiatives such as the Inflation Reduction Act, the US is seeking to curtail global dependence on China as competition between the two nations increases. The European Union has already proposed classifying copper and nickel as critical raw materials in legislation designed to bolster supplies, alongside other metals key to the energy transition.

    “Europe is in a panic about where their raw material is going to come from,” Friedland said. “The US is in a panic about where their raw material is going to come from. And so we’re going to see a lot of volatility and change in the way our supply chain is organized.”

    --With assistance from Thomas Biesheuvel, Yvonne Yue Li, Joe Deaux and Liezel Hill.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 27 juni 2023 09:48
    Meneer Friedland kan goed overdrijven.

    In werkelijkheid zou de prijs van koper allang gestegen moeten zijn als hij gelijk heeft.

    Hij vergeet blijkbaar dat de grootste koperverbruiker (de Chinese woningbouw) in elkaar gestort is.
  10. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 27 juni 2023 11:23
    Meneer Friedland heeft er zeker een belang bij te overdrijven. Evenwel is de 'duurzame economie' nog maar net begonnen...

    Koperprijs bleef achter door recessie-vrees. Naast China is er ook in andere regio's nu minder vraag. Prijs koper herstelt zich echter de laatste tijd.
  11. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2023 09:22

    October 4, 2023
    Ivanhoe Mines reports record quarterly production of 103,947
    tonnes from Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex for Q3 2023
    Kamoa-Kakula milled 2.24 million tonnes of ore during the quarter
    at an average grade of 5.55% copper
    Kamoa-Kakula has produced 301,336 tonnes copper year-to-date,
    well on track to achieve 2023 guidance
    Phase 3 concentrator, smelter and hydropower project on
    schedule for Q4 2024 start
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 5 oktober 2023 09:45
    Recessievrees raakt waarde koper hard: prijs keldert naar dieptepunt sinds mei
    Vandaag, 11:51in Financieel

    LONDEN (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - De prijs van koper is gedaald naar het laagste niveau sinds eind mei en staat nu op ongeveer 8000 dollar per ton. Op de Londense metaalmarkt dook hij er zelfs even iets onder. Door de zorgen over de rente en de afzwakkende economie staat de koperprijs onder druk.

    Koper wordt beschouwd als een soort economische barometer omdat het metaal in veel verschillende sectoren wordt gebruikt, zoals de bouw, auto-industrie en telecomsector.

    Vanwege zorgen over een mogelijke recessie door de renteverhogingen van centrale banken kan de vraag naar koper geraakt worden. Bedrijven gaan bijvoorbeeld minder investeren en worden terughoudender met nieuwe projecten.
    Zwakkere vraag

    Naast de vrees voor een zwakkere vraag speelt ook de sterke dollar een rol. Daardoor wordt koper duurder voor handelaren met andere valuta, wat de vraag kan drukken.

    Begin dit jaar steeg de koperprijs nog tot boven de 9000 dollar per ton. In maart vorig jaar bereikte de prijs een recordniveau van circa 10.900 dollar door schrik over de Russische invasie van Oekraïne.

    De neergang in de markt treft ook veelgebruikte metalen als aluminium, zink, tin en nikkel. Ook edelmetalen als goud, zilver en platina staan onder druk.
  13. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2023 10:11
    Electrificatie gaat echt wel door,hoogstens vertraagd.

    Dus op lange termijn grote vraag copper.

    Wie daar in gelooft koopt tijdens prijsdalingen de goede bedrijven in deze sector.
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 5 oktober 2023 10:48

    easy56 schreef op 5 oktober 2023 10:11:

    Electrificatie gaat echt wel door,hoogstens vertraagd.

    Dus op lange termijn grote vraag copper.

    Wie daar in gelooft koopt tijdens prijsdalingen de goede bedrijven in deze sector.
    Tot nu daalt de koperprijs voortdurend, terwijl er al vele miljoenen elektrische auto's gemaakt worden.

    In gewone auto's zit ook al veel koper en dus gaat het alleen om het verschil met elektroauto's'.
  15. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2023 12:48

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 5 oktober 2023 10:48:


    Tot nu daalt de koperprijs voortdurend, terwijl er al vele miljoenen elektrische auto's gemaakt worden.

    In gewone auto's zit ook al veel koper en dus gaat het alleen om het verschil met elektroauto's'.
    vergis je niet hoeveel koper er nodig is voor aanleg netwerken voor levering electriciteit,huidige netwerken veel telage capaciteit.

    en al die windparken die in de planning staan.

    Grote delen in azie en africa nog steeds teweinig electriciteit.
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 13 november 2023 15:45
    Ivanhoe Mines Reports Mineral Resources for Makoko and Kiala Discoveries in the Western Foreland

    Makoko contains Indicated Mineral Resource of 16 million tonnes at 3.55% copper plus Inferred Mineral Resource of 154 million tonnes at 1.97% copper using a 1.5% copper cut-off

    Kiala contains Indicated Mineral Resource of 5 million tonnes at 3.56% copper using a 1.5% copper cut-off

    Makoko ranks as the world's third-largest and highest-grade copper discovery since Kakula in 2016

    Ivanhoe has now discovered 38.7 million tonnes of contained copper in Measured & Indicated Resources and a further 9.4 million tonnes in Inferred Resources across the Western Foreland shelf, including Kamoa and Kakula

    Mining rights covering Makoko and Kiala discoveries awarded for an initial period of 25 years

    Western Foreland to benefit from improving DRC infrastructure, including power and the Lobito Rail Corridor, which passes through the licences

    Western Foreland exploration update on new targets expected before year-end

    Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo--(Newsfile Corp. - November 13, 2023) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete are pleased to announce the independently verified, maiden Mineral Resource estimates for the high-grade Makoko and Kiala deposits within Ivanhoe's Western Foreland Exploration Project.

    Makoko and Kiala are two distinct discoveries adjacent to the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex and continue Ivanhoe's distinguished track record of making greenfield discoveries in this uniquely endowed geological terrain. The two deposits occur within the 2,407-square-kilometre Western Foreland Exploration Project, which lies adjacent to the 400-square-kilometre Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Western Foreland licences are 80% to 100%-owned by Ivanhoe Mines.

    Ivanhoe Founder and Executive Co-Chairman Robert Friedland commented: "These outstanding results are the culmination of over twenty years of effort, starting with grassroots, frontier exploration to define a previously unknown mineral horizon with the potential to host huge copper deposits with spectacular grades.

    "The theory was proven to be correct, as our team of visionary geoscientists discovered Kamoa in 2008, followed by the monumental Kakula discovery in 2016. In little over five years, Kakula went from drill core samples to one of the five largest copper mines in the world, with by far the highest grade, thanks to the hard work of our outstanding project and operations teams.

    "Ivanhoe Mines' geologists are rarely quiet for long, and these Mineral Resource estimates for Makoko and Kiala are just the beginning of demonstrating the immense copper mineral potential of the entire Western Foreland basin. Remarkably, this team is now responsible for the largest copper discovery of the last ten years, the ultra-high-grade giant Kakula discovery, as well as the giant Kamoa discovery and now the fourth largest discovery in Makoko.

    "We will be looking into whether Makoko's near surface mineralized zone is amenable to heap leaching, which if possible, would be both a very low capital intensive, as well as a very low carbon intensive way of producing copper cathode.

    "There is much more to come as this story unfolds … we continue to perfect our knowledge of the geological controls of this globally significant copper district … and we are adding to our carefully chosen land position in the region."

    Ivanhoe President Marna Cloete added: "Makoko and Kiala will benefit from significant infrastructure advantages compared to when we developed Kakula, which was built in record time. We are working tirelessly to improve hydropower generation capacity in DRC through the refurbishment of Turbine #5 at the Inga II facility, which is expected to be supplying green hydroelectric power to the grid by the fourth quarter of 2024, as well as ongoing improvements to the grid transmission network.

    "The redevelopment of the Lobito Rail Corridor, built with Chinese assistance and now supported by the United States, European Union and G7 nations, passes within a few kilometres of both the Makoko and Kiala deposits. The corridor will dramatically reduce turnaround times, both for inbound construction materials and equipment, as well as for outbound copper products, and will reduce development and operating costs, as well as carbon emissions.

    "We look forward to advancing the development of Makoko and Kiala in partnership with our Congolese shareholders, and also to further exploration success from our major drill campaign this year across the Western Foreland land package."
  17. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 16 februari 2024 18:48
    ivanhoe Mines to Issue Q4 and Full Year 2023 Financial Results and Host Conference Call for Investors on February 26, 2024

    Fri, February 16, 2024 at 1:29 PM GMT+1·2 min read
    In this article:


    Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 16, 2024) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) will release its fourth quarter and full year 2023 financial results before market open on Monday, February 26, 2024, which is the first day of the 33rd BMO Global Metals & Mining Conference in Hollywood, Florida.

    The company will hold an investor conference call to discuss the results at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time / 7:30 a.m. Pacific time on the same day. The conference call will conclude with a question-and-answer (Q&A) session. Media are invited to attend on a listen-only basis.

    To view the webcast use the link:
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