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Omzet Thrombo daalt van 22,8 naar 13,8 miljoen: Wat een geweldig bedrijf...!!!

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  1. twinkletown 18 september 2015 22:24
    Euronext Brussel:
    Ook Thrombogenics (+3,6%, 4,42 euro) was in goede doen. Eerder deze week bleek dat shorters, die speculeerden op een koersdaling, hun posities moesten afsluiten. Sinds begin deze maand is het aandeel al zowat de helft in waarde gestegen.
  2. [verwijderd] 6 oktober 2015 09:14
    ThromboGenics presenteert nieuwe vitreo-retinal onderzoeksresultaten op Europese vereniging voor de zitting van de visie en oog onderzoek (ooit)5 oktober ... inal_2.pdf ... inal_2.pdfGa voor meer informatie over de hierboven genoemde onderwerpen, de pagina van het onderzoek van de ThromboGenics website.Dr. Patrik De Haes, ThromboGenics' CEO, zei: "ThromboGenics is toegewijd om kwalitatief hoogwaardig fundamenteel onderzoek op het gebied van oftalmologie zoals blijkt uit deze bevindingen die zal worden gepresenteerd tijdens de komende conferentie over EVER. Het is dit soort onderzoek dat onze voortdurende interne ontwikkeling van een aantal potentieel volgende-generatie oftalmologie producten informeert. ... ion-vision - Se
  3. relpinda 6 oktober 2015 22:42
    Je bedoelt dit art.

    ThromboGenics presenting new vitreo-retinal research findings at European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) meeting

    5 Oct 2015
    Leuven, October 5, 2015 – ThromboGenics NV (Euronext Brussels: THR), an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative ophthalmic medicines, today announces that the Company will be presenting three scientific posters at the upcoming European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) conference, October 7-10th in Nice, France.

    • Dr. Tine Van Bergen of ThromboGenics will present a poster entitled: Complementary effects of PIGF inhibition and MMC in the improvement of surgical outcome after glaucoma filtration surgery. The data indicate that placental growth factor (PlGF) neutralization in combination with mitomycin-C (MMC) have complementary effects in the improvement of surgical outcome by reducing the fibrosis in the bleb.

    • Ir. Isabelle Etienne of ThromboGenics will present a poster entitled: Posterior Vitreous Detachment: more a case of the fibronectin interface than the inner limiting membrane? The outcome of the study indicates that only minimal quantitative changes are observed for the presence of collagen, laminin and fibronectin in the inner limiting membrane (ILM) and the posterior vitreous interface after the induction of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) by an ocriplasmin analogue in animal models.

    • Dr. Koen Willekens of UZ, Ophthalmology, Leuven will present a poster entitled: Imaging of intravitreal injected fluid dispersion. The poster covers a study evaluating optimized minimally invasive imaging methods for studying drug dispersion within the vitreous body. The findings of this study are important as the activity of an intravitreal drug is linked to its dispersion within the vitreous body. Studies were performed in collaboration with the department of Radiology, UZ Leuven and ThromboGenics.

    For more information on the above mentioned subjects, please go the research page of the ThromboGenics website.

    Dr. Patrik De Haes, ThromboGenics’ CEO, said: “ThromboGenics is committed to high-quality fundamental research in the field of ophthalmology as demonstrated by these findings which will be presented at the upcoming EVER conference. It is this type of research that informs our continuing internal development of a number of potentially next-generation ophthalmology products.” en click door

    super products.

    Gaat goed komen met Trombo.
  4. twinkletown 5 november 2015 17:57
    ThromboGenics Business Update – Q3 2015
    5 Nov 2015

    US organization adapted for break-even from 2016 onwards

    Since launch, 20,000 patients treated globally with JETREA®

    Diabetic Eye Disease clinical/ pre-clinical programs on track

    Cash to support current development plans for the next 3 years

    JETREA® in the US

    • ThromboGenics has adjusted the commercial strategy and composition of its US organization to current market demand for JETREA® and to ensure it is cash neutral in 2016
    • Organization is focused on providing medical and scientific data-driven support to the retina community and is supporting physicians’ efforts to enhance patient awareness of the options available for treating symptomatic VMA
    • On track for break-even from 2016 onwards

    JETREA® outside the US

    • Alcon continues to gain new marketing and reimbursement approvals and to execute commercial launches of JETREA® across Europe and Rest of the World (RoW)
    • JETREA® is now approved in 53 countries globally and reimbursement is secured in over 20 countries

    Research & Clinical Development

    • ThromboGenics remains on track to initiate the CIRCLE study, a Phase II study assessing JETREA®’s ability to generate a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in patients with advanced diabetic retinopathy (DR) around the year end of 2015
    • A recent report from the American Academy of Ophthalmology projects that by 2020 there will be 1.34 million people in the US with vision-threatening DR
    • A pre-clinical toxicity study with multiple injections of JETREA® concluded that multiple doses of the drug, given at one month intervals, were well tolerated. This is an important finding as ThromboGenics intends to use multiple doses of JETREA® in the upcoming CIRCLE study. A poster reporting this preclinical study was presented at the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) conference in Nice 17-20 September
    • New compounds with distinct mechanisms of action are under evaluation for treatment of diabetic eye diseases
    • ThromboGenics plans to host an R&D Investor Event in early 2016 at which the Company will provide a review of its clinical and preclinical development pipeline – focused on Diabetic Eye Disease


    • Oncurious plans to commence a Phase I/IIa study with TB-403 in early 2016. The study will assess TB-403 for the treatment of medulloblastoma, the most common form of brain cancer in children


    • Baron Philippe Vlerick appointed Non-Executive Director of the Board of ThromboGenics NV at an extraordinary shareholders’ assembly that took place on 20 August 20, 2015


    • Cash and investments were €106.6 million as of the end of September 2015, compared with €113.3 million at end of June 2015 and €127.1 million at the end of December 2014
    • The current cash resources are expected to enable ThromboGenics to support its business and development plans for at least the next 3 years.

    Leuven, Belgium – 5 November 2015 - ThromboGenics NV (Euronext Brussels: THR), an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative medicines for the treatment of vitreo-retinal disorders, today issues a business and financial update for the nine months ending 30 September, 2015.

    ThromboGenics’ strategy is focused on:

    • Extending the clinical utility of JETREA: Developing JETREA in a significant new indication - Diabetic Retinopathy
    • Building a pipeline of next generation treatments for diabetic-related vitreo-retinal disorders
    • Commercializing JETREA (in first approved indication, sVMA/ VMT) in the US and in the rest of the world via partner Alcon (Novartis) to reduce the burden of sVMA on society, and to generate cash to fund our research activities
    • Within Oncurious NV, further develop TB-403 for treatment of medulloblastoma

    Dr Patrik De Haes, ThromboGenics’ CEO, said: “In recent months we have made a number of important changes that are designed to ensure ThromboGenics’ future success and to generate returns for our shareholders.

    We have reduced the size of our US organization and changed our commercial strategy for JETREA® to ensure that our US business will become cash flow neutral from 2016 onwards. While we remain convinced that in time JETREA® could play a key role in a changed standard of treatment for patients with sVMA, this will take time given it will be driven by a combination of new medical data and increasing clinical experience.

    We are continuing to invest in the clinical development of JETREA® in diabetic retinopathy, a very significant next indication where there is a clear need for improved treatment options. Our Phase II CIRCLE trial in this indication remains on track to initiate around the end of this year.

    Given our current cash resources of over €100 million, the anticipated royalty income from Alcon and our US organization on track to become cash flow neutral from 2016, we believe that we can support our research and development activities, which are focused on next-generation ophthalmology products for the treatment of diabetic eye disease, over the next 3 years. During this period, we are confident that we will be able to generate the clinical and pre-clinical data needed to demonstrate the value of a number of our pipeline projects.”
  5. twinkletown 6 november 2015 11:00
    Thrombogenics: 'Genoeg cash voor komende drie jaar'

    Sinds de lancering van Jetrea begin 2013 zijn wereldwijd 20.000 patiënten met het Thrombogenics-medicijn behandeld. Voor veel beleggers maakt het evenwel allemaal niet meer uit. Het is al langer duidelijk dat het oogmedicijn niet het goudhaantje is waar iedereen twee jaar geleden op hoopte. Het bedrijf koos om de commercialisering in de VS zelf te doen, maar gooide eerder dit jaar de handdoek in de ring. Het middel blijft op de markt maar Thrombogenics bouwt wel zijn verkoopploeg af. Bedoeling is dat de Amerikaanse activiteiten vanaf 2016 geen geld meer opbranden. 'We zitten op schema', klinkt het. Thrombogenics moet door de tegenslag in de VS bewijzen dat zijn andere medicijnonderzoeken waardevol zijn. Maar het zal nog even duren eer dat duidelijk wordt. Zo start pas eind dit jaar een (fase 2) studie om Jetrea te evalueren als middel tegen diabetische retinopathie. Het bedrijf heeft nog andere stoffen in ontwikkeling die mogelijks een oplossing bieden voor andere oogziektes bij diabetici. Begin 2016 zal Thrombogenics een gedetailleerde uiteenzetting geven over zijn onderzoekspijplijn. Thrombogenics had eind september 106,6 miljoen euro cash. 'Voldoende om minstens drie jaren verder te werken. In die periode zullen we enkele studieresultaten kunnen voorleggen die de waarde van onze technologie kunnen demonstreren.
  6. twinkletown 7 januari 2016 11:15
    Thrombogenics licht in duisternis (07-jan)

    Thrombogenics is het enige aandeel dat een winst van betekenis boekt en dus vormt biotechbedrijf Thrombogenics (3,79 euro, +7,9%) het enige lichtpuntje in al die kommer en kwel.
    Even ging het aandeel zelfs 14 procent hoger. Het biotechbedrijf dankt die interesse aan een succesje van dochter Oncurious in zijn onderzoek naar een middel tegen hersentumoren. Het FDA, het Amerikaanse agentschap voor de Voeding en de Farma, heeft groen licht gegeven voor de voortzetting van de ontwikkeling van een medicijn voor de behandeling van tumoren bij kinderen. De FDA rondde een onderzoek af naar de veiligheid van het middel. Vorig jaar in april bracht biotechbedrijf Thrombogenics de ontwikkeling van dat kankermedicijn onder in een aparte dochter, Oncurious dus. Het Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie nam daarin ook een minderheidsbelang. De fase I/IIa-studie van TB-403, zoals het middel voorlopig heet, gaat nog dit kwartaal van start. TB-403 wordt ontwikkeled voor relapsed or refractory medulloblastoma, een zeldzame maar levensbedreigende hersentumor die vooral kinderen treft.
  7. 25GTi 7 januari 2016 18:16

    twinkletown schreef op 7 januari 2016 11:15:

    Thrombogenics licht in duisternis (07-jan)

    Thrombogenics is het enige aandeel dat een winst van betekenis boekt en dus vormt biotechbedrijf Thrombogenics (3,79 euro, +7,9%) het enige lichtpuntje in al die kommer en kwel.

    Beste Twinkletown,

    Dank voor je bijdragen. Zo blijft dit forum toch nog wat leven.
    Ik handel af en toe wat in Thrombo maar heb ook een ijzeren voorraad (nog uit de tijd dat het aandeel heel veel fantasie in zich had). Het is fijn dat er meer mensen zijn die een vinger aan de pols houden in dit aandeel. twee weten meer dan één, nietwaar?

    En ja, vandaag toch ook wat minder verlies geleden doordat Thrombo ook in portefeuille is. Naast soms wat Tigenix en MDxHealth.

    Toch mooi die 11% stijging van vandaag.
    Sluiting op €3,90 en DH €4,03. En 10 x de gemiddelde dagomzet. Er komt weer leven in deze biobrouwerij!

    Groet, CX
  8. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2016 08:54
    ThromboGenics presenting ophthalmic research findings at Congress of the Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica
    Leuven, January 8, 2016 – ThromboGenics NV (Euronext Brussels: THR), an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative ophthalmic medicines, today announces that the Company will be presenting two scientific posters at the Congress of the Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica, January 11-13th in Brussels, Belgium.
    ? Dr. Tine Van Bergen of ThromboGenics will present a poster entitled: PlGF inhibition is as efficacious as VEGF-Trap in reducing scar formation after glaucoma surgery Grant 2014-2015: FRO. The study compares the effect of aflibercept (VEGF-Trap) to PIGF inhibition (5D11D4) on the surgical outcome in a murine model of glaucoma filtration surgery.
    ? Dr. Koen Willekens of UZ, Ophthalmology, Leuven will present a poster entitled: Robot assisted retinal vein cannulation. The poster covers a study aimed at performing and reporting on in vivo retinal vein cannulations with the help of a dedicated robot. Robot-assisted retinal vein cannulations can overcome practical limitations in the local delivery of antithrombotic drugs (such as ocriplasmin), an experimental therapy for retinal vein occlusions.
    Dr. Patrik De Haes, ThromboGenics’ CEO, said: “We are pleased to have the opportunity to share our research at the Congress of the Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica this year. The studies being presented demonstrate our ongoing commitment to high-quality technological research in the field of ophthalmology.”
    - END -
    For further information please contact:
    Wouter Piepers,
    Global Head of Corporate Communications & IR
    +32 16 75 13 10 / +32 478 33 56 32
    Citigate Dewe Rogerson
    David Dible/Sylvie Berrebi/Marine Perrier
    Tel: +44 20 7282 9571
    About ThromboGenics
    ThromboGenics is an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative treatments for diabetic eye disease.
    The Company’s first product, JETREA® (ocriplasmin), has been approved in 53 countries across the globe. In the US, ThromboGenics is commercializing JETREA® via its subsidiary ThromboGenics inc. ThromboGenics signed an agreement with Alcon, a division of Novartis, for the commercialization of JETREA® outside the United States.
    ThromboGenics is planning a Phase II clinical trial with JETREA® in diabetic retinopathy. In addition to JETREA®, the Company is evaluating drug candidates that could potentially deliver a number of next generation treatments for eye disease.
    ThromboGenics is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, and has offices in Iselin, NJ (US) and Dublin, Ireland. The Company is listed on the NYSE Euronext Brussels exchange under the symbol THR. More information is available at
    Important information about forward-looking statements
    Certain statements in this press release may be considered “forward-looking”. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, and, accordingly, entail and are influenced by various risks and uncertainties. The Company therefore cannot provide any assurance that such forward-looking statements will materialize and does not assume an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or any other reason. Additional information concerning risks and uncertainties affecting the business and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement is contained in the Company’s Annual Report.
    This press release does not constitute an offer or invitation for the sale or purchase of securities or assets of ThromboGenics in any jurisdiction. No securities of ThromboGenics may be offered or sold within the United States without registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or in compliance with an exemption therefrom, and in accordance with any applicable U.S. state securities laws.
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