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  1. pim f 7 januari 2014 23:19
    Ik stel voor dat we hier nieuws van/over de concurrentie plaatsen. Dat geeft een beetje een idee van de marktomstandigheden en de plaats van SBM hierin.
  2. pim f 7 januari 2014 23:19

    MODEC, MOL, Mitsui and Marubeni agree FPSO investment
    By Marcus Hand
    from Singapore

    MODEC, Mitsui OSK Line (MOL), Mitsui & Co and Marubeni have agreed to invest in an FPSO for a MODEC promoted project in Brazil.

    Under the terms of agreements signed on Wednesday Mitsui, MOL and Marubeni Carioca MV27 which signed a 20-year charter deal for an FPSO for the BM-S-9 Consortium, which comprises Petrobras, BG Group and Repsol Sinopec Brasil.

    The vessel to be named FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba MV27 will be deployed in the BM-S-9 block offshore Brazil in the third quarter of 2016.
  3. pim f 7 januari 2014 23:25
    Success mode
    03/01/2014 | Channel: Equipment, Exploration & Production, Support Services, Manufacturing

    MODEC, Inc. of Mitsui Group in Japan was founded in 1968. MODEC’s first growth stage involved the design and construction of offshore construction vessels.

    Midway through the 1970’s MODEC began constructing jackup drilling rigs. Its first contract for a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel came in 1985. Since then, the company has been awarded more than 35 additional FPSO/floating storage and offloading (FSO) EPCI projects and provides floating production system operation and maintenance services around the world.

    Managing director and executive officer, Kensuke Taniguchi, gives more details on the company’s activities: “As a specialised company, MODEC provides complete engineering, construction, installation, leasing and operations services for floating offshore oil and gas production facilities, referred to as FPSOs, FSOs and TLPs, to oil companies around the world.

    Lang artikel mbt MODEC in 2013 en de verwachtingen voor komende jaren.
  4. pim f 7 januari 2014 23:27
    BW Snaps Up Tanker For FPSO Targets

    January 2, 2014

    BW Offshore has exercised an option to buy a very large crude carrier (VLCC) for US $83.4 million, as the company targets a number of FPSO projects.

    The company said in a press release the Blue Opal vessel was bought from Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). The vessel is a DSME-designed and built VLCC (320,000 deadweight tonnage) from 2012.

    BW Offshore said it has performed detailed engineering studies and inspections of the VLCC since 4Q 2012, and is “currently evaluating several FPSO projects suitable for the vessel,” according to the release.
  5. [verwijderd] 10 januari 2014 09:18

    ff_relativeren schreef op 10 januari 2014 08:13:

    Angola FPSO order gaat naar .... BUMI Armada

    bron :


    Met dank aan Pim F voor het openen van dit draadje.


    Dank FF! Dit gaat overigens NIET om de al eerder genoemde Angola order waarvoor SBMO in de race was, want dat was een order van Total en hier gaat het om ENI.
  6. pim f 10 januari 2014 13:12

    Geef_Kwaliteit_de_Tijd schreef op 10 januari 2014 09:18:


    Dank FF! Dit gaat overigens NIET om de al eerder genoemde Angola order waarvoor SBMO in de race was, want dat was een order van Total en hier gaat het om ENI.
    Goed punt!
  7. [verwijderd] 10 januari 2014 14:22

    Geef_Kwaliteit_de_Tijd schreef op 10 januari 2014 09:18:


    Dank FF! Dit gaat overigens NIET om de al eerder genoemde Angola order waarvoor SBMO in de race was, want dat was een order van Total en hier gaat het om ENI.
    Inderdaad en met in dit geval Saipem als enig overgebleven concurrent:

    "Bumi Armada in lead for Eni East Hub FPSO
    Malaysian player 'has edge' over only remaining rival Saipem although a deal has not been finalised"
  8. [verwijderd] 10 januari 2014 21:07
    FPSO voor het Oyo Offshore veld bij Nigeria wordt geleverd door CAMAC Energy Inc. Opdrachtgever = Armada Perdana. De Letter of Intent is getekend, en het definitieve contract wordt verwacht op of voor 31 januari a.s.

    De FPSO krijgt een start-lease van 5 jaar met een optie van nog 2 jaar.

    bron :

  9. pim f 12 januari 2014 19:44

    ff_relativeren schreef op 11 januari 2014 21:55:

    Trans Ocean roert zich ...

    Het betreft hier Ultra Deep Water-boorschepen en geen FPSO's, maar dit bericht geeft wel aan dat de fut er (na enkele tegenvallers) bij boorschepen nog niet uit is.
  10. [verwijderd] 16 januari 2014 01:11
    Wie oh wie is de koper ... van een 15 jaar oude olietanker voor ombouw tot FPSO, voor de prijs van 28 miljoen US dollar ? Een even oude olietanker uit dezelfde klasse werd in oktober 2013 nog verkocht voor 35,9 miljoen US dollar. Ook dat schip gaat worden omgebouwd tot FPSO.

    2 dubbelwandige schepen, van 15 jaar oud -boekwaarde wordt (uiteraard) niet genoemd- brengen samen 63,9 miljoen US dollar op.

    Binnenkort 2 extra -oeroude- FPSO's in de vaart. Ennuhhh koper onbekend.

  11. pim f 18 januari 2014 23:46
    Bumi Armada remains a 'buy'

    by analyst reports


    By AmResearch

    Fair value: RM5.15

    Buy (maintained)

    AmResearch said it was maintaining its “buy” call on Bumi Armada Bhd with an unchanged standard operating procedure (SOP)-based fair value of RM5.15 per share, which implied a financial year 2014 forecast (FY14F) price earnings (PE) of 23x - a 15% premium to oil and gas (O&G) stocks with market valuations above RM1bil.

    Upstream reported recently that Bumi Armada was leading the race to supply Eni with a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for its East Hub project in Block 15/06 off Angola, although a deal had not been finalised.

    The report said that Bumi had the edge over its only remaining rival, Milan-based Saipem, although nothing was certain until state oil player Sonangol rubber stamped the proposed award. AmResearch said one key factor in Bumi’s emergence as current favoured bidder was Saipem’s perceived move away from the FPSO business as the Italy-based operator sold its Firenze FPSO off Italy to operator Eni.

    In terms of local content, it said it was unclear what Eni’s strategy was for the East Hub FPSO, adding that the Paenal yard was the only facility that was able to handle FPSO-related work.

    It added it is believed that there had been no formal approach by Bumi Armada or Saipem to use the Porto Amboim site.

    Paenal’s shareholders are Sonangol, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and SBM Offshore - which is speculated to be hoping to snare the East Hub job if a deal with Bumi did not materialise. Eni’s East Hub development is focused on exploiting the Cabaca North and Cabaca Southeast discoveries, out of which first oil is set to flow in 2016 or 2017.

    It said the stock was now trading at an attractive FY14F PE of 18x, or 10% below its peers’ 20x.
  12. Chela 19 januari 2014 13:05

    pim f schreef op 18 januari 2014 23:46:

    In terms of local content, it said it was unclear what Eni’s strategy was for the East Hub FPSO, adding that the Paenal yard was the only facility that was able to handle FPSO-related work.
    It added it is believed that there had been no formal approach by Bumi Armada or Saipem to use the Porto Amboim site.
    Dit lijkt me wel pikant!
    Moet Bumi Armada local content accepteren in de vorm van gebruik van de Paenal werf waar directe concurrent SBM Offshore voor 30% in zit en het al of niet doorgaan van het contract uiteindelijk afhangt van mede-werfeigenaar Sonangol?
    Bovendien zal SBM de werf hard nodig hebben als zij de Total order binnenhaalt, ook weer in het kader van local content.
  13. pim f 22 januari 2014 10:16

    Analyse van de FPSO-markt voor, tijdens en na 2014 - en de plaats van SBM hierin. Niet allemaal even positief, helaas..

    Where is Floating Production Headed?
    By Jim McCaul, IMA
    Monday, January 20, 2014

    The number of floating production units grew 5% in 2013. Here we examine the global market and future opportunities.

    Currently, there are 319 oil/gas floating production units are now in service, on order or available for reuse on another field.

    Redeployment Prospects for Available FPSOs

    Eighteen FPSOs have stopped producing and are available for redeployment. The latest to join the inventory of idle FPSOs are Kuito and BrasiI, VLCC-size units owned by SBM. The lease on each concluded at end 2013. They are to be decommissioned.
    Some of the 18 available FPSOs are actively for sale. Some are being retained for use on another field controlled by the current owner. All require modification and upgrade to be reused. Depending on the new field, the cost to modify the processing plant, mooring system and refurbish the unit can easily exceed $100 million.
    Ten of the available units are single hull, five are double hull and three have double sides or double bottom. Single hull unit are less marketable than double hull units.
    Details for available FPSOs can be found at
    Many of these available FPSOs (particularly single hull units) will not find another field. This is behind the decision of SBM in December to write down the book value of the FPSO Falcon. Explaining its decision to take a special charge of $55 million on Falcon (marketed since 2009) and Alba (a tanker acquired in 2009 as a conversion hull), SBM said the “estimated recoverable amount under current market conditions is considerably lower than the carrying value.”
    To place the issue in perspective, 24 FPSOs have been redeployed over the past ten years – accounting for ~20% of the FPSO contracts during this time period. Assuming this redeployment pace continues, more than 7 years will be needed to clear the inventory of FPSOs now looking for a field contract. And this assumes a project match can be found for all units (which will not happen) and no further units come off field over the next several years (which will happen).
    Bottom line is there are far too many available FPSOs for the market to absorb. This situation should cause lenders to look very carefully at residual values in FPSO financings. Anything more than scrap value may be optimistic, even for FPSOs built on new or young hulls.
  14. RT2014 22 januari 2014 10:55

    pim f schreef op 22 januari 2014 10:16:

    Analyse van de FPSO-markt voor, tijdens en na 2014 - en de plaats van SBM hierin. Niet allemaal even positief, helaas..

    Where is Floating Production Headed?
    By Jim McCaul, IMA
    Monday, January 20, 2014

    The number of floating production units grew 5% in 2013. Here we examine the global market and future opportunities.

    Currently, there are 319 oil/gas floating production units are now in service, on order or available for reuse on another field.

    Redeployment Prospects for Available FPSOs

    Eighteen FPSOs have stopped producing and are available for redeployment. The latest to join the inventory of idle FPSOs are Kuito and BrasiI, VLCC-size units owned by SBM. The lease on each concluded at end 2013. They are to be decommissioned.
    Some of the 18 available FPSOs are actively for sale. Some are being retained for use on another field controlled by the current owner. All require modification and upgrade to be reused. Depending on the new field, the cost to modify the processing plant, mooring system and refurbish the unit can easily exceed $100 million.
    Ten of the available units are single hull, five are double hull and three have double sides or double bottom. Single hull unit are less marketable than double hull units.
    Details for available FPSOs can be found at
    Many of these available FPSOs (particularly single hull units) will not find another field. This is behind the decision of SBM in December to write down the book value of the FPSO Falcon. Explaining its decision to take a special charge of $55 million on Falcon (marketed since 2009) and Alba (a tanker acquired in 2009 as a conversion hull), SBM said the “estimated recoverable amount under current market conditions is considerably lower than the carrying value.”
    To place the issue in perspective, 24 FPSOs have been redeployed over the past ten years – accounting for ~20% of the FPSO contracts during this time period. Assuming this redeployment pace continues, more than 7 years will be needed to clear the inventory of FPSOs now looking for a field contract. And this assumes a project match can be found for all units (which will not happen) and no further units come off field over the next several years (which will happen).
    Bottom line is there are far too many available FPSOs for the market to absorb. This situation should cause lenders to look very carefully at residual values in FPSO financings. Anything more than scrap value may be optimistic, even for FPSOs built on new or young hulls.
    Bedankt voor je post Pim. Ik denk dat de auteur gelijk heeft dat maar een beperkt deel van de oude FPSO's die nu beschikbaar zijn opnieuw kunnen worden ingezet zonder flink wat aanpassingen. Klanten prefereren nieuw (en beter) materiaal. Veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid is wat dat betreft prioriteit. Gevolg is dat de het patroon van afschrijvingen veranderd zal moeten worden (lees verhoogd). SBM heeft daarin vorig jaar een eerste stap gezet. Per saldo verwacht ik niet dat dit substantieel effect heeft op de vooruitzichten van SBM. SBM verdient immers aan twee kanten, te weten lease en verkoop van FPSO's. Dat de verkoop van FPSO's als een trein loopt, kun je aan het orderboek van SBM goed aflezen.

    Ik denk dat je dit verhaal moet zien in het licht van de voorstellen die Centaurus vorig jaar heeft gedaan. De voorgestelde financieringsconstructie is voor de participanten minder voordelig dan ze misschien verwachtten, vanwege de geringere restwaarde van een FPSO na aflopen van het lease contract.
  15. pim f 29 januari 2014 22:41
    Wärtsilä topside power modules chosen for North Sea FPSO
    Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014

    Wärtsilä will supply a 62 MW topside power module solution for a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel to be deployed at the Kraken oilfield located in the U.K. sector of the North Sea. This EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) award has been given in December 2013 by Armada Kraken Pte.Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Malaysia based international offshore oilfield services provider, Bumi Armada.
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