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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 september 2017 19:17
    Unverified Rumor Circulating That Amazon May Accept Bitcoin By October
    20334 Total views
    1136 Total shares

    Rumors are circulating that Amazon may begin accepting Bitcoin as a payment method this October. The rumors appear to stem from a recent report on, Some surveys have indicated that the company would have a financial reason to do so, but no official announcement has been made.

    The article references a mention in investor James Altucher’s newsletter. According to the source, Altucher is an experienced trader who many believe could have pre-announcement information. The article comments:

    “James Altucher has (co)founded more than 20 companies, authored 11 books, and has been a contributor to several major publications.He is a former hedge fund manager and venture capitalist turned activist blogger/podcaster and offers a subscription based mailing list – the source of the Amazon information.”

    Such an announcement is a long shot, but isn’t inconceivable. As online retailers begin to embrace Bitcoin, Amazon will likely respond in kind, in order to maintain its dominance. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne said:

    “They have to follow suit. I’d be stunned if they don’t, because they can’t just cede that part of the market to us, if we’re the only main, large retail site accepting Bitcoin.”

    Following suit

    The move would also continue a trend that began with Overstock and has included other enterprise-level tech companies. A recent comment within a Google API tutorial has led many to believe that the online behemoth will also begin accepting Bitcoin within the Google Store, as PayPal and others already do.

    As recently as this summer, users were petitioning Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, to begin accepting the cryptocurrency. The move may occur as early as October 26th, during the next earnings conference call.

    It should be reiterated that this is likely only a rumor at this point, and could be swiftly put to rest. Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate on the possibilities if Amazon does one day integrate Bitcoin. As the adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies grow, retailers will need to join the progression toward acceptance in order to remain relevan
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 25 september 2017 16:39
    First Bitcoinization of a Sovereign State is Happening Now
    15072 Total views
    615 Total shares


    In recent months, news about Bitcoin being widely purchased and mined in Venezuela has led to a number of rumors regarding the growth and demand of the cryptocurrency there. An interview with Daniel Osorio of Andean Capital Advisors on CNBC indicates that the country may soon ‘Bitcoinize’ completely.

    Osorio, who spends about a week per month in the South American country, was interviewed regarding the hyperinflation problems that Venezuelans are facing. During the interview, he explained that a simple lunch costs upward of 200,000 Bolivars, or about $8-$10.
    Bitcoin only

    In order to pay for lunch, locals are beginning to accept only Bitcoin or money wires of foreign currencies. The problem, according to Osorio, is that unlike Zimbabwe and other nations where hyperinflation has taken its toll, Venezuela does not have access to enough dollars to manage the economy.

    Locals have, therefore, turned completely to Bitcoin in order to function economically. Since Bitcoin is independent of the black market for Bolivars, it represents a fixed exchange platform for business. Near the end of the segment, Osorio says:

    “We may well be witnessing the first ‘Bitcoinization’ of a sovereign state.”

    Cryptocurrency lovers would argue that this is just the first of many, as liquidity and access increase exponentially.
  3. forum rang 4 Opstapelen 25 september 2017 21:29

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 24 september 2017 19:17:

    Unverified Rumor Circulating That Amazon May Accept Bitcoin By October
    20334 Total views
    1136 Total shares

    Rumors are circulating that Amazon may begin accepting Bitcoin as a payment method this October. The rumors appear to stem from a recent report on, Some surveys have indicated that the company would have a financial reason to do so, but no official announcement has been made.

    The article references a mention in investor James Altucher’s newsletter. According to the source, Altucher is an experienced trader who many believe could have pre-announcement information. The article comments:

    “James Altucher has (co)founded more than 20 companies, authored 11 books, and has been a contributor to several major publications.He is a former hedge fund manager and venture capitalist turned activist blogger/podcaster and offers a subscription based mailing list – the source of the Amazon information.”

    Such an announcement is a long shot, but isn’t inconceivable. As online retailers begin to embrace Bitcoin, Amazon will likely respond in kind, in order to maintain its dominance. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne said:

    “They have to follow suit. I’d be stunned if they don’t, because they can’t just cede that part of the market to us, if we’re the only main, large retail site accepting Bitcoin.”

    Following suit

    The move would also continue a trend that began with Overstock and has included other enterprise-level tech companies. A recent comment within a Google API tutorial has led many to believe that the online behemoth will also begin accepting Bitcoin within the Google Store, as PayPal and others already do.

    As recently as this summer, users were petitioning Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, to begin accepting the cryptocurrency. The move may occur as early as October 26th, during the next earnings conference call.

    It should be reiterated that this is likely only a rumor at this point, and could be swiftly put to rest. Nonetheless, it is interesting to speculate on the possibilities if Amazon does one day integrate Bitcoin. As the adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies grow, retailers will need to join the progression toward acceptance in order to remain relevan
    Dit zou toch een ongekende boost kunnen geven en meerdere bedrijven over de streep trekken. Zit eraan te denken om uit te breiden....
  4. Hkdnp 25 september 2017 21:46

    Opstapelen schreef op 25 september 2017 21:29:


    Dit zou toch een ongekende boost kunnen geven en meerdere bedrijven over de streep trekken. Zit eraan te denken om uit te breiden....
    Zijn allemaal geruchten, en de koers reageert nagenoeg niet meer op zulke geruchten.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 september 2017 17:17
    Mario Draghi kan niet op tegen bitcoin
    door Madelon Vos
    gepubliceerd 26 sep 2017 om 16:15

    Ik kan niks tegen bitcoin beginnen. Dat is wat Draghi gisteren eigenlijk zei.

    Veel cryptobeleggers speculeren er al maanden – of misschien al jaren – over: is de ECB of de FED in staat om bitcoin te verbieden en haar daardoor om zeep te helpen? Als tegenargument werd vaak gebruikt dat het domweg gewoon niet mogelijk is om de bitcoin te verbieden, regulering is wellicht wel weer mogelijk.

    Gisteren kwam Draghi dan eindelijk met de verlossende uitspraak, waar velen van ons al tijden op zaten te wachten. Wat hij precies zei was het volgende: "Wij zijn eigenlijk niet in staat om bitcoin en andere digitale valuta's te verbieden en te reguleren."

    Zijn uitspraken kwamen naar aanleiding van een vraag van het European Parliament's Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs, over of de ECB voornemens heeft om cryptocurrencies te reguleren of zelfs volledig te verbieden.

    "We moeten ons afvragen welke effecten cryptocurrencies hebben op de economie", zei Draghi. Hij voegde daaraan toe dat crypto’s nog te onvolwassen zijn om als een levensvatbare betaalmethode te worden beschouwd.

    Daarnaast werd benadrukt dat de ECB zich momenteel het meest druk maakt om de cybersecurity en beveiligingsrisico’s die cryptocurrencies met zich meebrengen. Dit is een belangrijk agendapunt van de ECB.

    Mario doet voorkomen alsof de toenemende populariteit van de crypto’s hem niet zo deert. Hij gaf echter begin deze maand zijn visie op het onthullen van de nieuwe Estlandse cryptomunt, die toch iets anders insinueerde: "Ik zal commentaar geven op de Estlandse beslissing: geen lidstaat kan een eigen valuta invoeren. De valuta van de eurozone is de euro." Mario was hier overduidelijk niet van gediend.

    Na deze woorden van Draghi kunnen wij met zekerheid zeggen dat de ECB graag haar handen afhoudt van de bitcoin. Bitcoin is volgens de ECB immers nog te onvolwassen om als levensvatbaar te worden beschouwd. En tja, Draghi heeft ook eigenlijk wel gelijk.

    De marktkapitalisatie valt niet te vergelijken met de hoeveelheid euro’s die momenteel in onze economie circuleren, vanuit dat oogpunt is deze markt nu inderdaad nog te verwaarlozen.

    Neem alleen al haar opkoop beleid waarmee de ECB instaat is om maandelijks voor pak’m beet 80 miljard extra euro’s de economie in te pompen. Vanuit dit opzicht is er slechts anderhalve maand nodig om de totale wereldmarkt van crypto’s te evenaren. En als we de bitcoin- en cryptomarkt zouden willen vergelijken met de totale geldhoeveelheid is dat vergelijken eigenlijk niet eens aan de orde. Maar ach, wat niet is... Kan nog komen!
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 september 2017 22:05
    China’s Prohibition Causes Massive Spike in P2P Trading Platforms
    7904 Total views
    215 Total shares

    The recent Chinese cryptocurrency exchange ban has caused a massive spike in the number of users accessing peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. The LocalBitcoins P2P platform registered an all-time trading high of $17.5 mln last week, and other local platform volumes have quadrupled as well.

    The rush for investors and Bitcoin holders to either buy or sell has driven them into these generally lesser-used platforms. As exchanges like ViaBTC shutter, the Bitcoin that they had previously been holding is being withdrawn into the open market and used via smaller P2P platforms.

    Paying a premium

    As with other nations where governments are making reckless financial decisions, the Chinese price for Bitcoin is going for a premium against the exchange price. Currently, the price is set at a 20 percent premium vs. the exchange pricing, since the P2P system is allowing consumers to access and use their coin.

    Other countries are also facing similar Bitcoin crises, as hyperinflation, massive debt ratios, and poor fiscal policies lead citizens to embrace Bitcoin as an alternative solution. The safety, relative stability and overall positive outlook for Bitcoin has produced sizable premiums on other local exchanges as well.
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 september 2017 22:11
    Bitcoin Trading at 85% Premium in Zimbabwe - Priced at $7,200
    36884 Total views
    1624 Total shares

    Stories of hyperinflation in various countries have been mounting in recent days. As citizens face the reality that their country has devalued its currency, they are forced to take backpacks of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

    Within these devalued currency environments, other forms of money--stable ones--are welcomed. Zimbabwe is one such nation. There, hyperinflation reached a critical point in 2008, and is threatening again. The country appears to be headed toward another bout of hyperinflation and citizens are turning to dollars and Bitcoin.
    Bitcoin in Zimbabwe

    The use of Bitcoin in Zimbabwe has grown exponentially as the government has begun to stop all credit card payments and has restricted the flow of cash into and out of the country. People wishing to make payments for vehicles have been forced to use Bitcoin and car lenders are happy to accept.

    In all the chaos, the price of Bitcoin on the local exchange, BitcoinFundi, has soared to $7,200. This premium reflects a frantic desire to find ways to transact within an economy where government controls have made traditional means impossible.

    Recent reports from Venezuela, where hyperinflation is actively routing the economy, indicate that a similar rise in Bitcoin usage has taken place. Citizens have been forced to turn to non-governmental sources for business purposes, leading to suggestions that such economies could face ‘Bitcoinization’.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 27 september 2017 09:27
    Distinguished London Gold Dealer Accepts Bitcoin for Payment
    7177 Total views
    512 Total shares

    The number of merchants accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment has steadily increased over the past year. The latest to accept Bitcoin is Sharps Pixley, a London gold dealer.
    Sharps who?

    Sharps Pixley, whose origins date to 1778, is a London-based dealer of precious metals. It is a full member of the London Bullion Market Association. It acts as a full service shop for investors to buy, store and trade precious metals. Although it has been in operation for ~250 years, Sharps Pixley has shown that it is in sync with the times by deciding to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment.

    Ross Norman, the CEO of Sharps Pixley, said:

    “It is our view that many investors in Bitcoin would like the option of holding intrinsic value in a traditional safe haven asset like gold; and be able to switch across in a simple and cost effective way. That avenue is now open to them.”

    Digital gold

    Bitcoin may be called digital gold, but it still has a long way to go before it can rival gold as a safe haven asset. The volume of gold traded annually is estimated to be $22 tln and there is a flourishing derivatives market for it. Bitcoin investors represent a niche class of investors, although awareness about cryptocurrencies is increasing.

    Giles Mable, a Business Development Director at Sharps Pixley, said:

    “We are bridging the gap between the world’s oldest currency and its newest, offering new and existing customers the means to exchange and diversify digital currency for a real, tangible asset which they can store and trade at Sharps Pixley.”

    Bitcoin accepted through Bitpay

    Sharps Pixley will accept Bitcoins for the sale of gold through the payment processor Bitpay. This will help them avoid any risk of Bitcoin’s fluctuating price. Given that Sharps Pixley’s core competency lies in trading precious metals, the decision not to accept Bitcoins directly is wise.

    Unless merchants have some costs which are denominated in Bitcoin (and not fiat), they will be exposing themselves to Bitcoin’s price volatility if they accept Bitcoins directly. We still have a long way to go before Bitcoin can be used at each stage of a product’s value chain – right from the raw material to the sale to the end customer.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 27 september 2017 22:49
    De Bitcoin is weer ca 40% vanaf z'n dieptepunt gestegen en staat bijna op 4200 USD.
    De Chinezen zijn grotendeels uitgerangeerd dankzij hun idiote acties.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 september 2017 14:18
    Korean Media Giant Buys 65% Of Bitcoin Exchange Korbit For $80 mln
    2881 Total views
    171 Total shares


    Korea’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange Korbit has sold to media giant NXC for up to $80 mln.

    NXC, which owns online games platform Nexon, has now confirmed the deal which local media previously reported on earlier this week.

    “NXC has been reviewing and investing in startups with digital idea and technology and this investment was made with our positive view on the growth cryptocurrency industry,” the company told TechCrunch Thursday.

    Korbit was a first mover in an economy now representing one of the largest trading environments in the world for digital currency.

    China’s second exit from the market means Korea is poised for supremacy in online trading, its exchanges having a profound effect on the price of assets they choose to list.

    The official weight thrown behind Kobit signals a turning point in the corporate legitimacy of the crypto exchange sector, which until now has benefitted more from investments than takeovers.

    NXC is acquiring 65 percent of Korbit, according to local news outlet Hankyung.

    The future of trading in Korea could see the number two seed challenge the market dominance of Bithumb, the position of which has been marred this year by hacking.

    Before Bithumb’s rise, Korbit represented South Korea’s major exchange.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 september 2017 14:20

    ballie2 schreef op 28 september 2017 13:01:
    3000 TPS!
    Specific objectives of the Gigablock Testnet Initiative are to:

    set up and maintain a global test network capable of supporting blocks up to 1 GB in size and sustained Visa-level transaction throughput (3,000 TPS) on the bitcoin network. The plan is to add mining nodes in Beijing, Bangalore, Sao Paulo, Sydney and Vancouver, to expand an existing network of mining nodes in Toronto, Frankfurt, Munich, and Washington State. Transaction generators are also located across the world. This larger Gigablock Testnet can be "stress tested" at very high levels of transaction throughtput; perform continuous experiments related to on-chain scaling on that test network;
    based upon the results of those experiments, identify bottlenecks and find ways to fix them ahead of time, in order to provide a safe path to larger block sizes for the bitcoin network; and
    disseminate those findings to the broader Bitcoin community.
  12. Omnius 28 september 2017 14:44

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 september 2017 14:20:


    Specific objectives of the Gigablock Testnet Initiative are to:

    set up and maintain a global test network capable of supporting blocks up to 1 GB in size and sustained Visa-level transaction throughput (3,000 TPS) on the bitcoin network. The plan is to add mining nodes in Beijing, Bangalore, Sao Paulo, Sydney and Vancouver, to expand an existing network of mining nodes in Toronto, Frankfurt, Munich, and Washington State. Transaction generators are also located across the world. This larger Gigablock Testnet can be "stress tested" at very high levels of transaction throughtput; perform continuous experiments related to on-chain scaling on that test network;
    based upon the results of those experiments, identify bottlenecks and find ways to fix them ahead of time, in order to provide a safe path to larger block sizes for the bitcoin network; and
    disseminate those findings to the broader Bitcoin community.

    Of we gaan gewoon met z'n allen aan de XRP/Ripple:

    XRP kan op dit moment al Visa throughput halen en heeft potentie tot nog veel meer.
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 september 2017 08:10
    Bitcoinbeurs China moet deuren sluiten

    Door Dorinde Meuzelaar
    2 uur geleden in FINANCIEEL

    Vandaag stopt de oudste bitcoinbeurs van China met handelen, op last van de Chinese overheid. Maar de cryptomunt lijkt zich er weinig van aan te trekken.

    Klanten van bitcoinbeurs BTCC kunnen hun tegoeden in yuan nog tot eind oktober opnemen. Twee andere grote bitcoinbeurzen, Huobi en OKCoin, blijven voorlopig wel open maar handelen alleen in cryptovaluta. Dat meldt nieuwssite Coindesk. China treedt steeds strenger op tegen bitcoin, nadat Chinezen de digitale munt zouden gebruiken om de kapitaalcontroles in het land te omzeilen.

    Maar voor het bitcoinnetwerk maakt het sluiten van BTCC weinig uit, denkt blockchainexpert Sander van Loosbroek van it-bedrijf Cegeka. „Bitcoin is gedecentraliseerd, dus activiteiten kunnen gemakkelijk worden overgenomen door bedrijven in andere landen.”

    Bitcoin is een zogeheten cryptovaluta. Het gedecentraliseerde karakter zit hem in de blockchain. Dat is een register waarin alle bitcointransacties worden geregistreerd. De blockchain wordt bijgehouden op een heel netwerk aan computers.

    Ook de prijs van bitcoin kwam weinig in beweging in aanloop naar het sluiten van BTCC. De munt steeg de afgelopen drie dagen ruim 1% tot $4215. Dat was begin deze maand wel anders. Toen daalde de bitcoinprijs in een week tijd van $4640 tot onder de $3000 door nieuws uit China.

    China is dan ook een belangrijk bitcoinland. In de zes maanden tot half januari van dit jaar waren de drie grootste bitcoinbeurzen goed voor 98% van de handel in bitcoin, becijferde Financial Times. Dat is het afgelopen half jaar met 18% afgenomen nadat de Chinese centrale bank met steeds strengere regels kwam.

    „De rol van China is deels overgenomen door Japan en Zuid-Korea”, zegt Daan Kleiman van de Nederlandse bitcoinbeurs Bitonic. Zo meldde The Wall Street Journal vrijdag dat de Japanse toezichthouder zijn eerste vergunningen aan bitcoinbeurzen heeft uitgedeeld. Elf handelsplatforms kregen toestemming voor hun activiteiten, van 17 beurzen loopt de aanvraag nog.

    Tegelijkertijd trok de toezichthouder in Zuid-Korea de teugels juist strakker aan. Daar werd een verbod ingesteld op Initial Coin Offerings (ICO’s). Een ICO houdt het midden tussen een beursgang en crowdfunding. Er wordt geld opgehaald, beleggers krijgen in ruil daarvoor een nieuwe cryptomunt. Als die in waarde gaat stijgen, neemt ook de waarde van iemands inleg toe. Begin september kwam China al met een verbod op ICO’s.

    Voor een ICO is dus geen toestemming van een toezichthouder nodig. Ook is er geen leger aan advocaten en accountants bij betrokken, zoals bij een beursgang. Dat maakt een ICO aanzienlijk goedkoper, zegt Van Loosbroek. „Bovendien heb je wereldwijd toegang tot beleggers.” Toch begrijpt hij de achterdocht bij toezichthouders wel. „Het concept van een ICO is heel goed. Maar ik denk dat 95% van deze beleggingen een scam is.”

    Volgens hem worden ICO’s door de aanbieders gebruikt om snel geld te verdienen, zonder veel aandacht voor het belang van beleggers. „Mensen geven een white paper (vergelijkbaar met het businessplan van een bedrijf, red) uit zonder ook maar een regel te hebben gecodeerd, ze halen een paar miljoen op en vieren van dat geld een feestje. En als belegger heb je geen idee wat er met je geld is gebeurd. Oppassen dus!”
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 1 oktober 2017 20:26
    Snowden Ventures Cryptocurrency Opinion on Twitter
    19069 Total views
    332 Total shares

    Edward Snowden took to Twitter to voice his opinion on two of the world’s top cryptocurrencies.

    Both Zcash and Monero claim to be different than other cryptocurrencies by providing users with more secure and completely anonymous transactions.

    It might be the reason Snowden, a world-famous advocate for user data security and anonymity, would choose these two digital currencies specifically to venture an opinion on.

    On Twitter, a user @masonic_tweets remarked, “Zcash is the only altcoin (that I know of) designed and built by professional and academic cryptographers. Hard to ignore.”

    In response, the former Central Intelligence Agency employee wrote, “Agree. Zcash's privacy tech makes it the most interesting Bitcoin alternative. Bitcoin is great, but "if it's not private, it's not safe."

    He also commented on Monero, a supposedly untraceable cryptocurrency that contain privacy mechanisms, but which reported a bug earlier this year.

    A statement from developers on the bug read, “it allows for the creation of an unlimited number of coins in a way that is undetectable to an observer unless they know about the fatal flaw and can search for it.”

    Snowden replied that Monero is a “great project” pointing out that “the problem with amateur crypto is mistakes happen and have huge consequences for people like me.”

    This is also in reference to findings published on MoneroLink that suggest as much as 60 percent of Monero transactions can be linked, meaning that transactions are not as anonymous as users would have initially hoped.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 2 oktober 2017 20:22
    Goldman Sachs overweegt handel in cryptomunten

    Concurrent JPMorgan sprak recent nog van oplichterij.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Goldman Sachs overweegt om in de handel in cryptomunten, zoals Bitcoin, te stappen. Dit meldde The Wall Street Journal maandag op basis van verschillende bronnen.

    Indien Goldman Sachs de plannen doorzet, dan zou het de eerste grote Wall Street-bank zijn die serieus met cryptomunten aan de slag gaat.

    Vermoedelijk wil de Amerikaanse bank grote beleggers die er over denken een deel van hun vermogen in cryptomunten te steken aan zich binden. Dat zou betekenen dat Goldman Sachs in de toekomst mogelijk een desk krijgt met handelaren en sales-mensen.

    Ook kan de bank zo een positie verwerven als er een initial coin offering plaatsvindt. Dergelijke emissies waren de afgelopen drie maanden al goed voor 1,3 miljard dollar, aldus de zakenkrant, en daaraan verdienden de zakenbanken niets, terwijl reguliere beursgangen juist wel lucratief voor ze zijn.

    Wel merkte The Wall Street Journal op dat de plannen van Goldman Sachs zich nog in een vroeg stadium bevinden en dat het niet zeker is dat deze ook daadwerkelijk worden uitgevoerd.

    Jamie Dimon, de CEO van JPMorgan Chase, noemde Bitcoin recent nog oplichterij. "Als we een handelaar hadden die handelde in Bitcoin dan zou ik hem direct ontslaan", aldus de bankier, die stelde dat handelen in Bitcoins tegen de regels van de bank is. Daaraan voegde Dimon toe dat de munt wellicht interessant is voor criminelen en voor anderen die proberen hun geld te verbergen.

    Een Bitcoin is momenteel 4.388,26 dollar waard.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  16. tampi 3 oktober 2017 08:21
    Fantastisch nieuws!
    Ook het IMF zegt dat cryptomunten weleens de toekomst kunnen zijn.

    IMF Head: Cryptocurrency Could Be the Future. Really.
    Robert Hackett
    Oct 02, 2017

    Christine Lagarde sees a path ahead for cryptocurrency.

    The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, talked up the potential of virtual currencies to supplant traditional monies in coming decades on Friday. Cryptocurrencies, or virtual currencies, are a new class of digital assets powered by blockchains, distributed ledgers that made their name underpinning networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

    Unlike JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and billionaire hedge fund founder Ray Dalio, who have recently disparaged Bitcoin, the world's most well known cryptocurrency, Lagarde shared a rosier vision of the general technology's future with attendees of a Bank of England conference in London. "In many ways, virtual currencies might just give existing currencies and monetary policy a run for their money," she said.

    "It may not be wise to dismiss virtual currencies," Lagarde told the audience. "Instead, citizens may one day prefer virtual currencies."

    De laatste 2 zinnetjes hierboven vind ik vooral interessant.

  17. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 oktober 2017 12:55
    BitPay Volumes Surge 328% As Processor Forecasts $1 bln Annual Turnover
    2475 Total views
    128 Total shares

    BitPay is “on pace” to process $1 bln per year in Bitcoin payments as its merchants see a combined 328 percent annual volume growth.

    In a blog post released Monday, the flagship Bitcoin payments gateway said it had seen “major growth” in the last year particularly, with the majority of activity stemming from its US market.

    “We're now on pace to process over $1 bln annually in Bitcoin payment acceptance and payouts, and we've already grown our payments dollar volume 328 percent year-over-year from 2016,” the company confirmed.

    This year has seen BitPay grace the headlines, announcing exclusive partnerships such as the multimillion-dollar Dubai Aston Plaza real estate project with the UK’s Baroness Mone.

    At the same time, its support of the upcoming SegWit2x hard fork has received mixed reactions, with cryptocurrency scam listings service even explicitly threatening to remove BitPay from its safelist over the decision.

    With Bitcoin remaining over $4,000, however, business is booming for merchants worldwide thanks to increased regulatory clarity. Japanese efforts to drastically increase its merchant acceptance of Bitcoin also continues.

    “Merchants in the Asia-Pacific region now receive a significant portion of our monthly transactions,” BitPay commented on the growth in the sector.

    Through its links with local payment outfit AsiaPay, major clients such as Tesla and Cathay Pacific “can choose to easily accept Bitcoin payments from their Asian customers by activating AsiaPay's BitPay integration.”

    Announcements of Bitcoin acceptance by major corporations remain few and far between, however. This week, a rumor Amazon would finally begin accepting the virtual currency was debunked as likely fake news.
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Arrowhead Research 5 9.739
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.102
ASML 1.766 107.265
ASR Nederland 21 4.486
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.673
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392