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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 augustus 2021 19:17
    What is USDC?

    USDC is a stablecoin run by a joint partnership between Circle and Coinbase. Most USDC is based on the Ethereum network, but the coin can also be transferred across the Algorand, Stellar and Solana blockchains.

    Investors can mint USDC by passing a KYC (Know Your Customer) check and then depositing US dollars on Circle. They receive USDC tokens at a 1:1 ratio, and can then use the stabelcon within the Coinbase ecosystem, or further afield. If desired, the US dollars can be redeemed later by returning the USDC tokens and taking them out of circulation.

    If the value of USDC strays over 1 dollar, the resulting arbitrage opportunity means that traders can swap US dollars for a token that is worth $1.01 or $1.02, for example.

    This puts more USDC into circulation, making sure that the price returns quickly to a more even peg with the dollar.

    The same dynamic also works in reverse, where investors would be incentivized to return USDC tokens that are worth less than a dollar and receive US Dollars which, in that situation, would be worth more.

    This simple mechanism keeps the price of USDC stable. USDC is used as a mainstay of the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem, where it can be used to provide stable liquidity on Uniswap, or for lending / borrowing mechanisms on dApps (decentralized apps) such as Aave and Compound.

    USDC vs USDT - Which is Better?

    One thing going for USDC is that it is pegged 1:1 to actual US dollars, which are held in reserve bank accounts, and is subject to regular attestations to ensure that it stays this way.

    USDC is generally well-trusted and respected around the space, and perhaps that’s why it was able to score a partnership with Visa and to allow payments to be settled in USDC right across the Visa payment network.

    This was huge news for the entire crypto market, which responded by jumping up to all-time highs on the back of the news, when it was announced in March 2021.

    Tether might have roughly 3x the amount of exchange liquidity and volume right now, but USDC seems to be the favorite of regulators in the US and, for this reason, definitely has the upper hand when it comes to future prospects.

    It has been traditionally less clear which assets are backing Tether USDT, and the exchange has courted suspicion by having a murky relationship with the crypto exchange, Bitfinex.

    After years of speculation and even investigation by the US Department of Justice, Tether has this year finally released a report with a breakdown of the assets that back up the USDT coin. Over 75% of these are liquid assets, and the rest are made up of secured loans, bonds, commodities and other investments including digital assets.
    Tether’s pie chart which (kind of) explains how USDT is backed.

    Within that 75% of liquid assets though, only 3.87% is actually listed as cash, whereas 65% of the total is made up rather vaguely of “commercial paper,” which are basically IOU notes made between financial institutions.

    The Tether company is understandably keen to tell the world that the “Tether FUD” is solved and it’s time to move on, but considering how much time it took them to finally reveal their assets, this vagueness does not look good.

    USDT may still be convenient for a quick trade, but for long-term holding or earning interest in lending/yield farming, USDC probably remains the best bet.

  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 augustus 2021 19:18
    What is DAI - the Decentralized Stablecoin

    One problem remains for USDC - the Circle company can, and actually already have, frozen USDC funds on request by law enforcement. Although this may sometimes be desirable on an ethical level, it goes against the ethos of the decentralization of power that pervades the crypto space.

    Enter DAI, which is a fully decentralized stablecoin. To understand how DAI works, it’s also important to understand the MakerDAO platform, which was the first decentralized lending platform on Ethereum, and a pioneer of the DeFi movement.

    To mint DAI, A trader deposits collateral with MakerDAO. Maker accepts many types of collateral, including coins like ETH, WBTC and BAT.

    Once the collateral has been deposited in Maker, the trader can generate a certain amount of DAI. The more collateral a trader deposits, the more DAI they can mint. Traders often use this as a way of HODLing assets with good long-term fundamentals (such as Eth) whilst still being able to trade DAI and take advantage of what will hopefully be a booming crypto market.

    When locking Ethereum, there is a minimum collateralization ratio of 150%. This means that for every $1 of DAI created, there must be at least $1.50 of collateral (ETH) backing it. However, most traders keep a 300 to 400% collateralization ratio, given how volatile cryptocurrency prices are. If the collateralization ratio drops below 150% the trader’s collateral will be liquidated to pay off their loan.

    The DAI loan accrues a small amount of interest the entire time that it’s active, and to close out the loan, the trader must deposit DAI with MakerDAO. There is no limit on the duration of loans, and the MakerDAO platform cannot control what DAI users do with their tokens.

    DAI was a revolutionary product when the MakerDAO platform first went live, and as such, there were some teething problems. The Maker community introduced some good solutions to these problems, though, and the DAI peg has stayed consistently around 1 dollar ever since.

    Dai has a number of compelling use cases across the crypto ecosystem, and is an invaluable tool for savings (that cannot be seized), 24/7 instant international remittance, and financial transparency.

    For those reasons, it appears that the DAI stablecoin might be the best bet for the future.

    This content is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. You should consult a qualified licensed advisor before engaging in any transaction.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 25 augustus 2021 19:12
    Dankzij Chinees ingrijpen verdienen cryptodelvers elders goudgeld
    Pim Brasser 17:19

    Chinees ingrijpen leidt tot een massale exodus van cryptomijnen.
    De verhuizingen zijn zeer lastig en kostbaar en in datacentra elders is weinig plek.
    Cryptodelvers buiten China profiteren ondertussen van minder delvende computers en hoge koersen.

    Chinees overheidsingrijpen leidt niet alleen tot onrust op de aandelenmarkten. Peking pakt naast techbedrijven ook energieslurpende cryptodelvers aan, omdat het de broeikasgasuitstoot wil terugdringen en aan een eigen digitale munt werkt. Dus moeten cryptomijnen verkassen. Grote logistieke problemen zijn het gevolg, terwijl bitcoinmijnen buiten China gouden tijden beleven.

    Cryptomijnen bestaan vaak uit duizenden zware computers die 24/7 wiskundige berekeningen maken. Daarmee worden transacties van cryptomunten verwerkt en het levert de delvers nieuwe munten op.

    Dat klinkt lucratief, maar bitcoinfabrieken maken ook veel kosten aan apparatuur en vooral aan stroom voor de computers. Omdat het aantal nog te delven bitcoins afneemt en de concurrentie groeit, hebben delvers meer computers nodig. Door zich in China dicht bij kolencentrales of waterkrachtcentrales - waar stroom goedkoper is - te vestigen, worden de kosten zo laag mogelijk gehouden.
    De helft meer crypto's

    Maar sinds het Chinese ingrijpen staat de cryptodelversmarkt - de helft van het totale aantal cryptomijnen wereldwijd zit in China - op zijn kop. Terwijl Chinese mijnen druk bezig zijn met verhuizen, verdienen delvers elders misschien wel meer dan ooit. Het aantal delvende computers is namelijk met bijna de helft afgenomen, maar het aantal te vergeven cryptomunten blijft hetzelfde. Cryptomijnen buiten China krijgen daardoor plotseling bijna de helft meer bitcoins binnen, zeggen ze tegen de Financial Times.

    En het kan nog wel even duren voordat de Chinese delvers weer online zijn, in bijvoorbeeld de Verenigde Staten. Hun duizenden computers gaan al stuk als ze bij de verhuizing heen en weer schudden en een nieuwe kost volgens The Wall Street Journal zo'n $12.000. Het Amerikaanse importtarief voor computers ligt op 25%. De verhuizing kan daardoor miljoenen gaan kosten.
    Delvers zijn wanhopig

    Maar het grootste probleem is het vinden van een nieuw thuis voor de bitcoinmijnen. Vanwege de grote benodigde stroomtoevoer kunnen zij niet zomaar ergens settelen en in Noord-Amerika en Europa zijn de meeste geschikte plekken voorbehouden aan datacentra. Sommige Chinese delvers lijken wanhopig. Zij smeken mijnen buiten China hun computers een plek te geven, soms tegen de helft van de opbrengsten, meldt de Financial Times.

    Voorlopig zitten delvers buiten China dus op een goudmijn. Daarbij helpen de recente koersstijgingen van cryptomunten uiteraard mee. Na een dip van drie maanden stond de koers van de bitcoin maandag voor het eerst weer boven de $50.000, waarna deze wel weer licht terugviel. Maar de bitcoin is nog steeds veel duurder dan pakweg een maand geleden, toen de munt kort onder de $30.000 dook.

    Ook de op één na grootste cryptomunt naar waarde, de ethereum, koerst hoger. In navolging van de bitcoin halveerde ook zijn waarde deze zomer, van boven de $4000 naar rond de $2000. Maar inmiddels kost de munt weer meer dan $3000.

    Lees het volledige artikel:
  4. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2021 20:00
    US Congressman to Federal Reserve Bank President: Most Crime Is Conducted With Cash You Print, Not Crypto
    Congressman Tom Emmer has responded to the comments by the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis about bitcoin and crypto having no use case other than funding illicit activities. “Most crime is still conducted with the cash you print,” he said.

    Rep. Emmer Pushes Back at Federal Reserve’s Kashkari Over Crypto’s Use in Crime
    On Thursday, Rep. Tom Emmer told Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, how he is wrong about crypto being used mostly for funding illicit activities.

    Crypto-skeptic Kashkari said this week at the Pacific Northwest Economic Regional Annual Summit in Big Sky, Montana, that cryptocurrencies are “95% fraud, hype, noise and confusion.” In addition, he said, “I’ve not seen any use case other than funding illicit activities like drugs and prostitution.”

    Responding to Kashkari’s comments, Emmer tweeted Thursday:

    Crypto-based crime represented only 0.34% of the entire transaction volume in 2020. Unfortunately, most crime is still conducted with the cash you print.

    Blockchain data platform Chainalysis published a report early this year showing that “cryptocurrency-related crime fell significantly in 2020.” Specifically, the firm wrote, “In 2020, the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activity fell to just 0.34% or $10.0 billion in transaction volume.”

    Despite this finding, many top-ranking officials still claim that crypto is mostly used in illicit financing. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said earlier this year that “Cryptocurrencies are a particular concern,” adding that “many are used, at least in a transactions sense, mainly for illicit financing.” The president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, similarly said that bitcoin “has conducted some funny business” and some “totally reprehensible money laundering activity.”

    Besides Rep. Emmer, many people have tried to set the record straight that most crime is done in fiat currencies, not cryptocurrencies. Among them is well-known economist Daniel Lacalle, fund manager and chief economist at Tressis Gestion. Calling Lagarde’s statement “outrageous,” he emphasized, “we all know that the vast majority of money laundering globally is conducted in fiat currencies, particularly in U.S. dollars and euros.”

    Earlier this month, Mohamed El-Erian, an adviser to Allianz and Gramercy Funds Management, urged governments to “stop dismissing the crypto revolution as some mix of illicit payments schemes and reckless financial speculation.”
  5. RW1963 27 augustus 2021 18:27
    Af en toe lees je iets over Bitcoin Era. Met een inleg van € 250,- wordt je duizenden euro's winst beloofd. Ik neem aan dat dit allemaal nep/bedrog/oplichterij etc. is.
    Maar toch ben ik benieuwd of er hier mensen zijn die mogelijk toch ervaring hebben positief of negatief.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 27 augustus 2021 19:49

    RW1963 schreef op 27 augustus 2021 18:27:

    Af en toe lees je iets over Bitcoin Era. Met een inleg van € 250,- wordt je duizenden euro's winst beloofd. Ik neem aan dat dit allemaal nep/bedrog/oplichterij etc. is.
    Maar toch ben ik benieuwd of er hier mensen zijn die mogelijk toch ervaring hebben positief of negatief.
    Advertenties en e-mails waarin bekende figuren genoemd worden zijn per definitie oplichting.

    Ik heb trouwens nog nooit gehoord van 'Bitcoin Era'.
  7. RW1963 27 augustus 2021 20:19

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 27 augustus 2021 19:49:

    Advertenties en e-mails waarin bekende figuren genoemd worden zijn per definitie oplichting.

    Ik heb trouwens nog nooit gehoord van 'Bitcoin Era'.
    Kwam het tegen op Facebook. Maar vind het ook allemaal maar vaag. Toch schreef een "vriend" van een vriend in een paar weken een mooie winst behaald te hebben. Ik geloof er ook niet in, maar toch...

    Een stukje heb ik gekopieerd:
    Een team van zeer slimme informatici, die eerder voor Google en Apple hadden gewerkt, richtte de start up Bitcoin Era op. Zij zorgden voor een enorme golf aan opwinding in de financiële en informatietechnologiewereld. Bitcoin Era kan voor elke gebruiker hoge winsten genereren door het uitvoeren van een uniek handelsalgoritme. Dit algoritme stelt de gebruiker in staat om automatisch Bitcoin en andere cryptocurrencies valuta's te verhandelen. De gebruiker heeft geen kennis of geld nodig om dure investeringen te doen.

    De gebruiker moet een eerste minimumbedrag van 250€ op Bitcoin Era storten om het volledig geautomatiseerde proces te kunnen starten. Een gebruiker die hogere bedragen stort, heeft een hoger winstpercentage. Het algoritme, ontwikkeld door voormalige Google-programmeurs en data-analisten, kiest automatisch het perfecte moment om Bitcoin laag in te kopen en hoog te verkopen - en vice versa. Op deze manier worden de winsten van de gebruiker gemaximaliseerd zonder dat daar risico's aan verbonden zijn.

    Maar op Internet kan ik er niet veel over vinden, dus waarschijnlijk allemaal oplichterij. En anders was het wel bekender!
  8. Straddleman 28 augustus 2021 15:24

    RW1963 schreef op 27 augustus 2021 20:19:


    De gebruiker heeft geen kennis of geld nodig om dure investeringen te doen.

    Op dit forum geen gebrek aan geen kennis.

  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 augustus 2021 17:05

    RW1963 schreef op 27 augustus 2021 20:19:


    Kwam het tegen op Facebook. Maar vind het ook allemaal maar vaag. Toch schreef een "vriend" van een vriend in een paar weken een mooie winst behaald te hebben. Ik geloof er ook niet in, maar toch...

    Een stukje heb ik gekopieerd:
    Een team van zeer slimme informatici, die eerder voor Google en Apple hadden gewerkt, richtte de start up Bitcoin Era op. Zij zorgden voor een enorme golf aan opwinding in de financiële en informatietechnologiewereld. Bitcoin Era kan voor elke gebruiker hoge winsten genereren door het uitvoeren van een uniek handelsalgoritme. Dit algoritme stelt de gebruiker in staat om automatisch Bitcoin en andere cryptocurrencies valuta's te verhandelen. De gebruiker heeft geen kennis of geld nodig om dure investeringen te doen.

    De gebruiker moet een eerste minimumbedrag van 250€ op Bitcoin Era storten om het volledig geautomatiseerde proces te kunnen starten. Een gebruiker die hogere bedragen stort, heeft een hoger winstpercentage. Het algoritme, ontwikkeld door voormalige Google-programmeurs en data-analisten, kiest automatisch het perfecte moment om Bitcoin laag in te kopen en hoog te verkopen - en vice versa. Op deze manier worden de winsten van de gebruiker gemaximaliseerd zonder dat daar risico's aan verbonden zijn.

    Maar op Internet kan ik er niet veel over vinden, dus waarschijnlijk allemaal oplichterij. En anders was het wel bekender!
    Dit is natuurlijk kolder.
  10. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:01
    US Senator Soliciting Proposals to Ensure Federal Law Supports Cryptocurrency
    U.S. Senator Pat Toomey is soliciting ideas and proposals on cryptocurrency regulation. He explained that he “intends to use the responses in forming legislation that clarifies ambiguity around how existing laws, especially in the tax and securities realms, may apply to cryptocurrencies.”

    US Senator Pat Toomey Seeks Proposals on Crypto Regulation
    The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs announced Thursday that Ranking Member Pat Toomey is requesting “feedback on clarifying laws around cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.” The committee will collect proposals from Aug. 26 to Sept. 27. All proposals will subsequently be published.

    Senator Toomey detailed that he is “soliciting ideas and legislative proposals to ensure federal law supports the development of emerging cryptocurrency and open blockchain network technologies while continuing to protect crypto investors.”

    He explained that he “intends to use the responses in forming legislation that clarifies ambiguity around how existing laws, especially in the tax and securities realms, may apply to cryptocurrencies.”

    The senator emphasized:

    Rather than trying to ignore or suppress cryptocurrency and related technologies, regulators and legislators alike need to recognize that open, public networks are here to stay. Our laws and regulations must adapt to these developments.

    Potential topics that the proposals should address include securities implications of cryptocurrencies, payments and money transmission supervision, stablecoins, cryptocurrency exchanges, custody regulation, banking authorities, and decentralized finance (defi).

    “Not only might cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies be as revolutionary as the internet, [but] they also have the potential to build wealth and financial independence for individuals who are empowered to engage in financial transactions directly with each other, free from oft-costly middlemen,” Senator Toomey continued, elaborating:

    "That’s why it’s important Congress gets this right and ensures the United States remains at the forefront of cryptocurrency and fintech innovation."
  11. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:17

    fred 59 schreef op 8 juni 2021 16:28:

    Hij gaat lekker.

    Ik kan al die zure gezichten al zien achter het laptoppie.
    Als Fred mijn voorbeeld had gevolgd en ge-DCA'ed vanaf 35K USD in plaats van dat gezwelg in leedvermaak, had ie nu toch mooi zo'n 45% winst gehad... tja..
  12. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:18

    Joshua41 schreef op 8 juni 2021 16:48:


    Ik geniet.
    Ik hoop op een nog roder dagje.
    De natte droom van Joshua41 is ook weer niet uitgekomen... tja..
  13. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:19

    small_investor schreef op 29 mei 2021 17:28:

    nou daar gaat ie down, de afstort begint. 1 juni $20000, wat natuurlijk nog een hele fijne prijs is.
  14. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:29
    Citigroup Files to Trade Bitcoin Futures, Says Clients Are 'Increasingly Interested' in Cryptocurrency
    Citigroup is reportedly awaiting regulatory approval to start offering bitcoin futures trading to its clients. “We are presently considering products such as futures for some of our institutional clients, as these operate under strong regulatory frameworks,” said Citigroup.

    Citigroup Awaits Regulatory Approval to Trade Bitcoin Futures
    Citigroup Inc. is reportedly considering whether to offer its biggest clients trading in bitcoin futures, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.

    “Our clients are increasingly interested in this space, and we are monitoring these developments,” Citigroup was quoted by the news outlet as saying. “Given the many questions around regulatory frameworks, supervisory expectations and other factors, we are being very thoughtful about our approach.” The bank added:

    We are presently considering products such as futures for some of our institutional clients, as these operate under strong regulatory frameworks.

    The publication further noted that the bank is awaiting regulatory approval to begin trading CME bitcoin futures, citing a person familiar with the matter.

    In May, there were reports that Citigroup was contemplating launching crypto services after seeing a “very rapid” accumulation of interest in bitcoin across a broad spectrum of clients, including large asset managers. In June, reports noted the bank had established a “digital assets group” within its wealth management unit, citing a memo to staff that had been seen.

    At the end of May, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser gave her testimony on cryptocurrency before the Senate banking committee. She stated that Citigroup was taking a “measured approach” to cryptocurrency as the bank sought “to understand changes in the digital asset space and the use of distributed ledger technology, including demand and interest by our clients, regulatory developments and technology advancements.”
  15. forum rang 7 HCohen 29 augustus 2021 11:37
    CEO of 'Decentralized Banking' Crypto Scheme Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison, Fined $4 Million

    The CEO of Arisebank, touted as “the world’s first decentralized banking platform,” has been sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay $4,258,073 in restitution. He admitted that he lied to investors while quietly converting their cryptocurrencies for his personal use.

    CEO of ‘the World’s First Decentralized Banking Platform’ Heading to Jail
    The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Wednesday that Arisebank CEO Jared Rice Sr. has been sentenced to five years in prison in a “$4 million crypto scheme.” Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, Prerak Shah, announced:

    The inventor of cryptocurrency Arisecoin was sentenced today to five years in federal prison for duping investors out of more than $4 million.
  16. [verwijderd] 29 augustus 2021 11:58
    Second Largest U.S. Mortgage Lender to Take Bitcoin Payments
    United Wholesale Mortgage, the second-largest mortgage lender in the U.S., announced it had plans to accept cryptocurrency as payment for mortgage loans last week. The company expects to accept bitcoin as soon as Q3 2021, and is looking into possibly accepting ether and other cryptocurrencies as well. However, it is unclear if the company will hold the cryptocurrency collected as is.

    Mortgage Lender to Take Bitcoin Payments by Q3
    United Wholesale Mortgage will start taking crypto payments sometime in Q3, according to statements made during its earnings call last week. The company will start taking bitcoin payments first, and is researching in consideration of adding ether and other cryptocurrencies later. Its CEO, Mat Ishbia, stated:

    We’ve evaluated the feasibility, and we’re looking forward to being the first mortgage company in America to accept cryptocurrency to satisfy mortgage payments.

    The company, which emerged as a result of a SPAC merger in January, is not directly connected to customers. Instead, it uses brokers to link customers and loans. The company didn’t explain if the cryptocurrency received would be kept as such or exchanged for fiat money.

    Crypto Payment Options on the Rise
    If the company manages to achieve its goal, we might see mortgages paid in crypto before the end of this year. The cryptocurrency payments space has been warming up all this year due to the heightened interest in digital assets. In March, one of the biggest payment processors, Paypal, introduced a new feature called “Checkout with crypto,” which enables users to pay with cryptocurrency in millions of online stores.

    However, there is still a roadblock for the adoption of cryptocurrency payments in the U.S. Cryptocurrency can be considered property in the country, and paying with crypto can be considered a sale. This means that depending on the buying price, crypto holders might have to pay capital gains tax even when using bitcoin to pay for their mortgage loans.

    In other countries with less stringent regulations, crypto is already used for real estate payments. This is the case in Venezuela, which recently recorded one of its first public sales of a property paid for with cryptocurrency. This payment method is said to have many advantages such as not depending on the approval of banks, cutting paperwork, and slashing processing times from two weeks to just hours.
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