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Ripple - XRP - nieuwe verdienmodellen noodzakelijk voor bancaire sector

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  1. Omnius 10 oktober 2016 14:05
    Was even aan het terugkijken, zit er al vanaf ca mei 2014 in, met wisselende hoeveelheden. Stijging eind 2015 meegemaakt, maar ook de hele daling erna.
    Heb wel wat geld eruit gehaald na die stijging eind 2015, maar overall bescheiden winstje tot nu toe.
    Heb positie afgelopen jaar ook nauwelijks aangepast.
    Was nog wel een gedoe om toen het account van Ripple over te zetten naar Gatehub.
    Nu zit ik te wachten tot we structureel gaan stijgen, Ik zie het als een lange termijn belegging.
  2. Frederik C. 10 oktober 2016 15:37
    While the recent buzz on Bitcoin and Ethereum has gone cold as of late, Ripple has quietly been making quite a run within mainstream circles. Making fast friends within the banking industry of late, Ripple is starting to make an impact and may offer a future alternative to established global trading icons like SWIFT. However, something happened Monday morning that has never happened before in the history of Ripple. Here what we know so far.

    According to CoinMarketCap, Ripple has reached a new all-time market capitalization high in early Monday morning trading, or Sunday night if you are in the West. In one hour, Ripple trading volumes went from $3.25 million to over $8 million, pushing the market cap to a new record of over $1.25 Billion.
  3. [verwijderd] 10 oktober 2016 20:14

    Omnius schreef op 10 oktober 2016 14:05:

    Was even aan het terugkijken, zit er al vanaf ca mei 2014 in, met wisselende hoeveelheden. Stijging eind 2015 meegemaakt, maar ook de hele daling erna.
    Heb wel wat geld eruit gehaald na die stijging eind 2015, maar overall bescheiden winstje tot nu toe.
    Heb positie afgelopen jaar ook nauwelijks aangepast.
    Was nog wel een gedoe om toen het account van Ripple over te zetten naar Gatehub.
    Nu zit ik te wachten tot we structureel gaan stijgen, Ik zie het als een lange termijn belegging.
    De grote klap komt als het bankensysteem omvalt.
    En als dat gebeurt heb je geen tijd meer om je geld over te boeken.
    Ik houd mijn Crypto's aan.

    Ik heb ook nog wat stratis, maar zit er over te denken om die wel te doen. Zie er weinig meerwaarde in.
    Zit nog te twijfelen over NXT (gevestigd in Nederland)
    Hoewel NXT een heel mooi platform is, lijkt het op de één of andere manier niet aan te slaan.

    Het is wellicht nog 2 tot 3 jaar te vroeg voor ethereum.
    Maar het zou zo maar eens heel snel kunnen gaan.
  4. Omnius 14 oktober 2016 08:42

    A New Engine for Growth: Why the Next President Must Have Fintech on the Agenda
    Oct 13, 2016 | Chris Larsen

    The presidential debates so far have given this country a great deal to think about. While we’re paying close attention to what’s been said, I’ve noticed some important things that haven’t been addressed at all. While the candidates have scratched the surface of cybersecurity, the next president needs to be very well informed about fintech. Not just in terms of what could go wrong, but really focused on the opportunity for our nation.

    I believe we’re at a magic moment, much like the one we seized in the early 90s when the internet was formed. As a nation, the tremendous opportunity we have is essentially the formation of a new internet, with the financial technology that will become our new infrastructure. Innovators are building the Internet of Value: a system that moves money as seamlessly as information.

    We successfully seized a similar magic moment in the 90s and drove adoption and availability through innovation, smart regulation, and cooperation between Silicon Valley and Washington. In fact, the White House created the framework for electronic commerce that was adopted globally – and that we still use this today. By leading this framework, the U.S. had a distinct advantage in developing the internet and resulting digital economy. We have to do the same for the Internet of Value.

    It’s not guaranteed that the U.S. will have the same competitive advantage this time around. Now, in the crucial nascent stages, I can already see that we face some significant disadvantages. Our centers of finance, regulation, and tech are separated by thousands of miles and key philosophical differences. Other global fintech hubs like London and Singapore enjoy physical and ideological proximity, and can consequently concentrate their efforts more easily than we can. This race is theirs to win.

    The next president needs to have fintech on their agenda. Distributed financial technology provides us a pivotal, breakthrough moment and the nation that moves fastest to seize it will have leadership in the Internet of Value. If we are to stay on top economically, if we are to find a way to close the gap of economic inequality, this is the key. New technologies like blockchain will be a catalyst to increase financial inclusion and lower the barriers to commerce.

    We see this happening in three key areas of economic development: 1) Small and medium-sized businesses will have access to new international markets through efficient cross-border payments, 2) Consumers will be able to send and receive money in real-time via retail remittances, and 3) Corporates and new digital businesses will be able to make high velocity payments of any value seamlessly. The Internet of Value has the potential to enable that growth. The tech and the market are ready; the next president must ensure that the government is as well.

    I suggest that the next president appoint a fintech advisor to ensure that the White House has a firm grasp on what’s at stake. Since the crisis of 2008, consumer protections have been uncoordinated and applied inconsistently at times. In their eagerness to protect American consumers, regulators can unintentionally paralyze positive innovation. Earlier this year, U.S. Government Accountability Office highlighted this challenge saying:

    Fragmentation and overlap have created inefficiencies in regulatory processes, inconsistencies in how regulators oversee similar types of institutions, and differences in the levels of protection afforded to consumer.

    [This structure] consumed significant agency resources and resulted in lengthy delays in introducing product innovations to the markets.

    Our next president must have reliable expert advice to temper that instinct, and to seize this crucial moment. When I look at the future of this incredibly powerful technology, I’m confident that the Internet of Value will be truly transformative. But we can’t do it alone. We need the support of a well-informed administration in Washington to maintain our lead. When it comes to fintech, this race is ours to lose.
  5. Omnius 14 oktober 2016 08:45
    mag die Larsen wel, werkt altijd aan het grotere plaatje.

    Heb trouwens nooit ooit wat NXT gekocht, maar ben password kwijt .. dat is toch met die brain wallet?
    nu alleen nog wat BTC, Ripple en een paar losse ETH (in ripple IOU). zie de rest van de coins grotendeels uitsterven komende jaren, ik zie de business case niet. Misschien doordat ik me er niet genoeg in verdiep.
  6. Frederik C. 14 oktober 2016 22:59
    Yes, Ripple has made fantastic strides with an excellent, market ready, platform. (...) Already today, using blockchain-based applications, companies could bring the cost of a cross-border transaction down from $25 to $1 or $2. This will drive adoption.
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 oktober 2016 09:56
    De banken zijn druk aan het experimenteren met blockchains (o.a. die van Ripple). Helaas gaan de banken nooit van z'n leven geld overmaken via Ripple; ze zijn gewoon aan het kijken hoe ze een eigen blockchain kunnen maken voor overboeking van gelden.
    Ze houden Ripple gewoon aan het lijntje en kijken hoe het werkt.
    En zelfs als de banken wel het Ripple-systeem zouden gaan gebruiken, dan levert dat geen voordelen op voor Ripple-bezitters, alleen de eigenaren van de Ripple-company zullen daar voordeel van hebben.
  8. Frederik C. 15 oktober 2016 12:11
    Van 7 oktober; Federal Reserve's Lael Brainard bereidt de Street voor:

    "The United States has seen several noteworthy recent developments, including the New York State Department of Financial Services' BitLicense, a distributed ledger company (lees Ripple) securing Federal Reserve Bank of New York approval for participation in the National Settlement Service (lees Ripple), and, most recently, discussion by the OCC of a limited-purpose charter (lees Ripple)."

    Tja,..hoeveel voorbereiding gun je jezelf?
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 oktober 2016 13:05

    Frederik C. schreef op 15 oktober 2016 12:11:

    Van 7 oktober; Federal Reserve's Lael Brainard bereidt de Street voor:
    "The United States has seen several noteworthy recent developments, including the New York State Department of Financial Services' BitLicense, a distributed ledger company (lees Ripple) securing Federal Reserve Bank of New York approval for participation in the National Settlement Service (lees Ripple), and, most recently, discussion by the OCC of a limited-purpose charter (lees Ripple)."
    Tja,..hoeveel voorbereiding gun je jezelf?
    Vergeet het maar, Fred!!

    Zodra de banken de nodige knowhow hebben, laten ze Ripple vallen als een baksteen.
    Ze gaan natuurlijk hun eigen blockchain opzetten en waarschijnlijk zonder een tussenvaluta geld overmaken.
    Banken willen immers absoluut geen (extra) koersrisico lopen en ze willen ook dit nieuwe transfersysteem geheel in eigen hand houden.
  10. Frederik C. 15 oktober 2016 14:10
    Niet alleen samenwerken met de Federal Reserve (zie boven), maar ook bruikbare alternatieven geven voor het dagenlange SWIFT protocol (naar < 10 seconden), doet de adoptie, wereldwijd, razendsnel toenemen, van Ripple.

    Sometime in the next few weeks – possibly before it marks the first anniversary of its launch last December – SWIFT will announce that the number of banks to have signed up for its global payments innovation (GPI) initiative has reached 100, ahead of the service going live early next year.(...) However, he financial messaging services provider is not the only one with an initiative to improve cross-border payments; fintech start-up Ripple is also working on its own and asserts that it can more than match the GPI for speed, compliance and payments transparency. According to its rival, the initiative adds relatively little to what SWIFT already provides, with antiquated infrastructure making real-time settlement a challenge.(...)However, as yet Ripple hasn’t achieved the same critical mass, attracting 15 global banks as members of a steering group on using its technology for cross-border payments against a figure of nearly 90 that to date have signed up for the GPI.

    Kwestie van (korte) tijd...en dan is ook SWIFT verleden tijd...
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 oktober 2016 14:17

    Frederik C. schreef op 15 oktober 2016 14:10:

    Niet alleen samenwerken met de Federal Reserve (zie boven), maar ook bruikbare alternatieven geven voor het dagenlange SWIFT protocol (naar < 10 seconden), doet de adoptie, wereldwijd, razendsnel toenemen, van Ripple.
    Kwestie van (korte) tijd...en dan is ook SWIFT verleden tijd...
    Er is helemaal geen 'adoptie' van Ripple; geen enkele bank gebruikt Ripples en dat zal waarschijnlijk ook nooit gebeuren.
  12. Frederik C. 15 oktober 2016 14:43
    Tja...Feiten geven toch een ander beeld.

    15 of the top 50 banks work with Ripple
    30 active integrations
    87% coverage of FX crosses
    9 countries with banks implementing Ripple in production

    en daar komt nog bij dat:

    Ripple is proud to announce the creation of the first interbank group for global payments based on distributed financial technology. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Santander, UniCredit, Standard Chartered, Westpac Banking Corporation, and Royal Bank of Canada are the founding members of the network, known as the Global Payments Steering Group (GPSG). CIBC will also join the GPSG as a new member.
    Although Ripple already has an extensive network of banks, the GPSG will serve a specific purpose. The group will oversee the creation and maintenance of Ripple payment transaction rules, formalized standards for activity using Ripple, and other actions to promote implementation of Ripple payment capabilities as our network continues to grow.

    Tja, dus geen adoptie?...Van mij mag je het ook adaptie noemen; Early Adopters...
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 oktober 2016 15:39

    Frederik C. schreef op 15 oktober 2016 14:43:

    Tja...Feiten geven toch een ander beeld.

    15 of the top 50 banks work with Ripple
    30 active integrations
    87% coverage of FX crosses
    9 countries with banks implementing Ripple in production

    en daar komt nog bij dat:

    Ripple is proud to announce the creation of the first interbank group for global payments based on distributed financial technology. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Santander, UniCredit, Standard Chartered, Westpac Banking Corporation, and Royal Bank of Canada are the founding members of the network, known as the Global Payments Steering Group (GPSG). CIBC will also join the GPSG as a new member.
    Although Ripple already has an extensive network of banks, the GPSG will serve a specific purpose. The group will oversee the creation and maintenance of Ripple payment transaction rules, formalized standards for activity using Ripple, and other actions to promote implementation of Ripple payment capabilities as our network continues to grow.
    Tja, dus geen adoptie?...Van mij mag je het ook adaptie noemen; Early Adopters...
    Er staat dus NERGENS dat enige bank de Ripple-valuta wil gaan gebruiken om geld over te maken.
  14. Frederik C. 15 oktober 2016 16:17
    ... Vanzelfsprekendheid wordt niet uitgedrukt in 'wil',... Maar in tegenwoordige tijd... 'is using'....Santander has begun using an app for international payments using Ripple Labs’ blockchain technology, according to Ripple on its Ripple Insights website. The pilot app makes Santander the first U.K. bank to use Ripple technology for cross-border payments.....
    Welk gedeelte begrijp je niet?... Btw, dit is al oud nieuws!... Gaat nu zo snel dat er niet voor iedere bank die Ripple adapteert, een PR uitgaat...
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 oktober 2016 12:28

    Frederik C. schreef op 15 oktober 2016 16:17:

    ... Vanzelfsprekendheid wordt niet uitgedrukt in 'wil',... Maar in tegenwoordige tijd... 'is using'....Santander has begun using an app for international payments using Ripple Labs’ blockchain technology, according to Ripple on its Ripple Insights website. The pilot app makes Santander the first U.K. bank to use Ripple technology for cross-border payments.....
    Welk gedeelte begrijp je niet?... Btw, dit is al oud nieuws!... Gaat nu zo snel dat er niet voor iedere bank die Ripple adapteert, een PR uitgaat...
    Beste Fred,
    Of je kan niet lezen Of je hebt een block voor je kop:

    NERGENS staat dat Santander de Ripple-valuta gaat gebruiken, ze gebruiken alleen de blockchain-techniek van Ripple Labs.

    Santander is introducing the app as a staff pilot, with the intention to expand the technology.
    Once the app is downloaded, Santander staff just have to complete profile details to start to make payments. The app connects to Apple Pay, where users can securely confirm payments using Touch ID. It allows users transfer between £10 and £10,000. Payments can be made from GBP to EUR and USD. Payments made in EUR can go to 21 countries while U.S. dollar payments can only go to the United States.

    Ripple is providing the technology for the app.

  16. Frederik C. 16 oktober 2016 15:04
    It's on RCL.The service will gradually get closer to real-time settlement!

    Voor jou, RCL betekent met gebruik van XRP.

    The Ripple Consensus Ledger applies reserve requirements, in XRP, to protect the shared global ledger from growing excessively large as the result of spam or malicious usage.
  17. Frederik C. 20 oktober 2016 15:23
    Hoe feitelijk / letterlijk wil je het hebben?...Koers is nu flink aan het stijgen!

    R3 Trials Interbank Cross-Border Payments With Ripple’s Digital Asset XRP

    R3 member banks involved in the trial include Barclays, BMO Financial Group, CIBC, Intesa Sanpaulo, Macquarie Group, National Australia Bank (NAB), Natixis, Nordea, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Santander, Scotiabank and Westpac Banking Corporation.
    Global Banks Test Ripple's Digital Currency in New Blockchain Trial
    Now the founder of knowledge discovery platform Yegii, Undheim told CoinDesk that he believes banks were originally hesitant because they weren't sure how such experiments might impact investor confidence, but that the fear of missing out has taken over.
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