*Justin* schreef op 3 april 2013 10:13:
SNS geeft ook aan dat garmin en tomtom beter op bepaalde fronten kunnen gaan samenwerken dan concurreren. Maar dat de houding (vijandigheid) geen aanleiding geeft om te vermoeden dat dat gaande is. Een concreet voorbeeld van samenwerking zou bijvoorbeeld zijn:
- tomtom laat zijn navigatiekastjes fabriceren door garmin. Garmin heeft eigen fabricage plants (die gezien de markt niet op 100% draaien), terwijl tomtom dat uitbesteedt in Azie. Garmin heeft dan in feite qua hardware de hele pnd markt in handen.
- garmin gebruikt tomtom kaarten en hd traffic op garmin pnd's, tomtom heeft dan in feite qua content de hele pnd markt in handen.
Having said that, TomTom may also be entering some of the markets in which Garmin has built up a strong market presence, such as the fitness, sport, golf and outdoor segments. TomTom is organising a Consumer Launch event on April 17 and it would not be unexpected to see TomTom unveil products that compete with Garmin in those segments.
Such a development would mean that the company's will go head to head in basically all segments except Aviation and Marine. That may spark speculation that both companies would be better of cooperating at certain levels, especially in manufacturing. However, we have already suggested such cooperation between the two companies (and even gone as far as to suggest a merger). However, such cooperation, given the attitudes of both companies, remains firmly in the realm of speculation.