Bir schreef op 19 juli 2012 20:30:
Beste @Saibee, volgens mij is die periode 6 weken en geen 3 weken. Zie onder:
Silent periods
Silent periods are the periods prior to the publication of financial results during which in principle no meetings will be held with and no presentations will be given to financial analysts and investors.
In addition, during silent periods no other communication with analysts and investors will take place, unless such communication would relate to factual clarifications of previously disclosed information. The length of the silent period is two months prior to full year results, 6 weeks prior to first-half results and 3 weeks before Q1 and Q3 statements. Silent periods differ from the formal closed periods during which trading in the company's shares is prohibited (interim figures 3 weeks, annual figures 2 months).
Grtn Bir.