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  1. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2023 10:06
    Nederlands gasnetwerk goudmijn voor overgang groene energie

    Updated Gisteren, 22:11
    Gisteren, 20:05

    AMSTERDAM - Nederland gaat van het aardgas af. In de grond ligt nog wel 132.000 kilometer aan gasleidingen. Sinds eind jaren 50 opgebouwd en fijnmazig tot aan het fornuis van miljoenen huishoudens aangelegd. Dat netwerk blijkt een goudmijntje: het is geschikt voor nieuwe vormen van energie. Regionale netbeheerders en Gasunie zijn in stilte bezig om het immense netwerk om te bouwen om er groen gas en waterstof toe te laten. „In Europa lopen we voorop.”

    Duizenden kilometers gaspijpleiding straks geschikt voor waterstof. ANP/HH

    In de stomende fabrieken aan het Boerengat in Terneuzen maakt Dow Benelux plastics en chemicaliën voor verpakkings- en isolatiemateriaal en matrassen. Bij die productie komt grijze waterstof vrij, gemaakt van gas. Via een bestaande gastransportleiding van Gasunie gaat die waterstof, geproduceerd met gas, twaalf kilometer zuidwaarts naar Yara in Sluiskil aan het kanaal Gent/Terneuzen. Daar is de vluchtige waterstof meer dan welkom voor productie van zijn kunststof.

    Eind 1959 begon de gaswinning in Groningen. Sindsdien is een groot leidingennetwerk uitgerold door Gasunie. Nederland kent binnen Europa het meest verfijnde gasnet, vrijwel alle huishoudens zijn aangesloten.

    Eerste fabriek voor productie waterstof uit windenergie op zee

    De aloude betonnen en gietijzeren leidingen zijn vrijwel allemaal vervangen door stalen en kunststof. De overheid heeft een plicht ze te verwijderen als ze niet meer worden gebruikt. Maar het kabinet ziet op advies van de netbeheerders een tweede leven voor dat spinnenweb van leidingen.

    Kluwe leidingen
    Zo zal over zeven jaar een hogedruknetwerk voor waterstof de vijf industriegebieden (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Zeeland, Limburg en de Eemshavenregio) onderling verbinden. Daarbij komt het aanbod aan waterstof van de windparken op de Noordzee en van de exportlanden.

    Van het 1200 kilometer grote waterstofnetwerk bestaat straks 85% uit de bestaande aardgasleidingen, zegt Marijke Kellner, voorzitter van de werkgroep toekomst energiesysteem binnen Netbeheer Nederland, de vereniging van alle elektriciteit- en gasnetbeheerders. In het hogedrukgasnetwerk van Gasunie liggen tot wel zeven leidingen naast elkaar. Kellner: „Omdat de gaswinning in Groningen wordt afgebouwd, kunnen wij een deel van die leidingen op korte termijn geschikt maken voor waterstof.”

    Gasunie bouwt groot netwerk voor waterstof in Noordzee

    Dat geldt ook voor groen gas, vooral gemaakt van restmateriaal zoals rioolslib en mest. De restanten worden vergist.

    Biogascentrales toeleveranciers van schonere brandstof. ANP/HH

    „Het voordeel van groen gas is dat het op dezelfde kwaliteit gemaakt kan worden als ons huidige aardgas”, zegt Kellner. „Groen gas kun je dus zo in het bestaande netwerk aan het aardgas toevoegen. Dat kan op de plek waar het gemaakt wordt, regionaal gebeurt het her en der al.”

    Weinig groen gas
    Er is nog relatief weinig groen gas. „Maar de hoeveelheid kan de komende jaren flink toenemen”, stelt zij, „omdat energiebedrijven verplicht worden 20% groen gas bij te mengen. En omdat er binnenkort nieuwe technieken beschikbaar komen op de markt, waardoor de productie van groen gas flink kan worden opgeschaald. In het systeem is het heel eenvoudig om de aardgasstromen te vervangen door groen gas. Er komt bovendien nieuwe kansrijke vergassingstechnologie in de markt”, zo verwijst Kellner naar wat de ’super kritische watervergassing’ heet. Die maakt gebruik van natte afvalstromen. Daaruit is groen gas te halen. „Daarmee wordt de vertienvoudiging van groen gas die we nodig hebben waarschijnlijk mogelijk. Dat groene gas kan direct in ons gasnetwerk.”

    Gasunie: Gronings veld moet op waakvlam blijven

    Voor de ombouw naar een landelijk waterstofnet worden nu alle koppelingen van gasleidingen vervangen om het geschikt te maken voor transport van waterstof: dat gas is veel fijner en vluchtiger dan aardgas. „Maar door daar bij het ontwerp rekening mee te houden is dat geen probleem”, stelt Kellner.

    Einddatum aardgas in 2050, volgens kabinetsplannen. ANP/HH

    De zware industrie in Nederland zal als eerste over op dit hogedruknetwerk voor waterstof gaan. „Omdat vanwege hun uitstoot daar veruit de grootste winst van CO2-verlaging te bereiken is”, zegt Maarten Afman, de voorzitter van de scenario-werkgroep bij Netbeheer Nederland.

    Uitbreiding havens
    De netbedrijven rekenen ook op veel waterstof, aangemaakt door grote offshore windparken. Die waterstof wordt dan aan de kust of op zee geproduceerd. „Alle havens in Nederland bereiden zich al voor op de verwerking van die waterstof in het gasnetwerk”, zegt Kellner. Er komen grote terminals om waterstof te importeren.

    Nederland heeft met de ligging aan de Noordzee, het verfijnde netwerk, de grote industrie en de havens en de verbindingen met vooral Duitsland troefkaarten. Kellner: „Niet alleen voor Nederland, maar ook als toegangspoort voor de rest van Europa.”

    Eerste fabriek voor productie waterstof uit windenergie op zee

    Kolencentrales moeten in 2030 stoppen en over op een andere brandstof. Dat kan bijvoorbeeld waterstof zijn, of biomassa. De andere energiecentrales hebben 2035 als deadline. Ook zij worden mogelijk aangesloten op het waterstofnetwerk.

    En wat moeten huishoudens dan doen? Ga niet wachten op waterstof, zegt Afman. Het is niet zeker of dat wel overal komt. „Ga aan de slag met isoleren, neem een warmtepomp of een aansluiting op een warmtenet als dat er komt. Dan ben je voorbereid op de toekomst”, zegt hij.

    „Als hele wijken van het gas af gaan, dan halen we het gasnet weg in die wijk. Maar als iemand het aardgas in de straat blijft gebruiken, dan zorgen we ervoor dat het gasnet beschikbaar en veilig blijft.”

    Gasunie: Gronings veld moet op waakvlam blijven
    Waterstof knalt als energiebron in Nederland
  2. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2023 10:52
    Provaris Unveils H2Leo: A Hydrogen Floating Storage Solution

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jun, 2023, 1:26 am

    Provaris, a visionary company in the realm of hydrogen technology, has unveiled a groundbreaking innovation known as H2Leo, gaseous hydrogen floating storage solution. This development serves as a logical extension of Provaris' expertise in compressed hydrogen intellectual property, presenting an alternative to the current exorbitant bulk-scale storage options while enhancing the economic viability of its ongoing projects.

    H2Leo, with its design capacity range spanning from 300 to 600 tonnes of hydrogen, expandable to a staggering 2,000 tonnes, revolutionizes the global hydrogen industry by offering an energy-efficient and cost-effective storage solution. Recognizing the significance of this groundbreaking concept, the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has granted an esteemed 'Approval In Principal' for the H2Leo storage solution. This endorsement grants Provaris greater flexibility and optimization opportunities within its compressed hydrogen supply chain projects, which are presently under development in Asia and Europe.

    Notably, Provaris aims to achieve a remarkable capital cost range of US$ 0.2 – 0.3 million per tonne for the H2Leo, making it substantially more affordable than traditional onshore alternatives. The versatility of this floating storage solution extends to various hydrogen supply chains and applications, including bunkering for the maritime sector, intermittent or buffer storage for green hydrogen production, and long-duration storage for surplus renewable energy.

    By providing buffer storage at export and import locations, H2Leo offers unparalleled flexibility and optimization potential for Provaris' compressed hydrogen supply chain projects. This innovative approach effectively reduces the overall cost of supply while streamlining operations.

    In conjunction with ongoing engineering endeavors and regulatory approvals for the H2Neo carrier, Provaris will simultaneously advance the development of H2Leo. Prototype testing and final class approval are slated for later this year, with the H2Leo floating storage solution anticipated to be available by 2025.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2023 10:53
    Natilus Enrolls ZeroAvia for Hydrogen Cargo Aircraft

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jun, 2023, 1:29 am

    Natilus, a pioneering force in the design and development of autonomous blended-wing body (BWB) cargo aircraft, has joined forces with ZeroAvia, a frontrunner in zero-emission commercial aviation, to forge a strategic partnership aimed at jointly creating hydrogen-electric engines for the Natilus Kona cargo aircraft. ZeroAvia's remarkable ZA600 engine will exclusively serve as the hydrogen-electric propulsion system for the groundbreaking Kona short-haul feeder UAV, with the alliance focused on delivering environmentally friendly and cost-effective operations.

    The Natilus Kona, boasting an ingenious BWB design, offers enhanced capacity for hydrogen storage, potentially revolutionizing the air cargo delivery industry by enabling low-cost and low carbon emissions operations while extending flight range. Leveraging ZeroAvia's expertise in hydrogen-electric powertrain technology and Natilus' distinctive design, this collaboration aims to develop a scalable, long-range, and emission-free air cargo delivery solution that will benefit the entire industry.

    Having recently validated the performance of the BWB design through flight testing of a quarter-scale Kona prototype aircraft, following rigorous wind-tunnel testing spanning three years, Natilus stands as a testament to innovative progress. Meanwhile, ZeroAvia has successfully conducted eight test flights of its prototype ZA600 engine, a remarkable 600kW powerplant, in a 19-seat testbed aircraft.

    Aleksey Matyushev, Co-founder and CEO of Natilus, expressed the company's commitment to environmental responsibility, stating, "Natilus has a long-term commitment to being a responsible steward of our environment, instituting practices that can protect the environment through continual improvements to save fuel and water, reduce waste, air emissions, noise, and material consumption. The Natilus-ZeroAvia partnership goes further, bringing the talents and innovations of the two companies together to deliver much-needed innovation in the air cargo delivery industry and multiple solutions for our customers."

    Val Miftakhov, Founder and CEO of ZeroAvia, acknowledged the significance of the collaboration, remarking, "Given Natilus' impressive order book and corresponding technology development, working together on integrating the ZA600 as a line-fit engine for Kona can multiply the emissions and cost benefits that are already interesting cargo operators. We all depend on air cargo operators, and some communities depend on them absolutely, so improving the economics and environmental impacts of these operations while increasing service levels is a massive opportunity."
  4. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2023 10:54
    Ohmium's Advanced Green Hydrogen Technology Chosen by NTPC

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jun, 2023, 1:33 am

    Ohmium International, a prominent player in the green hydrogen sector, has been chosen as the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer partner for NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (REL), the renewable energy subsidiary of NTPC, India's largest power utility with a staggering installed generation capacity of over 70 gigawatts (GW). This partnership marks the largest-ever PEM electrolyzer deal in India and stands among the largest globally. The agreement is set to span two years, concluding in May 2025.

    Ohmium's innovative and patented electrolyzers, known for their interlocking modular design, will be deployed across a diverse range of industrial and commercial applications, including ammonia, transportation, and power. The company's cutting-edge technology is expected to aid NTPC in achieving its ambitious goal of deploying 5 GW of renewable energy capacity for green hydrogen and ammonia production, forming a significant part of NTPC's broader target of delivering 60 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2032. Ohmium's electrolyzers offer a dense and dynamic solution that seamlessly integrates with renewable energy resources, ensuring the production of green hydrogen at a highly competitive cost.

    Arne Ballantine, CEO of Ohmium, expressed enthusiasm about partnering with NTPC REL, highlighting the significance of this collaboration as the largest PEM electrolyzer deal in India to date. He commended the vision, commitment, and investment in green hydrogen demonstrated by NTPC's Chairman, Board, and CEO. NTPC has consistently pioneered the adoption of innovative clean technologies, and their forward-thinking approach will play a pivotal role in positioning India as a formidable green hydrogen powerhouse.

    With this partnership, Ohmium and NTPC REL are poised to contribute significantly to India's decarbonization efforts and renewable energy goals. The deployment of Ohmium's advanced green hydrogen technology in large-scale projects will not only drive the transition to cleaner energy but also propel India's position in the global green hydrogen landscape.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2023 07:42
    SSAB & Fortum Initiate Study on Hydrogen DRI Production in Raahe

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jun, 2023, 6:02 am

    SSAB, in collaboration with Fortum, has embarked upon an ambitious Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study aimed at exploring the prospects of large-scale hydrogen-reduced sponge iron production in Raahe. The primary objective of this endeavor is to evaluate the technical and commercial viability of manufacturing fossil-free sponge iron and establishing a hydrogen production plant. The comprehensive study is expected to conclude by the first quarter of 2024, providing invaluable insights for future decision-making.

    This FEED study serves as a natural continuation of the ongoing joint research project titled "FFS - Towards Fossil-free Steel." Launched in February 2021, this endeavor has received support from Business Finland and has laid the foundation for SSAB's transformative journey towards a predominantly carbon dioxide-free Nordic strip production by 2030. SSAB has already demonstrated its commitment to sustainable steel production by successfully manufacturing and delivering 500 tonnes of fossil-free steel in 2022.

    The results of the FEED study will play a crucial role in shaping the future of steel production, enabling the development of innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

    In March 2023, SSAB achieved yet another significant milestone by introducing SSAB Zero, an innovative carbon dioxide-free steel variant produced using recycled scrap and powered by fossil-free energy sources. This breakthrough has paved the way for SSAB to adopt a flexible manufacturing approach at its Oxelösund mill, wherein a combination of fossil-free sponge iron and scrap will serve as the raw materials for steel production, eliminating carbon dioxide emissions. This groundbreaking methodology is anticipated to be implemented starting in the fourth quarter of 2026.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2023 07:48
    Pherousa Green Shipping Unveils Zero-Emission Ammonia-Powered Ship

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jun, 2023, 1:37 am

    Pherousa Green Shipping AS (PGS) and Pherousa Green Technologies AS (PGT) have joined forces with Deltamarin, a Finnish company, to develop a groundbreaking solution in maritime transportation. The collaboration aims to design up to six Ultramax dry bulk carriers fueled by ammonia, offering a true zero-emission propulsion system. PGT's parent company, Helbio S.A., retains a 10 percent ownership stake, while HAV Group ASA, a Norwegian maritime technology supplier, has also become an industrialization partner and maintains a 10 percent ownership share in PGT.

    The breakthrough comes after Metacon successfully delivered an ammonia cracker prototype based on Helbio's tubular reforming reactor technology to Pherousa in May 2022. The prototype enables the feed of a PEM fuel cell with ammonia fuel of exceptional quality, meeting ISO 14687:2019 standards. This efficient and compact ammonia-to-hydrogen cracking capability can be implemented onboard ships, paving the way for the development of carbon-free ammonia-based drivetrains. These drivetrains can be either internal combustion engines (ICE), utilizing hydrogen-facilitated ammonia combustion, or fuel cell (FC) based drivetrains where ammonia is fully converted to hydrogen and then electricity, powering electric motors. Both solutions offer true zero CO2 emissions, providing a sustainable alternative for the shipping industry.

    Hans Bredrup, Chairman of Pherousa Green Technologies, expressed enthusiasm for introducing the Pherousa technology at a critical moment when the impacts of global climate change are escalating. By integrating their Ammonia-to-Hydrogen cracking Technology into existing Deltamarin ship designs, they aim to lead the way for future customers, showcasing the potential of Pherousa and its technology. Bredrup also acknowledged the partnership with Helbio S.A., Metacon AB, and HAV Group ASA as they embark on this pioneering venture.

    Christer Wikner, President & CEO of Metacon, emphasized their ongoing support for Pherousa's mission to enable sustainable shipping. As a technology partner and supplier of key sub-systems, Metacon sees this as a significant long-term business opportunity in a growing market. Wikner also welcomed HAV Group ASA as a capable industrialization partner, further enhancing the prospects of this exciting project.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2023 07:48
    Plug Power to Establish 3 Green Hydrogen Plants in Finland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jun, 2023, 1:42 am

    Plug Power Inc, a prominent provider of comprehensive hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy, has unveiled an ambitious plan to establish three green hydrogen production plants in Finland. These plants aim to generate 850 tons per day (TPD) of green hydrogen, equivalent to 2.2 gigawatts (GW) of electrolyzer capacity, by the end of the decade. With a final investment decision (FID) targeted for 2025/2026, Plug Power's advanced PEM electrolyzer and liquefaction technology will enable the production of green hydrogen, supporting the manufacture of ammonia and green direct reduced iron (DRI) and significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels. This endeavor will play a pivotal role in the decarbonization efforts of Europe.

    These groundbreaking projects are anticipated to become some of the most substantial investments in the European market. Plug Power has commenced discussions with major financial investors and debt providers, aiming to structure the capital in a predominantly non-recourse debt format, similar to other renewable asset financing models. Collaborations with financial partners will secure optimal capital solutions, while partnerships with industrial stakeholders will ensure off-take commitments from creditworthy counterparties before reaching the final investment decision milestone in 2025/2026.

    During a signing ceremony held in Helsinki, Finland, Plug Power's CEO, Andy Marsh, obtained the commitment of three Finnish municipalities to provide access to land, marking the commencement of these historic projects. The chosen sites will be strategically located in Finland, capitalizing on the country's abundant clean energy sources, including nuclear, wind, and hydro power, to facilitate the production of decarbonized hydrogen.

    The first site in Kokkola, Finland, is expected to produce 85TPD of liquid green hydrogen and up to 700,000 tonnes of green ammonia annually, utilizing 1GW of electrolyzers. The liquid green hydrogen will cater to local demand and be exported to Western Europe through the Port of Kokkola. Green ammonia will also be exported via the same port.

    The second site in Kristinestad, Finland, will house a 1GW electrolyzer plant adjacent to a former coal plant. This facility will generate green hydrogen for the production of green steel, with a capacity of 2.0 million tonnes per year of green direct reduced iron (DRI)/hot briquetted iron (HBI), which will be exported from the Port of Kristinestad.

    The third site in Porvoo, Finland, plans to produce up to 100TPD of green hydrogen by 2030. The hydrogen will be utilized for local mobility purposes and exported through pipeline injection to Western Europe.

    To develop the ammonia plant, Plug Power has formed a partnership with Hy2Gen, a global project developer specializing in renewable hydrogen, ammonia, and hydrogen-based e-fuels. Hy2Gen is backed by Hy24, the world's largest hydrogen infrastructure fund, as well as Mirova, CDPQ, Technip Energies, and Trafigura. Additionally, Plug Power will collaborate with Hy2Gen on other regional projects involving the development of hydrogen derivatives such as e-fuels, methanol, and ammonia. These endeavors will enable industries and transportation sectors to effectively reduce their carbon footprint.

    For the DRI/HBI plant, Plug Power has partnered with GravitHy, an industrial company dedicated to decarbonizing the steel value chain. GravitHy, in which Plug Power is a founding partner alongside other major corporations such as EIT InnoEnergy, Engie, Forvia, IDEC, and Primetals, is developing an integrated site in the south of France to produce 2 million tonnes of DRI/HBI.

    Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug Power, expressed his enthusiasm for the company's expanded commitment to Europe through these historic industrial projects, emphasizing the collaboration with financial and industrial partners. The intention is to leverage Plug Power's expertise and turnkey hydrogen solutions to support Finland's vision of becoming a European leader in the green hydrogen economy.

    Markku Kivistö, Head of Cleantech Industry at Invest in Finland, expressed pride in Finland's ability to attract green investments and highlighted the positive impact of these projects on the country's economy, job creation, and overall well-being.

    Plug Power also signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with Fingrid, Finland's electricity transmission system operator, and Gasgrid, Finland's natural gas transmission system operator, during the signing ceremony. These collaborations with Fingrid and Gasgrid aim to ensure sufficient electric grid capacities and the development of hydrogen infrastructure.

    Benjamin Haycraft, EVP EMEA Region, emphasized that Plug Power's goal is to democratize access to green hydrogen in Europe by scaling up manufacturing operations to achieve cost reductions. Finland's abundant decarbonized energy sources and expanding renewable energy capacities position the country as the most strategic location for these transformative projects.

    This strategic move by Plug Power will enhance European energy security. The planned electrolyzer capacity represents approximately 5% of the RePower EU plan, which targets the production of 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen in Europe by 2030. These projects will contribute to the development of green electricity and hydrogen infrastructure along the European backbone pipeline near the Bothnian Bay, aligning with Finland's objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035, as outlined in the National Climate and Energy Strategy. Moreover, the establishment of green hydrogen production sites is expected to create around 1,000 direct jobs and over 3,000 indirect jobs, significantly boosting the local economy.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2023 07:49
    Chemours & BWT FUMATECH Get Approval for Mobility F.C. Membranes

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jun, 2023, 1:47 am

    The Chemours Company, a global chemistry company renowned for its market-leading positions in Titanium Technologies, Thermal & Specialized Solutions, and Advanced Performance Materials, announced that it has received the necessary regulatory approvals from the European Commission and the People's Republic of China State Administration for Market Regulations. These approvals pave the way for the launch of operations at its joint venture with BWT FUMATECH Mobility GmbH, now known as THE Mobility F.C. Membranes Company GmbH – A BWT Chemours Company. FUMATECH BWT GmbH, an established player in various hydrogen markets specializing in membrane manufacturing for fuel cell technology, is the partner in this joint venture.

    The 50-50 joint venture aims to combine the distinctive capabilities, resources, and technological expertise of both companies to enhance and expedite the production capacity of fuel cell and humidifier membranes for long-term customers in the mobility sector. By leveraging the strengths and assets of each partner, THE Mobility F.C. Membranes Company GmbH – A BWT Chemours Company will accelerate the supply of HDFC (hydrogen diffusion fuel cell) membranes to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), addressing the increasing demand for these critical membranes in scaling up the global hydrogen economy.

    With over 85 years of collective experience in fuel cell innovation, Chemours and BWT FUMATECH are well-positioned to make a significant impact in this field. Chemours, the inventor of Nafion™ ion exchange membranes, dispersions, and resins that are fundamental to the hydrogen economy, possesses extensive expertise in manufacturing high-performance membranes. The company is committed to responsible manufacturing practices that minimize environmental impacts and drive long-term sustainability objectives. Located in Germany, THE Mobility F.C. Membranes Company – A BWT Chemours Company will collaborate with FUMATECH BWT GmbH, a subsidiary of the Austrian-based BWT Group, utilizing Chemours' Nafion™ ion exchange materials to create industry-leading end-product membranes.

    Gerardo Familiar, President of Advanced Performance Materials at Chemours, emphasized the critical role played by their Nafion™ ion exchange membranes in driving the hydrogen economy and creating a more sustainable future. He expressed enthusiasm about the joint venture with FUMATECH BWT GmbH.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2023 07:53
    HYVIA & Plug Organize Hydrogen Van Test Drive Events in Spain

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jun, 2023, 2:53 am

    HYVIA and Plug have teamed up to organize test drive events in Spain, showcasing the Renault Master Van H2-TECH, a hydrogen-powered van designed to accelerate the decarbonization of transportation. The events will take place in Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Madrid, offering professionals the opportunity to experience the benefits of this innovative solution.

    The Renault Master Van H2-TECH is a large van powered by green hydrogen, catering to the needs of professionals engaged in intensive usage of transportation. With a loading volume of 12m³, the van is suitable for the transport of goods and packages. It boasts a 5-minute refueling time and an impressive range of 400 km, enabling companies and communities to maintain competitiveness while emitting zero emissions.

    The van's cargo area stands at a height of 1.80m, providing ample space for easy organization and delivery of goods and packages. The Renault Master Van H2-TECH is manufactured in France, with vehicle production taking place at the Batilly plant, Plug fuel cell assembly and testing at the HYVIA plant in Flins, and fuel cell integration near Paris in Gretz-Armainvilliers.

    Equipped with Plug's 30 kW fuel cell, a 33 kWh battery, and tanks containing 6.4 kg of hydrogen, the van offers efficient and reliable performance. Plug's 30 kW fuel cell engines, called ProGen, are flexible power building blocks designed for heavy-duty motive applications. They provide cost-effective solutions with industry-leading performance and reliability, making them suitable for a range of logistics applications.

    Plug's fuel cell system has a proven track record of reliability, with over 60,000 fuel cells operating in mobility applications for global customers such as Amazon, Walmart, Carrefour, BMW, and Home Depot. The system caters to various components of the logistics chain, including manufacturing, warehousing, and last-mile delivery, providing zero-emission solutions for a wide range of vehicles.

    Spain holds strategic importance for both HYVIA and Plug, as the country is highly committed to energy transition and has significant potential for hydrogen utilization. By presenting the Renault Master Van H2-TECH in Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Madrid, the companies aim to engage environmentally conscious customers and promote sustainable transportation practices.

    The test drive events in Spain follow the successful test drives of the hydrogen van in the Netherlands. The collaboration between HYVIA, a joint venture between Renault Group and Plug Power, demonstrates their dedication to advancing the adoption of hydrogen mobility and supporting the transition to a greener and more sustainable future.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2023 07:32
    Aker Horizons Secures Grants & Loans for Rjukan Green Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Jun, 2023, 6:54 am

    Aker Horizons ASA, a prominent developer of green energy and industry, is delighted to announce that its wholly-owned asset development arm, Aker Horizons Asset Development, has been awarded grants and loans worth up to NOK 135 million from Innovation Norway. The financial support will be allocated to the development of a green hydrogen production facility at Rjukan in Eastern Norway.

    Innovation Norway, an instrumental organization for supporting innovation and enterprise development in Norway, has granted up to NOK 85 million in grants and up to NOK 50 million in a green growth loan for the Rjukan project, subject to specific terms and conditions. The facility will have a capacity to produce approximately 9 tonnes per day of green hydrogen, utilizing a 20 MW electrolyser. Aker Horizons has secured existing infrastructure, industrial land, and available hydropower at the site, positioning the Rjukan project as an early industry leader in green hydrogen production. The company aims to finalize the investment decision by the end of 2023, with commercial operations estimated to commence in 2025.

    Expressing gratitude for the financial support, Knut Nyborg, CEO of Aker Horizons Asset Development, stated that the assistance from Innovation Norway will contribute to derisking the project and accelerating the scaling up of hydrogen production. He emphasized the significance of the Rjukan project within their portfolio, serving as a blueprint for future endeavors, including a large-scale green ammonia project in Narvik. Aker Horizons aspires for green hydrogen to become a cost-competitive climate solution, both in Norway and globally, supporting the transition to net-zero emissions.

    Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Norway, highlighted the crucial role of developing new technologies for the production and commercialization of green hydrogen in Norway's green energy transition. He commended the Rjukan green hydrogen project as an early mover with substantial growth potential, contributing to increased exports from Norway.

    Aker Horizons plans to supply compressed hydrogen to various industries, shipping, and mobility stakeholders in Eastern Norway from the Rjukan facility. The company has recently completed the pre-FEED (Front-End Engineering Design) for civil works, and the permitting process is underway. Partnership discussions are progressing positively, and Aker Horizons has obtained a letter of intent for a significant portion of the offtake for Rjukan.

    Ragnhild Stokholm, Asset Development Manager at Aker Horizons, shared that the Rjukan green hydrogen plant will involve substantial investments and generate new green jobs. Collaboration with Tinn municipality, Rjukan Chamber of Commerce, and local industrial actors aims to explore opportunities for utilizing waste heat from hydrogen production in other industrial processes, contributing to local circular economic development.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2023 07:33
    Ballard Power to Supply First Mode with Hydrogen Fuel Cell Module

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Jun, 2023, 6:58 am

    Ballard Power Systems and global carbon reduction company First Mode today announced a purchase order for Ballard to supply First Mode with 60 hydrogen fuel cell modules – totaling 6 megawatts – for delivery in 2024. The order represents an expansion of the relationship, following the order of 35 modules year-to-date in 2023, to power hybrid hydrogen and battery ultra-class mining haul trucks.

    Julian Soles, CEO at First Mode, expressed that the combination of hydrogen fuel cell and battery technology has established itself as a viable zero-emission alternative to diesel in mine haulage. He expressed excitement about continuing the partnership with Ballard to assist customers in achieving their emission targets without compromising performance.

    Ultra-class haul trucks possess substantial payload and energy requirements, necessitating high uptime metrics to maintain existing operational practices. Ballard's fuel cell modules, integrated into First Mode's nuGen™ solution, deliver the required duty cycle performance for mining operators.

    David Mucciacciaro, Ballard's Chief Commercial Officer, expressed enthusiasm in supporting First Mode as they expand the deployment of their mining haul truck platform. He emphasized that mining-haul trucks pose one of the most challenging decarbonization use cases, making it an attractive segment for Ballard's fuel cell products. The company aims to further demonstrate the value proposition of their products in heavy-duty applications as additional First Mode vehicles enter service.

    First Mode is actively scaling production for the next generation of the nuGen™ solution, encompassing fuel cell and battery powerplant systems, as well as related infrastructure. Integration of Ballard's fuel cells from previous orders has already begun, and the partnership will continue to bring a growing fleet of zero-emission vehicles to the field. The next series of engines will be demonstrated at First Mode's Proving Grounds in Centralia, Washington, USA, starting in 2024.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2023 07:33
    Frankfurt's In-der-City-Bus Embraces Hydrogen-Powered Buses

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Jun, 2023, 7:02 am

    In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB), the esteemed public transport management company of Frankfurt am Main, has recently sealed an agreement to acquire 10 cutting-edge hydrogen-powered buses from Solaris. This strategic move comes as Frankfurt strives to enhance its sustainable urban mobility infrastructure. Already, the metropolis has witnessed the successful operation of 13 Urbino hydrogen vehicles since 2022. Notably, ICB plans to establish its very own hydrogen refueling station by mid-year. The newly ordered buses are expected to integrate seamlessly into the ICB fleet during the first quarter of 2024.

    Frankfurt am Main, one of Germany's largest cities, relies on the municipal transport company In-der-City-Bus GmbH to operate three comprehensive bus bundles, covering over 50 percent of the city's bus services. With a commendable fleet of 228 vehicles, ICB effectively operates 34 routes round the clock, 365 days a year, providing essential transportation services to the city's residents. The dedicated team at ICB consists of approximately 750 individuals, including skilled bus drivers, workshop professionals, and administrative staff. In harmony with Frankfurt's climate protection goals, ICB is determined to electrify its entire bus fleet by the early 2030s. Already demonstrating a commitment to environmentally friendly connections and comfortable urban mobility, the company currently deploys battery-powered Solaris Urbino 12 electric vehicles and hydrogen-powered Solaris models for passenger transport.

    In recent days, the prestigious carrier concluded a meticulous tender process to acquire an additional 10 hydrogen buses, ultimately selecting Solaris as the trusted supplier. The ICB opted for the same hydrogen-powered model, the Urbino 12 hydrogen, as in the previous order. The newly contracted buses will boast similar equipment to the hydrogen buses already familiar to the citizens of Frankfurt, ensuring a seamless transition.

    Operating on highly efficient hydrogen fuel cells, these buses produce only heat and water vapor as by-products, embodying a true commitment to environmental sustainability. The electricity generated through the process of reverse electrolysis is directly transmitted to the axle, empowering the bus with the force of two electric motors. To further augment the performance and capabilities of these buses, each ordered vehicle will be equipped with an additional Solaris High Power battery. This energy storage unit serves as a valuable auxiliary during peak energy demand and the recuperation process. Ensuring safety at the highest standards, the hydrogen will be stored in gas form within roof-mounted composite tanks.

    The Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buses will boast a range of state-of-the-art Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to provide comprehensive support to the drivers. Notably, the MirrorEye system, consisting of strategically placed cameras replacing traditional side mirrors, will enhance visibility in various weather conditions. Solaris is scheduled to deliver these exceptional buses during the first quarter of 2024, with the total order value estimated at approximately €6.5 million.

    Across cities worldwide, the deployment of hydrogen buses for regular urban traffic is on the rise, drawing the attention of transportation operators. Solaris, a pioneering European manufacturer, has been at the forefront of hydrogen bus technology development for nearly a decade. The company has successfully delivered almost 120 fuel cell vehicles to 15 European cities, solidifying its position as the largest European manufacturer in this domain. Building upon their success, Solaris introduced an articulated model, the Urbino 18 hydrogen, to its hydrogen portfolio last year.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2023 07:36
    Toyota Unveils Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle for Super Taikyu Race

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Jun, 2023, 6:39 am

    Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) is set to make a groundbreaking entry into the ENEOS Super Taikyu Series 2023 Round 2 NAPAC Fuji SUPER TEC 24 Hours Race, with the revolutionary #32 ORC ROOKIE GR Corolla H2 Concept powered by liquid hydrogen. This marks the first instance worldwide of a vehicle participating in a race with liquid hydrogen fuel.

    After facing setbacks at the Round 1 Suzuka Super Taikyu 5 Hours Race due to a vehicle fire caused by a hydrogen leak, Toyota has worked diligently in the past two months to implement necessary improvements and prioritize safety. Changes have been made to the design of the hydrogen piping system, including relocating it away from hot areas and installing safety covers on joints to prevent loosening and detect leaks promptly.

    Moreover, during this period, Toyota has successfully reduced the vehicle's weight by over 50 kg, surpassing the lap times achieved by the hydrogen engine-equipped Corolla when it first competed in May 2021 using gaseous hydrogen fuel.

    The liquid hydrogen utilized in the hydrogen engine-equipped Corolla is derived from lignite and was produced and transported from Australia as part of the HySTRA project. To facilitate the use of liquid hydrogen, a mobile liquid hydrogen station has been jointly developed by Iwatani Corporation and Toyota Motor Corporation. This eliminates the need for compressors and pre-coolers, reducing the installation area required for refueling stations and enabling pit area refills similar to gasoline-powered vehicles. The process of filling the vehicles is also more efficient, as there is no longer a need for pressurization.

    While liquid hydrogen offers advantages such as increased energy density and a longer cruising range, it poses unique challenges, including the need to maintain extremely low temperatures below -253?. Toyota is actively addressing these challenges by developing fuel pump technology suitable for low-temperature environments, preventing hydrogen evaporation, and establishing regulations for hydrogen tanks.

    Toyota's commitment to hydrogen-powered vehicles extends beyond racing, as the company has initiated joint research with Kyoto University, the University of Tokyo, and Waseda University to further reduce the weight of hydrogen engines and the size of liquid hydrogen systems. By collaborating with various partners, Toyota aims to create more advanced and sustainable vehicles.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2023 08:03
    US targets a 50m t/y clean hydrogen market by 2050

    The US government forecasts a 50 million tonnes/year opportunity for clean hydrogen development in the country by 2050, Kallanish reports.

    According to its long-awaited National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, the opportunity isn’t limited to production. It is based on forecast demand from different sectors. The country is targeting a 10m t/y clean hydrogen market by 2030, doubling to 20m t/y by 2040.

    The US hydrogen economy could boost the country’s decarbonisation efforts, contributing to a 10% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and creating new 100,000 jobs by 2030.

    To deliver on its goals, the government will focus on three strategies. It will first target high-impact uses such as industries, heavy-duty transportation and long-duration energy storage. Over the longer term, it also sees scope for exports to allies.

    Another key strategy is to reduce the cost of production and delivery of clean hydrogen through innovation and scale, as well as midstream investment in storage and distribution infrastructure. Finally, the government will focus on regional networks or so-called hydrogen hubs. These ensure large-scale production close to high-priority users, enabling infrastructure sharing and other synergies.

    To date, the US has earmarked $9.5 billion to accelerate hydrogen investment through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), as well as granted additional incentives including a hydrogen production tax credit through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The funding support includes $1 billion destined for electrolysis, $500 million for clean hydrogen manufacturing and recycling R&D and $8 billion for regional hubs.

    The Biden administration is confident it will be able to reduce green hydrogen production costs to $2/kg by 2026, on track to deliver on its “1 1 1” target. The latter stands for $1 per 1 kg of clean hydrogen in 1 decade. If this is achieved, the US will be one of the cheapest places in the world to produce green hydrogen in 2031.

    Green hydrogen production in the country costs around $5/kg (at low volume), compared to $1.5/kg for pink hydrogen (nuclear-based) and less than $10/kg for blue hydrogen (fossil fuel with carbon capture usage and storage). However, the cost of hydrogen to refuelling stations (including compressing and dispensing) can reach $13/kg in places like California. This is over three times higher than the cost required to be competitive, the DOE warns.

    The US claims to be a global leader in hydrogen and fuel cells, having used hydrogen more than a century ago to send a man to the moon. It has over 1,200 hydrogen and fuel cell patents, 30 commercial technologies and over 65 technologies under development.

    Its current related infrastructure includes over 1,600 miles of dedicated H2 pipelines, three geological storage caverns, 50 retail H2 refuelling stations, over 15,000 fuel cells vehicles, more than 50,000 fuel cell forklifts, and over 500 MW of fuel cells for stationary energy storage.

    The strategy and roadmap, to be implemented in collaboration with industry, academia and local governments and communities, will be updated every three years.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  15. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2023 07:44
    JFE Steel & Exxon Mobil Collaborate on Hydrogen Pipelines

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Jun, 2023, 7:18 am

    JFE Steel, a prominent Japanese steelmaker, has partnered with Exxon Mobil in a groundbreaking collaboration to develop high-pressure hydrogen pipeline technology. The aim is to shape industry standards and address the anticipated increase in demand for hydrogen in the United States. High-pressure pipelines have the capacity to transport significant quantities of hydrogen over long distances, and the JFE-Exxon pipeline is expected to withstand pressures of up to 20 megapascals, a feat that has not been achieved before.

    The joint project between JFE Steel and Exxon Mobil is set to begin this autumn at JFE's research facility in Chiba, Japan. The focus will be on collecting data on material strength by installing an electric resistance welded steel pipe with 2-centimeter walls and a diameter of 41 cm in a testing apparatus. The objective is to develop durable materials that can withstand the brittleness caused by hydrogen and operate under high-pressure conditions. Once the technology is developed, Exxon will seek certification under U.S. industrial standards.

    Currently, the lack of established standards and testing methods has hindered the progress of product development in this field. JFE Steel aims to determine the optimal diameter and thickness for high-pressure pipelines, potentially enabling commercialization within a year or two. The research and development expenses for the project in fiscal year 2023 will be approximately 25 million yen, with support from the nonprofit organization Nippon Foundation based in Tokyo.

    Exxon Mobil, as part of its clean energy initiatives, is considering the construction of one of the world's largest clean hydrogen plants in Texas. The plant would capture carbon dioxide emissions generated during hydrogen production from natural gas. With the projected increase in global clean hydrogen production, the collaboration between JFE Steel and Exxon Mobil positions them to play a significant role in meeting the growing demand for hydrogen.

    The utilization of high-pressure pipelines is crucial for transporting hydrogen from production sites to remote power plants and factories, supporting the decarbonization efforts outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed regulations requiring gas-fired power plants to co-fire with hydrogen, further highlighting the need for efficient hydrogen transportation infrastructure.

    JFE Steel's expertise in corrosion-resistant steel pipes and their successful track record in offshore oil fields make them a leading player in the industry. The company's pipelines, known for their resistance to extremely low temperatures, have also been utilized in resource development projects in Alaska.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2023 08:01
    H2X Global Secures Second Renova Contract for Hydrogen Trucks

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Jun, 2023, 4:30 am

    H2X Global, a prominent provider of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, has achieved another milestone by securing a second contract from Renova AB for the purchase of hydrogen fuel-powered commercial trucks in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. The contract, valued at up to 240 million SEK, will establish the largest fleet of its kind in Sweden and contribute to the city's zero-emissions goals.

    The award, granted to H2X Global's subsidiary H2X Gothenburg AB, stems from a public tender released in December 2022. Remarkably, H2X Global has successfully secured vehicles in 12 out of the 13 categories specified in the tender, covering both 18 and 26 tonne vehicle classes. These hydrogen fuel cell-powered trucks have been specifically designed to meet the diverse truck configurations required by Renova, including tail lift dumpers, garbage compactors, hook lifts, and crane loaders. Despite their zero emissions, the vehicles offer comparable range and load capacity to traditional fossil-fueled vehicles.

    Renova AB, the waste management operator owned by ten municipalities in western Sweden, will assume responsibility for operating the hydrogen fuel cell trucks. The development and operation of these vehicles are scheduled to take place over the next three years. Additionally, the introduction of these trucks will drive demand for the hydrogen refueling station commissioned by Hynion, among other entities, with plans for it to open near Renova by Q1 2024. This station will support Gothenburg City and Renova AB in their joint commitment to transition their fleet to zero emissions.

    H2X Global is dedicated to local assembly of the vehicles in Sweden, which not only contributes to employment generation in the Gothenburg region but also enhances logistics and sustainability in production. These commitments align with H2X Global's vision of making hydrogen a cost-competitive solution for decarbonizing back-to-base fleet operations.

    Bill Moss, H2X's Head of Sales & Marketing, expressed his satisfaction with the award from Renova AB and the City of Gothenburg, recognizing H2X Global's exceptional products and services in the zero-emissions transition for commercial transportation and waste sectors. Peter Westh, H2X's Head of Northern Europe, highlighted that the new range of vehicles offered by H2X perfectly caters to the needs of Scandinavian and European markets, aligning with Sweden's energy transition directives and complementing European projects focused on carbon-free mobility solutions.

    The second contract from Renova AB signifies H2X Global 's continued leadership in providing cutting-edge hydrogen fuel cell trucks and supporting sustainable transportation solutions. With its commitment to decarbonization and zero-emissions initiatives, H2X Global is playing a significant role in driving the adoption of clean and efficient commercial vehicles in Gothenburg and beyond.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2023 08:03
    ZeroAvia & Birmingham Airport Unveil Concepts for Hydrogen Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Jun, 2023, 4:30 am

    Progress towards achieving zero-emission passenger flights took a significant leap as ZeroAvia and Birmingham Airport unveiled initial concepts for a hydrogen production facility. The joint effort aims to establish an on-site hydrogen production aircraft refueling facility, which holds potential for diverse multi-modal applications.

    The chosen site for the facility is an area of land with convenient access to the airport and the local road network. One of the key considerations is the utilization of on-site solar power as a renewable energy source for hydrogen production.

    Subject to the successful acquisition of funding, planning permissions, and regulatory approvals, the ambitious plan involves using the hydrogen production plant to support early flight demonstrations and provide refueling services for road vehicles, including local buses. Birmingham Airport has already initiated discussions with a major automotive company to explore the possibility of trialing hydrogen buses and cars on its airfield.

    ZeroAvia's analysis suggests that a 3MW hydrogen production facility could generate 365 tonnes of hydrogen annually, equivalent to 1 tonne per day. This level of production capacity has the potential to support approximately 1,250 regional flights and 3,000 buses or trucks per year. The remaining hydrogen production capacity of 250 kg per day could be allocated for industrial purposes.

    Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, expressed enthusiasm for the project during a site visit, recognizing the ambition and creativity of the ZeroAvia team and Birmingham Airport. He emphasized the region's commitment to tackling the climate emergency and its leading role in decarbonizing flight journeys. He expressed optimism that this initiative will yield significant benefits in the months and years to come.

    Arnab Chatterjee, Vice President of Infrastructure at ZeroAvia, highlighted the attainability of their bold vision. Having already proven the concept of hydrogen-powered flights, ZeroAvia is on a clear pathway towards commercial adoption. With advancing technologies and plans to expand to larger aircraft flying longer distances, Chatterjee believes that hydrogen as a fuel source for vehicles and aircraft will become the norm before the end of the decade.

    Simon Richards, Chief Finance and Sustainability Officer for Birmingham Airport, emphasized the importance of communicating this vision early on, allowing people to see what the future holds and the wider community benefits it offers. He described the project as a game-changing prospect driven by a strong commitment to decarbonization and the protection of the planet for future generations.

    ZeroAvia recently conducted successful test flights using a hydrogen-electric engine-powered 20-seater aircraft at its base in Kemble, Gloucestershire. The company aims to certify its ZA600 system for this aircraft size by 2025 and plans to certify engines for up to 80-seat aircraft by 2027. Hydrogen fuel cells, which produce electricity to power electric motors, are used to propel the aircraft's propellers, resulting in only water vapor emissions.

    ZeroAvia's ambitious goals include developing a zero-emission system capable of flying 20-seat aircraft for 300 nautical miles by 2025. This could enable green air travel between Birmingham and destinations such as Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Belfast, the Isle of Man, and Dublin by the mid-2020s. Additionally, the company aims to achieve emissions-free flights for 80-seat aircraft flying up to 1,000 nautical miles by 2027, potentially revolutionizing zero-emission travel to Mediterranean holiday destinations.

    For Birmingham Airport, the collaboration with ZeroAvia aligns with its own commitment to becoming a net-zero-carbon airport by 2033, as outlined in its carbon roadmap published in 2022. This joint effort represents a significant stride towards decarbonizing air travel and realizing a sustainable and environmentally friendly aviation industry.

    (Note: The above article is written in the style of Mr. Shashi Tharoor's English vocabulary, incorporating uncommon and rarely used words without specifically mentioning Mr. Tharoor.)
  18. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2023 08:04
    Zero-Emission H2 Barge 1 Begins Service in Rotterdam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Jun, 2023, 4:30 am

    On 25 May 2023, Rotterdam witnessed the inauguration of the H2 Barge 1, a remarkable zero-emission vessel crafted by Future Proof Shipping (FPS). Stretching an impressive 110 meters in length, this ship will undertake regular voyages between Rotterdam and BCTN's inland terminal in Meerhout, Belgium, serving Nike's transportation needs. The deployment of the H2 Barge 1 is expected to yield annual savings of 2,000 tonnes of CO2, contributing significantly to environmental preservation.

    Mark Harbers, the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, graced the occasion and presented Huib van de Grijspaarde, the founder of FPS, with an extraordinary A-Zero (A0) emissions label. This prestigious accolade is exclusively bestowed upon emission-free vessels. FPS has set an ambitious target to construct and operate a fleet comprising over 10 zero-emission inland and shortsea vessels within the next five years.

    Notably, Future Proof Shipping partners with Condor H2, an innovative initiative striving to achieve emission-free hydrogen-powered inland and coastal shipping. Conceived by a consortium that includes the Port of Rotterdam Authority, Condor H2 boasts over 40 partners and was officially launched at the esteemed World Hydrogen Summit earlier this month. By leveraging the potential of Condor H2, the consortium envisions the operation of 50 emission-free vessels by 2030, leading to an impressive annual reduction of 100,000 tonnes of CO2.

    In this dynamic era of energy transition, the H2 Barge 1's maiden voyage serves as an inspiring example of progress. Rotterdam, renowned as an international maritime hub, actively supports sustainable shipping initiatives that prioritize environmental responsibility. By embracing green alternatives like hydrogen power, the port sets a precedent for future developments that contribute to carbon neutrality and ecological equilibrium.

    The successful implementation of the H2 Barge 1 represents a significant milestone in the journey towards sustainable shipping. It exemplifies the synergy between innovative technologies, strategic partnerships, and a shared commitment to combat climate change. Future Proof Shipping's vision to expand its zero-emission fleet to encompass numerous vessels in the coming years aligns seamlessly with the overarching objectives of the Condor H2 project.

    The H2 Barge 1's inauguration breathes fresh life into the maritime landscape, invigorating the industry's shift towards emission-free operations. This landmark achievement serves as a testament to the transformative potential of hydrogen-powered transportation. As society advances, embracing clean and sustainable shipping practices will be crucial for preserving the planet's delicate ecosystem and securing a prosperous future for generations to come.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 12 juni 2023 07:38
    Nederland vooraan met handelsbeurs waterstof: ’we kunnen leidend in Europa worden’

    Updated 59 min geleden
    1 uur geleden

    AMSTERDAM - Nederland werkt aan een handelsbeurs voor waterstof, die net als de gasindex beeldbepalend in Europa moet worden. „Door de enorme vraag, ons unieke gasnetwerk, de haventerminals en betrokkenheid van zeventig bedrijven hebben we een voorsprong”, zegt initiatiefnemer Bert den Ouden, destijds gangmaker van de nu beeldbepalende Nederlandse TTF-gascontracten voor Europa.

    Her en der auto’s op waterstof, maar nog niet de energiedrager van de massa. ANP/HH

    Er is scepsis. Critici noemen waterstof als gebruikte technologie al jaren te onvoldragen om economisch belangrijk te kunnen zijn. Nu Nederland van het aardgas gaat, is er onvoldoende van als alternatieve energiebron. De chemiesector gebruikt het geur- en reukloze ’grijze’ waterstof al wel. Dit product wordt, bijvoorbeeld als restant van chloor- en ethyleenproductie of gemaakt van aardgas, ook tussen bedrijven onderling verkocht.

    50-jarige Eemshaven hotspot na lang slapend bestaan, ’We zitten nu bijna vol’

    Het kabinet verwacht veel ook van een andere waterstofvorm, gemaakt van zon- en windenergie. De energie van sterke windturbines op zee wordt door elektrolyse-apparaten omgezet in waterstof die zelf geen CO2-uitstoot kent. Maar die ’groene’ waterstof is er nog nauwelijks. In 2030 wil minister Jetten (Klimaat en Energie) dat ruim 40% van de hele industrie op groene, grijze en blauwe (met afgevangen uitstoot) waterstof kan draaien. Vijf jaar later moet dat al 75% zijn. Daarvoor maken bedrijven als Vopak importterminals gereed. Er is een vloot in de maak die verschillende vormen van waterstof, kan exporteren naar Nederland.

    Bert den Ouden, initiatiefnemer gasbeurs APX/Endex en nu in waterstof: ’Waterstof tegen de laagst geprijsde 50% van alle elektriciteitsuren per maand aanbieden en verhandelen’. TELEGRAAF

    Achter de schermen, op grote industriegebieden, is grijze waterstof al ingevoerd. „ Per hoofd van de bevolking zijn we al de meest intensieve verbruikers. We gebruiken evenveel als heel Duitsland, dat wel vijf keer zo groot is”, zegt Den Ouden.

    Nederlands gasnetwerk goudmijn voor overgang groene energie

    De oud-directeur van de APX- en Endex-stroom- en gasbeurs ontdekte na een halfjaar testen met energiebedrijven, importeurs en havenbedrijven dat er voldoende vraag en aanbod zal komen. Maar onzeker is hoeveel het precies kost. TNO maakte simulaties van de beurs en de prijs. De 65-jarige energie-expert van Berenschot werd het kopstuk van het project Hyxchange dat de waterstofbeurs Hyxchange uitbouwt. „Onze prijsindex geldt voor de laagst geprijsde 50% van alle elektriciteitsuren per maand. Niet toevallig is die waterstof, dankzij het enorme aanbod van zon en wind op die momenten, ook meteen groene waterstof”, zegt hij. Het formele startbesluit moet nog worden genomen.

    Wilco van der Lans, business manager bij Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, noemt de prijsbepaling voor zo’n waterstofbeurs ’zeer welkom’. Het moet leiden tot een voor iedereen transparant opgebouwd tarief. De TTF-prijs is zo gewild, omdat die voor iedereen transparant is en daarmee zoals de dollar of euro overal wordt gebruikt.

    Timmermans opgewekt over productie waterstof, technici zien veel obstakels

    „Gasunie bouwt ons bestaande gasnetwerk om naar een waterstoftransportnetwerk. Er komt een speciaal net naar de vijf grootste industriegebieden. Met onze havens die tien terminals gereed maken voor waterstofopslag, lopen we in Europa voorop”, aldus Den Ouden. „Dit kan bijna geen enkel land.”

    Vroeg beginnen
    Nederland kan dankzij Gasunie leunen op zijn reputatie van ’gasmakelaar’ van Noordwest-Europa. De Nederlandse gascontractprijzen op de TTF-beurs van Endex zijn bepalend voor alle gas- en stroomtarieven in Europa. Den Ouden kan voor de nieuwe waterstofbeurs, een initiatief van Gasunie en de grote Nederlandse havens, leunen op die Nederlandse reputatie in Europa.

    „Misschien is er nu onvoldoende waterstof. Maar vroeg zo’n beurs starten waar voor iedereen duidelijk is wat waar die aan toe is voor de prijs, versnelt de toepassing van waterstof”, zegt een energie-expert. „Om aan alle Europese verwachtingen te voldoen, moet je nu beginnen.”

    Deze start-ups werken aan alternatieve energie-oplossingen om transitie te versnellen

    Die beurs, waarop vraag en aanbod elkaar ontmoeten, zorgt voor doorlopende handel en daarmee een verfijnde prijs voor waterstof, zegt de oud-ambtenaar van Economische Zaken. „Nederland zal ook veel waterstof nog moeten importeren. Dan is een duidelijke prijs met voor iedereen zichtbare kwaliteitskenmerken belangrijk. Wij hebben de voorsprong om de belangrijkste handelsplaats van waterstof in Europa te worden.”

    ’Geen wedstrijd’
    Duitsland meldde zich onlangs ook met zo’n beurs en een index, de Hydex. „Ik juich die concurrentie toe. Het is geen wedstrijd, in deze wereld staan veiligheidseisen voorop. Maar concurrentie houdt ons scherp. Wij hebben wel de voorsprong van het Gasunie-netwerk en de terminals. En er is nu de steun on door te zetten”, aldus Den Ouden. „We zijn de eerste in de wereld die dit zo kunnen doen. Wellicht speelt mijn ervaring als stroombeursdirecteur mee. Ik weet hoe die markt kan werken.”

    Chemicus kritisch op beoogde sleutelrol in Nederlands klimaatbeleid: ’Waterstof geen wondermiddel’
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