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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 november 2022 06:58
    FFI & Egypt Ink Pact for Hydrogen in Egypt

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Nov, 2022, 1:11 am

    Fortescue Future Industries and Egypt have signed a major Framework Agreement at COP27, agreeing to work together to study and develop green hydrogen and renewable energy projects in Egypt. The binding agreement provides FFI access and exclusive land rights to study renewable energy resources in Egypt, which would include solar wind.

    The projects being considered could support a potential capacity of 7,600MW of renewable energy, which has the potential to produce 330 kilo tonnes per annum of green hydrogen.

    This is another milestone in the strong relationship between Fortescue and the Egyptian Government and builds upon a Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier this year, and a recent meeting between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and FFI founder and executive chairman Dr Andrew Forrest.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 24 november 2022 07:37

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Nov, 2022, 10:56 pm

    EnBW and Siemens Energy are jointly driving the trend of using green hydrogen as a climate-friendly fuel in future power plants. One important pilot project is the EnBW district heating power plant in Stuttgart-Münster, Germany, where natural gas is expected to initially replace coal in approximately three years.

    All systems are constructed from the very beginning in such a way that the natural gas can be replaced with hydrogen as quickly and completely as possible. Two cutting-edge SGT-800 gas turbines from Siemens Energy are at the heart of the installation. The agreement on the overall package was sealed today in Stuttgart. The project in the Baden-Württemberg capital is thus taking on a pioneering role nationwide.

    The two new turbines each have an electrical output of 62 megawatts and a downstream waste heat recovery system. They are replacing the three coal-fired boilers that have been at the location until now. The project teams at both companies are also planning for hydrogen’s future beyond the gas turbines.In the agreements, Siemens Energy provides assurance that the new turbines will be able to process up to a 75 percent hydrogen admixture from the time they’re shipped in 2025, and the overall package is prepared to handle 100 percent hydrogen.

    The plans for the overall project in Münster are currently on schedule. Progress is already being made on building a new workshop building that will provide space for the actual construction site. Once all the approvals have been obtained, the work on the new systems could begin in the first quarter of 2023.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 24 november 2022 07:37
    FFI to Develop Queensland Hub for Hydrogen with Wind & Solar

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Nov, 2022, 11:38 pm

    North-West Queensland is set to become home to one of the State’s largest ever renewable energy projects, with Fortescue Future Industries and Windlab to partner on a Super Hub which could generate more than 10GW of wind and solar power and underpin the industrial-scale production of green hydrogen from purpose-built facilities within Queensland.

    FFI will partner with leading renewables developer Windlab on the North Queensland Super Hub, leveraging Windlab’s decade-long presence in the region including developing and operating Kennedy Energy Park, a world-first hybrid wind, solar and battery storage facility near Hughenden.

    The first stage of the proposed project includes the 800MW Prairie Wind Farm and the 1000MW Wongalee project and is currently in detailed planning, with land agreements in place and the application for development approval for Prairie Wind Farm planned for submission in the coming months.

    Subject to approvals, construction on the first stage is expected to commence in 2025 with the projects anticipated to begin to produce power by 2027. Energy generated from the project stands to produce green hydrogen as well as feed renewable power to the grid.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 25 november 2022 06:50
    EDF Renewables & Zero Waste to Develop Hydrogen in Egypt

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Nov, 2022, 11:47 pm

    At the COP27, the “Green Fuel Alliance” consortium led by EDF Renewables, a leading player of renewable energy, and Zero Waste, a leading company specialized in developing projects in the Egyptian fertilizer, oil & gas, power generation and cement industries has signed a Framework Agreement with the Ministry of Electricity, the General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone and the Infrastructure and Utilities Sub Fund of The Sovereign Fund of Egypt for the development of a green hydrogen and derivatives mega-project to be located at the Suez Canal Economic Zone.

    The Framework Agreement was signed during the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh as part of Egypt’s Green Hydrogen Strategy. The overall project is based on a mix of over 2 GW wind and solar renewable energies to be implemented in phases and aiming to power 700 MW electrolyser to produce green hydrogen and ammonia.

    The first phase of the project will generate about 22,000 tons of green hydrogen per year for ammonia synthesis and is scheduled to be operational by 2026. According to the Agreement, by 2030 the project will scale up the total green hydrogen production capacity by reaching 80,000 tons per year.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 25 november 2022 06:50
    EU & Egypt Ink MoU on Renewable Hydrogen Cooperation

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Nov, 2022, 12:04 am

    The European Union and Egypt have taken a further step to boost their long-term cooperation on the clean energy transition by establishing a strategic partnership on renewable hydrogen and preparing the ground for a just energy transition in Egypt

    The "strategic partnership" does not yet contain binding commitments, but both sides expressed in the memorandum that they see a "key contributor" for hydrogen made with electricity from renewable sources to reduce emissions and ensure energy security. The clean energy source will become increasingly significant in the coming years for European industry, sustainable economic growth and job creation, which needs to become more sustainable.

    Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels such as natural gas in many processes. The EU said it is also crucial to reduce Europe's dependence on Russian fossil fuels. The latter simultaneously pledged an investment of up to €35 grant for this initiative to the EBRD under the EU's Economic and Investment Plan for the Southern Neighbourhood.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 november 2022 16:33
    ’Amerikanen kapen met miljarden schone Europese waterstof weg’

    35 min geleden

    AMSTERDAM - Nederland en Europa dreigen de concurrentieslag met de Verenigde Staten om waterstof als brandstof van de toekomst te verliezen. Nederlandse producenten overwegen opening van vestigingen in de Verenigde Staten. „Hun belastingvoordeel is simpel en gewoon veel te groot vergeleken met Europa.”

    Waterstof, zoals in auto’s, in Europa nog maar aan het begin van zijn opmars. ANP/HH

    Topman en oprichter Occo Roelofsen van het bedrijf Power2X rekent het even snel voor. „Met steun die je via de Amerikaanse Inflation Reduction Act krijgt, gaat je kostprijs voor groene waterstof $3 per kilo omlaag. Groen opgewekte waterstof kost tussen bij ons tussen €3 en €6, nu de dollar bijna net zoveel waard is als de euro, zakt door die Amerikaanse subsidie je kostprijs drastisch. Amerika geeft zulke subsidie ook op andere nieuwe brandstoffen zoals groene ammonia.”

    Waterstof knalt als energiebron in Nederland

    Groene waterstof wordt opgewekt door zon- en windparken en heeft nauwelijks CO2-uitstoot. De Amerikaanse subsidie geldt per 1 januari voor bedrijven met een Amerikaanse thuisbasis. Meer ondernemers zien dat Nederlandse bedrijven er kantoren opzetten. „Het zijn vooral grote investeerders daarachter die hun belang verplaatsen. Ze bouwen daar aan enorme projecten, dat trekt alle slimme jongens en meiden die kant op”, zegt een investeerder op anonieme basis. „Dat is heel slecht voor Nederland, waar we het best goed doen met groene waterstof.”

    De IRA-subsidie maakt onder andere Amerikaanse waterstof veel goedkoper in de verkoop. Europese bedrijven die, worstelend met klimaatakkoorden, zulke schonere brandstof zonder CO2-uitstoot gaan invoeren zullen vrijwel zeker de Amerikaanse variant importeren, zegt Roelofsen. „Het belastingvoordeel is gewoon veel te groot.”

    Roelofsen zelf zit nota bene vooraan in de Europese ontwikkeling. Zijn bedrijf werkt in het consortium MadoquaPower2X met €1 miljard aan kapitaal met Denen en Portugezen aan grootschalige productie van groene waterstof en ammoniak in het Portugese Sines. „Wij blijven in Nederland. Maar we overwegen wel om in de VS een vestiging op te zetten, we kijken naar de kansen daar”, zegt Roelofsen.

    Gascrisis geeft Fugro meer werk dan alleen maar windmolenaanleg

    „Het is echt een serieus probleem”, zegt energiespecialist René Peters van TNO. „Die Amerikaanse subsidie van 60% op een kilo waterstof is veel. En dan nog een factor vijf erbij als je grondstoffen in de VS. Ja, dat is substantieel. Europa heeft met zijn windparken een goede subsidieregeling opgezet, die heel veel oplevert voor onze energie. Nederland en Europa hebben grote ambities. Het is de vraag of dat met waterstof gaat lukken.”

    Vondst TNO doorbraak waterstofproductie windparken

    Machiel Mulder, hoogleraar energie-economie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, kijkt naar de totale kosten. „Het profiteren van Amerikaanse subsidie en dan goedkope waterstof hierheen halen is natuurlijk de goedkoopste oplossing voor de BV Nederland. Want dat bespaart subsidies. Ik vraag me af of het verschil in subsidies zo groot is dat het compenseert voor het omzetten van waterstof en transportkosten. Want die zijn hoog. Ik denk dat de hoogte van de elektriciteitsprijs in Europa ook een rol speelt, waardoor waterstof hier maken nu heel duur is.”

    De Nederlandse productie in waterstof groeit bij alle ambities niet snel genoeg, constateert directeur Olof van der Gaag van de Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE). Er is voor 42 megawattuur capaciteit aan subsidies ingediend. „De weg naar de gewenste 8 gigawatt is nog lang. Veel partijen hier willen graag aan de slag. Wij zien de VS eerder als goed voorbeeld om snel te volgen dan direct een bedreiging”, aldus Van der Gaag, die pleit voor ’duidelijkheid’ in subsidies.

    Onderzoeker: ’Nederland kan profiteren van overgang naar schonere energie’

    Ondernemers prijzen het duidelijke investeringsbeleid van de Amerikaanse president Biden. De IRA-steun is $369 miljard groot. De Democraat kondigde in augustus „bij heldere voorwaarden, relatief eenvoudig opvraagbare subsidies voor innovaties” aan, oordeelt Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw, specialist in energietransitie bij RaboResearch. „De subsidieregelingen zitten veel eenvoudiger in elkaar, zeker als je dat vergelijkt met Europa. Ook hier in Europa wordt aan een subsidieregeling voor waterstof gewerkt, maar die zal veel complexer in elkaar zitten. Bovendien zal de Europese subsidie alleen gelden voor groene waterstof. In de VS is er ook subsidie beschikbaar voor blauwe waterstof, waarbij er niet nul, maar een klein beetje emissies vrijkomen.”

    In Brussel steggelen partijen over nieuwe voorstellen. Ook in Nederland is er irritatie, minister Jetten (Energie) dringt aan op vaart. De Fransen spelen al met maatregelen tegen de VS die ’discrimineert’. De protectionistische Biden geeft steun aan alleen ’Amerikaanse’ investeerders en producenten, is de klacht. Van Brussel krijgen multinationals uit andere werelddelen ook subsidie voor duurzamere productie in Europa.

    Grootste uitstoter Tata Steel krijgt minder stikstofruimte

    „Amerika gaat heel snel en pakt door. Brussel doet aan gold plating, het moet honderd procent perfect geregeld. Met zulke nieuwe technologie moet je soms zeggen: begin ermee, zet piketpaaltjes, scherp de regels later aan maar hou tempo. Ik vrees dat Europese producenten eerst in de Verenigde Staten gaan kijken”, aldus De Zeeuw.

    „Omdat de Amerikaanse markt zo enorm groot is, voorzie ik dat we in Europa op een grote afstand voor nieuwe industrie infrastructuur en technologie komen”, zegt producent Roelofsen.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2022 07:35
    Maritime Sector & Hydrogen Leaders Fix Ambitious Targets

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    At a meeting at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt, MAN Energy Solutions, along with leading organisations across the shipping value-chain and the largest producers of green hydrogen, signed a ‘Joint Statement on Green Hydrogen and Green Shipping’. The document commits all signatories to the rapid adoption of green hydrogen-based fuels during the current decade in order to achieve the full decarbonisation by 2050 of the shipping sector, one that currently accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It also calls on policymakers to match these ambitious targets.

    Signatories have agreed to pursue cross-sector collaboration to achieve:

    Commercially-viable, zero-emission, deep-sea vessels from 2030 with the intention of using exclusively zero-emission-powered ocean-freight services by 2040

    Scaling-up of green hydrogen production to 5.5 million tons per year by 2030

    Full decarbonisation of the shipping sector by 2050 at the latest

    They also called upon international authorities and national governments to support private-sector commitments with a correspondingly ambitious policy, and specifically asked the International Maritime Organization and member states to commit to a 100% emissions reduction within the maritime sector by 2050 with robust, interim targets.

    The Joint Statement was facilitated by Climate Change ‘High-Level Champions’ – UN nominees that connect governmental work with the voluntary and collaborative initiatives taken by cities, regions, businesses and investors – and nonprofit energy organisation, RMI. Besides MAN Energy Solutions, it was also signed by – among others – the Aspen Institute, the Global Maritime Forum’s Getting to Zero Coalition, the Green Hydrogen Catapult, InterContinental Energy, and A.P. Moller - Maersk.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2022 07:36
    Hydrogen Produced from Natural Gas Cuts Emissions

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    The American Petroleum Institute last month released new analysis on the benefits of low-carbon hydrogen produced from natural gas. The study, commissioned by API and conducted by ICF, found that hydrogen produced from natural gas with carbon capture and produced from electricity and other energy sources could eliminate an additional 180 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions on average per year through 2050 and save over USD 450 billion cumulatively through 2050 when hydrogen incentives are uniformly provided based on a per ton of GHG emissions reduced.

    API analysis of the study’s finding show that uniform incentives for producing hydrogen from natural gas, electricity and other energy sources are critical to meeting the US Department of Energy goal of 50 MMT of clean hydrogen produced by 2050, as laid out in the recently published National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap.

    Highlights from the report include:

    Larger Hydrogen Market: When every ton of emission reductions are incentivized the same, the U.S. hydrogen market could be three times larger by 2050 than when emission reductions are treated unequally (i.e., hydrogen market could be 15% of total end use energy consumption in 2050 versus 4% of total end use energy consumption in 2050).

    Larger GHG Emission Reductions: The larger hydrogen economy resulting from uniform incentives could avoid an additional 183 million metric tons of US GHG emissions on average per year through 2050 than if incentives were unevenly implemented by taking advantage of low-cost options, like hydrogen produced from natural gas with carbon capture. Enabling incentives for all hydrogen production is equivalent to eliminating the emissions from more than 38 million cars annually, according to API analysis.

    Less Costly Emission Reductions: Uniform incentives could reduce the cost of mitigating a metric ton of carbon by an average of 12% annually over the study period, saving over $450 billion cumulatively through 2050.

    The study found that critical hydrogen infrastructure, like hydrogen storage, pipelines and local distribution systems, will be required to unleash hydrogen’s potential to contribute to significant GHG emissions reductions. Capital investment in hydrogen infrastructure projects could exceed USD 400 billion by 2050 and include the construction of 67,000 miles of hydrogen transmission pipeline, 500,000 miles of customer laterals and local distribution company pipeline/service lines, and 560 trillion Btu of hydrogen underground storage capacity.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2022 07:36
    Everwind Signs Mou with Potlotek for Hydrogen in Nova Scotia

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    Potlotek NovaScotia Canada based EverWind Fuels has welcomed Potlotek Development Corporation as a partner in the development of its green hydrogen and green ammonia project at its facility in Point Tupper Nova Scotia.

    Chief Wilbert Marshall said: “Potlotek leadership understand the need to move to green renewable energy and this agreement allows us to be a part of that change. Having this project in our County and in our backyard allows us to see and be a part of working towards a greener future through the development of alternative energy sources. Green hydrogen will help pave the way forward for a greener future for generations to come.”

    This is the third MOU signed between EverWind and Mi’kmaq Corporations in Nova Scotia. The previous MOUs were signed with Paq’tnkek’s Bayside Development Corporation and Membertou Development Corporation on 23 August 2022.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2022 12:15
    EasyJet voert eerste test uit met vliegtuigmotor op waterstof
    Artikel van ANP Producties • 3 uur geleden
    © ANP

    AMESBURY (ANP) - Luchtvaartmaatschappij easyJet en vliegtuigmotorbouwer Rolls-Royce hebben naar eigen zeggen voor het eerst succesvol een vliegtuigmotor getest die draait op waterstof. Het betrof een grondtest met een concept van een vliegtuigmotor die op groene waterstof draait, opgewekt uit wind- en getijde-energie. Die laatste vorm van energie wordt opgewekt uit water dat door eb en vloed aan- en terugtrekt in zogeheten getijdencentrales.

    EasyJet kondigde in september aan miljarden te gaan investeren om de CO2-uitstoot terug te dringen. Waterstoftechnologie moet die uitstoot tegen 2050 met bijna 80 procent hebben teruggedrongen. Ook investeert easyJet de komende jaren 21 miljard euro in nieuwe, zuinigere en stillere vliegtuigen.

    De Europese vliegtuigbouwer Airbus kondigde begin dit jaar aan ook waterstofmotoren te gaan testen, in samenwerking met de Frans-Amerikaanse motorenfabrikant CFM International. De Amerikaanse concurrent Boeing legt de nadruk juist meer op het vliegen met de duurzamere vliegtuigbrandstof SAF.

    Ook KLM wil met SAF de CO2-uitstoot verminderen, met zo’n 75 procent in vergelijking met het fossiele kerosine. Sinds dit jaar voegt de luchtvaartmaatschappij voor elke vlucht die vertrekt vanaf Schiphol een beetje SAF toe aan het brandstofsysteem. Omdat SAF nog niet in grote hoeveelheden beschikbaar is en daardoor een stuk duurder is dan kerosine is vliegen op 100 procent SAF nog niet mogelijk, aldus KLM op zijn website.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 06:08
    H2SITE Launches Palladium Membranes Plant for Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    Hydrogen has taken a new step as a for the energy transition thanks to H2SITE in Spain, which has launched the world's first membrane manufacturing plant to obtain hydrogen from ammonia or methanol, and separate hydrogen from low concentration gas blends. The new facility will industrialize the production of membranes, the technological heart of H2SITE, used in the construction of hydrogen production reactors and separators. Similar membranes made of palladium alloys had been so far very costly, fragile, and difficult to manufacture and scale. H2SITE has managed to overcome these obstacles.

    Located in Loiu in Biscay Region of Spain, the new H2SITE plant has a production capacity of tens of thousands of membranes per year. For its construction, H2SITE has invested more than 3 million euros, which it plans to double in the coming years to increase production capacity.

    The membrane separators and reactors will help provide hydrogen with high purity and limited cost, with focus on hard to abate industry sectors and heavy land and maritime mobility.

    H2SITE was created in 2019 and has an exclusive technology of reactors separators for the conversion of different raw materials into hydrogen, among which are ammonia, methanol or synthetic gas, in addition to the separation of hydrogen from gaseous mixtures in low concentration.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 06:09
    CATAGEN Launches Five Net Zero Prototypes

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    Belfast-based net zero emissions and air quality technology company CATAGEN has launched five new advanced climate technologies which enable the production of green hydrogen and e-fuels that could help industry significantly reduce carbon emissions. CATAGEN also officially launched ClimaHtech, the brand under which it will now go to market.

    In early 2022 CATAGEN received five funding awards from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio to help accelerate research and testing of its range of net zero products. Using that funding, in the space of just nine months CATAGEN has developed new ways to generate green hydrogen, bio-hydrogen and e-fuels, as well as complementary systems for carbon capture and hydrogen compression.

    CATAGEN’s Green Hydrogen Generator utilises CATAGEN’s patented recirculating gas reactor technology to create a highly efficient green hydrogen generator. Renewable energy powers the ClimaHtech HGEN to produce green hydrogen with no harmful by-products. CATAGEN do not use electrolysers to free hydrogen. The ClimaHtech HGEN uses a multi-stage chemical process to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen produced from the process can be used in other industrial processes or released back into the air. The ClimaHtech system is designed for industry and has multiple benefits:

    Green hydrogen and e-fuels can be used to replace fossil fuels in several key sectors, including Manufacturing, Transport, Power, Mobility and Agriculture. Having delivered prototypes for each of its technologies, CATAGEN is on track to deliver full-scale demonstrators in 2024 and plans to scale the business significantly in the next 3-5 years.

    Founded by Dr Andrew Woods and Prof. Roy Douglas, CATAGEN are experts in thermodynamics and emissions, focused on developing innovative new technologies to create alternatives to fossil fuels for difficult-to-decarbonise sectors.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 06:12
    Masdar Led Consortium to Advance 4 GW Hydrogen Program in Egypt

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    UAE's Masdar, Hassan Allam Utilities, and Infinity Power have signed framework agreement with leading Egyptian state-backed organizations on the development of a 2 gigawatt green hydrogen project in the Suez Canal Economic Zone. The consortium is targeting an electrolyzer capacity of 4 gigawatts by 2030, and an output of up to 480,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year.

    As per the agreement, the consortium will enter into a binding framework agreement with the SCZONE, the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company and The Sovereign Fund of Egypt. The agreement sets out the key terms and conditions for the green hydrogen development program with a focus on the first phase of the program.

    In the first phase of the project, the consortium will establish a green hydrogen manufacturing facility in the SCZONE, scheduled to begin operations by 2026. The electrolyzer facilities in the SCZONE and on the Mediterranean could be extended to up to 4 GW by 2030 to produce 2.3 million tonnes of green ammonia for export as well as supply green hydrogen for local industries.

    Egypt enjoys abundant solar and wind resources that can allow for the generation of renewable power at a highly competitive cost, a key enabler for green hydrogen production and is located within proximity to markets where demand for green hydrogen is expected to grow the most, providing a robust opportunity for export.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 12:52
    Groningen krijgt eerste groene waterstoftreinen van Nederland
    Artikel van admin • Gisteren om 18:18

    Groningen krijgt de eerste groene waterstoftreinen van Nederland. Na een succesvolle proef besloten de provincie en treinvervoerder Arriva om vier treinen aan te schaffen die rijden op waterstof. Vanaf 2027 moeten reizigers de waterstoftreinen kunnen gebruiken.

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    Op dit moment rijden er vooral vervuilende dieseltreinen in de noordelijke provincie. Rijden op duurzame stroom is in deze buitengebieden vaak niet mogelijk, omdat de bovenleidingen ontbreken.

    CO2-vrije treinen op waterstof
    Om toch de CO2-uitstoot van het treinvervoer naar beneden te brengen, wil de provincie Groningen waterstoftreinen inzetten. Wanneer de waterstof gemaakt is uit groene energiebronnen, zoals wind en zon, dan stoot de trein geen CO2 uit.

    In 2020 voerde Arriva testritten uit. Daaruit bleek dat het aantal kilometers waarmee je op waterstof kunt rijden nauwelijks verschilt van diesel. Het tanken van waterstof lijkt iets sneller te zijn en bovendien is een waterstoftrein stiller dan een dieseltrein.

    51 waterstoftreinen
    De aanbesteding van vier waterstoftreinen is het begin van het verwezenlijken van de ambitie om 51 waterstoftreinen te laten rijden in Groningen. De eerste vier treinen worden ingezet op de bestaande trajecten naar Delfzijl en Veendam.

    Wie de vier waterstoftreinen gaat maken, is nog niet bekend. De treinen worden internationaal aanbesteed. Het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat stelde vorige week 15 miljoen euro beschikbaar. De rest van de financiering komt uit Brussel en het Nationaal Programma Groningen (NPG).

    Groene in plaats van grijze waterstof
    Treinen die rijden op waterstof zijn niet nieuw. In Duitsland rijden waterstoftreinen al een tijdje rond, maar die gebruiken voor de winning van waterstof aardgas. Geen groene, maar grijze waterstof dus. Een trein die rijdt op groene waterstof in plaats van diesel bespaart volgens ingenieursbureau Arcadis miljoenen kilo’s CO2 per jaar.

    Met diverse sub-links:
  15. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2022 14:34
    Shell wil vanaf 2025 groene waterstof gebruiken in Pernis
    Artikel van ANP Producties • Gisteren om 14:02
    © ANP

    PERNIS (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Olie- en gasconcern Shell gaat vanaf 2025 groene waterstof gebruiken bij de verwerking van olie in zijn raffinaderij in Pernis. Daarmee wordt het aardgasverbruik door die raffinaderij verminderd.

    Hernieuwbare waterstof, dat wordt geproduceerd zonder dat daar CO2 bij vrijkomt, zal 5 tot 10 procent van het waterstofverbruik door de fabriek uitmaken. De raffinaderij maakt nu gebruik van 'grijze waterstof', maar die brandstof wordt geproduceerd met aardgas waardoor juist veel CO2 vrijkomt. Eerder werd al bekend dat een groene waterstoffabriek, in aanbouw op de Tweede Maasvlakte, de groene waterstof gaat produceren. De hernieuwbare stroom voor die fabriek komt van een windpark op zee.

    Pernis verwerkt ongeveer 400.000 vaten olie per dag, waarmee de raffinaderij het niveau van Europa’s grootst raffinaderij van oliereus BP in Rotterdam bijna evenaart.

    Shell is ook bezig met initiatieven om de uitstoot op andere plekken te verlagen. Zo heeft het concern plannen om de netto CO2-uitstoot bij zijn grote petrochemische complex in Moerdijk binnen tien jaar te verlagen naar nul. Het bedrijf zet daarbij onder meer in op waterstof en de opvang en opslag van CO2. Shell wil in 2050 helemaal klimaatneutraal zijn.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2022 07:35
    ACWA Power Inks Renewable Energy & Hydrogen Pact with PLN

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    Leading Saudi developer, investor, and operator of power generation, water desalination and green hydrogen plants worldwide ACWA Power has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesia’s state-owned electricity provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara. The agreement involves the development of battery storage for renewable energy facilities, and green hydrogen development in Indonesia.

    According to the terms of the MoU, ACWA Power and PLN will jointly investigate several avenues of partnership which include: a project study for pump storage for a 600-800MW hydroelectricity facility; investigating the possibility of a 4GW battery energy storage system and the development of a green hydrogen/ammonia facility that is powered by hydroelectricity.

    The agreement lays out a clear pipeline of renewable energy and technological development for ACWA Power within the country and involves a clear capacity building mandate for PLN’s employees.

    Indonesia’s National General Energy Plan states that 23% of the country’s power should be generated via renewable energy sources by 2025. PLN is the Republic’s sole buyer of electricity produced by independent power projects, including power produced from renewable energy projects. As of last year, the enterprise owns or operates nearly two-thirds of Indonesia’s power generation industry, which is approximately 65.5GW of electricity.

    ACWA Power entered Indonesia this year, as PLN awarded the company two contracts to develop floating solar photovoltaic plants in October 2022.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2022 07:36
    Hydrogen Aviation Lab Unveils Redesigned Hydrogen A320

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    A decommissioned Airbus A320 is being given a new lease of life in the service of science. The Hydrogen Aviation Lab, Hamburg's new field laboratory for testing maintenance and ground processes for future hydrogen-powered aircraft, was unveiled. German ministry has funded the joint project between Lufthansa Technik, the German Aerospace Center DLR, ZAL Center for Applied Aeronautical Research and Hamburg Airport for repurposed Airbus A320. The presentation of the Hydrogen Aviation Lab also marks the start of the installation of the hydrogen components in the coming months.

    The aviation industry is striving to become climate-neutral, with hydrogen widely expected to play a role as a future energy carrier. This requires not only new aircraft but also new infrastructure on the ground. Hamburg is forging a path towards such a hydrogen infrastructure: Lufthansa Technik, DLR, ZAL and Hamburg Airport have joined forces to design and test maintenance and ground-based processes for hydrogen technology. The project is funded by Hamburg's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Innovation as well as the city's investment and development bank IFB Hamburg.

    Over the next few months, the Hydrogen Aviation Lab will be fitted with a full suite of test systems as well as an internal tank for liquid hydrogen and an onboard fuel cell, paired with supporting ground-based hydrogen infrastructure.

    With the Hydrogen Aviation Lab, the project partners want to prepare for handling and maintenance of hydrogen-powered aircraft, whose entry into service is forecast for the middle of the next decade. Yet the laboratory will also spur on developers of future hydrogen-powered aircraft generations by helping optimise the procedures and safety levels during maintenance work or ground-handling.

    A particularly striking example is refuelling with liquid hydrogen (Liquid H2, or LH2 for short). Using current technology, the refuelling for a long-haul flight could possibly take several hours. Given the pressure on aircraft turnaround times in the airline industry, this would be clearly impracticable. The Hydrogen Aviation Lab is designed to address this and many other areas of research including

    Refuelling with liquid hydrogen

    Cooling, insulation and occupational safety

    Leakage of hydrogen gas, so-called Boil-Off

    Making stored hydrogen inert

    Parallel to research carried out using the physical hardware of the Hydrogen Aviation Lab, the project also involves the creation of a so-called digital twin of the Airbus A320. Therein, simulations will enable researchers to develop and test predictive maintenance methods for the systems and components of future aircraft generations. Using targeted data analyses, failures of hydrogen components and systems could thus be predicted ahead of their failure in the physical system, allowing timely replacements before component failures affect aircraft operation.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2022 07:37
    Babcock Wilcox & NRG Ink Biomass to Hydrogen Project in Korea

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Nov, 2022, 4:30 am

    Akron Ohio US based Babcock & Wilcox has signed an agreement with NRG Korea to study the applicability of B&W’s BrightLoop technology for a hydrogen generation facility using biomass fuel in South Korea. B&W and NRG have signed a memorandum of understanding to study the technology and potentially develop the project, which would use waste biomass as feedstock to produce hydrogen for fuel cells used for electrical generation.

    B&W’s BrightLoop chemical looping technology is part of its ClimateBright suite of decarbonization and hydrogen technologies. The BrightLoop process uses a proprietary, regenerable particle and has been demonstrated to effectively separate carbon dioxide while producing hydrogen, steam & syngas, and is ready for commercial scale-up.

    NRG Korea, established in 2008, is a Korean company specializing in waste processing and manufacture of alternative fuels and holds a number of patents related to their unique processing technologies.

    B&W’s ClimateBright suite of revolutionary decarbonization technologies are designed to help utilities and industry aggressively combat greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. These technologies have application for a wide range of industries including energy production, food manufacturing, steel, cement, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, carbon black, and pulp and paper.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2022 08:02
    Air Liquide & TotalEnergies to Produce Hydrogen at Grandpuits

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Dec, 2022, 4:30 am

    Air Liquide and TotalEnergies are innovating, in the context of the conversion to a biorefinery of the TotalEnergies’ Grandpuits site, to produce and valorize renewable and low-carbon hydrogen. Under a long-term contract, committing TotalEnergies to purchase the hydrogen produced for the needs of its platform, Air Liquide will invest over 130 million euros in the construction and operation of a new unit producing hydrogen. This unit will partly use biogas from the biorefinery built by TotalEnergies, and will be delivered with Air Liquide’s carbon capture technology, CryocapTM. These innovations will prevent emissions amounting to 150,000 tonnes of CO2 a year compared to current processes. TotalEnergies’ biorefinery will use the unit’s hydrogen to produce sustainable aviation fuel.

    Air Liquide will build and operate at the Grandpuits site a new hydrogen production unit with an annual capacity of more than 20,000 tonnes. By recycling, in part, residual biogases from Grandpuits’ biorefinery as a substitute for the natural gas traditionally used, the hydrogen produced by this unit will be partly renewable.

    In addition, this unit will include, from its start-up, an Air Liquide Cryocap H2 carbon capture unit. This will enable to capture, for reuse in agri-food and industrial applications, over 110,000 tonnes of CO2 per year contributing to reducing the site’s carbon footprint.

    Most of the renewable and low-carbon hydrogen produced will be used by the biorefinery to produce sustainable aviation fuel. This hydrogen could also be used to support sustainable mobility in the Ile-de-France region.

    Commissioned in 1966, Total's Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois refinery was for a long time the only refinery in the Paris region. In September 2020, TotalEnergies launched a project to convert the site, in line with its strategy to become carbon neutral by 2050. This zero-crude project, with a total investment of more than 500 million euros, is based on the development of several future-oriented activities in the field of biomass, renewable energies, and circular economy: chemical recycling of plastic waste, production of biosourced and biodegradable bioplastics, production of sustainable aviation fuels, construction of a solar farm and electricity storage by batteries. The start-up of these new units will begin in 2022, and they should all be operational by 2025.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2022 08:05
    H3 Dynamics Tests Flight with Hydrogen Electric Nacelle

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Dec, 2022, 4:30 am

    The future of hydrogen aviation powered by H3 Dynamics’ distributed hydrogen propulsion nacelles has taken flight for the very first time in France. H3 Dynamics’ 25kg test aircraft is already a breakthrough, with an electric flight range of up to 900km on liquid hydrogen, or 350km with pressurized hydrogen. Its externalized nacelle design also frees up 30L of fuselage volume with no hydrogen nor any powertrain elements inside. H3 Dynamics’ hydrogen propulsion nacelles could potentially become a “snap-on” retrofit for battery-powered unmanned eVTOL or fixed wing cargo drones.

    Preparing for the arrival of much longer duration unmanned hydrogen flights - H3 Dynamics started to work on airspace safety with world-leading air traffic control companies. It has been building experience with high-volume enterprise data services being deployed in smart cities such as Singapore, and gradually coupling these with drone-agnostic charging stations.

    By starting at the lower-end boundary of regulatory and certification efforts, H3 Dynamics doesn’t need to wait until 2035 to begin its commercial journey.

    Now H3 Dynamics is already preparing its next steps.

    It is exploring liquid hydrogen integration as part of a joint-development with ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse launched in 2019. The objective is a historical and symbolic Atlantic crossing on hydrogen electric propulsion in the coming two years.

    And with airfield experiments feeding its digital twin capability for hydrogen aircraft design, H3 Dynamics is now working on a next generation platform powered by 6 independent hydrogen-electric nacelle systems. The aircraft will feature fast-refueling and will be used as a test bed for H3 Dynamics hydrogen-electric propulsion technology moving forward.

    Other, higher-visibility hydrogen aircraft proponents will fly larger size aircraft much sooner – but they will do so by converting existing aircraft using fuel cells sourced from the automotive world – and storing large amounts of gas or liquid hydrogen inside the main fuselage.
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