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  1. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 09:30
    Startschot voor bouw installatie woningen op waterstof in Lochem

    Energiecoöperatie LochemEnergie, netbeheerder Alliander en Westfalen Gassen Nederland hebben het startschot gegeven voor de bouw van de installatie die 10 woningen in Lochem gaat verwarmen via waterstof.

    De bouw van de invoedinstallatie neemt ongeveer 4 maanden in beslag. In oktober van dit jaar wordt het waterstofnetwerk in Lochem in gebruik genomen.

    De waterstof wordt via het bestaande aardgasnet naar woningen in de wijk Berkeloord getransporteerd. Met het proefproject wil Alliander onderzoeken of waterstof een goed alternatief is voor het verwarmen van een deel van de woningen in de wijk.

    Kiwa en Alliander openden vorig jaar in Apeldoorn het Hydrogen Experience Centre. In het waterstofhuis wordt sindsdien de toepassing van waterstof in de gebouwde omgeving naar de praktijk gebracht.

    Bestaande gasleidingen
    Waterstof is een van de alternatieven voor aardgas om in 2050 7 miljoen woningen en 1 miljoen gebouwen mee te verwarmen. Waterstof kan als energiedrager met name een goed alternatief zijn voor met name woningen die moeilijk te isoleren zijn en waarvoor elektrische warmtepompen geen oplossing bieden, of in wijken waar geen warmtenet kan worden aangelegd. Een bijkomend voordeel is dat voor het transport van waterstof naar de woningen gebruikgemaakt kan worden van de bestaande gasleidingen die al in de grond liggen.

    10 woningen
    Er is echter nog weinig ervaring met het transporteren van waterstof door bestaande gasleidingen. Daarom gaat Alliander in Lochem demonstreren hoe dit werkt. Dat gebeurt samen met de bewoners van 10 woningen en energiecoöperatie LochemEnergie. In de wijk Berkeloord staan veel oudere, monumentale woningen die moeilijk zijn te isoleren. De woningen van de bewoners die meedoen aan de pilot worden vanaf dit najaar verwarmd met waterstof. In de woningen wordt de bestaande cv-ketel vervangen door een ketel die geschikt is voor waterstof.

    De woningen die meedoen aan de proef ontvangen straks waterstof vanuit een distributiepunt aan de Stijgoord in Lochem. Deze week is daar begonnen met de bouw van de opslag-, reduceer- en odorisatie-installatie. In deze zogenaamde invoedinstallatie wordt de druk van de waterstof geregeld en wordt deze voorzien van een geurstof, omdat waterstof van nature geurloos is.

    Westfalen Gassen Nederland bouwt en beheert de installatie. Zij zullen vanaf komend najaar ook de waterstof voor deze pilot leveren.

    2 doelen
    Hannah Hogenkamp, directeur Innovatie bij Alliander: ‘De pilot in Lochem heeft 2 doelen. Het is de eerste keer in Nederland dat bestaande, bewoonde woningen verwarmd gaan worden met waterstof dat stroomt door de reeds bestaande gasleidingen. We willen aantonen dat dat mogelijk is. Het is namelijk een belangrijke ontwikkeling, omdat in Nederland ruim 100.000 kilometer gasleiding in de grond ligt die we met de energietransitie niet zomaar verloren willen laten gaan. Daarnaast willen we ook veel leren over de techniek en het onderhoud van de installaties en leidingen.’

    Door Els Stultiens
  2. Barren Wuffett 22 juni 2022 09:32
    Ik zie op DeGiro een nieuwe waterstof ETF: BNPP Hydrogen ETF (EPA | HYDRO | LU2365458145)
    Kan er echter maar weinig informatie over vinden wat het nou precies bevat.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 22 juni 2022 11:54
    H2FA, Clara to set up USD-420m green hydrogen network in Australia
    Image by H2 Mobility Deutschland

    June 22 (Renewables Now) - Hydrogen Fuels Australia (H2FA) and compatriot Clara Energy plan to invest AUD 600 million (USD 419.7m/EUR 399m) to create a network of refuelling stations for the distribution of green hydrogen coming from a large complex between Melbourne and Sydney.

    The two companies said on Wednesday that the first hydrogen refuelling station to be built under the plan will open in 2025. For this purpose, they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to fast-track the development of up to five stations between the two major Aussie cities.

    H2FA and Clara are already working on a joint project that will result in the production of at least 100,000 kg of green hydrogen per day from solar-powered electrolysers in Tarcutta, New South Wales. The facility is being developed by Clara, while H2FA will take care of distributing the output and operating the refuelling stations, which will provide green hydrogen to freight and logistics companies.

    H2FA is currently building its own large-scale hydrogen refuelling station in Truganina, Melbourne. Two more will be built in Victoria, one in New South Wales and a major site will be located in Sydney.

    The Tarcutta complex is set to begin operations by 2025, producing 25,000 kg of hydrogen per day in the AUD-500-million first stage. At full operations, it will be able to supply 800 heavy haulage trucks with hydrogen.

    (AUD 1.0 = USD 0.699/EUR 0.665)
  4. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2022 07:20
    RWE & ArcelorMittal to Develop Offshore Wind Farm & Hydrogen Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jun, 2022, 6:56 am

    Energy company RWE and steel producer ArcelorMittal have signed a memorandum of understanding to work together to develop, build and operate offshore wind farms and hydrogen facilities that will supply the renewable energy and green hydrogen required to produce low-emissions steel in Germany. New wind farms to cover a large part of growing ArcelorMittal’s electricity requirements in Germany, subject to regulatory framework. The partnership centres on driving forward the production of carbon-neutral steel, with a plan to replace coal with wind power and green hydrogen as the main source of energy in steel production at ArcelorMittal’s steelmaking sites in Germany.

    To decarbonize its production sites in Bremen, Hamburg, Eisenhüttenstadt and Duisburg as planned, ArcelorMittal Germany needs renewable energy on a large scale.

    RWE and ArcelorMittal are assessing options for joint participation in tenders for offshore wind farm sites in the North Sea. The amendment of the Wind Energy at Sea Act currently under way is crucial for success, as it will permanently shape the cost structure in the German offshore wind sector. If the law were to establish negative bids in offshore wind tenders, financing wind farms would be more challenging and send the wrong pricing signals to the market by making wind power unnecessarily expensive. Competitive electricity prices are absolutely necessary, if energy-intensive industries such as the steel industry, which operates in a competitive global environment, are to have a future in Germany. RWE and ArcelorMittal strongly believe that with the right steer, green steel from Germany can become a benchmark worldwide for low-carbon emissions steel production.

    RWE and ArcelorMittal also want to work together on the development of green hydrogen, by jointly looking for areas where electrolysis plants can be built to supply the steel production sites in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt, starting with a 70 MW pilot plant by 2026 with the clear intention to increase to Gigawatt-scale projects in the long term, subject to approval of public funding.

    With the combination of RWE’s expertise in offshore wind farms and electrolysers, and ArcelorMittal as a guaranteed buyer of the green electricity and hydrogen, the two companies believe they have excellent opportunities for a viable partnership arrangement. RWE and ArcelorMittal intend to conclude long-term purchase agreements for both wind power and green hydrogen.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2022 07:24
    Lhyfe & Chantiers de l’Atlantique to Build Offshore Hydrogen Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    World’s pioneer in renewable green hydrogen Lhyfe & leading shipbuilder Chantiers de l’Atlantique announce at the Seanergy forum dedicated to renewable offshore energy, that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of offshore hydrogen production platforms. Lhyfe and Chantiers de l’Atlantique will collaborate on offshore renewable hydrogen production projects with on-grid or off-grid wind farms. Chantiers de l’Atlantique will design, build and install the platforms, while Lhyfe will be in charge of the design and operation of the renewable hydrogen production facilities.

    This agreement aims not only to develop the renewable hydrogen fuel chain at sea, but in port areas as well. For offshore projects, the two partners plan to develop production solutions with a minimum capacity of 100 MW, which will be installed on existing fixed structures, or mounted on seabed foundations or floating platforms

    This agreement comes as Lhyfe and Chantiers de l’Atlantique, who have already been working together for 18 months as part of the SEM-REV project on the co-development of a pilot system for offshore hydrogen production, prepare to launch the world’s first offshore renewable hydrogen production demonstrator in September 2022, off the coast of Saint-Nazaire inFrance.

    Lhyfe is one of the leading and most advanced players worldwide in renewable green hydrogen. The company, whose green hydrogen production plants are directly interconnected with renewable energy sources to supply local industry and transportation, already has 93 projects in development for production plants in Europe, equating to more than 4.8 GW of total installed capacity. It inaugurated a first industrial production plant in September 2021 and twenty of its projects are at an advanced stage of development representing a total 380 MW, due to be operational between 2023 and 2026.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2022 07:24
    Mitsubishi & GeorgiaP Build Hydrogen Mixing at McDonough-Atkinson

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Mitsubishi Power & Georgia Power, alongside the Electric Power Research Institute, have successfully validated fuel blending of hydrogen and natural gas at both partial and full load on an M501G natural gas turbine at Georgia Power’s Plant McDonough-Atkinson in Smyrna in Georgia in US. The demonstration project was the first to validate 20%* hydrogen fuel blending on an advanced class gas turbine in North America, and the largest test of this kind to date, with the 20% blend providing an approximately 7% reduction in carbon emissions compared to natural gas.

    The Plant McDonough-Atkinson facility, located less than 10 miles from downtown Atlanta, has served electric customers for more than 80 years and was fully converted to natural gas in 2012 and expanded to power up to 1.7 million homes. It currently operates s6 large capacity M501G series gas turbines, which deliver high performance and high efficiency, as well as three steam turbines running in three blocks of 2-on-1 combined-cycle configuration.

    Mitsubishi Power completed the hydrogen blending on one M501G gas turbine unit with an approximate output of 265 MW by utilizing some results of a project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan’s national research and development agency. Dry low NOx hydrogen blending was successful at up to 20% at the designed 100% natural gas firing temperature, within emissions compliance for the existing air permit, and without impact on the maintenance intervals. The team also confirmed improved turndown by testing up to 20% hydrogen at minimum emissions-compliant load. Mitsubishi Power provided full turnkey service for this project including engineering, planning, hydrogen blending hardware, controls, commissioning and risk management. Mitsubishi Power partnered with Certarus to source and manage the hydrogen supply.

    This project builds upon Mitsubishi Power’s hydrogen combustion experience and ongoing hydrogen combustion development for 100% hydrogen DLN combustion at the company’s facility at Takasago Works in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan. This site encompasses the development, design and manufacture of gas turbines, as well as demonstration and verification. The company recently announced it will establish a Takasago Hydrogen Park, which started construction in quarter one of 2022. It will be the world’s first center for validation of hydrogen-related technologies.

    Georgia Power collaborated with Mitsubishi Power for the landmark testing as part of a continued commitment to new research and development to build the energy grid of the future and to reduce carbon emissions across its generation fleet, with Georgia Power having already reduced its carbon emissions by more than 60% since 2007.
  7. Willy B. 23 juni 2022 09:01
    De Brusselse distributienetbeheerder Sibelga voert onderzoek naar mogelijke scenario’s om het Brusselse patrimonium koolstofvrij te verwarmen. Het rondde daarbij zopas een studie af over de rol die waterstof zou kunnen spelen in de Brusselse energietransitie. Daaruit blijkt dat waterstof allicht gebruikt kan worden voor gebouwverwarming, indien het voldoende en tegen een redelijke prijs beschikbaar zou zijn.

    Sibelga wil een betrouwbare en kwaliteitsvolle toegang tot energie garanderen voor al haar klanten. Daarom wil het bedrijf de technologische ontwikkelingen van vandaag onderzoeken en een 360°-beeld krijgen van de mogelijke opties. Daarbij wordt ook naar groene waterstof als warmtebron gekeken. Volgens Sibelga is waterstof om verschillende redenen interessant: ‘ze stimuleert de productie van groene stroom door een nieuwe mogelijkheid te openen om deze te valoriseren. In gasvorm kan waterstof worden gebruikt om hernieuwbare energie op te slaan. Ten slotte kan waterstof, net als aardgas, theoretisch ook worden gebruikt voor verwarming. ‘

    Dit is allemaal echter nog theorie. Momenteel bevinden distributienetwerken voor waterstof zich nog in een experimenteel stadium en zijn er nog veel vragen. De netbeheerder liet Sweco en Deloitte onderzoeken welke rol waterstof kan spelen voor verwarming in Brussel en of het Brusselse gasnetwerk in staat is om waterstof te distribueren. Uit die studie zou blijken dat dit in theorie alleszins kan, maar een belangrijke variabele is de renovatie van het gebouwenbestand. Als de gebouwen in Brussel tegen 2050 zeer goed geïsoleerd zijn, wordt een massale elektrificatie van het verwarmingssysteem (bijvoorbeeld via lucht/bodem-warmtepompen) immers beschouwd als de efficiëntste oplossing vanuit economisch en technisch oogpunt voor de meerderheid van de Brusselaars.

    Voor onvoldoende geïsoleerde gebouwen zou dit echter leiden tot een hoge elektriciteitsfactuur en bijkomende kosten voor de versterking van het elektriciteitsnet. Net daarom wil Sibelga ook niet-elektrische verwarmingsoplossingen blijven onderzoeken. Daarbij zou waterstof een mogelijke oplossing kunnen zijn, op voorwaarde dat het in voldoende hoeveelheden en tegen een betaalbare prijs beschikbaar is. Met de verwachte vraag naar groene waterstof vanuit de industrie en de benodigde hoeveelheid hernieuwbare energie ten gevolge van het grote energieverlies bij de omzetting van elektriciteit in waterstof, is het echter maar zeer de vraag of er wel waterstof beschikbaar zal zijn voor gebouwverwarming. Het is zelfs wat absurd om een weinig efficiënte vorm van omzetting van groene stroom – waterstof – te gebruiken om een weinig efficiënte – slecht geïsoleerde – woning te verwarmen. Dat is verlies bovenop verlies…
  8. Barren Wuffett 23 juni 2022 10:55
    BMW onthult nieuwe waterstofauto: "Als je wilt dat mensen hun gedrag veranderen, geef ze dan een keuze”

    Eind dit jaar presenteert BMW de iX5 Hydrogen. Het moet de personenauto met de krachtigste brandstofcel tot nu toe worden. Change Inc. sprak met BMW’s hoofd waterstoftechnologie Jürgen Guldner: “Wat ons betreft rijden batterij-elektrisch en waterstof straks gewoon naast elkaar.”
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 23 juni 2022 18:06
    Toyota ontwikkelt draagbare waterstofcapsule

    Samen met Woven Planet ontwikkelde Toyota een draagbare waterstofcapsule. Toyota presenteerde het waterstofpatroon tijdens ronde 2 van de Super Taikyu Series 2022. Dit jaarlijkse autorace event vindt plaats op Fuji Speedway van 3 tot 5 juni in Japan. De waterstofcapsule betekent mogelijk een absolute doorbraak voor de toepassing van waterstof binnen de energietransitie.

    Testen in Woven City

    De draagbare waterstofcapsule past ook precies in de wensen van Woven City. Toyota bouwt deze slimme stad van de toekomst momenteel in Susono City, Japan. Toyota gaat de waterstofcapsule dan ook testen in Woven City op gebied van mobiliteit en energieopslag voor huishoudelijk gebruik. De autofabrikant hoopt hiermee de energiedichtheid te verbeteren en ook de gebruikersvriendelijkheid nog meer te vergroten. Meer over Woven City.
    Specificaties draagbare waterstofcapsule

    De waterstofcapsule weegt 5 kilogram, is 40 cm lang en heeft een diameter van 18 cm exclusief tank en ventiel. Hiermee is het waterstofpatroon nu al handzaam en eenvoudig te transporteren. De waterstof tank is snel hervulbaar en kan verwisseld worden. Een volle waterstofpatroon bevat zo’n 3,3 kWh en kan een magnetron zo’n 3 á 4 uur van elektriciteit voorzien. Door de omvang van de waterstofcapsule is het niet onwaarschijnlijk om 10 stuks te plaatsen, waardoor de capaciteit al 33 kWh is, voldoende om een gemiddeld huishouden een paar dagen van elektriciteit te voorzien.
    Toepassen waterstofcapsule

    De waterstofcapsule kan voor allerlei doeleinden gebruikt worden. Energieopslag in huis, het voeden van allerlei elektrische apparaten of elektrische rijden. De waterstofcapsules zijn eenvoudig te transporteren, waardoor deze gewoon bij de tankstation af te halen is of je hem zelf meeneemt tijdens je reis. Voor seizoensoverbrugging moet de capaciteit van de waterstofcapsule nog flink opgeschroefd worden. Alhoewel de omvang van het waterstofpatroon dus ruimte biedt om meerdere waterstofcapsules te plaatsen in huis. Het waterstofpatroon laat in elk geval zien dat het huishoudelijk gebruik van waterstof binnen de energietransitie kansrijk is.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 24 juni 2022 07:09
    RWE & SGN Ink Hydrogen Pact for Domestic Heat in Scotland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Scottish gas distribution company SGN and renewables generator RWE to investigate the development of electrolysers, powered by RWE’s 10 onshore wind farms in Scotland which have a combined capacity of 213 MW to supply homes and businesses with hydrogen gas via Scotland’s gas network.

    The partnership will investigate the decarbonisation of homes and businesses connected to the networks of Campbeltown, Stornoway, Oban, Thurso and Wick, which are not connected to the mains gas network. These networks are currently supplied by Liquified Natural Gas and Liquified Petroleum Gas, which when swapped with hydrogen could save 21,000 tonnes of carbon each year and decarbonise around 9,500 properties. The partnership will define how much hydrogen is needed, the requirements to convert these networks to hydrogen, and the supply of green electrolytic hydrogen from RWE’s renewable onshore wind farms nearby. In doing so, the project could also unlock onshore wind farm developments in grid-constrained areas, by providing a use for the green electricity generated.

    A feasibility study will also be conducted over the coming months into a 100 MW electrolyser at RWE’s Markinch CHP biomass plant. This could produce green hydrogen from local and grid connected renewable energy, to connect into SGN’s gas network in Fife. It would build on the work SGN is already undertaking in Levenmouth on their world-first H100 Fife project.

    Hydrogen has a crucial role to play in achieving net zero and is an essential component to decarbonise sectors like industry, heavy load transport, aviation and heat. Published in April 2022, the UK Government’s Energy Security Strategy doubled its ambition for low carbon hydrogen production capacity to 10GW by 2030. Similarly, the Scottish Government’s Hydrogen Action Plan aims to create 5GW of hydrogen by 2030 and 25GW by 2045.

    Steve Boughton, RWE Director Hydrogen Development, said: “This MoU is a perfect partnership to develop options for the decarbonisation of domestic and business gas networks, and to help Government achieve its ambitions for 10GW of hydrogen production. Hydrogen will play an essential role in the pathway to net zero, particularly in industry and homes which is hard to decarbonise, and RWE is perfectly positioned to support the development of the UK hydrogen economy.”
  11. forum rang 10 voda 24 juni 2022 07:11
    Hydrogen-Powered Hopium Machina Sedan Unveils Interiors

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    One year after the presentation of the first Hopium Machina rolling prototype, the French manufacturer of high-end hydrogen-powered sedans, has revealed its concept car Hopium Machina Vision and offers for the first time an immersion inside the cabin. At the front, the pillar-to-pillar display provides a digital landscape of information, accessible to both driver and passenger. It can transform into a full or minimized layout as desired, in a wave-like motion. The haptic console offers a new sensory connection with the interface.

    At the back, passengers can enjoy the comfort of an uncompromising interior space and an unparalleled sky view.

    All the materials used for the interior are of the highest quality for the vehicle to stand the test of time and keep its spark, while ensuring both transparency and traceability. These materials have been sourced in Europe to reduce their environmental impact.

    The exterior design of the vehicle has been refined too. Hopium Machina Vision displays a notchback silhouette that is both athletic and elegant, with a clever balance of proportions.

    The distinctive elements of Hopium Machina are also present, including the imposing grille that activates to optimize the cooling of the fuel cell system, and the signature lighting inspired by waves on the surface of water.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2022 08:53
    Brandstofcellen moeten hoofdkwartier Ferrari van energie voorzien
    Marc Horckmans - Gisteren om 14:17

    Autobouwer Ferrari heeft op de site van zijn historische thuisbasis in de stad Maranello in het noorden van Italië een nieuwe centrale met vaste brandstofcellen opgestart. De centrale moet brandstoffen met behulp van een elektrochemisch proces – waarbij niet op verbranding beroep hoeft te worden gedaan – in elektriciteit omzetten.

    © Aangeboden door Business AM

    Dat heeft de Italiaanse constructeur gemeld.

    De nieuwe eenheid moet ongeveer 5 procent van de energie leveren die Ferrari voor de productie in Maranello nodig heeft. De installatie van de centrale kadert in de ecologische strategie van de autobouwer, die eind dit decennium compleet klimaatneutraal wil opereren.

    De nieuwe centrale, die een vermogen heeft van één megawatt, werd gebouwd door de Amerikaanse onderneming Bloom Energy, gespecialiseerd in projecten rond hernieuwbare energie. De installatie moet niet alleen het brandstofverbruik van de fabriek verminderen, maar ook de uitstoot van broeikasgassen beperken.

    Ferrari merkt daarbij op dat de nieuwe centrale ongeveer 20 procent efficiënter is dan het systeem met warmtekrachtkoppeling waarvan tot nu toe in Maranello gebruik werd gemaakt. Door dit hoge rendement kan volgens de constructeur de vervuiling door smog en fijnstof met 99 procent worden verminderd.

    Ferrari voegt eraan toe dat de centrale op basis van waterstof kan functioneren, maar eventueel ook aardgas of biomethaan als brandstof kan gebruiken. Dit biedt de site ook bij de inzet van energiebronnen een grote flexibiliteit.

    “Ferrari houdt meer dan ooit vast aan zijn doelstelling om tegen eind dit decennium compleet klimaatneutraal te functioneren”, beklemtoonde Benedetto Vigna, topman van de Italiaanse autobouwer, in een commentaar op de opstart van de nieuwe centrale.

    “Daarbij wordt beroep gedaan op de geavanceerde technologieën en de wetenschappelijke benadering die in de genen van Ferrari zitten ingebakken”, voerde de bestuursvoorzitter daarbij nog aan.

    Vigna merkte daarbij nog op bijzonder tevreden te zijn over de samenwerking met Bloom Energy. “De twee bedrijven delen een sterke gemeenschappelijke inzet voor de decarbonisatie van de energievoorziening”, wierp de CEO van de autobouwer op. “Ferrari is dan ook trots de eerste partner te zijn die in Europa een project van Bloom Energy implementeert.”

    Ferrari maakte recent nog zijn nieuwe strategie bekend, waarbij te kennen werd gegeven dat tegen eind dit decennium minstens 80 procent van zijn portfolio uit hybride of elektrische modellen zal bestaan.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2022 07:52
    Volvo Trucks Showcases Zero Emissions Hydrogen Truck

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Imagine a truck that only emits water vapor, produces its own electricity onboard and has a range of up to 1,000 kilometers. It’s possible with fuel cells powered by hydrogen and Volvo Trucks has started to test vehicles using this new technology. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric trucks will be especially suitable for long distances and heavy, energy-demanding assignments. To decarbonize transport, Volvo Trucks already today offers battery electric trucks and trucks that run on renewable fuels, such as biogas. In the second half of this decade, a third CO2-neutral option will be added to its product portfolio, fuel cell electric trucks powered by hydrogen.

    The fuel cell electric trucks will have an operational range comparable to many diesel trucks, up to 1 000 kilometers, and a refueling time of less than 15 minutes. The total weight can be around 65 tonnes or even higher, and the two fuel cells have the capacity to generate 300 kW of electricity onboard. A fuel cell generates its own electricity from the hydrogen onboard instead of being charged from an external source. The only biproduct emitted is water vapor.

    Customer pilots will start in a few years from now and commercialization is planned for the latter part of this decade.The fuel cells will be supplied by cellcentric, the joint venture between the Volvo Group and Daimler Truck AG. Cellcentric will build one of Europe’s largest series production facilities for fuel-cells, specially developed for heavy vehicles.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2022 07:53
    bp to Operate Asian Renewable Energy Hub in Western Australia

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Global oil & gas giant bphas agreed to acquire a 40.5% equity stake in and to become operator of the Asian Renewable Energy Hub, which has the potential to be one of the largest renewables and green hydrogen hubs in the world. Based on the development of world-scale renewable power generation, AREH, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, intends to supply renewable power to local customers in the largest mining region in the world and also produce green hydrogen and green ammonia for the domestic Australian market and export to major international users.

    AREH has plans to develop onshore wind and solar power generation in multiple phases to a total generating capacity of up to 26 gigawatts, which is around a third of all electricity generated in Australia in 20201. At full capacity, AREH is expected to be capable of producing around 1.6 million tonnes of green hydrogen or 9 million tonnes of green ammonia, per annum. Situated on a 6,500-square kilometre site, AREH is already in a highly advantaged position with access to abundant solar and wind resources with consistent output.

    The Pilbara is a globally competitive and energy intensive mining region with substantial energy demand and carbon emissions. At full capacity, AREH is expected to abate around 17 million tonnes of carbon in domestic and export markets annually, which would equate to roughly 0.5 gigatonnes of carbon savings over the lifetime of the project.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2022 07:55
    EC Launches Alliance for Zero Emission Hydrogen Aircrafts

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    The European Commission has launched the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation, calling on the members of the aviation community to join forces in preparing for the advent of zero emission aircraft. The Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation aims to prepare the aviation ecosystem for the entry into service of hydrogen- and electric-powered aircraft, to ensure that air transport contributes to Europe's 2050 climate neutrality objective. It will gather representatives of aircraft manufacturers, airlines, airports, energy companies and fuel providers, standardisation and certification agencies, passenger and environmental interest groups and regulators.

    They will jointly work to identify all barriers to the entry into commercial service of these aircraft, establish recommendations and a roadmap to address them, promote investment projects and create synergies and momentum amongst members. In particular, the members will look at issues such as the fuel and infrastructure requirements of hydrogen and electric aircraft at airports, standardisation and certification, and the implications for operators (airlines) and air traffic management.

    Over the next two decades, more than 44,000 new aircraft are expected to be placed on the market. The potential market volume for zero emission aircraft has been estimated at 26,000 by 2050, with a total value of EUR 5 trillion.

    The Alliance will eventually deliver on the commitment to align the sector with the EU's climate ambition, goals and other related policies. The international dimension of the sector is also a major element, as tackling climate change is a global effort.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 juni 2022 07:48
    Ricardo Powers Double Decker Diesel Bus with Hydrogen Fuel Cells

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Global strategic, environmental & engineering consulting company Ricardo, in partnership with Stagecoach North East, has repowered a diesel, double decker bus with a hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system. Delivering zero tailpipe emissions, Ricardo is now seeking to secure customers to invest in the production of a fleet of passenger vehicles fit for the future of sustainable shared mobility. The bus uses a hydrogen fuel cell system that produces zero emissions when using green hydrogen. While battery electric buses offer the right zero emission solution for many bus use cases, their shorter range, longer charge times and dependency on grid infrastructure mean that a mixed fleet of battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses will be required to achieve decarbonisation goals.

    The project, part funded by the Department of Transport, through its Hydrogen Transport Hub Demonstration competition, saw Ricardo, working with Stagecoach North East to retro-fitted hydrogen fuel cell technology into an existing double decker bus. It created a zero emissions demonstrator that is now undergoing a ten-week test and demonstration programme around the Tees Valley and Brighton and Hove. Feedback and data from the trials will support the team to explore future market opportunities and applications with bus operators and other partners across the UK and beyond.

    Ricardo is seeking to offer the hydrogen fuel cell re-powered vehicles at around half the price of a new bus, significantly reducing the upfront investment required whilst also avoiding some 45,000kg of carbon dioxide emissions by extending the life of existing buses rather than building from new. The aim is to secure 50% match funding investment plus customer commitment for an initial production of 150 buses that can enter service from late 2024.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 28 juni 2022 07:57
    Norway’s Enova Leads with 5 Hydrogen Hubs & 7 Hydrogen Vessels

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Norway’s Ministry of Climate and Environment owned Enova is supporting the establishment of 5 production plants for renewable hydrogen along the Norwegian coast with NOK 669 million & 7 pioneering hydrogen & ammonia powered vessels with NOK 451.3 million. The five production facilities for renewable hydrogen will establish an infrastructure that will enable further technology development in the industry. The hubs will also be able to supply fuel to the hydrogen-powered vessels that Enova has supported. These ships are among the first in the world to use hydrogen for propulsion, and the hubs that are now supported by Enova will ensure that the fuel becomes available to them. In total, the hubs will have a capacity to deliver hydrogen to between 35 and 40 vessels, Glomfjord: Enova supports production facilities for green hydrogen in Glomfjord with up to NOK 150 million. The goal is to establish a plant in Glomfjord in Meløy municipality and deliver compressed hydrogen per day to customers in sea and land transport. The owners of Glomfjord Hydrogen AS are Greenstat ASA, Nel ASA, Meløy Energi AS and Troms Kraft AS.

    Rørvik: Enova supports production facilities for green hydrogen in Rørvik with up to NOK 125.7 million. In the Hydrogen hub Rørvik project, NTE and H2 Marine, in collaboration with several players, will build a hydrogen production plant, in order to be able to supply hydrogen to a wide range of vessels.

    Hitra: Enova supports production plants for green hydrogen at Hitra with up to NOK 113 million. Production start-up is planned for 2025. Hydrogen hub Central Norway is a joint project between TrønderEnergi and Statkraft that wants to establish a plant for hydrogen production and bunkering at Hitra Industrial Park and Coastal Harbor in Jøsnøya.

    Florø: Enova supports HyFuel's production plant for green hydrogen in Florø with up to NOK 132 million. Fjord Base Holding has together with Sogn og Fjordane Energi AS and Gasnor AS established HyFuel AS.

    Kristiansand: Enova supports Hydrogen hub Agder with up to NOK 148 million. The goal is to produce and sell compressed hydrogen to boats that are on route via Kristiansand. Hydrogen hub Agder is managed by the companies Everfuel AS and Greenstat ASA in collaboration with established industry in the EYDE network and other players.

    Færder Tankers Norway AS: Enova supports the world's first ammonia-powered tankers and car carriers with a total of NOK 205.6 million. Færder Tankers AS will build two tankers and two car carriers that use ammonia as fuel. The four vessels are the first deep sea vessels that can run virtually emission-free.

    Ocean Infinity: Enova supports the world's first hydrogen-powered container ship with NOK 148.6 million. Ocean Infinity will build the first two container vessels that use hydrogen as fuel. The goal is to offer an emission-free sea transport of containers between Rotterdam and the Oslo Fjord. The ships will enter into a long-term contract for Samskip and are supported through Pilot-E.

    Thor Dahl bulk: Enova supports a hydrogen-powered bulk carrier with NOK 97 million. Thor Dahl bulk will build the bulk vessel. The vessel will use compressed hydrogen when using fuel cells.
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