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Battery Power

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2017 17:14
    Safer alternative to li-ion batteries developed

    The Shephard News Team reported that researchers at the US Naval Research Laboratory have developed a safer alternative to fire-prone lithium-ion batteries, which were recently banned for some applications on US Navy ships and other military platforms.

    The effort is developing a family of water-based zinc batteries. Researchers have demonstrated a key technology breakthrough for nickel–zinc (Ni–Zn) batteries in which a three-dimensional (3-D) Zn 'sponge' replaces the powdered zinc anode traditionally used. The resulting battery provides an energy content and rechargeability that rival lithium-ion batteries while avoiding the safety issues that continue to plague lithium.

    Zinc-based batteries are not considered rechargeable due to their tendency to grow conductive whiskers (dendrites) inside the battery, which can cause short circuits. The team is working to overcome this by controlling the behavior of the zinc during cycling so that electric currents are more uniformly distributed within the sponge, making it physically difficult to form dendrites.

    The NRL team demonstrated Ni–3-D Zn performance in three ways: extending lifetime in single-use cells, cycling cells over 100 times at energy content competitive with lithium-ion batteries and cycling cells over 50,000 times in short duty-cycles with intermittent power bursts, similar to the way batteries are used in some hybrid vehicles.

    Jeffrey Long from NRL's Advanced Electrochemical Materials group said that “With the benefits of rechargeability, the 3-D Zn sponge is ready to be deployed within the entire family of Zn-based alkaline batteries across the civilian and military sectors. We can now offer an energy-relevant alternative from drop-in replacements for lithium-ion to new opportunities in portable and wearable power and manned and unmanned electric vehicles while reducing safety hazards, easing transportation restrictions, and using earth-abundant materials.”

    Source : The Shephard News
  2. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2017 15:57
    NTPC invites tenders for battery storage for 8 MW solar capacity in Andaman and Nicobar

    Economic Times reported that India’s largest power generation company NTPC Ltd has invited bids for battery energy storage system for 8 Megawatt solar project at Chidiyatapu in Andaman and Nicobar islands.

    The company, in the tender document, said the scope of work shall cover design, engineering, supply, packaging and forwarding, transportation, unloading, storage, installation, testing, commissioning and grid integration.

    NTPC said it intends to finance the subject package through either domestic funding or its own resources.

    The energy giant had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) last yearfor the setting up 50 MW of solar power projects combined with battery energy storage near Port Blair in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

    It had floated two tenders on South Andaman, one of 8 MW at Chidiyatapu and another 17MW PV project located at Manglutan with storage capacity in both the projects.

    NTPC has planned capacity addition of about 1,000 MW through renewable resources by 2017 and has already commissioned 310 MW solar PV projects.

    The Delhi-headquartered company looks to become a 130 GW company by 2032 with a diversified fuel mix and a 600 billion units company in terms of generation. Including hydro, the company wants share of renewable energy to be 28 per cent.

    Source : Economic Times
  3. [verwijderd] 24 mei 2017 09:15
    Concurrentie voor Tesla

    TerraE wil een Giga-fabriek voor Lithium-Ion cellen in Duitsland bouwen.

    Hier wordt het allemaal haarfijn uitgelegd aan Frau Merkel:
    (Daimler batterienfabrik werkrundgang Kamenz)
  4. [verwijderd] 24 mei 2017 10:25

    hosternokke schreef op 24 mei 2017 10:16:

    China Leading the Charge for Lithium-Ion Megafactories.
    Dat plaatje is dus niet up to date, want de TerraE in Duitsland is niet meegenomen.

    Trouwens TerraE wordt een Giga-factory, dat is wel 1000x groter dan een Mega-factory.
  5. [verwijderd] 24 mei 2017 13:47
    Dit is wat ik lees:

    Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL) has plans to build the largest lithium-ion megafactory of all – but the company is little known in North America (en in NL ;-)). It’s already worth $11.5 billion, and could be a dominant force globally in the battery sector if it successfully increases its lithium-ion production capacity six-fold to 50GWh by the year 2020.

    Die Gründung von TerraE ist der erste Schritt zum Aufbau einer deutschen Batterieproduktion im großen Stil. Ziel von TerraE ist es, bis 2028 schrittweise Fertigungskapazitäten von bis zu 34 GWh pro Jahr aufzubauen.

  6. [verwijderd] 24 mei 2017 16:10
    Ja zeg, CATL heeft plannen, maar TerraE doet het gewoon.
    Maar eh, 'size doesn't matter'. Geeft niet joh :)

    Wel beetje zielig om TerraE dan maar gewoon te negeren.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 mei 2017 16:16
    Rapid charge for Welsh large scale battery

    Vattenfall plans construction start for storage scheme in summer 2017.
    Vattenfall, the Swedish energy company, confirmed today [22 May, 2017] that it is to press ahead with a battery storage scheme at Wales’s largest onshore wind farm.

    The 22MW system – believed to be the largest co-located battery and wind farm project in the UK – will provide a rapid-reaction grid reliability service to National Grid, known as Enhanced Frequency Response. The six shipping container sized units will be located at Vattenfall’s 228MW Pen y Cymoedd Wind Energy Project, on Natural Resources Wales managed estate.

    Frank Elsworth, Vattenfall’s Project Manager for battery@pyc, said: “Vattenfall will provide a really important service to the British consumer. Battery@pyc can respond to power fluctuations on the grid within a second – by pumping in power if frequency drops, or drawing in, if too high. These reliability services have been provided for decades, but not this smartly, so we think battery@pyc is the kind of affordable solution that will help power climate smarter living in the UK.”

    He added: “We have started detailed planning for the construction of battery@pyc. It’s not a significant construction but nonetheless we will make sure stakeholders are kept informed of our detailed schedule when it is ready.”

    Gunnar Groebler, Vattenfall’s Head of Business Area Wind, said: “This is Vattenfall’s biggest battery project to date and we think it is part of a smart transition to a fossil free Britain and Europe. We have ambitions for more batteries at our wind farm sites across Europe and so I hope that battery@pyc will herald more storage facilities in the UK.”

    Vattenfall plans preliminary site investigations for battery@pyc in June or July this year. Once complete, construction on site could start as early as August and be completed by Christmas. Operations at the battery facility is scheduled to start in February 2018.

    Earlier this month, Vattenfall said that Pen y Cymoedd Wind Energy Project started operating at full power. The 76-turbine wind farm can meet the electricity needs of more than 13% of households in Wales every year. It also boosts delivery of Wales’s climate change ambitions, displacing in an average year more than 300,000 tonnes of CO2 from fossil fuelled generation.

    What is Enhanced Frequency Response?

    Frequency response helps keep the electricity grid system at a frequency of 50Hz. Frequency response is provided by different energy generators and storage technologies, but Enhanced Frequency Response is a really fast form of frequency response.

    Enhanced Frequency Response is defined by National Grid Electricity Transmission as being a service that achieves 100% active power output at 1 second (or less) of registering a frequency deviation.  This is in contrast with existing frequency response services of Primary which have timescales of 10 seconds, and Secondary which has timescales of 30 seconds.  This is a new service that is being developed to improve management of the system frequency pre-fault, i.e. to maintain the system frequency closer to 50Hz under normal operation.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2017 22:48
    Landis+Gyr Celebrates Completion of 10 MW Energy Storage Project

    Grand opening of Iron Horse Energy Storage & Solar Project in Arizona showcases role of storage in solar energy integration

    ATLANTA, GA. – June 1, 2017 – Landis+Gyr, a global leader in transforming the way energy is delivered and managed, today helped celebrate the grand opening of the Iron Horse Energy Storage & Solar Project. Developed by E.ON North America on the University of Arizona’s Tech Park, the project supports Tucson Electric Power (TEP) in its goal of reliably integrating additional renewable energy onto its electric distribution system.

    Landis+Gyr, which works with a variety of battery manufacturers for its storage solutions, designed, engineered, and supplied a 10-megawatt containerized lithium-ion energy storage system based on Toshiba’s SCiB™ technology for this project. The solution balances TEP’s need for a system that delivers superior cycle life, high power density and rapid charge capabilities. These features are well suited to support load balancing and frequency response during sudden losses of generation.

    “We congratulate Tucson Electric Power and project developer E.ON for the successful completion of this groundbreaking project that will pave the way for future integration of renewable energy resources,” said Mike Cooper, General Manager of Landis+Gyr’s energy storage business. “The potential for utility scale energy storage is rapidly being realized as a solution that promotes grid stability in a variety of ways.”

    The Iron Horse project will help TEP study how to integrate a growing portfolio of renewable generating resources. The utility has a goal of generating 30 percent of its power from renewable resources by 2030, which amounts to about 1,200 MW.

    Landis+Gyr’s energy storage business supports its broader Energy and Capacity Optimization System (ECOS), which combines communication, control and data management technologies into a flexible solution to monitor and manage the distribution network and enable optimal utilization of existing and new distributed energy resources. Capabilities include DC and AC storage solutions, distributed generation management software, solution design and application analysis along with 24/7 monitoring and maintenance services managed from its remote operating centers worldwide.

    About Landis+Gyr
    Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions for the utility sector. Offering the broadest portfolio of products and services to address complex industry challenges, the company delivers comprehensive solutions for the foundation of a smarter grid including; smart metering, distribution network sensing and automation tools, load control, analytics and energy storage. Landis+Gyr operates in 31 countries across five continents as an independent growth platform of the Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502) and is also 40% owned by the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ). With annualized sales of more than US$1.5 billion, the company employs 5,700 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at

    Dan Jacobson | Regional Contact
    Senior Marketing Manager
  9. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2017 00:14
    Tesla To Build 10–20 Gigafactories Around The World As It Scales Up (#ElonTalks)

    The 2017 Annual Tesla Shareholder Meeting on June 6th blew the lid off of new updates on Model 3, Model Y, and Tesla Semi, while also providing updates on more mundane business matters. One massive update was about the number of Gigafactories Tesla is planning around the world. CEO Elon Musk shared that it is planning for at least 10 Gigafactories, but could build as many as 20.

    Aandeel is in new territory beland. Auto's, autonoom autorijden, batterijen, zonnepanelen. Misschien maar eens wat Teslaatjes aanschaffen. Natuurlijk voor de lange termijn.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2017 16:43
    DONG Energy to incorporate batteries into UK offshore wind farm

    Reuters reported that Danish state-controlled utility and wind power developer DONG Energy will install a battery system at its Burbo Bank Offshore wind farm off the coast of Britain to help deliver stable supplies to the grid. It will be the first time an offshore wind farm is integrated with batteries designed to maintain a stable output frequency.

    Mr Ole Kjems Sorensen, DONG Senior Vice President said that "With eight existing offshore wind farms in the UK and another four under construction, we expect to leverage further technology improvements."

    With renewable electricity production on the rise, so is the need for technology to help grid operators better balance fluctuating wind and solar electricity supplies with demand. Danish wind turbine maker Vestas said in March it was looking to invest in energy storage start-ups, and in February Tesla began mass production of lithium-ion battery cells at a California plant.

    Sydbank analyst Morten Imsgard said that "Offshore wind is a young industry that is searching for all kinds of technological advances to improve its product and competitive position towards fossil fuels for energy production."

    Source : Reuters
  11. forum rang 10 voda 9 juni 2017 16:46
    Mega-accu van Tesla laadt vijftig auto's tegelijk op bij Jaarbeurs

    UpdateBij de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht komt een grote accu te staan waaraan vijftig elektrische auto's kunnen opladen. Het wordt een van de grootste energie-opslagplaatsen van de Benelux.

    Mathijs Steinberger 09-06-17, 12:21 Laatste update: 16:28

    Het initiatief komt van LomboXnet. De Utrechtse laadpaalontwikkelaar investeert er een miljoen euro in. Tesla gaat de accu leveren. Deze mega-batterij slaat stroom uit zonnepanelen op. Dus ook als de zon niet schijnt, kunnen elektrische auto's eraan opladen.

    Superaccu als buffer
    Bij de Jaarbeurs staan al meerdere laadpalen. Als elektrische auto's gelijktijdig stroom aftappen, kan dat echter leiden tot overbelasting van het stroomnet. De superaccu voorkomt dit door te fungeren als een buffer.

    Grootschalige opslag van stroom is noodzakelijk om ons stroomnet betaalbaar te houden, zegt eigenaar Robin Berg van LomboXnet. ,,Er komen steeds meer zonnepanelen. Als de zon schijnt en er wordt minder gebruikt dan opgewekt, kan het stroomnet het niet goed aan. De netbeheerder moet dikkere kabels aanleggen. Dan wordt het voor iedereen duurder. Bovendien sorteren we voor op een energiesysteem waarin geen kolencentrales meer nodig zijn. Die worden nu bijgeschakeld als er te weinig duurzame energie wordt opgewekt. Er moeten dus voorzieningen komen die als buffer fungeren.’’

    25.000 vierkante meter zonnepanelen
    Berg verwacht dat de accu na de zomer wordt geleverd en in de herfst in gebruik genomen wordt. De installatie oogt als een aantal grote serverkasten en neemt tussen de tien en twintig vierkante meter in beslag.

    LomboXnet is al langer bezig met innovatieve autolaadpalen in de wijk Lombok. De accu's van elektrische auto's worden er gebuikt om door zonnepanelen opgewekte energie in op te slaan. Berg: ,,De grote accu bij de Jaarbeurs maakt ons systeem af. In de toekomst kan zo'n systeem als energiehub voor het stationsgebied en omliggende wijken worden gebruikt. De Jaarbeurs wil namelijk na de verbouwing  25.000 vierkante meter zonnepanelen plaatsen.’’

    De prijs van stroom fluctueert: als de accu goedkope stroom opslaat en bij een hogere prijs teruglevert aan het elektriciteitsnet,  verdient LomboXnet met energiehandel. Daarnaast betalen automobilisten betalen voor het stroomgebruik. Toch zal de accu verliesgevend zijn, verwacht Berg. ,,Wij voorzien dat binnen nu en tien jaar het hele energiesysteem hier naartoe gaat. Ondanks belemmerende wetgeving, nemen we nu toch deze stap. Anders zijn we te laat en halen we de klimaatdoelstellingen niet.’’

    Ook energieleverancier Scholt Energy en netbeheerder Stedin zijn betrokken. Energiefonds Utrecht, dat is opgericht door de gemeente, zorgt voor financiering. Een woordvoerder van de gemeente spreekt van een mooie stap in het stimuleren van elektrisch rijden.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 23 juni 2017 15:31
    Neometals lodges lithium battery recycling patents in US

    Neometals has lodged three US provisional patent applications associated with its technology to recover high value materials from spent lithium batteries. The scoping studies completed to date confirm that the technology can economically recover high?value cobalt (99.2% recovery), at potentially lowest quartile operating cost. Neometals is constructing a 100 kilograms per day pilot plant in Canada to accelerate the commercialization of the battery recycling technology.

    The pilot program is expected to be completed in the September quarter and test recoveries of cobalt, lithium, nickel and copper from nickel-manganese-cobalt cathode lithium batteries typically used in electric vehicles.

    Mr Chris Reed managing director commented that “The lodgement of these patent applications is consistent with Neometals’ intellectual property strategy to protect its competitive advantage once the commercial viability emerges. We will continue our disciplined evaluation of the technology through piloting before undertaking an engineering cost study to satisfy the industry demand for a commercial, environmentally and ethically responsible, end?of?life solution for lithium batteries.”

    Recovery plant scoping study
    Neometals has co-developed a technology with its 50:50 Canadian joint venture partner to economically recover high-value cobalt and other metals.

    Agreements have been executed to construct the pilot-scale hydrometallurgical plant at Neometals’ Montreal laboratory.

    Details from the previously completed scoping study includes:
    - Total capital cost: USD 4.5 million;
    - Life of plant: 10 years;
    - Life of plant revenue: USD 233 million;
    - Average net operation cost: USD 4.45 per pound cobalt or US$9,852 per tonne;
    - Pre-tax cash flow: USD 144 million;
    - Pre-tax net present value: USD 84 million; and
    - Payback period: <1 year.

    Source : Proactive Investors
  13. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2017 17:19
    Vestas to combine wind, solar and battery storage in power projects - Mr Runevad

    Reuters reported that Denmark's Vestas as saying that it will work to combine wind, solar and battery storage technology in power projects to help bring down costs of renewable energy. The cost of renewable energy has dropped significantly in recent years with solar leading the way, while rapid growth in demand in the wind industry may be nearing an end.

    Trying to latch onto the continued success of solar, the chief executive of the world's biggest wind turbine maker said he sees opportunities in combining wind, solar and battery to cut costs further and help secure a steady supply of renewable electricity to the grid regardless of weather conditions.

    CEO Mr Anders Runevad CEO of Vestas said in an interview that "It's very seldom today that we compete head on with solar."

    Instead, developers are increasingly looking to combine the two along with battery storage where costs are also coming down.

    Mr Runevad said that "In many places wind is actually created by temperature swings between daytime and nighttime. In those places it makes lots of sense to build hybrid parks, and costumers are asking for it."

    Hybrid projects are still few and small, but the ambition is to bring them up to utility-scale.

    He said that "We think this is a great opportunity to take the first step and learn where the opportunities are. We see them clearly on paper, but we need to realise them in practice."

    Vestas plans to approve three to six pilot projects this year and begin development next year. It did not say which solar companies they will work with or how much it will invest.

    Goldman Sachs analysts predict renewable energy in Europe will be cheaper than fossil fuels by 2023.

    Source : Reuters
  14. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2017 23:20
    China geeft gas, euh, komt op st(r)oom.

    China Is About to Bury Elon Musk in Batteries

    Chinese companies have plans for additional factories with the capacity to pump out more than 120 gigawatt-hours a year by 2021, according to a report published this week by Bloomberg Intelligence. That’s enough to supply batteries for around 1.5 million Tesla Model S vehicles or 13.7 million Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrids per year, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

    By comparison, when completed in 2018, Tesla Inc.’s Gigafactory will crank out up to 35 gigawatt-hours of battery cells annually.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 17:12
    Australian state picks Tesla to install grid-scale battery to be paired with wind farm

    Reuters reported that South Australia has picked Tesla to install a grid-scale battery to be paired with a wind farm provided by France's Neoen, as the state battles to keep the lights on. South Australia has raced ahead of the rest of the country in turning to wind power, triggering a shutdown of coal-fired plants that has led to outages across the eastern part of the nation, driving up energy prices.

    Dozens of companies from 10 countries had expressed interest in the South Australian project.

    Source : Reuters
  16. forum rang 10 voda 13 juli 2017 17:24
    AES Corp, Siemens AG create JV for energy storage

    Reuters quoted American energy firm AES Corp and German engineering conglomerate Siemens AG said they were forming a joint venture to serve the rapidly growing energy storage market. Demand for large-scale energy storage is growing as the price of advanced batteries tumble and nations turn to renewable energy such as solar and wind. Pairing big batteries and other storage systems with renewable energy improves reliability without creating climate-changing emissions. The 50-50 joint venture, called Fluence, will sell the lithium-ion battery technologies currently sold by AES and Siemens, respectively.

    Mr Andres Gluski, AES Chief Executive, said that "Right now this is a very fragmented market. You're bringing together two of the leaders."

    Siemens technology focuses more on projects for individual companies and enterprises, such as universities and hospitals, while AES targets larger arrays that are incorporated into a region's electrical grid.

    Source : Reuters
  17. [verwijderd] 14 juli 2017 19:56
    Volgens VW moet er hier en daar nog een fabriekje gebouwd gaan worden:

    Passage hieruit:
    Volkswagen was founded by Ferdinand Porsche, whose very first car was an electric vehicle with four in-wheel hub motors. If it wasn’t for the first oil boom in Texas more than 100 years ago, electric cars might have been become the norm, he says.

    “If the technologies had been reversed, it would be hard to conceive an engineer now successfully proposing that combustion engines replace electric cars,” Eichhorn says. “Imagine that person would say, ‘Rather than having maximum torque available from the start like an electric car, it had to ramp up over time.’ Imagine he then said it involved a device where thousands of tiny explosions occur every minute using a toxic and highly flammable liquid that had to be stored in the vehicle somewhere. And then imagine him saying that this fuel came almost entirely from crisis regions. What do you think his boss might have said to him?” Indeed.
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