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  1. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2020 16:50
    Audi & Climeworks Store CO2 from Atmosphere Underground

    The Swiss company Climeworks is building the world’s largest direct air capture and storage facility for converting atmospheric CO2 to rock in Iceland. Audi is partnering with the Zurich-based environmental start-up and promoting a future technology with the project. The facility will filter 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air and mineralize it underground. Climeworks is removing 1,000 metric tons thereof from the atmosphere on behalf of Audi.
    The process – how the CO2 gets deep underground

    With direct air capture technology, carbon dioxide is extracted from the ambient air and air free of CO2 is returned to the atmosphere. Climeworks’ new facility in Iceland transports the CO2 filtered out of the air below the Earth’s surface, where natural processes then mineralize it. The carbon dioxide is thus permanently removed from the atmosphere.

    The facility first draws in air and feeds it into the CO2 collector, which contains a selective filter material. This uses a specially developed adsorbent to bind the CO2 in the air. When this filter is saturated with CO2, it is heated to 100 degrees Celsius using waste heat from a nearby geothermal plant to release the CO2 molecules. Water from the Hellisheiði power plant then flows through the facility and transports the carbon dioxide roughly 2,000 meters below the surface of the Earth. The CO2 molecules react through natural mineralization processes with the basalt rock and are converted to carbonates over a period of several years, thus permanently storing the CO2 underground. The water returns to the cycle of the geothermal power plant. The facility will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will filter 4,000 metric tons from the atmosphere each year. One quarter of that will be credited to Audi. 80,000 trees would be needed to bind this amount naturally.

    The direct air capture technology from Climeworks boasts two major advantages: Lifecycle analyses show that 90 percent of the CO2 filtered out of the air is effectively and permanently stored underground. This high reduction capacity makes the facility particularly efficient. The technology can also be scaled up to the megaton-per-year range and thus harbors great potential from the future.

    Iceland is one of several places on Earth offering the ideal conditions for this process. Its volcanic origin makes the country one of the world’s most potent geothermal regions. The particularly high geothermal energy means that the Earth’s heat can be converted to electricity cost-effectively and virtually CO2 neutrally. Furthermore, the rock in Iceland has the ideal composition for storing large amounts of CO2.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2020 16:56
    Volkswagen Opts for Green Electricity to Power All Freight Carried on Deutsche Bahn

    Volkswagen Group Logistics is switching all Deutsche Bahn carriage of materials and vehicles within Germany to green electricity by the start of 2021. This will cut over 26,700 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year compared to the conventional electricity mix. 95 per cent of all such transportation is already powered by green electricity. In addition even more freight is set to go by rail: Volkswagen aims to increase vehicle transportation by train from 53 per cent today up to 60 per cent by 2022.

    When operations are running normally, over 190,000 freight wagons a year are in use for Volkswagen. On average 38 long-distance and 157 local trains a day deliver materials to the plants – in total around 100,000 wagons a year. Meanwhile, around 90,000 wagons take approximately 900,000 vehicles from the plants to 40 interim storage facilities, distribution centres and ports. The brands transported in this way are Volkswagen Passenger Cars, AUDI, ŠKODA, SEAT, Porsche and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.

  3. Mayo 16 september 2020 17:17
    Er zijn verschillende aandelen Volkswagen te koop op de Duitse beurs.
    Kan iemand mij de verschillen uitleggen? ik wil instappen maar weet niet welke ik moet kopen. BVD
  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 september 2020 13:23
    'Volkswagen dicht bij verkoop Bugatti'

    Gepubliceerd op 17 september 2020 12:59 | Views: 481

    Volkswagen 11:27
    155,00 -1,40 (-0,90%)

    148,68 +0,26 (+0,18%)

    145,52 -3,98 (-2,66%)

    WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Automaker Volkswagen is dicht bij de verkoop van sportwagenmerk Bugatti aan het Kroatische Rimac Automobili. Dat schrijft autotijdschrift CAR Magazine dat meldt dat de bazen van het Duitse autoconcern de koop al hebben goedgekeurd, maar dat de commissarissen de deal nog moeten beoordelen.

    Een verkoop van Bugatti zou een grote strategische verandering betekenen voor de luxetak van het Volkswagen-concern. De Duitsers zouden de verkoop via dochter Porsche willen laten lopen omdat die automaker al een belang van 15,5 procent heeft in Rimac, dat elektrische auto's maakt. Porsche zou een groter belang in Rimac krijgen als onderdeel van de overeenkomst.

    Het van oorsprong Franse Bugatti was in de jaren 50 ten onder gegaan, maar werd in 1998 nieuw leven in geblazen. Volkswagen liet het merk zeer extravagante modellen ontwikkelen met eigen motoren, zoals een weinig gangbare 16-cilindermotor. De ontwikkelkosten lagen daardoor zeer hoog en veel Bugatti's werden ondanks hun hoge aanschafprijs met verlies verkocht. Afgelopen jaar verkocht Bugatti 82 auto's.

    Sinds het dieselschandaal kijkt Volkswagen naar mogelijkheden om geld te besparen. Een verkoop van Bugatti wordt daarbij al langer genoemd.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2020 16:01
    Duits OM klaagt nog eens acht VW-medewerkers aan om dieselaffaire

    Gepubliceerd op 23 september 2020 15:14 | Views: 229

    135,40 +0,20 (+0,15%)

    139,20 +3,20 (+2,35%)

    BRAUNSCHWEIG (AFN/DPA) - Openbaar aanklagers in Duitsland hebben nog eens acht medewerkers van Volkswagen aangeklaagd op verdenking van betrokkenheid bij het dieselschandaal van het autoconcern. Bij de nieuwe beschuldigden zitten leidinggevenden van Volkswagen, meldde het parket van Braunschweig.

    De verdachten worden ervan beschuldigd tussen het najaar van 2006 en september 2015 betrokken te zijn geweest bij de installatie van software die de uitstootwaarden van dieselmotoren manipuleerde bij tests. Volgens het Duitse Openbaar Ministerie spoorden ze anderen ertoe aan die software te installeren of ondersteunden ze het. De verdachten wordt ook kwalijk genomen dat ze het gebruik van de sjoemeltechnologie niet tegenhielden, terwijl ze wisten dat het om een illegale praktijk ging.

    In 2015 kwam aan het licht dat Volkswagen jarenlang gebruik maakte van software die dieselmotoren bij emissietests schoner liet lijken dan ze in werkelijkheid waren. Justitie in Duitsland onderzoekt in totaal enkele tientallen personen wegens betrokkenheid bij de zaak. Een van hen is Martin Winterkorn, de voormalige topman van Volkswagen die het bedrijf leidde toen het schandaal bekend werd. Onlangs gaf de rechtbank van Braunschweig groen licht voor een strafproces tegen Winterkorn, waardoor de oud-topman zich openlijk moet verweren tegen de fraudebeschuldigingen.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 29 september 2020 08:17
    Softwaretak Volkswagen koopt camerasoftware Hella

    Volkswagen AG
    150,50 0,00 0,00 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Volkswagen AG
    150,10 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Brussel

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen heeft via zijn softwaretak een overname gedaan van de camerasoftwaredivisie van het Duitse Hella. Dit maakte de Duitse autofabrikant dinsdagochtend bekend, zonder financiële details te noemen.

    De overname moet begin 2021 afgerond worden, nadat toezichthouders groen licht hebben gegeven.

    De Duitse autobouwer liet weten dankzij de overname meer kennis te zullen vergaren die nodig is voor autonoom rijdende auto’s.

    Circa de helft van de werknemers van de camerasoftwaredivisie van Hella gaat over naar Car.Software Org, waar de software-activiteiten van Volkswagen onder vallen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2020 14:58
    Volkswagen handhaaft outlook maar verlaagt dividend

    Volkswagen -ADR -OTCPK- -Delisted-
    $ 32,33 0,00 0,00 % OTC USA

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen blijft een positief operationeel resultaat voorzien in 2020 en blijft ook vasthouden aan de geplande investeringen in elektrisch rijden, ondanks de coronaviruspandemie. Wel wordt het dividendvoorstel verlaagd. Dit maakte de Duitse autofabrikant woensdag op zijn aandeelhoudersvergadering bekend.

    In de eerste acht maanden van het jaar leverde Volkswagen door de coronacrisis wereldwijd 21,5 procent minder auto's af dan een jaar eerder, met 5,6 miljoen stuks, tegen 7,1 miljoen vorig jaar. Toch steeg het marktaandeel met 0,4 procentpunt tot 13 procent. West-Europa werd erg hard geraakt, met een verkoopdaling van 31 procent.

    Het dividendvoorstel over 2019 werd vanwege de terugval in het nieuwe jaar bijgesteld van 6,50 euro naar 4,80 euro per gewoon aandeel. Preferente aandeelhouders krijgen nog steeds 6 eurocent meer.

    Maar in de tweede helft van het jaar trekt de markt weer aan. Volkswagen verwacht dat de orders en leveringen in september hoger zullen zijn dan een jaar eerder en de autofabrikant denkt dat de opwaartse trend ook in de rest van het jaar aanhoudt.

    En ook over de omschakeling naar elektrisch bleef Volkswagen positief. "De transformatie van de groep wordt niet tegengehouden door corona, maar er door versneld”, stelde CEO Herbert Diesse.

    Volkswagen wil tot en met 2024 33 miljard euro investeren in elektrisch rijden en marktleider worden in dat segment. Een groot deel van het geld, 14 miljard euro, gaat naar IT-expertise en de ontwikkeling van zelfrijdende auto's.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2020 15:33
    BorgWarner Provides Compact Turbocharger for Volkswagen Nivus

    Volkswagen NivusBorgWarner has expanded the supply of its compact B01 turbocharger by equipping the newly launched Volkswagen Nivus crossover. With an EA211 1.0-liter 200 TSI engine, the vehicle features first-of-its-kind turbo technology for the Brazilian market, offering a desired combination of better performance, improved energy efficiency and reduced fuel consumption.

    The B01 turbocharger helps reduce vehicle emissions through the use of advanced materials and technologies that meet the engine’s needs. Likewise, it is capable of withstanding exhaust temperatures of up to 1,050 degrees Celsius. Its construction and operation also have a milled compressor rotor, with an optimized bearing system and a relief valve controlled by an electric actuator, resulting in less noise during operation. Another advantage is its compact design, which takes into account the construction of engines with low displacement, without compromising performance. Overall, the Nivus’ engine boasts 126 horsepower (128 PS) and 147 lb-ft (200Nm) of torque, delivering a fast acceleration response and a unique and pleasurable driving experience.

  9. forum rang 10 voda 6 oktober 2020 15:33
    Volkswagen & Uber Launch Pilot Project with Electric Vehicles in Berlin

    Volkswagen together with the intermediation platform Uber has launched a pilot project for the utilization of electric vehicles within the sustainable ride hailing service “Uber Green”. Within the framework of a virtual event, Uber hire car partners informed themselves about the background and possibilities of the cooperation. With the e-Golf, they now have a locally zero-emission alternative from the Volkswagen model portfolio available in Berlin. The objective of the pilot project is to use a number of year-old e-Golf vehicles which may run into three digits. Volkswagen has already been using the e-Golf successfully for its own car sharing service We Share since 2018.

    As part of its e-offensive, the Volkswagen brand plans to offer electric cars in all major vehicle segments by 2022. Volkswagen aims to become the world market leader in e-mobility in the coming years and is investing 33 billion euros group-wide by 2024, 11 billion of which will be invested by the Volkswagen brand alone. The Volkswagen brand expects to produce 1.5 million e-cars in 2025.

    In September, Uber announced that it intends to evolve into a zero-emission mobility platform by 2040, with 100 percent of the rides offered using zero-emission vehicles, public transport or micro-mobility offerings.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2020 15:38
    Porsche Celebrates 70 Years in America

    This year Porsche is celebrating the 70th anniversary of its arrival on the American market. It was autumn 1950 when a fateful meeting between German Professor Ferdinand Porsche and Austrian expatriate Mr Max Hoffman led to the decision that a German automotive manufacturer would begin exporting its sports cars to America. Mr Hoffman opened his showroom on Park Avenue, in New York City which was later redesigned by Frank Lloyd Wright. The first two 1.1-litre 356 coupes were delivered to Hoffman in the autumn of 1950, and he met Ferdinand Porsche at the Paris Motor Show that same year. In early conversations, Ferry Porsche said he would be happy to sell five cars a year in America. Eventually, they agreed on a US import contract of 15 cars per year.

    Porsche had no budget for a major advertising campaign, so it was up to Hoffman to establish the unknown brand to American customers. His marketing materials described the 356 as “One of the World’s Most Exciting Cars” with “a new conception in handling, roadholding, suspension and safety never known before”. The strategy gained traction, and by 1954, 11 cars per week were sold through Hoffman, equalling 30 percent of the annual Porsche production. In 1965, the final year of the 356 model, the US share of Porsche sales had risen to a massive 74.6 percent.

    A substantial part of the growing success was thanks to another Austrian native. John von Neumann had opened his Competition Motors dealership in North Hollywood in 1948, and after a single test drive while visiting Hoffman in New York in 1951, he bought a Porsche 356 and took it back to California. An avid racer himself, Neumann played an important role in introducing the Porsche brand to the growing motorsports scene in the Golden State. Neumann was also well-connected in Hollywood, and his list of celebrity customers, which included actor James Dean, helped build a strong image as the cars were used for weekend racing and weekday commuting alike.

    With Porsche becoming more established in showrooms, motorsports and pop culture, the decades that followed would see a variety of changes for the brand’s presence in the US. From an organisational perspective, this began with the creation of the independent distribution network, The Porsche of America Corporation, in 1955. From 1969 the company formed part of the Porsche Audi division of Volkswagen of America Inc and finally, on September 1, 1984, Porsche Cars North America was established in Reno in Nevada.

    Approaching the new millennium, Porsche experienced setbacks and victories, both on the race track and in business. The 1990s proved to be challenging, but the introduction of the popular Boxster, which was very positively received in concept form at the 1993 Detroit Auto Show and later praised in first drive reviews, drew a new audience to Porsche and helped get sales back on track. Soon afterwards, in 1998, PCNA moved its operations to Atlanta, Georgia. The appeal of the brand expanded once again with the introduction of the Cayenne in 2003, and the sporty SUV quickly became the best-selling model in the US for many years.

    Like most other industries, the global financial crisis of 2008 saw the automotive sector struggle at the start of the following decade. For Porsche, US sales dropped below 20,000 cars in 2009, something that had not happened since the 1990s. From that point onwards though, the sports car manufacturer did not look back: vehicle deliveries started climbing year by year, supported by new model lines such as the Panamera, and later the Macan and Americans’ continued fascination with the brand.

    On May 12, 2011, Porsche Cars North America made the major announcement that it would build a new headquarters in Atlanta. This dedicated home for Porsche in America would not only serve as a centralised location for business, but as a brand embassy where visitors could experience the thrill of everything the marque has to offer. The Porsche Experience Centre Atlanta opened its doors in May 2015, complete with a driver development track, fine dining restaurant, Heritage Gallery and much more. Fittingly, the first event in the new surroundings was the presentation of the 911 GTS Club Coupé, a model made specifically for the US and limited to just 60 units to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Porsche Club of America, the largest single-marque club in the world.

    In November 2016, a second Porsche Experience Centre opened in Los Angeles, making America the first market with two PECs and giving Porsche an even stronger presence in California, a state that accounts for about one quarter of all US sales.

    Alongside the expansion of the physical footprint, Porsche also started breaking new ground in the digital space, especially with the launch of the Porsche Drive subscription service in 2017. The same year would see the company reach a very special milestone with the production of the millionth example of the iconic 911, and true to history, the unique car travelled the New York streets that Max Hoffman had driven in 1950.

    Moving towards the present day, 2019 was a pioneering year for Porsche in America in more than one sense. Sales soared to a record 61,568 vehicles and, importantly, they ushered in a new era. After the global premiere of the fully electric Taycan in September 2019, the very first deliveries in the world were to American customers in December of the same year.

    Seventy years after Max Hoffman introduced the sports cars from Zuffenhausen to the US, a new chapter is being written, and Porsche is looking ahead to many more American miles and memories.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2020 15:43
    Volkswagen Taos to use Turbocharged EA211 Engine

    Volkswagen announced that the Taos compact SUV, which slots into the lineup below the Tiguan, will feature a new version of the EA211 turbocharged four-cylinder engine that currently powers the Jetta sedan. Making 158 horsepower and 184 pound-feet of torque, the new engine increases in size from 1.4 to 1.5 liters and offers a number of high-tech features designed to produce outstanding fuel economy. Despite the engine having a larger displacement and being more powerful than the EA211 fitted in the Jetta, the engine is more efficient in fuel usage. It features Volkswagen’s modified version of the Miller cycle, where the intake valves are closed early in the induction stroke to help with fuel economy. For a turbocharged engine, it has a very high compression ratio of up to 11.5 to one.

    Key features that help the Taos achieve a combination of low-speed torque and excellent fuel economy include:

    APS coated cylinder liners—whereby iron powder is plasma coated onto the cylinder block—that reduce friction between the cylinder liner and piston rings. This process has been localized in the North American Region

    A map-controlled cooling module that warms the engine more quickly than the existing EA211 for efficiency and can control water flow in different parts of the engine

    Variable Turbine Geomety. This is the first volume-production turbocharger with this technology in the North American Region. This turbo is more efficient, provides higher boost pressure, and avoids wastegate mass flow.

    A high-pressure injection system with up to 350 bar, up from 200 bar, which produces better atomization of the fuel/air mixture, a shorter injection time, optimized mixture formation, and lower particulate emissions.

    The upshot is excellent fuel consumption and driving characteristics. The engine is mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission in the front-wheel-drive model, with a Sport mode. AWD models get a seven-speed DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission.

    The Taos is expected to go on sale in the summer of 2021 in both front- and all-wheel-drive forms. The vehicle is positioned in the largest US vehicle segment, the compact SUV market, where 4 million vehicles were sold in 2019, around 24 percent of the market. It will slot into the VW compact SUV lineup below both the Tiguan and the all-electric ID.4 SUV.

    Based on the MQB modular transverse architecture, the Taos is 11 inches shorter than the Tiguan at 174.2 inches overall. It will provide an excellent value, with outstanding fuel economy, interior space, tech, and available driver assistance features.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 14 oktober 2020 14:44
    Volkswagen Chattanooga Supplier Park Marks 10 Years of Success

    Ten years ago last week, Volkswagen opened its 446,400-square-foot supplier park next door to the Chattanooga factory. With a USD 21 million investment, the site quickly became home to six suppliers supporting 500 jobs helping to assemble the Volkswagen Passat. Today, just as the Chattanooga factory has grown, so has the supplier park and the suppliers nearby. Seven suppliers now work in the supplier park, assembling everything from seats to axles to dashboards, while four more have built facilities right around the corner. All told, the supplier complex now employs about estimated 1,100 workers, and represents some USD 275 million in investments.

    Supplier parks and nearby locations plays an essential role at modern automotive factories like the Chattanooga plant. Every mile of distance a supplier needs to haul their parts can add hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual costs. Just-in-time production systems like the one used at Volkswagen plants worldwide help keep on-hand inventories low, so that workers get the parts just as they need them. By being as physically close to the plant as possible, suppliers can work more efficiently themselves.

    The supplier park itself currently includes ThyussenKrupp, TNM, Kasai, Grupo Antolin, DRX, Faurecia and Schnellecke Logistics. Nearby suppliers include Gestamp, Yanfeng, Plastic Ominum and Wingard.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2020 07:24
    Volkswagen-dochter Traton neemt Navistar over

    Navistar International Corp
    $ 43,52 8,10 22,87 % NYSE
    Traton SE
    18,018 0,288 1,62 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Traton heeft een principeakkoord bereikt om Navistar volledig over te nemen. Dit meldde de dochteronderneming van Volkswagen vrijdag.

    Traton heeft al een belang van 16,8 procent in Navistar en betaalt voor de rest van het bedrijf 44,50 dollar per aandeel.

    Vrijdag eerder op de dag gaf Navistar al aan een bod te accepteren boven de 43 dollar die Traton op dat moment bood.

    In januari bracht Traton een eerste bod uit, toen van 35 dollar per aandeel Navistar.

    Aandelen Navistar stegen vrijdag op Wall Street bijna 23 procent tot 43,55 dollar.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 23 oktober 2020 14:24
    Volkswagen Automatingr Emden, Hanover & Chattanooga Plants

    The Volkswagen Passenger Cars and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands are working flat out on the transformation to the e-mobility era and the conversion of plants to e-mobility. The Volkswagen brand has now ordered more than 1,400 robots from Japanese manufacturer FANUC for its production facilities at Chattanooga in USA and Emden. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has ordered a further 800 robots for its Hanover plant from ABB of Switzerland. The robots are to be mainly used for body production and battery assembly. The three plants are currently being prepared for the production of electric cars using highly advanced facilities. From 2022, the ID.401 is to be produced at Chattanooga and Emden, while the model known under the show car name of ID. BUZZ02 is to roll off the production line at Hanover.

    The ID. BUZZ is to be produced at the Hanover plant of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles from 2022.

    In total, the Group plans to invest EUR 33 billion by 2024 with a view to becoming the world market leader in e-mobility. Several billion euros are to be invested in these three plants.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 23 oktober 2020 14:25
    Porsche Joins Multi Stakeholder Responsible Mica Initiative

    Porsche has joined the Responsible Mica Initiative. This cross-industry coalition of international companies and non-governmental organisations is campaigning for transparency and improved working conditions in mica mining. The raw material is used in numerous industrial and cosmetic products. As an automotive manufacturer, Porsche also contributes to the global consumption of the raw material through use of mica in car paints. The sports car manufacturer represents the Volkswagen Group in the Responsible Mica Initiative.

    India is one of the world’s most important mica producers. The local mining regions of Jharkhand and Bihar are marked by poverty. As part of internal analyses of selected paint supply chains, right back to the extraction of the raw material, Porsche identified potential sustainability risks in mica mining. The sports car manufacturer is working intensively with suppliers to ensure transparent and sustainable utilisation of the raw material mica.

    The Responsible Mica Initiative was founded in Paris in 2017. Among others, it develops global standards for mica mining and processing. These standards aim to address fair working conditions, safety and minimum wages. Organizations that join the Responsible Mica Initiative commit to adopting these standards. The Responsible Mica Initiative is supported by the chemical companies BASF and Clariant, the pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck, the clothing chain H+M, and the cosmetics manufacturers Chanel, L’Oréal and The Body Shop, among other companies. The human rights organization Terre des Hommes is a founding member of the initiative.

  16. forum rang 10 voda 23 oktober 2020 14:34
    VW Commercial Vehicles to deploy 800 ABB Robots in Hanover to Make Electric Vehicles

    ABB has received an order for 800 industrial robots from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles to support production of a new generation of electric vehicles at its plant in Hanover in Germany. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is modernizing its Hanover factory and is installing state-of-the-art facilities to build the all-electric ID. Buzz van, which will begin production in 2022. ABB’s robots will be installed in the body shop to undertake a range of body construction tasks.

    The dramatic expansion of the EV-segment requires new and innovative manufacturing solutions. ABB’s robotic solutions will provide Volkswagen’s production processes with unprecedented levels of flexibility, to help them adjust to trends and changing customer requirements

    In addition to robots and application-specific equipment, ABB offers the automotive industry standardized manufacturing cells and the design, planning and implementation of complete production lines. Via the ABB Ability platform, customers also have the opportunity to benefit from various digital services including process optimization, robot fleet management and predictive maintenance.

    This year, ABB has launched a number of new innovative technologies that support automotive manufacturers in increasing productivity and improving their environmental performance, such as its PixelPaint solution for customized automotive painting. PixelPaint uses an inkjet head to eliminate overspray, ensuring two-tone paint and individual designs are applied in one pass, without masking and de-masking. This reduces cycle times by around 50 percent and improves sustainability, with 100 per cent of the paint applied to the bodywork.

  17. forum rang 10 voda 29 oktober 2020 09:26
    Winstdaling Volkswagen

    Volkswagen AG
    135,30 1,80 1,35 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Volkswagen AG
    134,00 0,50 0,37 % Euronext Brussel

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen heeft in het derde kwartaal de omzet en winst zien teruglopen, maar zag wel een duidelijk herstel waardoor de outlook voor heel het jaar kon worden gehandhaafd. Dit maakte de Duitse autobouwer donderdagochtend bekend.

    In het afgelopen kwartaal boekte Volkswagen een winst na belastingen van 2,8 miljard euro tegen 4,0 miljard euro een jaar eerder. Analisten geraadpleegd door FactSet hielden rekening met een kwartaalwinst van krap 2,8 miljard euro.

    De operationele winst daalde van 4,5 miljard tot 3,2 miljard euro, terwijl de omzet terugliep van 61,4 miljard naar 59,4 miljard euro. Dat is een omzetdaling van 3,4 procent, terwijl in de eerste negen maanden de omzet nog met bijna 17 procent terugviel.

    Volkswagen zei flink geraakt te zijn door de coronacrisis in de eerste negen maanden van 2020, maar dat er in het derde kwartaal een aanzienlijk herstel was.

    Voor heel 2020 mikt Volkswagen onverminderd op een omzet die significant lager zal uitvallen dan een jaar eerder. Ook verwacht de autobouwer nog steeds dat de operationele winst noemenswaardig lager zal uitvallen dan in 2019, maar nog wel positief zal zijn, zowel inclusief als exclusief eenmalige posten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.789
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.895
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.346
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.564
ASML 1.766 109.580
ASR Nederland 21 4.506
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.739
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.439