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Accsys plc.

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  1. Cementwagen 8 oktober 2009 09:19
    Op-Fund Management Company neemt belang 6,56% in Accsys

    8-10-2009 8:14:00

    Weer een ander bedrijf dat zijn belang in Accsys uitbreidt. Die hebben er dus alle vertrouwen in.

    Accsys Technologies Plc (EUR)
    0,68 ( 17:35 ) /

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Op-Fund Management Company Ltd heeft een kapitaalbelang van 6,56% in Accsys Technologies Plc genomen, zo maakt Accsys woensdag bekend.

    Op 29 september hield Op-Fund Management Company 10.253.584 aandelen, ofwel een belang van 6,56%.

    Op-Fund Management Company hield bij de vorige melding 8.553.584 aandelen van Accsys.

    Door Eelco Hiltermann; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201,
  2. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2009 14:04

    Cementwagen schreef:

    Zo, weer een miljoen stukken erbij voor een van beiden (op-fund management company of Al Rajhi Holding)
    Op de beurs van Londen vond vooraf een eerst een verkooptransactie van 200.000 aandelen plaats tegen 0,65. Op de beurs van Amsterdam werd een verkooptransactie van 50.000 aandelen gedaan tegen 0,65.

    Het leek erop dat door een foute orderopgave aandelen zijn verkocht inplaats van gekocht en dat daarna door de aandelen terug te kopen deze fout ongedaan is gemaakt.
  3. Cementwagen 8 oktober 2009 14:56
    Volgens mij ligt de omzet in Londen meestal rond de 200000 a 300000 aandelen. Nu zit die al op 1,3 miljoen.
    En ik kan mij niet voorstellen dat iemand een vergissing maakt omtrent 200000 aandelen aankoop. Overigens stond in Amsterdam ook in eerste instantie die 50000 in de bied (zodat er iemand die 50000 kon verkopen)
  4. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2009 18:52
    Van een Engelstalig forum, waarin uit een analistenrapport van Matrix Corporate Capital's Research wordt geciteerd:

    Scenarios vary between Euro 1.16 to 2.74.

    "We have also looked at a high scenario in which subsequent licence sales are for 300,000m3 per annum starting in April 2011 which values the company at €274¢ per share.

    In our low scenario which only assumes subsequent licence sales of 150,000m3 every two years we value the company at €116¢."

    D.w.z. gemiddeld 130% boven het huidige niveau.

  5. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2009 17:17
    Dat rapport over Accsys lijkt me interessant !!
    Enorme omzetten gisteren en ook vandaag.Het lijkt sterk op distributie, van de een naar de ander. Afgesproken werk. Waarschijnlijk weer een close van 0,67.

    Trouwens waarom zit er niet een normaal forum ( nu via Koffiekamer) achter DIT lokaal genoteerde bedrijf ??
  6. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2009 17:37
    Ik las zojuist:
    OP Fund Management Company heeft weer stukken bijgekocht op 7 oktober zaten ze op 6.56%. Misschien komt hier ook de grote omzet van gister en vandaag van.
  7. [verwijderd] 10 oktober 2009 10:32

    kolifant schreef:

    Ik las zojuist:
    OP Fund Management Company heeft weer stukken bijgekocht op 7 oktober zaten ze op 6.56%. Misschien komt hier ook de grote omzet van gister en vandaag van.
    Denk het niet. Deze company had de extra stukken al op 29 sept. binnen, zo blijkt uit het persbericht.

    Heb zelf geen verklaring voor dit geschuif met bakken aandelen. Wel is duidelijk dat met name op de Amsterdamse beurs de omzetten sinds juli sterk zijn gestegen. De toegenomen liquiditeit in dit aandeel is positief, al blijft de grootste omzet op de Londense beurs. Kun je trouwens ook via Binck in beleggen (de koers is in Euro's).

  8. [verwijderd] 10 oktober 2009 10:37

    nieuwer schreef:

    Van een Engelstalig forum, waarin uit een analistenrapport van Matrix Corporate Capital's Research wordt geciteerd:

    Scenarios vary between Euro 1.16 to 2.74.

    "We have also looked at a high scenario in which subsequent licence sales are for 300,000m3 per annum starting in April 2011 which values the company at €274¢ per share.

    In our low scenario which only assumes subsequent licence sales of 150,000m3 every two years we value the company at €116¢."

    D.w.z. gemiddeld 130% boven het huidige niveau.

    Het rapport komt van de huisbankier van Accsys, dus kan er een 'luchtje' aan het rapport zitten.

    Via onderstaande link kom je op een forum, waar je bij poster 'inthetin' je emailadres kunt achterlaten. Hij is kennelijk bereid je het rapport te sturen. Ik heb hier zelf geen gebruik van gemaakt.
  9. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2009 17:46
    Vandaag in de UK weer een hoge omzet. De hoogste dagomzet in 2009. Ook de omzet in NL stijgt ver uit boven het gemiddelde !!
    De kopers slaan in op niveau's boven 0,70, daar zitten de omzetten in UK, in NL zijn de grote posten op iets lager niveau verhandeld.

    Al met al lijkt dit uit technisch oogpunt positief.
  10. Cementwagen 15 oktober 2009 08:52
    Accsys ziet omzet H1 2009 lager ten opzichte van H1 2008

    15-10-2009 08:15:00

    Door Maaike Noordhuis


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Accsys Technologies plc verwacht dat de omzet in het eerste halfjaar, dat eindigt op 30 september 2009, lager zal zijn ten opzichte van de eerste helft van vorig jaar, zo heeft de producent van Accoya donderdag bekendgemaakt in een persbericht.

    De omzetdaling wordt voornamelijk toegeschreven aan teruggelopen licentiebetalingen van licentiehouders Diamond Wood in China en Al Rajhi in het Midden-Oosten.

    De verkoop van Accoyahout is in het eerste kwartaal steeg met 51%, maar de omzetontwikkeling in het tweede kwartaal werd negatief beinvloed door de tijdelijke sluiting van de fabriek in Arnhem.

    Accoya wordt geproduceerd door middel van een gepatenteerd proces, waarin hout wordt behandeld met azijnzuuranhydride zodat het bij wisselende temperaturen niet meer krimpt of uitzet en bestendig is tegen rot door schimmels en micro-organismen. Hiervoor kan ook niet-duurzaam hout gebruikt worden.

    Door Maaike Noordhuis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201,

    15th October 2009 AIM: AXS
    NYSE Euronext Amsterdam: AXS
    Trading Statement

    Accsys Technologies PLC ("Accsys" or "the Company")

    Accsys today provides the following trading update for the six month period to 30 September 2009, ahead of the announcement of its interim results.

    The Company expects that revenues for the first half of the year will be lower than in the corresponding period last year.

    The decrease in revenues is largely due to reduced licensing fees from Diamond Wood, our licensee in China, and from Al Rajhi, our licensee in the Middle East. Progress on the Diamond Wood plant is linked to their fund raising process which is currently underway. Development on the Al Rajhi plant has been slower than anticipated due to the economic climate, however the Company is confident that progress will be made during the second half of the year. The recent increase in the Al Rhaji group's shareholding of Accsys to 9.2% is most welcome.

    The Company experienced strong growth in Accoya® wood sales in the first quarter (up 51%), however sales in the second quarter have been impacted by the temporary shutdown of the Arnhem plant, which was required to implement further process improvements and an automated wood logistics system. These improvements have now been completed, production has resumed and the resultant backlog of sales orders will be met in the next quarter.

    It is too early to give any indication of the results for the year to 31 March 2010. However, it is clear that they will be determined principally by the extent to which progress is made by our licensees.

    In addition, we have implemented a number of cost reduction schemes in the first half of the year, the benefits of which will not be seen until the second half.

    The Company has continued to focus on expanding its sales network and is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with a number of distribution partners across the world. Details of the first of such arrangements with our distribution partners in North America are being announced separately today. We hope to be in a position to announce further distribution deals in the near future.

    Paul Clegg, Chief Executive Officer, of Accsys, stated, "The economic climate has clearly had an effect on our licensing revenues but it is pleasing to see the continued commitment to Accsys from both Diamond Wood and Al Rajhi."

    ENDS -
    For further information, please contact:

    Accsys Technologies PLC Paul Clegg, CEO +44 20 8150 8835
    Kevin Wood, CFO
    Matrix Corporate Capital LLP Stephen Mischler +44 20 3206 7000
    Anu Tayal
    Communications Graham Herring
    Josh Royston +44 20 7653 9850
    Citigate First Financial B.V. Wouter van de Putte + 31 20 575 4080
    Laurens Goverse
    Notes to Editors:

    Titan Wood Limited ( is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Accsys Technologies PLC ( group of companies. Accsys Technologies PLC is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market, and on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext, under the symbols 'AXS'.

    Wood Acetylation is a process, which increases the amount of naturally present 'acetyl' molecules in wood, thereby changing its physical properties. The process protects wood from rot by making it "inedible" to most micro-organisms and insects, without - unlike conventional treatments - making it toxic. It also greatly reduces the wood's tendency to swell and shrink, making it less prone to cracking and ensuring that when painted it requires dramatically reduced maintenance.

    Accoya® Wood ( is produced by using a patents-pending non-toxic process that effectively converts sustainably grown softwoods and non-durable hardwoods into what is best described as a "new wood species" via acetylation. Distinguished by its durability, dimensional stability and, perhaps most importantly of all, its reliability (in terms of consistency of both supply and quality), Accoya® wood is particularly suited to exterior applications where performance and appearance are valued. Unlike most woods, its colour does not degrade when exposed to sunlight. Moreover, the Accoya® wood production process does not compromise the wood's strength or machinability. The combination of UV resistance, dimensional stability, increased coatings life, durability and retained strength means that Accoya® wood offers a wealth of new opportunities to architects, designers and specifiers. Leading applications include external doors and windows, shutters/shading, siding and cladding, decking, outdoor furniture/equipment and glulam beams for structural use.

    ACCOYA is a registered trademark owned by Titan Wood Limited

    This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

  11. Cementwagen 15 oktober 2009 08:52

    Accsys Technologies Plc (EUR)
    0,69 ( 17:09 ) 0,01 / 1,47%

    Accsys sluit overeenkomst met distributiepartners N-Amerika

    15-10-2009 08:25:00

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Accsys Technologies Plc heeft overeenkomsten gesloten met een aantal distributiepartners in Noord-Amerika, nu het bedrijf de focus heeft gelegd op zijn verkoopnetwerk.

    Ook het aan de Nasdaq genoteerde Universal Forest Products, Inc, is een van deze partners, zo schrijft de producent van Accoya-hout donderdag in een persbericht.

    Accsys zegt ook nog in gesprek te zijn met distributeurs in andere landen, aangezien het bedrijf bezig is zijn markten uit te breiden. Accoya is de handelsnaam voor hout dat via acetyleren is verduurzaamd.

    Door Maaike Noordhuis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201,

    15th October 2009 AIM: AXS
    NYSE Euronext Amsterdam: AXS
    North American Distribution Partners

    WDMA Hallmark Certification Approved

    Accsys Technologies PLC ("Accsys" or "the Company")

    Accsys is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with a number of distribution partners in North America as it continues to focus on its sales network. The list of partners includes Universal Forest Products, Inc., a NASDAQ listed company which had over US$2 billion of sales last year.

    Following initial product certification and introduction, the Company is now effectively scaling its capabilities in key markets. As well as driving sales, distribution partners will provide greater market penetration in existing and new application segments for the Company's product, increasing awareness of the Accoya® brand amongst end users. As use of Accoya® wood becomes more widespread this will, in turn, produce greater licensing opportunities.

    The Company is also in discussions with several other distributors in various international geographies as we look to expand our market.

    The Company is also delighted to announce that Titan Wood, a wholly owned subsidiary of Accsys, has been approved by the Window and Door Manufacturers' Association (WDMA) as a Hallmark Certified Supplier. This rating certifies the quality of exterior millwork and gives government and private agencies a method of identifying windows and doors that are manufactured in accordance with the WDMA's highest standards. The WDMA Hallmark® is a mark of excellence among architects, contractors and other specifiers. Products eligible for Hallmark certification are subjected to a rigorous verification process in order to ensure conformance with the requirements of the WDMA.

    Paul Clegg, Chief Executive Officer, of Accsys, stated, "North America is a key market in the wood products industry. The certification from WDMA and commitment from leading distributors provides further validation of the quality of our product and creates greater awareness of the brand. I look forward to announcing additional partners in other territories in the near future."

    ENDS -
    For further information, please contact:

    Accsys Technologies PLC Paul Clegg, CEO +44 20 8150 8835
    Kevin Wood, CFO
    Matrix Corporate Capital LLP Stephen Mischler +44 20 3206 7000
    Anu Tayal
    Communications Graham Herring
    Josh Royston +44 20 7653 9850
    Citigate First Financial B.V. Wouter van de Putte + 31 20 575 4080
    Laurens Goverse
    Notes to Editors:

    Titan Wood ( is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Accsys Technologies PLC ( group of companies. Accsys Technologies PLC is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market, and on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext, under the symbols 'AXS'.

    Wood Acetylation is a process, which increases the amount of naturally present 'acetyl' molecules in wood, thereby changing its physical properties. The process protects wood from rot by making it "inedible" to most micro-organisms and insects, without - unlike conventional treatments - making it toxic. It also greatly reduces the wood's tendency to swell and shrink, making it less prone to cracking and ensuring that when painted it requires dramatically reduced maintenance.

    Accoya® Wood ( is produced by using a patents-pending non-toxic process that effectively converts sustainably grown softwoods and non-durable hardwoods into what is best described as a "new wood species" via acetylation. Distinguished by its durability, dimensional stability and, perhaps most importantly of all, its reliability (in terms of consistency of both supply and quality), Accoya® wood is particularly suited to exterior applications where performance and appearance are valued. Unlike most woods, its colour does not degrade when exposed to sunlight. Moreover, the Accoya® wood production process does not compromise the wood's strength or machinability. The combination of UV resistance, dimensional stability, increased coatings life, durability and retained strength means that Accoya® wood offers a wealth of new opportunities to architects, designers and specifiers. Leading applications include external doors and windows, shutters/shading, siding and cladding, decking, outdoor furniture/equipment and glulam beams for structural use.

    ACCOYA is a registered trademark owned by Titan Wood Limited

    This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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