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  1. forum rang 10 voda 5 oktober 2016 16:49
    JSPL divests stake in 24MW wind power plant at Satara

    Jindal Steel & Power Limited informed BSE that subject to the customary regulatory approvals and other conditions precedents, the Company has executed an agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of India Infrastructure Fund II (which is represented by its investment manager IDFC Alternatives Limited) for sale of 24MW Wind power generation business undertaking situated at Satara, Maharashtra.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 14 november 2016 21:48
    Nederlanders bouwen groot windpark in Kenia

    Het is een toonaangevend project voor duurzame energie in Afrika: binnenkort draaien honderden windmolens in het noorden van Kenia, dankzij Nederlandse investeerders. Maar lukt het ook om de elektriciteit naar de hoofdstad Nairobi te transporteren?

    Nomaden bedekken met omslagdoeken hun gezichten tegen het opstuivende stof van de vulkanische grond bij het Turkanameer. De herders drijven hun kamelen langs prefab huisjes met daken die kraken onder de wind. De huisjes zijn van de bouwers van Afrika’s grootste windmolenpark.

    Grootste private investering

    ‘In april 2017 moeten alle 365 windturbines zijn geplaatst. Er staan er nu 193’, zegt Phylip Leferink, een van de Nederlandse ondernemers achter het Lake Turkana Wind Power Project, dat met € 625 mln te boek staat als de grootste private investering ooit in Kenia. De 50 meter hoge turbines met wieken van 26 meter staan in het gelid op rotsige heuvelruggen, wachtend tot ze volgend jaar in actie mogen komen.
    Met 310 megawatt aan stroom zullen de windmolens zo’n 15% toevoegen aan de capaciteit voor energieopwekking van Kenia, dat kampt met een groot tekort aan elektriciteit. In heel Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara leven meer dan 600 miljoen mensen zonder stroom – tweederde van de bevolking. De energieopwekking van Afrika is ongeveer gelijk aan die van Zuid-Korea.
    Veel wind
    Bij het Turkanameer is er een hoge gemiddelde windsnelheid van 40 km per uur, zo ontdekte een groepje Nederlanders met ervaring in de windenergie. Zij namen het initiatief voor het molenpark. Leferink tijdens een rondgang: ‘Het waait hier als de hel.’
    De wind waait bovendien constant, zodat de molens relatief weinig zullen stilstaan. Kenia kan zo stroom krijgen die een stuk goedkoper is dan die uit de geïmporteerde, vervuilende fossiele brandstoffen die een derde van Kenia’s huidige energiemix uitmaken. Kenia gebruikt ook geothermische energie en waterkrachtcentrales. Er is ook een handjevol windmolens dat al draait. Die staan bij de hoofdstad Nairobi, op de Ngong-heuvels, bekend van het boek Out of Africa van de Deense barones en plantagehoudster Karen Blixen.

    Britse aandeelhouder

    De Nederlandse investeerders, verenigd in KP&P Africa bv, bezitten nog zo’n 25% van Lake Turkana Wind Power Project. Grootste aandeelhouder is inmiddels het Britse energiebedrijf Aldwych International met ruim 30 procent. Financiering komt onder meer van de ontwikkelingsbanken van Finland en Noorwegen. De Nederlandse FMO draagt € 35 mln bij. De Nederlandse overheid subsidieerde voor € 10 mln de verbetering van de weg naar het Turkanameer. De molenwieken met technologie van het Deense Vestas worden gebouwd in China en gaan vanaf daar per schip naar Kenia’s havenstad Mombasa en leggen dan met oplaadtrucks meer dan duizend kilometer af.


    Het initiatief heeft ook tegenslag gekend: De Wereldbank trok zich in 2012 terug, met het argument dat Kenia’s elektriciteitsnetwerk de grote hoeveelheid nieuwe energie misschien niet aankan. Omdat de Keniaanse overheid zich heeft verplicht gedurende twintig jaar en tegen een vaste prijs alle opgewekte stroom te kopen, vreest de Wereldbank dat Kenia gaat betalen voor stroom die het land niet kan verwerken.
    De gegarandeerde betaling trok de investeerders echter wel over de streep. Ook de Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsbank zag het project zitten en gaf zijn eerste kredietgarantie ooit af. Volgens het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag kan het windmolenpark een ‘game changer’ worden voor duurzame energie in Afrika.

    Transmissielijn vertraagd

    Cruciaal voor het succes van het hele project is de aanleg van de 428 kilometer lange transmissielijn die de windmolens bij het Turkanameer moet gaan verbinden met Kenia’s elektriciteitsnetwerk bij Nairobi. De aanleg - uitgevoerd door het Spaanse bouwbedrijf Isolux, via lokale onderaannemers en onder verantwoordelijkheid van de Keniaanse overheid - verloopt moeizaam. Isolux raakte na de huizencrisis in Spanje in de financiële problemen, haalde met ongedekte obligaties en een Nederlandse bv € 850 mln aan nieuw geld op, waarna de bv in juli in surseance van betaling belandde. Daardoor is de aanleg van de transmissielijn sterk vertraagd.


    Leferink noemt de kwestie rond Isolux ‘echt een punt van zorg’. Hij hoopt dat de transmissielijn op 1 augustus 2017 klaar is. Vanaf eind januari al mag Lake Turkana Wind Power Project inkomsten gaan claimen van Kenia, als de project molens stroom opwekken die het Afrikaanse land niet kan absorberen. Leferink wil dit scenario voorkomen: ‘De Keniaanse staat moet dan potentieel € 10 mln per maand gaan betalen. Dat is wel een pijnpuntje. Hoe zouden we dat uitleggen aan het Keniaanse publiek? We willen niet gezien worden als neokolonialen die meteen geld gaan eisen. We hopen met de overheid een oplossing te vinden voor de transmissielijn.’ Het vermogen om te wachten lijkt wel begrensd: aandeelhouders in het windenergieproject hebben vanaf 2018 recht op dividend.

    Leferink meent dat het Keniaanse elektriciteitsnetwerk wel bestand is tegen de hoeveelheid stroom die straks beschikbaar komt. Op 7 juni zat heel Kenia zonder elektriciteit nadat een cruciale transformator het had begeven door toedoen van een aap, een incident dat vragen opriep over het nationale netwerk. Leferink wijst er op dat veel instellingen hun zegen hebben gegeven aan het project en legt uit dat de nieuwe stroom geleidelijk beschikbaar komt. ‘Als we alles in één keer aanzetten, veroorzaken we vermoedelijk een blackout in Oost-Afrika.’
  3. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2016 16:44
    Green energy gets strong tail wind in Vietnam

    VietNamNet Bridge reported that Viet Nam is hoping to boost its renewable energy production, especially wind and solar energy, to more than 10.7 per cent of total generation by 2030, up from the previously planned 6 per cent. It plans to increase the rate to at least 7 per cent by 2020, up from the previous target of 4.5 per cent.

    Under the 2014-20 National Action Plan on Green Growth, it aims to switch gradually to renewables, including wind power, solar energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy and bio-fuels as a solution to global warming.

    Speaking at a wind energy workshop in HCM City yesterday, Pham Trong Thuc, director of the General Directorate of Energy’s renewable energy department, said there are now three wind farms with a combined capacity of just 150MW.

    There is huge potential for wind power, he added.

    Early last month Viet Nam signed a US$2.2 billion deal with an Irish energy firm to build and operate three more wind farms with a total capacity of 940MW.

    They include a $2 billion, 800MW facility in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Soc Trang, whose first phase will be completed in 2018.

    The other two will be set up in the south-central province of Binh Thuan at a cost of $200 million, with the first phase again completed in 2018.

    Source : VietNamNet Bridge
  4. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2016 16:11
    India defers first reverse auction for wind power projects

    Economic Times reported that India's first reverse auction for wind power has been postponed by three weeks. The last date for submission of bids has been extended to January 8 in the New Year from December 15, while the opening of bids, earlier scheduled for December 16, will take place on January 9.

    Mr Ashvini Kumar, Managing Director, Solar Energy Corporation of India, the arm of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy which is conducting the auction said “There was a pre-bid meeting on November 29 at which developers sought many clarifications. These took a little time to sort out, so the bidding period was extended.”

    Although India has been holding solar auctions for the past three years, this is the first one for wind energy and the response to it will be keenly watched. Three previous attempts to hold auctions for wind energy -one by the Karnataka government, followed by two such by the Rajasthan government -failed as wind developer associations raised several legal issues. This time, however, the issues have been ironed out.

    SECI notice to auction 1000 MW of wind power was issued on October 28. Solar auctions have seen tariffs fall by over 60% to Rs 4 per kwH and it is hoped that wind auctions will similarly reduce wind tariffs as well. Until now, wind tariffs were set by each state's electricity regulatory commission, and currently vary between Rs 3.50 and Rs 5 per kwH.

    Source : Economic Times
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 december 2016 15:25
    Procuring wind energy through bids a positive for sector - ICRA

    New Delhi: The scheme for procurement of wind energy through auction is a positive for the sector but receivables (payment delays by discoms) remain an area of concern, says ICRA.

    "In ICRA s view, continuing delays in the payments by the state-owned distribution utilities (discoms) in key states such as Maharashtra and Rajasthan pose a challenge for the wind energy sector, although some improvement has been seen lately," ICRA said in a statement.

    On the positive side, however, ICRA believes that the MNRE scheme for procurement of 1 GW through the auction route would facilitate the offtake for wind energy players, it added.

    ICRA Ratings Senior VP Sabyasachi Majumdar, said in the statement, "While there has been some improvement in payment pattern by utilities in Rajasthan, with the implementation of UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) as well as by the utility in Maharashtra in the last three month, a build-up in receivable position is seen, which varies from 8 to 12 months as on November 2016 and thus remains quite significant.

    In addition to payment delays by state utilities, wind energy projects remain vulnerable to the risk of non-signing of power purchase agreements (PPAs) by the utilities as seen in Maharashtra and forced back down by utilities in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu."

    Further, implementation of forecasting and scheduling framework, as approved by State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) in Karnataka and in other states where draft regulations are in place, poses regulatory challenges for the sector, given the variable and intermittent nature of wind power generation and limited experience available with IPPs in forecasting and scheduling as of now, the statement said.

    Also, the sector continues to face challenges due to the limited compliance of renewable purchase obligation (RPO) norms by the obligated entities as well as the variance in RPO norms across the states, it added.

    Notwithstanding these near-term challenges, the long-term demand potential for wind power remains strong, given the large untapped potential, fairly attractive feed-in tariffs and relatively lower execution risks.

    ICRA notes that the incremental wind-based energy capacity requirement by FY2022 is estimated at about 46 GW as against the current installed capacity of 28.1 GW.

    This is assuming annual energy demand growth of 6 per cent, non-solar RPO at 12.5 per cent by FY2022 and wind as a renewable energy (RE) resource contributing to a dominant share (75%) in meeting the non-solar RPO requirement on an all India basis, it said.

    Source : PTI
  6. forum rang 10 voda 23 december 2016 15:28
    Saudi Aramco to put 2.75 GE wind turbine online in January

    SeeNews reported that Saudi Arabian Oil Company will put online in January a 2.75-MW GE wind turbine in Turaif, the first one to be erected in Saudi Arabia.

    The company recently took delivery of the machine, made by US conglomerate General Electric Co (NYSE:GE) and customised for climate conditions in Saudi Arabia. Construction of the foundations is in progress, it said on Sunday. The 2.75-120 machine will be erected at the Turaif Bulk Plant in the Northern Borders Province.

    Turaif was selected by Saudi Aramco among four potential sites for the project, because of its good wind resource, ease of access, and the availability of power connection nearby. The output from the single wind turbine is estimated to offset diesel demand for power generation by 18,600 barrels of oil equivalent per year.

    Source : SeeNews
  7. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2017 17:27
    Tata Power Renewable Energy commission’s 2 projects in TN and AP

    Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd announced commissioning of 36 mw wind power plant at Nimbagallu in Andhra Pradesh and 49 mw solar plant at Kayathar, Tamil Nadu. The operating renewable energy capacity of the company, a unit of Tata Power, has reached 1,876 mw, comprising 841 mw of wind, 915 mw of solar, and 120 mw of waste heat recovery capacity.

    The company said in a statement that in FY16, Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd increased its operational capacity by 1169 mw.

    The commissioned capacity in Andhra Pradesh is part of an 100 mw wind farm at Nimbagallu and the 49-mw solar plant at Kayathar, Tamil Nadu is part of Welspun Renewable Energy Private Ltd that was acquired by Tata Power Renewable Energy last year.

    In 2016, Tata Power Renewable Energy won 320 mw solar bids, which are under development and will be commissioned in 2017. The company has also added 304 mw wind capacity in 2016, which are under development and construction in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

    Source : Economic Times
  8. forum rang 10 voda 8 februari 2017 19:46
    India ranks fourth globally in wind power installation - Economic Survey

    The Economic Survey said that India has attained the fourth position globally in installed wind power capacity after China, US and Germany as a result of various steps in the "right" direction.

    It said that with the legal framework in place for the International Solar Alliance (ISA), the brainchild of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and launched during the UN climate summit in Paris, ISA will be a "major" international body headquartered in India.

    It added that "As a result of various actions in the right direction, India attained 4th position in global wind power installed capacity after China, USA and Germany."

    It said that currently, India's renewable energy sector is undergoing transformation with a target of 175 GW of renewable energy capacity to be reached by 2022.

    In order to achieve the target, the major programmes on implementation of Solar Park, Solar Defence Scheme, Solar scheme for Central Public Sector Undertakings, Solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plants on canal bank and canal tops, solar pump, solar rooftop among others have been launched in recent years.

    Survey said that "A capacity addition of 14.30 GW of renewable energy has been reported during the last two and half years under Grid Connected Renewable Power, which include 5.8 GW from Solar Power, 7.04 GW from Wind Power, 0.53 GW from Small Hydro Power and 0.93 GW from Bio-power."

    As on October 31, 2016, India achieved 46.3 GW grid-interactive power capacity, 7.5 GW of grid-connected power generation capacity in renewable energy, and small hydro power capacity of 4.3 GW.

    Source : PTI
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 februari 2017 16:16
    KEPCO builds wind farm in Amman, Jordan

    Korea Times reported that Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO) has begun the construction of an 89.1MW wind power plant in Amman, Jordan, solidifying its status as a leading utility firm in the Middle Eastern country. The state-run utility firm already operates two coal-powered plants there, accounting for 24 percent of the nation's power demand.

    Hosted by CEO Cho Hwan-eik, KEPCO held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Jordan Fujeij Wind Farm, Monday, inviting more than 150 Jordanian government officials and business leaders.

    The company expects it will cost about $184 million to construct the plant by October 2018. KEPCO estimates it will earn about $570 million by operating the facility for 20 years.

    Mr Cho said that "The planned wind farm, when it goes into operation, will significantly bolster Jordan's power supply capacity. This project will serve as momentum for both Korea and Jordan to further cooperate on energy production."

    KEPCO was selected as a preferred bidder for the scheme in 2013 and signed a contract two years later.

    Over the past decade, the utility has constructed and operated wind farms and solar power plants in Japan, the United States and other countries, the CEO said, stressing his continuing commitment to invest on expanding KEPCO's presence in the global renewable energy industry.

    Besides two coal-powered plants in Jordan, KEPCO runs two more plants in the Middle East, one in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the other in Saudi Arabia. It is currently undertaking a $20 billion project started in December 2009 to build four nuclear reactors in the UAE.

    Source : Korea Times
  10. forum rang 10 voda 22 februari 2017 16:34
    200MW wind projects under CPEC to be completed this year - Sources

    APP reported that three wind power projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with installed capacity of 200 Mega Watt would start their commercial operation by mid of the current fiscal year.

    The sources in Planning ministry suggested that the 50 MW Hydro China Dawood wind Power project is expected to be completed by next month whereas UEP Wind Power project with installed capacity of 99 MW is likely to be completed by September, 2017.

    Similarly the Commercial Operation Date of the 50 MW Sachal Energy Development Wind Project is set at June, 2017.

    The Three Gorges Wind Farm Pakistan project with installed capacity of 100 MW however is likely to be completed by September 2018.

    Regarding the current status of this project, the sources revealed that letters of support have been issued by AEDB while security documents(EPA,IA and direct agreement) have also been signed.

    The sources said that while the financial close of the project is expected to be done in next month. Three more wind power projects of 100 MW each had already been completed and they are producing the energy.

    Providing detail regarding tariff structure of the projects, the sources informed that the per unit rate of UEP Wind Power was fixed at US cents 13.524, while that of Hydro China Dawood Power is also fixed at US cents 13.524.

    Source : APP
  11. forum rang 10 voda 24 februari 2017 15:03
    China to halt some new wind power projects as supply glut builds - NEA

    The National Energy Administration (NEA) said that China will halt investment for new wind power projects in eight provinces and regions because of increasing cases of wasted wind energy due to capacity excesses.

    Many wind farms in China's western regions are not connected to major transmission grids, effectively wasting the electricity generated through those projects.

    Because of the wastage, the NEA said it will stop issuing new power generation licenses to wind companies in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang in northwestern China along with Heilongjiang and Jilin in the northeast.

    It said that transmission grid operators will also not be allowed to connect new wind projects to the power grid.

    Source : Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 24 februari 2017 15:15
    Suzlon Energy now controls 10GW of wind energy capacity in India

    Perhaps the largest renewable energy company in India announced achievement of a huge milestone. Suzlon Energy, an integrated wind energy solutions provider, last month announced that it now controls 10 gigawatts of operational wind energy capacity in India.

    This capacity gives Suzlon an overall share of 35% in India’s total wind energy capacity and 22% of India’s renewable energy capacity.

    Suzlon Energy services and operates several of these projects on behalf of its customers that give the company a free hand in managing the projects, from site identification to commissioning and operations.

    The 10,000 megawatts of capacity is installed in the form of more than 7,500 wind turbines. The capacity, Suzlon claims, is sufficient to power more than 5 million households and offset around 21.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year.

    Once the leading original equipment manufacturer in the Indian wind energy market, Suzlon progressively lost market share to Gamesa. The Spanish turbine manufacturer has been the leading OEM in India for the last three years now.

    In June last year, Suzlon Energy Chairman Tulsi Tanti, while interacting with an Indian media outlet, said that the company plans to increase market share in the Indian wind energy market to 40% this financial year, up from 26% in the previous financial year.

    The company seems to be expressing such confidence after its financial position improved significant in the last quarter of the previous financial year. The company reported its first profit in three and a half years in the quarter ending March 2016.

    Suzlon entered the solar power market by winning 210 megawatts of capacity in competitive auctions. The company also opened a new blade manufacturing facility in the state of Madhya Pradesh.

    Source : Clean Technica
  13. forum rang 10 voda 24 februari 2017 16:13
    PIAF welcomes 200 MW wind power operation

    Pakistan Industrial and Traders Associations Front (PIAF) chairman Irfan Iqbal Sheikh has welcomed the commercial operation of country’s three wind power projects of 200MW under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to be started this year, saying Pakistan’s energy crisis and environmental challenges could be overcome by using green technologies.

    Irfan Iqbal said that alternate and renewable energy resources are a very viable option to meet future energy requirements. Pakistan has abundant resources for alternate and renewable energy production but unfortunately policy makers in Pakistan could not foresee the energy spectrum. It is good news for the industry that the 50 megawatt Hydro China Dawood wind power project is expected to be completed by next month whereas UEP wind power project with installed capacity of 99 megawatts is likely to be completed by September, 2017, he said, adding: “Additionally, the commercial operation date of the 50 megawatt Sachal Energy Development wind project is set in June, 2017. The Three Gorges Wind Farm Pakistan project with installed capacity of 100 megawatts, however, is likely to be completed by September 2018. Three other wind power projects of 100 megawatts each had already been completed and they are producing energy.”

    Irfan Iqbal said that at the moment Pakistan relies heavily on fossil fuels to meet its energy requirements and the nation is spending more than 11 billion dollars on import of petroleum products every year and it is estimated that by the passage of time this will increase manifold.

    Source : Pak Observer
  14. forum rang 10 voda 24 februari 2017 16:33
    APA Group expands in WA with new wind farm

    Fin News Network reported that Australia’s largest gas infrastructure company, the APA Group (ASX:APA), has entered into a 12-year offtake agreement with Alinta Sales Pty Ltd – an agreement which will underpin the construction of the Badgingarra Wind Farm in Western Australia.

    Under this deal, Alinta will buy all the energy and Large-scale Renewable Generation Certificates generated by the wind farm.

    Financial close is expected in the middle of this year and is subject to conditions precendent such as finalising a transmission connection agreement with Western Power.

    APA said that construction should begin in early 2019, and it the capital cost will be around $315 million.

    Source : Fin News Network
  15. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2017 20:08
    ALE installs first-ever wind turbine in Saudi Arabia’s

    ALE has completed the whole turnkey solution to install the first-ever wind turbine in Saudi Arabia. Starting in January, ALE was contracted for the transportation, erection and installation of one 2.75-120 wind turbine at a wind farm in Huraymila, around 80km north of Riyadh.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2017 22:23
    Viability of low wind tariffs to depend on low cost debt - ICRA

    Ratings agency ICRA said that the viability of the low tariff of Rs 3.46 per unit recently discovered through reverse auction in the scheme by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for award of 1,000 Megawatt wind power projects would depend on a host of factors including low cost debt.

    This tariff is much lower than the prevailing feed-in tariffs varying from around Rs 4.16 per unit to Rs 5.76 per unit for wind power projects across key states with high wind power generation potential. The low tariffs demonstrate the cost competitiveness of wind-based energy generation against conventional energy sources as well as solar power.

    Mr Sabyasachi Majumdar, Senior Vice President & Group Head, ICRA, said that “The viability of the tariff for the winning developers will be critically dependent upon the capital cost, availability of long tenure debt (up to 18-20 year post commissioning) at cost competitive rates and Plant Load Factor at the selected project location. The developers’ ability to identify sites with high generation potential along with procuring equipment at competitive costs remains crucial to achieve the desired return metrics.”

    Mr Majumdar said that assuming a capital cost of Rs 6.5 crore per MW and PLF of 24 per cent, the cumulative average Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) over a debt tenure of 18 years with cost of debt at 10 per cent is estimated at 1.17 times and the project Internal Rate of Return is estimated to remain below 10 per cent for a project with a bid tariff of Rs 3.46 per unit. Further, the DSCR and project IRR remain highly sensitive to the PLF level and capital cost while DSCR also remains sensitive to the interest rate.

    A reverse auction-based bidding process leads to a cost competitive price discovery which is favourable for state-owned distribution utilities. Therefore, such bidding process is likely to encourage state-owned distribution utilities to award wind power projects through a bidding route, instead of a feed-in tariff, going forward. This is likely to enable the distribution utilities to tie-up the PPAs with wind projects so as to honour their respective renewable purchase obligation (RPO) in a timely manner.

    ICRA said it expects an improvement in the RPO compliance with timely honouring of payments by the distribution utilities on an all-India level gradually over the period due to improved cost competitiveness of wind energy tariff and also assuming that such bidding is followed at the state level, going forward.

    Mr Majumdar said that “This would, however, put pressure on the return expectations for IPPs from a developer’s perspective as well as on the profitability for wind turbine manufactures going forward.”

    Source : Economic Times
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2017 16:50
    European approves acquisition of Formosa 1 Wind Power by DONG Energy, Macquarie, Swancor

    The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said that it has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of joint control over Formosa 1 International Investment Co., Ltd. of Taiwan by Denmark’s DONG Energy Wind Power Holding A/S, Australia’s Macquarie Corporate Holdings Pty Limited and Taiwan’s Swancor Holding Co., Ltd.

    Formosa 1 is an offshore wind farm project to be developed, constructed and operated near Miaoli, Taiwan.

    DONG is active in the markets for oil and natural gas exploration and production, development, construction and operation of offshore wind farms, electricity and heat generation from power plants, natural gas and electricity trading, the sale and distribution of electricity and the sale of natural gas.

    Macquarie is active in investment intermediation for institutional, corporate and retail clients around the world in a wide range of sectors. Swancor is a producer and distributor of specialty chemical materials.

    The Commission said that it concluded that the proposed transaction would raise no competition concerns as the geographical area where the wind farm will operate is in Taiwan. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

    Source : New Europe
  18. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2017 16:57
    Japan accelerates wind power development as govt support pays off - Study

    Reuters reported that with a month to go this fiscal year, Japan’s installation of new wind power capacity in 2016-17 is set to come in almost double that of the previous 12 months, propelled by higher tariffs guaranteed by Tokyo and a rising number of offshore wind farms.

    Japan’s Wind Power Association said in a study that Japan is set to add 300 megawatts of wind capacity - enough to power more than 100,000 average homes - in the 12 months through March. Some 157 megawatts of wind power were installed in the previous year.

    The agency didn’t estimate how much has been invested in the new turbines, but the figures underline the pace of wind power’s development in Japan since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 triggered a drive to develop new energy sources.

    The country relied on nuclear power for 30% of its electricity supply before a massive earthquake and tsunami wrecked the Fukushima-Daiichi plant and brought the shutdown of reactors across Japan.

    The association said in the study that “The projects that started environmental assessments at the end of last year exceeded 10 gigawatts. If these projects go smoothly, it is possible that achieving the 10 gigawatt capacity is quite possible in the early 2020s.”

    A capacity of 10 gigawatts would be triple the nearly 3.4 gigawatts that the wind power association estimates will be installed in Japan by end-March.

    While that 3.4 gigawatts represent just 1.5% of the country’s overall installed capacity - and solar power accounts for more than 90% of Japan’s renewable capacity - the wind industry is betting on strong growth to continue.

    The association projects wind power capacity is set to rise more than tenfold to 36.2 gigawatts by 2030, depending on environmental assessments and acceptable grid capacity.

    A major factor behind this year’s surge came last May, when the government relaxed rules for building turbines offshore in the country’s harbors and ports.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 7 maart 2017 21:13
    ABB India surpasses 4.5 GW renewable energy portfolio in the country

    Power equipment company ABB India said that the company has surpassed a portfolio of 4.5 Gigawatt renewable capacity with delivery of over 2,000 units of power generators in the country.

    The company said these generators for wind turbines are manufactured in a factory in city of Vadodara Gujarat, recognized as ABB’s one of the most advanced facility globally and the fourth such facility in the group.

    Mr Sanjeev Sharma, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, ABB India, said that “As the price gap narrows between electricity generated from thermal, solar and wind projects, quality solutions to optimize and integrate wind projects assume paramount importance to create long term value.”

    Currently, the country has a wind power installed capacity of nearly 28 GW. Around 10 per cent of this was installed in 2015. Several policy and regulatory incentives are accelerating the country’s achievement of the 60 GW generation target by 2022.

    As per recent reports by the Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers’ Association the capacity addition for wind projects for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 is expected to be around 4 GW. ABB Group has supplied components for over 40,000 wind turbines across the world.

    Source : Economic Times
  20. forum rang 10 voda 7 maart 2017 21:26
    Africa’s largest wind power project on course for completion in time - LTWP

    Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP), Africa’s largest wind power plant, said that it was currently in a position to produce up to 33 percent of its expected target of 310 MW ahead of the 2017 deadline.

    Officials said a total of 347 out of 365 turbines had already been erected, a clear indication that the project is on course for completion as per its original plan by June.

    The firm’s general manager Phylip Leferink said the remaining 20 turbines have already been delivered on site.

    Leferink said that “Assembly of the turbines began in March 2016 and all 365 are expected to be up and running by June.”

    The total cost of the project is estimated at 700 million U.S. dollars, said Leferink, adding that the firm targets to have an annual generation capacity of 1.6 billion kilowatt hour (kWh), with the tariff rate set at 8.6 Kenyan shillings per kWh.

    A double circuit 400-kV, 438-km transmission line is currently being constructed by Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco).

    Meanwhile, the line will evacuate the electricity from the 40,000-acre wind farm to the national grid via the Suswa sub-station.

    Source : Xinhua
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