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  1. forum rang 10 voda 16 september 2022 17:26
    Kabinet zet in op groei windenergie op zee
    In 2050 circa 70 gigawatt.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Nederlandse kabinet zet stevig in op de groei van windenergie op zee om de industrie en samenleving snel te kunnen verduurzamen. Die plannen werden vrijdag gepresenteerd.

    Op dit moment werkt het kabinet al toe naar het opwekken van 21 gigawatt aan windvermogen rond 2030, wat goed is voor circa 75 procent van het huidige elektriciteitsverbruik in Nederland. Dit zal opgeschaald worden naar ongeveer 50 gigawatt in 2040 en 70 gigawatt in 2050.

    Vanaf 2030 zal windenergie op zee vooral in verder gelegen gebieden op de Noordzee komen.

    Daarnaast zet het kabinet in op grootschalige waterstofproductie op de Noordzee.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. forum rang 10 voda 19 september 2022 07:47
    Semco Maritime & Bladt Bag 2 Offshore Substations of Baltic Power

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    A consortium of strategic partners Bladt Industries and Semco Maritime has been appointed selected supplier of two offshore substations for the Baltic Power project, a joint venture of ORLEN Group and Northland Power aiming to supply more than 1.5 million households with clean power by 2026. The two substations will be constructed and established in 2022-2025 as key components of the electrical infrastructure for the wind park consisting of more than 70 turbines, each with a minimum capacity of 14 MW. Each substation will be a 2.5 thousand-tonne steel structure standing on foundations and rising about 20 meters above the sea level.

    The consortium will be responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of the offshore substations. Together, Bladt Industries and Semco Maritime are among the most experienced suppliers in the market, having successfully completed the construction and commissioning of more than 20 substations for offshore wind farms. Bladt Industries is a supplier focused exclusively on offshore wind with many years of experience in the manufacturing of steel structures for offshore substations, transition pieces, monopile and jacket foundations realised at sites in Poland and Denmark. Semco Maritime has built a strong position and unique expertise in the development, construction, and commissioning of substations for offshore wind projects based on a decades-long offshore track record.

    The Baltic Power wind farm will be erected approx. 23 kms off the shore, near Leba and Choczewo. When completed in 2026, the Baltic Power offshore wind farm will be able to supply more than 1.5 million households with clean energy.
  3. Willy B. 19 september 2022 10:12
    Spanje moet zijn doelstelling voor de windenergiecapaciteit in 2030 verhogen van de huidige 50 GW in zijn routekaart voor energie naar 63 GW, zei de windenergielobby van het land, AEE lobby, op woensdag.

    De capaciteit kan worden verhoogd door oudere windparken opnieuw van stroom te voorzien, bestaande faciliteiten te hybridiseren en de productie van groene waterstof te stimuleren, zei AEE CEO Juan Virgilio Marquez op de Iber-Ren conferentie in Madrid. "We moeten op grote schaal nieuwe energiebronnen aanleggen", voegde hij eraan toe. Dit zou volgens voorlopige ramingen ongeveer 15 GW aan nieuwe windcapaciteit kunnen opleveren.

    De doelstelling van 63 GW is realistisch en de sector is er klaar voor, aldus Marquez. Er zijn echter verbeteringen nodig op het gebied van vergunningen en regelgeving. De eerdere doelstelling van 50 GW voor 2030 werd in 2020 vastgesteld. Het Spaanse ministerie van Energietransitie is in augustus een openbare raadpleging gestart om het te actualiseren. Dinsdag riep de Spaanse Unef-zonnelobby op om de zonnedoelstellingen te verhogen van de huidige 39 GW naar 70 GW. In 2023 zullen nieuwe doelstellingen voor het klimaatplan worden bekendgemaakt.

    Windenergie maakt momenteel het grootste deel uit van de Spaanse energiemix, meer dan 29,5 GW. Spanje heeft vorig jaar echter slechts 800 MW aan nieuwe windcapaciteit aangesloten, aanzienlijk minder dan de verwachte jaarlijkse groei van 2,2 GW.

    De Spaanse regering heeft aangekondigd dat begin volgend jaar een eerste veiling voor offshore-windenergie zal worden gehouden, maar heeft geen details verstrekt over de hoeveelheid waarop zal worden ingeschreven.

    De sector verwachtte dat volgend jaar in twee veilingen tot 3 GW aan offshore-windcapaciteit zou worden toegewezen voor de bouw op het vasteland en de Canarische eilanden.

    Spanje verwacht tegen 2030 1 tot 3 GW offshore-windcapaciteit te hebben geïnstalleerd.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2022 07:51
    Iberdrola Sells 49% of Wikinger Offshore Wind to EIP

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Spanish renewable energy leader Iberdrola has signed an agreement with Energy Infrastructure Partnersfor the sale of a 49% stake in Wikinger offshore wind farm in Germany. The transaction is valued at around EUR 700 million, and Iberdrola will maintain a majority stake of 51%.According to the agreement, Wikinger’s total valuation amounts to approximately EUR 1.425 billion.

    Wikinger is one of the company’s flagship operational projects and was the first offshore wind farm developed by the group on its own. With an installed capacity of 350 megawatts it has been supplying clean energy to approximately 350,000 German households since it was commissioned in 2018.

    Energy Infrastructure Partners is a leading Swiss infrastructure investment company focused on the global energy transition, with a successful track record as a long-term shareholder in the industry and experience in infrastructure and renewable technology.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2022 07:52
    RWE & Latvenergo Team up for Offshore Wind in Latvian Baltic Sea

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Leading European renewables player RWE and largest power suppliers in the Baltic States Latvenergo have joined forces to develop, construct and operate offshore wind projects off the Latvian coast. The equal partnership represents a strong combination of experience and expertise in offshore wind development, efficient project delivery, safe operation and extensive knowledge of the Latvian energy market and power supply in the Baltic States.

    The powerful partnership has been forged to support the build-out of offshore wind in order to strengthen Latvia’s energy independence. According to the National Energy and Climate Plan, Latvia aims to increase its wind capacity from currently approximately 70 megawatts to 800 MW by 2030. In addition, the country plans to open the “ELWIND” tender, a 1-gigawatt cross-border offshore project in collaboration with Estonia.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 22 september 2022 08:12
    Umicore Inks Wind PPA with Statkraft & Gasum for Kokkola Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    European battery materials leader Umicore has signed long-term power purchase agreements with eading European renewables player Statkraft & Gasum for sourcing renewable power from onshore wind turbines in Finland. These two agreements will cover the existing needs of Umicore’s site in Kokkola, where the Group produces precursor cathode active materials and refines cobalt used in rechargeable batteries for electric cars. Both contracts run for a period of 10 years, with Statkraft starting in 2024 and Gasum in 2025.

    Statkraft will provide Umicore with about 60 GWh of certified renewable electricity per year until 2033, from the Nuolivaara wind farm, in northern Finland. The non-subsidized wind farm will consist of 17 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 96.9 MW and is expected to be commissioned in 2023.

    Gasum will provide Umicore with about 45 GWh of certified renewable electricity per year until 2034 from a non-subsidized wind farm, which is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2023 or early 2024.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 22 september 2022 08:12
    Axpo Completes Sale of 65.5 MW Wind Farms in France to Greencoat

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Switzerland's largest producer of renewable energy Axpo has successfully completed the sale of four wind farms in France to Greencoat Renewables, the listed investor in renewable energy projects advised by Greencoat Capital, announced earlier this year. The transaction price was a high double-digit million Euro amount. The transaction includes the wind farms Genonville (20.3 MW), Grande Pièce (19.8 MW), Arcy-Précy (16.0 MW), and Butte de Menonville (9.4 MW), with a total installed capacity of 65.5 MW. Developed and commissioned by Axpo’s subsidiary Volkswind between 2017 and 2022, their combined average annual production amounts to approximately 178,500 MWh of electricity.

    Since the acquisition of Volkswind in 2015, Axpo has been active in the planning, project development, construction, maintenance, and management of wind farms in France and Germany. As one of Europe’s leading wind energy companies, Axpo’s business strategy combines the retention of an extensive portfolio of wind farms with the sale of others to investors.

    To date, Volkswind has developed more than 80 wind farms with an installed capacity of more than 1,350 MW. Its project pipeline includes additional plants in various stages of development with a total capacity of over 3,500 MW. As Switzerland’s largest producer of renewable energies, Axpo intends to develop 3 GW in onshore wind energy plants mainly in France and Germany by the year 2030.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2022 07:10
    Baltic Power Awards Works for Foundations & Offshore Substations

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Polish renewable leader Baltic Power has signed contracts for the manufacture, delivery and installation of the offshore substations and foundations for its wind farm project located in the Baltic Sea. As agreed, some elements of foundations necessary for putting in place the turbines will be manufactured in Poland. By the end of this year, Baltic Power will secure contracts for all the main elements of the farm's infrastructure and services necessary to timely start the construction, scheduled for 2024. As per the schedule, the joint-venture project of the ORLEN Group and Northland Power will commence to generate zero-emission energy in 2026.

    The wind turbine foundations will be steel piles, weighing up to 2,400 tonnes and 120 meter in height, which will be driven into the seabed, up to a depth of 50 meter, by specialised vessels. Monopile foundations for all infrastructure elements of the Baltic Power wind farm will be supplied by Steelwind Nordenham.

    Belgian fabrication company Smulders will be responsible for supplying the transition pieces, to join the foundations with the wind turbine generators. These specialist steel structures will also be partially manufactured at its facilities located in Poland.

    Baltic Power has entrusted the offshore transportation and installation of the foundation components to Van Oord - one of the world's most experienced offshore contractors, specialising in the installation of offshore wind farms and its fleet of more than 60 vessels also includes those built specifically for work in the Baltic Sea.

    The Baltic Power offshore wind farm is an essential element of transformation of the ORLEN Group and a milestone in the development of the Polish power sector. As soon as in 2024, we will start the construction of an up to 1.2 GW offshore wind farm, expected to ultimately supply clean electricity to even a million households in Poland.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2022 07:11
    Van Oord to Construct Baltic Power Offshore Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Dutch maritime contracter Van Oord has been selected as preferred contractor for the construction of the Baltic Power offshore wind farm, 23 kilometres north of the Polish coastline. Van Oord will transport and install more than 70 foundations, consisting of a monopile fitted with a transition piece. With a production capacity of up to 1.2 GW, the wind farm is expected to ultimately supply renewable energy more than 1.5 million households in Poland. Construction of the farm is planned to start in 2024 and it’s commissioning in 2026.

    Van Oord will deploy its heavy lift installation vessel Svanen. The vessel has an extensive track record and installed the vast majority of all monopiles in the Baltic Sea, including those for Baltic 2, Arkona and Kriegers Flak. Baltic Power is Van Oord’s first offshore wind project in Poland, however the country is well known to Van Oord due to executed dredging projects, like the recently completed deepening and widening of the Swinoujscie Szczecin fairway in Poland.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2022 08:47
    Ørsted Completes Acquisition of Wind Platform Ostwind

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Sep, 2022, 1:20 pm

    Ørsted has completed the acquisition of a 100 % equity interest in OSTWIND Erneuerbare Energien, OSTWINDpark Rotmainquelle, OSTWIND International and OSTWIND Engineering from OSTWIND AG, a holding company located in Regensburg in Germany.

    The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted develops, constructs, and operates offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, renewable hydrogen and green fuels facilities, and bioenergy plants.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2022 06:50
    Hoger dan Dom van Keulen: ’s Werelds hoogste onshore windmolentoren wordt door Deens bedrijf op poten gezet
    Laurens Bouckaert - Gisteren om 17:46

    Het Deense bedrijf Vestas kondigt de bouw aan van een windturbinetoren op land met een naafhoogte van 199 meter, waardoor het “de hoogste onshore toren voor windturbines ter wereld” wordt. Ter vergelijking: de Dom van Keulen, de bekende gotische kathedraal van die Duitse stad, is 157 meter hoog.

    © Aangeboden door Business AM

    De hoogte van de toren maakt het mogelijk sterkere en constantere wind te oogsten, en zo de jaarlijkse elektriciteitsproductie van de turbine op te drijven, klinkt het in een persbericht.

    Voor turbine van 7 megawatt
    Vestas werkt samen met het Duitse bouwbedrijf Max Bögl aan de hoge windmolentoren. Die laatste zal bestaan uit een combinatie van beton en staal, en eigen technologieën van de twee bedrijven combineren. Hij is ontworpen voor Vestas‘ “best renderende” onshore windturbine; de V172, die een vermogen van 7 megawatt (MW) heeft. Het is de bedoeling dat hij in Duitsland en Oostenrijk wordt gebruikt. De installatie zal in 2025 worden aangeboden, zo schrijft de zakensite CNBC.

    “De V172-7.2MW op een toren van 199 meter bevestigt ons marktleiderschap in Duitsland en Oostenrijk”, stelt Jens Kück, vicepresident sales Centraal-Europa bij Vestas. “Het toont ons vermogen om het rendement van onze windturbines voortdurend te verhogen door middel van nieuwe technologieën om de ambitieuze uitbreidingsdoelstellingen voor windenergie op land in Duitsland te realiseren.”

    Ook hoger dan het Vrijheidsbeeld
    Torens zijn belangrijke onderdelen van een windturbine; zo rusten cruciale onderdelen, zoals de gondel en de bladen, erop.

    Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Energie definieert de naafhoogte van een turbine als “de afstand van de grond tot het midden van de rotor van de turbine”.

    Het ministerie voegt hieraan toe dat de naafhoogte voor onshore, utility-scale turbines “sinds 1998-1999 met 66 procent is toegenomen, tot ongeveer 94 meter in 2021”. Dit is ongeveer dezelfde hoogte als het Vrijheidsbeeld. Met 199 meter zou de naafhoogte van Vestas dus ook aanzienlijk hoger dan dit monument zijn.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2022 08:21
    Siemens Energy Supplies Control System for Offshore Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    3 Oct, 2022, 6:01 am

    Siemens Energy is supplying its control system to an offshore wind farm for the first time. The system which has already been established in conventional power plants, will be the brain of the 900-megawatt EnBW He Dreiht wind farm being built approximately 90 kilometers northwest of the German North Sea coast off the island of Borkum. Along with the control technology for switchgear and secondary systems, Siemens Energy is supplying the central IT network, including cybersecurity solutions, and has also signed a long-term service agreement with EnBW.

    The Omnivise T3000 SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is a higher-level control system that integrates the automation of switchgear and many secondary systems and also establishes the interface to the wind farm controller. This integrated solution for the wind farm enables EnBW to respond quickly to changes in power demand so that the facility can produce electricity flexibly. Omnivise T3000 is certified under the IEC 62443 cybersecurity standard, one of the leading standards for IT security. It also includes the IT infrastructure for connecting the secondary systems according to the German BSI Kritis regulation.

    To guarantee reliable operation under all environmental conditions as well as conformity with maritime electrical engineering standards, Siemens Energy will use components that meet the special requirements of the offshore sector.

    The cybersecurity solution will ensure that the plant meets the legal requirements for critical infrastructure. Due to its size, the He Dreiht offshore wind farm is subject to special guidelines from the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (German Federal Office for Information Security).

    The offshore wind farm is expected to begin operation in 2025. Siemens Energy received an order back in August 2020 from the grid operator TenneT to supply the high-voltage direct-current transmission technology. This system ensures the low-loss transmission of power to shore.

    During the wind farm’s minimum operating period of 25 years, Siemens Energy will support the operator EnBW with automation components, software solutions, and cybersecurity. The corresponding service activities will ensure that the control system continues to operate smoothly over the long term.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2022 08:09
    Vattenfall Bags German Offshore Wind Power Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    4 Oct, 2022, 6:05 am

    Vattenfall has obtained the right to develop the N-7.2 offshore wind power project off the German North Sea coast after having exercised its right of entry. As part of the tender process for the construction of a large wind farm off the German island of Borkum in the German North Sea coast, Vattenfall has informed German authority that it is exercising right of entry to the project, thereby obtaining the right to develop and construct the wind farm.

    Following a final investment decision by Vattenfall, the wind farm could be connected to the German electricity grid sometime in 2027. Fully developed, it would have an output of 980 MW with annual generation corresponding to the consumption of more than one million German households.

    The project was originally developed under the name Global Tech II by a consortium led by Strabag SE. Vattenfall acquired the project in 2016, but when a new offshore wind tendering system was put into place, the area was auctioned out again. Vattenfall holds the right of entry. The project is located 85 kilometres off the island of Borkum on the German North Sea coast.
  14. Joni-2 4 oktober 2022 09:31
    We zijn er trots op dat we eindelijk onze plannen voor 's werelds eerste kunstmatige energie-eiland hebben onthuld in de Belgische Noordzee

    Het eiland, het eerste in zijn soort, wordt het 'Prinses Elisabetheiland' genoemd.

    Kostprijs € 2 miljard, 4 hectaren groot en het moet klaar zijn tegen 2026
  15. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2022 13:05
    Soort droogdok (een meer, het zou ook een polder kunnen zijn) om drijvende windmolens te bouwen.

    “We plan to build wind turbines on dry land, fill our entire part of the quarry with seawater and pull the floating wind turbines out to sea directly from the production area."
  16. forum rang 10 voda 18 oktober 2022 07:24
    Baltic Power Advances Offshore Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Oct, 2022, 5:48 am

    Baltic Power has signed further reservation agreements with suppliers of key elements of the farm, including wind turbines, export cables and the onshore substation. The project is being developed jointly by ORLEN Group and Northland Power, with construction expected to start in 2024 and commerical operations in 2026. Polish companies are also involved in the supply chain for the project.

    Baltic Power’s offshore wind farm area of approximatley 130 square kilometres will feature 76 Vestas turbines, each with a generating capacity of 15 MW. These are currently some of the most advanced offshore wind turbines available on the market and Baltic Power will be one of the first offshore wind farms in the world to have them installed. The height of the turbines will exceed 200 metres and the rotor area of each turbine is approximately 43,000 square meters.

    Baltic Power also secured a reservation contract for the design, manufacturing and installation of the inter-array, offshore and onshore export cables. In total, there will be approximately 355 km of cables in the Baltic Power farm area, of which approximately 130 km will be inter-array cables picking up power from the turbines and delivering it to offshore substations. The remaining cables will be used to export energy on an approximate 39 km long connection route from the offshore to the onshore substation. NKT, one of the most experienced power cable suppliers, will be responsible for the design and manufacturing of the offshore export cables. The inter-array cables and the onshore section of the export cables will be supplied by a Polish company with international offshore experience - TELE-FONIKA Kable together with JDR Cable Systems. TELE-FONIKA Kable will also be responsible for the transport and installation of the cables on the onshore section. The transport and installation of all cables offshore will be handled by DEME, the owner of one of the largest fleets of ships in the world.

    The energy generated by the turbines and transported via export cables will go to an onshore substation. A consortium consisting of GE and ENPROM will be responsible for its design, construction and supply of the necessary components. As part of the ongoing work, GE - will carry out the electrical system design and supply the high-voltage power components. ENPROM - one of Poland's largest power construction companies - will be responsible for the overall design and construction of the receiving station.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 18 oktober 2022 07:28
    Axpo Sells La Peñuca Wind Farm in Spain to Cubico

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Oct, 2022, 5:56 am

    Axpo has agreed the sale of its 46% share in the 33 MW La Peñuca wind farm in Spain to Cubico Sustainable Investments. The sale of the La Peñuca wind farm to Cubico has received all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities and is with immediate effect.

    Axpo was advised by Mazars as financial advisor and Watson Farley Williams as legal advisor. The parties have agreed not to disclose the sale price.

    Axpo has been managing 22 NEG Micon NM72 turbines in La Peñuca, in the Spanish region of Castilla y Leon, each with an installed capacity of 1.5 MW, since their commissioning in 2006. The wind farm’s operating performance is strong and stable, with annual production averaging 98.4 GWh over the last six years and an average annual availability of 97.9%.

    By 2030, Axpo aims to develop onshore wind farms and solar plants internationally with an installed capacity of 3 GW and 10 GW respectively. To achieve this strategic goal, the company continuously reviews its options to redistribute wind and PV assets across Europe and divest selected plants and shareholdings.

    Established in 2002, Axpo Iberia provides comprehensive energy solutions for producers, consumers and other participants in the local energy market, procuring energy for SMEs and end-customers and offering risk management solutions. With a strong focus on sustainable business in the renewable energies sector, Axpo Iberia is Spain's leading independent wind farm manager. In addition, Axpo's Madrid-based subsidiary plays a pioneering role in the field of power purchase agreements (PPA). Axpo Iberia is also active in the energy efficiency business and is one of the main energy suppliers for large end-consumers in Spain.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2022 06:34
    RWE Selects Preferred Suppliers for Thor Offshore Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Oct, 2022, 5:52 am

    RWE is further progressing with the deployment of its Thor offshore wind farm by selecting two preferred suppliers for the electrical transmission system and entered into early works agreements with them. Siemens Energy becomes the preferred supplier for the design, construction and installation of the onshore high voltage substation. The work will be carried out by the company's Offshore Center of Competence, located in Ballerup, Denmark. HSM Offshore Energy is selected as preferred supplier for the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning of the offshore high voltage substation and its jacket foundation.

    RWE will build the Thor wind farm off the Danish west coast, approximately 22 kilometres from Thorsminde on the west coast of Jutland. With a planned capacity of 1,000 megawatts, Thor will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm to date. To connect the wind farm to the Danish grid, RWE will build two new substations, one at sea and one on land. The substation at sea is the nerve centre of the wind farm: the electricity produced by the individual wind turbines is collected here and transformed to transmission-level voltage. The green electricity will be transported through export cables to the new-build onshore substation Volder Søndervang, which is located close to the coastline and the adjacent grid connection point of the Danish grid operator, Energinet. A corresponding grid connection agreement has already been signed between RWE and Energinet in spring.

    RWE has purchased the land in the municipality of Lemvig where the onshore substation will be located and have carried out ground conditions and archaeological surveys. Siemens Energy will commence design works, followed by the procurement of main equipment and the submission of permit applications. It is expected that construction activities can be kicked-off on site in spring 2023. Siemens Energy is planning to carry out the civil engineering and construction works together with MT Højgaard Danmark, one of Denmark’s leading companies for large-scale building and infrastructure projects.

    The global acting company HSM Offshore Energy together with its engineering subcontractor Iv-Offshore & Energy has already successfully delivered several offshore substations for Energinet in the Danish North Sea. Based on its experience and technical know-how they created a highly efficient design for RWE’s Thor substation and its foundation. This reduces the use of structural steel and the energy needed during manufacturing – with steel sourcing and fabrication in Europe. Installation of the jacket foundation in water depth of up to 27 meters and installation of the substation are expected to take place in 2025 – followed by the commissioning and testing of the offshore substation in 2026.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 24 oktober 2022 06:11
    RWE Commissions Study with MPS for Celtic Sea Opportunities

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Oct, 2022, 4:23 am

    The Celtic Sea region offers a huge opportunity to develop large-scale, commercial floating offshore wind and RWE as the largest energy producer and renewables operator in Wales, wants to play a part in its delivery. In anticipation of this, RWE has commissioned Swansea-based Marine Power System develop a project plan for delivering up to 1 gigawatt of floating wind using the ports ABP Port Talbot and Pembroke Dock for foundation assembly and turbine assembly. In addition, the study will identify what materials and components could be sourced from South Wales and the wider supply chain.

    MPS is developing an offshore wind platform solution, called PelaFlex, for industrial scale applications. The partnership will allow RWE to learn more about the foundation technology being developed and how it could be deployed from the region’s ports into the Celtic Sea. The study will build upon collaborations already established this year between RWE, the ports as well as Tata Steel UK, in preparation for the Crown Estate’s Celtic Sea seabed leasing expected to take place next year.

    RWE is preparing to bid into the Crown Estate Celtic Sea seabed leasing round in 2023 where up to 4GW of floating wind will be awarded, with many more gigawatts expected in the future.

    In advance of the MPS study, RWE has already signed MoU’s with the two deep water ports in the region (ABP Port Talbot and Pembroke Dock) as well as a co-operation agreement with Tata Steel UK to explore how these facilities may be utilised for Celtic Sea floating wind.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 24 oktober 2022 06:14
    Borealis Inks Renewable Power PPA with Sand Axpo Nordic

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Oct, 2022, 5:11 am

    One of the world’s leading providers of advanced and sustainable polyolefin solutions Borealis is on its way to increase the share of renewable energy used in its Swedish operations with the signing of a power purchase agreement with Axpo Nordic. Under the agreement, Axpo will supply Borealis with renewable electricity generated by the 60 MW Hultema wind farm in Sweden, owned by Swiss infrastructure asset manager Reichmuth&Co and currently under construction. The PPA includes the annual supply of more than 130,000 MWh of wind power to the Borealis production facility in Stenungsund for the next ten years. Delivery will begin in January 2024.

    For Borealis, the agreement with Axpo Nordic will help significantly boost the company’s share of renewable energy used by its Stenungsund facility. Under the PPA, the renewable electricity generated will reduce the indirect carbon dioxide emissions (defined as Scope 2 emissions by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol) at its Swedish operations by approximately 10,000 tons per year. The deal will also move the company closer to realising its sustainability-related goals. These include increasing the share of renewables in its electricity mix to 40% by 2025, and ensuring that by 2030 100% of the electricity used to power its polyolefins and hydrocarbons operations is from renewable sources.
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Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.825
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.471
AMG 971 133.918
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.698
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.027
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.835
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.328
Aroundtown SA 1 220
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.419
ASML 1.766 108.566
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.688
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.406