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  1. smith&jones 10 september 2007 18:50

    Junior mining schreef:

    Onderstaande gaarne niet op Stock House plaatsen!

    Een SH poster (woont in Timmings en gaat regelmatig langs bij TWD) op de privé TWD board zegt het volgende met als berichtkop 'Next week'

    "We are suppose to get news on China and the BC property. They have been collecting some very good rock samples on the BC property. Rumours are starting to circulate that this could be our next big find!"

    BC staat voor Treasure Mountain in British Columbia.

    Blijft SPECULATIE maar de betreffende poster heb ik hoog staan. Zo wist hij eind augustus al te melden dat er een kleine P.P. zou komen met een hogere prijs dan de huidige SP. En... vandaag mail van Colin ontvangen dat er een 500K P.P. komt voor 0.30.

    hmmm...klotsen er dadelijk nog meer aandeeltjes rond...en die 0.30 is gewoon een gemiddelde over een aantal maanden van een tijd terug, zegt niet zoveel.
    Alleen nieuws mbt de spin-offs kan de boel in beweging zetten, van de finds is de markt ook al helemaal niet onder de indruk IMHO.

  2. [verwijderd] 11 september 2007 09:58
    tja was toch een licht overmoedige daad. ben bij nader inzien bang dat bij een afstraffing van de hoofd indices, de exploratie aandelen ook weer een stevige veeg krijgen. bovendien kunnen de cb's nog wel eens roet in het eten gooien en de goudprijs onderuit halen. maar goed verkoop ook niet meteen, kijk het even aan en misschien komt het wel niet zover, blijft de dow omstreeks dit niveau, zakt de dollar wat door, blijft olie duur en worden op die manier de exploratie aandelen met het goud mee omhoog getrokken. maar eerlijk is eerlijk ik ben ambivalent en had liever bij nader inzien niet aangeschaft. kocht nog flink wat andere stukken waaronder gix, sse, mun,sir, gpxm en heb eigenlijk ook nog interesse in pex.

    iemand anders een andere visie? bij voorbaat dank grt roos
  3. smith&jones 11 september 2007 10:26
    Blijft koffiedik kijken... je zou zeggen dat de onrust op de financiële markten de goudprijs op zal jagen. Zeker nu er een tijd geleden stevige kritiek is geweest op bankiers/politici die 'te snel' grote vooraden goud hebben verpatst.

    Commodities blijven er bovendien in een snel tempo doorheen gejaagd worden door China c.s., dus miners met een gemengde 'oogst' als koper en goud komen vanzelf boven drijven. Om nog maar te zwijgen van de consumptieve vraag naar goud in China en met name India.

    Geduld is een schone zaak...

  4. Ghostly 20 september 2007 23:39

    Junior mining schreef:

    Ik bedoel dus deze week want het originele bericht is op vrijdag 7 sept geplaatst.

    O ja, PR TWD:
    TWD is in oktober op 2 conferenties aanwezig.

    1. 21 & 22 october 2007 Toronto Resource Investment Conference, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South, 255 Front St. West Toronto, ON

    2. October 21, 2007 to October 25, 2007 New Orleans Investment Conference, New Orleans, LA.

    En deze maand september (geloof 21 t/m 23) zijn ze te vinden op de Expo in Ontario. Laten we hopen dat er de komende weken mooie NR's - bv over de spin-off - komen om nieuwe beleggers aan te trekken.

    Zou men alvast een voorproefje nemen op de expo´s?
    Trading 0,28 cad
    plus 20% vandaag.

  5. [verwijderd] 20 september 2007 23:49


    TWD TSX-V $0.275 +0.045 +19.57%

    ben even een tijdje onderweg... heb net een update mail rondgestuurd

    We zullen zien



  6. [verwijderd] 21 september 2007 00:15
    Ben benieuwd naar de reden van deze plotseling koersstijging van TWD.

    @GH: heb helaas geen update ontvangen (vorige keer wel). Zou je kunnen checken of er wel een verstuur is?
    Alvast bedankt.
  7. [verwijderd] 21 september 2007 14:27
    Er is natuurlijk alle reden voor koersstijging. Alleen op basis van een redelijke waardering voor Block A zou TWD al op 60-90 cent moeten kunnen staan. Dit gevoegd bij het recente sentiment, verklaart al een heleboel.

    Er wordt gefluisterd dat er hele mooie resultaten voor Birch Lake aan zitten te komen - waar (zie openingspost van deze draad) eerder al 219 gr/ton over 1 (??? uit het hoofd - zie website en openingspost van deze draad) werd geboord.

    Daarbij wordt in het najaar de spinoff van in elk geval China/Tuole aangekondigd, waarbij je kunt uitgaan van ong. 7,5 miljoen aan waarde, die grotendeels wordt 'hard' gemaakt, en bij de aandeelhouders terecht komt.
    Wellicht komt er ook nog een spin-off van de andere properties.

    Op middellange termijn (waarschijnlijk eind dit jaar/begin volgend jaar) nog de gewijzigde 43-101 in de pijplijn & op korte termijn nog verdere drills van Block A, die tot nu toe steeds uitstekend zijn.

    En dan is er nog Gowes (100% twd-eigendom) - dat in het verlengde ligt van block A - en waar, naast het algemene geologische plaatje, initiele drillings suggereren dat de kans heel groot is dat het mineraliseringspatroon doorloopt.
  8. [verwijderd] 21 september 2007 14:51

    kees33 schreef:

    Birch Lake

    [quote=Junior mining]
    BC staat voor Treasure Mountain in British Columbia.
    Ik doel op dezelfde property waarover gefluisterd wordt.
  9. Ghostly 21 september 2007 15:41

    Gung Ho schreef:


    TWD TSX-V $0.275 +0.045 +19.57%

    ben even een tijdje onderweg... heb net een update mail rondgestuurd

    We zullen zien



    Gung Ho, bedankt voor de update.

  10. smith&jones 21 september 2007 18:03
    SOURCE: Trade Winds Ventures Inc.

    Sep 21, 2007 08:00 ET
    Trade Winds Intersects 6.72 Grams/Tonne Gold Over 4.43 Metres Within the M Zone on Block A Property at Detour Lake, Ontario
    TIMMINS, ON--(Marketwire - September 21, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE: TWD) (FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce more results of its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. The purpose of drilling these three holes, TWDDH-214, TWDDH-217, & TWDDH-218, is to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor by infill drilling previous excellent results at 40 meters. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in all three holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately -6 metres to -148 metres below surface and 40 metres above and below previous drilling on this section.

    In March of 2006, Trade Winds discovered new, near surface mineralization along the M Zone corridor (see news release May 16, 2006). Phase 1 of this winter's drilling was to explore the mineralization of this new zone along a 480 metre strike between sections 15380E and 15860E. Section 15860E represents the overlap of this Phase 1 near surface drilling and the beginning of the Phase 2 infill drilling of previous section results which were incorporated in the 2006 Resource Estimate.

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-214 returned 5.39 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, 58.61 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre, 6.72 grams/tonne gold over 4.43 metres including 22.30 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre and 11.45 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre. Diamond drill hole TWDDH-217 returned 6.36 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 2.71 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-218 returned 3.75 grams/tonne over 2.30 metres and 1.35 grams/tonne over 9.00 metres.

    Previous drilling on this section, 40 metres above and 40 metres below TWDDH-214, also returned encouraging results as follows;

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-055 returned 8.05 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, 6.96 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, and 7.76 grams/tonne over 6.30 metres, including 181 grams/tonne over 0.20 metre.

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-057 returned 3.03 grams/tonne over 1.15 metres and 4.82 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

    Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Section 15860E are as follows;

    (m.) (m.) Vertical(m.) (m.) (g/tonne gold) (g/tonne gold)
    TWDDH-214 37 38 30 1.00 2.03

    47 49 38 2.00 5.39
    Including 47 48 1.00 6.97

    TWDDH-214 84 86 69 2.00 2.03

    125.5 126 103 0.50 58.61

    192.57 197 157 4.43 6.72
    Including 192.57 193.07 0.50 22.30
    and 196 197 1.00 11.45

    TWDDH-217 56 57 46 1.00 6.36

    108 109 88 1.00 2.71

    125 125.5 103 0.50 2.41

    TWDDH-218 7.7 10 6 2.30 3.75
    Including 7.7 8.94 1.24 4.94

    13 14 10 1.00 2.20

    19 20 15 1.00 4.76

    50 59 41 9.00 1.35

    66 70 54 4.00 1.90

    77 78 63 1.00 4.37

    83 87 68 4.00 1.53
    True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. A drawing for Section 15680E is available on the Company's website

    Diamond drill hole location and final depths for the M Zone diamond drill program on Section 15860E are as follows:

    Section Hole # Northing Easting Azimuth Dip Length (m)
    15860E TWDDH-055 20644.92 15858.79 180 -55 319.00
    TWDDH-057 20566.34 15859.56 180 -54 291.00
    TWDDH-214 20607.15 15859.92 180 -55 247.00
    TWDDH-217 20527.91 15859.92 180 -55 214.25
    TWDDH-218 20486.77 15859.77 180 -55 122.00
    The M Zone structural corridor is a gold bearing structure that begins near surface at the eastern boundary of Block A, and plunges gently westward along strike for over four kilometres on to the immediately adjacent 100% owned Gowest property. Two significant mineralized zones occur along a komatiite structure, the Upper and Lower M Zone gold zones. The near surface and other portions of the M Zone structural corridor drilled to date are the subject of our recent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (October 2006). The 2007 M Zone winter drilling program is designed to test the westward near surface extension of the known gold mineralization with the expressed purpose of adding new gold ounces to the resource estimate, and upgrading near surface inferred gold ounces, already included in the current resource estimate, to the indicated category.

    Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) was commissioned by Trade Winds to provide an independent Mineral Resource Estimate in conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in the National Instrument NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder on Trade Winds behalf and filed on SEDAR, which, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, outlines an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold.

    Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake. Trade Winds, as operator of the projects, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

    WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.


    Trade Winds Venture
  11. [verwijderd] 22 september 2007 11:14
    Deze week 1/3 deel van m'n coreholding Campbell Resources verkocht en hiermee Tradewinds aangeschaft. Via Gung Ho bij artikelen van de hand van Jim Sinclairs site gekomen en heb besloten hun (is toch ook uw manier van traden, GH) idee van "AGGRESSIVEinvesting" te volgen.

    Dit houdt het volgende in; zorg ervoor een goede uitgangspositie te krijgen en verkoop vervolgens 1/3 deel hiervan tijdens een top om vervolgens bij een dip goedkoper in te slaan. Volgens de Fibo-data-analyse zal Campbell rond 9 oktober dippen en rond 13 november pieken. Ik ben van plan om tot die laatstgenoemde datum TWD aan te houden en eventuele winst, die er toch volgens iedereen zo langzamerhand aan zit te komen, weer om te zetten in shares CCH. Joe Mann Mine is verkocht en hoewel de opbrengsten grotendeels pas in de komende jaren kunnen worden bjgeschreven (hoewel rente van een ton per kwartaal wel per direct) lijkt de noodzaak van een nieuwe PP een stuk kleiner en dat is aleen maar gunstig voor retailers.

    Good luck,

  12. [verwijderd] 24 september 2007 21:10


    Go to David Morgan (at who has just given a nice interview on the fraudulent, concerted shorting of resource stocks and how it is done…and how authorities in Canada and the US are finally cracking down with actual arrests. Investors have been complaining about this problem for years along with the management of several small pubcos. See the Bloomberg documentary on naked shorting. See YouTube – Naked Short Stock Sales- part 1, and there are many links.




    David Morgan explains the arrangement between brokerage and hedge funds and how they short the shares to their advantage and how they know ahead of time re the financing of junior gold stocks. One firm has already been fined in Canada but I suspect the Cdn. regulating authorities will have to take much stronger action as the heat and high visibility of this issue cause some real squirming. There will be questions asked as to why they overlooked t for so long.

    One more notable point came out of the above interview that bears attention. Please refer to Stockhouse Canada , on a BB message site as per the following. Sound familiar?

    1. Someone who hyper-posts on only one stock.
    2. Someone who uses multiple identities.
    3. Some who repeatedly attacks or belittles others on a stock's message boards.
    4. Someone who emerges as the stock's moderator, or even the leader of the discussion group on that stock.
    5. Someone, with a short history in their member profile, who suddenly shows up during a stock run-up, and appears to know "all about" the company.
    6. Someone who is nearly always the first to respond to company developments.
    7. Someone who continuously hints at upcoming news and unannounced contracts.
    8. Someone who hypes the company during the run-up and then "changes" his/her mind and begins attacking the company, its insiders and the project.
    9. Someone who goes out of their way to find bad news about the company and makes a "case" out of it.

  13. smith&jones 27 september 2007 16:02
    SOURCE: Trade Winds Ventures Inc.

    Sep 27, 2007 08:00 ET
    Trade Winds Commences Exploration Project on Its 100% Owned Treasure Mountain Copper Property Near Terrace, B.C.
    TERRACE, BC--(Marketwire - September 27, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE: TWD) (FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce the start of exploration on its 100% owned Treasure Mountain copper project. The Treasure Mountain property is located approximately 30 km by road due east of Terrace, B.C. The property hosts a copper mineralized belt of over 6 kilometres strike length. Historical grades are reported from several showings ranging from trace to over 10% copper with associated gold and silver values (non NI 43-101 compliant data).

    During the 2006 field season, exploration work was centered on the "Purdex" showings at the southeastern end of the belt where at least three mineralized volcanic breccia beds were identified. The camp has been relocated to the northern end of the belt to facilitate access to northern mineralized zones which are the target of the 2007 exploration program.

    Blasting of drilled outcrops is planned to expose both known and anticipated extensions of copper mineralization to delineate targets for next year's diamond drill program. For sampling purposes, short holes in the rock showings will be drilled and blasted to expose copper mineralization in the rocks below the zone of weathering and leaching.

    New areas of copper mineralization were identified in the northern section in 2006 which will be included in the 2007 drilling and blasting program. Exploration will concentrate on exposing mineralization between the known showings to display the continuity of this long belt.

    This belt is associated with the "redox" boundary in the Hazelton Volcanics. The redox boundary is where the green reduced condition marine basic lavas change upward to red bed terrestrial volcanic beds. Along the surface strike trace of this change in the volcanic breccia beds, copper mineralization occurs. The mineralization consists of bornite with chalcocite, and some secondary green copper minerals malachite, azurite, in the zone of weathering. There is occasional chalcopyrite and only traces of pyrite. At this early stage of exploration the closest analogies to this deposit type are the Kelly Creek and Sustut deposits. Both of these similar deposits are also hosted in Hazelton rocks.

    About the Treasure Mountain Property

    The Treasure Mountain camp was discovered around the turn of the last century when prospectors spread out over BC after the famous Cariboo Gold Rush. It is in a mountainous area with then difficult access. However, plans were for the northern transcontinental railway line to Prince Rupert to pass along the valley on the south side of the mountain so it was thought that access would soon be much improved. However, lobbying changed the route of the railway and the camp languished from then till a couple of years ago when the B.C. Ministry of Forests announced that bridges would be built across the Copper River to log areas adjacent to the camp. In recent years, an 18 kilometre road was constructed through the property for purposes of building a microwave tower nearby. Trade Winds has upgraded the road to facilitate the exploration of this promising property.

    The early prospectors discovered veins of bornite, chalcocite, and some chalcopyrite with some historically reported copper grades in the order of several percent. Associated with these vertical veins are volcanic breccia beds and flows called "porphyry" in the old reports, which are mineralized with the same bornite and chalcocite with grades from trace to several percent copper. There is almost no pyrite in the rocks or associated with the mineralization so acid run off and environmental problems appear to be almost non-existent.

    The combination of prior access difficulties and the apparent patchy manner of the copper mineralization hindered development for several years although most old reports said much more exploration would have taken place if not for the access problem.

    The property is underlain by Hazelton Volcanics which carry a lot of copper mineralization in northern B.C. The break-through came last year when the newly available colour air photos were examined and it was found that the known copper occurrences were associated with the redox boundary change in the sequence of the lava flows as they changed from the lower marine basalt flows to the terrestrial flows and underwent a change from reducing marine conditions to oxidizing terrestrial conditions. The copper showings are clustered along the horizon of redox change. Finally, with this new knowledge, Trade Winds has a workable control to use in exploring the copper mineralization.

    Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Treasure Mountain. Trade Winds, sole owner of the project, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the mineralization. All assay results will be provided by ALS Chemex.

    Visit our Website at

    WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.


  14. [verwijderd] 27 september 2007 19:57
    TWD attends Miningshow:

    The following Junior or Senior Mining companies have promising properties located in Northern Ontario or Northern Quebec. These companies will expose core samples, maps, and literature concerning the potential for investment. With the prices of base and precious metals on the rise, you will want to visit these booths and speak to the geologists at "THE BIG EVENT"

    A well funded Canadian based exploration company with a primary focus to enhance shareholder value by identifying, exploring and developing world class gold projects in Canada. Trade Winds primary properties lie in Ontario Canada in both the Detour Lake and Red Lake/Birch Lake mining districts, which host some of Canada’s largest and most profitable mines. Trade Winds recently completed a 43-101 compliant resource calculation on the Detour Lake Block A property. The report provided a significant calculation which included 1.49 million ounces of gold in the inferred category and 804,321 oz’s in the indicated category for a total of over 2.3 million oz’s. An aggressive drill program is in place for the Block A for winter 2007, which will involve a near surface in-fill drill program on the M-Zone as well as some step out holes to follow up on the newly discovered gold zone from May 16 2006. Mineralization remains open to the west which could also potentially host additional gold zones.

  15. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2007 10:31
    Trade Winds Intersects High Grade Gold, 120.83 Grams/Tonne Over 1.50 Metres, Within the M Zone on Block A Property at Detour Lake, Ontario
    Tuesday October 2, 12:15 am ET

    TIMMINS, ON--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 2, 2007 -- Trade Winds Ventures (CDNX:TWD.V - News) (Frankfurt:TVR.F - News) is pleased to announce more results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (Toronto:DGC.TO - News) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. The purpose of drilling these three holes, TWDDH-220, TWDDH-221, & TWDDH-223 on Section 15900E, hole TWDDH-225 on Section 15980E and hole TWDDH-227 on Section 16020E, is to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor by infill drilling previous excellent results at a 40 meter spacing. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in all three holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately 20 metres to 200 metres below surface and approximately 40 metres above or below previous drilling on those sections.

    In March of 2006, Trade Winds discovered new, near surface mineralization along the M Zone corridor (see news release May 16, 2006). Phase 1 of this winter's drilling was to explore the mineralization of this new zone along a 480 metre strike between sections 15380E and 15860E. Today's results on these three sections represent the beginning of the Phase 2 infill drilling of the October 2006 Resource Estimate.

    On Section 15900E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-220 returned 3.10 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres, 2.97 grams/tonne over 5.00 metres, and 2.07 grams/tonne gold over 7.00 metres.

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-221 returned 7.64 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres, 15.45 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 3.77 grams/tonne over 3.25 metres.

    Diamond drill hole TWDDH-223 returned 13.40 grams/tonne over 0.92 metre, 25.8 grams/tonne over 0.50 metre, and 1.65 grams/tonne over 7.00 metres.

    On Section 15980E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-225 returned 2.15 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, 120.83 grams/tonne over 1.50 metres, and 14.35 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

    On Section 16020E, diamond drill hole TWDDH-227 returned 3.54 grams/tonne over 3.00 metres and 2.59 grams/tonne over 8.00 metres.

    Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Sections 15900E, 15980E and 16020E are as follows:

    NAME (m.) (m.) Vertical(m.) (m.) (g/tonne gold)(g/tonne gold)
    TWDDH-220 108 112 88 4.00 1.16

    153 155 125 2.00 3.10
    Including 153 154 1.00 4.46

    TWDDH-220 159 164 130 5.00 2.97

    170 171 139 1.00 9.50
    179 186 146 7.00 2.07
    Including 179 180 1.00 4.78
    And 185 186 1.00 6.52

    198 199 162 1.00 3.27

    236 240 193 4.00 2.17
    Including 237.7 238.2 0.50 6.13

    244 247.25 200 3.25 2.29
    Including 244 245 1.00 4.65

    TWDDH-221 54 57 44 3.00 7.64
    Including 54 55 1.00 21.10

    70 71 57 1.00 15.45

    162 163 132 1.00 6.87

    192 195.25 157 3.25 3.77
    Including 194.75 195.25 0.50 15.60

    TWDDH-223 41 42 33 1.00 2.25

    45 46 36 1.00 2.22

    78.08 79 64 0.92 13.40

    96.25 09.75 78 0.50 25.80

    152 159 124 7.00 1.65

    165 165.71 135 0.71 3.11

    186 187 152 1.00 3.25

    TWDDH-225 49 50 40 1.00 2.15

    140.5 142 115 1.50 120.83
    Including 140.5 141 0.50 124.50
    And 141 142 1.00 119.00

    192 193 157 1.00 14.35

    TWDDH-227 27 30 22 3.00 3.54
    Including 29 30 1.00 8.26

    36 44 29 8.00 2.59
    Including 39 39.75 0.75 8.36
    And 40.57 41.25 0.68 6.96

    True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. Drawings for Sections15900E, 15980E and 16020E are available on the Company's website

    Diamond drill hole location and final depths for the M Zone diamond drill program on Sections15900E, 15980E and 16020E are as follows:

    Section Hole# Northing Easting Azimuth Dip Length(m)
    15900E TWDDH-220 20644.9 15901.76 180 -55 297.00

    TWDDH-221 20606.0 15902.49 180 -55 235.00
    TWDDH-223 20565.3 15902.71 180 -55 259.00
    15980E TWDDH-225 20536.4 15979.85 180 -55 195.00
    16020E TWDDH-227 20459.5 16021.59 180 -55 106.00

    The M Zone structural corridor is a gold bearing structure that begins near surface at the eastern boundary of Block A, and plunges gently westward along strike for over four kilometres on to the immediately adjacent 100% owned Gowest property. Two significant mineralized zones occur along a komatiite structure, the Upper and Lower M Zone gold zones. The near surface and other portions of the M Zone structural corridor drilled to date are the subject of our recent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (October 2006). The 2007 M Zone winter drilling program was designed to test the westward near surface extension of the known gold mineralization with the purpose of adding new gold ounces to the resource estimate, and upgrading the current near surface inferred resource to the indicated category.

    Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) was commissioned by Trade Winds to provide an independent Mineral Resource Estimate in conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve definitions referred to in the National Instrument NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder on Trade Winds behalf and filed on SEDAR, which, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, outlines an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold.

    Mr. Alex Burton,
  16. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2007 10:40
    Oude posting mbt TWD.V
    Ter informatie => een ezelsbruggetje voor een mooie vondst is als:
    grade (gram/ton) * aantal meters > 100

    This is a re-post, Just in case some of you have not seen it.
    TWD's Block A has 1410m of Near Surface High Grade Gold !!!
    Date of News Release-----Section-----Drill Hole #-----Depth(m) of Intercept-----grams-per-ton/meter
    Oct,19/05-----15330E-----TWDDH-086-----80.0 - 103.1-----1.13/23.1
    Apr,02/07-----15380E-----TWDDH-190-----95.2 - 95.7-----140.00/ 0.5
    Mar,29/05-----15400E-----TWDDH-041-----52.3 - 62.0-----20.80/9.7
    Jun,07/07-----15420E-----TWDDH-197-----77.0 - 87.1-----20.70/10.1
    May,29/07-----15460E-----TWDDH-193-----34.0 - 35.0-----31.80/1.0
    May,10/07-----15500E-----TWDDH-202-----110.5 - 111.0-----162.00/0.5
    May,16/06-----15540E-----TWDDH-185-----91.0 - 96.0-----9.05/5.0
    Jun,12/07-----15580E-----TWDDH-212-----67.0 - 78.0-----11.10/11.0
    Jun,28/07-----15620E-----TWDDH-207-----101.0 - 106.0-----10.66/5.0
    Jun,28/05-----15700E-----TWDDH-047-----97.0 - 98.0-----9.32/1.0
    Jun,14/07-----15780E-----TWDDH-198-----59.7 - 65.8-----9.90/6.1
    Jun,20/07-----15820E-----TWDDH-213-----51.0 - 54.0-----8.01/3.0
    Jul,07/05-----15860E-----TWDDH-055-----92.0 - 93.0-----8.05/1.0
    Apr,12/06-----15940E-----TWDDH-133-----51.0 - 53.0-----23.88/2.0
    Jul,07/05-----16100E-----TWDDH-066-----95.0 - 96.0-----7.33/1.0
    Sep,23/05-----16180E-----TWDDH-065-----35.0 - 40.0-----41.34/5.0
    Oct,05/05-----16260E-----TWDDH-072-----60.0 - 60.4-----85.00/0.4
    Jul,25/06-----16340E-----TWDDH-162-----37.5 - 40.0-----109.11/2.5
    Jun,28/06-----16380E-----TWDDH-165-----63.0 - 74.0-----5.93/11.0
    Jul,11/06-----16540E-----TWDDH-161-----34.3 - 34.8-----155.40/0.5
    May,10/06-----16620E-----TWDDH-153-----78.0 - 87.0-----8.31/9.0
    Apr,19/06-----16660E-----TWDDH-149-----77.0 - 85.0-----8.40/8.0
    Jun,28/06-----16700E-----TWDDH-145-----24.7 - 35.0-----2.47/10.3
    Apr,05/06-----16740E-----TWDDH-143-----108.0 - 116.0-----64.38/8.0
    Nearly ALL drill holes have multiple intercepts.
    14 out of 24 intercepts listed above have a factor higher than 50 ( up to 515.04 )

    Yours truly, Atechnician
  17. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2007 14:00

    Oct 02, 2007 00:15 ET
    Trade Winds Intersects High Grade Gold, 120.83 Grams/Tonne Over 1.50 Metres at Detour Lake, Ontario

    TIMMINS, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 2, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE:TWD)(FRANKFURT:TVR) is pleased to announce more results of its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX:DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase.

    Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake. Trade Winds, as operator of the projects, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

    Management is looking to increase shareholder value by working towards the completion of the spin-out of its Tuole Gold/Copper and the Silu Zinc/Lead projects, located in the Peoples Republic of China, to a wholly owned subsidiary. Western China Mining ("WCH") proposes to list on a Canadian stock exchange following an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to fund the development programs for these projects. It is expected that TWD would own approximately 50% of WCH prior to the distribution to shareholders.

    WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this press release.

    For more information, please contact
    Trade Winds Ventures Inc.
    Ian D. Lambert
    (604) 742-2522


    Trade Winds Ventures Inc.
    Terry McGee
    Investor Relations
    Toll Free: 1-877-811-4518 ext 228 or (604) 742-2531
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