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  1. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2019 09:21
    Mijnbouwer Vale belooft record ijzerproductie

    Gepubliceerd op 3 dec 2019 om 09:11 | Views: 52

    RIO DE JANEIRO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Braziliaanse mijnbouwer Vale belooft om tegen 2022 een record aan ijzer te produceren. De onderneming had dit jaar te maken met een terugval in productie nadat zijn dam in de staat Minas Gerais bezweek.

    Vale denkt om in 2022 zijn ijzerproductie op te kunnen voeren tot 390 miljoen tot 400 miljoen metrische ton. Die hoeveelheid zou de mijnbouwer oorspronkelijk nog dit jaar halen, maar zo'n kwart van de productie kon niet gerealiseerd worden door de ineenstorting van de dam. In 2020 verwacht Vale om een ijzerproductie tussen 340 miljoen en 355 miljoen metrische ton te bereiken.

    Meer productie van een van de grootste mijnbouwers ter wereld zal het overaanbod op de markt van ijzer verder opvoeren. Sinds juni daalden de prijzen van ijzer dat nodig is voor de staalproductie met 20 procent.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2019 09:33
    Gouddelver Endeavour wil fusie met Centamin

    Gepubliceerd op 3 dec 2019 om 09:27 | Views: 0

    LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Gouddelver Endeavour mikt op een fusie met branchegenoot Centamin. De voorgestelde aandelendeal tussen de mijnbouwbedrijven zou een waarde hebben van 1,9 miljard dollar. Inspanningen om het bestuur van Centamin mee te krijgen in de plannen lijken vooralsnog vruchteloos.

    Endeavour heeft een voorstel gedaan, waarbij aandeelhouders van Centamin een premie van 5 procent wordt beloofd. Endeavour zou in de voorgestelde plannen 53 procent van het fusiebedrijf in handen krijgen.

    De bedrijven zouden tezamen een betere geografische spreiding en een betere diversificatie hebben, aldus Endeavour dat zich genoodzaakt ziet tot samenwerkingen door recente megadeals in de sector. Door een betere toegang tot kapitaal als fusiebedrijf zouden ook aandeelhouders kunnen profiteren. Een krachtenbundeling zou volgens Endeavour gunstig kunnen uitpakken voor dividendbetalingen.

    Het is niet voor het eerst dat Endeavour probeert tot een fusie te komen. Een eerdere poging om tot een samenwerking met Acacia Mining te komen liep op niets uit.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 4 december 2019 19:35
    Rio Tinto to Invest in Kennecott Copper Operations in US

    Rio Tinto has approved a USD 1.5 billion investment to continue production at the Kennecott Utah Copper LLC in the United States. The investment, which will extend operations at Kennecott to 2032, will extend strip waste rock mining and support infrastructure development in the second phase of the South Wall Pushbank project. It will allow mining to continue into a new area of the ore body. Rio Tinto expects the development to deliver close to one million tonnes of refined copper between 2026 and 2032.

    This approval has brought Rio Tinto’s investment in the modernisation, environmental stewardship and mine-life extension at Kennecott to more than USD 5 billion since acquiring the project in 1989.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2019 16:17
    Onderzoek naar omkoping door Glencore

    Glencore PLC
    £ 2,215 -0,1685 -7,07 % London Stock Exchange
    Glencore PLC -OTCPK-
    $ 2,95 -0,19 -6,05 % OTC USA

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Glencore wordt door het Britse Serious Fraud Office onderzocht op mogelijke omkoping. Dit maakte de handelaar in grondstoffen donderdag zelf bekend.

    Glencore gaf aan medewerking te verlenen aan de onderzoekers, maar gaf verder geen details.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2019 12:57
    Anglo American verwacht flinke productiegroei

    Anglo American PLC
    £ 20,475 -0,30 -1,44 % London Stock Exchange

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Britse mijnbouwer Anglo American verwacht in 2023 een flinke productiestijging, nu het bedrijf doorgaat met de stroomlijning en verbetering van zijn activiteitenportefeuille. Dit maakte Anglo American dinsdag bekend.

    Voor 2019 wordt een verdere volumestijging verwacht, terwijl de kosten met 5 procent dalen. Voor 2020 wordt een productiestijging van 3 procent verwacht, waarbij er voldoende ruimte is om de kosteninflatie te compenseren.

    Over drie jaar verwacht Anglo American 20 tot 25 procent meer te produceren.

    Tussen de 2017 en 2022 voorziet het mijnbouwbedrijf dasrbij een operationeel resultaat (EBITDA) tussen de 3 tot 4 miljard dollar.

    De koers van het aandeel Anglo American noteerde dinsdag 1,5 procent lager.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 6 januari 2020 17:10
    BHP Sees Increased Coking Coal Demand from Indian Steel Sector

    Sydney Morning Herald reported that Australian coking iron ore and coal mining giant BHP believes that the long-term trajectory of the emerging economy of India and the acceleration of its steelmaking output could help offset the flattening demand from China feared in the 2020s. Australian exporters of metallurgical coal are increasingly looking to the rapid growth of India's steel sector to help to fill the looming demand gap and cushion the blow. BHP vice-president of market analysis Huw McKay said “BHP's modelling had found China is now in a plateau phase, while demand in other top steel markets Japan and South Korea was also subdued. The mature markets are sort of settling a little bit and India is coming up, filling a gap that would have emerged.”

    According to projections from BHP, Indian steelmaking is on course to grow by 7 per cent a year over the 2020s.

    China's immense appetite for iron ore and coal helped deliver a windfall to the leading miners in 2019 as well as a timely boost to the Morrison government's federal budget. But the latest industry and government modelling projects Chinese demand to ease in the face of lower margins, a weakening in global growth and the continuing US China trade war.

    Source : Sydney Morning Herald
  7. forum rang 10 voda 22 januari 2020 16:29
    Rio Tinto Update on Iron Ore Production in Q4 and 2019

    Pilbara operations produced 326.7 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 270.7 million tonnes) in 2019, 3% lower than 2018. Fourth quarter production of 83.6 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 68.8 million tonnes) was 3% lower than the same quarter of 2018 and 4% lower than the previous quarter due to normal maintenance cycles and mine sequencing. Overall material moved in 2019 was the highest on record. 2019 shipments of 327.4 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 272.5 million tonnes) were 3% lower than 2018. In the first half of 2019, shipments were impacted by significant weather disruptions, a fire at the Cape Lambert A port facility and operational challenges. Fourth quarter shipments of 86.8 million tonnes (Rio Tinto share 71.3 million tonnes) were 1% below the same quarter of 2018.

    In 2019, approximately 22% of sales were made on a cost and freight (CFR) basis, 46% were made on a cost, freight and insurance (CIF) basis and 32% were made on a free on board (FOB) basis.

    In 2019, Rio Tinto achieved an average iron ore price of USD 79.0 per wet metric tonne on an FOB basis (equivalent to USD 85.9 per dry metric tonne, based on an average moisture rate of 8%). In 2018, average pricing was USD 57.8 per wet metric tonne (equivalent to USD 62.8 per dry metric tonne).

    The Koodaideri iron ore mine is continuing to progress, with key construction activities on schedule. We commenced work on the major structural foundations in the fourth quarter and expect first ore in late 2021, consistent with previous guidance.

    First ore from the Robe River Joint Venture sustaining production projects (West Angelas C&D and Mesa B, C and H at Robe Valley) is expected in 2021, consistent with previous guidance. All major environmental approvals have been received with the exception of the Mesa H approval. Procurement and construction activities are progressing, with concrete pouring commencing at West Angelas and Robe Valley civil contractors mobilising to site.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 22 januari 2020 16:32
    HP Announces Operational Review for H1

    BHP Chief Executive Officer Mr Mike Henry said “We delivered solid operational performances across the portfolio in the first half of the 2020 financial year, offsetting the expected impacts of planned maintenance and natural field decline. Production and cost guidance is unchanged, and we remain on track to deliver slightly higher production than last year. Our six major development projects are progressing well, and we continue to advance our exploration programs in petroleum and copper.”

    Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

    Total iron ore production increased by two per cent to 121 million tonnes (137 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis). Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 242 and 253 million tonnes (273 and 286 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis), with a stronger second half performance expected in line with BHP plans.

    At WAIO, higher volumes reflected record production at Jimblebar and the impact of the train derailment in the December 2018 half year. This was partly offset by a major car dumper maintenance campaign (completed on 16 October 2019) to further improve port reliability and provide a stable base for our tightly coupled supply chain. Mine operations continued to deliver consistent performance.

    Consistent with our revised mine plan, BHP expects Jimblebar fines Fe grade to improve in the second half of the 2020 financial year, with the typical specification returning to above 60 per cent in the June 2020 quarter.

    Mining and processing operations at Samarco remain suspended following the failure of the Fundão tailings dam and Santarém water dam on 5 November 2015. Approval of the Corrective Operating Licence for Samarco’s operating activities at its Germano Complex was received in October 2019 and operation readiness activities for restart have commenced. Restart can occur when the filtration system is complete and Samarco has met all necessary safety requirements, and will be subject to final approval by Samarco’s shareholders.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 22 januari 2020 16:32
    BHP South Flank Project in Australia Commences Ore Handling Plant Construction

    Fluor Corporation announced that it has achieved a significant milestone on BHP’s USD 3.6 billion South Flank iron ore project, erecting the first 1,500 tons of modules in the ore handling plant. This construction milestone is in the critical sequence to first ore and comes following achievement of 50 percent project completion, announced by BHP in October 2019. Fluor is providing engineering, procurement and construction management services on South Flank, which is located in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia.

    When operational, South Flank will be one of the largest iron ore processing hubs in the world. The project will include an 80-million-ton-per-year crushing and screening plant, an overland conveyor system and rail-loading facilities.

    South Flank engineering and procurement work is being performed from BHP's office in Perth, with Fluor working together with BHP as an integrated project team.

    Fluor previously performed the feasibility study for the project before it was awarded the follow-on construction and project management scope. Over the life of the project, it is expected that more than 9,000 people will be engaged in the South Flank work force. Construction began in July 2018, and first production of iron ore is anticipated in 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 22 januari 2020 16:43
    Australian Bushfires hit BHP Coal Production in December

    Mining giant BHP Group said that poor air quality caused by smoke from Australia's bushfires is hurting coal production. BHP said "Smoke from regional bushfires and dust have reduced air quality at our operations, which has impacted December 2019 production. We are monitoring the situation and if air quality continues to deteriorate then operations could be constrained further in the second half of the year.”

    Metallurgical coal production was down two per cent to 20 million tonnes (36 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis). Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 41 and 45 million tonnes (73 and 79 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis), with a stronger second half performance expected in line with our plans. At Queensland Coal, strong underlying operational performance at Poitrel, Peak Downs, Caval Ridge and Broadmeadow was offset by planned major wash plant shutdowns at Goonyella, Peak Downs and Caval Ridge, low opening raw coal inventories at Blackwater, and truck and shovel underperformance at South Walker Creek.

    Energy coal production decreased by 12 per cent to 12 million tonnes. Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 24 and 26 million tonnes. New South Wales Energy Coal production decreased by 11 per cent to 7 million tonnes as a result of the change in product strategy to focus on higher quality products. Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 15 and 17 million tonnes. Cerrejón production decreased by 13 per cent to 4 million tonnes as a result of a focus on higher quality products, in line with the mine plan, and the impact of adverse weather in the September 2019 quarter. Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at approximately 9 million tonnes.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 18 februari 2020 07:36
    Meer winst voor BHP

    BHP Billiton PLC -ISIN Change-
    17,70 0,00 0,00 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    BHP Billiton PLC -ISIN Change-
    £ 15,68867 0,00 0,00 % London Stock Exchange

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) BHP Group heeft in het afgelopen halfjaar meer winst geboekt dankzij hoge ijzerertsprijzen en besloot tot het verhogen van het dividend. Dit bleek vannacht uit cijfers van het mijnbouwbedrijf.

    BHP verdiende in de zes maanden tot en met december 4,9 miljard dollar. Dat was flink meer dan de 3,8 miljard dollar een jaar eerder. En dit was zelfs ondanks het verlies van een contract ter waarde van 318 miljoen dollar.

    Onderliggend steeg de winst uit voortgezette activiteiten met 29 procent naar 5,2 miljard dollar, hetgeen redelijk conform de verwachting van analisten was.

    Aandeelhouders van BHP kunnen een interimdividend van 0,65 dollar per aandeel tegemoet zien. Dat is 0,10 dollar meer dan een jaar eerder.

    Wel waarschuwde BHP dat de uitbraak van het coronavirus de afgelopen week op de ijzerertsprijzen drukte.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 18 februari 2020 10:15
    Glencore gaat gebukt onder lage grondstoffenprijzen

    Gepubliceerd op 18 februari 2020 10:08 | Views: 65

    LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Grondstoffenhandelaar en mijnbouwer Glencore heeft in het afgelopen jaar zijn brutowinst flink zien afnemen. Het Zwitsers-Britse concern had last van lage prijzen voor grondstoffen. Daarnaast ligt de grootste handelaar in grondstoffen ter wereld onder het vergrootglas bij veel autoriteiten om steekpenningen en andere vormen van corruptie.

    De aangepaste brutowinst bedroeg 11,6 miljard dollar. Dat was een daling van ruim een kwart ten opzichte van een jaar daarvoor. Een belangrijke reden voor de winstdaling was een afschrijving van 3 miljard dollar, als gevolg van de sluiting van meerdere mijnen. Zo deed Glencore de deuren dicht bij de kopermijnen in Congo en Zambia en zette een streep door een steenkoolonderdeel in Colombia. De omzet daalde tot 215 miljard dollar door de lagere prijzen van koper, zink en steenkool.

    De Britse corruptiebestrijder Serious Fraud Office (SFO) kijkt momenteel of Glencore zich schuldig maakte aan omkopingspraktijken. In de Verenigde Staten wordt het Zwitsers-Britse concern onderzocht om corruptie in Afrika en Latijns-Amerika. Glencore gaf in zijn handelsupdate nog geen schattingen over de verwachte boetes.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2020 19:59
    BHP Commentary and Outlook for Energy coal

    Global mining giant BHP said “Energy coal prices were in a steady downtrend for most of the first half of financial year 2020. The gcNewc 6000 kcal/kg FOB Newcastle index averaged around $68/t over the half, down from around $88/t in the second half of financial 2019. Prices ranged from a high of around $77/t to a low of around $62/t. The 5500kcal index averaged around $50/t over the same period, with a high of around $53/t and a low of around $48/t. The spread between the spot indexes for gcNewc 6000 and 5500 averaged almost 30 per cent in the 2019 calendar year. The spread has remained at a broadly similar level since 2018, exhibiting resilience to the decline in base prices. Chinese demand for seaborne energy coal increased in calendar 2019, despite modest industrial demand for power and a clear uplift in hydro generation in the first half of the year. The market consensus was that the 281Mt inflow registered in calendar year 2018 would serve as an informal objective for total coal imports (including metallurgical and lignite) in calendar 2019. While that may have been true at a point in time, the reality is that total coal imports in calendar 2019 were around 300Mt, comfortably surpassing the 281 Mt of the prior year and the 271 Mt of the year before that.”

    Contrary to the recent story in metallurgical coal, India saw strong growth in energy coal imports in calendar 2019 (+12 per cent YoY). The extended monsoon period22 resulted in an underwhelming performance by domestic supply (–1 per cent YoY in calendar 2019).

    Demand from the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions has been weak. In part, this reflects commercially driven coal–to–gas switching in parts of Europe, where relatively cheap pipeline gas and LNG imports, plus a steep rise in the price of European Carbon Allowances23, have driven generator behaviour. The UK, Spanish and Italian markets were particularly soft. The recession in the Turkish economy has also had an impact on seaborne energy coal demand, with imports declining an estimated –2 per cent YoY in the calendar year–to–November. These trends were reflected in declining export volumes out of the United States and Colombia, the natural seaborne suppliers for these regions.

    Longer–term, we expect total primary energy derived from coal (power and non–power) to expand at a compound rate slower than that of global population growth. Coal power is expected to progressively lose competitiveness to renewables on a new build basis in the developed world and in China. On a conservative estimate, the cross over point should have occurred in these major markets by the end of next decade. However, coal power is expected to retain competitiveness in India, (where the coal fleet is only around 10 years old on average), and other populous, low income emerging markets, for a much longer time.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2020 16:34
    Vale May Close Malaysia Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal over Coronavirus COVID-19 Shutdown

    Vale announced that it could temporarily halt its distribution center in Malaysia Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal Vale said “Vale is communicating with the authorities to clarify supposed restrictions imposed by the local government on transportation between cities, what could limit the access of workers to TRMT. In that scenario, vessels heading to TRMT will be redirected and redistributed among our blending facilities in China with no expected impact on production and sales volume in 2020, but with an impact on sales of approximately 800.000 tonnes in 1Q20. An immaterial cost increase is expected due to additional logistics.”

    The Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal handled 23.7 million tonnes of iron ore shipments in 2019. The Teluk Rubiah terminal serves as a blending facility for Brazilian Blend fines, or BRBF, which comprise Carajas fines from Vale's Northern and Southern Systems. After blending, the iron ore fines are exported from the facility for the Asian seaborne market.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 25 maart 2020 16:22
    Rio Tinto Update on Cornavrus COVID-19

    As a result of separate actions by the Premier of Quebec and the President of South Africa to contain the spread of COVID-19, Rio Tinto will slow down some of its operations. At Richards Bay Minerals in South Africa Rio Tinto will curtail production in compliance with a directive from the Government aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19. As a result, all mining operations at RBM will be halted by midnight on Thursday, 26 March, for 21 days. In line with the President’s directive, Rio Tinto will make arrangements for the furnaces to be put on care and maintenance in order to avoid damage to their continuous operations. At this time, it is too early to speculate on when operations will resume or on 2020 production guidance. Resumption of the construction of the Zulti South project will be delayed.

    In Canada, because of the threat of COVID-19, the Premier of Quebec has announced the closure of all non-essential businesses from midnight on 24 March 2020 to 13 April. Rio Tinto understands that the Quebec government has designated industrial complexes including the aluminium sector and the mining industry as essential industries but instructed that they must reduce their business activity to the minimum. We will work with the government to comply with its directive in relation to our Quebec operations. Any impacts to operations or production guidance will be reported to the market in due course.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 april 2020 16:48
    BHP Reports Lower Metallurgical Coal Production

    BHP’s metallurgical coal production was down three per cent to 30 million tonne, 52 million tonne on a 100 per cent basis. Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 41-45 million tonne, 73-79 million tonne on a 100 per cent basis, with volumes now expected to be at the lower end of the guidance range following significantly higher rainfall during January and February 2020, by a factor of almost two at Peak Downs and almost three at Blackwater compared with historical averages. Potential impacts from COVID-19, including weak demand as a result of customer disruptions, in the June 2020 quarter, represent possible downside risk to full year guidance.

    BHP said “At Queensland Coal, strong underlying operational performance, was offset by planned major wash plant shutdowns in the first half of the year and significant wet weather impacts in the March 2020 quarter. Blackwater, our largest mine, was the most severely impacted, with five site evacuations following the flooding of pits and haul roads during January and February 2020. Mining operations at Blackwater are expected to be stabilised in the June 2020 quarter and to return to full capacity during the September 2020 quarter as inventory levels are rebuilt. We are implementing further measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and meet new restrictions on interstate travel, including temporarily relocating workers and amending rosters to minimise travel within Queensland, while further protecting the community and facilitating the continuation of safe mining operations.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 april 2020 16:50
    BHP Thermal Coal Production Shrinks by 13%

    BHP’s energy coal production decreased by 13 per cent to 18 million tonnes. As a result of actions by the Colombian Government to contain the spread of COVID-19, a decision has been made to place Cerrejbn on temporary care and maintenance, and guidance for the 2020 financial year is now under review. New South Wales Energy Coal production decreased by 13 per cent to 11 million tonnes. In addition, reduced air quality at our operations negatively impacted production in December 2019 and January 2020, with wet weather further constraining operations during February 2020. Guidance for the 2020 financial year remains unchanged at between 15 and 17 million tonnes. The COVID-19 situation continues to be monitored with preventative measures in place to protect the workforce, including reduced site travel, social distancing practices and strict hygiene protocols.

    Cerrejbn production decreased by 12 per cent to 6 million tonnes mainly due to a focus on higher quality products, in line with the mine plan. On 23 March 2019, following the Colombian Government s declaration of a 15-day national quarantine to contain the spread of COVID-19, a decision was made to ramp down operations at Cerrejdn and place it on temporary care and maintenance. Discussions about the timing of production resumption are ongoing. Guidance for the 2020 financial year is under review.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2020 09:21
    Anglo American trekt outlook in

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Anglo American heeft vanwege het coronavirus de productie in het eerste kwartaal zien dalen, en heeft de outlook voor heel 2020 ingetrokken. Dit bleek donderdag uit de cijfers van het mijnbouwbedrijf.

    In het eerste kwartaal zag Anglo American de productie met 4 procent op jaarbasis teruglopen.

    De onderneming verwacht dit jaar zowel minder diamanten als platina en palladium te winnen.

    Anglo American wil de operationele kosten met ten minste 500 miljoen dollar verlagen. De geplande investeringen voor 2020 worden met 1 miljard dollar verlaagd.

    Wel herhaalde het bedrijf het interimdividend over de tweede helft van 2019 gewoon uit te keren.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2020 16:54
    BHP Joins ResponsibleSteel

    ResponsibleSteel Executive Director Matthew Wenban-Smith said “We are delighted to announce that BHP has joined as our newest Business Member. Having one of the largest resource and mining companies in the world as a member sends a very strong signal and commitment to the steel sector to help achieve the responsible sourcing and production of steel. BHP’s membership will ensure that as we further develop our ResponsibleSteel standard to include three additional components: requirements for the responsible sourcing of raw materials; requirements related to the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions and the claims that certified sites can make about the steel products they produce, we will have additional input, expertise and experience from an organisation committed to helping the sector reach higher levels of sustainability.”

    BHP extracts and processes minerals, oil and gas, with more than 72,000 employees and contractors, primarily in Australia and the Americas. BHP is among the world’s top producers of major commodities, including iron ore, metallurgical coal and copper. The company also has substantial interests in oil, gas and energy coal. The company’s approach to environmental management is based on the robust identification, assessment and control of material risks across all phases of its business, from exploration to development, operation and closure. BHP aims to avoid or, where this is not possible, minimise its impacts, while contributing to lasting environmental benefits across the regions where the company operates.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2020 17:02
    Vale Q1 Update for Coking & Thermal Coal

    Vale said that the seaborne coking coal price averaged US 155/t in Q1 of 2020,11% higher than in Q4 of 2019. Buoyed by disruptions in China’s domestic production during Lunar New Year Holiday and then by regional COVID-19 lockdowns, prices improved steadily from USD 140/t at the beginning of January to peak at USD 163.5/t in the middle of March. By contrast, the second half of March saw a sharp of USD 16/t price decline, due to widespread demand cuts as the pandemic spread across the rest of the world, culminating in lockdowns in Europe and India which led many ports and steel mills to declare Force Majeure on suppliers. With uncertainty high, the seaborne coking coal market is expected to weaken further in 2Q20, with more cargoes being diverted into China from the rest of the world, as well as the reopening of the border with Mongolia for landborne supply into China. Nevertheless, China’s recovery should be a stabilizing influence, while the increasing likelihood of key coking coal supply regions becoming disrupted by COVID-19 may support prices.

    In the thermal coal market, Richards Bay FOB price averaged USD 78.5/t for the quarter, 3.3% higher than in 4Q19. The first quarter was defined by a steep downward trend wherein nearly USD 40/t was shed from the peak assessment of USD 95.5/t at the middle of January until the third week of March, driven by increased Indian domestic production and weaker demand across Europe and Southeast Asia. On the March 26th, Richards Bay Coal Terminal declared force majeure in response to the South African government’s 21-day lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, causing the index to spike to USD 80/t. The thermal coal market sentiment remains negative with the key feature in 2Q20 being the uncertainties around the COVID-19, impacting industrial demand and power generation, but also disrupting supply regions compound the expected high volatility in prices.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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ASR Nederland 21 4.486
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.673
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392