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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2018 20:23
    TenneT to raise access for Nordic power – European Comimission

    Reuters reported that European Commission said it had told German grid operator TenneT to increase cross-border electricity flows between Denmark and Germany after Nordic producers complained of limited access.

    Producers in Denmark, Sweden and Norway have long complained of limited access to the power link between Western Denmark and Northern Germany.

    EU antitrust authorities have been investigating since March whether limits placed by German grid operator TenneT on cross-border electricity capacity with Denmark breaches EU antitrust rules.

    The Commission, which rules on competition issues in the 28-member European Union, said in a statement more cheap Nordic power from renewable resources should be allowed to flow to Germany, the EU's biggest power market.

    Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that "This is fully in line with our ambition to make the European energy market more competitive and integrated, and to facilitate the EU's transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources to the benefit of consumers.”

    The Commission told TenneT to make available within six months a minimum hourly capacity of 1,300 megawatts of the Western Denmark/Germany interconnector.

    This is 75 percent of the maximum technical capacity and equivalent to the generation output of one big nuclear power station.

    The probe had entailed hearing the views of TenneT TSO GmbH, subsidiary of the Dutch TenneT group whose transmission area borders on Denmark, on technical capabilities and those of Danish power producers wanting to supply more to Germany.

    Source : Reuters
  2. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2018 20:25
    Indian govt spends half of INR 5000 crore renewable energy outlay for current fiscal

    Economic Times reported that government has spent INR 2,579 crore on renewable energy projects and schemes in the first six months of the current financial year (2018-19), roughly a half of the INR 5,146 crore outlay for the sector budgeted in this year’s budget. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in a report said that of the total budgeted expenditure, INR 3,762 crore was allocated for grid-interactive renewable power projects. This included INR 2,045 crore for solar power, INR 750 crore for wind energy and INR 600 crore for the ambitious green energy corridor project.

    The budgetary allocation for the total Off-Grid, distributed and decentralized renewable power stood at INR 1,036.48 crore, where the budget for solar power was INR 848.50 crore and biogas programme was INR 135.00 crore.

    The government has set a target of achieving 175 Gigawatt of installed clean energy generation capacity by March 2022. This includes 100 Gw from solar, 60 Gw from wind, 10 Gw from biomass based systems and 5 Gw from small hydro projects.

    The ministry said in its report that “A total of 2,905 MW of renewable power capacity has been added during the year 2018-19, taking cumulative installed RE capacity to 72.68 GW as on September 2018 comprising 34.61 GW from Wind power, 24.03 GW from Solar Power, 9.54 GW from Bio Power and 4.50 GW Small Hydro Power.”

    According to a recent report by Bloomberg NEF, India has become the largest market globally for auction of new renewable energy generation projects. Its renewables auctioned capacity has increased by 68 percent since 2017, and clean energy investments, mostly related to solar power projects, added up to USD 7.4 billion in the first half of 2018.

    Source : Economic Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2018 20:39
    EBRD urges Western Balkans to replace 18 GW of coal with renewables

    PV Magazine reported that EBRD has released a brief urging Western Balkan countries to both replace their aging lignite coal generation capacity with renewables, and to rethink their 18 GW plans for new coal capacity. While the region offers favorable conditions for various types of renewable generation, it has been slow on the uptake to date. According to a new report authored by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Western Balkan countries are home to a largely underdeveloped renewable energy market. However, with the region still heavily dependent on lignite coal generation capacity, much of which is reaching its end of life, there is huge potential for growth. As such, there is a need and opportunity to quickly develop cost-competitive renewable energy generators.

    Bosnia Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia still rely on large penetrations of lignite coal generation capacity, comvering between 65% and 75% of their net generation with the dirty fuel. The EU average, in comparison, is said to be around 10%. This means that when adjusted for the size of the economy, says EBRD, the countries have three times the carbon output of that of the rest of Europe.

    Not only are coal generators very popular among the Western Balkans, but they are also fairly old and inefficient, according to the report’s authors. Indeed, they find that of the top 10 most polluting coal power stations, seven are located in the Western Balkans.

    What’s more, new coal capacity totaling around 18 GW is said to currently be under various stages of development. In Bosnia Herzegovina alone, there is a cumulative pipeline of 1.7 GW, write the authors. This includes the Tuza unit 7 with a system rating of 450 MW, Banovici with 300 MW, Ugljevik III rated at 600 MW and Kakanj 8 with 300 MW.

    Meanwhile in Kosovo, which runs almost entirely on lignite coal, the government has signed a contract with ContourGlobal for the construction of a new 500 MW coal generator near its capital city Pristina, with operations expected to commence by 2023.

    Source : PV Magazine
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 december 2018 20:31
    GE completes 9EMax gas turbine at Czech power plant

    Power Technology reported that GE has completed 9EMax gas turbine upgrade at the Sokolovska Uhelna power plant in Vresova, in the Czech Republic. Considered to be GE’s first 9EMax gas turbine upgrade in Europe, the plant’s heat rate and power output have improved. The upgrade was completed within ten weeks.

    Sokolovska Uhelna production director and board member Homola said that “Our two existing GE 9E gas turbines were reaching the end of their lifetime, and we evaluated many different scenarios. After examining both operating and capital expenditures, we determined GE’s 9EMax upgrade was the best option for our plant to improve the 9E gas turbine’s performance and flexibility as well as to lower the operation and maintenance costs for the upcoming lifecycle period.”

    Sokolovska Uhelna is an independent power producer and a coal mining company in the country. Annually, it extracts 7 million tonnes of lignite, 50% of which is used for its own gasification purpose to produce syngas for integrated gas combined cycle (IGCC) to power its mining and industrial process, as well as catering to other customers in Europe.

    The 9EMax gas turbine is part of GE’s Fleet360 platform of plant solutions. In simple-cycle operation, it offers up to 37% efficiency and up to 145MW of output, while in IGCC operation, it offers up to 53.5% efficiency and up to 210MW of output.

    GE Gas Power CEO Mr Scott Strazik said that “GE is excited to continue to work with Sokolovska to find the right solutions to meet their needs and to work with them on our first 9EMax upgrade in Europe. We know our total plant services solutions and technical expertise in IGCC power plants were essential to successfully modernise this very important plant in only 10 weeks, which was absolutely crucial for Sokolovska Uhelna.”

    GE also carried out rotor repair and fast stator rewind for two of its T240-370 generators to boost the plant’s performance.

    The upgraded unit is equipped by GE´s On-line Monitoring System and linked to its Atlanta Monitoring & Diagnostics Centre. This enables in providing predictive maintenance support round-the-clock.

    Source : Power Technology
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 december 2018 20:35
    Construction of Java 1 power plant to begin

    The Jakarta Post reported that Java 1, a combined-cycle steam and gas power plant, the biggest project of its kind in Southeast Asia, along with its floating storage regasification unit will enter the construction phase this month with a groundbreaking expected to be held in the third week of December. The power plant project, with a total investment of USD 1.8 billion, is to generate 1,760 megawatts (MW), with construction by two different consortiums PT Jawa Satu Power and PT Jawa Satu Regas in Karawang, West Java.

    Pertamina Power Indonesia an electricity subsidiary of state energy holding company Pertamina, leads both the JSP and JSR consortiums, with stakes at 40 and 26 percent respectively.

    Meanwhile, the other stakeholders in JSP are Japan’s Marubeni and Sojitz Corporation with respective shares of 40 and 20 percent. In JSR, Pertamina is collaborating with Humpuss, Marubeni, Mitsui OSK Lines and Sojitz.

    Pertamina investment planning and risk management director Heru Setiawan reiterated that all electricity produced by the power plant, which is expected to be fully operational by December 2021, would be sold to state-owned electricity company PLN.

    Java 1 will supply electricity to PLN for 25 years under a power purchase agreement (PPA) at a price of 5.5 US cents per kilowatt hour (kWh).

    Both JSP and JSR are financed by a bank consortium consisting of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Nippon Export and Investment Insurance Co., Ltd (NEXI) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).

    Meanwhile, the commercial banks involved are Mizuho Bank Ltd, MUFG Bank Ltd, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd, Crédit Agricole Corporate and investment bank Société Générale. (bbn)

    Source : The Jakarta Post
  6. forum rang 10 voda 11 december 2018 21:42
    CBS: 7.600 voltijdbanen in zonne-energiesector

    Het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek meldt dat het aantal voltijdbanen in de zonne-energiesector in 2017 gegroeid is naar circa 7.600 stuks. Nederland telde in 2017 54.000 voltijdbanen in hernieuwbare energie.

    Tussen de verschillende typen hernieuwbare energiebronnen heeft een sterke structurele verschuiving plaatsgevonden. Dit valt op als wordt ingezoomd op de aandelen van de verschillende bronnen binnen de totale investeringen in hernieuwbare energie. Zo werd gemiddeld slechts 9 procent van de investeringen in hernieuwbare energie in de periode 2008-2010 gedaan in zonne-energie, terwijl dit aandeel in de periode 2014-2016 is gestegen naar 28 procent.

    Werkgelegenheid stijgt onafgebroken
    Het aantal banen in hernieuwbare energie en energiebesparing bedroeg in 2008 pas 35.000 stuks. De werkgelegenheid in de hernieuwbare energie en energiebesparing stijgt volgens het CBS onafgebroken sinds 2008, met enkel een kleine terugval in 2011. De werkgelegenheid in de conventionele energie groeide vanaf 2008 gestaag tot 2014, waarna zij terugviel tot het niveau van 2008. In 2017 waren er omgerekend 64.000 voltijdbanen verbonden aan conventionele energie. Naast banen in conventionele en hernieuwbare energie en energiebesparing zijn er ook banen verbonden aan het aanleggen en onderhouden van netwerken. Deze kunnen niet aan de andere categorieën worden toegekend. In totaal waren er 150.000 voltijdbanen gemoeid met energie-gerelateerde activiteiten in 2017. Bij de berekening zijn alle banen omgerekend in voltijdbanen.

    Zonne-energie snelste groeier
    Verreweg de meeste werkgelegenheid in hernieuwbare energie en energiebesparing komt voort uit investeringen (red. de installatiewerkzaamheden). De realisatie hiervan was in 2017 goed voor 51.000 voltijdbanen. In 2008 waren biomassa, biogas en aanverwante vormen samen met windenergie nog verantwoordelijk voor het grootste deel van de werkgelegenheid die voortvloeit uit investeringen in hernieuwbare energie. Terwijl de investeringen in biomassa daalden, stegen die in de overige vormen van hernieuwbare energie. De werkgelegenheid vanwege investeringen in zonne-energie nam het meeste toe: van ruim 2.300 voltijdbanen in 2008 naar 7.000 duizend voltijdbanen in 2016. Dit zijn voornamelijk banen in de installatiesector. Ook de werkgelegenheid vanwege investeringen in windenergie is in deze periode gestegen, tot 4.200 voltijdbanen. Dit komt vooral door de bouw van windparken op zee. Daarnaast is de werkgelegenheid voortkomend uit investeringen in elektrisch vervoer de laatste jaren fors gestegen.

    Onderhoudswerk groeit
    Als de energiecentrales, zonne-energiepanelen en windmolenparken eenmaal zijn neergezet, worden deze geëxploiteerd en onderhouden. De werkgelegenheid in deze exploitatiefase van hernieuwbare energie is sinds 2008 gestegen van 1.800 naar 3.100 voltijdbanen. De sterkste stijging vond plaats in de exploitatie van zonne-energie: in 2008 was de werkgelegenheid hierin nog verwaarloosbaar, terwijl deze in 2017 goed was voor bijna 600 voltijdbanen.

    Door Marco de Jonge Baas
  7. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2018 19:38
    Nippon Steel & Sumikin to supply Technology for Waste to Energy Plant to Taiwan

    Waste Management reported that Japanese waste to energy technology manufacturer, Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering, has received an order for the supply of core components for the new Taoyuan waste incineration plant in Taiwan. The scope of supply and services includes basic and detail engineering for grate and furnace, supply of grate, boiler, heating surface cleaning and parts of the SNCR as well as installation and commissioning supervision.

    The company’s German subsidiary Steinmüller Babcock will support Nippon Steel with the basic and detail engineering and the delivery of the main equipment.

    The Taoyuan project, tendered as a BOT scheme by the Taoyuan City Government, was awarded to the Special Purpose Company established between Evergreen Steel Corporation, Taiwan's largest containerise freight shipping company, and CTCI Group, a Taiwanese waste to energy engineering and operating company.

    Commissioning of the plant, which will thermally process 27.5 tonnes of municipal and industrial waste in two incineration lines, is expected to take place in summer of 2021.

    The city of Taoyuan is located in the north of Taiwan and, with 2 million inhabitants, is considered one of the country's most important industrial centres.

    Source : Waste Management
  8. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2018 19:46
    India has renewable energy projects of 46,500 MW capacity in the pipeline

    Economic Times reported that India currently has renewable energy projects of 46,500 Megawatt capacity in the pipeline for capacity addition. This includes projects which are currently under construction and those likely to be offered for bidding soon. Mr Anand Kumar, Secretary at the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy at an industry event said that "We have already installed 73.35 Gigawatt and projects worth 21.5 Gw are under various stages of implementation and projects amounting to another 25 GW are under various stages of bidding.”

    He added India has made a commitment to the world that by 2030, 40 per cent of its electric power generation capacity would come from non-fossil fuels and it will install 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022. The target includes 100 Gw of solar, 60 Gw of wind and 10 Gw of small hydro power.

    Experts said that the success of the ambitious plan would depend upon multiple factors. The depreciating rupee and imposition of safeguard duty can increase tariffs and evacuation infrastructure remains a challenge, according to Ankur Agarwal, Senior Analyst at India Ratings & Research.

    Mr Agarwal said that "Best windy sites are mostly concentrated in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu and availability of most windy sites will remain a challenge. Also, they compete with solar for evacuation infrastructure as many windy sites also have good solar resource. The financial health of turbine manufacturers also poses a threat as they are also the operators in most of the cases.”

    The government expects to overachieve the 175 GW renewable energy target on the back of new schemes for floating solar power, awarding manufacturing-linked solar projects and offshore wind energy projects.

    Source : Economic Times
  9. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2018 20:43
    Wartsila builds 130 MW Mexico gas plant in 11 months

    Finnish technology company Wartsila has completed a 130 MW gas-fired power plant in Mexico. The plant is in the city of Monterrey and operates on seven Wärtsilä 50SG gas engines, each with an output of 18.7 MW. It will provide electricity for a nearby major Asian automobile factory under a long-term power purchase agreement.

    The natural gas-fuelled plant was built in 11 months – from contract signing to going operational for Mexican independent power producer Pemcorp on behalf of Texas-based Arroyo Energy Investors.

    Mr Matthew Ginzberg of Arroyo Energy Investors said that “Because of our PPA obligations, it was essential to have extremely fast response, both in time-to-market and in operations in order to provide high-quality power to our customer.” He added that he was now looking “to deploy Wärtsilä technology elsewhere in the region.”

    Source : Power Eng
  10. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2018 20:49
    GE Fuel-efficient Gas Turbines to Power Korea Zinc Power Plant

    GE Power announced that the company’s reliable and flexible 6F.03 gas turbines will power Korea Zinc’s LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant located in Onsan, Ulsan City of Korea. Korea Zinc is a world-class general non-ferrous metal smelting company. They produce 18 types of non-ferrous metals from zinc to lead, gold, silver, and copper as well as rare metals such as indium, contributing to the growth of Korea’s basic metal industry for over 40 years.

    Korea Zinc’s LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant will produce power for the captive consumption of Korea Zinc, meaning the plant will produce the electricity needed for the local industrial operations at the site. The plant will generate more than 270 MW of power using LNG as a fuel source.

    One top officer of Korea Zinc said that “This is a meaningful project that we can generate and supply power on our own using GE's highly reliable gas turbines. GE’s 6F.03 gas turbines are offering superior performance, reliability, and flexibility, which we are exactly looking for. We will continue to collaborate with GE to complete the project successfully and ensure the stable supply of power to Korea Zinc." Two units of GE’s 6F.03 gas turbines will be installed at Korea Zinc Combined Cycle Power Plant, with the goal to be completed by January 2021.

    GE and Korea Zinc closely collaborated to build Korea Zinc’s captive power plant for this specific industrial application, and 6F.03 gas turbine - known for best-in-class efficiency and high exhaust energy was finally selected and will best serve their needs. GE’s 6F.03 gas turbine can generate up to 87 Megawatt (MW) of power in simple cycle.

    Mr Woonsik Ha, executive leader of GE Power in Korea, said that “We are glad that Korea Zinc selected GE’s 6F.03 gas turbine for their captive power plant. Our gas turbines provide high efficiency with durability and flexibility that will enhance Korea Zinc’s productivity.”

    According to Korea Power Exchange’s recent research for the self-generation in Korea, most of the captive power plants in Korea are operated by steel, petrochemical, and oil refinery companies that consume large amount of power. It reports that the demand of captive power will, to some extent, increase in near future, depending on economic prospects as well as fuel costs. GE will supply power facilities and cutting-edge technology to create value that helps meet such power demand of Korean companies with its sophisticated gas turbine technology.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2018 21:43
    Stijgende energierekening knaagt aan draagvlak voor groene energie

    De energierekening loopt volgend jaar verder op voor de burger. Dat heeft deels te maken met de opslag voor duurzame energie. Hiermee lonkt een serieus probleem: hoe wordt de omslag naar groene energie betaalbaar gehouden?

    Prijzenvergelijker Pricewise voorspelt dat de rekening van een huishouden komend jaar gemiddeld stijgt met € 327. Die taxatie was gebaseerd op gegevens van drie grote energiemaatschappijen. De stijging voor 2019 is veel groter dan in voorgaande jaren, toen de energierekening ook al toenam.

    Dat raakt een wezenlijk pijnpunt in de energietransitie. Zoals minister Eric Wiebes afgelopen jaar herhaaldelijk zei: 'Liefde gaat door de maag, draagvlak door de portemonnee'. Juist dat draagvlak komt in het gedrang, vooral ook omdat de transitie nog nauwelijks is begonnen en de kosten nu al hard oplopen.
    ‘De toename in energiekosten betekent een aanzienlijke verhoging van de vaste lasten voor consumenten’• Hans de Kok, directeur Pricewise

    In oktober zei Wiebes dat de kosten voor de omslag naar groene energie voor 'iedereen behapbaar moeten worden gemaakt'. De koopkracht moet in orde blijven. Of dat lukt? In de woorden van Hans Mommaas, directeur van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving: 'De komende twaalf jaar, tot 2030, worden heel spannend.'

    Want burgers noch het bedrijfsleven moeten het idee krijgen dat de lasten oneerlijk worden verdeeld. Daarover wordt nu al maanden koortsachtig vergaderd door de Klimaattafels. De vergaderingen zijn besloten, maar de signalen zijn helder: het overleg verloopt bijzonder moeizaam. Er is veel gesteggel over de kosten.

    Minister Eric Wiebes van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Het ministerie kan volgens sommigen beter Klimaat en Economische Zaken heten, omdat Wiebes zo veel met het klimaat bezig is.Foto: Hollandse Hoogte

    Ondertussen stijgt al wel de rekening voor de gewone burger, terwijl de kostprijs voor energie niet spectaculair toeneemt. Op de groothandelsmarkt daalden de stroomprijzen tussen 2011 en 2016, om daarna de laatste twee jaar weer iets toegenomen, zo blijkt uit data van energiebeurs APX. In het jaarverslag over 2017 schreef Gasterra nog over het 'relatief lage gasprijsniveau', al had de prijs zich 'enigszins hersteld'.

    Belasting op gas: +60%
    Dus is de stijging de afgelopen jaren vooral te wijten aan de heffingen en opslagen die mensen betalen. Uit 'tarieven milieubelastingen' bij de Belastingdienst, valt af te lezen dat de belasting op gas - het normaal tarief voor een gewoon huishouden - sinds 2011 met 60% zijn gestegen. De belasting op elektriciteit is in die periode met 10% gedaald.

    De opslag voor duurzame energie is sindsdien vertienvoudigd. Elke energiefactuur krijgt zo'n opslag. Die inkomsten worden vervolgens uitgekeerd als subsidie voor energie uit wind, zon, biomassa en aardwarmte. Zo financiert Nederland zijn voorziening.

    ‘Ongeveer 60% van de energierekening bestaat straks uit netbeheerkosten, belastingen en btw. Daar hebben we geen invloed op’, concludeerde, het bedrijf van ondernemer Ben Woldring, in december vorig jaar. De website vroeg zich toen al af of de energierekening 'niet onbetaalbaar wordt'.

    Dat de rekening volgend jaar naar verwachting nog weer verder oploopt, is niet alleen te wijten aan belastingen en kosten voor netbeheer. In 2018 is de CO2-prijs verdrievoudigd. Eind 2017 lag die op €7, inmiddels is dat €21. Volgens veel partijen is dat nog steeds te laag, en onvoldoende een prikkel voor bedrijven om hun uitstoot te verminderen. Maar dat het is wel één bouwsteen van de gestegen stroomprijs. Zoals ook de opgelopen prijs voor steenkool, van $60 per ton naar meer dan $80 per ton, uiteindelijk doorwerkt in de energierekening.

    Blijft de vraag vooral: hoe ver zal de rekening nog stijgen? Volgens sommige scenario's zal stroom veel goedkoper worden als de Noordzee straks vol staat met windturbines en alle platte daken en boerenschuren hier zijn bedekt met zonnepanelen. Anderzijds: veel duurzame opwek is alleen nog rendabel met subsidies - iets dat in de toekomst kan veranderen.

    Zonneweide bij Eemnes. Nu zegt Nederland miljarden toe aan subsidie voor groene energie, maar die steun moet op termijn worden afgebouwd.Foto: Hollandse Hoogte

    Zo is het nagenoeg onmogelijk om een inschatting te doen over de energieprijs op een termijn van enkele jaren. Voor komend jaar is de richting echter helder, stelde Hans de Kok, directeur Pricewise, eerder deze week. 'De toename in energiekosten betekent een aanzienlijke verhoging van de vaste lasten voor consumenten. Helaas ontkomt geen enkele consument aan de stijgingen in alle belastingen op de energienota.'

    En dan moet de échte omwenteling dus nog komen. Nu wordt 6% van de energie groen opgewekt. Dat moet in dertig jaar naar vrijwel 100%: Nederland moet klimaatneutraal worden. Hoe, dat weet niemand. De burger moet zo veel mogelijk worden ontzien, aldus het kabinet. Vooralsnog is dat niet de realiteit.

    Carel Grol
  12. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2018 15:38
    World Bank praises India renewable energy success

    Economic Times reported that World Bank praised India's success in renewable energy auctions that delivered record-setting low prices for solar power and said that the number of countries with strong policy frameworks for sustainable energy more than tripled from 17 to 59 in the eight years till 2017. Many of the world's largest energy-consuming countries significantly improved their renewable energy regulations since 2010, said the World Bank's report Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy 2018, charting global progress on sustainable energy policies.

    The report was released on the sidelines of the 24th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    Progress was even more marked in energy efficiency, with the percentage of countries establishing advanced policy frameworks growing more than 10-fold between 2010 and 2017.

    Among countries with large populations living without electricity, 75 per cent had by 2017 put in place the policies and regulations needed to expand energy access.

    But there were still significant barriers to global progress on sustainable energy.

    While countries continue to be focused on clean energy policies for electricity, policies to decarbonize heating and transportation, which account for 80 per cent of global energy use, continued to be overlooked.

    Senior Director for Energy and Extractives at the World Bank Riccardo Puliti said that the report contained a warning that without accelerated adoption of good policies and strong enforcement, the world's climate goals and Sustainable Development Goal 7 were at risk.

    This momentum was particularly marked in renewable energy. Among the countries covered by RISE, only 37 per cent had a national renewable energy target in 2010. By 2017, that had grown to 93 per cent, the report said.

    By last year, 84 per cent of countries had a legal framework in place to support renewable energy deployment, while 95 per cent allowed the private sector to own and operate renewable energy projects.

    Among the four SDG7 target areas renewable energy, energy efficiency, electricity access and access to clean cooking the last one continued to be the most overlooked and underfunded by policymakers.

    There had been a little progress on standard-setting for cookstoves or on consumer and producer incentives to stimulate adoption of clean technologies, the report said.

    Source : Economic Times
  13. forum rang 10 voda 17 december 2018 20:06
    Kalpataru wins USD 110 million power transmission contract in Cameroon

    Business Cameroon reported that work is progressing on deploying the 225 kV transmission line project between Nkongsamba-Bafoussam and Yaoundé-Abong-Mbang, the Ministry of water and energy (Minee) reports. So is the construction of the 225/90/30kV VHV (Very High Voltage) substation in Bafoussam as well as the extensions of the Ahala, Abong-Mbang and Bekoko substations.

    The projects mainly aim to interconnect the Southern grid with that of the Eastern via the Abong-Mbang substation. Currently (December 2018), Minee indicates, preliminary design studies have been completed and the government has signed a commercial contract with the Indian company Kalpataru. Let’s mention that under this project, a $110 million financing agreement was signed with Exim Bank India.

    Still according to Minee, Kalpataru has also completed the feasibility studies and is mobilized in the field. The contract with the project manager has already been signed.

    Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited is one of the main players in the global energy transmission market. Created in 1969, it includes real estate, power generation and transmission, road construction, factories, buildings, oil and gas infrastructure and agro-logistics.

    Source : Business Cameroon
  14. forum rang 10 voda 17 december 2018 20:08
    Canada announces details for phasing out coal power reported that Canada federal government has announced details on how it pans to phase out coal power in Canada by 2030. Natural gas appears to play a significant role in the transition and there could be something in it for hydro powerhouses like BC and Manitoba because the new plan, announced December 12, calls for increased investments in interprovincial transmission, which suggests opportunities for the western provinces to share power.

    The goal is to have 90% of Canada electricity come from clean power by 2030. If that sounds ambitious, Ontario already did it on the time frame that Canada is now using for a national strategy.

    B.C., Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec are already past the 90% mark, producing close to 100% of their power from hydro and renewables, and – in Ontario’s case – nuclear power. As a result, about 80% of the power generated in Canada is already decarbonized.

    Currently coal power supplies only 9% of Canada’s power, and a number of provinces have already committed to phasing it out.

    According to the new plan released, some provinces that currently generate power through coal will be able to switch to natural gas.

    One need only look to the US to see how effective switching from coal to natural gas in thermal power generation can be in lowering greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Energy Information Administration, GHGs from the power sector in the US have fallen 14% since 2005, partly through renewables, but mainly from the switch from coal to gas.

    It appears the recently upgraded Boundary dam power station in Saskatchewan is not among the coal power plants that will have to be phased out, as the province spent close to USD 1 billion on carbon capture and storage. The new plan also has provisions that would allow provinces to continue to burn coal, if CCS is implemented.

    The plan contemplates a mix of renewable power, natural gas power and an enhanced interprovincial grid to replace coal power in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Atlantic provinces. The phase-out is estimated to decrease GHG emissions by 13 million tonnes in 2030.

    Mr Blake Shaffer, an environmental and energy expert and C.D. Howe Institute fellow, points out that Alberta has good wind power assets and Southern Saskatchewan has good solar power potential, so it is likely those provinces will be offsetting at least some of their coal power with renewables.

    Source :
  15. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2018 16:13
    Eneco start verkoopproces

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De privatisering van Eneco zal uitgevoerd worden via een gecontroleerde veiling. Dit maakte de energieleverancier dinsdag bekend.

    De aandeelhouderscommissie, raad van commissarissen en de raad van bestuur zouden volgens het concern gezamenlijk tot dit besluit gekomen zijn.

    Eneco meldde dat diverse opties, waaronder een beursgang en dual track, zijn onderzocht, maar dat uiteindelijk voor een zogeheten controlled auction is gekozen "omdat dit het beste aansluit bij de belangen van Eneco en haar stakeholders", meldde Eneco.

    "Daarbij is onder andere getoetst op een marktconforme opbrengst, transactiezekerheid, de voortzetting van de duurzame strategie en werkgelegenheid", voegde het energiebedrijf toe.

    Eneco zei dat de voorbereidingen voor de privatisering inmiddels vergevorderd zijn. De voorbereidende fase zal gevolgd worden door de transactiefase, waarbij een bieding van een partij voorgelegd zal worden aan de 53 gemeentelijke aandeelhouders van Eneco.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2018 16:17
    Video: Groen beleggen met een grijs tintje

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Beleggers denken vaak dat een groen label voldoende is om aan de klimaatdoelstelling te voldoen, "dat klopt niet", concludeert Europe Editor Grethe Schepers van Fidelity International. Elke groene belegging heeft zijn keerzijde. Schepers kijkt naar de voor- en nadelen en waar op te letten als belegger.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2018 20:24
    NTPC acquires 720 MW Barauni thermal power plant in Bihar

    Economic Times reported that state owned power generator NTPC Ltd announced it has acquired the 720 Megawatt (Mw) Barauni thermal power plant in Begusarai district in Bihar with effect from 15 December. The coal based power station, acquired from Bihar State Power Generation Company Ltd, has 2 units of 110 Mw capacity each which are currently under Renovation & Modernization apart from 2 other units of 250 Mw capacity each under construction.

    The company said in a statement that “The units of the power station will be progressively put under commercial operation. The project has linked Badam coal block which is also part of the transfer scheme.”

    The transfer of Barauni Thermal Power Station has been completed by NTPC and BSPGCL under in accordance with “The Bihar Power Generation Undertakings Transfer Scheme 2018” notified by the state government on 27 June, 2018 and the amendment dated 14 December, 2018.

    Source : Economic Times
  18. forum rang 10 voda 18 december 2018 20:54
    Nederlandse 'Tesla op twee wielen' haalt €10 mln op

    Een Duitse automotive-specialist investeert €10 mln in de Nederlandse elektrische scooterfabrikant Etergo, voorheen bekend als Bolt Mobility. Het bedrijf zegt niet om welke specialist het gaat.

    Het Amsterdamse Etergo zegt de investering te gebruiken om grootschalige productie op te zetten van hun eerste model, de AppScooter.

    Marijn Flipse (links) en Bart Jacobz Rosier (rechts) hebben in 2015 Etergo opgericht. De eerste scooters zullen naar verwachting in 2019 rondrijden.Foto: Etergo

    Het is de vierde keer dat de scooterbouwers een miljoeninjectie krijgen. Het in 2015 opgerichte bedrijf dat zichzelf de 'Tesla op twee wielen' noemt, haalde de afgelopen jaren al meerdere investeringen op. In een laatste ronde haalden zij via een crowdfundingsactie €5 mln op, voor de ontwikkeling van het eerste model.

    Die elektrische scooter lijkt nu dus klaar voor productie. De zogenaamde AppScooter heeft naar verluidt een actieradius van 240 kilometer en kan van 0 naar 45 kilometer per uur in 3,9 seconden.

    Daarnaast heeft de scooter een 7-inch touchscreen en internetverbinding. Met knoppen op het stuur kunnen bestuurders hun telefoon bedienen, oproepen beantwoorden en bijvoorbeeld de navigatie instellen. Volgens het bedrijf moet dit 'de meest veilige scooter worden die ooit is gebouwd'.

    Etergo verwacht dat de eerste scooters in de tweede helft van 2019 over de Nederlandse en Duitse wegen rijden.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 19 december 2018 19:56
    Pertamina enters construction phase of 1,760-mw steam power plant

    ANTARA News reported that state owned oil and gas company Pertamina, through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Power Indonesia entered the construction phase of a gas and steam power plant, with a capacity of 1,760 megawatts in December 2018. Construction of Jawa-1 Independent Power Plant signifies Pertamina`s efforts to support the provision of clean energy. The project, known as Jawa-1 IPP Project, is integrated with a 170 thousand-cubic meter Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) that will be built simultaneously along with the power plant, according to a statement from Pertamina received by Antara here, Monday.

    The project, considered to be the first LNG-to-Power integrated project in Asia, attained funding approval from an international lender on December 5, 2018. Hence, the construction will begin immediately.

    President Director of PPI Ginanjar stated that "In this project, Pertamina Power Indonesia acts as the leader of a consortium comprising several Japanese companies, including Marubeni Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, and other firms, by establishing two project companies, specifically, PT Jawa Satu Power (JSP) and PT Jawa Satu Regas (JSR).”

    JSP and JSR will execute this project by building and managing project infrastructure of the power plant and the FSRU.

    Electricity generated from the power plant will be sold to the state-owned electricity company (PLN) for 25 years.

    Source : Antara News
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