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  1. forum rang 10 voda 19 september 2019 16:26
    Natural Gas & Wind to be Fastest Growing Sources of Electricity Generation in US - EIA

    In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, the US Energy Information Administration forecasts that natural gas-fired electricity generation in the United States will increase by 6% in 2019 and by 2% in 2020. EIA also forecasts that generation from wind power will increase by 6% in 2019 and by 14% in 2020. These trends vary widely among the regions of the country; growth in natural gas generation is highest in the mid-Atlantic region and growth in wind generation is highest in Texas. EIA expects coal-fired electricity generation to decline nationwide, falling by 15% in 2019 and by 9% in 2020.

    The trends in projected generation reflect changes in the mix of generating capacity. In the mid-Atlantic region, which is mostly in the PJM Interconnection transmission area, the electricity industry has added more than 12 gigawatts (GW) of new natural gas-fired generating capacity since the beginning of 2018, an increase of 17%.

    This new natural gas capacity in PJM has replaced some coal-fired generating capacity—6 GW of coal-fired generation capacity has been retired in that region since the beginning of 2018. The Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey was also retired in 2018, and the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania plans to shut down its last remaining reactor this month.

    These changes in capacity contribute to EIA’s forecast that natural gas will fuel 39% of electricity generation in the PJM region in 2020, up from a share of 31% in 2018. In contrast, coal is expected to generate 20% of PJM electricity next year, down from 28% in 2018. In 2010, coal fueled 54% of the region’s electricity generation, and natural gas generated 11%.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 19 september 2019 16:34
    IEA Commends Iraq’s Plans for Reforming Electricity Sector

    The International Energy Agency has commended the Iraqi government’s plans to carry out important reforms of its electricity sector to address the significant challenges it is facing. Demand for electricity in Iraq is growing far more rapidly than supply, contributing to power shortages and forcing the country to import electricity despite its rich energy resources. In a major report on Iraq’s energy sector published in April, the IEA offered a practical roadmap, containing both immediate actions and medium-term measures, to tackle the problems in the electricity sector. The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity, under the leadership of Minister Luay Al-Khatteeb, is now launching a major initiative to improve the sector.

    The steps recommended by the IEA include reforming electricity tariffs and removing subsidies in order to boost revenues. This increased income can be reinvested in generation and distribution networks to bring down the huge amount of power that is currently lost through shortcomings in the system.

    This approach will lift some of the burden on government budgets by stimulating the necessary private sector investment that can help propel the electricity sector to where it needs to be. Measures to remove subsidies will also have the important effect of incentivising more rational use of electricity and minimise wasteful consumption.

    Tariff reform for the government-supplied grid has to also be paired with stronger regulation of neighbourhood generators, which were paid around USD 4 billion for the services they provided in 2018. That was 50% more than the Ministry of Electricity had to spend on capital projects that year.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2019 21:12
    Adani Transmission Completes Acquisition of Bikaner-Khetri Transmission Project

    Adani Transmission Ltd has signed a share purchase agreement and completed the acquisition of the SPV, Bikaner-Khetri Transmission Limited, incorporated by PFC Consulting Ltd. ATL had won this project through a Tariff Based Competitive Bidding process, and received the Letter of Intent in July 2019. ATL will build, own, operate and maintain the transmission project in the state of Rajasthan for a period of 35 years. The project Bikaner - Khetri Transmission Limited consists of approximately 480 ckt kms of 765kV line along with associated transmission system.

    This project is primarily being constructed to establish Transmission System associated with Long Term Applications from Rajasthan Solar Energy Zone Part-D. With this project, the cumulative transmission network of ATL will reach 14,042 ckt kms of transmission line and 23,280 MVA transformation capacity, out of which approximately 11,477 ckt kms and 18,330 MVA are under steady-state operation.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 24 september 2019 07:20
    Toezicht op energiebesparingsplicht bedrijven faalt

    De overheid heeft geen idee hoeveel vestigingen van bedrijven moeten melden welke energiebesparende maatregelen zij, conform de Wet milieubeheer verplicht zijn te nemen. Handhaving van de wet is daardoor onuitvoerbaar. Dat blijkt uit navraag van energienieuwssite Energeia.

    Bedrijven moeten volgens de Wet milieubeheer alle energiebesparende maatregelen die zich binnen vijf jaar terugverdienen, doorvoeren. De afgelopen jaren voldeden weinig bedrijven aan die plicht, deels omdat omgevingsdiensten, verantwoordelijk voor het toezicht, en gemeenten er nauwelijks op handhaafden.


    Omdat Nederland achterblijft bij de energiedoelen voor 2020 en 2023 die zijn afgesproken in het Energieakkoord in 2013, besloot het kabinet een extra energiebesparingsverplichting op te leggen aan het bedrijfsleven. Tegelijk stelde de overheid een informatieplicht in over de besparingsmaatregelen.

    Nu blijkt dat de overheid geen idee heeft welke vestigingen van bedrijven eigenlijk onder die meldingsplicht vallen. Alle vestigingen met een elektriciteits- en gasverbruik boven een bepaalde grens moeten zich melden. Maar doordat netbeheerders en meetbedrijven vanwege privacy-redenen geen verbruiksgegevens van individuele bedrijven mogen verstrekken zonder toestemming van die bedrijven zelf, tast de overheid hierover in het duister.

    Geen idee

    Navraag door Energeia bij omgevingsdiensten, de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) en het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat leert dat niemand precies weet om hoeveel en welke bedrijven het precies gaat. Controleurs hebben dus geen idee of alle bedrijven met een meldingsplicht zich wel hebben gemeld.

    In augustus hadden ruim 27.000 bedrijfsvestigingen een melding gedaan. Dat hadden er, volgens een schatting van het ministerie, tussen de 50.000 en 60.000 moeten zijn.

    €5 mln extra en 44.000 brieven

    De omgevingsdiensten hebben een lijst gekregen met het aantal grote energie-aansluitingen in hun gebied. Maar die zegt niet welke winkel, welk boerenbedrijf, welk kantoor of welke fabriek achter die aansluiting zit. ‘We hebben een lijst van EZK gekregen, en we hebben ons eigen bedrijvenbestand’, zegt Karin Overtoom van omgevingsdienst IJmond tegen Energeia. ‘Die zijn beide niet volledig.’

    Minister Eric Wiebes van Economische Zaken en Klimaat schiet de diensten nu te hulp. Hij heeft €5 mln vrijgemaakt waarmee ‘bevoegde instanties de ontbrekende bedrijven en instellingen in hun gebied beter in kaart [kunnen] brengen’. En Wiebes heeft een brief gestuurd aan 44.000 bedrijven en instellingen ‘die mogelijk onder de energiebesparings- en informatieplicht vallen’.

    Er is bovendien een centraal loket ingericht. 237 van de 355 gemeenten hebben ervoor gezorgd dat de bedrijven in hun gebied toegang hebben tot dat loket.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 24 september 2019 19:26
    Drax to Build Gas Power Station in Abergelli

    An application by Drax to build a gas power station in Abergelli to support the electricity system as more renewables come online, has been approved by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The 299MW Open Cycle Gas Turbine power station, on land located at Abergelli Farm, south of Felindre in southern Wales, will be able to go from cold to full load in less than 20 minutes, enabling it to respond quickly to support the grid. Once operational, it will run for up to an average of 1,500 hours a year, providing flexible, reliable power, when it’s needed most and system support services contributing to a balanced and cost-effective electricity system, maintaining supplies for up to 150,000 homes.

    Mr Andy Koss CEO Generation at Drax said that “Securing this approval from the Secretary of State is a crucial step in ensuring development of the new gas generation the UK needs to provide flexible power and system support services to the electricity grid as part of the country’s transition to a low carbon economy. Rapid response gas power stations are agile enough to ramp up quickly and support the grid at times of peak demand, making them highly complementary to intermittent renewable sources of power, like wind and solar. Flexible, reliable power stations like this are essential to provide the power Britain’s homes, businesses, transport and infrastructure need.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2019 12:52
    Liander meldt congestie te verwachten in tientallen gebieden: alle details in woord en beeld
    Netbeheerder Liander heeft aan de vooravond van de najaarsronde van de Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie (SDE+) gemeld in tientallen gebieden congestie te verwachten door beperkt beschikbare netcapaciteit.

    Per gebied heeft Liander voor zijn gehele werkgebied in kaart gebracht wat de verwachte congestie is voor grootverbruikers bij het afnemen van elektriciteit (verbruik) of het terugleveren van elektriciteit (teruglevering). Daar waar capaciteitsproblemen voor teruglevering voor grootverbruikers zijn, is er mogelijkerwijs geen ruimte voor nieuwe zonneparken of dakgebonden pv-systemen met zonnepanelen. Als congestiemanagement in een bepaald gebied namelijk geen oplossing biedt, betekent dit volgens de netbeheerder dat er geen ruimte meer is voor nieuwe aansluitingen of uitbreiding van bestaande zakelijke grootverbruikaansluitingen.

    Voor de huidige knelpunten onderzoekt Liander namelijk of een systeem van congestiemanagement – het afstemmen van vraag en aanbod – mogelijk is. Wanneer congestiemanagement geen oplossing blijkt, kan het zo zijn dat klanten een transportbeperking opgelegd krijgen. Om die reden heeft Liander nu de vooraankondiging gedaan van verwachte congestie in de hieronder vermelde provincies, regio's en gebieden.

    Noot: formeel is er in de gebieden in dit artikel nog geen sprake van congestie, het congestieonderzoek dat voor 1 oktober wordt afgerond moet uitwijzen of er daadwerkelijk sprake is van congestie.

    Voor meer, zie link;
  7. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2019 16:54
    Mozambique to Float Tender for Power Transmission Project

    State run Mozambique power utility Electricidade de Mocambique said that it will float an international tender to select a contractor to build the USD 551-million high-voltage electricity transmission line between Temane in Inhambane province to the capital Maputo. EDM administrator Mr Carlos Yun told APA that In addition to the 563-kilometre high-voltage power transmission line, the project would include construction of three substations, one each in Vilankulo (Inhambane province); Chibuto (Gaza province) and Matalane (Maputo province). Mr Yun said that “The projects, estimated at USD 1.3 billion, will be supported by cooperation partners, namely the World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, African Development and the Southern African Development. He said other funding partners include the OPEC Fund and the government of Norway. He added that we will soon launch an international tender to select a contractor.

    The transmission line project is part of the natural gas-fired Temane Thermal Power Plant with capacity to produce 400 megawatts, the largest single project in the country after independence that is expected to cost about USD 1.3 billion.

    The official added that work on the transmission project is expected to start in June 2020, with the expectation that the line and substations would be operational by the end of 2023, at the same time as the Temane Thermal Power Station.

    Once completed, the Temane plant is expected to contribute about 16% of Mozambique’s power generation capacity.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2019 16:55
    New York Approves USD 400 Million for Upstate Transmission Line

    Reuters reported that New York Transco, a consortium of major utilities, has received approval for up to USD 400 million to add a new power transmission line to reduce grid congestion and allow lower-cost and renewable electricity produced in upstate New York to flow to downstate customers. The State Public Service Commission said that the financing is needed for the New York Energy Solutions transmission project, which in the first phase includes a new 54-mile (87-km), 345 kV transmission line that begins at Rensselaer County and ends at Dutchess County.

    The project is expected to be operational by the end of 2023.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2019 16:58
    Philippines Malaya Thermal Power Plant Fails to Get Bids

    Philippines state run Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp declared a failure of bidding on the 650-megawatt Malaya thermal power plant in Pililla, Rizal after only one group submitted an offer. PSALM president Ms Irene Garcia said that “Unfortunately, PSALM was constrained to declare a failure of bidding during the public bidding held for the Malaya plant. This was because there was only one bidder that submitted a bid.”

    Ms Garcia said that “Under the PSALM bidding procedures, if only one bid is received by PSALM by the bid submission deadline, then there will be a failure of bidding. There were actually four qualified bidders for Malaya, but only AC Energy Inc submitted a bid.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2019 17:03
    NTPC Commissions India’s first Ultra Super Critical Thermal Power Plant

    India’s leading power generator NTPC has commissioned country’s first ultra-super critical Unit having capacity of 660 MW at Khargone in Madhya Pradesh. This plant operates at efficiency of 41.5% which is 3.3% higher than the conventional super-critical ones, with steam parameters of 6000 temperatures and 270 kg/cm2 pressure. The high efficiency will result in less coal consumption for generating same amount of electricity vis-à-vis super critical plants and will result in reduction of 3.3% Carbon dioxide emissions. The Khargone plant will have a total capacity of 1320 MW, 2 Units of 660 MW each. The required facilities for sustainable running of the plant like fuel handling and transportation systems are ready and the plant is will start commercial operation very soon.

    NTPC has been at the forefront in leveraging technology and have pioneered adoption of new technologies in power sector. NTPC is currently meeting 23% of country’s demand through coal, gas, hydro, solar and wind plants.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2019 16:44
    Eni and Mainstream Renewable ink Renewable Energy Collaboration Agreement

    Eni, the global energy company, and Mainstream Renewable Power the global wind and solar development company, have signed a co-operation agreement to develop large-scale renewable assets, targeting strategically important and high-growth markets for both companies. Eni and Mainstream will collaborate on potential developments of power generation from renewable sources across Africa and Southeast Asia, with an initial focus on the UK.

    Luca Cosentino, Executive Vice President of Energy Solutions department in Eni said that “Eni’s commitment towards renewable projects development is one of the main pillars of the company’s decarbonisation strategy, which also includes the reduction of direct GHG emissions in all its activities, a low-cost and low-carbon portfolio, and investments in R&D. In line with these key drivers, Eni has defined an integrated business model, which draws on specific areas of expertise and competitive advantages such as Eni’s technical competences and global presence. We believe that this new partnership with Mainstream will bring additional value to our renewable business especially in the area of offshore wind.”

    Andy Kinsella, Group Chief Executive at Mainstream said that “We are delighted to announce this co-operation agreement with Eni. Our joint participation in the UK’s Offshore Round 4 will combine our leadership position, expertise and unrivalled track record in the global offshore wind sector, with Eni’s pre-eminence and experience in offshore energy infrastructure, its commitment to decarbonise the energy system, as well as its robust balance.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2019 20:36
    NTPC Starts Commercial Operation of Lara Super Thermal Power Station

    NTPC Ltd informed the exchanges that Unit#1 (800MW) of Lara Super Thermal Power Station (2 x 800MW) will be declared on commercial operation w.e.f 00:00 hours of 30th Sep, 2019. With this, the commercial capacity of Lara Super Thermal Power Station, NTPC and NTPC group will become 800MW, 47,325 MW and 55,786MW, respectively.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2019 20:48
    Decline Investment in Power Sector Raises Concerns about Copper Demand in China

    SMM reported that Declines in China’s realised investment in power grid projects unexpectedly widened in the January to August period, and this clouded the outlook for copper consumption in the power industry in the fourth quarter. Data from China Electricity Council on September 25 showed that the realised investment in power grid projects in the first eight months of this year shrank 15.2% from the same period last year, to stand at 237.8 billion yuan, after the figure dipped 13.9% year on year in January to July. The power industry is the main driver behind copper consumption in China, accounting for around 46% of domestic copper demand.

    By the end of August, the State Grid finished only 46% of its investment targets of 512.6 billion yuan for 2019. This marked the slowest pace in six years.

    In January to August, investment in the power generation projects nationwide rose 5.2% YoY to 153.3 billion yuan. However, its spur to copper consumption fell far below that from the power grid investment.

    Source : SMM
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2019 16:56
    Power-2-Fuels A New Innovation Project

    Together with 9 partners from the industry and mobility sectors, VoltaChem, TNO, SmartPort and Deltalinqs have recently started the Power-2-Fuels innovation project. During the kick-off all parties involved were present. In this project the demand for synthetic fuels from an end-user perspective will be analyzed, applicable technologies will be compared and a design for possible future value chains and associated stakeholders will be drafted. It is envisioned that, based on the results of this project, an innovation program will be initiated that addresses the main technical and non-technical hurdles for bringing e-fuels into large scale application.
    Regional innovation program

    The production of synthetic fuels from renewable energy is an important solution direction for decarbonizing different transport modalities (road transport, shipping, aviation). However, there are still many uncertainties about the status of the technology, the future availability of renewable energy and feedstocks and the necessary changes in value chains and regulatory frameworks. Therefore, VoltaChem, Smartport and Deltalinqs have decided to bring together relevant stakeholders and initiate a project identifying the core challenges and formulate an adoption roadmap for implementation of the technology. This will be done through extensive literature research and through workshops with the logistics sector, technology providers and knowledge institutes. With the results in hand, it is planned to develop a regional innovation program for the coming years to accelerate the development and implementation of e-fuels.

    1. Comparing and prioritizing Power-2-X fuels in different logistics applications and identifying necessary technology developments from the current state-of-the-art going forward.
    2. Describing the (future) value chains and opportunities for new “value cases”.
    3. Analyzing the hurdles for large scale application of Power-2-X fuels and developing an adoption roadmap to get to the desired situation.
    4. Define an innovation program, addressing technical and non-technical activities that tackle the hurdles described in the adaption roadmap.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2019 18:44
    E.ON Transfers Renewables Business to RWE

    As part of the transaction to acquire and integrate innogy, E.ON today transferred its renewables business to RWE. For E.ON, the disposal of E.ON Climate & Renewables marks the end of an extraordinary success story. Industrial-scale renewables facilities had been a key focus of E.ON’s growth strategy since 2007. Investments of more than EUR 12 billion enabled E.ON to quickly become one of the world’s major producers of green power. Onshore wind farms like Roscoe, a 782 MW facility in Texas, were a big part of this growth. At the time of its completion in 2009 Roscoe was the world’s largest onshore wind farm and today is still in fifth place. Most recently, E.ON began to build Nysater, a 475 MW project that will be one of Europe’s biggest onshore wind farms. Preparations are under way to expand to Japan, Mexico, Chile, and Australia.

    E.ON was also one of the first companies in the world to embrace offshore wind power and played a key role in helping make this technology mature and competitive. The company participated in the construction of London Array, which when completed in 2013 was the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Last year E.ON commissioned Arkona, a wind farm in the German Baltic Sea, thereby setting a new standard for completing an offshore wind farm on time and on budget.

    The portfolio that E.ON transferred to RWE also includes battery and solar projects. E.ON has built or is building a total of 9,000 megawatts of renewables projects worldwide, enough to meet nearly half of Belgium’s energy needs. Out of the 9,000 MW E.ON built with partners partially approx. 6,800 MW are owned by E.ON. 1,500 employees were transferred with these assets to RWE.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 8 oktober 2019 19:37
    NTPC Increases Capacity of 2 Thermal Power Stations

    State-owned power giant NTPC said that it has added two power generation units of 660 MW each at Tanda and Khargone thermal power plants. The company said in a BSE filing that “Unit 1 of 660 MW of stage-II of Tanda Super Thermal Power Station (2×660 MW) and Unit 1 of 660 MW of Khargone Super Thermal Power Station (2x660MW) have been added to the installed capacity of NTPC. The total installed power generation capacity of NTPC and NTPC group has become 48,645 MW and 57,106 MW, respectively.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 8 oktober 2019 19:42
    PacifiCorp Draft Resource Plan Calls For Increases In Lower-Cost Wind

    PacifiCorp released a draft of its long-term energy plan that continues investments in new wind generation and transmission, while adding significant new solar and storage resources. The plan, which is the result of a comprehensive data analysis and stakeholder input process, demonstrates the company’s adoption of additional lower-cost renewable resources to meet customer needs and support for its phased coal transition.

    Mr Rick Link, PacifiCorp’s vice president of resource planning and acquisitions said that “The transition in how we meet our customers’ energy needs is under way. With a focus on lower-cost renewable resources and strategic transmission investments, this plan allows us to continue to deliver the reliable and low-cost energy our customers need as we embark on a phased and well-managed coal transition that minimizes impacts to our thermal operations workforce and communities.”

    The draft “preferred portfolio” for the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan indicates how the company envisions meeting customer energy needs most cost-effectively over the next 20 years. PacifiCorp will file its final 2019 IRP with state regulatory commissions by October 18.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 14 oktober 2019 19:02
    Port of Rotterdam’s Power Grid Can Be Reinforced More Efficiently

    Over the next few decades, there will be a substantial increase in the demand for green and other electric power on the part of Rotterdam’s industrial sector. The companies will need this extra power for the electrification of industrial processes, the production of green hydrogen and for electric transport. The demand for electricity is expected to increase by a factor of two and possibly even four. This means that Rotterdam is required to reinforce its power grid. However, there is only limited space for extra infrastructure. Moreover, reinforcing the grid will lead to lower costs to society and shorter lead times when this is done based on a long-term vision instead of existing legislation and regulations. These are the findings of a study performed by the Port of Rotterdam Authority, Stedin and TenneT into the consequences of the energy transition for the power grid in Rotterdam’s port area.

    The joint study concludes that this issue is particularly urgent because the capacity of the existing power grids and connections in the port of Rotterdam does not suffice to accommodate future plans for a sustainable port area. The lead time for realising new high voltage substations and power lines can be anything from 3 to 10 years. The point of departure of the study was that in the decades ahead, the Netherlands’ energy transition will be in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with renewable electric power and green hydrogen playing key roles in this process.

    The study includes three recommendation to ensure that the necessary reinforcement of the network is completed in due time and at the lowest possible cost to society. The first recommendation concerns the adaptation of legislation and regulations, to enable the step-by-step realisation of infrastructure based on a long-term vision (for 2050) – rather than a piecemeal response to the requests of individual companies. This can result in lower costs for society (avoiding the unnecessary installation of parallel power cables), shorter lead times and can minimise physical bottlenecks. After all, there is only limited space available in the port area. In this process, the right balance has to be struck between the timely completion of infrastructure and the lowest possible risk of this capacity being temporarily or permanently underutilised.

    The second recommendation is that the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (or the participants in the ‘Klimaattafel Industrie’ roundtable) select locations directly along the coast for the large-scale conversion of electric power (generated using offshore wind) into hydrogen and other energy carriers. The underlying reasoning is that hydrogen transport requires far less space and lower investments than transporting electric power. Incidentally, the economic feasibility of large-scale hydrogen production is dependent on a substantial reduction in the costs of the process of electrolysis.

    The third recommendation is to already reserve space in the port for future electricity infrastructure, enabling the step-by-step realisation of a robust and future-proof power grid.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 14 oktober 2019 19:06
    Romania's Energy Output in Jan-Aug Falls 3% YoY

    Provisional data from the country's statistical office INS showed that
    Romania's energy production fell 3% year-on-year to 13.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent (TOE) in the first eight months of the year. Romania's own electricity output plus the country's imports fell by 3.8% year-on-year to 43.2 TWh in January-August. The country’s electricity exports fell by 37.5% year-on-year to 2.48 TWh, while imports surged by 172.8% to 2.75 TWh.

    Thermal power plants generated 1.53 TWh in the first eight months of 2019, down 10.4% on the year, while hydroelectric power output fell 10.9% to 12.1 TWh. The production of the country's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda fell by 0.8% on the year to 7.35 TWh in January-August. Electricity generated from wind farms in January-August 2019 rose 15.2% to 4.4 TWh. Photovoltaic power stations generated 1.29 TWh in January-August, up 4.7% on the year.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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