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  1. gogogoo 29 januari 2007 11:48
    DSM publishes DNA sequence of Aspergillus niger genome in 'Nature Biotechnology'

    HEERLEN, NETHERLANDS, Jan 29, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- DSM is publishing a paper in the February 2007 issue of the renowned scientific journal "Nature Biotechnology" announcing the release of the DNA sequence of the fungus Aspergillus niger. The article - which has 69 co-authors - is the result of a research project carried out by DSM in which twenty-nine international research groups participated.

    Rob van Leen, Chief Innovation Officer at DSM, commented: "DSM realizes that the Aspergillus niger genome is of great interest to many other parties, both in industry and the academic world. DSM is releasing the DNA sequence to enable further research in this field. We are very pleased about this publication, which fits perfectly in our open-innovation policy. The Aspergillus niger research project is a foundation for our efforts in the area of 'white' or industrial biotechnology - and that area is an important part of the innovation boost in DSM's strategy Vision 2010 - Building on Strengths."

    Aspergillus niger is a micro-organism that DSM uses for the production of enzymes and other compounds, such as citric acid. These are mainly used in foodstuffs (bread, cheese, fruit juices, beer) to improve taste, shelf life, texture, nutritional value, etc. At the beginning of this century, DSM started work on the determination of the complete DNA sequence of Aspergillus niger and the identification of the functions of the different genes. The research grew into one of the most important industrial genomics projects in Europe, and earned DSM a position among Europe's leading biotechnology companies. The project has resulted in a high-quality genome sequence of 33.9 million base pairs with more than 14,000 unique genes. The (possible) functions of around 6500 of these genes could be established.

    The genome sequencing forms part of a major genomics project. Dr Herman Pel, Principal Scientist Genomics and Bioinformatics at DSM who coordinated the execution of the sequencing project: "The unraveling of the DNA sequence not only accelerates the development of new products, but also enables us to study the highly complex physiological behavior of Aspergillus niger with the help of the most advanced biological analysis techniques such as DNA micro-array analysis, proteomics and bio-informatics and use the insights gained to improve production processes." Dr Hein Stam, Principal Scientist Applied Genomics and Fermentation who coordinated the publication of the genome: "Further research on Aspergillus niger could help identify other possible uses of this micro-organism (such as in the sustainable use of raw materials). With the functions of some 7500 genes still unknown, scientific researchers have plenty of challenges to deal with in the future."

    The Aspergillus niger genome project has resulted in numerous patent filings by DSM and has laid the basis for a number of new DSM products such as PeptoPro(R) (ingredient for muscular recovery after physical exertion), Brewers ClarexTM (enzyme for preventing chill-haze in beers) and PreventASeTM (enzyme for preventing the formation of the toxic compound acrylamide during baking or frying of certain foodstuffs).

    In addition, the project has resulted in a valuable scientific network. DSM's partners include Gene Alliance (a consortium of German companies involved in the sequence analysis); Biomax (annotation, bio-informatics; Germany); Affymetrix (DNA chips; USA); and the Micro Array Department (MAD) of the University of Amsterdam (analysis of the DNA arrays). Some of the research projects based on the genome were carried out as part of the research programs of consortia such as the Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation in Delft (Netherlands) and a number of sub-projects were carried out in collaboration with various universities, knowledge institutes and companies.


    DSM is active worldwide in nutritional and pharma ingredients, performance materials and industrial chemicals. The company creates innovative products and services that help improve the quality of life. DSM's products are used in a wide range of end markets and applications such as human and animal nutrition and health, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, automotive and transport, coatings, housing and electrics & electronics (E&E). DSM's strategy, named Vision 2010 - Building on Strengths, focuses on accelerating profitable and innovative growth of the company's specialties portfolio. Market-driven growth, innovation and increased presence in emerging economies are key drivers of this strategy. The group has annual sales of over EUR 8 billion and employs some 22,000 people worldwide. DSM ranks among the global leaders in many of its fields. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands, with locations in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. More information on DSM can be found at
  2. aossa 29 januari 2007 12:10
    Grote bedrijven bedrijven slaan handen in elkaar in België. Het gaat om bedrijven die R&D en productieactiviteiten hebben in België (op radionieuws vandaag).

    Grote farmabedrijven profileren zich apart
    De grootste vier farmabedrijven in België richten een aparte structuur op, de Health, Science & Technology Group en doen dat buiten de huidige federatie,

    (tijd) - Het gaat om GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Pharmaceutica/Janssen Cilag, UCB en Pfizer. De vier hadden eerder al een apart overlegplatform gecreëerd met de federale regering om maatregelen voor de sector te bespreken. De regering blijkt in veel gevallen dat overlegplatform te verkiezen als gesprekspartner boven Woordvoerder Olivier Remels en directeur Leo Neels van wensen voorlopig niet te reageren op dit voor hen onverwachte initiatief.

    08:04 - 26/01/2007
    Copyright ©
  3. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 12:14
    Companies Refusing To Reveal Biotech Research
    Wednesday, 10 January 2007, 12:42 pm
    Article: Sherwood Ross
    113 Universities, Va Hospitals, And Pharmaceutical Houses Charged With Refusing To Reveal Biotech Research Ops As Required By Law
    By Sherwood Ross
    Some 113 university, government, hospital and corporate laboratories engaged in research often with potential to be used for germ warfare have refused to disclose their operations to the public as required by Federal rules, a nonprofit watchdog agency has charged. Instead of shutting their operations down, however, the National Institutes of Health(NIH), of Bethesda, Md., the government agency tasked with oversight of these laboratories, allows them to continue to operate, a peculiar stance for an entity that describes itself as "the steward of medical and behavioral research for the Nation."
    From California to New Jersey and from Boston to San Antonio, often in the heart of major centers of population, biological warfare labs lavishly financed with their share of about $20-billion by the Bush administration since 2001 are literally crawling with deadly germs from Spanish flu to plague to anthrax to tularemia to rift valley fever. Reportedly, in some of the laboratories security is lax and safety procedures inadequate to protect the public from exposure to deadly pathogens.
    Under U.S. law, recipients of Federal funds for biotech research must comply with guidelines issued by the NIH. These include making available to the public the minutes of the labs’ Institutional Biosafety Committees(IBC)meetings, describing their operations and plans. In a number of instances, these IBC’s have never bothered to hold a meeting.

    Among pharmaceutical houses not in compliance with NIH disclosure requirements are Abbott Laboratories of Abbott Park and Worchester, Agencourt Bioscience Corp.; Antibody Science, Inc.; BASF Plant Science, Bristol-Myers Squibb and its Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Connecticut; Centocor, Inc.; Chiron; Discovery Genomics Inc.; DuPont Central Research and Development; Embrex, Inc.; Genentech, Inc., Genzyme Corp. of Cambridge and Framingham, Mass.; GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co., Inc. and its Rahway, N.J., research site; Integral Molecular; Introgen Therapeutics; L2 Diagnostics LLC; Merck & Co. Inc., West Point; Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, N.J.; Meridian Bioscience Inc.; Monsanto Co. Mystic, Conn., research; New Link Genetics; NovaFlora, Inc.; NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals; OSI Pharmaceuticals; Pfizer Inc., and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals of St. Louis, Roche Bioscience, Schering-Plough Research Institute; SelectX Pharmaceuticals; Serono Research Institution; Third Wave Technologies; and Vaxin, Inc.
    Federal entities involved include the Center for Disease Control, the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, VA hospitals in Stratton, Va.; the Jerry Pettis Memorial hospital and the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. Also, the Idaho National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Plum Island Animal Disease Center of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and Navy Medical Research Center. Other fund recipients include AERAS Global TB Vaccine Foundation, Battelle, CBR Institute for Biomedical Research, Inc.; Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Children’s National Medical Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Columbus Children’s Research Institute, Hadassah Medical Organization, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration, and Scripps Clinic. Among universities in non-compliance: Alabama A&M, Albany Medical College, Ball State, Brigham Young, Bucknell, Central Michigan, Drexel College of Medicine, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hunter College, Indiana State University, Purdue University, Loma Linda, Missouri State, New York Medical College, and Queens College of City University of New York. Also, Rider, Rockefeller University, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, South Dakota State University, St. John’s University, State University of New York at Binghamton, Brockport, and Buffalo; Towson, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School(UMDNJ), and University Medical Center of Southern Nevada. Also, the universities of Arizona, California at San Francisco, Maryland, Massachusetts, Miami, Fla.; Mississippi; Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Southern Mississippi, Texas at Arlington and San Antonio, Tulsa, Utah State, Wake Forest, Washington University in St. Louis, Western Kentucky and Wilkes. Foreign institutions include the University of Sydney, Australia; the University of British Columbia , and University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa .
    This listing covers most, but not all, of the names submitted to NIH by the Sunshine Project. Three years ago, Sunshine said if it had to pick the labs with the worst biosafety record-keeping, he would choose Princeton University, the University of Texas Southwestern at Dallas; the University of Vermont at Burlington and the University of Delaware at Newark. Sunshine's Hammond said there has yet to be any formal response to his letter of last November from NIH. He added, "I doubt I will ever get one."
    The NIH was asked to respond to the charges contained in this article but has yet not done so. In sum, the costliest, most grandiose research scheme ever attempted having germ warfare capability is going forward today under President Bush and in apparent defiance of international treaties such as the Geneva Convention of 1925 that bans biological agents. What's more, where once the use of germ warfare was an isolated happenstance -- such as when an English general in 1767 gave smallpox-laced blankets to the Indians that decimated their tribes -- research in this grim area today suggests it has been elevated to an instrument of national policy. And this program, involving some of the world's deadliest and most loathsome pathogens, many of which could trigger plagues and epidemics, is being conducted largely in secret without adequate oversight and in flagrant contempt of NIH's own rules. Why?

    US may be funding germ warfare research
  4. aossa 29 januari 2007 12:16
    GlaxoSmithKline investeert 150 miljoen euro in Waver (België).
    Het op één na grootste farmabedrijf ter wereld, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), investeert 150 miljoen euro in een nieuw centrum te Waver. Dat zal zich bezighouden met de kwaliteitscontrole van vaccins.

    (belga) - Het bedrijf maakte vrijdag een en ander bekend in een uitnoding voor een persconferentie terzake. Met de investering wil GSK naar verluidt de verankering van het bedrijf op Belgische bodem en de uitbreiding ervan bevestigen. Het nieuwe centrum, dat op 15 februari in gebruik genomen wordt, zal onder meer gebruikt worden voor onderzoek en innovatie.

    12:16 - 26/01/2007
    Copyright ©
  5. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 12:20
    GlaxoSmithKline statement - BBC Panorama - 29 January 2007
    This statement has been issued in anticipation of the BBC Panorama programme, ‘Secrets of The Drugs Trials’ which is to be aired on Monday 29th January.
    GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has provided a written response to the allegations it understands are to be made in the above programme. GSK has not seen the programme but strongly denies suggestions that it has acted in any way improperly. The company has no confidence that its responses will be accurately, or appropriately, represented in the programme, or in the BBC’s publicity materials. GSK therefore wishes to make the following points that include a summary of the information provided to the programme:
    · We are extremely concerned that Panorama, will again, through misleading and deliberately provocative commentary, alarm patients about using their anti-depressant medication, with potentially serious consequences.
    · Patients concerned by issues raised in the programme should seek advice from their doctor.
    · Depression is a severe and disabling condition. A well-recognised, tragic outcome of the disease, particularly among young people, is suicide. Careful monitoring of all patients is essential, regardless of whether they are taking medication or not.
    · In developing Seroxat , GSK has always been strongly conscious of the duty it owes to the millions of patients, including those under the age of 18, who suffer from depression and we refute any allegation that we have failed in this duty. GSK conducted nine studies, over eight years, to examine the use of Seroxat in treating patients under the age of 18 with depression and other psychiatric disorders, as treatment options for these vulnerable patients are extremely limited.
    · GSK utterly rejects any suggestion that it has improperly withheld drug trial information. Results from its paediatrics studies were documented and submitted to regulators in accordance with regulatory requirements. Results were also presented publicly, published in scientific journals and are available on GSK’s website.
    · No suicides were reported in any of the nine paediatric trials conducted by GSK. When reviewed individually, none of these trials were considered by GSK or independent investigators to show a clinically meaningful increase in the rate of suicidal thinking or attempted suicide. Only when all the data became available, at the end of the research programme, and were analysed together was an increased rate of suicidal thinking or attempted suicide revealed in those paediatric patients taking Seroxat . GSK brought this analysis to the attention of the regulatory authorities, including in the UK.
    · GSK does not promote its medicines for indications for which they are not approved.The company strongly refutes any suggestion that Seroxat was promoted to UK doctors for use outside the terms of the UK marketing authorisation, whether through clinical experts (“Key Opinion Leaders”) or any other route.
    · Seroxat has never been approved by EU or US regulators as a medicine for those under 18 years of age. GSK’s UK product labelling has been entirely consistent with that position, and at the time of the events in question, this label stated: “the use of Seroxat in children is not recommended, as safety and efficacy have not been established in this population.” Any decision to prescribe a medicine outside its authorised indications, in the EU or the US, is made by a doctor on the basis of his/her clinical judgement and the interests of their patient.
    · GSK, in 2004, further demonstrated its commitment to data transparency by creating an unsurpassed on-line database, called the Clinical Trial Register (CTR). This is a record of detailed summaries of more than 2,800 clinical trials conducted in 50 countries to study 52 GSK prescription medicines and vaccines which is available to the public at
    Linkje Beeb:
    8:30 pm
    Secrets of the Drugs Trials: Shelley Jofre investigates claims that one of Britain's biggest drug companies misled doctors into prescribing the antidepressant Seroxat to teenagers. [S]
  6. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 13:13

    gogogoo schreef:

    The article - which has 69 co-authors - is the result of a research project carried out by DSM in which twenty-nine international research groups participated.
    Published online: 28 January 2007; | doi:10.1038/nbt1282
    Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
    Herman J Pel1, Johannes H de Winde1, 2, David B Archer3, Paul S Dyer3, Gerald Hofmann4, Peter J Schaap5, Geoffrey Turner6, Ronald P de Vries7, Richard Albang8, Kaj Albermann8, Mikael R Andersen4, Jannick D Bendtsen9, Jacques A E Benen5, Marco van den Berg10, Stefaan Breestraat1, Mark X Caddick11, Roland Contreras12, Michael Cornell13, Pedro M Coutinho14, Etienne G J Danchin14, Alfons J M Debets15, Peter Dekker1, Piet W M van Dijck1, Alard van Dijk1, Lubbert Dijkhuizen16, 17, Arnold J M Driessen17, Christophe d'Enfert18, Steven Geysens12, Coenie Goosen16, 17, Gert S P Groot1, Piet W J de Groot19, Thomas Guillemette20, Bernard Henrissat14, Marga Herweijer1, Johannes P T W van den Hombergh1, Cees A M J J van den Hondel21, Rene T J M van der Heijden22, Rachel M van der Kaaij16, 17, Frans M Klis19, Harrie J Kools5, Christian P Kubicek23, Patricia A van Kuyk21, Jürgen Lauber24, Xin Lu25, Marc J E C van der Maarel16, Rogier Meulenberg1, Hildegard Menke1, Martin A Mortimer11, Jens Nielsen4, Stephen G Oliver13, Maurien Olsthoorn1, Karoly Pal15, 26, Noël N M E van Peij1, Arthur F J Ram21, Ursula Rinas25, Johannes A Roubos1, Cees M J Sagt1, Monika Schmoll23, Jibin Sun25, David Ussery27, Janos Varga26, 28, Wouter Vervecken12, Peter J J van de Vondervoort21, Holger Wedler24, Han A B Wösten7, An-Ping Zeng25, Albert J J van Ooyen1, Jaap Visser29 & Hein Stam1
    1 DSM Food Specialties, PO Box 1, 2600 MA Delft, The Netherlands.
    2 Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Department for Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands.
    3 School of Biology, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK.
    4 Center for Microbial Biotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, Building 223, Søltofts Plads, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
    5 Section Fungal Genomics, Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University, Dreijenlaan 2, 6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
    6 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK.
    7 Microbiology, Science Faculty, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    8 Biomax Informatics AG, Lochhamer Str. 9, 82152 Martinsried, Germany.
    9 CLC bio, Gustav Wieds Vej 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
    10 DSM Anti Infectives, PO Box 425, 2600 KA Delft, The Netherlands.
    11 The University of Liverpool, School of Biological Sciences, Biosciences Bld., Crownstreet, Liverpool L69 7ZB, UK.
    12 Ghent University and VIB, Dept. Molecular Biomedical Research, Unit of Fundamental and Applied Molecular Biology, Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, Belgium.
    13 Centre for the Analysis of Biological Complexity, Faculty of Life Sciences, The University of Manchester, Michael Smith Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK.
    14 Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques, UMR6098, CNRS. Universités Aix-Marseille I & II, Case 932, 163 Avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille, France.
    15 Laboratory of Genetics, Wageningen University, Arboretumlaan 4, 6703 BD Wageningen, The Netherlands.
    16 Centre for Carbohydrate Bioprocessing (CCB) TNO-RuG, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands.
    17 Department of Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute and Materials Science Center Plus, University of Groningen, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands.
    18 Unité Postulante Biologie et Pathogénicité Fongiques, INRA USC 2019, Institut Pasteur, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France.
    19 Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    20 Laboratoire de Microbiologie, UMR 77, Pathologie Végétale, Université d'Angers, 49045 Angers Cedex, France.
    21 Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden University, Molecular Microbiology, Wassenaarseweg 64 2333 AL Leiden, The Netherlands.
    22 CMBI, Radboud University Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
    23 Institute of Chemical Engineering, Research Area Gene Technology and Applied Biochemistry, Technical University Vienna, 1060 Vienna, Austria.
    24 Qiagen Genomics Services, Qiagen GmbH., 40724 Hilden, Germany.
    25 Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (former GBF-German Research Centre for Biotechnology), Inhoffenstrasse 7, D-38124 Braunschweig, Germany.
    26 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Szeged, PO Box 533, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary.
    27 Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, BioCentrum-DTU, Building 301, The Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
    28 CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    29 Fungal Genetics and Technology Consultancy, PO Box 396, 6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands.
    Correspondence should be addressed to
  7. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 14:13
    Schering-Plough maakt marktverwachting voor 4ekw 2006 waar29 jan 2007, 13:58 uur
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Schering-Plough heeft over het vierde kwartaal van 2006 een winst per aandeel exclusief posten gerealiseerd die precies voldeed aan de marktverwachtingen.

    In de periode werd een nettowinst geboekt van USD 182 miljoen, ten opzichte van een winst van USD 104 miljoen in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder, aldus het Amerikaanse farmaceutische bedrijf.

    De winst per aandeel bedroeg USD 0,12, tegen USD 0,07 een jaar eerder. Ex-items bedroeg de winst per aandeel in het vierde kwartaal USD 0,17, gelijk aan de consensus onder analisten.

    De omzet was hoger dan verwacht. In de verslagperiode steeg de omzet van USD 2.324 miljoen naar USD 2.650 miljoen. Analisten gingen hier gemiddeld uit van een omzet van zo'n USD 2.552 miljoen.

    De omzetgroei is met name te danken aan de groei van voorgeschreven medicijnen als Remicade (+32%), Nasonex (+28%) en Temodar (+20%). De omzet is toegenomen in alle regio's ter wereld.

    Het bedrijf geeft in het persbericht geen verwachting voor de rest van het jaar.

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

  8. aossa 29 januari 2007 14:15

    miekemuis schreef:

    29-01-2007 11:25 PRESSE/Sanofi et Bristol-Myers auraient signé un <<accord de préfusion>>
    Name Letzter Veränderung
    BRISTOL MYERS 26.21 -0.07 (-0.27%)
    SANOFI SYNTHELABO 69.15 -0.80 (-1.14%)
    Hier een bricht in het Engels:

    Sanofi, Bristol-Myers deal seen near
    Pre-merger agreement to have been signed last week and could create the largest drug company, report says.
    January 29 2007: 7:21 AM EST

    PARIS/LONDON (Reuters) -- Sanofi-Aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co could announce a friendly merger deal within the next few weeks to create the world's biggest drug companies, according to a report Monday.

    In an unsourced story, French financial newsletter La Lettre de l'Expansion said a pre-merger deal was thought to have been signed last week.

    Buying Bristol-Myers (Charts) would be a coup for Sanofi's (Charts) ambitious chairman and veteran deal maker, Jean-Francois Dehecq, who is due to retire from the French firm at the end of 2009.

    The acquisition of the U.S. company - which has a market value of around $51.5 billion - would see Sanofi leapfrog Pfizer Inc (Charts) as the biggest pharmaceuticals company in the world by sales and push GlaxoSmithKline Plc (Charts) back into third place.

    Sanofi and Bristol-Myers have long been tipped as possible merger partners, since they work together in marketing the hugely successful blood thinner Plavix, as well as Avapro for hypertension.

    A Sanofi spokesman said the company did not comment on press speculation.

    The big threat to Big Pharma
    Still, many analysts and industry executives are convinced Sanofi has been taking a long, hard look at U.S.-based Bristol-Myers in recent months.

    "This wouldn't surprise me. Sanofi needs increased exposure to the U.S. market. They have substantially deleveraged their balance sheet since they took over Aventis, so they are prone to do something going forward," WestLB analyst Oliver Kaemmerer said.

    Any bid could be a mixture of cash and shares, he said.

    Novartis (Charts) Chairman and Chief Executive Daniel Vasella said only last month he believed such a deal could be on the cards.

    "I would not be surprised if companies, which are connected via products - like Sanofi-Aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb - think about a merger," Vasella told a Swiss newspaper.

    Sanofi, with a market capitalization of €95 billion ($123 billion), is twice the size of Bristol-Myers, but its shares are less highly rated, and analysts believe an acquisition could significantly dilute Sanofi earnings.

    Bristol-Myers, whose shares have been buoyed in recent months in part by takeover speculation, trades on around 21 times forecast 2007 earnings while Sanofi fetches just 13.3 times, according to Reuters data.

    Analysts believe any final deal for Sanofi to buy its smaller U.S. partner is likely to be contingent on the outcome of litigation surrounding blockbuster Plavix.

    A key court case over Plavix patents opened in the United States last week, with the two allies fighting a challenge from Canadian generic drugmaker Apotex. A verdict is not expected before the third quarter of the year.

    Most analysts bet Sanofi and Bristol-Myers will win the case, which could then clear the way for a full-blown merger.

    Bristol-Myers has been seen as vulnerable to a takeover for some time, following management upheaval, while Sanofi would benefit from adding the U.S. company's many new experimental drugs to its pipeline.

    "Bristol-Myers becomes a very attractive takeover prospect because it has very solid pipeline, once the Plavix issue is resolved," a second analyst commented.

    Shares in Sanofi slipped back after the report, after initially rising as much as 0.8 percent. They were down 0.9 percent at €69.30 ($89.50) by 4:30 a.m. ET.

  9. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 14:46
    Genentech and Tanox Receive 'Second Request' from the Federal Trade Commission
    Monday January 29, 8:36 am ET

    SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. and HOUSTON, Jan. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Genentech, Inc. (NYSE: DNA - News) and Tanox, Inc. (Nasdaq: TNOX - News) today announced that they have received a Request for Additional Information and Documentary Materials, commonly referred to as a "second request," from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in connection with Genentech's proposed acquisition of Tanox. The second request extends the waiting period imposed by the Hart- Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, the expiration of which is a condition to the completion of the acquisition.

    Genentech and Tanox continue to engage in active and productive discussions with the FTC and intend to cooperate fully with the FTC in its review of the proposed acquisition. The companies anticipate that the FTC's review could extend beyond the first quarter of 2007. The companies expect that the transaction will close within the first half of 2007, subject to the satisfaction of other customary closing conditions.

    At a special meeting on January 15, 2007, Tanox stockholders voted to approve the merger agreement providing for the merger of Tanox and a wholly- owned subsidiary of Genentech.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2007 21:28
    4% meer, daar doen wij Crucellers het niet voor:-)
    (maar alleen dat gerucht al is meer dan Crucells's intrinsieke waarde?)

    Het Amerikaanse farmaciebedrijf Bristol-Myers Squibb kreeg flink de wind in
    de zeilen na een rapport in de Franse media dat concurrent Sanofi mogelijk een
    vriendelijk bod uitbrengt. Het aandeel Bristol-Myers Squibb, dat op beurs meer
    dan 50 miljard dollar waard is, noteerde ruim 4 procent hoger.

    De euro noteerde 1,2954 dollar vergeleken met 1,2938 dollar bij het slot van
    de Europese beurshandel maandag.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20 504 5999))
  11. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2007 22:33
    RTRS-Hogere winst Schering-Plough dankzij cholestorolmedicijn
    KENILWORTH (ANP) - De Amerikaanse farmaceut Schering-Plough heeft flink meer
    winst geboekt in het vierde kwartaal. Dat kwam onder meer dankzij een sterke
    verkoop van cholesterolmedicatie door het samenwerkingsverband met branchegenoot
    Merck. Dat maakte het concern maandag bekend.

    De nettowinst kwam uit op 182 miljoen dollar tegen 104 miljoen dollar in
    dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 14 procent tot 2,65 miljard
    dollar. De resultaten kwamen iets hoger uit dan de gemiddelde verwachting van

    Schering-Plough brengt samen met Merck de cholesterolverlagende middelen
    Zetia en Vytorin op de markt. Ook de verkoop van het eigen artritismedicijn
    Remicade verliep goed.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20 504 5999))
  12. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 08:18
    OctoPlus start fase 2 klinische studie hepatitis C-medicijn30 jan 2007, 08:14 uur
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Octoplus gaat beginnen met het fase 2-onderzoek voor zijn geneesmiddel Locteron, dat chronische hepatitis C behandelt. Dat heeft het Nederlandse farmaciebedrijf dinsdag bekendgemaakt.

    In dit zogeheten fase 2a-onderzoek wordt Locteron, in combinatie met het antivirale middel ribavirine, geevalueerd bij onbehandelde patienten met chronische hepatitis C. Een deel van de patienten is inmiddels geselecteerd en heeft het geneesmiddel inmiddels toegediend gekregen.

    Locteron is het belangrijkste product voor OctoPlus. Volgens Joost Holthuis, bestuursvoorzitter van het bedrijf, is de start van het fase 2-onderzoek dan ook 'een grote mijlpaal'. 'Wij geloven dat Locteron in de toekomst de voorkeursbehandeling bij chronische hepatitis C kan worden, met minder injecties en minder bijwerkingen dan de huidige behandelingen.'

    Overigens hoeft Locteron maar eenmaal per twee weken te worden toegediend, minder vaak vergeleken met huidige behandelingen. In april 2006 werd het Fase 1-onderzoek afgerond.

    Locteron is een toepassing van OctoPlus' eigen PolyActive-technologie voor de afgifte van geneesmiddelen, in combinatie met BLX-883, een recombinant interferon alfa. BLX-883 wordt geproduceerd door de ontwikkelingspartner van OctoPlus, Biolex Therapeutics.

    In het fase 2-onderzoek worden de virale respons, de veiligheid en de verdraagbaarheid van Locteron beoordeeld. De resultaten van het onderzoek zullen naar verwachting halverwege 2007 bekend zijn en zullen worden gebruikt om de optimale therapeutische dosering te bepalen, die vervolgens in een fase 2b-onderzoek zal worden getest.

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)
  13. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 08:43
    RTRS-Meer winst voor Fornix
    LELYSTAD (ANP) - Biotechnologiebedrijf Fornix heeft vorig
    jaar 12,4 miljoen euro winst geboekt tegen 9,7 miljoen euro een
    jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 9 procent tot 96 miljoen euro.
    Dat liet het bedrijf uit Lelystad dinsdag weten.

    De allergiedivisie, het grootste onderdeel van Fornix,
    maakte in 2006 een minder sterke groei door dan in eerdere
    jaren. Het bedrijf verdient het meest met het hooikoortsmiddel
    Oralgen. Maar de invoering van het nieuwe zorgstelsel was
    nadelig voor het bedrijf.

    De winst werd gestuwd door het wegvallen van de
    verliesgevende divisie Theranostics in 2005. Fornix rekent dit
    jaar op een winstgroei van 5 procent. Fornix zoekt nog steeds
    naar een producent van medische hulpmiddelen om over te nemen.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  14. gogogoo 30 januari 2007 10:40
    Are Biotechs Ahead of Pharmas After All?

    Posted on Jan 30th, 2007

    H.S. Ayoub submits: In an earlier article, I reviewed Pisano’s book Science Business: the Promise, the Reality, and the Future of Biotech, in which the Harvard business professor provides compelling evidence showcasing the ineptitude of the biotech industry over the last three decades.

    Big Pharma's Shortfall
    But a recent report by the Government Accountability Office [GAO] paints a different picture altogether. In the report, for which data was collected from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the GAO found that the pharmaceutical industry was in fact losing to the biotech industry in the number of new molecular entities [NMEs] approved by the FDA over the last few years.

    2003 was the first time that biotechs had a higher number of NMEs approved, and the gap has widened since then. Pharma companies had 16 approvals that year, compared to biotech's 18.

    According to the report, only one third of pharma’s approvals were new entities, the rest were variations of existing drugs. In fact, the top 100 drugs since 1980 treated only 50 conditions. Big pharmas are thought to have a 'blockbuster mentality,' a term suggested by many critics as the reason for the industry’s short fall over the last few years.

    Big pharmas continue to concentrate on a very small number of target conditions that bring in billions of dollars in revenue. This tactic however has backfired. There are a multitude of other disease conditions being studied by many little biotechs. While singularly unattractive financially, taken all together drugs aimed at those ailments can bring a hefty return on investment capital to the biotech industry as a whole. The big pharmas realize the missed opportunities; hence, the sudden jump in acquisitions of smaller companies over the last couple of years.

    Expensive Research
    One major finding of the GAO report however had nothing to do with competition from the biotech industry. From 1993 to 2004, the report found that while R&D spending by the pharmaceutical industry increased by 147%, drug approvals only increased by 38%.

    This finding might not have much to do with the industry’s shortcomings as much as it is the rising cost of medical research, and it will not get cheaper. As the science head at Eli Lilly (LLY) predicts, a new drug could cost as much as $2 billion to develop by the year 2010. This price tag does not guarantee a drug’s approval, as Pfizer (PFE) learned the hard way back in December. The company canceled its next blockbuster drug torcetrapid after spending $1 billion on the program.

    Pharmas also continue to research new drugs the old fashioned way, through a hit-and-miss tactic. Pharmas will have to initiate the utilization of novel techniques, including the use of DNA based research.

    But the coming few years might turn things around for the industry, as a changing political environment could provide positive regulatory changes. Under a democratic majority the FDA could prove less restrictive. Pharmas could also be provided with 10 years of market exclusivity. Currently, companies are awarded 20 year patent protection, of which as many as 12 years are dedicated to research and development.

    While debates rage on as to which industry is winning, pharmas will continue to gobble up smaller biotechs. It would not be too surprising to see the merging of the two industries over the next couple of decades, eventually forming the singular Biopharma Industry.
  15. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 13:35
    RTRS-Philips stapt in medische alliantie
    AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Technologieconcern Philips gaat samen met
    vier farmaceutische bedrijven onderzoek doen naar de oorzaken
    van hartaanvallen. Dat liet Philips dinsdag weten. De deelnemers
    investeren de komende vier jaar 30 miljoen dollar (23 miljoen
    euro) in het project.

    De alliantie gaat in het bijzonder onderzoeken op welke
    wijze bloedproppen kunnen leiden tot een hartaanval. Philips wil
    beter begrijpen hoe dat werkt, omdat het bij zijn medische
    divisie cardiologische apparatuur maakt. De andere partijen in
    de alliantie zijn AstraZeneca, Merck, BG Medicine en Humana.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  16. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 13:43

    h.vdbilt schreef:

    RTRS-Organon werkt met AMC aan reumabehandeling
    OSS (ANP) - Akzo Nobel-dochter Organon gaat samen met het Academisch
    Medisch Centrum (AMC) een nieuwe therapie tegen reuma ontwikkelen. Organon
    krijgt hiervoor een exclusieve licentie, zo maakte de farmaceutische onderneming
    uit Oss woensdag bekend.

    Het AMC deed onlangs een nieuwe vinding op het gebied van de behandeling van
    reuma. Organon gaat dit verder ontwikkelen en zorgt voor een klinische
    toepassing van het middel.
    AMC- magazine febr. 2006

    Ongezonde aantrekkingskracht

    Pijn, zwelling en gewrichtsbeschadiging, het zijn de treurige kenmerken van reumatoïde artritis. Aan de basis van deze auto-immuunziekte ligt een invasie van ontstekingscellen in de gewrichten. Maar wat maakt een reumatisch gewricht zo aantrekkelijk voor die afweercellen? Immunologen identificeerden een adhesie-eiwit als kwade genius. Én als aangrijpingspunt voor nieuwe therapieën.

    De exacte oorzaak van reumatoïde artritis is nog steeds niet bekend. Het enige dat met zekerheid gezegd kan worden, is dat de onderzoeker die erachter komt risicoloos een retourtje Stockholm kan boeken. De moeizame zoektocht laat pregnant zien hoe complex het ziekteproces is bij deze chronische gewrichtsaandoening. Het wil níet zeggen dat onderzoekers slechts vruchteloos pogen om tot inzicht te komen. De afgelopen jaren vormen daarvan het bewijs: grove middelen om de gewrichtsontsteking te onderdrukken, maken plaats voor fijnmaziger alternatieven. Die nieuwe therapieën zijn veelal gestoeld op inzicht in de communicatiekanalen van het afweersysteem, bestaande uit oplosbare signaalmoleculen als cytokines en chemokines, en uit contacteiwitten op de wand (het membraan) van de afweercel.
    Het membraaneiwit dat de belangstelling heeft van immunologen en reumatologen in het AMC is CD97. Het is een sevenspanner: een lang lusvormig eiwit dat zich zevenmaal door de celmembraan windt. Dit adhesie-eiwit komt op zo goed als alle afweercellen voor. De belangstelling voor CD97 komt niet uit de lucht vallen. Bij patiënten met reumatoïde artritis wordt de dunne laag die het gewrichtskraakbeen bekleedt, gekarakteriseerd door de infiltratie en blijvende aanwezigheid van grote hoeveelheden CD97-positieve afweercellen. Deze lokken weer allerlei nieuwe ontstekingscellen naar het gebied.
    Het eiwit zelf heeft ook al veel van zijn geheimen moeten prijsgeven, vertelt dr. Jörg Hamann van de afdeling Experimentele Immunologie. Hij helderde met zijn collega’s ooit de structuur op van het adhesie-eiwit en identificeerde ook het ligand van CD97, de tegenhanger waaraan het adhesie-eiwit zich bindt. Dat ligand, CD55, is betrokken bij de demping van afweerreacties. Deze kennis was genoeg om een patent binnen te halen voor therapieën die gebaseerd zijn op de remming van CD97.

    Volgens Hamann is CD97 inderdaad een mooi aangrijpingspunt voor reumatherapie. ‘Je ziet dat behandelingsstrategieën die gericht zijn op het voorkomen van de migratie van ontstekingscellen naar het gewricht erg effectief zijn. Dat is ook het geval bij CD97-geïnduceerde migratie van ontstekingscellen. Blokkeren we dat eiwit, dan neemt de ontstekingsreactie af. We moeten dat natuurlijk verifiëren bij patiënten, maar in een goed gedocumenteerd muizenmodel zien we dat het werkt.’
    Hamann doelt op een door het Reumafonds gesubsidieerd onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd door promovenda Else Kop onder begeleiding van reumatoloog prof.dr. Paul-Peter Tak en Hamann zelf. In de studie werd bij muizen artritis opgewekt, waarna de dieren antilichamen tegen CD97 kregen toegediend. Startte de therapie bij aanvang van de eerste ziekteverschijnselen dan voorkwam het gewrichtsschade. Een mooi resultaat vindt Hamann, maar het zegt betrekkelijk weinig. ‘Reumapatiënten gaan niet naar de dokter wanneer de verschijnselen van de ziekte nog moeten beginnen, maar pas als ze er last van hebben. Daarom was het belangrijk dat de therapie ook gewrichtszwelling en boterosie vermindert als de ziekte al flink op gang was gekomen.’
    Met de resultaten van het proefdieronderzoek, en het patent in de hand, kon het AMC zaken doen met Organon, dat de afgelopen jaren al vaker de handen ineensloeg met het AMC op het gebied van reuma-onderzoek. Het bedrijf uit Oss heeft nu een licentie verkregen om de therapie uit te werken voor reumapatiënten.

    Frank van den Bosch
  17. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 14:18
    RTRS-Merck ziet winst met 58 procent dalen
    WHITEHOUSE STATION (ANP) - De Amerikaanse farmaceut Merck
    heeft in het vierde kwartaal van vorig jaar een nettowinst
    geboekt van 473,9 miljoen dollar. Dat is 58 procent minder dan
    een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 5 procent tot 6,04 miljard
    dollar. Dat maakte het concern dinsdag bekend.

    De winstdaling is hoofdzakelijk te wijten aan een sterk
    afgezwakte verkoop van het cholesterolmedicijn Zocor. De omzet
    daalde met 65 procent door concurrentie van goedkope generieke
    varianten omdat de patentbescherming van Zocor in juni is
    afgelopen. Ook moest het concern extra geld opzijzetten voor
    juridische kosten in verband met de pijnstiller Vioxx. Daarnaast
    werden voorzieningen getroffen voor het wereldwijde
    herstructureringsprogramma van Merck.

    De winst over heel 2006 bedroeg 4,43 miljard dollar tegen
    4,63 miljard dollar in 2005. De totale omzet steeg vorig jaar
    met 3 procent tot 22,6 miljard dollar. Merck bevestigde zijn
    eerdere winstverwachtingen voor 2007.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  18. gogogoo 30 januari 2007 14:34

    h.vdbilt schreef:

    RTRS-Merck ziet winst met 58 procent dalen
    WHITEHOUSE STATION (ANP) - De Amerikaanse farmaceut Merck
    heeft in het vierde kwartaal van vorig jaar een nettowinst
    geboekt van 473,9 miljoen dollar. Dat is 58 procent minder dan
    een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 5 procent tot 6,04 miljard
    dollar. Dat maakte het concern dinsdag bekend.

    De winstdaling is hoofdzakelijk te wijten aan een sterk
    afgezwakte verkoop van het cholesterolmedicijn Zocor. De omzet
    daalde met 65 procent door concurrentie van goedkope generieke
    varianten omdat de patentbescherming van Zocor in juni is
    afgelopen. Ook moest het concern extra geld opzijzetten voor
    juridische kosten in verband met de pijnstiller Vioxx. Daarnaast
    werden voorzieningen getroffen voor het wereldwijde
    herstructureringsprogramma van Merck.

    De winst over heel 2006 bedroeg 4,43 miljard dollar tegen
    4,63 miljard dollar in 2005. De totale omzet steeg vorig jaar
    met 3 procent tot 22,6 miljard dollar. Merck bevestigde zijn
    eerdere winstverwachtingen voor 2007.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))

    Jaaa. Ze zitten allemaal met hetzelfde probleem.

    Aflopen van patenten op blockbusters.
    Niet goed gevulde pipeline.
    Dan maar overnemen die pipelines.

    Ze kunnen natuurlijk ook meedoen aan het generieke spel en zorgen dat ze met de technologiën van Crucell de eigen medicijnen goedkoper kunnen maken en zo de generics voor zijn en de levenscyclus van hun producten verlengen.
  19. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 15:04
    Teva nabs first FDA nod for copycat version of Novartis ADHD drug

    Teva Receives Approval for Generic Focalin™ Tablets
    Jerusalem , Israel, January 30, 2007 - Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NASDAQ: TEVA) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted final approval for the Company's Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) to market its generic version of Novartis' Focalin™ (Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride) Tablets, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg. As the first company to file an ANDA containing a paragraph IV certification for this product, Teva has been awarded a 180-day period of marketing exclusivity.

    Teva's AB-rated Dexmethylphenidate HCl Tablets are indicated for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The brand product had annual sales of approximately $19 million for the twelve months ended September 2006, based on IMS sales data.

    Teva is currently in patent litigation concerning this product in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

    Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., headquartered in Israel, is among the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world and is the leading generic pharmaceutical company. The company develops, manufactures and markets generic and innovative human pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as animal health pharmaceutical products. Over 80 percent of Teva's sales are in North America and Europe.
  20. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2007 20:49

    flosz schreef:

    GlaxoSmithKline statement - BBC Panorama - 29 January 2007
    This statement has been issued in anticipation of the BBC Panorama programme, ‘Secrets of The Drugs Trials’ which is to be aired on Monday 29th January.
    GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has provided a written response to the allegations it understands are to be made in the above programme. GSK has not seen the programme but strongly denies suggestions that it has acted in any way improperly. The company has no confidence that its responses will be accurately, or appropriately, represented in the programme, or in the BBC’s publicity materials. GSK therefore wishes to make the following points that include a summary of the information provided to the programme:
    Linkje Beeb:
    8:30 pm
    Secrets of the Drugs Trials: Shelley Jofre investigates claims that one of Britain's biggest drug companies misled doctors into prescribing the antidepressant Seroxat to teenagers. [S]
    Drug company 'hid' suicide link

    Secret emails reveal that the UK's biggest drug company distorted trial results of an anti-depressant, covering up a link with suicide in teenagers.
    Panorama reveals that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) attempted to show that Seroxat worked for depressed children despite failed clinical trials.
    And that GSK-employed ghostwriters influenced 'independent' academics.
    GSK told Panorama: "GSK utterly rejects any suggestion that it has improperly withheld drug trial information."

    GSK faces action in the US where bereaved families have joined together to sue the company.
    As a result, GSK has been forced to open its confidential internal archive.
    Karen Barth Menzies is a partner in one of the firms representing many of the families.
    She has examined thousands of the documents which are stored, box upon box, in an apartment in Malibu, California.
    She said: "Even when they have negative studies that show that this drug Seroxat is going to harm some kids they still spin that study as remarkably effective and safe for children."
    GSK's biggest clinical trial of Seroxat on children was held in the US in the 1990s and called Study 329.
    Child psychiatrist Dr Neal Ryan of the University of Pittsburgh was paid by GSK as a co-author of Study 329.
    In 2002 he also gave a talk on childhood depression at a medical conference sponsored by GSK.
    He said that Seroxat could be a suitable treatment for children and later told Panorama reporter Shelley Jofre that it probably lowered rather than raised suicide rates.
    In amongst the archive of emails in Malibu, Shelley was surprised to find that her own emails to Dr Ryan from 2002 asking questions about the safety of Seroxat had been forwarded to GSK asking for advice on how to respond to her.
    She also found an email from a public relations executive working for GSK which said: "Originally we had planned to do extensive media relations surrounding this study until we actually viewed the results.
    "Essentially the study did not really show it was effective in treating adolescent depression, which is not something we want to publicise."
    But the article was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry which says it ranks as number one in child mental health in the world.
    The editor in chief of the British Medical Journal, Fiona Godlee, said that what she calls the "blind-eye culture of medicine" should be exposed by professionals.
    She has written in response to the Panorama film: "We shouldn't have to rely on investigative journalists to ask the difficult questions.
    "Reputations for sale are reputations at risk. We need to make that risk so high it's not worth taking."

    The Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) began a criminal investigation into GSK three years ago but no action has been taken yet.
    A spokesperson told Panorama that the investigation has been given substantial additional resources and remains a high priority.
    Seroxat was banned for under 18s in 2003 after the MHRA, revealed that GSK's own studies showed the drug actually trebles the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in depressed children.

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