SkySpam1 schreef:
Despite pleas from various persons on this board to try to concentrate on the science and strategy, we can't seem to stay away from the subject of why the pps is so meager. Personally I prefer the science, but feel compelled after reading the litany of these posts to add my two cents.
Please include IMHO before all my comments.
The idea the stock is being "manipulated", is well, pardon me, preposterous. This stock has been trading less than 500,000 shares/day, with an average movement of 2cents. That means the total delta/day is less than 10,000$, chump change by street standards, eg the equivalent of 10,000 shares of a 50$ stock going up or down a dollar. You figure out which one takes more effort. What the tape says about GTCB is the volume is low, and the price is drifting down. The diagnosis is no interest on the buy side. Since the science and the prospects are good,
Why no buyers?? Several reasons first off the share price of less than 1.50$ is simply below the radar screen, undetectable.I was flabergasted to hear Soros owned this stock, but very excited he thought enough of the idea to dip this low.
GTCB is only slight above Lucifer on Wall Street's list of fallen angels. There are plenty of fund managers who remember when Transgenics was selling for 50$/share in 2000 awaiting FDA approval for Atryn when the company abruptly aborted the trials causing the stock fall faster than Challenger. To the ones who saw guys lose their jobs as well as their money, this stock is purple Koolaid. Some also (I don't agree) feel the company screwed up the EMEA trials and was later given a free pass.
What will make the stock go up?? News drives small biotechs. A deal with a big pharma would be big (Bristol Myers can you hear me??) A sustaining revinue from a product would be huge and convey to all the worth of the company.
Until patient.